Download Disk Cleanup. Programs for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files

If you are faced with the need to record information on removable media, you will agree that it is not always possible to find a blank disk. Fortunately, progress does not stand still and now you can use previously filled blanks in your work. You will need special program to clean the disk, which can quickly bring any storage medium into a usable further work view.

How to delete old data from disk?

If you are trying to understand, or a CD, then pay attention to the convenient and very compact application "Disk Studio".

From the main menu of the application, you can immediately go to any section that interests you. Need to burn music, video to disc or copy data? Or maybe you need to create an image of certain files or an entire disk? Rip or backup? Easily!

Main menu of Disk Studio

Just click on the desired item and follow the on-screen guide. In just a few steps, you can make all the settings, run the procedure you need and complete the task perfectly.

Deleting old data is easy!

The functions of the program for cleaning the disk please with their diversity. However, back to its main purpose. What needs to be done to get rid of old disk from irrelevant information? In general, not so much. After launching Disk Studio, go to the tab "Copy and cleanup" and select the item "Erase disk".

Copy and Cleanup Tab

A small window will immediately appear on the screen. Click the button "Open Drive". When the disc is in the drive, press the button "Erase disk".

Cleaning process setup menu

Then wait for the running process to finish. In about five minutes, you will have a completely blank disc at your disposal.

Writing new data

Disk Studio is an extremely useful tool for working with disks, which will help you not only clean up old storage media from irrelevant data, but also burn completely new and necessary files to them. Just select the desired mode among those presented in the program.

So in the case of music, you can specify the requirements for the format, quality and frequency of songs, adjust the recording speed, and even give the disc a unique name.

The window for creating a list of music for recording

When creating a DVD, the software will offer to add files for recording, as well as to design the menu in an original way. You can customize its design: choose a background, icons that will act as "switches", enter titles and decorate the slide with clipart, or use one of the blanks from the software collection.

Creating an interactive menu for a DVD


The disk cleanup program is a real find for people who have absolutely no time to run to the store, but urgently need to get blank disk to record important files. possible now. You will not need any supernatural skills - just go to a special page of our website and click the button "Download".

Hello all friends!

If you care about fast work computer, then at least once every three months you need to carry out a global cleaning of the system from different kind garbage. If this is not done, the computer will simply slow down.

After a long work of the computer, a lot of garbage accumulates, getting rid of which you can free up gigabytes free space on a hard drive, clean the disk of garbage in three steps. This article is for beginners. Use it and really notice the difference BEFORE and AFTER cleaning hard drive. The most interesting thing is that we will get rid of the Temp folder more about it:

Step 1) Cleaning Your Computer of Junk - Manually

Cleaning up the system drive "C" in Windows 7 is a fairly simple procedure, but before using the programs, let's prepare our computer. For this we use standard means systems. We go to " Start» —>» Computer and see our disks. Move the mouse to drive C, and press the right mouse button. We go into the property and run disk cleanup.

The cleaning program will start, it will estimate the volume, and prepare the files for deletion.

Attention! If you are cleaning a disk for the first time, it may take a long time, up to several hours. Therefore, for especially "neglected patients" it is necessary to set the cleaning for the night.

We put ticks everywhere before cleaning. Look in the basket, maybe there you still have the files you need.

Do not forget to go to the advanced tab, there you can delete unnecessary programs and restore points. Click " OK"—> « Delete files» unnecessary garbage removed. The preparation of the system is completed, let's move on to the "heavy artillery" - we will use powerful program to remove debris.

Step 2. CCleaner - continue cleaning the disk

We continue cleaning. And this will help us cool program its name is CCleaner. This is the most popular utility among garbage cleaners. Download the portable (portable version does not require installation) program. The download will start automatically. Run the program, click " Analyze» (Analysis), after scanning « Run Cleaner“(Cleaning). The language of the program changes like this: Options» —> « Settings» —> « language» —> « Russian«.

You can also clean the registry, I think you will understand - the interface is nowhere simpler. Let's move on to the next step.

Step 3. FreeSpacer - complete cleaning of the computer disk from garbage

The program is called FreeSpacer and install it on your computer. I will say a few words about this wonderful program.

I have been using FreeSpacer for a very long time, what I like about it is that there are no complicated settings, it all comes down to two actions, search and delete, it is distributed free of charge and does not remove anything superfluous. I also want to say about its effectiveness, it removed from my friend 20 gigs of garbage and this is not the limit.

Run the program and click " Search.» No other programs or background applications should be running on the system.

In the article I will teach you how to clean your computer from garbage. I'm a blogger and I download a lot of stuff on my computer, install programs, test patches and stuff like that. The system accumulates a lot of garbage that interferes with normal operation. I will consider several tricks on how to clean and speed up your computer with your own hands.

