How to uninstall windows 10 driver updates. How to uninstall old usb device drivers from Windows? How to uninstall a previous version of a driver

Usually, once installed, the NVIDIA driver does not need to be uninstalled, since the program itself automatically updates and removes junk files. But there are situations when you still need to remove the driver. For example you set new video card and do not want any files from previous drivers to remain in the system (especially if a video card from another manufacturer was installed). Also, when updating a driver, it can be useful to uninstall previous versions (despite the fact that the installer suggests doing clean install with removal). Perhaps you have some other reason for deletion. Here you will learn how to uninstall drivers nvidia graphics cards. There are several ways to use it - choose for yourself.

Uninstall via control panel

Open the "Control Panel" in which find the section "Change or remove a program". The easiest way to do this is to click right click mouse on the Start button and select Control Panel. Find the appropriate link in the control panel.

You can immediately open the service for uninstalling programs by typing "remove a program" in the search. In the list of results, immediately start the "Change or remove a program" service.

You can start the "Change or remove a program" service through the search

After launching the uninstall application, a window will open with a list of all previously installed programs and applications. In order not to look for a long time how to delete the old nvidia drivers, type the word "nvidia" in the search bar of the uninstall programs window and you will see a list of applications that relate to the video driver.

Quick sort desired application to delete or change

Right-click on the relevant application and select Uninstall/Change.

The software uninstall service will start Nvidia program to remove drivers.

After analysis, the NVIDIA uninstaller will ask for confirmation to completely remove the drivers. Click the "Delete" button and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen.

Once the uninstall is complete, all you have to do is restart your computer. If you want to completely uninstall all Nvidia applications, then first uninstall the remaining applications in the same way and then restart your computer.

Using the Display Driver Uninstaller

Except standard way to remove drivers through the control panel and using windows services, you can use universal application Display Driver Uninstaller. This program is suitable for complete removal nvidia driver, and to remove AMD drivers. To use this program, you need to download and install it on your computer. To do this, type in search engine « Display Driver Uninstaller Download » and download the most latest version programs.

Unzip it to disk and run the application. Most likely, the program will prompt you to start the system in safe mode. In this mode, the application will most safely and completely remove drivers from the system. The computer will restart and launch the application.

First, switch the application language to Russian and select the appropriate type of video driver.

Now you can proceed to uninstall the video card driver. The program consists of one window, in which there are only three buttons:

  • Removal without reboot;
  • Removal and shutdown.
  • If you are planning to replace the video card in your system unit, then select the "Delete and shutdown" button, in other cases, select the first button.

    In addition to deleting, you can configure in the program options Extra options removal. For example, you can choose not to uninstall "PhysX" or not create a system restore point (which I don't recommend). In general, there are not many options and they are understandable. In most cases, you won't even have to go into these settings.

    Another feature of using this program is that after removing the drivers, it turns off automatic download driver service windows update. After installing a new driver, you will be able to enable this feature. To do this, run the Display Driver Uninstaller program and click on the "Enable driver installation through Windows Update" button.

    So Windows time stores many backups in the system, temporary files, old drivers that will gradually take up space on your hard drives. Of course you can to free up space on your hard drive, but what if the old drivers of any device interfere with the installation of new versions? Particularly problematic are wireless mice, keyboards and others USB devices, which sometimes do not want to work until we remove the old drivers and install new ones.

    Drivers are necessary little applications to connect any device and make it work. IN Windows system very large database of drivers for different types devices: printers, mice, sound cards, fees, etc. Some manufacturers release their own versions of the driver, which are necessary for operation and are not always in windows base drivers can work with one or another device. To do this, we need to remove old unnecessary driver versions and install new ones from the manufacturer.

    How to uninstall a previous version of a driver

    Every time the driver is updated time after time, then the old backups drivers remain in the system, thereby clogging HDD and interferes with the installation of new driver versions. To remove previous versions of the driver, write in the "Search" (near Start) Command line or cmd, right click on it and run from administrator name, then in the window that opens, enter the command cleanmgr.

