Where are the capacitors located? Capacitor: application and types

Dear Internet Users! Send us your photos and notes about where and in what devices you met radio components containing precious metals.

The list of decommissioned and subject to disposal devices, various blocks and radio communication units, with the content of precious metal in radio components and electronic components in its composition, is simply huge. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when everything and everything collapsed, when chaos and confusion reigned in the country, salaries were not paid, and many, in order to earn at least some money and feed their families, brought home and then dismantled various decommissioned electronic devices with institutions and organizations. Until now, such devices are still gathering dust and waiting for their fate in garages, cottages, and sometimes in the open air, covered with corrosion. Well, let's start with the most common.

Let's say right away that almost all radio components are on the boards. Transistors KT-803, KT-808, KT-809, KT-812, KT-908, KT-912 are usually located in the back of the devices on aluminum radiators, transistors KT-911, 2T-911B are located on an aluminum base, for heat dissipation, on the board.

Switches 11P 3N are attached to the case, and resistors PTP, PP3-41, PP3-43, PP3-47 can be located on a metal base inside the unit or attached to the device case.

Therefore, you first need to find and disassemble the device or unit, remove the boards, and only after that get radio components with precious metal. We must be ready for this. There is an opinion that there are many valuable radio components in televisions made in the USSR. In fact, and in most cases, you can find there several pieces of green KM5 capacitors, less often red KM6. As well as several KT-203 transistors, which cost 5-6 rubles each. Perhaps if the TV is from the 60s and 70s, you should pay attention to the lamps.

You can spend a lot of time disassembling such a TV, not to mention the size and weight of the TV itself. For radiograms, tube receivers, tape recorders, the situation is similar. Quite a lot of KM6 capacitors are red, less often green in Soviet VCRs of the VM series. Also there are yellow and blue ceramic capacitors K10-17.

Record holders for the content of precious metals, of course, are computer systems, automatic telephone exchanges and special electronic devices manufactured in the USSR.

But, unfortunately, such computing systems are very rare nowadays. So thinking about where to find them can be left and forgotten. The most important thing in this business is attentiveness. Radio components can sometimes be found in inconspicuous metal boxes and blocks. If you find a metal box with these connectors:

So you are on the right track and disassembly, in order to extract radio components, you can begin. You should also pay attention to such parts and components with white contacts:

Many radio components with precious metal are found in measuring, computing devices, such as: high-frequency generators, frequency meters, frequency synthesizers, electronic voltmeters, oscilloscopes and other devices. The population density in these electronic devices very high. But all the same, they need to remove their protective cases and see what is inside. Sometimes almost nothing.

The measuring devices and devices listed above, of the initial series and the first modifications, practically do not contain radio components with precious metal. These devices are distinguished by their large size (both the case itself and individual knobs, switches, and other parts) and weight.

In such devices there are powerful transformers - this partly explains the large weight of the product. Therefore, when disassembling such devices, it is first better to look at the table of the content of precious metals in devices, in order to have an initial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich device you found and what can be extracted from it.

Sometimes you can find devices and devices that will not raise a hand. They contain little precious metal inside, but as a product, they are of value to radio amateurs. Therefore, you can always try to find a person who will buy this device in working order. Or just don't break it. From the point of view of a radio amateur, disassembling devices and handing over radio components for scrap is perceived extremely negatively and many unflattering words can be heard about this.

Radio amateurs with great experience treat radio components in a completely different way. For them, each radio component is of real value, whether it is a microcircuit or a transistor, and is sometimes perceived as an inspired object. The current younger generation, in most cases, perceives radio engineering and radio electronics produced in the USSR, like a gold digger riverbed.

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Absolutely everywhere there are ads “buying up radio components”, “I will buy expensive radio components”, “I will buy Soviet transistors, microcircuits, capacitors and blah blah blah ...”. But why, who needs these obsolete microcircuits, large-sized transistors, lamps, capacitors?

I think most of you are already aware that precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, palladium. Yes, yes, that is why people who are far from radio engineering and electronics buy them in kilograms. Let's start with the most expensive items. I present to you the capacitors.

Attention, the article was written back in 2013. Now the prices are much more expensive!


