How to set up a Windows homegroup. Windows cannot set up a homegroup on this computer Cannot create a home network

In Windows 10 April Update 1803, Microsoft removed the HomeGroup functionality. The HomeGroup first appeared in Windows 7 and was intended to simplify the organization of a small home or office network and easily set up file, folder, and printer sharing. Even though Windows 10 doesn't have a homegroup, you can still provide network access to your folders and printers using other built-in Windows features 10.

So, in this article, we will figure out how to share network access to folders, files and printers on your Windows 10 1803 computer without using a homegroup using the built-in SMB resource sharing functionality.

No HomeGroup in Windows 10 1803

In Windows 10 1803 and above, it is no longer possible to create a Homegroup. This functionality is no longer supported. On the one hand, I believe that this is the right step, because setting up a HomeGroup is quite confusing and relatively difficult for an untrained user.

After you have updated Windows 10 to version 1803, you will encounter the following:

  • The HomeGroup section does not appear in the Explorer navigation bar.
  • The HomeGroup item is missing from the control panel. This means that you cannot create, join, or leave a homegroup.
  • Can't provide general access to files and printers using the HomeGroup.
  • All general printers and network folders created with HomeGroup will still be available. But you can't create new ones.

However, in Windows 10, you can still share resources that you used to share as part of a HomeGroup. It's just that the sharing process looks a little different than when using HomeGroup.

Setting up sharing services in Windows 10

For your Windows 10 1803 computer to work correctly as a server that shares its folders and printers with other devices in local network, some network services need to be configured.

IN Windows settings(on both computers) you need to go to Options -> Network and Internet -> Your_network_connection(Ethernet or Wi-Fi) -> (Settings > Network & Internet > Ethernet -> Change advanced sharing options).

Then in the section Private network (Private) enable options:

  • Turn on network discovery (Turn on network discovery)
  • Turn on file and printer sharing(Turn on file and printer sharing)

In chapter All networks enable options:

  • Enable Sharing, to network users could read and write files in shared folders
  • Disable password protection.

    As a rule, password protection in the home network can be disabled, because. you trust all devices on your network). In the local area network of a small office, you can enable password protection. At the same time, you can log in when accessing the resources of another computer (under the user account and password with remote computer), or use the same account with the same password on all computers.

Check the following conditions:

  • All computers on your local network use unique names and IP addresses.
  • The network type is Private (Private) network ().
  • In the event that your network has older versions of Windows (XP, Vista), for them to work correctly on Windows 10, you will have to enable support for the SMBv1 protocol, as well as allow network access under the guest account(Look ).
  • Translate Services " Publishing Feature Discovery Resources" (Function Discovery Resource Publication) and " Discovery Provider Host» (Function Discovery Provider Host) on automatic start. Otherwise, when accessing network resources you can get .

The same settings need to be done on the other Windows computer 10, which will be used as a client and access shares over the network.

How to share a network printer in Windows 10 1803

In Windows 10, you can share a printer connected to your computer with other computers on the network. We assume that you have already connected the printer (via USB, LPT or wireless connection) and set it up on your computer.

Then on the computer to which the printer is connected:

You can now connect this network printer to another Windows 10 computer.

We open network access to a folder (file) in Windows 10 1803

Let's figure out how to share a local directory with other computers in your workgroup or domain over the network in Windows 10 April Update 1803.

Advice. The easiest way to transfer a file between Windows 10 computers is to use the .

Advice. For more fine tuning settings and permissions network folder you can use the console fsmgmt.msc.

Advice. To see all the folders that you have shared online, go to the address bar to \\local host.

You can now access this folder from another computer over the network. To do this, in an explorer window, simply navigate to your folder address, for example \\Desktop-JOPF9\Distr . For the convenience of the user, you can create a shortcut to this folder on his desktop or connect it as a network drive using the net use command.

Advice. If you cannot open a network folder from a remote computer, check that the firewall settings allow access to shared files and printers in a private network (File and Printer Sharing rules). Also try to access not by computer name, but by its IP address, for example: \\\Distr.

HomeGroup functionality in Windows 8 and 10 makes connecting to a local network simple and straightforward for most users. First you need to create a local group and configure it.

On any versions of the OS, starting with Windows 7, 99% configuration occurs without problems, but in some cases the error “Windows cannot set up a homegroup on this computer” occurs.

