Laptop tracking program. Hidden computer surveillance

Vadim Zakharikov, CEO online service "Planado", has compiled a list of ten services that will help monitor the work of employees, including remote ones.

In a difficult economic environment, businesses are forced to reduce costs and work to improve efficiency. Specialized ones can come to the rescue here and help improve the quality of employees’ work.

Improving the efficiency of office employees

The trend to create the most comfortable conditions for employees in the office has its side effects - sometimes excessive concern for the team on the part of managers leads to employees relaxing and becoming less effective. To combat such phenomena, a number of specialized services are used.

« Boss Control»

Turnstiles have long been installed at the entrance to most office premises, with the help of which data on employee attendance can be collected - to enter the office you need to attach a pass. The problem here is that setting up control systems running locally is not the easiest thing.

In turn, “Boss Control” is a service that consists of access control terminals and a data processing service. The terminal is hung on the wall, employees use it to check in at the entrance, and then the system generates attendance reports. If an employee is late for no good reason, leaves work early, or takes frequent smoke breaks, this will become known immediately. As a result, employees spend more time at work.

Pay Punch

Biometric system for recording employee attendance and time worked. By analogy with the previous tool, a special device is also installed in the office, to which employees place their finger or hand. In this way, time worked is monitored, which is especially convenient if it is necessary to calculate wages on an hourly basis.

Information about employee attendance is automatically transmitted to management and. Since the system is biometric, it will not be possible to deceive it, for example, by asking a colleague in the office to attach the card of an absent employee.


However, the mere fact of being in the office and at the workplace does not mean that the employee is working effectively. Nothing prevents him from “creating the appearance” of vigorous activity, in fact, wasting time on non-work related sites or entertainment applications. Losses from such unproductive pastime can be quite significant - according to various estimates, this causes total damage to the country's economy in the hundreds of billions of rubles per year.

In order to find out what percentage of an employee’s working time was spent on solving business problems, and how much he “procrastinated” on entertainment resources, the CrocoTime service helps. Based on the collected data, it calculates the productivity ratio of each employee, and also provides management with reports on which resources take up the most time from employees.

Another system for increasing the efficiency of office employees. not only collects information about the programs and applications used, but also monitors compliance with the work schedule, and also records overtime.

Subsequently, reports are created that allow you to understand the structure of the working day of each specific employee - what tasks take them the most time, in what periods they work more or less. This data helps management optimize work processes so as not to overload workers, but also not to allow them to relax too much.

Control of field workers

It is easier to control office employees, if only for the simple reason that they are in one place and, as a rule, the manager can communicate with them quite easily. Field work is another matter - for example, installation of equipment, furniture assembly, cleaning or delivery.

Here, employees often have greater freedom, which sometimes leads to problems - for example, poor quality work or deception ("hack work" for the client, bypassing the employer using company materials and tools).

To increase the efficiency of mobile workers, as well as to better control them, special tools are used, which in the West are called field management.

Working on the road means freedom—and that's what mobile workers often value. However, the absence of a boss standing “over the soul” creates various temptations. From the banal deception of the employer - no one will stop you from doing the work and taking the money into your pocket - to mistakes when performing a task due to skipping some unimportant steps, in the opinion of the master.

Field management tools, including the Planado service, are designed to give business managers the opportunity to control their employees and set a uniform standard for how they perform their work.

For example, checklists (checklists) help to do this - in mobile application employee contains information about the order, and also lists all the steps that need to be taken to solve the problem in the best possible way. This eliminates unnecessary amateur activities when performing the same type of work (which, as a rule, field employees do), and improves its overall quality. In addition, in such conditions, beginners make fewer mistakes and get involved in the work process faster.

After solving the problem, the employee creates a photo report in the application, which shows that the work was done with high quality (assembled furniture, installed equipment, a clean room after cleaning, etc.), and sends him to the office. This way management can immediately see shortcomings and point them out. In addition, the service is integrated with Yandex. Maps”, which allows the employer to see the movements of employees in real time and optimize their routes taking into account traffic jams. This helps to complete more orders per day.


The Mobiforce service also helps companies monitor their field employees. The tool is designed to work with the 1C: Enterprise 8 system. With its help, managers can quickly distribute tasks among mobile employees, control their movements, track task completion statuses, and exchange instant messages with them.

In addition, the system collects job performance data and generates employee performance reports that take into account more than 30 different metrics.


