Correct connection of apple id. How to create an Apple ID without a credit card, two ways

Bought your first iPhone, iPad or Mac? Then the first thing to do is create an Apple ID. I will tell you now how to do this and why it is needed.

I will create an Apple ID using the example of an iPhone 8 with iOS 12, and then a MacBook running macOS Mojave.

What is an Apple ID and why is it needed

So, Apple ID is a single account for all your Apple devices. It is desirable to create an Apple ID from the very first day of purchase, as this will open access to all the company's online services.

With an Apple ID, you can:

  • install apps from App Store;
  • use services for communication iMessage and FaceTime;
  • use Apple Music;
  • synchronize data;
  • download music and movies from iTunes Store;
  • find your iPhone, iPad or Mac in case of loss or theft.

How to create an Apple ID for free on iPhone or iPad

At the final stages of registering an Apple ID, you will be asked to provide details bank card. Not everyone has such a card, but registration cannot be completed without it.

To create an Apple ID without a card, you need to start registration by downloading any free application. You can do it like this:

  • Launch the App Store app on iPhone;
  • Go to the "Games" section from the bottom panel;
  • Find any free game. Near paid games there is always a price, and next to the free ones there is a “Download” button;
  • Click the button Download»;
  • In the authorization window that appears, click "Create an Apple ID".

Be sure to start creating your Apple ID by downloading the free app
  • Next, you will be asked to enter your email address and password. After registration, this email address will become your Apple ID;
  • In addition to mail, fill in everything that Apple wants from you;

Complete all fields required by Apple
  • In the last step, you will be asked to enter a "Payment Method". Here you need to choose the cherished "No". It was this option that was not available during normal registration.
  • After that, all you have to do is confirm your phone number and email address.

Select "None" as the payment method. Then all that remains is to confirm your email and phone number

How to create an Apple ID using a computer

Principle creation of Apple ID without a card through a computer is exactly the same, only registration takes place through the "desktop" App Store.

  • Go to Finder, select folder Applications and launch the App Store. Usually the App Store is also located in the Dock - a panel with icons at the bottom of the desktop;
  • Go to section Creation and choose any free application. Near such an application there is always a button " Download”, and then - “Create an Apple ID”;

Start creating an Apple ID by downloading any free app
Once your Mac asks for your Apple ID, click on the "Create Apple ID" button
  • Fill all necessary fields. Your email address will be your Apple ID;
  • At the last step, you will see the "Payment Method" field. Select "No";

Fill all necessary fields
Select "None" as the payment method.
  • Next, you just have to confirm your email and phone number.

How to unlink your device from your Apple ID

If you decide to buy an iPhone or iPad from your hands, or received it as a gift from a loved one, then it does not hurt to first untie the phone from the Apple ID of the previous owner. Otherwise, he can easily access your messages, browsing history photos, etc.

This will allow you to create your own personal Apple ID, so that you can then link a card to it and buy apps, movies, and music. The main thing is that the previous owner gives you all the data from his Apple ID.

To unlink your iPhone from your Apple ID, go to Settings → Your name and click "Logout" at the very bottom of the page.

You can unlink your iPhone from your Apple ID in your account settings.

Ready. If, on the contrary, you want to sell or donate your iPhone / iPad, then I also advise you to do all these points, but do not forget to complete all the other steps necessary for.

Please note that once you unlink your device from your old Apple ID, you will no longer be able to use any apps, music, and movies purchased with that Apple ID, as well as you will not be able to use iCloud storage, iMessage, or FaceTime.

🌿 Remember

  1. Apple ID is needed to fully use any Apple technology: phone, tablet, computer and Apple TV;
  2. To create an Apple ID without a credit card, you need to start signing up by downloading the free app;
  3. after registering an Apple ID to protect it from thieves and scammers;
  4. that you received with your Apple ID;
  5. As a bonus.

