Surveys of outdoor acoustics. Best Home Speakers Best Budget Floorstanding Speakers Review

For many users, choosing active speakers for a computer is a very difficult task. And this is not surprising, because there are hundreds of similar speaker models on the market, and information can now be gleaned from numerous sources - from articles in the online and offline press, from manufacturers' websites on the net. True, sometimes there is only a meager description and a list of practically the same technical characteristics for all models.

The user has no choice but to choose the acoustics that suits him. We will try to help you with this by explaining what you need to pay attention to in the first place, and what to treat with a grain of salt. We will also try to figure out what kind of sound you can hear from speakers of a particular class.

Classification of PC-acoustics by purpose

First of all, you need to decide: for what purposes do you need acoustics, and what are you guided by when choosing it. There are two main uses for computer speakers:

Criteria for choosing PC speakers

Consider the three most common circumstances on the basis of which the choice is made:

As you can see, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If you dive even deeper and start analyzing the currently available range of products and the capabilities / needs of a particular buyer, then for everyone there will be their own best purchase. So it is extremely difficult to advise specific models. However, we can warn the reader against at least elementary mistakes when choosing acoustics.

We want to immediately warn you against hasty conclusions when comparing acoustics according to the technical characteristics given on the manufacturer's website or in the product data sheet. It must be borne in mind that the marketing department will never miss the opportunity to “outsmart” the buyer and indicate the most profitable data. Whatever numbers you see, do not flatter yourself and be skeptical about them. For example, on some speakers they write: "power 100 W, distortion 0.01%". All this is great, but the problem is that power and distortion were measured separately. Power is at 10% and distortion is at 1W. At the same time, for sure, such “strange” measurement conditions are described somewhere in the corner in small letters, so that in a possible trial, the user would not have grounds for claims.

We also always advise you to be sure to listen before buying how the speakers you have chosen sound. If possible, immediately compare the sound quality with some alternative solution. Moreover, the smaller the time gap between these auditory tests, the more plausible and correct your conclusions will be. No memorable sensations from listening to the speaker system (such as “I listened to a neighbor last week”) cannot be taken into account categorically. They are not suitable because the perception of sound depends on the psychophysical state of the individual at the moment, plus, the auditory sensations of a person (especially when not used to it) are very fuzzy and quickly erased from memory.

Now about acoustic systems that include several speakers. As you know, among multi-column configurations, there are mainly 4.1, 5.1, 6.1 systems. Outwardly, they differ little: 5.1-acoustics, unlike 4.1, has one more speaker in the kit (the so-called “center”). But in fact, the difference lies not only in this. It all depends on what sound card is installed in your computer.

If you use a four-channel sound card with a 5.1 set of acoustics, then the center and subwoofer will most likely not play. If you use a six-channel card with a 4.1 set of acoustics, then you will never experience full-fledged six-channel Dolby Digital and DTS formats, no matter what the acoustic manufacturer writes about its super-duper “virtual center channel” technology. The reason lies in the lack of separate inputs for the center and subwoofer on 4.1 systems (although the four-channel operation mode, like the stereo mode, definitely exists for such cards and can be easily selected in the settings).

Detailed decoding of some characteristics of acoustics


Under the word power in colloquial speech, many mean "power", "strength". Therefore, it is only natural that consumers associate power with loudness: “The more power, the better and louder the speakers will sound.” However, this popular belief is fundamentally wrong! It is far from always that a 100 W speaker will play louder or better than the one that has “only” 50 W power. The power value rather speaks not about the volume, but about the mechanical reliability of the acoustics. The same 50 or 100 watts is not sound volume at all published by the column. Dynamic heads themselves have low efficiency and convert only 2-3% of the power of the electrical signal supplied to them into sound vibrations (fortunately, the volume of the sound emitted is quite enough to create sound accompaniment). The value indicated by the manufacturer in the passport of the speaker or the system as a whole only indicates that when a signal of the specified power is applied, the dynamic head or speaker system will not fail (due to critical heating and interturn short circuit of the wire, “biting” of the coil frame, rupture of the diffuser , damage to flexible hangers of the system, etc.).

Thus, the power of the speaker system is a technical parameter, the value of which is not directly related to the loudness of the acoustics, although it is associated with some dependence. The nominal power values ​​of dynamic heads, amplifying path, acoustic system can be different. They are indicated rather for orientation and optimal pairing between components. For example, an amplifier of much less or much more power can disable the speaker at the maximum positions of the volume control on both amplifiers: on the first - due to the high level of distortion, on the second - due to the abnormal operation of the speaker.

Power can be measured in various ways and under various test conditions. There are generally accepted standards for these measurements. Let us consider in more detail some of them, which are most often used in the characteristics of products of Western firms:

RMS(Root Mean Squared). Power is measured by applying a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz until a certain level of non-linear distortion is reached. Usually in the passport for the product it is written like this: 15 W (RMS). This value indicates that the speaker system, when a 15 W signal is applied to it, can work for a long time without mechanical damage to the dynamic heads. For multimedia acoustics, higher power values ​​in W (RMS) compared to Hi-Fi speakers are obtained due to measurements at very high harmonic distortions, often up to 10%. With such distortions, it is almost impossible to listen to the soundtrack due to strong wheezing and overtones in the dynamic head and speaker cabinet.