The price for 1 kg of such capacitors reaches up to 70,000 rubles! Think about this amount 0_0 . If you collect 2 kilograms of such conders in a year, then you can not work for a whole year :-). And I'll tell you a secret that some people do. Some grandmother or grandfather has an old Soviet receiver, an antediluvian TV or radiogram gathering dust. Buyers go from house to house and buy this equipment for a penny, and sometimes even for nothing, and, of course, bite off and solder expensive radio elements. But why are these capacitors the most expensive? They contain the most expensive precious metal - platinum and gold.

Prices at the end of 2012 for precious metals: gold - 1620 rubles per gram, silver - 30 rubles per gram, platinum - 1500 rubles per gram, palladium - 700 rubles per gram. Prices have been slightly rounded for ease of reference. In such capacitors, the most platinum, according to the Internet, is up to 20 grams per 1000 pieces. Now they are quite hard to find.

Also from this series capacitors KM-5D. Their prices can reach up to 40,000 rubles per kilogram.

Of great interest are also red condensers KM-N30. Their price reaches up to 35,000 rubles per kilo.

And these are to write H902M2. Their price up to 30,000 rubles per kilo.

As you can see, the price range of capacitors is highly dependent on how many milligrams of precious metals are contained in each of them. They also accept a lot of other types of capacitors, but I think that you should not bother with them, since their price is a penny.

To summarize, buying up radio components consisting of green and red capacitors is a profitable business.

Precious metals in microcircuits

Here, the expanse is so expanse. 99% of any chips are bought. They can be in round, ceramic, planar, metal cases. But, I think it would be more expedient here to dwell on the most highly profitable microcircuits. There is only one rule here, if it smells of gold, then such a microcircuit is accepted without any problems. It can be gold-plated contacts or a case. So, I present to your attention the highest paid microcircuits:

133LA1 - up to 12 rubles apiece

133LA8 - up to 26 rubles apiece

542ND1 - up to 28 rubles apiece

K5ZhL014 - up to 55 rubles apiece

K5TK011 - up to 55 rubles per piece

Keep in mind - these are just some of their names. Microcircuits can be completely different in name, but if it is similar to the microcircuits that I put in the photo, then they will also be accepted for the same price. As you can see, their leads and cases are gold-plated. In short, if you see any of this, then immediately take care and save up ;-). This also includes processors from computers.

In the photo below, the microcircuits that are taken for good price regardless of what is written on them. The golden color makes itself felt.

The rest of the microcircuits are not worthy of attention as a sale for precious metals, as they cost a penny, so let's move on to the next group of radio components.

Precious metals in transistors

Consider also the most expensive of them.

KT909A-B - up to 30 rubles per piece

KT904,907,914 “sharpened” for a yellow bolt - up to 40 rubles apiece

KT970A - up to 30 rubles apiece.

KT602-604 and the like with yellow legs. The price per piece is up to 30 rubles.

As you noticed, all presented transistors are gold-plated.

Other radio components

Variable resistors are in great demand. Their price varies from 5 to 10 rubles apiece.

Some types of relays. For example RES-7. Its price is up to 500 rubles per piece.

Only certain types of relays of certain years and series are accepted. Whoever wants to take relays all the same, I advise you to comb the Internet, and know exactly which relays of which year they accept.

And, of course, in the case of connectors with gold-plated contacts. If you see a yellow glow on such connectors, you can safely hand them over. Prices here can also vary from 50 kopecks to 3 rubles per contact. Multiply the price by the number of pins - that's the price of the connector.

As well as Soviet lamellas, about 1000 rubles per kilo. Who does not understand what lamellas are, remember Dendy's cartridge :-)


Buying radio components is a profitable business. If there are obsolete parts and they are lying around idle, then of course it would be better to get rid of them and at the same time get some good money. But do not be a fanatic of this case. After all, we are electronic engineers with you - people are good, kind :-). Don't give in to greed. Maybe these radio elements will bring you more benefit than their remelting into precious metals. Don't turn around grandpa's working radio or grandma's last TV in pursuit of money. Explore the world of electronics, don't get rid of it. Not all that glitters is gold.

If you watched the Futurama animated series, you may remember how Bender the robot became greedy and sold his titanium body when prices skyrocketed. So, it is this episode that I remember when I rent radio components for purchase.

