How to reset sound settings in Windows 10. Ways to set up headphones

Windows 10 is a system that is just starting to get set up. Some programs are not even compatible yet. The fact is that Windows 10 is in the process of being finalized, so periodically there are typical problems. For example, users may experience such a situation when the sound is gone:

  • The sound suddenly disappeared after the next installation of updates or the system itself.
  • The sound suddenly disappeared due to unforeseen reasons.

What is important in this situation? The main thing is not to panic and check the settings. Nothing is impossible, and sound tuning is a job that can be saved. So let's approach the issue systematically and try to eliminate such a nuisance.

If after reinstallation

This development of events occurs most often: the sound picked up and disappeared, since there are no drivers installed for it. Even if the operating system itself installs drivers on the computer, this does not mean at all that the sound is working. And here you can use two procedures that are specific for each type of device:

The most banal reason

And, let's say everything was working fine, but suddenly unknown reasons no sound from speakers. In this case, it may not be Windows 10 that is to blame, but the user himself.

The most important thing is to check that the sound cable is connected correctly. Everyone knows that in any computer there are several sockets for plugs. Naturally, each manufacturer has its own wiring, so it's easy to make a mistake, where is the jack for sound, where is for the microphone. So you should try all the connectors to exactly eliminate one of the typical reasons why the audio signal suddenly disappeared. Along the way, you should pay attention to the columns themselves. It is possible that manufacturers supply them with their own volume controls and switches. Perhaps the speakers are simply turned off or the quietest volume mode is working. For the sound source, just turn on the player on your computer or phone.

Downed settings

Perhaps the sound setting has been changed so much that everything in the computer is turned to the minimum volume. To check this option, click on the icon Windows volume 10. After that, select Playback Devices.

We look at what device generally works in the computer to play sound. Perhaps an HDMI output will be installed and something like that.

If the setting is set to Speakers, then you need to select them from the list and click the Properties button. After that, it's best to examine each tab for sound levels and effects. Sometimes installation given parameter they just don't transmit sound.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of programs in the computer that are involved in editing and adjusting the signal level. It is possible that in these applications the volume control is set to the minimum, which prevents transmission sound signal to the speakers.

device Manager

Another solution to this problem is to launch the dispatcher Windows devices 10. To start this application you can use the key combination Win + R, after which you need to enter devmgmt.msc. Open the special tab Sound, game and video devices, right-click on the name of the sound card and select Properties. Next, we look at what is written in the Device Status area.

If after all this there is no inscription that the device is working normally, then you need to download the drivers either from the network or using the DriverGenius application.

There is also the possibility of resorting to standard programs Windows 10. In this case, Windows Audio helps. This application will open when you go to the Control Panel, click on Administrative Tools and select Services. The list of services will contain Windows Audio. You need to check that the Startup type field is set to Automatic, and the service is running.


Finally, you need to think about the fact that the sound in Windows 10 may have disappeared due to the disconnection of the integrated sound card. It is disabled in the BIOS. You should look in sections such as Integrated Peripherals and Onboard Devices Configuration. Perhaps there lies the reason for the lack of sound.

As is clear from the above, in order to decide this problem, there is nothing complicated. Just be patient and try several solutions.

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Good day. Recently they came to visit, and the children, playing on the laptop, did something and the sound disappeared. Previously, there was windows 7, and it was much easier to go into the settings there and check what was wrong to fix it. And the children could cope with many problems on their own)) Although the reasons in most cases are banal both in Windows 10 and in another system. And they all clear up quickly. Today, I will tell you the main reasons for the loss of sound on a computer or laptop, and we will analyze how to fix this matter.

Being a user for half a year new windows 10, she really like more. Moreover, you will learn something interesting in this system, which you did not know before. For example, voice assistant, created by Bill Gates, whose name is Cortana. I am sure that 90% of users of this very dozen do not even know what kind of intelligence this is. Because, for the Russian-speaking audience, the voice base has not yet been provided. But in any case, I want to write about it on the pages of this blog.

