How to rotate the desktop by 90. What should I do if the image on the laptop or computer screen is turned upside down? Video cards from Nvidia and AMD

Right-click on the desktop and select "Screen Resolution" or "Display Settings" (depending on the version you have installed on your computer). Windows systems).

  • If you are using Windows XP, then this will not work. Go to step 5 of this section.
  • In the window that opens (in its lower part), find the "Orientation" menu. By default, Landscape is selected in the menu. Most video cards allow you to rotate the screen using this menu.

    • If this menu is grayed out, you have a problem with your video card drivers, or your computer manufacturer has disabled screen rotation. In this case, go to step 4.
  • Open the menu and select the desired orientation.

    • "Album". This is the default orientation.
    • "Portrait". Rotate the screen 90° to the right. This moves the right edge of the image to the bottom of the monitor.
    • "Landscape (inverted)". Flips the screen upside down. This moves the top of the image to the bottom of the monitor.
    • "Portrait (inverted)". Rotate the screen 90° to the left. This moves the left edge of the image to the bottom of the monitor.
  • Keyboard shortcuts. Some graphics cards support keyboard shortcuts for screen rotation. The following keyboard shortcuts work with integrated Intel graphics cards. If you have discrete NVIDIA graphics card or AMD, these keyboard shortcuts will most likely not work.

    • Ctrl+Alt+ - turn the screen upside down.
    • Ctrl+Alt+ - rotate the screen 90° to the right.
    • Ctrl+Alt+ - rotate the screen 90° to the left.
    • Ctrl + Alt + - return the screen orientation to the default (landscape).
  • Check your video card settings. NVIDIA, AMD and Intel allow you to change the settings of their video cards through special utilities. These utilities can be accessed through the menu that opens when you right-click on the desktop, or through the Start menu, or through the Windows Control Panel.

    • Look for the "Rotate" or "Orientation" option. In the NVIDIA utility, find the "Rotate screen" option (in the menu on the left). In the AMD utility (called the Catalyst Control Center), under Desktop Settings, find the Rotate menu. In the Intel Utility, in the Monitor Settings menu, find the Rotation section.
  • Create a keyboard shortcut for screen rotation. If you are using an AMD or ATI graphics card, the Catalyst Control Center utility will allow you to create a keyboard shortcut for rotation.

    • Right click on the desktop and select Catalyst Control Center.
    • Click "Settings" and select "Hotkeys".
    • Select "Desktop Management" from the drop-down menu and set the keyboard shortcut you want to use for various options turn. It makes sense to choose the combinations given in step 4, since they are not usually used for any other functions.
    • Don't forget to check the box for the specified keyboard shortcut to take effect.
  • Update your drivers if there are no other options. If the keyboard shortcuts don't work and there are no screen rotation options in the graphics card setup utilities, update your graphics card drivers. Download the most latest drivers from the graphics card manufacturer's server, not through Windows Update.

    • Utilities for AMD and NVIDIA cards automatically detect and download the latest drivers. Or you can find latest versions drivers on the website of the manufacturer of your video card.
    • If you don't know your graphics card model, click ⊞Win+R and type dxdiag . Click the "Monitor" tab to find out the model and manufacturer of your graphics card.
  • It is customary to perceive the monitor screen in this orientation, in which it is. But sometimes it becomes necessary to change the screen orientation, or, simply put, flip the image on a laptop or computer. Why might this be necessary?

    Due to some kind of software glitch, the screen has turned upside down and the image is upside down or turned on its side. It needs to be fixed and returned. Sometimes you need to turn the monitor itself, but leave the image in a normal orientation relative to the viewer.

    So, how to flip the screen on a monitor in a computer, laptop? Extremely simple. Depending on the device (whether we are talking about a laptop or a simple computer) and on the installed on it operating system, you need to do a simple set of manipulations. They will take no more than 10 seconds! But in order, because these 10 seconds also need to be done correctly ...

    To change the screen orientation on a computer (desktop, laptop) with these operating systems, you need to close all open windows, and on free space right-click on the desktop. A context menu will appear, in which, among other items, there will be an item "Screen Resolution". And you have to click on it. A settings window will open, in which you should look for a drop-down list labeled "Orientation". Then everything is simple.

    There are four positions in the drop-down list: landscape, landscape mirror, portrait, portrait mirror. It is enough to select one of them, and the problem on the monitor is solved. To return to the previous state, you must select a turn in the opposite direction. You see - 10 seconds, no more, and the image is what you need.

