What settings are needed for windows 10. Hard disk space requirements

Windows 10 is the latest operating system from Microsoft. The OS was first released in the fall of 2014 and has since undergone many changes, both functional and external. On this moment the latest version is the Fall Creators Update. "Ten" unites stationary computers and mobile devices its versatility and ease of use with both classic input devices and the touch screen.

Below you will find everything that each user needs: system requirements, distinctive features, existing versions, update methods and much more useful information. All the data presented in the article is fully consistent with the information from the developers' website.

As before, the OS from Microsoft is not too demanding on computer resources. The configurations differ slightly depending on the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Let's highlight the minimum requirements for running a computer on Windows 10 for 32-bit versions:

  • processor 1 GHz or more;
  • 1 GB random access memory;
  • video adapter with the ability to support DirectX 9 and higher;
  • 16 GB of free space on the hard drive;
  • screen with a resolution of 800 by 600 pixels minimum.

For a 64-bit OS, the requirements differ only in the increased amount of RAM up to 2 GB at least and 20 GB on the hard drive for system files.

  • processor with 1 GHz frequency and higher;
  • 4GB of RAM for 32 and 64-bit versions;
  • 16 GB and 20 GB for installing 32 and 64-bit OS, respectively;
  • minimum resolution 800 by 600 pixels;
  • support for DirectX 9 and above.

May vary depending on your device. necessary equipment to enter information. For personal computers and laptops - this is a keyboard and mouse / touchpad. For touch tablets and laptops, this is the screen. You can always track official information about equipment requirements on the official website.

Additional requirements

In addition to the basic hardware requirements, you must consider the presence of some components and capabilities for the full operation of the operating system. For example, in English versions of the OS, a supported microphone is required to activate voice assistant Cortana. Windows Hello only works with a dedicated infrared camera for facial recognition. To install all applications, you need a Microsoft Store account, as well as Xbox Live. Full list necessary can be found on the official website at the link.

What bit depth to choose

Let's consider the main differences and the concept of the bit depth of the system, without going into technical details, but focusing on what will be important to the average user.

Bit depth is the ability to process commands by the processor in a certain bit mode. IN technical terms and from the hardware side, 64-bit operating systems and processors work much faster and solve more tasks per unit of time, unlike 32-bit ones.

However, for the average user, the difference is not so noticeable. First, bit depth changes maximum amount random access memory. For a 32-bit OS, this value is 3.75 GB, and for a 64-bit OS, this value is more than 4 GB. Secondly, old hardware and software do not support modern 64-bit programs and hardware. Thirdly, x32 OS can only work with 32-bit programs, while x64 is compatible with both 32 and 64-bit applications.

Accordingly, choosing the right bit depth depends on your needs and equipment. If we are talking about an old PC with a small amount of memory, which is used for simple tasks (Internet, office programs), then a 32-bit operating system would be appropriate. If the OS is selected for a computer with a modern processor and a large amount of RAM, then install x64.

Many are concerned about the question: which version is better for games? If we are talking about undemanding projects and games released 5-6 years ago, then the difference will not be noticeable - they all require no more than 4GB of RAM.

Modern games often run only on Windows 10 x64. A prime example is the Forza Horizon and Motorsport series. If you are a fan of Microsoft games, then the 64-bit version is a must for you. For games Sims 3 or Sims 4 (as well as similar ones), 32 bits are also suitable (from the official system requirements).

How to view bit depth

To check the bit depth of the installed "tens", you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Click right click click on the "This PC" shortcut on the desktop and select "Properties".
  1. In the line "System Type" you will see the corresponding inscription.
  1. If you have a 32-bit assembly, but want to upgrade to 64, then you need to check if your processor supports this bit depth. To do this, open the "Run" window using the combination Win + R and enter the command "cmd", then press Enter.
  1. IN command line type "set" and press Enter.
  1. On the screen you will see information regarding the equipment and software. The line "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" must be written x64 or AMD This means that your processor supports 64-bit systems.

Now you know how to choose the correct bit depth and what it affects. Let's move on to the choice of assembly.


The first working version of Windows 10 was the Technical Preview. It was created not for everyday use, but for testing and showing to the public. It does not make sense to install the Technical Preview build now, as it is full of bugs, flaws, and it lacks most of the current features.

The latest release of the OS is the Fall Creators Update, released in 2017. Until mid-summer 2016, Microsoft was giving away licensed copies of the "dozens" for free. However, a license is now required. To download Windows, you need to follow the link and download the Windows 10 installer.

How much does the installed OS weigh

The size of the operating system will depend on the version you choose. The main current versions of the "tens" are presented below:

  • home. Basic version installed on laptops and laptops;
  • professional. Supports small business features;
  • corporate. The version has advanced functionality for business and increased security.