Well, returning to the problem with sound, I would like to say that the reasons for 99% are banal. And usually the following:

So. The main reasons have been disassembled. And now let's take a detailed walk through each of them, and find out what happened to the sound on your computer or laptop, and quickly fix the problem.

You in turn write a comment below which method helped you Or did nothing help? In any case, describe the problem in detail so that you can tell what the reason is.

Reason 1. Sound disappeared on a windows 10 computer. What should I do and how to fix it (after updating)?

Here it is one of the reasons why the sound may disappear. Of course, if you used the top ten before, and the sound worked, then the reason is already different, and feel free to move on to another item.

After all, in any case, even after upgrading to Windows 10, the drivers for the sound card go automatically, no matter what motherboard you have installed. That is, the sound should automatically work as well as in the sevens.

Another thing is that the installation kit could be pirated or hacked, and not all drivers were in the package. And probably the driver was not installed on the sound, and for this reason there will be no sound.

First of all, check in general whether all devices are turned on (power, speakers, the plug is inserted into the correct socket). The socket on the computer is usually green:

On the laptop it is black, and headphones are also drawn))

Further, when the power and connectors are connected correctly, it is worth checking the playback device in the laptop or computer system itself. Of course, if you do not take other reasons for the loss of sound, which we will analyze below. And then suddenly, your pet gnawed the wire with his teeth, and the sound stopped working ...))

In windows 10 or seven, check that the speakers are at 100% volume. Not only in the system, but also on the speakers or headphones themselves. In the operating room it looks like this:

Just left click on the icon. If there is one. It also happens that it may be crossed out or absent. Then write a comment below if so, and move on to the next reason…

Reason 2. Turned down the volume indicator or turned off the sound in the windows 10 system itself

To do this, all by the same icon, located next to the clock in the tray:

We click, only already right click mouse, and a small menu will open, and you in turn open first "Playback devices" and then "Open volume mixer":

Playback devices tab

On your playback device, make sure your speakers are checked. That is, the device is selected by default. The tick is green. We will analyze this item below, in case the checkbox is not checked by default, then you can safely move on to another reason. And at the same time, you can find out the name of the default device that plays the sound. In my case it is Realtek. high definition Audio, and the sound goes from it to the speakers.

Open Volume Mixer Tab

Here again, it is important to make sure that the active device, your speakers, has the maximum volume on the slider. As shown in the screenshot below.

Well, now the problem with the sound is solved? Write your answer below...

Cause 3. The sound card driver is not installed or is not installed correctly and therefore there is no sound

This situation is already more complicated for a novice user. But by reading this article, be sure that you can handle and fix the cause.

So. The first thing that may alert you is the absence of the tray icon itself:

Here, already 99%, that the problems are with sound driver. And the first thing to do is open Device Manager to check.

Most fast way open the task manager on a laptop or computer, this is to press a combination of two keys:

Press them at the same time, and your system will open, where you need to go to the dispatcher:

Oh yeah, I forgot to say...

You can also get into Device Manager even faster. Press the key combination Win + X and a menu will open on the left side of the screen.

These are the keys:

and this is what will open:

That's great!

Go to the dispatcher and see what's there ... Is there a driver or not. Or suddenly a question or exclamation mark on a yellow background, notifying that the device is not working correctly. Or maybe nothing at all about audio media or devices. This means the driver has not been installed. Or maybe he didn’t find a suitable one, which is unlikely.

Write in the comments what it shows there to help you eliminate the cause ... For example, it looks like this for me:

Which indicates that the driver is installed and working correctly. If there is nothing like that, then you need to make sure once again that the speakers are connected (otherwise it happens that you have a 5.1 system, with a buffer, and you just connected everything incorrectly, in the wrong connectors. Or the playback device is completely connected via USB and the computer can't detect it because it's not plugged in yet... You never know...)