PMPO(Peak Music Power Output - peak music power). In this case, the power is measured by applying a short-term sinusoidal signal with a duration of less than 1 second and a frequency below 250 Hz (typically 100 Hz). This does not take into account the level of non-linear distortion. For example, the speaker power is 500 W (PMPO). This fact indicates that the speaker system, after reproducing a short-term low-frequency signal, did not have mechanical damage to the dynamic heads. Popularly, the units of power measurement W (PMPO) are called "Chinese watts" due to the fact that power values ​​with this measurement technique reach thousands of watts! Imagine - active speakers for a computer consume an electrical power of 10 V * A from the AC mains and develop at the same time a peak musical power of 1500 W (PMPO).

Along with Western standards, there are also Soviet standards for various types of power. They are regulated by the current GOST 16122-87 and GOST 23262-88. These standards define concepts such as rated, maximum noise, maximum sinusoidal, maximum long-term, maximum short-term power. Some of them are indicated in the passport for Soviet (and post-Soviet) equipment. Naturally, these standards are not used in world practice, so we will not dwell on them.

We draw conclusions: the most important in practice is the value of the power indicated in W (RMS) at values ​​of harmonic distortion (THD) equal to 1% or less. However, comparing products even by this indicator is very approximate and may not have anything to do with reality, because the sound volume is characterized by the sound pressure level. So, information content of the indicator "power of the acoustic system" - zero.


Sensitivity is one of the parameters specified by the manufacturer in the characteristics of acoustic systems. The value characterizes the intensity of the sound pressure developed by the column at a distance of 1 meter when a signal with a frequency of 1000 Hz and a power of 1 W is applied. Sensitivity is measured in decibels (dB) relative to the hearing threshold (zero sound pressure level is 2*10^-5 Pa). Sometimes the designation level of characteristic sensitivity (SPL, Sound Pressure Level) is used. At the same time, for brevity, dB / W * m or dB / W ^ 1/2 * m is indicated in the column with units of measurement. It is important to understand, however, that sensitivity is not a linear proportionality factor between sound pressure level, signal strength and distance to the source. Many companies list the sensitivity characteristics of dynamic heads, measured under non-standard conditions.

Sensitivity is a characteristic that is more important when designing your own speaker systems. If you do not fully understand what this parameter means, then when choosing multimedia acoustics for a PC, you can not pay much attention to sensitivity (fortunately, it is not often indicated).

AFC (Frequency Response)

Frequency response (frequency response) in the general case is a graph showing the difference in the amplitudes of the output and input signals in the entire range of reproducible frequencies. The frequency response is measured by applying an electrical sinusoidal signal of constant amplitude as its frequency changes. Moreover, at the point on the graph, where the frequency is 1000 Hz, it is customary to plot the level of 0 dB on the vertical axis. The ideal option is in which the frequency response is represented by a straight line, but in reality, acoustic systems simply do not have such characteristics. When considering the graph, you need to pay special attention to the amount of unevenness. The greater the amount of unevenness, the greater the frequency distortion of the timbre in the sound.

Western manufacturers prefer the term FR(frequency response) - the range of reproducible frequencies, which is a "squeeze" of information from the frequency response: only cutoff frequencies and unevenness are indicated. Suppose it is written: 50 Hz - 16 kHz frequency response (± 3 dB). This means that this acoustic system has a reliable sound in the range of 50 Hz - 16 kHz, and below 50 Hz and above 15 kHz, the unevenness increases sharply, the frequency response has a so-called "blockage" (a sharp drop in characteristics).

What does it threaten? Reducing the level of low frequencies implies a loss of juiciness, saturation of the bass sound. The rise in the bass region causes a sensation of mumbling and buzzing of the speaker. In the blockages of high frequencies, the sound will be dull, unclear. High-frequency rises mean the presence of annoying, unpleasant hissing and whistling overtones. In multimedia speakers, the frequency response unevenness is usually higher than in the so-called Hi-Fi acoustics. All advertising statements of manufacturers about the frequency response of a column of the type 20-20000 Hz (theoretical limit of possibility) should be treated with a fair amount of skepticism. In this case, the uneven frequency response is often not indicated, which can be unimaginable values.

Since manufacturers of multimedia acoustics often "forget" to indicate the uneven frequency response of the speaker system, when meeting with a speaker characteristic of 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz, you need to keep your eyes open. There is a good chance to buy a thing that does not even provide a more or less uniform response in the frequency band of 100 Hz - 10,000 Hz. It is impossible to compare the range of reproducible frequencies with different irregularities at all.

Harmonic Distortion, Harmonic Distortion (THD)

The abbreviation THD literally stands for Total Harmonic Distortion, but means a well-defined term - harmonic coefficient. The acoustic system is a complex electro-acoustic device that has a non-linear gain characteristic. Therefore, the signal after the passage of the entire audio path at the output will necessarily have non-linear distortions. One of the most obvious and easiest to measure is harmonic distortion.