The Task24 service provides a kind of remote order exchange. With its help, mobile employees can log into the system and sort out orders that are more convenient for them to complete (however, they can also be assigned to a specific employee). After accepting the order, the master opens detailed information about the task. While performing work, the employee notes his labor costs in the system.

As in the examples above, the system tracks the location of employees on a map. Based on the results of the work, the system generates reports that can be used, for example, to calculate wages. In addition, an API has been implemented that allows you to upload information to 1C and other systems, as well as integrate Task24 with the software of call center employees.

Control of remote employees

When working with remote employees (freelancers, personal assistants, etc.), the problem of control is one of the main ones. To increase the productivity of such interactions, company representatives can also use specialized software.


A simple service with an uncomplicated design. Helps to structure information when working with remote employees and freelancers. Communication between a manager or customer and a contractor takes place in Jabber chat, where, using special commands, you can assign tasks to the employee that will not be lost in the communication logs, but will be entered into the database.

Thus, you can always restore the entire sequence of tasks and subtasks. In this case, the system will not allow the contractor to report the completion of the work if any of the subtasks have not been completed.

Tracking plan progress

There are a large number of project management systems. With their help, managers can track the actual performance of an employee, and not just collect information about the time spent in the office or the programs used during the day.


The Pyrus service allows you to solve the problem of missing deadlines, which can seriously harm a business - very often even important projects are completed later than the established deadlines, which has various negative consequences for the business.

Pyrus allows you to identify employees who miss deadlines. With the help of such software, managers can track tasks and debug business processes, as well as identify employees who do not have time to complete work on time.

Improving the efficiency of restaurant workers

The restaurant business has traditionally suffered from employee abuse and inefficiency. Cases of poor service or banal theft occur all the time. Restaurateurs strive to overcome these problems by introducing special control tools.


There are a large number of personnel monitoring tools for restaurants. Historically, such services were divided into cloud ones, when all information is stored on a remote server, and local ones, when all the necessary data is stored directly in the establishment. Each type of system had its own disadvantages - when used cloud services If there are problems with the Internet connection, the work of the restaurant can stop, and in the case of local hosting, careless employees can gain access to the data, which opens the way for abuse.

That's why hybrid systems like Jowi began to appear. They combine both methods of working with data - the system can work locally even without the Internet, and when a connection is established, the data is uploaded to a cloud server.

Such tools help increase the speed of service by automating the process of taking an order and transferring it from the waiter to the cook. The usage scenario could be like this: using a tablet with installed application the waiter takes the order, the kitchen immediately displays a list of dishes to the cook, and the hall manager can set the time during which he must prepare the order. Then the waiter will also receive a notification on the tablet, and he will go to pick up the order (and will not constantly go to the kitchen to find out how things are going with him).

In addition to the actual automation of work, control systems provide the ability to receive reports on all important indicators of the restaurant - data on orders, remaining products in the warehouse, etc. All this reduces the likelihood of fraud - employees cannot hide part of the proceeds or, for example, steal food from the kitchen and drinks from the bar.

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Personal Monitor
For parental controls

Best program computer tracking

The Mipko Personal Monitor program monitors (also covert surveillance is possible) the computer in 14 positions. Options for monitoring and covert surveillance of employee computers can be configured for each of the positions, or for several at once. The program interface is simple and easy to use; anyone can operate it.

I purchased your program when the need arose to control the child. He spent a lot of time on social networks, then disappeared somewhere on the street. To somewhat know what to expect, I looked for a program to track visited pages on social networks and intercept clicks. Your program has these functions in full.

Sergey Fedorov

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Demon paid version
for 3 days

Very convenient and intuitive interface

In order for anyone to use the program, its creators gave each interface action a simple name. Here you will not find complex technical terms, and the display of settings, work process and monitoring of computer tracking results will be clear even to those who have just begun to get acquainted with the PC.

Interception of messages in Skype, GTalk, Qip, ICQ, Mail.Ru Agent, Miranda and other instant messengers

It's no secret that instant messaging services are now extremely popular. Often, with their help, not only personal communication takes place, but “bad” matters are also discussed. ICQ interception occurs due to the fact that the user types his message on the computer keyboard.

Recording information entered from the keyboard

It is rare that a computer at home or in the office does not have a keyboard. The surveillance program records words and phrases in any language, as well as symbols, in its database.

Monitoring the contents of the clipboard

The great advantage of the program is the ability to covertly monitor even seemingly insignificant operations. This way you will always know the contents of the clipboard, without which regular user while working on a computer simply cannot get by.