For those who are not in the subject.

Almost any electronic component, be it a transistor or a microcircuit, contains precious metals: gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, etc. These metals can be extracted from used and old radio components and then reused.

Fortunately, several printed circuit boards with "gold" microcircuits and a different radiogram fell into my hands. Before that, I was not interested in the delivery of radio components, and I did not see gilded mikruhs in my eyes. I don’t need a large number of obsolete and identical radio components, and I decided to hand them over. Well, and, thereby, earn some extra money. So I became a radio vandal and went over to the side of evil.

Here's the pay.

Let's take a closer look...

In the photo - an integrated stabilizer, a KR142EN1B microcircuit in a case made of "pink" ceramics with gilding! It is from such chips that gold can be mined, which is why they are accepted for processing.

What radio components contain gold?

Chips containing gold are not common, but they can still be found in old radio equipment. I will show only a few of them.

These are "pink jackets" - 514ID2 decoders (analogous to K514ID2) with gilded leads. The markings show that they were made in 1992.

These 514ID1 decoders will already be older, namely, "born" in 1988. More gold on them. Look at the "belly".

This is how the gold chips of the 564 series (K564) look like. In this photo: Arithmetic logic unit - microcircuit 564IP3 (analogous to K564IP3) and adder 564IM1 (1KIM1).

Chips 564LS2 (K564LS2). The film on the terminals is varnish. They buy them at a price of about 15 - 20 rubles a piece.

Rigid logic detachment - microcircuits 564LE5 (1KLE5). They have golden legs and belly. On the market they are accepted for 10-12 rubles a piece. By the way, microcircuits in such cases are quite compact, they can be used in home-made designs. It will come out expensive and angry.

This is how the microcircuits 564LE5, 564LP2, 564TM2, 1KLA8 (564LA8), 564LA7 (1KLA7), 1KLA9 look like in a "golden box" type case.

For those who do not know, the K564 (564), K176, K561, K1561 series microcircuits are analogues. Produced in various cases. For example, I saw the K176LA7 chip only in a plastic case. And I saw its analogue 1KLA7 (aka 564LA7, K564LA7) both in plastic and in a metal case with gold leads.

In general, as I understand it, microcircuits of the K564 series of military acceptance are marked without the first letter K.

Logic circuits 109LI1. This is a 6-input "AND" element for working on a low-resistance load.

During the Soviet era, precious metals for the production electronic components no regrets, especially for electronics special purpose. Then, as now, there was documentation for every type of electronic product. It indicated which metals, and in what quantity, go to the production of one element.

If someone has preserved an old domestic tape recorder (for example, "Romance"), then in the instructions for it you can find a page with a table. It indicates the content and amount of precious metals in the filling of this device.

Subsequently, this facilitated the "assessment" of the product accepted for processing. That is why buyers prefer the details of the Soviet period, they treat imports with a slight distrust.

Where can I donate radio components?

You can hand over radio components for scrap at any radio market. Surely you have already seen signs like "I will buy radio components expensively." Bring your good to the buyer (there is one on every radio market), he announces the price of 1 unit for each type of radio components. If the price suits you, then give your goods to the buyer, he considers or weighs. In return, you get cash (i.e. cash). Such is the scheme. You can also send parcels with parts by mail to special companies, but I have not tried it.

What do you think the buyers of radio components love the most? Transistors? No. Microcircuits? Nope. And what?! They love ordinary ceramic capacitors of the KM4, KM5, KM6 series.

The fact is that these capacitors contain platinum and palladium in sufficient quantities. One kilogram of KM capacitors costs around several tens of thousands of rubles!

This is what KM5 capacitors look like.

Also valued are "saffron mushrooms", orange KM6 capacitors. I handed over the ones in the photo and the buyer took them without question. But it is worthwhile to understand that with incomprehensible markings, even such capacitors may not be taken. For example, I saw capacitors of similar color in Chinese amplifiers.

Capacitors take on weight and without leads (bite off). Even if you have 20 grams, they will weigh and buy. They say that the more you bring, the higher the price will be given for 1 gram. To be honest, I don't believe in it. It all depends on the buyer and price "collusion" in the radio market. All buyers in the market know each other and there is a certain agreement between them. As they explained to me, they all hand over the purchased parts to one person who regularly comes and buys all the goods in bulk.

