Synchronize time with the Internet windows 7. How to synchronize time on a computer with the Internet? Additional date and time settings on the computer

Many users of computers and laptops very often complain that the time is constantly lost on their devices, so it has to be corrected periodically. Moreover, as practice shows, sooner or later almost any of us faces this problem. Why is this happening? How to deal with this problem? We will talk about all this right now.

Switching to winter and summer time

A few years ago in our country, every autumn and spring, we set the clock hands one hour back or forward, respectively. However, then the government decided to cancel the transitions. That's just operating system Windows, whether it's XP, Vista or 7, still automatically adjusts the clock!

On the "Date and Time" tab, select "Change Time Zone...".

In the window that opens, uncheck the box "Automatically switch to daylight saving time and vice versa." More details in the screenshot:

Server Synchronization

There is a problem of a different nature. By default, operating systems update, which also affects the current time. In other words, as soon as you go online, the system automatically synchronizes with the server and updates the time for your time zone itself. And since not all servers know yet that in Russia the clock hands are no longer translated, such a mess occurs.

The solution is very simple. Click on the clock again, click on "Change date and time settings...", then select the "Internet Time" tab.

Click Change Settings. Uncheck the box next to "Synchronize with an Internet time server" and click OK. Everything, now synchronization is completely disabled.

Battery on motherboard

If you used the two methods described above, but it did not help you at all, then the problem most likely lies in the battery on the motherboard. Many will be surprised - a battery? What is this? In fact, this is a very important element of any computer or laptop.

This battery is necessary so that the system could store data on the system settings, because otherwise, every time the PC was turned on, this data would be lost and then it would be necessary to create new settings every time. Of course, this is extremely inconvenient. The battery helps a lot in this regard, while its life can be calculated in decades, although it usually lasts 5-8 years.

It is installed on the "motherboard" and it is very easy to find it yourself - just look at the board. Replacing it is also easy, but remember that you need to do this strictly with your PC turned off. This battery can be purchased at any store that sells components for computers, it is inexpensive. After replacement, you should completely get rid of the problem.

Motherboard problem

Even if, after replacing the battery, the time continues to reset, then, perhaps, one of the elements ordered to live for a long time motherboard. It is very difficult to figure out this problem on your own, since apart from "temporary difficulties" there are no problems, so we recommend taking the "motherboard" to service center for diagnostics.

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It's no secret that even electronics cannot achieve absolute accuracy. This is evidenced by at least the fact that after a certain period the computer's system clock, which is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen, may differ from real time. To prevent such a situation, it is possible to synchronize the exact time with an Internet server. Let's see how this is implemented in practice in Windows 7.

The main condition under which you can synchronize the clock is the presence of an Internet connection on the computer. There are two ways to synchronize the clock: using standard tools Windows and using a third party software.

Method 1: Time synchronization using third-party programs

Let's figure out how to synchronize time via the Internet using third party programs. First of all, you need to select the software to install. One of the best programs in this direction is considered SP TimeSync. It allows you to synchronize the time on your PC with any atomic clock available on the Internet via the NTP time protocol. Let's figure out how to install it and how to work in it.

  1. After launching the installation file, which is located in the downloaded archive, a welcome window of the installer opens. Click Next.
  2. In the next window, you need to determine where the application will be installed on the computer. By default, this is the programs folder on the disk. C. Unless absolutely necessary, it is not recommended to change given parameter so just click Next.
  3. A new window informs you that SP TimeSync will be installed on your computer. Click Next to start the installation.
  4. The SP TimeSync installation process on the PC starts.
  5. Next, a window opens, which says about the end of the installation. Click to close it. Close.
  6. Click the button to launch the application. "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen. Next go by name "All programs".
  7. In the list of installed software that opens, look for the SP TimeSync folder. Click on it for further steps.
  8. The SP TimeSync icon will be displayed. Click on the indicated icon.
  9. This action initiates the launch of the SP TimeSync application window in the "Time". So far, only local time is displayed in the window. To display the server time, click on the button "Get Time".
  10. As you can see, now both local and server time are displayed in the SP TimeSync window at the same time. It also displays metrics such as delta, latency, start, NTP version, accuracy, freshness, and source (in the form of an IP address). To synchronize your computer clock, click "Set time".
  11. After this action the local time of the PC is given in accordance with the server time, that is, synchronized with it. All other indicators are reset. To compare local time with server time again, click again. "Get Time".
  12. As you can see, this time the difference is quite small (0.015 sec). This is due to the fact that synchronization was carried out quite recently. But, of course, it is not very convenient to synchronize the time on the computer manually every time. To set up this process automatically, go to the tab "NTP client".
  13. In field "Get Every" you can specify a period of time in numbers, after which the clock will be automatically synchronized. Next, in the drop-down list, it is possible to select the unit of measurement:
    • Seconds;
    • minutes;
    • Watch;
    • Day.