Screenshots (screenshots) after a specified period of time

Monitoring intermediate stages of work on a PC also includes screenshots. Together with textual "intelligence" they help to get a complete impression of what is happening on the computer on which the program is installed. Depending on the settings, screenshots can display what is happening on the PC, both at regular intervals and with each mouse click.

Monitoring visited sites

Are you surprised where your traffic is going? Monitoring your computer will help you answer this question. You will receive a detailed report of all sites visited by the user. In addition, a list of addresses where your child accessed the Internet will easily explain why you are once again called to school. Hidden monitoring of visits to Internet sites will also make it clear why an employee of your company did not have time to prepare the monthly report on time.

Visible/invisible operating mode

Depending on the tasks you set, the monitoring program can work in both visible and invisible mode. In invisible mode, keylogger is not noticed not only by the users themselves, but also by those installed on computers antivirus programs(for this you must add Mipko Personal Monitor to the exceptions).

Monitoring program startup and termination

A significant addition to the picture of what is happening on a particular computer is monitoring the startup and closing of programs. This function can be useful both for finding out the causes of any technical problems, and for determining the timeliness or untimeliness of using this or that software application.

Monitor computer startup/shutdown/reboot

Another function of the monitoring program, designed to reveal the mysteries of PC behavior. Monitoring the computer's on/off/reboot allows you not to miss a single detail in the chain of events occurring with the machine/machines.

Full multi-user support

Probably everyone wanted to follow someone at least once. Today I will show you how you can monitor your computer without breaking the law, although only your own computer, or your work computer if you are an administrator.

Why monitor your computer? You don’t have to go far, parents often want to have complete control over their children and are ready to check what their children are watching while they are not at home.


Hello friends, today everyone can feel like an “agent” who can fully control everything that happens on their computer. Especially if there is only one computer in the house and you are curious, then this is your day.

Just imagine, you are a jealous husband or wife, you go to work, and your significant other sits at the computer all day, and when you return, they have an ear-to-ear smile on their faces. And then you think, is this such a joy because I returned home or something else was interesting. Now you can sit down at your computer and see what happened on it throughout the day.

For everyone, this is a question of morality. Therefore, be careful, this can harm your relationship, you yourself must be aware of your actions and all the possible consequences.

Let's look at another option: you are strict parents who control your child and left home on business. And the child immediately ran to the computer, when they returned, he immediately threw the computer, saying it was not interesting. Quite an interesting situation, isn't it? And you quietly sat down at the computer and looked at the report on all the actions that were performed on it by the child. Thus, they made sure that he didn’t do anything terrible there.

Don't you have enough examples? Okay, you are a curious child who is kicked out of your parents’ room in the evening, but you are wondering what Mom and Dad are watching when they kick you out. Here again, everything is in your power, but be prepared to get hit in the neck if your parents find out that you are spying on them.

I hope you are an adequate person and understand that you cannot use programs of this kind on other people’s computers, for this you can be punished by law. Therefore, I say again, we use the spy program only on our computer.

Of course, if you have your own company with employees and at some point you want to control their work, then please install a tracking program on all work computers and directly via the Internet see what your employees want at work.

Computer tracking software NeoSpy

Before you start installing the program, let me tell you a little about its powerful capabilities.

Of course, the main essence of the program is to control everything that happens on the computer. It closely monitors the user, who suspects nothing, and saves progress reports in several convenient formats. If you need free surveillance and don't want to pay for it, then this great program, but to get the report you will need to go to the computer every time.

And if you have a paid version of the program, then you can view all reports directly online. From any other device.

The NeoSpy program integrates so well into the system that it can not only broadcast to online mode everything that happens on the computer you are monitoring, but also take pictures from the web camera.

During the tracking process, the application records everything that is typed on the keyboard, that is, all correspondence can be seen at any time without problems. Everything that was on the clipboard is saved.

If something is copied on the computer being monitored, the program will see it and make a copy for itself. It will give you all the secrets about traffic on the Internet, each site will be recorded and you will be able to see what the user did on it.

You can set a time interval for screenshots and then the program will take a screenshot every minute, if you want, it will take a screenshot every ten seconds, and then you can see everything that happened on the computer in the form of pictures, a small comic book.