If you are a user of at least one Apple product, then you are required to have a registered Apple ID account anyway, which is your personal account and storage for all your purchases. How to create this account different ways and will be discussed in the article.

Apple ID is a single account that allows you to store information about your devices, purchase and access media content, work with services such as iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc. In a word, there is no account - there is no way to use Apple products.

There are three ways to register an Apple ID account: using an Apple device (phone, tablet or player), via iTunes and of course through the website.

Method 1: Create an Apple ID through the website

So, you want to create an Apple ID through your browser.

Method 2: Create an Apple ID via iTunes

Any user who interacts with Apple products knows about, which is an effective tool for interacting your gadgets with a computer. But, besides this, it is also an excellent media player.

Naturally, an account can also be created using this program. Earlier on our website, the issue of registering an account through this program, so we will not dwell on it.

Method 3: Registering with an Apple Device

If you have an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, then you can easily register your Apple ID directly from your device.

How to register an Apple ID without linking a bank card

It is far from always that the user wants or can indicate his credit card during registration, however, if, for example, you decide to register from your device, then the screenshot above shows that it is impossible to refuse to specify the payment method. Fortunately, there are secrets that will still allow you to create an account without a credit card.

Method 1: registration through the site

Method 2: Register via iTunes

Registration can be easily done through the iTunes program installed on your computer, and, if necessary, you can avoid linking a bank card.

This process has also already been discussed in detail on our website in the same article on registration through iTunes (look at the second part of the article).

Method 3: Registering with an Apple Device

For example, you have an iPhone, and you want to register an account without specifying the payment method from it.

How to register an account in another country

Sometimes users may find that some applications are more expensive in their native store than in the Store of another country, or are not available at all. It is in these situations that it may be necessary Apple registration ID of another country.

  1. For example, you want to register an American Apple ID. To do this, you will need to launch iTunes on your computer and, if necessary, sign out of your account. Select tab "Account" and go to point "Go out".
  2. Skip to section "Shop". Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click on the flag icon in the lower right corner.
  3. The screen will display a list of countries among which we need to select United States.
  4. You will be redirected to the American store, where in the right area of ​​​​the window you will need to open the section App Store.
  5. Again, pay attention to the right area of ​​​​the window where the section is located. Top Free Apps. Among them, you will need to open any application you like.
  6. Click the button Get to start downloading the application.
  7. Since you need to be logged in to download, a window will appear on the screen. Click the button "Create new Apple ID".
  8. You will be redirected to the registration page, where you will need to click on the button "Continue".
  9. Place a check next to license agreement and click on the button "Agree".
  10. On the registration page, first of all, you will need to provide an email address. In this case, it is better not to use a mail account with Russian domain (en), and register a profile with a domain com. Optimal solution- creating a mailbox Google account. Enter a strong password twice on the line below.

Getting an account from Apple is the first task of any owner of an iOS device. And it is better to do it immediately after its purchase. Without an ID number, it will not be possible to use the functionality of an iPhone or iPad at 100%. If you want to purchase software in the AppStore or reflash your gadget, all these tasks will require ID verification. This number will allow you to activate the search option, and if you lose your device, you can easily find it. The same function will help you put a block on your gadget if it is stolen.

But the most attractive thing about owning an ID is the ability to download hundreds of applications for free from the Apple store. Anyone here will find software to their liking. Programs are presented in a wide variety of categories - for work, entertainment, leisure ...

In the "cloud" you will have access to 5 GB of space. All copies of your device data will also be stored here. And if you set up automatic backup, they will be generated daily.

As a rule, an account is created during the very first launch of an iOS device. But if you prefer the representative of the sixth line to the old iPhone model, tie it to the current number.

To start registration, create a new e-mail intended for this purpose. All data must be entered correctly so that in case of problems when you need to put a block on the gadget or remove it, you can easily remember everything.

Next, let's talk about various options creating an account. This operation is performed both from a PC / laptop through the well-known iTunes app, and through the device itself. Both methods do not require much effort and time. Read on for the steps to follow for each.