The THD of the speakers largely depends on the power of the signal fed to them. That's why it's silly to draw conclusions in absentia or compare speakers only by THD, without resorting to listening to the equipment (although even the most reputable publications sometimes follow such an easy path). In addition, for the operating positions of the volume control (usually 30 ... 50%), the THD value is not indicated by manufacturers.

Electrical resistance, impedance (impedans)

The electrodynamic head has a certain resistance to direct current, depending on the thickness, length and material of the wire in the coil (such resistance is also called resistive or reactive). When a musical signal, which is an alternating current, is applied, the head resistance will change depending on the frequency of the signal.

Impedance(impedans) is the electrical impedance to alternating current, measured at a frequency of 1000 Hz. Typically speaker impedans are 4, 6 or 8 ohms.

In general, the value of the total electrical resistance (impedans) of the speaker system will not tell the buyer about anything related to the sound quality of a particular product. The manufacturer indicates this parameter only so that the resistance is taken into account when connecting the speaker system to the amplifier. If the speaker impedance is lower than that of the amplifier, there will be non-linear distortion in the sound; if higher, the sound will be much quieter than with equal resistance.

Speaker box, acoustic design

One of the important factors influencing the sound of a speaker system is the acoustic design. When designing acoustic systems, the manufacturer usually faces the problem of choosing an acoustic design. There are more than a dozen types of them.

Acoustic design is divided into acoustically unloaded and acoustically loaded. The first implies a design in which the oscillation of the diffuser is limited only by the rigidity of the suspension. In the second case, the oscillation of the diffuser is limited, in addition to the rigidity of the suspension, by the elasticity of the air and acoustic resistance to radiation. Acoustic design is also divided into single and double action systems. A single action system is characterized by excitation of the sound going to the listener through only one side of the cone (radiation from the other side is neutralized by the acoustic design). The dual action system involves the use of both surfaces of the cone in the formation of sound.

A home speaker system is an indispensable thing if you want to make a real home theater. At the moment, on the market you can find many top solutions that will satisfy the needs of a buyer of any level. But if you want to buy floor acoustics, first you need to figure out which of the models offered by the market is best suited for you. After all, these are not just TV speakers, they are what will provide you and your home theater with real sound quality. To determine the ideal option, let's take a look at the 10 best home speakers.

Price: 16999 rubles

And the Sony SS-CS310CR opens our rating - these are the ideal floorstanding speakers for a home theater system. With them, you can achieve complete immersion in the process taking place on the TV screen. The 5-channel surround sound system delivers even sound throughout the room and delivers incredible clarity to your content.

Sony SS-CS310CR consists of two floorstanding speakers, two satellites, and one center speaker. Together, all this will allow you to realize surround sound and achieve the effect of complete immersion. The ultra-high frequency speaker faithfully reproduces some of the movie dialogue and lyrics that other speakers can't. Such speakers are installed in the front elements of the system. Also, the purity of the reproduced sounds is guaranteed by high-quality connectors that ensure the correct connection to the audio signal source.

№9 - YAMAHA NS-555

Price: 17775 rubles

YAMAHA NS-555 is a passive speaker system with a rated power of 200W. It belongs to premium class acoustics. The amplifier will have to be purchased separately, and it must correspond to the level of the system.

YAMAHA NS-555 has advanced magnetic shielding. This allows you to place the speakers close to the equipment, without fear that the devices can harm each other. Acoustics works in three bands, its frequency range is 35-35000 Hz.

Each speaker in the system has four speakers. This provides a balanced sound. The device produces excellent mids and is generally very versatile in terms of sound. Special attention should be paid to the design - it looks very stylish and beautiful.

#8 - JBL Arena 180

Price: 27980 rubles

The JBL Arena 180 professional bass-reflex model has a total output of 225W and boasts high-end bass. The maximum frequency of the reproduced signal is 40000 Hz. JBL Arena 180 has a closed cabinet and dome tweeter.

This is a component acoustics, which is ideal for creating a personal home theater. By becoming the owner of this model, you can fully experience the clear and powerful sound. Even in very large rooms, the JBL Arena 180 is able to provide high-quality audio playback at all frequencies. The appearance of the speakers is made in the spirit of minimalism, which allows them to harmoniously fit into any interior. JBL Arena 180 will look harmonious even in an ordinary room, even on the stage of a large theater.

No. 7 - Heco Victa Prime 602

Price: 39980 rubles

The Heco Victa Prime 602's bass-reflex profile allows you to cancel out all extraneous sounds and interference to achieve perfectly clear sound during active work. The speakers of this premium speaker system are made of silk and cellulose. The power that this model can develop is 280 watts.

Due to the presence of a removable grille, Heco Victa Prime 602 received effective protection against mechanical damage, which makes it a very reliable and protected speaker system. The body here is made of MDF panels. We can say that this is the best option in its price category. Namely, from this segment they are most often purchased. So, Heco Victa Prime 602 enjoys a certain popularity among users.