Download computer spying software

Available versions of the program, all sources lead to the official website and have been tested for security

I will show you the downloading and configuration process in detail in the video review at the end of the article, so just scroll through and see how to properly configure the program for total computer surveillance.

Who among us hasn’t wanted to feel like a cool hacker at least once and break at least something? :) Even if not, then let’s talk about how great it would be to get a password from your mail/social network. the network of a friend, wife/husband, roommate thought at least once by everyone. :) Yes, and you have to start somewhere, after all! A significant part of attacks (hacking) involves infecting the victim’s computer with so-called keyloggers (spyware).

So, in today’s article we’ll talk about what are free programs to monitor computers on windows based , where you can download their full versions, how to infect a victim’s computer with them, and what are the features of their use.

But first, a little introduction.

What are keyloggers and why are they needed?

I think you yourself have guessed what it is. As a rule, they are a kind of program that is hidden (although this is not always the case) installed on the victim’s computer, after which it records absolutely all keystrokes on this node. Moreover, in addition to the clicks themselves, the following is usually recorded: the date and time of the click (action) and the program in which these actions were performed (browser, including the website address (hurray, we immediately see what the passwords are from!); local application; system services (including Windows login passwords), etc.).

From here one of the problems is immediately visible: I got access to my neighbor’s computer for a couple of minutes and I want to get her password from VK! I installed the miracle program and returned the computer. How can I look up passwords later? Looking for a way to take the computer from her again? The good news is: usually not. Most keyloggers are capable of not only storing the entire accumulated database of actions locally, but also sending it remotely. There are many options for sending logs:

  • A fixed email (there may be several) is the most convenient option;
  • FTP server (who has one);
  • SMB server (exotic, and not very convenient).
  • A fixed flash drive (you insert it into the USB port of the victim’s computer, and all logs are copied there automatically in invisible mode!).

Why is all this needed? I think the answer is obvious. In addition to the banal stealing of passwords, some keyloggers can do a number of other nice things:

  • Logging correspondence in specified social networks. networks or instant messengers (for example, Skype).
  • Taking screenshots of the screen.
  • View/capture webcam data (which can be very interesting).

How to use keyloggers?

And this is a difficult question. You need to understand that just finding a convenient, functional, good keylogger is not enough.

So, what is needed for a spy program to work successfully?:

  • Administrator access to a remote computer.
    Moreover, this does not necessarily mean physical access. You can easily access it via RDP (Remote Desktop Service); TeamViewer; AmmyAdmin, etc.
    As a rule, the greatest difficulties are associated with this point. However, I recently wrote an article about how to get administrator rights in Windows.
  • Anonymous e-mail / ftp (by which you will not be identified).
    Of course, if you are breaking Aunt Shura for your neighbor, this point can be safely omitted. As is the case if you always have the victim’s computer at hand (ala, find out your brother/sister’s passwords).
  • Lack of working antiviruses / internal Windows protection systems.
    Most public keyloggers (which will be discussed below) are known to the vast majority of antivirus software (although there are logger viruses that are built into the OS kernel or system driver, and antiviruses can no longer detect or destroy them, even if they have detected them). Due to the above, anti-virus software, if any, will have to be mercilessly destroyed. In addition to antiviruses, systems like Windows Defender(these first appeared in Windows 7 onwards). They detect suspicious activity in software running on a computer. You can easily find information on how to get rid of them on Google.

These, perhaps, are all the necessary and sufficient conditions for your success in the field of stealing other people’s passwords / correspondence / photos or whatever else you want to encroach on.

What types of spyware are there and where can I download them?

So, let's begin the review of the main keyloggers that I used in my daily practice with links to download them for free full versions(i.e. all versions are the latest at the moment (for which it is possible to find a cure) and with already working and tested cracks).

0. The Rat!

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 10
  • Convenience/usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

It's just a bomb, not a keylogger! In working condition it takes 15-20 KB. Why be surprised: it is written entirely in assembly language (veteran programmers shed tears) and written mostly by enthusiastic hackers, due to which the level of its secrecy is simply amazing: it works at the OS kernel level!

In addition, the package includes FileConnector - a mini-program that allows you to connect this keylogger with absolutely any program. As a result, you get a new exe of almost the same size, and when launched, it works exactly like the program with which you glued it together! But after the first launch, your keylogger will be automatically installed in invisible mode with the parameters for sending logs that you have previously specified. Convenient, isn't it?

