Download vorbisfile dll 64 bit. File vorbisfile dll for GTA San Andreas missing download

Want to play a GTA game but it won't load? There is a system failure and you do not know how to act in such a situation. Will a reinstall solve this problem? Most often, the system gives an error immediately after installing the game, less often you can see it in the process.

The window in which the problem arose immediately suggests reinstalling GTA. But this is a very long process, which will take a lot of time. It will be much easier to install an application called vorbisfile.

The vorbisfile dll is one of the important elements required for Ogg Vorbis, which must be installed in order to download various applications and games. These kinds of errors can manifest themselves for several reasons. For example, when a file is deleted or damaged on a computer. Next, we will analyze the most common mistakes in the library in question.

Possible problems

To decide this problem, you need to understand why it appears. The error could occur because:

  • Not found specified module when starting the program.
  • The file is incompatible with the one you are using. Windows version or not intended for it.
  • The complete absence of this program on the PC.
  • Lack of a library.

To correct the error, you will first need to download Vorbisfile.dll for GTA San Andreas, and move it to the windows folder. Be sure to check the folder the right game or a program, in some situations the file may be located there.

In general, it is worth noting that the main reason why the program does not want to work is the installation of a pirated version of the game. If you have access to licensed version, it is better to try to install it. This will take you 20 minutes of your time.

Also in a number of other reasons is the antivirus. An antivirus program might check HDD on malicious files, if they have detected damage by a virus, the file is automatically moved to quarantine or deleted. It is also worth noting that the library itself could have been affected by the virus. I advise you to check your computer with several antiviruses in order to completely eliminate failure for this reason.

The actual removal of the program could be caused by failures in the OS, or an error in the completion of the installation of GTA. Incorrect shutdown of any program can easily provoke such errors.

Removing or moving applications could be accidentally provoked by the PC user himself, most often this happens when reinstalling the game. Be careful to avoid the occurrence of this problem through your negligence.

Methods for getting rid of the error

In fact, we can observe only three solutions to this trouble:

  • Downloading the game.
  • Follow the following algorithm to download the desired application:

    • Download vorbisfile dll;
    • Copy the file to system32, then to SysWOW64;
    • Open tasks Win + R;
    • We introduce the combination regsvr32 vorbisfile.dll;
    • We restart the PC.

    Never download a vorbisfile from dubious and little-tested sites, this is the most dangerous option for your OS. You need to find the official site, if one was not found, then it is possible to download from sites marked in the Google line with the most stars. In addition to the fact that the game is already damaged, the entire OS may also be affected.

    GTA San Andreas is one of the most popular games of all time. A rare user buys a licensed version of this game, most prefer to download it from the Internet. The licensed game is installed with a full set of libraries, unlike hacked versions. They often stop working because the vorbisfile.dll file is missing from the computer. An error may appear immediately after installing the game, or it may suddenly appear in the middle of gameplay. The error window suggests reinstalling GTA, but this is a long way, it's easier to download Vorbisfile.dll. This way you will save your game progress and spend less time restoring the game.

    Download Vorbisfile.dll from a trusted source, otherwise you can catch a virus. Even if the library is not infected, there is a chance that the antivirus will remove it, so sometimes you can add vorbisfile.dll to the exceptions. You can download the Vorbisfile.dll file from us. Then you need to find the root folder of the game and put the library in it. Most often this is C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) but pirated versions can be installed elsewhere. To find out exactly where GTA is installed, click right click on the game shortcut and select "Properties". There, in the "Object" field, the path to the root folder will be written. Once you have found where to put vorbisfile.dll and put it there, restart your computer. If this does not help, then try registering the library.

    The algorithm of actions is extremely simple:

    • Download Vorbisfile.dll for GTA San Andreas
    • Find the root folder with the game
    • Put Vorbisfile.dll there
    • Enjoy the game!

    No additional action is required, most likely the game will work even without restarting the computer. If this does not help, then you downloaded a corrupted version of the game, try downloading it from another source.