To find out how much your system weighs, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the system partition of the hard drive.
  1. Right-click on the "Windows" folder and select "Properties" from the menu.
  1. In the "General" tab, you will see the size of the operating system on the disk.

How much memory is needed for the system partition

When allocating hard disk space, it is important to consider the possibility of installing OS updates, third party programs and swap file. Therefore, it is not recommended to create a 16 or 20 GB system partition as specified in the system requirements. Be sure to leave free space in the amount of 15-20 GB at least. So you will not run into a problem when you do not have enough hard disk space to install software.

File systems

Default when Windows installation 10 creates a partition with file system NTFS. However, all the latest versions of the "dozens" already support ReFS, which is characterized by increased reliability, high speed of work with a large amount of information and the ability to quickly restore data. ReFS will be useful for those who store on hard drives a large number of large files. The FS itself will take approximately 700 MB on the drive. You can format your hard drive to ReFS standard means operating system:

  1. Right-click on the non-system partition of the hard drive and select "Format".
  1. In the line "File system" set ReFS.

As a result, you will get a completely empty partition with the ReFS file system. In the near future, it will be possible to use this FS also on system partition hard drive.

Downgrading from a previous version of Windows

If you do not want to completely reinstall the operating system, then use the update tool. For this:

  1. Open the page. Click the Update Now button.
  1. Launch Windows 10 Upgrader.
  1. After scanning, the program will prompt you to download the latest OS version. To agree, click on "Update Now".

With this utility, you can find out if your OS supports the transition to Windows 10. The matrix of updates to the "ten" looks like this:

Windows 7 Home, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate
Windows 8 8.1, 8.1 with Bing, 8.1 Pro
Windows phone Phone 8.1

All systems shown in the table are upgradeable toWindows10 without a full reinstall.

Comparison with previous OS

In addition to innovations and various chips, there are functions that are no longer available in the top ten. We list the main changes that will affect the average user:

  • removed "Viewer";
  • removed Media Center;
  • Changed the panel and menu "Start";

If you are considering whether to switch to a new operating system or not just because you have old computer- you can be calm - the system requirements of Windows 10 have not grown much and are comparable to the requirements of operating systems such as Windows 7 and 8. This, of course, cannot but rejoice.

What are the system requirements for Windows 10

Microsoft managed to keep the system requirements at the level of previous operating Windows systems. But do not forget that the requirements below are minimum requirements - i.e. you will be able to install the system and run it, but will the work be comfortable ...

Minimum system requirements

So the minimum requirements

Processor: 1 GHz or higher with PAE, NX and SSE2 support

RAM: 1 GB (for 32- bit system) or 2 GB (for 64-bit)

Hard disk space: 16 GB (for 32-bit system) or 20 GB (for 64-bit system)

Video Card: Microsoft DirectX 9 with WDDM driver

For any comfortable work with the operating system and installed applications We recommend that you choose the following configuration:

Processor: above 2 GHz with support for PAE, NX and SSE2

RAM: 2 GB (32-bit minimum) or 4 GB (64-bit minimum)

Hard disk space: 16 GB (for 32-bit system) or 20 GB (for 64-bit system). It's better if it is SSD drive or high speed HDD.

Video Card: Microsoft DirectX 9 with WDDM driver. To work with office applications any one is suitable, for games and resource-intensive tasks, it is better to choose something more or less powerful.

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in this configuration - most computers have a similar configuration. Please note that not all older processors support PAE, NZ, SSE2 instructions, and their presence is highly desirable for Windows 10.

System requirements for Windows operating systems have been increasing all the time, to install new version needed more powerful computer. But in the "top ten" Microsoft abandoned this trend. This time the company has relied on optimization.

The result was that the system requirements of Windows 10 are similar to those in the "seven". The OS will work fine even on computers and laptops that are weak by modern standards. Moreover, the performance will be higher when compared with previous versions.

Computer Requirements

Before installing the OS, you need to make sure that your computer meets the minimum requirements for Windows 10:

Note: HDD space occupied is for the original imageWindows 10. On the Internet, you can find a custom build of the operating system that has various components cut out, for example, language packs. Such versions are considered lightweight, they require less free memory.

In fact, there is no need to know the system requirements for Win 10 if you have Windows 7 or 8 installed on your computer. In this case, it will fit without problems latest version operating system from Microsoft and, most likely, it will function faster.

You can find the details of the OS installation procedure in our article:.

Differences between a 32-bit and a 64-bit system

In points "RAM" And « HDD» the difference in requirements for a computer for systems of different bit depth is indicated. As you can see, 32-bit Windows requires less fixed and RAM memory. Many users will think that it is better to install this version, because it will consume less computer resources. But this decision is not always the right one.