    Windows XP

    In the system tray, also called the notification area, there is an icon for the video card. You can right-click on it, select the "Rotation Options" item, and there you can figure out how and where to rotate the screen.


    In the Windows XP operating system, the keyboard shortcut is usually enabled by default. In older OS Windows opportunity their use is often disabled in the video card driver settings. You can change these settings if necessary. It’s convenient with them, it’s not 10 seconds anymore, but one.

    • Pressing the combination Ctrl+Alt+up arrow will return the screen to its normal position if it has suddenly rotated 180 degrees.
    • Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow - Rotate the screen 180 degrees down.
    • A set of keys Ctrl + Alt + left arrow - will rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    • A set of keys Ctrl + Alt + right arrow - and the screen rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

    Rotations of 90 degrees are sometimes preferred or just needed over 180 degrees, as 90 degrees is a more "fine" setting that can be used for special occasions.

    Video cards

    Each video card model has its own settings (control panel), in which there will definitely be an item regarding the screen orientation. If it's about graphics adapter NVIDIA, you need to open its control panel by right-clicking on the system tray icon. In the control panel there is a sub-item "Display Rotation". Then it's easy to choose. If there is no icon in the system tray, then the standard operating system driver is used. This driver should be updated to the native one for the video card, then the icon will appear. Similar options for changing the screen orientation exist for all types of video cards.

    Hello! Today we will look at how to flip the screen on a laptop? Once a similar situation happened to me, but fortunately the problem was solved with the help of the Internet. The function buttons helped! Now I'll tell you about them!

    Keyboard shortcut for screen rotation

    Usually the standard keyboard shortcut is used to flip the desktop.

    Here she is: ctrl+alt+arrow. This combination allows you to rotate the screen 90 degrees!

    As you know, there are as many as four arrows on the keyboard and it is not clear which one to press. Here's a simple breakdown:

    1. Pressing the down arrow will flip the screen upside down.
    2. Pressing up will return the image to its original position.
    3. The left arrow will rotate the monitor to the left.
    4. The right one will rotate the display to the right.

    Thus, the hotkey combination will rotate the screen 90 degrees! And in principle, how to rotate the screen on a laptop is now clear. But it may happen that the buttons may not help, they simply will not function. You click but nothing happens. ☹ This situation can be corrected using various applications and built-in functions of the Windows 7,8,10 system.

    How to flip the screen on windows 7?

    This can be done on a laptop using the hotkeys discussed above! Now let's consider another way and use the system tools.

    Step #1.

    To flip the screen, select an empty area on the desktop and right-click on it. This action will trigger the pop-up of a special menu. In it, you need to select the tab " Screen resolution»!

    Step #2.

    Select "Orientation". A list with options will appear. Click the one you need. The default orientation is landscape.

    Then click the "Apply" button to save the settings. After that, click "OK" - this will close the window.

    So flip the worker windows table 7 using the above method can be quite simple!

    The second way how to rotate the screen on a laptop in Windows 7

    If you have a flipped screen on your laptop and you don’t know how to get it back, try the next method!

    Most computers have software for video cards. It allows you to rotate the monitor in a couple of seconds. To do this follow the step by step instructions below.

    Step one!

    Open the tray in the lower right corner.

    A window like this will appear:

    Click on the icon for your graphics device, such as NVIDIA. Then click on the inscription: "Open the panel NVIDIA control».

    Once you do this, the configuration panel will open. Next, select the display item and actually set the degree as needed!

    Now just click " Apply» and all settings are saved!

    How to flip screen on windows 8 laptop?

    You can turn the desktop on this operating system thanks to the built-in tools. For example, almost every computer has graphics from Intel. Below is a graphical instruction.

    First step.

    In the tray, look for " Intel HD Graphics» This icon usually resembles a desktop PC monitor. Double-click on it with the left mouse button and look for graphic characteristics.

    Second step.

    Check main mode and click "OK"

    Third step.

    Go to the Display menu and select the tab Basic settings". In chapter " Turn» You can choose the position of the monitor as you need! Then left click on the " OK» The desktop should flip to the selected position.

    Thus, flipping the screen on Windows 8 is not difficult! Video cards from AMD and NVIDIA also have similar features.

    How to flip screen on windows 10 laptop?

    In order to flip the screen on Windows 10, first try function keys which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. If this way did not help try to use the system tools.

    Here's what to do:

    Step #1.

    Click right button mouse and a menu will appear as in the picture below. You need to click on the section Screen Options» with the left mouse button.

    Step #2.