Article navigation:

Create and set up a homegroup

It only takes two things to create a local network:

Creating and configuring a homegroup:

  1. Click "Start", go to the "Control Panel".
  2. In the control panel, enable display by category (for Windows 10).
  3. Click on the "Network and Internet" tab.
  4. Go to the "Homegroup" section.
  5. In the HomeGroup window, click on Change advanced sharing settings.
  6. In the window that opens, open the "Private" tab.
  7. Select "Turn on file and printer sharing" and "Turn on network discovery".

After that, you need to open the "All Networks" tab and select the following values:

  1. "Turn off password protected sharing."
  2. "Turn on sharing so that network users can read and write files in shared folders."
  1. Select the "Homegroup" window.
  2. Click on "Create Homegroup".
  3. Click "Next", select the folders to share and click "Next" again.

This completes the process of creating a group - a password should appear on the screen, with which the rest of the members of the local network will connect to the computer.

"Show and print password" button

If the password was not written down or lost, or the window with the code was closed by mistake, it does not matter. You can go to the "View and print your homegroup password" section in the following way:

  1. Press the "Start" button.
  2. Go to the "Control Panel", enable display by category.
  3. Go to the "Network and Internet" section, then to the "Homegroup" tab.
  4. In the settings window that appears, go to the "Show or print homegroup password" tab.

To connect to a homegroup using a code, you need:

  1. On each computer, go to the start menu.
  2. Open the "Control Panel", go to the "Network and Internet" section.
  3. Click on "Choose homegroup and data sharing options".
  4. Click the "Join" button and enter the password following the instructions on the screen.

The list of LAN devices will not display computers that are idle or turned off.

Trouble Upgrading to Windows 10

The sharing feature usually works flawlessly, however, after upgrading to Windows 10, errors may begin to appear that are less relevant on Windows 7 and 8.

The problem might look like this:

  1. When you try to change your password, you receive the message "Windows cannot set up a homegroup on this computer."
  2. The "Show or print homegroup password" button is no longer active and is not clickable at all.
  3. When you try to leave an already created local network, the error "Failed to remove your computer from the homegroup" appears.

The built-in troubleshooting system does not solve the problem. If you enable it, the result of the test will show a message like "Connection to the homegroup is missing or failed."

Removing the idstore.sst file

First you need to make sure that the checkbox in the group settings is checked, which prohibits Windows from managing homegroup settings. You should also make sure that password-protected sharing is turned off. If these steps do not help you install local connection and Windows cannot set up a homegroup, you should delete the idstore.sst file and restart your PC to reset all settings.

  1. Turn off all computers on your home network, except for the one on which the problem is being fixed.
  2. Go to the local drive along the path Disk → Windows → ServiceProfiles → LocalService → AppData → Roaming → PeerNetworking. Make sure display is enabled hidden files and folders, otherwise the contents AppData folders will not be viewable or editable.
  3. Find the idstore.sst file in the specified folder and delete it.
  4. To restart a computer.
  5. Re-enter the "Control Panel" and go to the settings of the homegroup.
  6. The network creation icon should work fine, as should the get password button.

After the steps have been taken, you can turn on all computers again and connect to the restarted homegroup. If all else fails, there are two options left: open access to each folder and file manually, or create working group instead of home.

Built into windows 7 and above DLNA server, that is, you can share videos, music and photos from your computer over the network and watch on any device that supports DLNA, that is, on almost any TV, a bunch of different players, on your smartphone or tablet (you need to install the application). This is very convenient, to watch a movie on a tablet, you do not need to connect it to your computer, wait until the movie is copied, etc. and you can immediately launch the application and watch a movie.

In theory, everything is simple, we create a “Homegroup” on a Windows computer.

1. Start - Control Panel - Network - HomeGroup, create a homegroup. The wizard will start, in which you need to put the necessary daws and click ready.

2. Enable access to the folder with movies / music / photos over the network:

3. In the player Windows media, you need to go to the Library and click the "Stream" button, and check the box "Automatically allow devices to play my media

After that, on computers with windows 7/8, you can join the home group and play videos and music from this computer, and on other devices such as smartphones and TVs, you can also access multimedia files using the appropriate applications.

In theory, everything is simple and beautiful, but on the first point when creating the Homegroup, I got the message “Homegroup is not ready yet”, googling for these words did not give anything sensible, people either scored on this error, or reinstalled windows. Neither the first nor the second was not included in my plans.

Below is a list of options for solving this error, I will put the first punt working solution which helped me, minus my solution, it requires some knowledge and time, and then there will be methods that are offered on the Internet, which I tried and they did not help me, but they can probably help in your case, they are worth a try, if only because they require less time than the first option.