In any case, the first thing to start with is the search for new devices:

Here is the same icon. Click on it and let the computer try again to find the speakers or sound device. For example, the sound card will be detected and you will be prompted to update the driver. This can be done completely automatically. And the computer on windows 10 itself will find and install everything you need, and the sound will appear immediately or after a reboot. In any case, unsubscribe so that it is easier for others to find their problem and fix the sound.

It also happens that it is not possible to update the driver, and still gives an error. Then try to remove it, and look for installation or boot disks that came with the purchase of the computer. It is likely that the same driver from your sound card is located on one of these disks. Usually in the disc menu such a driver has a name like: AUDIO or REALTEK driver. Try to install it from the disk (forcibly).

Or download the sound driver from the official site by entering the name of the board or finding the insides on the computer or stickers on the case of the system unit.

In many cases, I come across Realtek. Moreover, there is a standard package of these drivers suitable for many chipsets. Or can be found correct driver by instance code. For example like this:

Go to device manager - right click on the audio - properties - tab "details" - there you select the code of the device instance .. . and type in PCI\VEN_XXXX&DEV_XXXX into Google, which you have there

or find information about sound using a special program. The same program, called Sandra, can easily handle this. You just have to find the name of the sound, and then drive it in the search and download the desired driver from the official site. Please note that this is done for free, without sending SMS:

Of course, there are times when it is difficult to find it manually and then you can use a special program. For example: Driver Checker, Sam Drivers, Device Doctor, and the like. They provide assemblies of drivers for most popular devices. Although I am not a supporter of such programs, but still ... What if it comes in handy for you ?!

Reason 4. No sound because someone turned off the speakers (check the power)

Here, too, is the reason why you can rack your brains, and then it turns out that everything turned out to be as easy as shelling pears. For example, one of the relatives turned off the speakers while at the computer, or a loved one, while cleaning the house, turned off and did not turn on the socket from the speakers. And you are looking in a panic - the sound on the computer disappeared what to do and how to fix it? No, really, because it is a very real and life situation that can happen to each of us. Just not with me)) Just kidding! Anything happens...

So, look under your computer desk, or wherever you have speakers or headphones plugged in, and make sure everything is turned on. Or maybe the toggle switch itself on the speakers is not turned on. And you switch it to the ON position or one 1. And everything will work. Why not?

Did this tip help, or the tips above, answer below in the comments ...

... or suddenly the toggle switch automatically turns on when the volume is increased. Check it out too:

Agree, there can be many reasons. And everyone needs help, so do not be surprised that banal things are described. Better express your opinion.

Reason 5. Wrong audio device is active (often occurs when the monitor is connected to the TV via an hdmi cable)

Or here's another situation. Everything is included and everything works. Even the driver is installed. But someone previously watched a movie on TV and forgot to switch the active sound device back to the computer. This can be done either in the "Playback Device" itself, which was disassembled above and is located in the tray next to the clock:

Make sure your speakers are the active device by default. A green check mark indicates the sound device that is currently set by default.

Also, this case can be activated via a video card. For example, I right-clicked on the desktop in the empty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe video card settings:

And this often happens when I watched a movie on the Internet in the evening on another screen, and the sound was naturally on the TV. And in the morning the TV is turned off, and there will be no sound on the computer. He did not even disappear, but simply not active on it. So check these moments for yourself. Suddenly you have something similar, despite the fact that the video card may be different.

Reason 6. 3.5 MiniJack plug (connector) - moved away or junk

And this is a classic that often occurs on laptops or computers, regardless of which operating system they run windows 10 or windows 7. It doesn’t matter, because speakers or headphones often have poor quality connectors, and are often ordered from Chinese sites such as Aliexpress or Alibaba. In general, it doesn’t matter where you got them, but the point is that this is one of the common reasons why there is no sound on the computer, or it periodically appears and then disappears. Or is it noisy, junk in the dynamics? Then it's time to move this very connector, and if the situation is corrected, then you can be sure that the problem is in the plug. The thing that you plug into the green hole on the system unit, or usually the headphone jack on a laptop.

