I can't set the time on my phone. Time and Time Zone Problems in Android and How to Solve Them

As a rule, there is no need to change the time on an Android smartphone or tablet. The time is automatically determined immediately after the device is activated and the time zone is selected and, if necessary, is corrected via the Internet. But, if you want your Android device to show a different date, then you can make the appropriate changes in the settings.

So, in order to change the time on Android, you need to open the top curtain with notifications and click on the clock, which is located at the very top.

After that, a window with date and time settings will open in front of you. In order to change the time on your Android device, uncheck the box next to the " Automatic detection time" and then open the subsection called "Set time".

Also, if necessary, you can change the time zone. To do this, uncheck the box next to the function "Automatic detection of the time zone" and click on the link "Select the time zone".

After that, a window with a list of time zones will open in front of you. To select one of them, simply click on it.

I hope this article was useful to you, and now you know how to change the time to Android smartphone or tablet.

Suppose you have been using Android for a long time, and therefore it may seem that it does a great job of synchronizing the time - alarms go off on time, there are no obvious time deviations, etc. However, are you completely sure where Android is coming from? actually receives data about the exact time and time zones? If you have any doubts about how it works - welcome under cat.

Android has two problems with time: its unpredictable synchronization and the need to update time zone data even in the latest version of the OS.

Background: Android is a mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel, it easily connects to the Internet and, of course, one can assume that time synchronization is carried out using NTP, however, this is not the case. Historically, Android has been designed to be used exclusively for mobile phones(remember version 1.6). At the same time, only by the 3rd major version did he acquire an interface for tablets and other advances began to unify the interface and the OS stuffing. However, even versions 4.4 and Android L receive exact time signals using the same methods that Nokia 3310 and other earlier GSM / 3GPP phones received, i.e. from towers cellular communication when registering on the network (when connected to the tower). At the same time, tablets or other devices without a communication module, in principle, do not have the ability to synchronize time automatically.

Unfortunately, in order to teach Android to synchronize time completely automatically with using NTP we will need root access because the API for setting the exact time in Android is currently missing.

Let's get started. The first thing to do is turn off time synchronization with mobile network. At the same time, I recommend leaving the time zone setting in automatic mode, and turning it off is only if there is a guarantee that the device will work in stationary mode.

Screenshot of the settings window “Settings -> Date and time” android versions 4.x:

Next, you need to install the ClockSync application, which will act as an alternative for us to the time synchronization daemon using NTP.

Screenshots of the ClockSync window before synchronization (left) and after (right):

The screenshots show that the difference with the exact time turned out to be quite small, however, there are different situations, for some, the time on the device can even float back and forth because the operator did not bother to clean up his BS.

After making sure that everything works, we will set up automatic synchronization in the ClockSync program. To improve accuracy, I recommend turning on the "High accuracy mode" and "Only via WI-FI" options. If everything is clear with the first option from the description in the program (see the screenshot below), then I recommend enabling the second option primarily not for reasons of saving mobile traffic, but because Mobile Internet is not able to guarantee any stable delays.

A little more about accuracy:

The still widespread mobile Internet 2 (GPRS / EDGE) is, in principle, not able to provide stable transmission delays. Even the Internet of the 3rd (3G) and, to some extent, the 4th (LTE/LTE-advanced) generations, when the network or communication channels between BS are heavily loaded, which is a typical situation for large settlements, cannot guarantee stable delays. Therefore, even with an approximation, the final accuracy of the time setting can be worse than a fraction of a second and even easily reach several seconds.

Screenshot of automatic synchronization settings in ClockSync:

Due to the large-scale changes in time zones in the Russian Federation this fall, it is necessary now to think about updating information about them on all devices, and if there are no problems with supported desktop OS, then in Android even the latest version of the OS contains outdated data. In order to make sure of this, we install TimeZone Fixer and observe an unsightly picture.

A screenshot of the TimeZone Fixer program running on Android 4.4.4 (Cyanogenmod firmware dated August 4, 2014), which clearly shows that the data in the firmware is out of date:

A little bit of healthy concern and concern for users:

The author of the TimeZone Fixer program warns us that updating time zone data files can completely “break” the device and even gives recommendations on how to protect yourself from additional problems, although the cases of problems are isolated and very specific - this is really good care for ordinary users.

That is the only reason why I included this piece in the article, although it is not directly related to the problem, it is really good example user care. At the same time, the warning about versions 4.3+ is caused only by a small number of reviews about the program for devices with new OS versions, so please, after using it, be sure to write a review about this application.