An excellent opportunity for social engineering (bring a game file/presentation to a friend on a flash drive, or even just a Word document (I’ll tell you how to create an exe file that launches a specific word/excel file in one of my next articles), launch, everything is fine and wonderful, but the friend is already invisibly infected!). Or you just send this file to a friend by mail (it’s better to download a link to it, since modern mail servers prohibit sending exe files). Of course, there is still a risk from antiviruses during installation (but it will not exist after installation).

By the way, using some other techniques you can glue any distribution together hidden installation(these are available in The Rat! and Elite keylogger) not only with exe files (which still raise suspicion among more or less advanced users), but also with ordinary word / excel and even pdf files! No one will ever think anything about a simple pdf, but that’s not the case! :) How this is done is the topic of a whole separate article. Those who are especially zealous can write me questions through the feedback form. ;)

Overall, The Rat! can be described for a very long time and a lot. This was done much better than me. There is also a download link there.

1. Elite keylogger

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 10
  • Convenience/usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

Perhaps one of the best keyloggers ever created. Its capabilities, in addition to the standard set (interception of all clicks in the context of applications / windows / sites), include interception of instant messenger messages, pictures from a webcam, and also - which is VERY important! - interception of WinLogon service passwords. In other words, it intercepts Windows login passwords (including domain ones!). This became possible thanks to his work at the level system driver and launch it while the OS is loading. Due to this same feature, this program remains completely invisible to both Kasperosky and all other anti-malware software. Frankly, I have not met a single keylogger capable of this.

However, you shouldn’t delude yourself too much. The installer itself is recognized by antiviruses very easily and to install it you will need administrator rights and disabling all antivirus services. After installation, everything will work perfectly in any case.

In addition, the described feature (working at the OS kernel level) introduces requirements for the OS version on which the keyloggers will work. Version 5-5.3 (links to which are given below) supports everything up to Windows 7, inclusive. Win 8/10 as well windows family server (2003 / 2008 / 2012) are no longer supported. There is version 6, which functions perfectly, incl. on win 8 and 10, however, it is currently not possible to find a cracked version. It will probably appear in the future. In the meantime, you can download Elite keylogger 5.3 from the link above.

There is no network operation mode, therefore it is not suitable for use by employers (to monitor the computers of their employees) or an entire group of people.

An important point is the ability to create an installation distribution with predefined settings (for example, with a specified email address where logs will need to be sent). At the same time, at the end you get a distribution kit that, when launched, does not display absolutely any warnings or windows, and after installation it can even destroy itself (if you check the appropriate option).

Several screenshots of version 5 (to show how beautiful and convenient everything is):

2. All-in-one keylogger.

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 3
  • Convenience/usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

It is also a very, very convenient thing. The functionality is quite at the level of Elite keylogger. Things are worse with secrecy. Winlogon passwords are no longer intercepted, it is not a driver, and is not built into the kernel. However, it is installed in system and hidden AppData directories, which are not so easily accessible to unauthorized users (not those on whose behalf it is installed). Nevertheless, antiviruses sooner or later successfully do this, which makes this thing not particularly reliable and safe when used, for example, at work to spy on your own superiors. ;) Gluing it to something or encrypting the code to hide it from antiviruses will not work.

Works on any version of Win OS (which is nice and practical).

As for the rest, everything is fine: it logs everything (except Windows login passwords), sends it anywhere (including e-mail, ftp, fixed flash drive). In terms of convenience, everything is also excellent.

3. Spytech SpyAgent.

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 4
  • Convenience/usability: 8
  • Functionality: 10

Also a good keylogger, although with dubious secrecy. Supported OS versions are also all possible. The functionality is similar to previous options. There is an interesting self-destruct function after a specified period of time (or upon reaching a predetermined date).

In addition, it is possible to record video from a webcam and sound from a microphone, which can also be very popular and which the previous two representatives do not have.

Eat network mode work, which is convenient for monitoring an entire network of computers. By the way, StaffCop has it (it is not included in the review due to its uselessness for one user - an individual). Perhaps this program is ideal for employers to spy on their employees (although the leaders in this field are unconditionally StaffCop and LanAgent - if you are a legal entity, be sure to look in their direction). Or to keep track of your offspring who love to sit and watch “adult sites”. Those. where what is needed is not concealment, but convenience (including a bunch of beautiful log reports, etc.) and functionality for blocking specified sites/programs (SpyAgent also has it).