The scheme of such a business is quite simple. You buy at retail at a low price, then you sell in bulk to a company representative from a refinery. You make money on the difference. Something like this.

In any case, when handing over radio components, you need to understand that their cost depends not only on the price of the precious metal on the London Stock Exchange and the dollar exchange rate on a particular day, but also on buyers. And they also want to live. This is their business. Therefore, before handing over your goods in the first stall of a buyer, I advise you to go over the radio market and find out the prices for what you have. For example, I have identified a whole "network" of buyers who accept parts very cheaply.

If the school chemistry course was not in vain for you, then a completely logical thought will hit your head: "Why not extract precious metals from radio components and sell them yourself?" As far as I know, you can get ata ta for this. The fact is that violation of the rules for the delivery of precious metals to the state is punishable by Article 192 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 22).

The list of radio-electronic products that are accepted for processing (buying up) is quite large. These are relays, and transistors, and switches, toggle switches, capacitors, variable resistors, rheostats, indicators, radio tubes, and even printed circuit boards! Anything that contains precious metals in sufficient quantities. But in most cases, these are, as a rule, radio components produced during the Soviet Union.

At the end of this story, I will note.

I do not welcome radio vandalism. After the collapse of the union, a fever began to "destroy" the Soviet heritage. Electronic equipment also fell under this rink. Many then made big money on the retail purchase and wholesale of parts containing precious metals. Many years have passed since then, but the business of buying radio components is still alive.

I am for proper disposal. Electronics is a storehouse of precious metals and rare chemical elements. I am pleased that even on the old junk, which is usually thrown into a landfill, you can make some money. The money received can be used to buy more necessary parts.

They are polar and non-polar. Their differences are that some are used in DC voltage circuits, while others are used in AC circuits. It is possible to use fixed capacitors in AC voltage circuits when they are connected in series with the same poles, but they do not show the best parameters.

Capacitors non-polar

Non-polar, as well as resistors, are fixed, variable and tuning.

Trimmers capacitors are used to tune resonant circuits in transceiver equipment.

Rice. 1. PDA Capacitors

PDA type. They are silver-plated plates and a ceramic insulator. They have a capacity of several tens of picofarads. You can meet in any receivers, radios and television modulators. Trimmer capacitors are also denoted by the letters KT. This is followed by a number indicating the type of dielectric:

1 - vacuum; 2 - air; 3 - gas-filled; 4 - solid dielectric; 5 - liquid dielectric. For example, the designation KP2 means a variable capacitor with an air dielectric, and the designation KT4 means a tuning capacitor with a solid dielectric.

Rice. 2 Modern trimmer chip capacitors

To tune radio receivers to the desired frequency, use variable capacitors(KPI)

Rice. 3 Capacitors KPI

They can only be found in transceiver equipment.

1- KPI with an air dielectric, you can find it in any radio receiver of the 60-80s.
2 - variable capacitor for VHF units with vernier
3 - a variable capacitor, used in receiving equipment of the 90s to this day, can be found in any music center, tape recorder, cassette player with a receiver. Mainly made in China.

There are a great many types of permanent capacitors, within the framework of this article it is impossible to describe all their diversity, I will describe only those that are most often found in household equipment.

Rice. 4 Capacitor KSO

Capacitors KSO - Pressed mica condenser. Dielectric - mica, plates - aluminum sputtering. Encapsulated in brown compound. They are found in equipment of the 30-70s, the capacity does not exceed several tens of nanofarads, the case is indicated in picofarads, nanofarads and microfarads. Due to the use of mica as a dielectric, these capacitors are able to operate on high frequencies, because they have low losses and have a large leakage resistance of about 10 ^ 10 ohms.

Rice. 5 Capacitors KTK

Capacitors KTK - Tubular Ceramic Capacitor As a dielectric, a ceramic tube is used, plates made of silver. They were widely used in the oscillatory circuits of lamp equipment from the 40s to the early eighties. The color of the capacitor means TKE (Temperature Coefficient of Capacitance Change). Next to the container, as a rule, the TKE group is prescribed, which has an alphabetic or numerical designation (Table 1.) As can be seen from the table, the most thermally stable are blue and gray. In general, this type is very good for HF technology.