In general, for the first time, of course, you can sweat, and constantly move, or try to wipe the plug itself with alcohol, and blow out the input connector itself. Bend straight and blow into that very hole to get rid of plaque and dust. Would it help? Or else you know, when there is no money for new headphones, or you simply don’t want to go anywhere, but you want to listen to your favorite music here and now, then try to bandage with electrical tape the very place where it goes wrong when you move the plug, fixing the wire in working position.

Okay, fine. And, of course, you don’t have isolet. Or do not want to run to the construction kiosk for her. Do you know another Russian way? Don't guess))

Take and tie a light knot in the place where the wire breaks and the sound is knocking. Like this:

Just for a while, but it might help. Try it and write if this method helped you, at least for a week))

In any case, consider purchasing quality headphones or columns. Or if you know how to use a soldering iron, then get the same plug so that there are the same number of contacts, and feel free to disassemble and solder. Everything will be like new!

Reason 7. Broken wire for playing or transmitting sound (for example, a cat has gnawed through)

Listen! Well, this is of course a super reason if you have pets who love to mess up so much, and one day, when you came from the store, you might not notice that the wire was bitten off, and you can safely change it or fix it. In general, the first thing if there is a cat or a cat, or a dog, check the wires for a break.

If the assumption is confirmed, you yourself understand, or you need to take a soldering iron and reconnect the cliff. Or you can do it without a soldering iron, just twist the wires and wrap them with insulating tape. In general, it's up to you to decide. If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time and buy new ones. But suddenly your headphones with a microphone, and even super expensive. And you feel so sorry for them that you want to fix them. Cause? Why not. Feel free to do minor repairs. This is fine!

Oh yes, and punish the shaggy man not to do that again. I just don't know if he will understand you))

Cause 8: The outlet or plug is loose and the sound cuts out intermittently (plug or wire failure)

The same thing, a shaggy one could work here, but probably he could have been electrocuted, and he did not gnaw the wire. Or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plug, again, postings may depart. After all, now, most of all forks are, again, of poor quality. Especially on these peripherals in the form of headphones and speakers. There, the veins are so thin that a few light efforts are enough to break the wire. Therefore, frequent switching on and off can cause this cause. And here the solution is simple - replacing or repairing the fork.

Reason 9. The sound disappeared after installing some program (conflict of sound devices)

It also happens that you needed a program from the Internet, and after installing it, the sound disappeared. And even though Windows 10, even though Windows is not 10, there was a conflict between playback devices, and something went wrong.

And you know, this often happens when the program that you installed is somehow connected with sound, or work with voice recording and the like. It just happens that digital signature the author of the product is not verified, and you installed the program at your own risk, and the sound fell off. Or the driver simply did not understand where the active device is, and everything can even work correctly, and the corny active playback channel in the settings will fly off. And often the playback channel can change within the operating system, in the program that was installed.

Or, if you are sure that the problem is in the program, then try uninstalling it and restarting your computer. If this does not help, then refer to the reason with the driver, and do everything that I recommend above (reason 3)

Reason 10. Headphones are connected with a reduced volume, and you are trying to unmute the speakers

If anyone else comes across this issue, I don't even know. This is, of course, the limit of all banality and stupidity. But still, there is a place to be.

The situation when you have speakers and headphones turned on at the same time. And you are trying to turn the volume on the speakers to the maximum, without even realizing that the headphones are connected, which are located under the table. And another plus to everything, you can’t hear them because the sound on the headphones is reduced to zero.

And you are in a panic: Oh my god, the sound disappeared on a windows 10 computer, what to do and how to fix it?

Just bend down below, under the table, and turn off the earpiece. Perhaps you are one of those gifted people who have faced this situation. Well, you are not to blame. Anything happens!

Come on, write to the joke of this situation, have you ever had this or another stupid reason why the sound on your computer disappeared?

Reason 11. Unlikely, but still - a virus has started

Oh, well, this is generally a terrible beast, after which it is likely that you will have to throw away the computer.