    For example, let's set the interval to 90 seconds.

    In field "NTP server" if desired, you can specify the address of any other synchronization server, if the one that is set by default ( does not suit you for some reason. In field "Local Port" best not to make changes. By default, there is a number «0» . This means that the program connects to any free port. This is the most best option. But, of course, if for some reason you want to assign TimeSync to SP specific number port, you can do it by entering it in this field.

  14. In addition, the same tab contains the accuracy control settings that are available in Pro versions:
    • Try time;
    • Number of successful attempts;
    • Retry limit.

    But since we describe free version SP TimeSync, then we will not dwell on these possibilities. And to further configure the program, move to the tab "Options".

  15. Here, first of all, we are interested in the point "Run at Windows startup". If you want SP TimeSync to start automatically when the computer starts, and not to do it manually every time, then check the box next to the specified item. In addition, you can check the boxes next to the items "Minimize tray icon" And "Run with minimized window". By setting these settings, you will not even notice that the SP TimeSync program is working, since it will carry out all actions for time synchronization at a set interval in background. The window will need to be called only if you decide to make adjustments to the previously set settings.

    In addition, for users of the Pro version, the ability to use the IPv6 protocol is available. To do this, you just need to check the box next to the corresponding item.

    In field "Language" if desired, you can choose from a list of 24 available languages. By default, the system language is set, that is, in our case, Russian. But English, Belarusian, Ukrainian, German, Spanish, French and many other languages ​​are available.

Thus, we have configured the SP TimeSync program. Now every 90 seconds will happen automatic update Windows 7 time according to the server time, all of this running in the background.

Method 2: Synchronization in the "Date and Time" window

To synchronize the time using the built-in Windows features, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions.

  1. Click on the system clock located in the bottom corner of the screen. In the window that opens, navigate to the inscription "Change date and time settings".
  2. After starting the window, go to the section "Internet Time".
  3. If this window indicates that the computer is not configured for automatic synchronization, then in this case click on the inscription "Change settings...".
  4. The settings window starts. Check the box next to "Synchronize with an Internet time server".
  5. After performing this action, the field "Server", which was previously inactive, becomes active. Click on it if you wish to select a server other than the default one (, although this is not required. Choose the appropriate option.
  6. After that, you can perform an immediate synchronization with the server by clicking "Update Now".
  7. After completing all the settings, click OK.
  8. In the window "Date and time" press too OK.
  9. Now your time on the computer will be synchronized with the time of the selected server once a week. But, if you want to set a different automatic synchronization period, then it will not be as easy to do as in the previous method using third-party software. The point is that in the user Windows interface 7 simply does not provide for changing this setting. Therefore, you will have to make adjustments to the system registry.

    This is a very responsible business. Therefore, before proceeding to the procedure, think carefully about whether you need to change the automatic synchronization interval, and whether you are ready to cope with this task. Although there is nothing unusually complicated here. You just need to approach the matter responsibly, in order to avoid fatal consequences.

    If you still decide to make changes, then call the window "Run" by dialing the combination Win+R. In the field of this window, enter the command:

    Click OK.