4. Spyrix Personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 4
  • Convenience/usability: 6
  • Functionality: 10

The functionality is at the level of the previous candidate, but the same problems with secrecy. In addition, the functionality includes an interesting thing: copying files from USB drives inserted into the computer, as well as remote viewing of logs through a web account on the Spyrix website (but we are going to download a cracked version, so it will not work for us).

5. Spyrix Personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10):

  • Stealth: 3
  • Convenience/usability: 6
  • Functionality: 8

I won’t describe it in detail, because... this instance does not have anything that one of the previous spies did not have, however, someone may like this keylogger (at least for its interface).

What do we end up with?

The issue of using a keylogger is more ethical than technical, and it greatly depends on your goals.

If you are an employer who wants to control his employees, feel free to set up StaffCop, collect written permission from all employees for such actions (otherwise you may be seriously charged for such things) and the job is in the bag. Although I personally know more effective ways increasing the performance of its employees.

If you are a novice IT specialist who just wants to experience what it’s like to break someone - and how this thing works in general, then arm yourself with social engineering methods and conduct tests on your friends, using any of the examples given. However, remember: the detection of such activity by victims does not contribute to friendship and longevity. ;) And you definitely shouldn’t test this at your work. Mark my words: I have experience with this. ;)

If your goal is to spy on your friend, husband, neighbor, or maybe you even do it regularly and for money, think carefully about whether it’s worth it. After all, sooner or later they may attract. And it’s not worth it: “rummaging through someone else’s dirty laundry is not a pleasant pleasure.” If you still need to (or maybe you work in the field of investigating computer crimes and such tasks are part of your professional responsibilities), then there are only two options: The Rat! and Elite Keylogger. In the mode of hidden installation distributions, glued with word / excel / pdf. And it’s better, if possible, encrypted with a fresh cryptor. Only in this case can we guarantee safer activities and real success.

But in any case, it is worth remembering that the competent use of keyloggers is only one small link in achieving the goal (including even a simple attack). You don’t always have admin rights, you don’t always have physical access, and not all users will open, read, and even more so download your attachments/links (hello social engineering), the antivirus won’t always be disabled/your keylogger/cryptor won’t always be unknown to them . All these and many untold problems can be solved, but their solution is the topic of a whole series of separate articles.

In short, you have just begun to dive into the complex, dangerous, but incredibly interesting world of information security. :)

Sincerely,Lysyak A.S.

Sometimes it is important to know what is happening to the computer in your absence. Who does what on it, what sites and programs it includes. Special spy programs can report all this.

Spying on someone is, to say the least, not good. Or even criminally punishable (violation of the right to confidentiality and all that)... However, sometimes it doesn’t hurt to know, for example, what your child is doing at the computer in your absence or what the employees of your organization are doing when there are no bosses. Or maybe they are watching you?!!

Computer and mobile devices have long been exposed to dangers from all sorts of viruses. However, there is a class of software that, without being malicious, can perform the same functions as, for example, Trojans - keep a log of application launches on the system, record all keystrokes on the keyboard, periodically take screenshots, and then send all the collected information to the one who installed and configured surveillance of the user.

As you understand, today we will talk specifically about spyware, their work and detection methods.

Differences from viruses

In the field antivirus solutions The class of spyware is known as "spyware" (from the English "spy" - "spy" and abbreviated "software" - " software"). In principle, some of the applications that will be discussed below are perceived by antiviruses as malicious, but in fact they are not.

What is the difference between real spyware and computer tracking programs? The main difference here is in the scope and method of operation. Spyware viruses are installed on the system without the user's knowledge and can serve as a source of additional threats (data theft and corruption, for example).

Spyware programs for monitoring a computer are installed by the user himself in order to find out what another user is doing on the PC. At the same time, the user himself may be aware that they are being monitored (for example, this is done in some institutions to record the working time of employees).

However, in terms of operating principles, spyware is essentially no different from any Trojans, keyloggers or backdoors... So, we can consider them some kind of “defector viruses” that have switched to the “light side” and are used not so much for stealing information from a PC to control its operation.

By the way, in the West, the practice of introducing tracking software on the computers of users of corporate networks and on home PCs is quite common. There is even a separate name for this kind of program - “tracking software”, which allows, at least nominally, to separate them from malicious spyware.


The most common and, to a certain extent, dangerous looking spyware are keyloggers (from the English "key" - "button" and "logger" - "recorder"). Moreover, these programs can be either independent viruses that are introduced into the system, or specially installed tracking utilities. There is essentially no difference between them.