Heh… Just kidding!

In general, it is worth checking your computer or your laptop for viruses, and then after rebooting, if the sound does not appear, go back to step 3, where the driver is updated, and try to fix the situation again.

We will analyze the search for viruses and their removal in one of the following articles. So keep an eye on the blog!

Reason 12. When there is no sound only in the browser, but it works in other places (the flash player has crashed)

And you also know how often it happens that the sound in the browser disappears, and not infrequently after pop-up windows, or ads in the browser, and trying to update the browser, the Flash player inside the browser crashes completely, and you can’t listen to music in classmates or VKontakte.

First of all, try opening the same site in a different browser. For example in google chrome. And it is likely that everything will work stably. Or update the flash player from the official adobe website

Most importantly, when looking for this player, pay attention to the fact that you do not need to send SMS - this is done for free.

And often, novice users stumble upon deceptive sites where ordinary users rip off money.

Be careful!

After updating the player, or reinstalling the browser, everything should work.

Did this article help you? Write a comment and click the buttons social networks so that others can also deal with the sound problem.

That's all for me. See you in the next releases!

The problem with sound on Windows 10 is not uncommon, especially after updates or switching from other versions of the OS. The reason may be in the drivers or in a physical problem with the speaker, as well as other components responsible for sound. All this will be discussed in this article.

The causes of sound problems are different. You may need to update or reinstall your drivers, or maybe replace some components. But before proceeding with the manipulations described below, be sure to check the performance of the headphones or speakers.

Method 1: Sound Adjustment

The sound on the device may be muted or set to the minimum. This can be fixed like this:

Method 2: Update drivers

Your drivers may be out of date. You can check their relevance and download the latest version using special utilities or manually from the official website of the manufacturer. The following programs are suitable for updating:,. Next, the process will be discussed using the example of DriverPack Solution.

Method 3: Run the troubleshooter

If updating the drivers did not work, then try running a search for errors.

Method 4: Roll back or remove sound drivers

If problems started after installation Windows updates 10, then try this:

Method 5: Checking for viral activity

It is possible that your device has been infected and the virus has damaged certain software components responsible for sound. In this case, it is recommended to check your computer using special antivirus utilities. For example, . These utilities are quite easy to use. Next, the procedure will be discussed with an example Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Method 6: Enable the service

It happens that the service that is responsible for the sound is disabled.

Method 7: Switching the speaker format

In some cases, this option may help.

Method 8: System Restore or OS Reinstall

If none of the above helped you, then try restoring the system to a working state. You can use or .

  1. Restart your computer. When it starts to turn on, hold down F8.
  2. Follow the path "Recovery" - "Diagnostics""Extra options".
  3. Now find "Restore" and follow the instructions.

If you do not have a restore point, then try reinstalling the operating system.

Method 9: Using "Command Prompt"

This method can help with wheezing sound.

Method 10: Disable sound effects

If that doesn't help, then:

This is how you can return the sound to your device. If none of the methods worked, then, as was said at the very beginning of the article, make sure that the equipment is working properly and does not need to be repaired.

Hello! We continue to dismantle the operating room Windows system 10 ! Today you will learn how to adjust the volume on Windows computer 10. You will be able to adjust the volume of speakers and system sounds. To adjust the volume, open the Start menu at the bottom left of the screen. In the window that opens, in the list of all applications, at the bottom of the list, open the "Windows Tools" tab. Next, in the list that opens, click on the "Control Panel" tab.

Next, you will see the Volume Mixer window. Here you can adjust the volume of the main speakers and the volume of system sounds. Note! System sounds can be set separately from speaker sounds. That is, system sounds can be made louder or quieter than the sound of the speakers.

Next, you can also adjust the sound through the taskbar. At the bottom of the screen on the right, in the taskbar, right-click on the icon - the volume indicator. In the window that opens, you can use the following functions:

Open the volume mixer.

playback devices.

Recording devices.

Detect audio issues.