Heco Victa Prime 602

#6 - Monitor Audio Bronze BX6

Price: 73540 rubles

Monitor Audio Bronze BX6 is a modern Hi-Fi speaker system, which is made in an original design and can offer the user wide functionality, a lot of connection options and excellent sound quality. First of all, it is worth noting the remarkable design of the device. It will look great with various interior solutions and simply decorate your room.

Monitor Audio Bronze BX6 is extremely easy to install. The speakers provide a smooth and high quality sound, quite versatile in nature. This system can be used both to create a stereo system for listening to music, and as an integral element of a home theater.

Monitor Audio Bronze BX6

No. 5 - Canton GLE 476

Price: 31990 rubles

The Canton GLE 476 multimedia system is very compact and one of the best models in this price range for small rooms. Two 180 mm drivers with aluminum cones are responsible for the bass region, and 25 mm fabric drivers are responsible for the high frequencies.

As for sound, special attention should be paid to its transparency and energy. The tonal balance is slightly raised, but this does not affect the overall sound quality at all. The speakers have an excellent dynamic range, due to which audible compression does not appear even at very high volumes. The system delivers deep, velvety bass. To get the right sound stage, you need to pay maximum attention to the placement of acoustics around the listener. Only in this way you can feel the surround sound and enjoy all the delights of your purchase.

No. 4 - Focal Chorus 615

Price: 47990 rubles

Focal Chorus 615 is a 2.5-way loudspeaker from a well-known manufacturer, which is currently considered one of the best in its price segment. It is worth considering that for completeness of sound, you will have to separately purchase a subwoofer, center speaker and bookshelf speakers from the same manufacturer. In this case, you can achieve 5.1 channel sound. This kit is distinguished by its flexibility. He is able to amaze with a crystal clear sound even a music lover who has seen a lot. The sound played by the Focal Chorus 615 fully reveals all the effects and events from the film. So this is an indispensable item if you want to assemble a first-class home theater.

Focal Chorus 615

No. 3 - Canton GLE 496

Price: 37860 rubles

The Canton GLE 496 wireless model is one of the most popular speaker lines in Europe. At least that's what the manufacturer says. And this is quite similar to the truth, because this system knowingly opens the top three in our rating. This acoustics consists of two elements, which, when properly positioned, are able to provide surround sound of maximum quality and complete immersion for the listener. The device provides reproduction of excellent, deep bass, which literally takes your breath away.

Yes, this model is expensive, but it is able to satisfy almost all user requests. And the design in which the elements of the system are made is generally a separate work of art. The acoustics look very status.

#2 - Acoustic Energy Radiance 3

Price: 87900 rubles

Acoustic Energy Radiance 3 is a true flagship among acoustic systems. The sound here is realized at the highest level. This system provides the creation of a multi-layered canvas, which has a foreground that is somewhat moved towards the listener. However, the soundstage is very well proportioned. A special plus is the localization of sources.

Separately, it is worth noting the dynamic capabilities of this system. Acoustic Energy Radiance 3 can play music of any genre and clearly convey all elements of the composition. The midrange is fairly accurate. However, in some situations there is a slight decrease in harmonic resolution. Crystal clear high frequencies are brought to the fore. As for the design, the speakers are decorated quite stylishly and moderately minimalistically, it can be called universal.

Acoustic Energy Radiance 3

#1 - Monitor Audio Radius R270

Price: 23095 rubles

This model managed to get to the first place of our top due to the combination of high quality and relatively low price. For a system of this level, it is really very cheap. The Monitor Audio Radius R270 tweeter is made of aluminum, ceramic coating and gold. Thanks to the special HiVe ports, the air flow to the low-frequency radiators is significantly accelerated. This allows you to optimize the fade-in and fade-out parameters. As a result, the bass is very dynamic.

Computer modeling was used to create the emitters, which made it possible to minimize any sound distortion at each volume level. And thanks to the mounting of the speakers on the same axis, the intensity of internal resonance is reduced. You can be sure that this is the best model currently on the market.

Monitor Audio Radius R270

Our top contains all the most popular and high-quality models. Whichever one you choose, be sure that the result will justify the investment. The main thing is to choose exactly the acoustics that most fully meets all your needs.

Hi-Fi - how much there is in this word ... When the first Japanese audio systems poured into the territory of the USSR in the late 80s, it became fashionable to assemble whole sets with good sound. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and Hi-Fi audio systems have been used not only for listening to music, but also for accompanying films and computer games. And most importantly, Hi-Fi is now available to almost anyone. The question is only in the needs and sound quality.

Many sooner or later face the need to improve the sound of their audio equipment. For the majority, at some point, simple computer speakers are not enough: there is not enough bass, and the middle is “liquid”. And some have outgrown their current audio system and want to delve even deeper into the wonderful world of sound. In any case, you will have to choose a new Hi-Fi audio system. But it's not that simple. One has only to start choosing the right model, as a truly grandiose waterfall of companies, characteristics, lines, models, and configurations falls on your head. On the one hand, this is good. But on the other hand, how do you choose?