After updating the time zone data, the program will offer to reboot, however, I recommend rebooting the device yourself through the system menu, since the program performs a reboot that is actually equivalent to reset, which, albeit with a low probability, can lead to problems and data loss.

I will be happy to answer any questions or make additions that the community deems necessary, however, I want to avoid overloading the article. additional information in order to follow the format of a compact guide to solving a specific problem.

UPD: This instruction completely solves the problem of time zones only for versions prior to 4.4. Since version 4.4, additional patching is needed, while the question is at the stage of researching the possibilities for creating a user-friendly solution.

It seems like something as simple as setting the date and time on Android shouldn't be a problem. Indeed, for experienced owners of smartphones or tablets, this is a banal operation. However, for those who for the first time hold a device under the control of this operating system, setting these parameters may cause questions. Below we will analyze how to set the date and time on Android.

Changing the date and time manually

To correct the time and date manually, you need to enter the device settings. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Move the curtain vertically from the status bar and tap on the gear icon.
  2. Enter the application menu by tapping on the icon with the image of six dots located in the dock bar. Find the icon with the image of a gear and short on it open the section " Settings».

Find the item " date and time» and short tap on it to open this tab. In some gadgets, the settings menu may look different, and the time and date settings should be looked for in the " Options».

Manual setting of the time and date will be available if the checkbox is unchecked. Auto time detection" or " Network date and time» is set to off (depending on Android version).

  • To change the date, select " date" or " Set date”, where we select the day, month and year and confirm by tapping on the “OK” button.
  • To change the time, select " Time" or " Time setting”, where we set the correct time and confirm with a tap on the “OK” button. Here you can also set the time format - 12 hour or 24 hour.

Automatic date and time setting

Android can set the time and date automatically. In this mode, information is synchronized from the operator's network. Naturally, the SIM card must be installed in the device. For automatic installation time and date, you need to check the box " Auto time detection». Manual installation will become unavailable.

Setting the date and time on Android. It seemed that it might be easier than taking and changing the date and time in Android, but unfortunately, problems can arise here too. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about setting the date and time accurately!

Why do you need the exact time and date?

Did you know that if the wrong date and time is set on your Android, it can greatly affect the system? For example, data synchronization will not work correctly, GPS will take a lot of time to connect to satellites, messenger applications can send data intermittently, and many sites will ask for certificates or indicate that they are outdated, using the Internet will turn into a torment! To prevent this from happening, you must always set the exact time and date.

Instructions on how to change the date and time in Android?

To do this, you will need to go to the Android Settings menu:

If you often have problems with the wrong date or time, then pay attention to the two parameters " Network date and time" And " Network time zone"If they are enabled, then disable them:

After that, you will be able to personally change the time and date.

Change the date:

Change the system time:

Also don't forget to put " Timezone”, as in the future this will help to avoid problems with changing the clock to summer and winter time:

That's all! If you have Root rights installed on Android, then you can make your life easier by auto-synchronizing the time.

If no changes were made to the android device, the date and time will be set automatically, synchronizing with a mobile operator. These settings can be changed, which we will discuss below.

Setting the date and time manually

If the time is on android not synced, then you can make changes manually:

We are interested in changes that can be made manually, so the tick automatic update remove and go to settings. It is worth noting that while synchronization with the mobile operator is set on the phone, the points for changing the information we are interested in will be unavailable.

Consider available items. The first two paragraphs allow you to use automatic synchronization, i.e. the smartphone itself will receive data from mobile operator and will constantly check them.

If these items are unchecked, the following 3 settings will become available: installation date, time, and time zone.

The hour format allows you to set display style time: 12 hour or 24 hour format.

Well, the last point will allow you to change display dates everywhere on your smartphone.

For manual remove changes first two checkbox and click sequentially on the points of setting the data of interest. In the window that appears, just set the numbers we need and save the changes.

Automatic synchronization

As mentioned above, on android you can use automatic synchronization.

To do this, go to the same menu that we mentioned above and checking the presence of checkboxes on auto-sync. Nothing else needs to be done, after a while the information will automatically change.

Except standard way there is another one - to install a special application. You can find such programs in the play market.

An example is the popular application ClockSync.

To use it, go to the Google market and in the search enter ClockSync.

Open the found link and launch installation process.

After installation we go in the application, click on ellipsis above. In the menu that opens, select auto-sync.

No more actions need to be taken, after a while the date will be synchronized and will be periodically checked with the server. The application requires internet access.