  10. The system editor window opens. Windows Registry 7. In its left part there are registry keys presented in the form of directories placed in a tree form. Go to section "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" by double-clicking on its name with the left mouse button.
  11. Next, in the same way, go sequentially to the subsections "SYSTEM", "CurrentControlSet" And Services.
  12. A very large list of subsections opens. Look for a name in it W32Time. Click on it. Go to subsections Time Providers And "NTPClient".
  13. On the right side of the Registry Editor, subsection parameters are presented. "NTPClient". Double click on the option "SpecialPollInterval".
  14. The parameter change window is launched "SpecialPollInterval".
  15. By default, the values ​​in it are set in hexadecimal. The computer works well with this system, but for regular user she is incomprehensible. Therefore, in the block "calculus system" move the switch to position "Decimal". After that in the field "Meaning" number will be displayed 604800 in the decimal system of measurement. This number displays the number of seconds after which the PC clock is synchronized with the server. It is easy to calculate that 604800 seconds equals 7 days or 1 week.
  16. In field "Meaning" parameter change window "SpecialPollInterval" enter the time in seconds after which we want to synchronize the computer clock with the server. Of course, it is desirable that this interval be less than the one set by default, and not more. But it is up to each user to decide for himself. As an example, we will set the value 86400 . Thus, the synchronization procedure will be performed once a day. Click OK.
  17. Now you can close the Registry Editor window. Click the standard close icon in the top right corner of the window.

Thus, we set up automatic synchronization of the local PC clock with the server time once a day.

Method 3: command line

The next way to start time synchronization involves using command line. The main condition is that before starting the procedure you are logged in with an account name with administrator rights.

You can synchronize time in Windows 7 either using third-party software or using the internal capabilities of the operating system. Moreover, it can be done different ways. Each user simply has to choose the most suitable option for himself. Although objectively using third-party software is more convenient than using built-in OS tools, it should be taken into account that installing third-party programs creates an additional load on the system (albeit a small one), and can also be a source of vulnerabilities for malefactors.

NET TIME synchronizes the computer clock with another computer or domain. If used without parameters in Windows domain Server, displays the current date and time of day set on the computer designated as the time server for the given domain. This command allows you to set the NTP time server for the computer.

NET TIME Command Syntax

  1. net time [(\\computername | /domain[:domainname] | /rtsdomain[:domainname])]
  2. net time [\\computername]
  3. net time [\\computername]], Where
  • \\computername - indicates the name of the server on which the time should be checked or with which the timer should be synchronized.
  • /domain[:domain_name] - specifies the name of the domain with which the clock is synchronized.
  • /rtsdomain[:domain_name] - Specifies the Reliable Time Server (RTS) domain with which the clock will be synchronized.
  • /set - Synchronizes the clock with the time of the specified computer or domain.
  • /querysntp - displays the name of the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server configured for the local computer, or the computer specified in the \\computer_name parameter.
  • /setsntp[:NTP_server_list] - specifies a list of NTP time servers to use on local computer.

NET TIME Command Examples

  • net help time- display help for the specified net command;
  • nettime\\PC1- displaying the current server time on the network for PC1;
  • nettime /querysntp- display on the screen the name of the NTP server for the local computer;
  • net time \\Proton /set- synchronization of local computer clock with Proton computer time.

Net time system error 5 access denied

It is often asked why " System error 5. Access denied" when using the Net time command. I answer, everything is in the rights of the user under which the command is run. As an example, I tried to run the command first with local administrator rights on

For information about the exact time, and to synchronize manually, use the services of one of the so-called Daytime servers. Before connecting to such a server, make sure that you have a Telnet console client (it is found both in Linux and in many Windows versions). Run the telnet program with a parameter consisting of the server's IP address and port number, separated by a colon. The port number for the Daytime protocol is always 13. For example: telnet
In response, you will receive information about the time and date, after which the connection will be automatically disconnected. Ignore the clock - the server is in a different time zone. You only need information about minutes and seconds. Use only those servers from the list that are explicitly said to support the Daytime protocol. Never connect to the same server more than once every four seconds inclusive, otherwise your IP address will be (your requests will be taken as DoS-).

To automatically clock the computer with the server, you will have to use another protocol - NTP. It is supported by all servers from the specified list, even those that use the Daytime protocol. However, it is best to use a more accurate NTP server for this - The public server pool is somewhat less accurate. Please note that the URLs of these servers are written without the usual "http://www" string. In no case should requests to any NTP servers be repeated more than once every four seconds, inclusive.

To automatically synchronize the computer's built-in clock with an NTP server on a Linux operating system, first install the ntp package. Then enter the command: sudo ntpdate (NTP server URL)

To in the operating room Windows system the time is automatically synchronized with the NTP server each time the computer is turned on, select the "Date and Time" item in the "Control Panel". Switch to the Time tab. Check the "Enable synchronization with an Internet time server" checkbox. Enter the URL of the NTP server in the only field on the page.