How to clean your computer from garbage: hard drive

I'll tell you how to clean your computer from garbage, follow all the steps in the article. Do not use the standard uninstaller, the Revo Uninstaller program will help. As for the garbage on the hard drive itself, we carry out in two stages.

First stage: standard

Few people know that Windows has a standard utility for cleaning hard drives. To do this, open “my computer”, and on each of the local drives, click right click mouse and select "properties".

Find and click "clean".

And we agree with our decision.

The process will pass, after which quite a lot of space will be added to your disk. I am writing this article from a working computer, it is 2 weeks old, and in these two weeks almost 6 GB of rubbish has accumulated.

The second way: program

The standard cleaner is good only for the system itself, so you need to clean the rest HDD. For these purposes, I advise the CCleaner program, here it is official site. Downloading for free is not difficult. We open and see the program window in Russian.

  1. Select the "Cleanup" option.
  2. Let's do the analysis first.
  3. The whole list will come out junk files, click delete.

On this cleaning hard disk is finished. I offer a list of alternatives for free.

  • Advanced Disk Cleaner
  • Blank And Secure
  • Freespacer
  • HDD Cleaner
  • Moo0 Disk Cleaner

Cleaning your computer from garbage: registry

Cleaning the computer from garbage in the registry, I use the Wise Registry Cleaner program, you can download here, the program is completely free. Download and install. At the first start, they will ask about a backup copy of the registry, we make it. We choose deep cleaning to get rid of all the jambs, which is good, everything is completely in Russian.

Let's go to the optimization section.

  1. The section itself.
  2. We mark the checkboxes, I put everything.
  3. Click to optimize.
  4. After the program has run, the inscriptions “optimized” will appear.

The last section is registry compression, a cool thing. We need to start with an analysis. The computer will not respond for some time, do not be afraid.

Now click on compression. The registry will begin to compress, I advise you not to do anything at this time.

After compression, a reboot will take place, this is a must. The second step was taken, the registry was optimized, it helped free utility Wise Registry Cleaner. For an alternative, I offer more programs, you can download for free and without registration.

Registry application for windows 7,8 and 10

  • Auslogics Registry Cleaner.
  • Vit Registry Fix Free.
  • Reg Organizer - this program for free on Windows 10 works fine, I tested it.
  • Avira RegistryCleaner.

Cleaning the system volume information folder

A month ago, my computer started to boot very slowly for about 35 minutes. I thought that the end of the hard drive, but nothing happened. The thing was that the system volume information folder contains backup copies of recovery points, and I had 253 GB of these points, and I started cleaning it. First you need to enable the visibility of hidden folders. We enter the control panel and find the folder options.

  1. The path to the panel.
  2. We expose large icons.
  3. Click folder options.
  4. View tab.
  5. We uncheck the box.
  6. Change the checkbox.
  7. We press ok.

Now this folder has appeared on the C drive, but it cannot be opened even if administrator rights are set. To clear, you need to go to drive C, and find system volume information, right-click and select properties.

To add an administrator to access, click add.

We introduce our account and press ok.

All record created, click ok.

During creation there will be all sorts of warnings, we ignore them.

To clear restore points, go to the control panel, and look at the screenshot.

  1. The path to the program.
  2. In the left section, select "system protection".
  3. Select drive C.
  4. Click to configure.

That was the problem, I had this slider set to 50%, so all the memory was full. I set it to 5 percent, let there be points. To clear the memory, click delete.

That's all the hard drive is clean of debris. Let's move on to the last step.

Hard disk defragmentation: free windows 7, 8, 10

Let's start with the standard method, it works the same on all systems, including windows 8. We go into my computer and select the disk to defragment.

Defragmentation is the transfer and clustering of system files by type.

  1. We press the right button.
  2. Finding properties.
  3. Service tab and perform defragmentation.

In the next window, select the local drive. First, click on the analysis, as it passes, click on defragmentation. There are analogues standard program, I will not disassemble them, because they all work on the same principle.

List of programs for windows 10 and all others.

  • Auslogics Disk Defrag.
  • Super Ram
  • Advanced Defrag
  • Ashampoo Magical Defrag
  • ScanDefrag
  • Memory Improve Ultimate

Don't use garbage checks with online tools, will not help, it is better to do it manually.

The article shows cleaning a computer from garbage, namely: a hard drive, registry, restore points and defragmentation. Keep only what you need on your computer. At the end of the video.

In the course of its operation, the operating system creates a lot of temporary data that is stored on the disk (usually drive C) in the form of files and registry entries. These can be files of update packages, archivers, shadow copies, content downloaded from the Internet, etc. They behave similarly third party programs, such as browsers that store website data in a cache. Some temporary files are deleted automatically after a certain time, others remain on the disk until they are deleted forcibly.