Understanding the huge market for Hi-Fi audio systems is difficult, but possible. The most important thing is to understand what exactly you need, for what purposes you will use your system. Next - to understand a number of simple technical parameters. And that's it. Rather, the preparatory stage has ended. And the most difficult is ahead, and you can’t get rid of it.

Audio systems of different price levels differ, there are many variations in the selection of equipment, there are all kinds of technical characteristics. But only your ears can choose the right audio system for you. The fact is that each of us perceives sound differently. Not only do we hear different ranges of purities, but our habits and musical preferences play an important role. So you need to go to the shops and listen, listen and listen again. Otherwise, you run the risk of pointing your finger at the sky and buying a system that you will not be happy with. Another issue is that prices in stores are often higher. But no one bothers you to choose a system there, but to buy it on the Internet?

It is worth starting the analysis of Hi-Fi audio systems with the fact that they consist of three main parts: a player, an amplifier, and the speaker system itself. In this article, we will only talk about acoustic systems. At the same time, the choice of a subwoofer is a separate big topic, and we will cover it in another article.

How are speaker systems different?

Do you have a long history of love with Hi-Fi audio systems? Are you an audiophile who hears the most subtle frequencies? Can you afford the best?

If you didn't answer yes to any of these questions, then don't jump right into the best audio systems. Not even because you most likely won't feel the difference in sound between the budget and the most expensive systems that audiophiles hear. And because the cost of the best systems starts at about $ 7,500. Are you ready to spend that amount? If not, it is better to start with a budget option. For a beginner in the world of Hi-Fi, a basic and mid-range system will be enough. And over time, you may understand the difference and decide to upgrade to a higher-class system.

Kit contents

This is a key parameter, since it is the composition of the speaker set that determines whether the system suits your needs.

Why do you need an audio system?

If you are an avid music lover, collecting rare discs or vinyl with the Beatles and Michael Jackson, then a traditional stereo pair (or a triphonic set - two front speakers and a subwoofer) will suit you. Also, this option is yours if you like to "drive battles" or CS and want to completely immerse yourself in the game world. If you love movies, plan to install a large screen or projector (or maybe you already have one) and want to enjoy deep immersion while watching a movie, then it is better to opt for a 5.1 speaker set (6.1, 7.1, etc.). ) The same advice can be given to the most sophisticated music lovers, audiophiles, lovers of classical music and electronics.

If you need a universal option, then you can choose any of the two options: both a good stereo pair and a 5.1 system will cope with the necessary load. But keep in mind that a good 5.1 set will be much more expensive than a good stereo pair.

Floor and shelf

One of the most important differences between speakers is their dimensions. Small speakers, bookshelf, can be put on the table (but still better on a special stand), large, floor standing, stand on the floor.

If you know the basics of physics, then most often (primarily in the low-frequency range) the statement is true that the larger the speaker, the better the sound. Of course, it all depends on the tasks and your premises. But do not rush to draw conclusions. First, floorstanding speakers are much more expensive. Secondly, if you plan to install the speaker system in a standard "odnushka", then the size of the room is simply not enough to fully reveal the potential of floorstanding speakers - they need more space.

Therefore, for a small room we take "shelf speakers" (it would be better if you put them on special racks), and for a large room - "floor speakers". But still, you should not buy too small front speakers.

Speaker sensitivity

This characteristic is the sound pressure level that the system will create when a signal from the amplifier arrives at it, measured in dB / W * m. With the same power, the higher the sensitivity of the speaker system, the louder the sound it can produce. Speakers with high sensitivity will sound louder with a less powerful amplifier. But a speaker system with a low power paired with a powerful amplifier will produce a louder sound than an acoustic system with a high level of sensitivity. Also be aware that a powerful amplifier can damage sensitive speakers.

Frequency range

Sound is a phenomenon that is a propagation in the form of elastic waves of mechanical vibrations. The human ear is able to hear sound vibrations in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz. If we talk about this range, then it is conditionally divided into bass, mids and high frequencies. Bass - 10 - 200 Hz; medium - 200 Hz - 5 kHz; high - 5 kHz - 20 kHz.

The frequency range is one of the most important parameters. The closer the speaker system's frequency range is to 16 - 20,000 Hz (perceived by humans), the better. For comparison - the average shelf acoustics - 60 - 20,000 Hz, and outdoor - 40 - 20,000 Hz. But there are exceptions, so it is better to pay special attention to this characteristic.

By the way, many models of medium and high price categories have the upper limit of the frequency range above 28,000 Hz. Do not hesitate to rush at such speakers: do not forget about the range perceived by the human ear.

Number of lanes

Ideally, the audio system should consist of a single full-range speaker with a full frequency range of 20 - 20,000 Hz. But in practice, this is very difficult to implement, so the speaker systems are divided into bands, most often two or three.

Speaker systems of the middle price range usually have two bands: low-frequency (simultaneously responsible for mids) and high-frequency. In more expensive acoustic systems, another mid-frequency band is added.