    As soon as you do this, a window of this type will open:

    Shift your gaze to the section labeled "orientation." Usually the default is Landscape, but if you don’t have it, click on the arrow, as shown in the screenshot and change it.

    Thus, you can rotate the windows 10 screen using hot keys. In addition, you can flip the desktop using the method described above!

    Programs to help flip the screen on a laptop

    This section will cover three main applications.


    This is a simple utility and here are its features:

    1. Distributed for free
    2. Suitable for Windows XP, 2000, 98 and other systems.
    3. Turn the desktop can 180, 90, 270 degrees.
    4. Compatible with graphics cards such as XGI, Matrox, ATI, S3n, Intel, Vidia.
    5. Supports many languages.

    EEERotate App

    Features of this software:

    1. Quite small.
    2. Easy to handle.
    3. Able to rotate the screen in any direction.
    4. Suitable for most versions of Windows.
    5. Distributed for free.
    6. You can control it with hotkeys.

    Pivot Pro Software

    If the screen on the laptop turned over and you don’t know how to fix it, you can use this program!

    The specifics of this utility:

    1. Changes the display orientation by 180 - 90 - 270 degrees!
    2. Built-in ability to control position switching using function keys.
    3. You can download for free.
    4. Remembers color, depth, resolution, orientation.
    5. Can be used on multiple monitors at the same time.
    6. Able to automatically resize the screen for running applications.
    7. You can download the utility for free!

    Thus, if the image on the monitor is upside down, fixing it is quite simple!

    This article on how to rotate the screen on a laptop has come to an end! Good luck!

    On a computer, you can easily rotate the screen 90, 180, or 270 degrees Windows control 10. Often there are situations when the screen on the laptop turned over and does not turn back itself. The whole reason is that the screen rotation is carried out at the software level without using the accelerometer.

    This article will tell you how to flip the screen on a computer or laptop in Windows 10. Even when trying to open the task manager, laptop users miss and manage to rotate the screen. Returning everything back is really very simple, just use one of the solutions below.

    The display rotation function allows you to change the orientation of the desktop. This is useful if the physical display is rotated and you want to adjust the desktop orientation to match its new position.

    If the screen on the laptop is turned upside down, you will need to go to the settings yourself and select a different orientation to fix it. By default, the following display orientations are available in the operating system:

    • landscape- the default value, corresponds to 0 degrees;
    • bookstore- portrait orientation, corresponds to the value of 90 degrees;
    • landscape (inverted)- equals the value of 180 degrees;
    • bookstore (inverted)- the same as flipping 270 degrees.

    And also, depending on the graphics card, you can rotate the screen using the driver program. If it will be possible to decide on the method of flipping the screen.


    Go to section Settings > System > Display. In point Display orientation select value landscape(normal screen layout) or Book(rotate the screen 90 degrees).

    IN context menu desktop select item NVIDIA Control Panel. Now go to location Display > Display Rotation. Select the display whose settings you want to change, and then specify the desired orientation.

    Radeon Settings

    Modern Radeon graphics card drivers do not have the ability to rotate the screen. In case of using which, you need to use the method proposed above using the updated system parameters. Indeed, there is no need to duplicate the screen flip functionality.

    IN previous versions The driver used a component of AMD Catalyst Software. It also had such an opportunity, now it can also be found on old gaming laptops. It is enough to go to General display tasks > Rotate desktop and select the desired rotation by applying the changes. The rotation values ​​already described above are available.

    Intel HD Graphics Control Panel

    In the context menu, select Graphic specifications… In the window that opens, select a category Display > Basic settings. Now it is enough to specify the desired rotation value in degrees. Depending on the version of the program, the interface may differ slightly. But in all versions it is possible to programmatically change the display orientation.

    Windows 10 screen rotation hotkeys

    Really big in Windows 10. Hotkeys table got everything useful combinations available in the operating system. But there is no data on hot keys for screen rotation. This means that changing the screen layout using hotkeys is due to third-party software.

    The Intel HD Integrated Graphics Control Panel allows you to use keyboard shortcuts to quickly rotate the screen. The user just needs to hold down the Ctrl + Alt keys and press the arrows in different directions.

    Additionally, you can install the iRotate utility, which adds its own hot keys to rotate the screen. Its keyboard shortcuts are the same as all of the above.


    Always laptop and computer users could rotate the screen, but this functionality was not needed. Only if the screen itself turned (as users say), then it was necessary to return it to its standard state. Using the operating system, it is possible to set the display to landscape or portrait orientation.