Table 1. TKE marking of ceramic capacitors

When setting up receivers, it is often necessary to select capacitors for heterodyne and input circuits. If the receiver uses KTK capacitors, then the selection of the capacitance of the capacitors in these circuits can be simplified. To do this, several turns of PEL 0.3 wire are tightly wound on the capacitor case near the terminal, and one of the ends of this spiral is soldered to the terminal of the capacitors. By spreading and shifting the turns of the spiral, it is possible to adjust the capacitance of the capacitor within a small range. It may happen that by connecting the end of the spiral to one of the terminals of the capacitor, it is not possible to achieve a change in capacitance. In this case, the spiral should be soldered to another terminal.

Rice. 6 Ceramic capacitors. Soviet at the top, imported at the bottom.

Ceramic capacitors, they are usually called "red flags", and sometimes the name "clay" is also found. These capacitors are widely used in high frequency circuits. Usually these capacitors are not listed and are rarely used by amateurs, since capacitors of the same type can be made from different ceramics and have different characteristics. In ceramic capacitors, while gaining in size, they lose in thermal stability and linearity. The container and TKE are indicated on the case (table 2.)

table 2

Just look at the allowable capacitance change for capacitors with TKE H90, the capacitance can almost double! For many purposes, this is not acceptable, but still you should not reject this type, with a small temperature difference and not strict requirements, they can be used. Using the parallel connection of capacitors with different signs of TKE, one can obtain a sufficiently high stability of the resulting capacitance. You can meet them in any equipment, the Chinese are especially fond of in their crafts.

They have a capacitance designation in picofarads or nanofarads on the case, imported ones are marked with a numerical coding. The first two digits indicate the value of capacitance in picofarads (pF), the last - the number of zeros. When the capacitor has a capacitance of less than 10 pF, then the last digit can be "9". For capacitances less than 1.0 pF, the first digit is "0". The letter R is used as the decimal point. For example, code 010 is 1.0 pF, code 0R5 is 0.5 pF. A few examples are summarized in the table:

Alphanumeric marking:
22p-22 picofarad
2n2- 2.2 nanofarads
n10 - 100 picofarads

I would like to especially note ceramic capacitors of the KM type, they are used in industrial equipment and military devices, they have high stability, it is very difficult to find, because they contain rare earth metals, and if you find a board where this type of capacitor is used, then in 70% of cases they were cut out to you).

In the last decade, surface-mount radio components have become very often used, here are the main package sizes for ceramic chip capacitors

MBM capacitors - a metal-paper capacitor (Fig. 6.), As a rule, it was used in tube sound-amplifying equipment. Now highly prized by some audiophiles. Also to this type include capacitors K42U-2 of military acceptance, but they can sometimes be found in household appliances.

Rice. 7 Capacitor MBM and K42U-2

It should be noted separately such types of capacitors as MBGO and MBGCH (Fig. 8), amateurs are often used as starting capacitors to start electric motors. As an example, my margin for a 7kW motor (Figure 9.). Designed for high voltage from 160 to 1000v, which gives them many different applications in everyday life and industry. Please note that for use in home network, you need to take capacitors with an operating voltage of at least 350V. You can find such capacitors in old household washing machines, various devices with electric motors and in industrial installations. Often used as filters for acoustic systems, with good parameters for this.

Rice. 8. MBGO, MBGCH

Rice. 9

In addition to the designation indicating design features(KSO - compressed mica capacitor, KTK - ceramic tubular, etc.), there is a designation system for constant capacitance capacitors, consisting of a number of elements: the letter K is in the first place, a two-digit number is in the second place, the first digit of which characterizes the type of dielectric , and the second - the features of the dielectric or operation, then the serial number of the development is put through a hyphen.

For example, the designation K73-17 means a film polyethylene terephthalate capacitor with the 17 serial number of development.

Rice. 10. Various types capacitors

Rice. 11. Capacitor type K73-15

The main types of capacitors, imported analogues in brackets.