If you listen mainly to vocal music, then two-way systems will be enough for you. The same applies to those who are looking for speakers for games and work on the computer.

For listening to electronic or classical music and watching movies in a home theater, it is better to purchase a three-way system.

Resistance (impedance)

This characteristic means the total electrical resistance of the system. The most common values ​​are 4, 6 and 8 ohms. This parameter is most important for selecting an amplifier: its impedance parameter must be the same. An impedance mismatch between speaker and amplifier can cause serious problems. If, with the same power of both devices, the impedance of the speakers is higher than the nominal impedance of the amplifier, then the speakers will sound quieter. If the speaker impedance is lower, then the amplifier may burn out. So, if you already have an amplifier, then this will simplify the choice of a speaker system: we choose from those that are suitable for impedance.

Max power

This is the maximum possible input electrical power at a certain normalized coefficient of non-linear distortion. Many people think that this parameter means how loud the speakers will sound. But this is not entirely true. The power indicator indicates that when a signal of the specified power is applied, the dynamic head or speaker system will not fail. Therefore, it is very important that the power of the acoustics match or exceed the power of the amplifier.

When choosing an amplifier and loudspeaker, it is desirable that the actual maximum power of the loudspeaker exceed the power of the amplifier by 30 percent or more. In this case, you will be insured against the failure of the acoustics due to the supply of an unacceptably high level signal to it. If you choose the option for the home, then 100 watts is more than enough. At the same time, it is unlikely that you will ever listen to something at maximum volume. For larger rooms, it is worth paying attention to higher power ratings - depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

System as a whole

By purchasing very expensive acoustics and connecting it to a weak sound card, you should not expect fantastic sound, but distortion is likely to appear. And vice versa, buying the best amplifier on the market for cheap speakers, you will simply throw money away.

It is very important that all links in the chain (amplifier - speaker system - subwoofer - switching) are correctly combined with each other.

Firstly, all equipment must match each other in terms of technical characteristics (for example, resistance).

Secondly, the equipment must be of the same class (an example with a built-in audio card and expensive acoustics).

Thirdly, everything should be combined with each other for a harmonious sound. If you are a beginner and do not know much about the audio system market, it is better to purchase a complete set from one manufacturer. So you definitely won't go wrong.

Criterias of choice

So, we have considered all the main characteristics. There are many, but they need to be sorted out. After all, you are not buying just another smartphone or video card: the speaker system will delight your ears for many years. And most importantly, even after 10 years it will not become morally obsolete. Also, high prices for acoustic systems encourage careful choice.

Remember that you are not buying a thing for practicality and convenience. The acoustic system is pleasure, enjoyment, relaxation. Therefore, before choosing it, turn on your ears to the fullest.

Now let's sum up and distribute the audio systems into groups based on the needs of users.

If you are buying a speaker system to work on a computer it is better to purchase a shelf stereo pair from the budget price category.

If you need a system for computer games and listening to music. For small apartment it is worth considering a shelf two-band triphonic set from the middle or high price categories. If space allows, you should pay attention to floor-standing one- and two-way stereo pairs and 5.1 systems.

For home theater and classical music listening We advise you to choose from 5.1 floor standing 3-way systems, 5.1 systems with shelf satellites and stereo pairs from the middle and high price categories.



So, I have been fond of music almost since birth. My whole life is made up of it. I'm used to high-quality sound, but this is not enough for me. Sooner or later the equipment got boring, and the idea came to take a new one, more expensive, more sonorous. Now I will share my experience and advise where to start assembling your kit.

1. Player

So, the player is the foundation of the basics. The most important detail on your rack. If you have a certain budget, then about 50% should be allocated specifically to the player. In simple terms, the more expensive the player, the more expensive the laser for reading data from the disc, and the more correct the reading of the data, the better, as a result, the sound. Therefore, this is the basis. So, let's take a quick look at the players with which you can start your journey of learning music and good sound.

NAD C-542

Let's start with this handsome English. The most suitable option for a beginner, and even for an experienced music lover. Cheap, high quality, melodic. You are unlikely to find a new device, but in the open spaces of "Avito" or "Yula" it can be found in perfect condition within 5 - 8 thousand rubles. If you want to start collecting musical equipment - I advise you to start with this old man. The quality is much higher than the former owners ask for it. For a device in its price segment, it conveys the detail of instruments and bass very well. If this particular device is not available, in general, I advise you to take a closer look at this company - NAD.

From personal experience, I can only highlight that if you are going to burn discs, and not buy a license in stores, then use only CD-R discs, because it reads RW with difficulty, sometimes it does not see them at all.

Cambridge Audio Azur 640C V2

Another hello from England. From personal experience, I have strange impressions of this device. Either it's my luck or the line. I still use this player. What can be said to be good? It copes with the most important thing - it produces the sound of the highest level. A turntable from 2005 that has repeatedly won in the category "Best Turntable Under 500 Pounds", and you can't argue with that, it's really good. In terms of sound, it will be head and shoulders above the NAD device that I suggested above, although it costs a little more. In excellent condition, it can be found on "Avito" in the region of 10 thousand rubles. But it's still worth thinking about.