Sound problems on a Windows 10 computer? Read Here!!!

Do you have any questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Adjusting the volume on a Windows 10 computer updated: March 1, 2017 by Ilya Zhuravlev

How to set up speakers on a Windows 7 computer

Any new device requires some kind of adjustment, for example, adjusting the sound parameters. All models that are currently on the market are equipped with a built-in sound card.

As a rule, the characteristics, quality and range of configurations of a discrete system are enough for most ordinary users. Sound lovers who care about getting the best results buy a separate card with additional settings and features.

Regardless of the filling of the device, every modern user should know how to set up speakers on a Windows 7 computer.

Standard parameter add-on

During the installation of Windows 7, it automatically configures all systems on the computer. If for some reason the process was interrupted, or did not give the desired result, you need to go to the "Device Manager" panel and make sure that the necessary components are active, that all drivers are available.

When the icon next to the speakers is lit exclamation point, means that there are no drivers (you need to download the files from the official site, then install them on your computer).

When a red cross is shown next to the sound player icon, this indicates that the device is not active. To enable it, you need to right-click on the icon and activate the "Enable" field. Evidence that the parameters are normal and the speakers are enabled is the speaker located in the right corner at the bottom of the Windows 7 desktop.

Next, you need to adjust the playback of music on the PC. To do this, go to the system's "Start" menu, then to the "Control Panel".

Look for "Sound" here. All further actions are performed in this section.

In the "Sound" section, you need to find the "Playback" menu and click on "Setup". A window will open in which you can check the correct sound of the speakers by clicking on the picture of the speakers with the mouse.

Carefully check that all speakers are working properly and click next. Another window will open where you need to check the option line for wide and surrounding formats (when available). Then comes "next" and "finished". This is the final step and completes the normal speaker tuning.

For convenience, you can calibrate the sound effects for playback on a PC. In the same "Sound" section in the "Playback" menu, find the speaker and click on "Properties". In the window that appears, the “General” menu displays the available inputs, and “Levels” adjusts a convenient playback volume scale through the speakers and microphone recording.

IN " additional features» You can select, activate, or delete unnecessary options. After selecting the parameters, it is important not to forget to save everything and click "OK".

Adjusting the sound on a laptop

Adjusting the settings on a laptop may differ slightly from a PC. The fact is that, unlike a stationary model, a laptop has only integrated speakers for playing music. Despite the differences in equipment, the process diagram on the devices is similar.

  1. First you need to go to the start menu.
  2. "Control Panel".
  3. "Sound".

In the last section, the same actions are performed as in the case of a PC.

Laptops on the keyboard have an unusual, but convenient key Fn. It is not difficult to find her, usually she is near Windows buttons. Carefully study the keyboard, some keys (located at the top) have different designations.

To configure, you need to find the speaker icon. If you simultaneously press "Fn" and the button with the speaker crossed out, the sound on the device will turn off. Using similar keys (arrows are drawn), you can change the playback level. There is nothing difficult in the adjustment process.

How to set up speakers on a Windows 7 PC programmatically

Adjusting playback on a PC is not only performed by standard methods. Often developers audio equipment introduce special programs- BY. They are used to fine-tune playback.

The most famous option is Realtek. This program serves as a standard option for advanced adjustment in Windows 7.

To open the programs, type "Realtek HD" in the search engine of the system and press enter. In this software, all moments are collected in a single menu to simplify the process. The types of inputs and active devices are also displayed here.

The volume is adjusted by moving the slider, next to it there is a change in the balance of the speakers. Choose from convenient options additional list, then immediately listen to the finished result. Next, go to the "Sound Effect" menu.

Here the general situation is regulated, and in the "Equalizer" section, the genre for playing is selected. Carefully adjust everything for yourself and save the result. The microphone is configured in the same software.

The use of such programs greatly simplifies the process.

In fact, there is no big difference between the configuration of a laptop and a PC. All devices on the same system are similar. The whole process is carried out in the same way, with the exception of some nuances.