If the user does not perform regular maintenance and cleaning of the C drive, free space on it becomes less and less, to the point that the disk eventually turns out to be filled with temporary files to the eyeballs, which excludes further writing of any data to it and reduces its performance. There are two ways out of this situation - either increase the size system partition at the expense of the user volume, or perform its comprehensive cleaning, which is more preferable. Let's see how to free up space on Windows 7/10 local disk C.

What can be removed if the disk is full

The system volume contains many important files that ensure normal Windows work, therefore, its deep cleaning should be approached with the utmost care. What can be removed from the C drive to free up space and not break the system? All its content can be conditionally divided into three groups. The first includes files that can be deleted without any fear. The second consists of files, the removal of which, although it will not harm the system, but under certain circumstances can still cause certain problems. The third group includes files that cannot be deleted, as this can make programs and the system inoperative. You can clean drive C without negative consequences by deleting:

  • Contents of the Cart.
  • Library catalogs.
  • Folders and Downloaded Program Files in the Windows directory.
  • Cache of browsers and some third-party programs.
  • Icon sketches.
  • Logs and memory dumps for system errors.
  • Old Chkdsk utility files.
  • Bug reports.
  • Files created by the Windows debugger.

With some care, you can delete shadow copies () created during the installation of updates and stored in backup copies, files of previous system installations (Windows.old folder), unnecessary components and applications, folders of uninstalled programs in the ProgramData, Program Files and Roaming directories, MSOCache folder Microsoft Office. If quick start is not used, you can delete the file hiberfil.sys in the root of drive C, after disabling these functions in the settings. It is acceptable, but not desirable, to remove the swap file pagefile.sys. Other files and folders on the C drive must not be deleted so as not to disrupt the system.

Cleaning up junk and temporary files using Windows tools

To get started, let's see how to clear the C drive of unnecessary files in Windows 7/10 using the tools itself. operating system. For this purpose, Windows has a built-in utility. cleanmgr.exe, which can be launched both through the properties of the section being cleared, and through the Run dialog box. After the utility scans the disk for obsolete files, check the boxes on the Disk Cleanup tab and click OK.

If you click the "Clean up system files" button, reports, device driver packages, error dumps, and additionally, restore points, with the exception of the most recent one, will become available for deletion.

For a deeper and more thorough cleaning of disk C from garbage, you can use the built-in console utilities Dism And vssadmin. The first allows you to delete temporary data from the WinSxS folder, including backups created before installing Windows updates. To do this, use the following commands, executed in the CMD console launched as an administrator:

  1. DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
  2. DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /SPSuperseded
  3. vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet

The first command does the same as the cleanmgr.exe utility, only more carefully.

The second removes all standby updates from the WinSxS folder.

With the third command, you can delete all restore points, including the last one.

However, you should use these tools with caution, because after executing the indicated commands, you will no longer be able to roll back the system to a working state or previous version.

Note: before clearing the WinSxS folder, it is recommended to set it to its true size, thereby making sure that it really needs to be cleared. To do this, you need to execute command line command Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore and compare the actual size of the component store with the size indicator in the Explorer properties.

After windows updates up to more new version a folder appears in the root of drive C Windows.old, which can take up a lot of disk space.

The contents of this directory are represented by copies system files installation of the previous Windows versions. If you are determined not to return to old version system, the Windows.old folder can be deleted. This is done again either using cleanmgr.exe or using the command line. In the first case, you need to find and mark on the "Advanced" tab the item "Previous Windows installation", in the second - run in the console running as administrator cmd command rd /s /q c:/windows.old.

Get a little extra bed on drive C by removing unused components, the same ones that are accessed by the classic Add/Remove Programs applet.

The regular Dism utility is also involved here. To select and uninstall an unused Windows component, run the following two commands in an elevated CMD console:

  1. DISM.exe /Online /English /Get-Features /Format:Table
  2. DISM.exe /Online /Disable-Feature /featurename:NAME /Remove

The first command lists all components in the system, the second deletes the selected item. In this example, its name must be substituted for the NAME string element.

Manual removal of programs and files

Except for universal Windows applications 8.1 and 10, almost all desktop programs are installed in the folder Program Files. If the program is no longer needed, it should be removed so that it does not take up space on the disk, but you need to do this either with the help of a standard uninstaller or with the help of special third-party programs. However, after uninstalling applications, their folders with configuration files, the weight of which can reach several hundred megabytes. Such data must be deleted manually.

Let's say you have removed Microsoft Office or Skype from your computer and want to get rid of all their "tails" remaining on the C drive as well. To do this, carefully check the Program Files and ProgramData directories in the root of drive C, as well as the folders C:/Users/UserName/AppData. If the folder name is the same as remote application, it can be removed.