Keyloggers are designed to record the presses of all buttons on the keyboard (sometimes also the mouse) and save the data to a file. Depending on the operating principle of each specific keylogger, the file may simply be stored on a local hard drive or periodically sent to the person conducting surveillance.

Thus, without suspecting anything, we can “give away” all our passwords to third parties who can use them for any purpose. For example, an attacker could hack our account, change access passwords and/or resell them to someone...

Fortunately, most keyloggers are quickly detected by most antiviruses, since they are suspiciously intercepting data. However, if the keylogger was installed by an administrator, it will most likely be included in the exceptions and will not be detected...

A striking example of free keylogger can be called SC-KeyLog :

This keylogger, unfortunately, is detected by the antivirus at the download stage. So, if you decide to install it, temporarily disable the protection until you add the necessary files to the “white list”:

  • program executable file (default: C:\Program Files\Soft-Central\SC-KeyLog\SC-KeyLog2.exe);
  • executable file of the tracking module, which will be created by you in the specified folder;
  • library (DLL file) for hidden data processing, the name of which you also set at the settings stage and which is stored by default in the C:\Windows\System32\ folder.

After installation you will be taken to the setup wizard. Here you can ask mailing address, to which data files should be sent, name and save location executable modules intercepting the keystrokes mentioned above, as well as the password required to open the logs.

When all the settings are made and the keylogger files are included in the list of trusted antivirus programs, everything is ready to work. Here is an example of what you can see in the log file:

As you can see, SC-KeyLog displays the titles of all windows with which the user works, mouse button presses and, in fact, the keyboard (including service keys). It is worth noting that the program cannot determine the layout and displays all texts in English letters, which still need to be converted into a readable Russian-language form (for example,).

However, keylogger functions can be hidden even in popular non-specialized software. A striking example of this is the program for changing the text layout Punto Switcher:

One of additional functions This program is “Diary”, which is activated manually and, in fact, is a real keylogger that intercepts and remembers all data entered from the keyboard. In this case, the text is saved in the desired layout and the only thing missing is intercepting mouse events and pressing special keyboard keys.

Plus Punto Switcher as a keylogger in that it is not detected by antivirus and is installed on many computers. Accordingly, if necessary, you can activate tracking without installing any software or additional tricks!

Complex spies

A keylogger is good if you only need to know what the user enters from the keyboard and what programs he launches. However, this data may not be enough. Therefore, more complex software systems were created for comprehensive espionage. Such spy complexes may include:

  • keylogger;
  • clipboard interceptor;
  • screen spy (takes screenshots at specified intervals);
  • program launch and activity recorder;
  • sound and video recording system (if there is a microphone or webcam).

So that you can better imagine how such programs work, let’s look at a couple of free solutions in this area. And the first of them will be a free Russian-language surveillance system called (attention, antiviruses and browsers can block access to the site!):

The program features include:

  • intercepting keyboard keystrokes;
  • taking screenshots (too frequent by default);
  • monitoring running programs and the time of their activity;
  • PC activity monitoring and account user.

Alas, this complex for tracking a PC is also detected by antiviruses, so to download and install it you must first disable the protection. During installation, we will need to set a key combination to call the program interface, as well as a password for accessing the collected data. After the installation is complete, add the entire folder with the spyware to the antivirus “white list” (by default C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\Softex) and you can activate the protection back.

Softex Expert Home will launch in background and will not create any shortcuts or active icons anywhere. It will be possible to detect its operation only by pressing the hotkey combination you have specified. In the window that appears, enter the access password, first of all go to the “Settings” section on the “Screenshots” tab and increase the minimum interval between shots, as well as the timer interval (by default, 2 and 10 seconds, respectively).

Such a spy is quite enough to monitor your home computer. In addition to the features already mentioned above, Expert Home has a function for remote viewing of statistics, which allows you to view logs via the Internet. To activate it, just click the button to connect to the server in the “Internet monitoring” section, and then wait for the computer ID and access password to be issued, which you will need to enter on the developers’ website:

It is worth clarifying that in the free mode, statistics are stored on the server for only one day. If you want to access a longer period, you will have to pay from 250 (7 days) to 1000 (30 days) rubles per month.

Another free comprehensive computer monitoring program is:

Despite the fact that the name of the program includes the word “keylogger”, in fact it has much more capabilities. Among them:

The program itself is not detected by the antivirus, however, with active heuristic algorithms, its “suspicious” activity is detected. Therefore, it is best to install and configure it with protection disabled.