The most convenient method of adjusting playback is to use additional software from the developer. It is usually installed along with the drivers. The advantage of such programs is that everything is collected in one section.

This approach is much more convenient. Search desired parameter V standard means more difficult, it will take more time.

In most cases, modern built-in cards allow you not to bother yourself and use automatic tuning. It produces a good result of the played music.

The end result is enough for most everyday tasks ordinary person. Most users use only the volume control, but for some people it is important that the sound quality is at the maximum level.

They try to squeeze everything out of the device and make optimal configuration adjustments, squeeze everything they can out of their device.

How to set up sound on a computer in Windows 7?

Sound loss on a computer is one of the most common problems that all PC users have experienced at least once. There can be quite a few reasons for this, but often the user himself is to blame, who incorrectly set the sound, or simply knocked down the settings.

The problem with setting up sound on Windows 7 is especially relevant for those users who have been using Windows XP, because the updated version of the settings really look and function a little differently.

But this problem can be solved much easier than it seems at first glance. To do this, carefully follow step by step instructions.

So let's get started:

1) First you need to click on the small image of the speaker, which is located in the lower right corner of the monitor with the right mouse button, select the "Playback devices" section.

2) In the window that appeared, you need to carefully check that the headphones and speaker are active.

3) If you don't find desired device in the list that the PC issued, check the connection of the device to the computer. Next, click on an empty area of ​​\u200b\u200bRMB, and select "Show disabled devices."

4) If the device you need is not working, then you need to select the “Enable” option, and everything will work as usual.

5) If you double-click on the icon, a window will open for you to make all the necessary settings and check if the speakers are working. You may need to set up your speakers using the setup wizard (for 5.1 and 7.1).

With the help of such instructions, you will make the maximum configuration that your PC requires.

Another common reason why the sound may not work or not work correctly is the disabling of the service that is responsible for playing audio files. To resume its work, go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services, and select "Windows Audio" from the list.

If it is really not active, click on it with LMB, and in the window that opens, you can change the parameters and start the selected service.

After reinstalling the settings in the same window, you need to select one more parameter - the startup type, it should be defined as automatic. This means that the service will be turned on automatically when the PC boots up, and you will not need to turn it on yourself every time.

How to install and configure computer acoustics

Good sound - important component computer work. Audio playback is required not only for games and movies, but also for interacting with some music programs. Therefore, you need to know how to connect speakers to a computer so that the sound remains high-quality and satisfies the user's needs.

Initial sound setup personal computer or laptop starts by installing drivers for sound card. Of course, the latest modern operating systems, such as Windows 10, are themselves able to determine the model of the sound device, regardless of whether it is built-in or separate, and install the desired auxiliary software. Of course, this option will not suit the owners of sound cards that came out recently.

Usually, a built-in sound card is used to connect speakers. Modern boards support a six-channel system. It is enough to connect a 5.1 stereo system, but if you want to enjoy professional sound with a 7.1 system, you will have to think about buying an external sound card.

If the OS has not installed the drivers in automatic mode, then do not despair. We need to start from the very beginning, namely, to understand exactly which sound card is installed on your personal computer. They exist in three types: 2.1, 5.1, 7.1. At the very beginning, when installing special drivers, using tooltips, you can easily determine this. And already, depending on the type of sound card, you can start setting up sound on your computer, knowing what kind of sound you should get as a result.

Connecting acoustics

Simple 2.0 (two speakers) and 2.1 (subwoofer, two speakers) systems are connected using a single cable, which is connected to the green connector.

A 5.1 system already requires three audio outputs:

  • green - for front speakers;
  • black - for rear speakers;
  • orange - for subwoofer and center speaker.

First you need to turn off the computer, completely de-energizing it. Then connect the speakers to the connectors that match the colors of the cords. The connector may say Line Out.