Here it is possible to pass the usual registration with the indication of the bank code number and without it. It is necessary to indicate payment data for those who plan to purchase many different products in the AppStore. If you do not need this, feel free to choose the second path.

In any case, you will have to go through the following steps to create an account:

  • In the usual situation with a card, go to the iTunes Store section and select the item to create a new ID. If for some reason you absolutely do not want to indicate the card number, go to the AppStore and find any free access software there. Download and install it on your iPhone. A window will immediately pop up with a proposal to enter under the current account or create a new one. Choose the latter.
  • The next steps will be the same, regardless of your attitude towards using the card. You will need to select your country of residence. Here it is recommended to choose Russia, even if you are in the CIS. The fact is that for the Russian-speaking public, the list of applications is more diverse.
  • Familiarize yourself with license agreements and accept them.
  • Drive in the requested email data, a complex combination of password characters, remember. That it cannot be identical to the login, that is, the ID itself.
  • When entering age data, remember that there is an age limit. Thus, the company does not allow persons under 13 years of age to register. Downloading software is possible from the age of 18.
  • Provide answers to questions and be sure to write them down on paper so that you can recall if necessary.
  • A window will pop up for entering payment data or with the line "No", depending on the previously selected method. Write whatever you need.
  • Click on the "Next" element, this step will complete the operation. It remains to proceed to the mailbox. There should be a message from apple asking you to verify your ID. It will also contain a link that you need to follow.

Using iTunes to create an ID

As in the previous method, there are 2 possibilities here - to work with or without a bank card. Choose what you need. And the algorithm of work will be as follows:

  • Go to the iTunes menu, and then to the store. But this is when providing a card number. If without this - select any free software for downloading and proceed to the menu through it.
  • From this step, everything is normal for both methods. We get into the login field through the current or new account - to choose from. We stop our attention on creating a new ID-number.
  • We provide real information about ourselves. If possible, write down the answers and store them in a safe place.
  • We drive in the data on the bank card, that is, payment. If you logged in through free software, select "No".
  • We find the button for creating ID - numbers from below and click on it.
  • We expect messages from the "apple" company to your e-mail and follow the link. Keep in mind that it does not always come with lightning speed, sometimes you need to wait 1-2 minutes. In situations like this, it's a good idea to check the spare box. If you incorrectly indicated at least one character in the main, then the message will come there. Double-check your spam folders and trash. Not always postal workers correctly determine them.

Benefits of having an ID number

As you have already understood, creating an ID is a simple and time-consuming operation. But the result will be excellent. It will be expressed in such pluses as:

1 Access to a variety of software and other products. Other manufacturers of mobile devices cannot boast of something similar. Moreover, most applications are distributed freely, that is, they can be downloaded without any payment. And if you decide to purchase a paid product, its cost is unlikely to exceed 7-10 dollars. Downloading can be done directly from an iPhone via the "cloud" or via a PC / laptop using iTunes. 2 many free space in iCloud storage. From here at any time you can get any file or perform a backup. It is very convenient that there is an option to create copies on the machine. If you activate it, they will be prepared daily. 3 Ability to activate the iPhone search option. This will protect the device in case of theft, as it will turn it into a useless piece of metal if the rightful owner activates this mode. The option allows you to put a block on the gadget and erase personal photos so that they do not fall into the hands of scammers.

Thus, the ID number is our "passport" in the Apple ecosystem. By purchasing it, we can enjoy all the benefits available there and at the same time provide effective protection for our device.

How to remove Apple ID: choose the best way

There are two options for how to do this:

  • Change account information on the account management page.
  • Write to support on the company's resource on the network.

The second method is not particularly difficult - you just need to fill out a form on the site. Let's talk about the second one in more detail. To implement it, we need a PC / laptop on any operating system (or any iOS-device) and stable access to the network.