What are its disadvantages? The first thing that started to annoy me over time was the case. The assembly is good, but the materials that were used upset me. In the player, on the front panel, the metal was covered with a layer of special paint in order to give it a matte finish. The shade turned out, but is it needed? The fact is that due to the paint used, the surface of the front side has become absolutely rough. It is even pleasant to the touch, but if you poke the buttons a lot, instead of using the remote control 100%, the case will collect a bunch of unpleasant prints that are very visible on light metal. And because of the roughness of the case, it is very problematic to wipe them off.

The next thing to pay attention to and climb the forums. Personally, I encountered such a problem that over time, and fast, less than a year, the motor belt is pulled out, which is responsible for opening the disc tray. It does not affect the sound, but it manifests itself in another way. The lid cannot close completely, as a result of which the tray opens back. In this situation, a few taps on the lid with your finger help, but still this is not the case. I personally change already the third belt, although it is not so easy to find it. Perhaps I was so "lucky" with this player, or maybe it's a cant from the manufacturer. In general, for starters, I would still take a closer look at NAD products.


Here's greetings from Japan. A great option, if you, of course, get it. This is a rarer device, which will not be found in every city. If it comes across, then the price will be in the region of ten thousand. Will fall in your city - the best option for purchase. Its peculiarity is that it gives out a chic detailing of little things, the presence of which, perhaps, you did not suspect in the song. In general, I can say this - this player is approximately equal in sound toCambridge, which we discussed above. But with this device, everything is much more reliable.

Sony DVP-NS900V

I saved the best for last. Usually, when you want to get serious about sound, you buy exactly the kind of thing that's meant to do it, avoiding DVD players because they're just not designed to play high quality sound. Their main goal is to display a good picture, nothing more, but Sony went the other way, releasing something that almost never went well - a DVD with good sound. Once I heard this player, and seriously think about buying it myself. If I had not heard him with my own ears, and they would have told me that the DVD sounded good, I would have sent this fairy tale narrator to hell. But no, it's absolutely true. Why I left it in the end - because, having a price tag of about 10-15 thousand rubles, it beats any of the above players, although they are designed specifically for music. If in your city they suddenly sell it - take it without thinking, the main thing is to check its condition. In a budget of up to 15 thousand, this is the best player that can impress with its sound. By the way, unlike all the above-mentioned "Sidushnikov" - this one supports reading the format of disks SACD.

Super Audio CD (SACD)- a non-rewritable optical audio disc that allows you to store audio data with significantly higher quality than a conventional CDDA disc.
2. Amplifiers

The amplifier is not an unimportant thing on our shelf. Of course, you should not take the first one that comes across and the most budget one, otherwise it will not be able to reveal the potential of our player. I advise you to take exactly the amplifier, and not the receiver or the like. I will not go into terminology and a long list, just give an example: you have a $400 receiver and a $400 sound amplifier in front of you. Why will the receiver be significantly inferior in sound? The fact is that the receiver is bought mainly for outputting home theater sound in 5.1 format. So, for $400, the manufacturer supplied, roughly speaking, 6 amplifiers for each of the channels (speakers). While a conventional audio amplifier has the ability to output only two-channel sound (2 speakers), the price of the amplifier for each of the channels is accordingly higher. It's in simple language. And now let's see what you can take inexpensively and efficiently.

Sharp SM-1122H

Well, let's start with the most inexpensive option - Sharp SM-1122H. This puffy and looks solid, and sounds decent. Everything is in its place, the detail does not eat, the bass gives out very soft and pleasant. The device itself has the ability to adjust the balance and bass, which is quite good and sometimes even necessary. On average, it can be found on the Internet for 8 thousand rubles. More than justifies the price.

Cambridge Audio Azur 640a V2

This amplifier belongs to the same line as the player - Cambridge Audio Azur 640C V2, which we talked about above. What can be said about this model? Great sound. Refers to class A(which is essentially considered the upper class). In general, a chic option for an average of 11-12 thousand rubles. Unlike the player of the same line of problems with it, I actually didn’t have it. I only changed the protection relay, but this is a very common problem that occurs in almost any amplifier. So, I think that this option will perfectly reveal the potential of your player. I still use this device, I advise all novice music lovers.

Nad 320BEE

Also a great option - NAD 320BEE. This model perfectly conveys detail and bass without devouring anything, so to speak. It costs around 13-15 thousand rubles, has a high potential, and, for my taste, a pleasant appearance. The sound is slightly superior to the previous candidate.

Revox S25

This is the highlight of our today's cake. The German amplifier Revox S25 is worth buying. Definitely worth it. This model outperforms all of the above models by about two heads. The price range goes from 10 to 20 thousand. If suddenly you come across this handsome man - immediately run and take him away, because you can’t find a better apparatus in the world, unless of course you have at least fifty thousands in your pocket. Why run immediately? The device is so good that it disappears from Avito in a matter of days. Quite a rare model, and very high quality.