1. To solve problems with creating or joining a homegroup, if you receive the message “Homegroup is not ready yet”, you need to reinstall windows7, and select Update during installation. All files, settings and installed programs stay and work. First, and then in the installation wizard, on this screen we select the update:

The windows installer will update your system, and after a reboot, the problem with the homegroup will be resolved.

If you do not want to waste time, you can try the methods below:

2. You can try to fix the error by running the Fix it wizard for the homegroup
3. You need to check the network connection, if you see other computers in the network environment, then everything is fine with the network.
4. In Windows 7 Starter and Windows 7 Home Basic systems cannot create a homegroup, make sure you have a different version Windows systems 7
5. Check that "Home network" is selected in the network location, start - control panel - network and sharing center.
6. You can find a few more options - but I still strongly recommend using the first method.

We described in detail how to create a home group on the "top ten". It allows you to combine several computers into a local network to view content, exchange data.

We focused on the fact that the proposed settings are relevant for Windows builds 10 below 1803. Beginning in version 1803, the homegroup was removed from "ten". And this is the first reason why it is not possible to create a homegroup - its settings may simply not be on your OS.

But consider the options for the problems that users face in the early versions of the "dozens".

Internet connection

Check your internet connection. It must be active for every computer that connects to your home network. Each PC must connect to the local group through the same network (usually one router is used).

Here are some useful articles about internet connection:

Windows 10 cannot create a homegroup on this computer

This is the most common message when creating a local group. Usually the problem is:

  • in the inoperability of some services that need to be reconnected;
  • IPv6 is disabled;
  • access to the idstore.sst file is broken.

Let's talk in order about all these problems and how to solve them.

We connect services

We need to deal with the activation of services related to the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (aka PNRP). Before proceeding to start the services, navigate to the PeerNetworking folder. Path - C:/Windows/ServiceProfiles/LocalService/AppData/Roaming/PeerNetworking.

To display the content (and in general - to go to this folder), we need to enable the display of hidden elements in Explorer (tab "View", a marker opposite "Hidden elements"). You will also need administrator rights when going to the LocalService folder.

In this folder, delete all the contents, and then restart the computer. If you don't find this folder on your computer, skip to the next step.

  • grouping network participants;
  • PNRP protocol;
  • PNRP Computer Name Publishing Service.

Double-click on each with the left mouse button. If the service is not running, click on the "Start" icon. Next, change the startup type to "Automatic".

We restart the computer and try to create a local homegroup again.

Access for Local Service

The next way is to transfer full access Local Service for the MachineKeys folder. The folder we need is located at the path indicated in the screenshot. Be sure to enable the display of hidden items.

Click on her right click mouse and choose from context menu item "Properties". In the window that opens, click on the "Edit" icon.

There is no Local Service in the list of groups and users. You will have to add it by clicking on the appropriate icon.

We enter in the field in capital letters LOCAL SERVICE, and then click on "Check Names". If everything is entered correctly, the two words will become underlined. Press "OK" after that.

Then click OK to complete and restart your computer. Read more about setting up sharing.


Enter the command in the line netstopp2pimsvc/y.

IPv6 connection

Go to the section network connections. This can be done simply by pressing the key combination Win + R and typing the command ncpa.cpl.

Select the local network connection from the list, right-click and go to "Properties".

Make sure the marker against the IPv6 protocol is set.

Click OK and restart your computer again.

Issues on build 1803

On Windows 10 build 1803 and higher, the homegroup has been removed. In principle, it is possible to set up a local group on it, but it is problematic. It is better to take advantage of the alternatives that Microsoft offers - cloud services like OneDrive.


Most of the problems with the local homegroup on Windows 10 are due to the failure of services running under the PNRP protocol. The contents of the PerrNetwroking folder, in particular the idstore.sst file, also prevent the creation of a homegroup. We remove it by first disabling the PNRP protocol manager.

Having trouble creating or joining a homegroup? Check that all of the following conditions are met:

A The network location must be set to your home network

In the Control Panel, open the Network and Sharing center page. If in the View section active networks(View your active networks) is displayed Work network or Public network, click this link and select the Home network option. If multiple networks are listed in this section, homegroups will also not work. More on this in chapter 6.

О Turn on network discovery

In the Control Panel, open the Network and Sharing center page, click the Choose homegroup and sharing options link, and then click the Change additional options sharing (Change advanced sharing settings). Select the Turn on Network Discovery and Turn on file and printer sharing radio buttons, then click Save changes. For more information on this page, see the "Setting Up Folder Sharing" section.

Since you have opened this page, make sure that all computers in the homegroup have the same connection settings selected.