In connection with the upcoming Anniversary Update, which is expected at the end of July, but you most likely do not know yet that the bar for the minimum system requirements for the operating system will be raised.

According to the Inquirer, after the update, the minimum required amount of RAM to run 32-bit Windows versions will be 2 gigabytes instead of 1 gigabyte at the moment. Thus, the 32-bit version requires the same amount of memory as the 64-bit version. No other specification changes are foreseen yet.

Your old computer with 1 GB of RAM may be able to run 32-bit Windows 10, but you can probably forget about multitasking.

Of course, in most cases you can add memory, but sometimes it can be expensive or technically impossible, especially in the case of older laptops or tablet devices. Users similar devices find themselves in a very uncomfortable position.

Maybe now they'll regret it free update up to Windows 10 with Windows 7/8.1.

Strengthening security

Anniversary update for Windows 10 will most likely be released on the anniversary of the operating system release, with the upcoming update to be tested by members soon Windows programs 10 insiders.

Also, a year after the release of Windows 10, Microsoft plans to equip all new computers with a TPM 2.0 module for improved security. New technology is more secure than TPM 1.2 and supports SHA-256 hashing.

This will affect manufacturers of new computers, but there will be exceptions: TPM will be an optional element for Windows 10 IoT devices, such as the Raspberry Pi.

And how to solve this problem. They did not mention one thing - systemic Windows requirements 10. Perhaps your computer just "does not pull" the operating system.

Let's find out what requirements for the computer are declared by the manufacturer and compare them with previous versions Windows.

What kind of computer do you need for Windows 10?

Even before the release of the operating system, developers from Microsoft assured that even users with weak computers would be able to use the "top ten". The system requirements of this OS were assumed to be at the level of Windows 8.1.

It is worth noting that for 32 and 64 bit computers, the system requirements are different. The latter require somewhat more resources.

Requirements for Windows 10 (32 bit):

  • processor: with clock frequency not less than 1 GHz;
  • RAM: 1 GB minimum;
  • hard disk space: 16 GB;
  • video card: with support for DirectX0 and WDDM 1.0 drivers;
  • minimum display resolution: 800×600;
  • Internet connection.

For Windows 10 x64, the requirements are slightly higher. First of all, users will need more RAM - at least 2 GB. On the hard drive, you should stock up on space twice as much - 32 GB. Otherwise, the requirements for two bits are similar.

Impact of updates

Of course, the requirements listed above were relevant for the fresh, very first installation of the “tens”. With constant updates, your computer needs more resources to keep up with new features and improvements. The most urgent need is free space on the system disk.

Windows 10 automatically installs updates. By the way, you can read the detailed text about. If there is not enough free disk space, or if the computer does not meet the requirements for new features and enhancements, updates are not installed.

Functional limitations

Here are some of the features that are only available on computers with certain specifications:

  • many features and innovations require a personal Microsoft account;
  • Hyper-V client installs only on 64-bit systems Pro versions or Enterprise and requires an additional 2 GB of RAM;
  • extended voice search Cortana is not available in many countries (lucky ones include the US, China, India, a number of European countries, including Spain, France, Italy, England, and many others);
  • Miracast is a standard that works on computers that support the WDDM3 video adapter driver, as well as WiFi connections with Wi-Fi Direct support.

And there are many such functional limitations, it would take too long to list them. But it is important to understand one thing: not a single update, not a single feature, improvement will be installed automatically if the computer does not meet the system requirements.

From personal experience, we still haven't installed the October 2018 Update on our computer. Apparently, our laptop simply will not pull out the new functionality.

Windows 10 vs Windows 7

We have already said that the requirements for Windows 10 are about the same as they were for version 8.1. As for the "seven", opinions are contradictory. Some users note that Windows 7 requires much more resources than the "ten".

Others praise the "seven" for its low resources, and Windows 10 - on the contrary, for too serious requirements for the computer. Especially after major updates. The official requirements for versions 7 and 10 are similar.

Summing up

The requirements for a computer for Windows 10 are quite “democratic”, which was stated by the manufacturer. operating system easy to install on weak computers. The minimum 2 GB of RAM for a 64-bit system is likely to be found by most users.

However, do not forget about updates. New functionality, OS improvements become more demanding with each release of updates. But it should be remembered that Windows 10 does not install updates that are not compatible with the hardware of the laptop. We have referred to our personal experience: So far, the October 2018 updates have not been installed on our computer.

In general, judging by the reviews, Windows 10 performs well on weak computers. On our Acer laptop with 4GB RAM and 4-core Intel processor Pentium with a frequency of 1.6 Hz (characteristics, to put it mildly, budget) "ten" works well. During the use, no special braking, lags, or any serious freezes were noticed.