Choosing a place for speakers

To place the speakers, you need to choose the right place in which the sound from the speakers will be as pleasant as possible to listen to. A favorable distance that should be between two or more speakers on a computer should be at least 1.5 meters or even more. In the case when the speakers are located at a close distance from each other, their sound will be blurred and thus the sound quality will not be good.

Speakers are recommended to be placed on a table or other devices, but not on the floor, the floor can muffle and distort their sound, this does not apply to the subwoofer. The ideal height of the speakers from the floor is from 1 to 2 meters. As for the subwoofer, its best possible sound will be heard if it is on the floor, because it is known that low frequencies are well perceived on a perfectly flat and hard surface. If your subwoofer has small speakers, it is best to install it between the left and right front speakers about a meter in front of them.

If you decide to put the speakers not on the table near the monitor, but hang them, for example, on the wall, remember some rules. If the columns are small and light in weight. Then they will not need additional insurance, but in the case of heavy speakers, the weight of which can reach 5 kg, it is worth taking care of special safety brackets in order to avoid unpleasant situations. If you didn’t make any mistakes during installation, then the speakers on the computer should sound as even as possible, but in the case when one speaker sounds louder than the other, you should adjust their sound using a subwoofer or programmatically.

Bluetooth speaker connection

If you do not want to limit your movements with wires from speakers, choose Bluetooth devices. They work not only with laptops and PCs, but also with phones, so their purchase becomes a very profitable investment.

Bluetooth speakers are not very powerful, but connecting them is quite simple:

  • Turn your speakers on. Gotta catch fire led indicator.
  • Turn on Bluetooth on your laptop or PC (if there is no built-in adapter, you can purchase a removable one).
  • Start searching for new devices.
  • Find the name of your speakers and connect between devices. Some models require you to enter a password to connect.
  • If the connection is successful, the indicator will flash or change color.
  • Turn on the music and enjoy the sound.

Today, the computer is used in many aspects of our daily lives. Each person has their own priorities when using a computer. But even those who use a computer to print documents are not averse to listening to music from a CD or from the Internet, what can we say about those who play games, watch movies and, even more so, listen to music. In order to enjoy sound, you need correct setting sound on a computer.

Yury Alisievich, Shopping portal

How to restore sound on a computer

  • Published: May 24, 2016
  • Modified: August 21, 2017
  • Views: 3 018

The new operating system from Microsoft is good. Compared with previous versions, Windows 10 is faster and more stable. You quickly get used to the good, so users react painfully to new problems with this OS. One of these troubles is the lack of sound in the headphones after installing or updating the operating system. Usually the reason lies in the damage or incompatibility of drivers, so you should not blame the developers of the new OS. Let's take a look at how to set up your headphones on your Windows 10 PC and bring music back to your headset speakers.

Checking the physical connection settings

Sometimes no special action is taken to eliminate the problem. It is worth checking the primary causes of the problem - perhaps the solution lies on the surface.

Attention! After installing the chipset software, reinstall the audio driver.

Ways to set up headphones

There are two methods for setting up the headphones.

Driver update

This is the main way. 90% of all audio playback problems are due to a problematic driver package.

  1. Press Win + R and enter the command devmgmt.msc in the appropriate field. Confirm the action with the Enter key.

  2. In the "Task Manager" we find the sound card, right-click on it and click "Update Driver".

    Attention! Windows may install a generic audio driver, which may not be suitable. Therefore, go to the official website of the developer and download latest version compatible driver.

  3. In the window that appears, select the option "Search for drivers on this computer" and navigate to the downloaded file.

  4. Reboot the system.

Configuring the Realtek Manager

If driver updates did not help, go to the second method.

  1. Open "Control Panel" and select " Realtek Dispatcher HD" (may be Dolby Digital or Sound Booster).

  2. In the window that appears, click " Additional settings devices."

  3. Select "Split all output jacks as independent inputs". Confirm with the OK button.
    Here .
  4. Physical damage to connectors or sound card. In this case, you must contact the service center.

That's all. Now you know how to set up your headphones in Windows 10 and diagnose what is causing the problem.