    Place a check next to Device driver packages and click OK. All old driver packages will be purged.

    How to uninstall old device drivers in Windows

    Most often, relatives remain hidden installed drivers which the above method will not remove them. Hidden drivers remain in the system and when a new device is detected, they automatically install their hidden, old drivers and therefore interfere with the installation of new ones.

    • Press button combination Win+R and enter the following command devmgmt.msc to open Device Manager.

    • In device manager, click View >

    Note: If for some reason they are not displayed, then see below how to fix hidden display devices.

    We see weakly allocated devices in the picture above, these are hidden drivers that sometimes interfere with us.

    • To remove old hidden drivers, just right-click on it and Delete.
    • If it is possible to check the box, then check the box.

    How to reveal hidden device drivers in the manager

    Note: The command is related to show hidden drivers in device manager, old Windows versions XP, 7.

    • Run command line on behalf of the administrator and enter the command:

    SET devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices = 1

    You can go to device manager and try to show hidden ones.

    Sometimes, when correcting any errors in the Windows operating system, you need to uninstall driver specific device from the system. For example, you downloaded and installed the driver on, say, a video card, but you downloaded it not from the official site, but from another source. As a result, problems arose in the operation of the system as a whole (the screen goes dead, the computer hangs, games do not start, etc.) To correct this situation, you must remove the fatal driver and install the native one. In this article, we will look at how to remove a driver in Windows 7, 8 or 10.

    Below we will look at three of the most effective ways to remove drivers from the operating system. I will carry out all the actions in Windows 7, however, these methods are also suitable for both the "eight" and the "tens".

    Method 1. Uninstalling the driver through the control panel.

    Here is the easiest way to get rid of device drivers. So, let's go to the "Control Panel"

    Set Small icons and go to "Programs and Features"

    Will open special utility, designed to uninstall (remove) the driver and program to work with the device. After a while, you will only have to press the "Close" or "Finish" button.

    Method 2. Uninstalling the Driver Manually

    If the first method did not help, or your driver is not in the list of programs, then use this way. First of all, you need to get into the "Device Manager",
    Windows 7

    Now select the necessary device whose driver you want to remove, right-click on it and select the "Delete" item,

    A window will appear in which we check the item "delete the driver software for this device." After all, if you decide to remove it, then remove all components.

    After such manipulations, the driver will be removed, and after that you can proceed to install a new one.

    Method 3. Uninstall drivers with Driver Sweeper

    Friends, there is a very useful program Driver Sweeper, with which you can remove unnecessary drivers in two clicks. This utility is very simple, you can see for yourself. We download it from the Internet.
    Launch and first of all change the language

    It's no secret that Windows 10 takes up more and more hard drive space over time. Constant updates require a lot of free space on the hard drive. Sometimes after windows updates 10 remains too . Recycle bin emptying extra programs and files do not save the situation - there is not enough space. And if you have 120 or 240 gigabytes of memory? Then the situation is critical.

    Windows 10 keeps all the old and unused devices that have ever connected to this PC. These can be drivers for smartphones, video cards, TV tuners, printers, USB flash drives, modems, external HDDs, etc. For what? In order not to install them again, in case of reconnecting the device. A large number of unnecessary drivers clog the system.

    Before to uninstall old drivers in windows 10 it was necessary to go into the device manager, view hidden drivers and delete unused ones one at a time (they are highlighted in gray). In one of the “builds” (updates), it became possible to do this much easier.

    Go to Explorer and find system disk (c:) Right click on it and context menu select "Properties".

    Next to the small chart showing the capacity, click on Disk Cleanup.

    For several minutes, the program will analyze the state of the disk and the presence of “garbage” on it.

    Now click on "Clear system files” and again wait a few minutes.

    In the window that appears, find and check the box “Device driver packages”. If you select this item, a description will appear at the bottom of the window that says to keep copies of all device drivers, even if they are not used. If you don’t have Windows for a long time, or you haven’t connected any third-party devices to it, there may be nothing to delete.

    If you want not only remove old drivers, but also clean the disk (C:) - check all items. You can read more detailed article,

    Hello everyone, my dear readers!

