Tweaking mozilla firefox. Managing settings and add-ons

This article provides information on how to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox. After all, cases are different. Sometimes, the user can unknowingly change the settings during installation software downloaded from the internet. Sometimes this can happen due to malware.

What is the start page of Mazil Firefox

start page Mozilla Firefox is the page that opens when you launch the browser of the same name. It consists of a set of popular sites selected by developers from Mozilla Corporation. This collection can be changed according to your needs and preferences. This handy feature allows users to organize their favorites.

You can manipulate the start page as follows. In the upper right corner of the browser, select the icon with three horizontal stripes, then click on context menu to the "Settings" tab.

In the page that opens, in the "Basic" item, there is an opportunity to make changes, namely the following:

  • how to make a search engine;
  • how to make a home page in Firefox;
  • how to change the home page in Mozilla;
  • how to choose a folder for uploading files;
  • various manipulations with tabs.

When Firefox starts

It is possible to customize the display of the home page in three ways:

  1. Selecting a home page generated by developers search engine (if you wish, you can either add the necessary sites or delete unused ones at any time).
  2. Show a blank page.
  3. Show windows and tabs that were open when the browser was closed (useful feature when unfinished work with many tabs).


As for the “Home Page” settings, everything is also very simple here. There are also three options for displaying the home page:

  1. By selecting this item open page, in the column "Home page" a link will appear, for example, to "". You can insert any other necessary link into this box.
  2. At this point, you can configure the home page by selecting the necessary link from the history of visiting Internet sites.
  3. If nothing suits you, you can restore the default home page display settings.

If you want your browser to look unique, then you can easily customize Firefox. In this lesson we will talk about different ways Firefox settings, as well as about Firefox add-ons, extensions and themes.

Firefox launch settings

When you launch your browser, Firefox will display the Start Page by default. If you want to view a specific site immediately after launch, for example, weather or news, then you can make it your home page.

To select a home page:

If you want to use Firefox as your default browser, you can set it as your default browser. And when you click on a link in any program on your computer, it will open in Firefox by default.

To make Firefox your default browser:

Firefox add-ons

With add-ons, you can add various features to Firefox. For example, you can install various extensions and themes that will make Firefox more powerful and show off your personality.

Extensions can add various features to the browser. For example, they can block ads on websites, make it easier to exchange links in in social networks etc.

To install an add-on:

To install a theme:

Topics allow you to change the appearance of the browser. Themes can add new colors and background images to the Firefox window.

  1. Go to the Featured Topics section and click Show All.
  2. Hover your mouse over a topic to see their preview. If you like a theme, click Add.
  3. The theme will be installed.

Add-ons management

If you no longer need an extension or theme, you can disable or remove it from Firefox.

To manage add-ons:

  1. Click on the Firefox menu in the top left corner of the browser and select Add-ons. The Manage Add-ons tab opens.
  2. To view a list of installed extensions, click Extensions. Here you can temporarily disable or remove extensions.
  3. To view established themes click Appearance. Here you can temporarily disable or delete themes.

Igor. Update: June 3, 2019 .

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It is difficult to find a user, including a beginner, who does not know at least a fraction about . In a series of articles, I will try to expand information about the most popular browsers to the necessary limits, Mozilla can also be attributed to them (by the way, in the literal translation “firefox” means “fire fox”).

If we talk about numbers, then today Mozilla ranks in popularity 3rd place in Russia(about 10% of users prefer this browser) and 4th in the world(about 6%). In both ratings, the rapidly progressing leader is leading with a huge advantage, which is on this moment is beyond any competition.

But with other browsers, Firefox is quite able to compete, because it has its own advantages that are useful to a number of users. Moreover, it is quite possible that in the near future the Mazila browser will seriously compete with Chrome by installing the new Quantum engine, which will make the "fire fox" easier and faster.

History of Mozilla Firefox and its main features

The first graphical web browser Mosaic (created in 1994 by Netscape Communications), later renamed Netscape Navigator, and then Netscape Communicator, can rightfully be considered the progenitor of Mozilla.

In January-February 1998, Netscape decided to make the browser source code open, but for this, for a number of reasons, it was necessary to write it again. For this purpose, a Mozilla non-profit organization, which takes its name from the working title of the Netscape web browser.

In November of the same year, the company was acquired by the large American media corporation AOL, which reduced the project's funding and in 2003 Netscape Communications was disbanded. This was the beginning of the end of the browser of the same name, latest version which was introduced by the developers in 2007, after which he ordered to live long.