During installation preliminary preparation not required (the only thing you need is to choose for whom the program is being installed and whether its icon should be displayed in the tray). However, after installation, you need to add the program folder (by default C:\WINDOWS\system32\Mpk) and its executable file MPKView.exe to the antivirus exclusions.

When you launch it for the first time, the settings window will open. Here we can change the language from English to, for example, Ukrainian (for some reason there is no Russian...), set our own keys for quickly calling the program (by default ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+K) and a password for entering the control panel.

That's all, actually. The main disadvantage free version The program is its limitations in some aspects of tracking (not all programs are available, for example), as well as the lack of the ability to send logs by mail or via FTP. Otherwise, almost everything is good.

Spyware exists not only for desktop computers, but also for mobile platforms. If you want to know what your child is doing on a tablet or smartphone, you can try using the free multi-platform tracking system KidLogger.


The last, and most insidious, means of espionage can be the so-called sniffers (from the English “sniff” - “sniff out”). This class of programs is scientifically called “traffic analyzers” and is used to intercept and analyze data transmitted over the Internet.

Using a sniffer, an attacker can connect to a user's current web session and use it for his own purposes on behalf of the user himself by replacing data packets. If you are very unlucky, then with the help of a sniffer they can “steal” your logins and passwords for entering any sites where traffic encryption is not used.

Those who are most at risk of becoming a victim of a sniffer are those who use one or another public network to access the Internet (for example, a point Wi-Fi access). Also, users of corporate networks with an overly “entrepreneurial” administrator may be under theoretical threat.

So that you can roughly understand what a sniffer is, I suggest considering a representative of this class of programs developed by the popular team NirSoft:

This sniffer is intended mainly for intercepting data packets on a local PC and serves more for good intentions (like network debugging). But its essence is the same as that of hacker tools.

A person who understands the principles of data transmission over network protocols and understands what kind of information is transmitted in a particular packet, can decrypt its contents and, if desired, replace it by sending a modified request to the server. If the connection is over a simple HTTP channel without encryption, then a hacker can see your passwords right in the sniffer window without having to decode anything!

The problem is aggravated by the fact that previously there were sniffers only for landline operating systems. Today, for example, there are numerous sniffers for Android. Therefore, an attacker analyzing traffic can be practically anywhere (even at the next table in a cafe with free Wi-Fi! A striking example of a sniffer for Android is mobile version popular sniffer WireShark:

Using this sniffer and the Shark Reader log analysis program, an attacker can intercept data directly from a smartphone or tablet connected to a public access point.

Countering spies

So we learned how the main types of spyware work. And a logical question arises: “How can you protect yourself from surveillance?”... This is a “difficult, but possible” task.

As you can see, almost all spyware programs can be detected by antivirus software. So the first step is to update antivirus databases security software installed on you. In addition, be sure to open the “white list” of your antivirus package and see if it allows files with suspicious names located in system folders.

If you use the mentioned Punto Switcher (or its analogues), be sure to check if someone has turned on “Diary” without your knowledge.

If no suspicious parameters are found either in the antivirus settings or in Punto Switcher, you can resort to scanning the system with special antivirus scanners. I recommend using programs that I have personally tested more than once and .

In addition, you can check those working in this moment processes using special anti-virus task managers. An example of this can be called free utility. This tool allows you not only to see the names and addresses of all running processes, but also to quickly assess the degree of their maliciousness (even potential).

The hardest thing is to counteract sniffers. If you cannot completely refuse to use public networks, then the only type of protection may be the use of sites that support the encrypted HTTPS data transfer protocol (most people now have it). social networks). If the site or service you need does not support encryption, then, as a last resort, you can organize a secure data transfer tunnel using VPN.


As you can see, installing and monitoring any computer is not so difficult. Moreover, you can do this completely free of charge using small programs. Therefore, if you use public networks or work on a PC that is used by several users, then theoretically there is a chance that you are already being monitored.

Excessive carelessness and trust can cost you, at a minimum, the loss of passwords from your accounts on social networks, and, in worst cases, for example, the theft of money in your electronic accounts. Therefore, it is important to follow the principle of “trust but verify.”

If you yourself decide to spy on someone’s computer, then you must honestly warn the user about this. Otherwise, if espionage is detected, you can earn a lot of problems on your head :) Therefore, before you spy, think twice about it!

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.