    Glad to see you again on my blog! Yesterday I changed software to newer versions and faced the fact that sometimes you have to demolish old software. The question immediately arose - how to remove the installed drivers? After all, sometimes, a simple rollback is not enough. In this article, I will tell you all the ways how you can do it safely and without damaging your PC.

    What is it for?

    Sometimes demolishing drivers is not just desirable, but necessary. If in the case of updating programs, only a few files are added to them, then with system software it is completely different. Manufacturers sometimes completely change the structure of the driver, for example, for audio devices.

    Especially with the advent of the new DierctX. And in this case, you need to remove all old versions of the drivers. This can be done in several ways and programs, which I will discuss below. By the way, this applies not only to iron of primary importance and a certain OS. This may be needed even on modern windows 10.

    I want to immediately give an important explanation, do not uninstall if you do not have a new driver. Remember, as soon as you demolish the software, the operating system will simply stop working with it, or even disable it altogether. Therefore, it is important to have new version, or software with which you can find and install it.

    Removing the driver using special software

    The option is good because everything is done quickly. However, a quality program, and even free, is quite difficult to find. Driver Sweeper is a software that I tried myself. You can download from here. Download and install. After launching on windows 7, or on any other system, it is desirable that you activate the Russian language immediately. This is done in the Language tab.

    On the left side, click " analysis and purification". You will have all the devices for which the OS has drivers, even a printer. Choose the hardware that you need to get rid of the old software. Then click on the button Analysis. The system will display all the files that are associated with this device. Also, the parts of the registry that are related to it will be shown.

    Then you should press the button " cleaning". Once the process is complete, close the program and restart your PC. This is done both on a desktop computer and on a laptop. Only this field can be installed new software.

    There is another program that will help you with this. It's called Driver Genius. Download it you can from here. Download, install and run it. You will have a window like this.

    As shown in the figure, click Driver Cleanup and select the device. Then click the button " Next". The program itself will remove everything that is needed, and you just have to restart your PC.

    Removing through the device manager of the operating system

    First you need to open the task manager. Right click on the panel quick launch, on some free space, not occupied by labels and in the menu that appears, select the line with this name. You need to end all processes associated with the driver you want to remove. For example, you want to demolish the software on the laptop that is responsible for the video card, close all processes related to the image.

    Now you need to go to the control panel and open device Manager. You will see a window like the image below.

    In it choose desired device, right-click and select the " driver". Next click " Delete».

    The following will appear.

    Check the box where indicated and click " Delete».

    In principle, all this is enough, however, this method does not completely delete all files associated with the device. For example, there will still be entries in the registry. This is not dangerous, but in the future, without cleaning the registry, it can slow down the system.

    Precautionary measures

    Installing new drivers coupled with the removal of old ones can cause problems. For example, you will demolish the driver, and the new one will simply not be installed, causing an error digital signature. This especially happens with software for a printer or scanner. In this case, reboot into safe mode. To do this, restart your machine and click F8, and select the first line.

    Only after loading the operating system in this mode, you can proceed to action. In this case, the OS simply disables some functions that block some actions related to software quality assurance. And for operating systems newer versions, installing software without driver signatures is simply potentially dangerous. Therefore, this method has to be applied.


    At the end of the article, I want to warn you that any operation that is described here must be carried out to the end. Do not interrupt the process associated with the removal of software. Otherwise, your system will slow down. The worst thing that can happen is registry errors. Correcting them manually will be very difficult, so it is important to complete all procedures. By the way, there is a great video on this topic.

    From myself, I can recommend you to use special programs. They will not harm the system, and will definitely delete all files related to drivers. All software is free, I tested it myself. Work programs on all versions are visible. By the way, some actions may require the permissions of the system itself, so it is better to always run the software only as an administrator, otherwise nothing will work.

    On this I say goodbye to you! Hope. my article helped you, share it with your friends in in social networks because they might need help too! Also, subscribe to my blog updates, because I only collect here useful information! All the best to you, I wish you not to meet with computer problems and see you in new articles!