K10 - Ceramic, low voltage (Upa6<1600B)
K50 - Electrolytic, foil, aluminum
K15 - Ceramic, high voltage (Upa6>1600V)
K51 - Electrolytic, foil, tantalum, niobium, etc.
K20 - Quartz
K52 - Electrolytic, bulk-porous
K21 - Glass
K53 - Oxide-semiconductor
K22 - Glass-ceramic
K54 - Oxide-metal
K23 - glass enamel
K60- With air dielectric
K31- Low Power Mica (Mica)
K61 - Vacuum
K32 - High power mica
K71 - Film polystyrene (KS or FKS)
K40 - Paper low-voltage (Irab<2 kB) с фольговыми обкладками
K72 - Film fluoroplastic (TFT)
K73 - Film polyethylene terephthalate (KT, TFM, TFF or FKT)
K41 - High-voltage paper (Irab> 2 kV) with foil covers
K75 - Film combined
K76 - Lacquer film (MKL)
K42 - Paper with metallized plates (MP)
K77 - Film, Polycarbonate (KC, MKC or FKC)
K78 - Film polypropylene (KP, MKP or FKP)

Capacitors with a film dielectric are commonly called mica, various dielectrics used give good TKE performance. As plates in film capacitors, either aluminum foil or thin layers of aluminum or zinc deposited on a dielectric film are used. They have fairly stable parameters and are used for any purpose (not for all types). Found in household appliances everywhere. The case of such capacitors can be either metal or plastic and have a cylindrical or rectangular shape (Fig. 10.) Imported mica capacitors (Fig. 12)

Rice. 12. Imported mica capacitors

Capacitors are labeled with a nominal deviation from capacitance, which can be shown as a percentage or have a letter code. Basically, capacitors with a tolerance of H, M, J, K are widely used in household equipment. The letter indicating the tolerance is indicated after the value of the nominal capacitance of the capacitor, like this 22nK, 220nM, 470nJ.

Table for deciphering the conditional letter code of the permissible deviation of the capacitance of capacitors. Tolerance in %

Letter designation

Important is the value of the allowable operating voltage of the capacitor, indicated after the nominal capacity and tolerance. It is indicated in volts with the letter B (old marking), and V (new marking). For example, like this: 250V, 400V, 1600V, 200V. In some cases, the letter V is omitted.

Sometimes Latin letter coding is used. For decoding, use the table of letter coding of the operating voltage of capacitors.

Rated voltage, V

designation letter

Fans of Nikola Tesla have a frequent need for high voltage capacitors, here are a few that can be found, mainly in line scanner televisions.

Rice. 13. High voltage capacitors

Capacitors are polar

Polar capacitors include all electrolytic ones, which are:

Aluminum electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance, low cost and availability. Such capacitors are widely used in radio instrumentation, but have a significant drawback. Over time, the electrolyte inside the capacitor dries out and they lose capacity. Together with the capacitance, the equivalent series resistance increases and such capacitors no longer cope with the tasks. This usually causes malfunction of many household appliances. The use of used capacitors is not desirable, but still, if you want to use them, you need to carefully measure the capacitance and esr, so that later you don’t look for the cause of the device’s inoperability. I see no point in listing the types of aluminum capacitors, since there are no special differences in them, except for geometric parameters. Capacitors are radial (with leads from one end of the cylinder) and axial (with leads from opposite ends), there are capacitors with one lead, as the second, a case with a threaded tip is used (it is also a fastener), such capacitors can be found in the old tube radio and television technology. It is also worth noting that on motherboards computers, in impulse blocks power supply, there are often capacitors with low equivalent resistance, the so-called LOW ESR, and so they have improved parameters and are replaced only with similar ones, otherwise there will be an explosion the first time they are turned on.

Rice. 14. Electrolytic capacitors. Bottom - for surface mounting.

Tantalum capacitors are better than aluminum capacitors due to the use of more expensive technology. They use a dry electrolyte, so they do not tend to "dry out" aluminum capacitors. In addition, tantalum capacitors have lower resistance at high frequencies (100 kHz), which is important when used in switching power supplies. The disadvantage of tantalum capacitors is the relatively large decrease in capacitance with increasing frequency and increased sensitivity to reverse polarity and overloads. Unfortunately, this type of capacitor is characterized by low capacitance values ​​(usually no more than 100 microfarads). High voltage sensitivity forces developers to make the voltage margin Double or more.