3. Speakers

The final stage of our assembly is the columns. It is also an important indicator, although, frankly, there are no unimportant indicators in this area, and if you get involved, then something will always be missing, the soul will demand something new, and so on until you give up your breath, or buy equipment for several million.

Monitor audio Bronze BR1

So, open our top budget columns under the name Monitor audio Bronze BR1. This model is the most entry-level, but at the same time it has a very good sound for its price - about 6-7 thousand rubles. Of course, as it should be with bookshelf speakers, their main drawback is a very low presence of bass, but at the same time they have very good detailing of instruments.

Monitor Audio Silver S2

Let Monitor Audio Silver S2 and shelf speakers, but they are already much higher class, and you can’t call them straight budget. They cost around 18-20 thousand rubles, naturally used, we do not consider a new one, because it is expensive. So, these speakers already have more or less voluminous bass, as far as it is possible for speakers of this size, and very high detail, which is not a fact that floor-standing speakers with a higher price tag will give. I consider one of the best options to buy in this price category, if our next candidate does not come to you.

Wharfedale diamond 9.6

Here are the first floorstanding speakers on our list today. What can I say about them... They are gorgeous. Gorgeous both for a novice music lover and for those who, it would seem, are no longer surprised by such. Great combination of detail and bass in one. Usually, in this price segment, something is always missing. If you have bookshelf speakers - there is not enough bass, if you have floor speakers - there is too much bass, and details are almost inaudible, they turn into such a "saw-friendship". But here everything is different, everything is perfectly balanced. The bass is soft, the detail is high, you know, such a kind of harmony. You can find such speakers for approximately 16 to 20 thousand.

Nad 804

And finally - good speakers Nad 804, which have minor problems, which were mentioned above. Since this model is budgetary, there is no balance in it. Well, how ... he is, but not entirely correct. The company tried to give these small floorstanders an edge over their bookshelf speakers by adding good bass, but they didn't think much about detail, so if you can't manually turn the bass down on your amplifier, the detail will be lame. I won’t say that it’s impossible to listen directly, it’s just a little muffled and insanely much inferior to the speakers above. But the price of these columns revolves around 13 thousand rubles.


Well, I tried to convey the most important aspects of choosing mid-budget Hi-Fi equipment based on personal experience and knowledge. I hope you enjoyed it and the information was helpful. I considered exclusively B.U. equipment, since the modern one is much inferior, and it costs 4 times more. Why overpay if you can save money and buy a higher-class assembly? That's all, thank you all, see you in the next articles!


Just think about it: the term Hi-Fi, which embodies, in essence, the latest achievements in the field of audio technology, has turned 90 years old! It is clear that at the time of its appearance, these were rather theoretical studies, and it was still far from mass production of such equipment. However, 70 years ago, the world's first specialized publication on audio technology, the American magazine Audio, already appeared.

But in 1962, metaphorically speaking, the beginning of the end began, namely, Justin Gordon Holt, the founder of another American publication, Stereophile, coined the term high end audio, thereby giving rise to the current price stratification. Good sound became more and more expensive, affordable systems were overgrown with ... hmm ... functionality. And mind-blowing power figures on the boxes.

It would seem, what's wrong with that? Let's put it this way: for a person who loves music and is wealthy at the same time - almost nothing, because he can still afford to buy high-quality audio equipment. Nothing has changed for consumers of "musical canned food": hard-working Asians have mastered the production of audio consumer goods, where about the same quality is adjacent to a penny cost. But a good initial Hi-Fi segment, unfortunately, turned out to be, as they say, in the paddock.

I would venture to suggest that this happened, including for a banal reason, characteristic of any golden mean - the highest price / quality ratio, and, as a result, the lowest profitability. The main profit falls on the mass segment, premium models are often made to demonstrate capabilities and maintain status, but there is no time and energy left for “workhorses”. Almost everyone. With rare exceptions. One of which is the British company Cambridge Audio.

Budget hi-fi components from Cambridge Audio

A balanced set of main speakers, a “smart” subwoofer with convenient settings - ELAC Debut will pleasantly surprise both the movie lover and the music lover

"Debuts" are notable for the fact that, despite the more than moderate cost, the series includes two subwoofers, 10 and 12 inches, as well as Atmos speakers, which allows them to equip even the most modern home theater with their help. In addition, the series naturally has a central channel, a pair of floor models and as many as two shelf speakers, which, even if a classic 5.1 system with floor fronts is created, allows you to choose from 16 (!) Possible configuration options.

It is curious that the subwoofers have non-class D amplifiers, powerful, but let's say, not very musical, but BASH technology is used, in which class AB final stages are powered by a PWM-based power supply. In addition, the S10EQ and S12EQ models, according to the index, use an auto-calibration system for room acoustics, using a mobile device not only for control (via Bluetooth), but also as ... a calibration microphone!

What happens?

But it turns out that a full-fledged stereo system or a recreation center, if desired, can be assembled at the cost of a wireless speaker :-), or even much cheaper, if there was a desire.