    We recommend that you first download and install Directshow Filters for Ogg Vorbis, using this framework, you can fix given error automatically. You just need to download to your computer and run the file, the program will do everything for you. It's easier than downloading dll file, and place it manually.

    Not so long ago, the world saw an update of the GTA San Andreas modification with multiplayer developed by the SAMP Team enthusiasts. Numerous fans of the series immediately began to download and install the long-awaited update, but when launching the game's executable file, many of them get an error related to the missing or corrupted vorbisfile.dll file.

    What to do in this case? What is this file and where can I find it? Users immediately launch the browser and type search query like download vorbisfile dll. Most of these attempts do not lead to anything good: to download a file, you need to send an SMS, instead of a dynamically loaded library or archive with it, sites offer to download an executable file with malicious code embedded in it.

    Let's consider what this file is responsible for and how to avoid an error the next time you start San Andreas.

    What is vorbisFile.dll responsible for?

    Before you start downloading vorbisFile.dll, you need to find out why the game does not start without it. VorbisFile.dll is a dynamically loaded file, which is one of the components for decoding and playing audio. In other words, this is an audio codec responsible for playing Ogg Vorbis files on Windows 7, 8 and 10. If such an error occurs in the system, then you need to do one of two things:

    • install or update an already installed Ogg Vorbis codec for decoding and playing multimedia on a computer;
    • install or update all codecs.

    The second option can additionally solve problems that arise with other similar libraries. For example, after loading vorbisFile.dll, the game can access other codec components, but it doesn’t get to that point - an error appears.

    The best solution to the problem for GTA San Andreas would be to install a package of codecs, the best of which is on this moment is K-Lite Codec Pack. It can be downloaded from the link.

    After downloading, run the executable file and follow the instructions. If you are not guided by the proposed settings, it is better to leave everything by default.

    In the window with the suggestion to display thumbnails for video files, check only if you work for enough powerful computer, because this operation requires considerable hardware resources.

    Install dll separately

    If for some reason you do not need a codec pack, the solution to the problem is to download the file separately, which is responsible for processing audio files in the ogg format. Download latest version vorbisfile.dll can be found below. Upon completion of the download, we transfer the files to the folder with the game.

    This article is about what the vorbisfile.dll file is and why it can be downloaded for free from our website.

    Probably any gamer who has encountered GTA San Andreas is well aware of the situation when, when starting the game, a sign appears with information about the error "vorbisfile.dll is missing ... reinstall the application."

    And everything would be fine if this problem was really solved with a simple reinstallation of the game. But according to the law of meanness, this is not so. Deciding to get by with reinstalling the game, just waste your time. The error associated with the vorbisfile.dll file usually occurs among those gamers who decide to save on buying a license and download a hacked game from a torrent tracker. Many files in such games are modified. Therefore, the antivirus, when it sees a discrepancy between the contents of the libraries, automatically deletes them or sends them to quarantine. And here there can be no question of any correct operation of the game.

    But if there was no way out of this situation, then now you would not be reading this article. And the decision suggests itself. If there is not enough file to run the same GTA SanAndreas, then you need to make up for the loss. But where and how? The answer is already in front of you.

    On our site you can download the vorbisfile.dll file for GTA San Andreas and many other games for free, and then install it correctly. Beware of scammers offering to download dll files for money. Not only will you waste your savings, but you also risk harming your computer with files of dubious origin.

    There is nothing difficult in installing the vorbisfile.dll file. You will need minimal user skills, a few minutes of time and the GTA world is open again for your new exploits.

    The algorithm of actions is very simple:

    1. First you need to download the program vorbisfile.dll

    2. Disable antivirus protection

    3. Unzip the file and copy to clipboard

    4. Copy the file to the root of the game folder

    5. Restart PC

    6. Start the game.

    After that, you can safely resume your antivirus. You can save the archive with the dll just in case. It can always come in handy in the future, if not with GTA, then with another game. Agree, this is not the highest price for the opportunity to safely enjoy your favorite hobby.