Rice. 14. Tantalum capacitors. The first three are domestic, the penultimate one is imported, the last one is imported for surface mounting.

Main dimensions of tantalum chip capacitors:

One of the types of capacitors (in fact, they are semiconductors and have little in common with ordinary capacitors, but it still makes sense to mention them) includes varicaps. This is a special type of diode capacitor that changes its capacitance depending on the applied voltage. They are used as elements with electrically controlled capacitance in frequency tuning circuits. oscillatory circuit, division and frequency multiplication, frequency modulation, controlled phase shifters, etc.

Rice. 15 Varicaps kv106b, kv102

Also very interesting are "supercapacitors" or ionistors. Although small in size, they have a colossal capacity and are often used to power memory chips, and sometimes they replace electrochemical batteries. Ionistors can also work in a buffer with batteries in order to protect them from sudden surges in load current: at low load current, the battery recharges the supercapacitor, and if the current increases sharply, the ionistor will release the stored energy, which will reduce the load on the battery. With this use case, it is placed either directly next to battery or inside its body. They can be found in laptops as a battery for CMOS.

The disadvantages include:
Specific energy is less than batteries (5-12 Wh/kg at 200 Wh/kg for lithium-ion batteries).
The voltage depends on the degree of charge.
Possibility of burnout of internal contacts in case of short circuit.
Large internal resistance compared to traditional capacitors (10 ... 100 Ohms for an ionistor 1 F × 5.5 V).
Significantly larger, compared with batteries, self-discharge: about 1 μA for an ionistor 2 F × 2.5 V.

Rice. 16. Ionistors

A capacitor is a device that can store and release electrical energy. Capacitors are present wherever there is an electric current. They occupy from 15% to 20% of the list of components in almost any electronic equipment.

A bit of history

The year of the invention of the capacitor is considered to be 1745. This invention belongs to the German and Dutch physicists: Ewald Jurgen von Kleist and Pieter van Muschenbroek. This first prototype of an electric capacitor was called the "Leyden jar" (after the name of the city of Leiden, where this design was assembled).

Main characteristics

Capacitors KM are ceramic monolithic capacitors in packaged and unpackaged versions. They belong to a subclass of fixed capacitors. According to the classification, these are low-voltage capacitors with voltages up to 1600 V. The capacitance range is from 16 pF to 2.2 μF. Is it a lot or a little? For comparison, let's say that the capacitance of the Earth is about 710 microfarads.

The group of low-voltage capacitors KM is divided into low-frequency and high-frequency ones. According to their purpose, they are divided into three groups: 1, 2 and 3.

— group 1 is used when high capacitance stability and low losses are essential;
- group 2 - when Not what is essential is what is characteristic of group 1;
- group 3 - like the second group, but designed to work in low-frequency circuits.

There are more than ten basic electrical parameters for each capacitor and more than 25 operating characteristics. Please note that these are just the main ones. full list close to 60.
Let's dwell on some of them.

Rated capacity. This value is standardized and is selected from a certain range - E3, E6, E12, E24, E48, E96, E192. For each decimal interval, the numbers after the E indicate the number of nominal values. So, for example, for E6 we have a number of nominal capacitance values: 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.3 4.7 6.8 (for each decimal interval).

For nominal values, there is a tolerance limit, which is expressed as a percentage. For example: ±0.1%, ±0.25%, ... ±30%, (-10+30)%, (-20+50)%.

Rated voltage. This is the voltage at which the capacitor can operate under certain conditions and keep its parameters within acceptable limits. For KM capacitors, depending on the modification, the range of values ​​​​is in the range from 25V to 250V.

Temperature coefficient of capacity (TKE). It is used for capacitors with linear dependence containers on temperature.

TKE value: this parameter can be used to determine how much the capacitance of the capacitor will change if the ambient temperature changes by one degree in a given temperature range (both Celsius and Kelvin scales are used). A number of TKE capacitors KM: P33, MPO, M47, M75, M750, M1500, H30, H50, H90.

Modifications of KM capacitors

Produced the following modifications of capacitors: KM-3, KM-4, KM-5, KM-6.