A Requires Internet Protocol version b

IPv6 is required for homegroup services to function properly. In the Control Panel, open the Network and Sharing center page and click the Change adapter settings link. Now right-click on the adapter through which you connect to your home network, select Properties (Properties) and check the box Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6) (Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)).

In addition, the router must support IPv6. If this is not the case, refer to the "Setting Up Your Wireless Router" section.

O HomeGroup Services must be running

Open the Services Manager window (services.msc) and make sure the following services are running:

Function Discovery Provider Host;

Function Discovery Resource Publication;

HomeGroup Listener;

HomeGroup Provider;

Peer Networking Grouping;

Peer Networking Identity Manager;

SSDP Discovery;

UPnP Device Host.

You will learn more about service management in Chapter 5, and in Chapter 6 you will find information about technologies such as UPnP, SSDP, and DNS.

o Clock must be synchronized

All computers must be set to the correct time and set to the same time zones. Use the internet time update feature to synchronize your clock.

Still unable to join a homegroup? Try one of the following solutions:

A Unable to create a homegroup?

A new homegroup cannot be created if there is at least one computer on the network that belongs to an existing homegroup. If you do not want to join an existing homegroup, then you need to temporarily turn off the second computer or disconnect it from the network. Then you can create a new homegroup.

A Unable to join a homegroup?

You will only be able to join a homegroup if it was previously created on another computer on the network (or another computer has joined it). Of course, there must be at least one other computer on your network (and it must be turned on). If you're not sure if both computers are on the same network, follow the suggestions in the sidebar "What's My Computer's Name?" us. 486.

If everything is in order, but you still do not see the existing homegroup, open the Network and Sharing center page in the Control Panel. Click the Change adapter settings link and disable all other adapters, except for the one through which you connect to the local network. On a system that has multiple adapters, such as cable and wireless, homegroups do not work.

Homegroups can be interfered with by firewall settings (except Windows firewall). Disable third party firewalls on your computer and on the remote machine and try again.

O Wrong password?

Silly. But if you can't remember the character mess that Windows generates for new homegroups, then set your own password, as explained at the beginning of this section.

A Unable to access the second computer?

The second computer must be joined to the same homegroup as yours and must have access to at least one library. Otherwise, you won't see this computer in the Homegroup folder. If you are not sure that both computers are in the same homegroup, then open the HomeGroup page in the Control Panel, click the Leave the homegroup link, and then the Leave the homegroup button (Leave the homegroup). Then try to join again.

A Do you see a second computer but can't open the library?

This is a common problem, but the solution is simple: leave the homegroup and then rejoin it as described above. If this does not help, then open command line in administrator mode and run net use \\remotecomputer, where remotecomputer is the name of the second computer.

A HomeGroup is working correctly, but you can't open or edit the file? The cause of the problem lies in the permissions setting. As discussed in the "Setting Permissions for Files and Folders" section, sharing permissions are different from file permissions, although the two types of permissions must be consistent.

A What house group do I join?

If there are multiple computers on the network and they have at least two homegroups configured, you won't know which one you're being asked to join until it's time to enter your password.

Windows only supports joining one homegroup at a time. However, several home f gi groups can function simultaneously in a local network - for example, one for children and the second for their parents. Disconnect unnecessary computers from the network or temporarily turn off the power on them and try to join or create a homegroup again.

About The message "Homegroup opens libraries on this computer» (HomeGroup is currently sharing libraries on this computer)?

This is not an error, but the message is misleading. By "opens" I mean that Windows is setting up sharing. Wait a few minutes for the necessary permissions to be set and the message will disappear.

A The shared printer does not appear in the Homegroup folder?

When you first join a homegroup that has shared printers (or when you join another computer that has shared printers set up in your homegroup), Windows prompts you to install remote printers. After that, shared printers are no longer displayed in the Homegroup pane, even if the Printers folder is shared.

For details on connecting to a remote printer, see the next section.

O Returned an error with a code beginning with PEER or Ox?

For a list of error codes and related explanations, see http://msdn .

A You don't like the Homegroup folder in Windows Explorer?

Unfortunately, it cannot be removed without completely disabling the homegroup service. However, you can "demote" it so that it appears inside the Desktop branch. This is discussed in more detail in the "Customizing the navigation area (Navigation Map)" section.

A Unable to leave a homegroup?

If the system returns an error Cannot remove the computer from the homegroup (Windows couldn't remove your computer from the homegroup), this means that one or more services responsible for homegroups have stopped responding. Open the Services Manager (services.msc) and stop HomeGroup Listener and HomeGroup Provider services Try to leave the homegroup again, if it fails, start both services again and try again.