At the same time new Firefox browser(the first version of which was released in 2004) was simultaneously gaining strength thanks to the support of the Mozilla Foundation, a group specially created for this purpose, and its subsidiary Mozilla Corporation. Its development was carried out by programmers Blake Ross (Blake Ross) and Dave Hyatt (Dave Hyatt) on the basis of the newly created open source Mozilla (which, by the way, was also used in the 8th and 9th versions of Netscape).

One of main features Firefox is the fact that initially the developers did not overload the base core with full-blown extensions. This made it possible to achieve good speed characteristics and make this browser easily customizable for the needs of any user. At the same time, the potential functionality remained very wide due to the possibility of installation that perform different tasks.

So, unlike other popular browsers (Chrome, Opera, Explorer of new versions), where numerous functions are already initially implemented, in Mozilla everyone can largely customize the set of options at their discretion through extensions.

You don't have to look far for an example. I already have on the blog pages, which at one time was a real find for webmasters, allowing you to edit the code of absolutely any page on the fly. It was a breakthrough.

But competitors are not asleep, and therefore, over time, tools like Firebug were sewn into new versions of Opera (), Explorer () and Chrome.

By the way, at the moment this option is already implemented in Mazil by default, so Firebug is no longer supported by developers. But, despite this, I still advise you to follow the link to the publication about this extension and read it at least briefly to understand the principle of operation of any tool of this kind, of course, if you plan to put them into practice in order to speed up the process when editing HTML and CSS code.

Another important for webmasters, which is also extremely useful, including for SEO optimization site pages. The same applies to . Both of these extensions, unlike Firebug, are still relevant today.

In general, in terms of the breadth of the choice of plugins, Mazile has no equal. For example, I still use some of its add-ons from time to time, which I still consider to be superior in terms of ease of use to the built-in counterparts of other web browsers.

For a long time, Mazila had the only serious competitor, namely, Internet Explorer, and that's because it came bundled with the most popular Windows operating system.

However, then another strong player appeared, namely, the brainchild of the powerful Google Corporation. Chrome browser, whose share in the global market reached 60% by 2018, as a result of which Firefox, despite regular updates, lost its leading position.

But at the moment, the situation in the competition may again change in favor of Mozila. Of course, this is still far from a fact, but there are serious prerequisites for this.

The fact is that initially and until some time Firefox worked on Gecko engine open source code. However, starting from version 57, its phased replacement with a fundamentally new engine began. Quantum, which promises to make Mazila the fastest and lightest browser. In addition, according to numerous experts, Firefox has an advantage in the speed of processing Javascript and CSS, which is also important in light of the development of modern technologies.

Where to download and how to install Mazila

Let's begin with that you can download Mozilla in Russian for free from the official site (). The latest version is always available on it, which is very important from a security point of view:

From there you will be able to install Mazila for Windows(including for version 10) both 32 and 64 bits, for Linux and for poppy. As you can see, all the main options are available.

It should be noted that starting from version 53, support for operating systems Windows XP and Vista (and for earlier ones even more so), but the release of version 60.2 in 2018 meant the final transition to Mozilla Quantum, which was another breakthrough for developers.

Mozilla Firefox is rightfully considered the most functional browser, because. has a large number of built-in tools for fine-tuning. Today we will look at how you can fine-tune Firefox for a comfortable browser experience.

By default, the browser can store up to 10 closed tabs, which significantly affects the amount of consumed random access memory.

Find the following setting:


Change its value from 10 to, say, 5 - this will allow everything to be restored in the same way closed tabs, but at the same time, RAM will be consumed much less.

Step 2: Speed ​​up Mozilla Firefox

1. Right-click on the area free of parameters and go to "New" - "Boolean". Give the parameter the following name:

If you set the parameter to "False", then you will disable antivirus scanning of downloaded files in the browser. This step will increase the speed of the browser, but, as you understand, will reduce the level of security.

2. By default, the browser uses geolocation, which allows you to determine your location. This feature can be disabled so that the browser consumes less system resources, which means you will notice a performance boost.

To do this, find the following setting:


Change the value of this parameter from True on the "false" . To do this, just double-click on the parameter with the mouse.

3. By entering an address (or search query) in the address bar, Mozilla Firefox displays search results as you type. Find the following setting:


By changing to given parameter value from True on the "false" , the browser will not waste its resources on, perhaps, not the most necessary function.

4. The browser automatically downloads its own icon for each bookmark. You can improve performance by changing the value of the following two parameters from "True" to "False":

5. By default, Firefox preloads links that the site thinks are the ones you'll open next.

In fact - given function is useless, and disabling it will increase the performance of the browser. To do this, set the value "false" the following parameter:


By doing this fine-tuning (Firefox Setup), you will notice an increase in browser performance, as well as a decrease in RAM consumption.