Install on your mobile phone J2ME Server Time application. After running it, enter the URL of the NTP server in the settings. Then select "Start!" from the menu. After the request is made, you can compare the time on the server with the time in the phone's built-in clock. You will have to synchronize manually, despite the use of the NTP protocol. This is related to the fact that virtual machine Java on the phone prevents applications from changing the system clock.

Although the computer is an accurate machine, the clock in it (like any other) can be slow or fast. To prevent such incidents, time synchronization using the Windows Time service is necessary.

According to the given schedule, the OS checks the clock with the server specified in the settings. If the values ​​are not equal, the system performs an adjustment of the indicators. Initially, several addresses are already set in the configuration.

How to synchronize time on a computer

For a one-time synchronization, you need to do the following steps. Left click on the Windows clock.

The "Change date and time settings" button will open the settings window. Next, you need to go to the "Time on the Internet" tab. It will display the server address that is specified in the settings, and the last date of synchronization.

By clicking on "Change settings", you can update the time.

Function automation

To synchronize the time of the computer with the Internet automatically, it is enough to tick the single box in the last window. If it is impossible to connect to the north or an error occurs when updating the time, then you can select one of the additional servers, since the OS provides a choice of as many as 5, or find and enter it in the "server" line.

Be careful, the last selected server will remain in the default settings, the operating system will automatically synchronize the time on the computer with the Internet with it.

Command line tools

Not always convenient to use graphic aids system settings. For example, if the window is overloaded with text: the eyes are trying to find the right button, but everything merges into one monotonous image. Yes, and entering a couple of commands is faster than frequently moving the mouse cursor from one corner of the window to another.

To synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet using the command line, open the "Start" menu and select "Run" or simply press Win + R on your keyboard. In the line of the window that starts, write cmd, and then press Enter. This will enter the command prompt, the following command will update the time on the local computer with the server installed by default:

  • w32tm /resync.

To configure the server that the system will use to synchronize the time on the local computer with the Internet, run the following commands:

  • w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:[server for synchronization] /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes (this command sets the server whose time will be used for updates);
  • w32tm /config /update (message to the time service that the settings have changed);
  • net stop w32time && net start w32time (service restart).

- is it too difficult?

Windows is an OS whose functionality can be extended additional applications. If you experience difficulties when setting up time updates, then you can use the simplest option - download a program that will take many steps by itself and require minimal intervention. Moreover, such programs allow you to synchronize time with greater accuracy than standard means systems. Often they can take into account delays in receiving and sending packets and get server addresses from lists on the Internet.

Undocumented Settings

By default, the period with which Windows will synchronize the time on the computer with the Internet after configuration is one week. Sometimes this interval needs to be reduced, but the built-in tools do not allow you to perform the necessary configuration. The registry will help.

To run the registry, type regedit in the Run box and press Enter. Go to the HKEYLM branch, expand the SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient directory in it. Look for the SpecialPollInterval parameter. The value 604800 will already be written in it. It is in this number of seconds that one week passes. If you change this number to 3600, the synchronization time will be one hour.

It is not recommended to enter values ​​less than an hour and more than a day in this column. Small values ​​will significantly increase Internet traffic. In addition, if you try to synchronize the time every few seconds, the server will block your IP. Larger values ​​will not achieve maximum accuracy of the system clock. After making changes, type net stop w32time && net start w32time into the command line.

The local network

If several computers connected via a local network are installed at home or in the office, you can use one as an exact time server. Synchronization with the time of the PC included in the local network, is done in the same way as with servers on the Internet. But first, you will need to run an NTP server on a computer whose time will be used by the rest of the network.

To do this, open the registry and edit the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer key. In it, the Enabled key must be assigned the value 1, then restart Windows service time from the command line by typing net stop w32time followed by net start w32time.

Remember that now the PC is being used by other network users as a guide, do not forget to check its performance from time to time. Whether the server is enabled can be checked with the w32tm /query /configuration command. An Enabled value of 1 indicates that the server is OK.

Do not forget to synchronize the time on your computer with the Internet, because now, if the clock runs ahead or lags too far on it, this will affect all users.