    From what you read in this article, you probably managed to understand that this method The solution to the problem is very simple in terms of implementation. The main thing is to follow the order of actions. If you still have any questions about installing the vorbisfile.dll file, then we suggest you watch a short video that illustrates everything that you read above in detail and in an accessible way. We can only wish you good luck and new achievements in games.


    Learning how to download and install vorbisfile.dll is required by a very small number of PC users with an operating system from Microsoft.

    Most often, the problem occurs only for those who play games like GTA San Andreas.

    However, even just one non-starting game application can be a serious cause for frustration, especially if there are many interesting saves and situations that you would like to play to the end.

    Solving the problem is not too difficult - even in a pinch, it will take no more than 20 minutes.

    Cause of the problem

    The main reasons for the error with a missing or not starting vorbisfile.dll on Windows 7 are:

    • The action of some kind of virus or malicious code that affects libraries and executable files;
    • File write error, as a result of which it is either completely destroyed or written incorrectly;
    • Correction of a file by an antivirus program that correctly or erroneously detected the presence of a virus in the library.

    Important! The problem is often found in GTA San Andreas, an action game released in 2004 that remains popular among modern users. Sometimes an error can occur when starting, for example, the equally famous game Line Age II.

    In this case, the user sees messages that the required library is either not found, or is missing, or it could not be registered.

    Sometimes an access violation message appears. After clicking the "OK" button, you should proceed to solve the problem.

    Download methods

    There are few ways to solve the problem with the game - in fact, only three - this is downloading the file separately, reinstalling the entire game, or downloading the software package that contained vorbisfile.dll.

    Where to begin?

    The first and most logical, at first glance, option is to download the library from the first site found in the search results and run it on a computer that is actually the most dangerous for the system.

    Indeed, in addition to the fact that the virus has already damaged the game itself, now it can threaten the entire operating system, which will almost certainly include a new malicious code from an archive downloaded from an unreliable source.

    You can try to download and reinstall the entire GTA San Andreas.

    But, even if you have access to a licensed version (for example, on a disk), this process will take at least 15-20 minutes - so it's better to try a faster and more reliable method first.

    And it is better to leave the reinstallation as a last resort - if other methods do not help.

    The right approach to the problem

    The surest, fastest and safest option for resolving the issue with the library is not downloading, but saving it on a computer (if possible, on a separate medium), and, if problems occur, installing a working copy in place.

    However, if the problem still could not be foreseen, you should pay attention to the sites associated with the library developer, Borland Software Corp.

    If you could not find one, you can download vorbisfile.dll from the sites marked in the line Google search 4 or 5 stars, indicating their reliability.

    The procedure for this is approximately the following:

    • Find a suitable site;
    • Using the download manager, save the library on your hard drive;
    • Check the archive or the library itself with an antivirus (usually antivirus programs they themselves notice the code that can damage the system, but it’s better to make sure of this again);
    • Open the folder where the GTA San Andreas game is installed (if the path to it is unknown, it can be found in the properties of the shortcut on the desktop);

    • Copy the downloaded file from the downloads folder to the game directory;
    • To restart a computer.

    Special difficulties this process does not represent, but does not always help. If only because, in addition to this library, others can be damaged.

    And the vorbisfile.dll file itself may not work.

    This means that you will have to install the entire package of libraries - for this, a codec like Ogg Vorbis, downloaded for free from the official website of the manufacturer, is quite suitable.

    Wherein installation program independently selects the folder in which the file is saved.

    Additional actions

    In addition to downloading vorbisfile.dll and installing it on Windows 7, additional steps may be required to ensure that GTA San Andreas will work in the future.

    These include:

    • Fix invalid registry entries with appropriate programs like CCleaner;
    • Removal of all malicious programs located on the computer. To do this, you can use such a free and powerful, albeit one-time, antivirus as Curelt from Dr.Web.