KM-4, KM-5, KM-6 - can be 1 or 2 types, KM-3 - only 2 types.

Design options:

- non-isolated, multidirectional conclusions: KM-3a, KM-4a, KM-5a
- non-isolated, unidirectional conclusions: KM-3b, KM-4b, KM-5b
- isolated, unidirectional conclusions: KM-3b, KM-4b, KM-5b, KM-6 (a, b)
- unprotected: KM-3v, KM-4v, KM-5v

Range of nominal capacities:

KM-3 680 pF - 22 nF
KM-4 16 pF - 47 nF
KM-5 16 pF - 0.15 uF
KM-6 120 pF - 2.2 uF

Distribution of KM by the value of the rated voltage (V) and TKE groups:



Capacitors KM are designed for operation in DC, AC and pulsed current circuits. Used in any electronic equipment: in household appliances, communication systems, measuring and scientific equipment, in industrial equipment, etc.

Precious metals in KM capacitors

The use of materials such as palladium, platinum and silver in capacitors is due to technological requirements and has a rational basis.

Structurally, the capacitors are made of a ceramic dielectric with a thin layer of metal deposited on it on both sides (capacitor lining). The technical and operational characteristics of the capacitor depend on the selected material of the dielectric and plates.

As a dielectric, special ceramics based on calcium, zirconium and barium titanate are used. Technologies make it possible to obtain ultra-thin dielectric layers and assemble them into sandwiches. This ensures low electrical conductivity, capacitances of fractions of picofarads and a rated voltage in a wide range.

Depending on the technology used for applying metals to a dielectric, the use and content of one of these precious metals in capacitor plates varies. At technological requirement high-temperature firing of ceramics, the use of silver is limited and more palladium and platinum are used.

Curious information: it turns out that out of the total amount of palladium that is needed for the electronics industry, the share of palladium used for the production of ceramic capacitors can reach up to 60%.

Taking into account the fact that capacitor production technologies were mastered sequentially, based on technical requirements, the content of these precious metals in capacitors should depend both on the plant and on the year of their production.

As mentioned above, the content of ceramic capacitors in used electronic equipment can reach up to 20% of the number of components, and in some products even higher. The problem of processing waste from the electronic industry today is actually an unsolved problem. In this regard, there are a fairly large number of offers on the market calling for the collection and delivery of unusable electronic devices.

For KM ceramic capacitors, lists have been compiled with features that determine the type of capacitors and their approximate value. The content of these "lists" may differ from each other, but there is a commonality of certain parameters by which one can determine the value of one or another type of KM capacitor.

Below are some groups of offers from different capacitor buyers. In the "Marking example" column, the "/" sign indicates the separation of the lines of the inscription on the capacitor case itself.


Price (%)

Marking example

green, thin


green, thin

red, fat


red, fat


red, fat

red, fat

6B/H90/1m0/0985, 6H90/1M0/0480

green, thin

green, thin

5F/M1/V2, 5/M1500/4H7/1078

red, fat


Price (%)

Marking example

green, thin

5N30/68N/0481, 5/N30/68N/1079

green, thin

red, fat

4H30/47H/0578, 5H30/33H/0278

red, fat

4DB/68n/U3, 5DB/47n/WD

red, fat

red, fat

6H90/1M0/0582, 6/H90/1m0/0685

KM, others

green, thin

5M75/1N2/0572, 4M/N47K/0375

red, fat

6/H90/m47/1085, 6BBF/m22/U7

There are also simpler lists without indicating the value,
but only listing what is accepted, for example:

The linear dimensions of KM capacitors depend on the version, nominal capacity and TKE group (dimensions in mm, from min. to max.):

Green, thin - from 3 × 3x0.3 to 13 × 13 × 3;
- red, thick, 1MF, 2*2MF, H90, 1M0, 2M2 - from 14×14×6 to 14×14×10;
- red, fat, others - from 6.5 × 6.5 × 4.5 to 14 × 14 × 6.

A certain difference in offers can be explained by individual conditions and business features. The absolute values ​​of prices for precious metals depend on many parameters (including prices on stock exchanges) and it makes no sense to give them at any particular point in time.