Changing registration data is the easiest way to remove an ID. Moreover, you can change the information in any order. For example, it can be an address or any other data. The account is saved.

On a PC, you need to launch iTunes, go to the software store and click on the sign in button.

We go into its settings and drive in the necessary changes in personal data, save them.

Keep in mind that connecting an invalid e-mail to your account will not work, because to confirm the changes you need to follow the link that should come to the e-mail.

The same process can be performed through a resource on the network. To do this, follow the address: Enter your username and password characters. After completing these steps, the Apple ID account will be deleted. Is it possible to delete an ID on an iPhone 5 or other device in a different way? Of course, this has already been mentioned above. If it's easier for you, contact support directly.

In general, both creating an Apple ID account and deleting it are standard operations that do not require special knowledge. Even a schoolboy can handle them.

Apple ID (app id) - a universal identifier required for authorization in software products and on Apple's web resources (iCloud, App Store, iBooks, iTunes, Game Center, etc.).

The Apple system allows registration of multiple IDs per user. But at the same time, it excludes the merging of created accounts. In addition, as practice shows, the use of two or more identifiers on devices and a computer causes a number of specific problems.

You can create an Apple ID as follows: mobile device(on iPhone or iPad), and on PC. Let's consider separately these registration options.


You need the iTunes app to create an Apple ID. If it is not installed on your computer, do the following:

Note. Installation guide for operating systems Windows family.

1. Go to the official download page -

2. In the left panel, click the "Download" button.

3. Run the downloaded installer as an administrator.

4. In the installer window, enable/disable the necessary settings (adding a shortcut, file association, updates).

5. Click Install.

6. In the application window, click the Store section.

7. In the search bar, type Skype or the name of some other free application.

Attention! If you want to check in without a card, be sure to choose free program.

8. Under the program icon, click Download.

9. In the window that opens, click "Create an Apple ID".

10. In the "Provide information" form, enter your valid email address. Think up and enter a password with a length of at least 10-14 characters; it must consist of lowercase and uppercase English letters, numbers.

11. Choose three security questions (click on the field to open a list of options) and come up with answers to them.

12. Enter your date of birth (day/month/year fields).

13. If necessary, turn off the newsletter to the mailbox (checkboxes in the section "Would you like to receive ... ?").

14. Click Continue.

15. In the "Payment Method" section, select payment system(Visa, MasterCard…) that you plan to use in your profile to make purchases. If you want to specify the payment details of the card later, select "No" in the panel (click once with the left button on the inscription).

16. Indicate your first and last name (according to passport data), residential address (street, house number, city, postal code), telephone number.

Attention! Specify accurate (real) data about yourself, as the system uses them to issue a payment account.

17. Check the questionnaire for correct filling. If everything is OK, click Create Apple ID.

18. In the new window, under the text of the message, click "OK".

19. Go to the specified email. In the Apple service message, click the account activation link.

Now all Apple user resources are available to you!

Mobile devices

1. On the desktop of the device, tap the App Store.

2. Select a free program in the online store if you do not want to immediately indicate the bank card details during registration.

3. In the panel of the selected application, click "Download", and then "Install".

4. In the menu that appears, select Create an Apple ID.

5. Select your country of residence from the list. Click next.

6. Read Apple's privacy policy and terms of use. Tap "Accept" (in this and additional window).

7. Enter a valid email address. Make up a password from large and small Latin letters, numbers 10-14 characters long.

8. Choose three questions and type the answers to them.

9. It is not necessary to specify a backup email (you can leave the field blank).

10. Enter your date of birth. Click "Finish" and "Next".

11. Choose a payment method. If you want to enter payment information later in the profile settings, click "No" in the list.

12. Fill out the questionnaire (name and surname, address, telephone number). Click "Next" again.

13. Open the letter from Apple on the specified mailbox. In the text of the message, click on the link "Confirm now".

That's all! Apple ID is activated and can be used.