WITH AppData folder everything is a little more complicated. This hidden directory contains three subfolders: Local, LocalLow, and Roaming. The first one stores the files created in the course of work various programs. You cannot clear it entirely, as this will certainly lead to the loss of saved application settings, however, half-empty folders of uninstalled programs can be safely deleted. You can also safely clear the contents of the folder located in it. Temp.

The same applies to the LocalLow and Roaming folders, only those directories that belonged to previously uninstalled applications can be deleted from them.

Note: clearing the contents of the Local, LocalLow and Roaming folders, you lose user settings and data stored in their cache. For example, after deleting its folders in the user profile, you will lose the current messenger settings and part of the message history.

As for the removal of universal applications, they are uninstalled by regular means of the system itself or CCleaner, which will be discussed below. You can also transfer some universal applications from drive C to drive D, if they support it.

Transferring desktop programs to another volume is also possible, for these purposes there is special utility Steam Mover, which you can download from the developer's site

Using CCleaner

Many novice users are interested in how to delete unnecessary files from drive C using third-party programs, as well as which of these programs are more efficient and safe in this regard. These can be recommended CCleaner is a simple, fast, convenient, and most importantly safe Windows disk and registry cleaner. This program allows you to delete temporary data from the Internet and Windows itself, the contents of the thumbnail cache and DNS, Index.dat files, memory dumps, fragments of chkdsk files, various system logs, obsolete prefetch files, and a lot of other secondary data.

WITH using CCleaner you can clean the system registry of invalid entries, optimize, enable, disable or remove browser extensions, analyze the content hard drives, search for duplicates and, of course, uninstall unnecessary applications, including universal ones.

CCleaner's interface is very simple, so even a novice user can easily figure out its simple functionality.

Considering, however, that the main purpose of CCleaner is still cleaning, all of its additional tools have limited functionality. If your C drive is clogged with something incomprehensible, and you want to find out what exactly, then for these purposes it is better to use specific utilities, for example, Scanner, JdiskReport or their analogues, showing more accurate information about file structure media with the ability to navigate through subdirectories.

Other ways to free up space on the C drive

Clearing the Driver Store

The steps described above are usually enough to free up enough space on the system volume, but what if drive C is still full? What else can you do to get extra space? One option is to clear the contents of the folder FileRepository located at C:/Windows/System32/DriverStore.

This directory contains copies of device drivers that have ever been connected to the computer, and may also contain outdated versions of drivers. Before deleting driver packages from the FileRepository folder, it is highly advisable to create a complete list of them and find only obsolete versions in it, and leave the rest untouched. It also does not hurt to create a complete copy of all drivers installed on the system. To list the DriverStore drivers in a file, run the following command from an elevated command prompt:

pnputil.exe /e > C:/drivers.log

Compare the driver versions in the list and remove only the outdated ones.

To remove the selected driver, immediately execute the command in the console pnputil.exe /d oem#.inf, where # is the name of the driver in the list.

If you get an error in the console when uninstalling the driver, then the driver is in use by the system. It is not necessary to touch such a component.

As an alternative to the command line, you can use free utility Driver Store Explorer, just designed to remove old unused device drivers.

Disabling hibernation

Thanks to the hibernation mode, the user can quickly return to work in running applications, on the other hand, its use requires the allocation of system drive a significant place, slightly smaller or equal to the volume random access memory. If the availability of free space on the hard drive is a priority for you, hibernation can be disabled by deleting the hiberfil.sys container file.

Launch the CMD console as an administrator and run the command in it powercfg -h off. Hibernation will be disabled and the cumbersome hiberfil.sys file removed.

Note: the hibernation file can be compressed by a maximum of two times with the command powercfg hibernate size 50.

Disabling the paging file

In addition to other hidden system objects, there is also a file in the root of drive C that can be deleted under certain conditions. This is the swap file pagefile.sys. This file plays the role of a RAM buffer and if some application does not have enough RAM for its work, its data is temporarily written to . Accordingly, if there is no swap file, a heavy application will slow down a lot or simply hang, waiting for faster RAM to be released. Therefore, disabling and deleting the paging file is not recommended, unless the computer has a very large amount of RAM.

If your PC has more than 10 GB of memory or you are not going to run resource-intensive applications, you can try to carefully disable swap. To do this, open Extra options system and on the "Advanced" tab in the "Performance" block, click the "Settings" button.

This will open another window. Switch to the "Advanced" tab in it, and then click the Change button in the "Virtual memory" block.

Uncheck the "Automatically select the size of the paging file" checkbox, turn on the "No paging file" radio button, save the settings and reboot. The pagefile.sys file will be deleted.

Deleting the MSOcache folder

Users who have installed the Microsoft Office suite have a hidden folder MSOcache, the weight of which can reach several gigabytes.

This folder is the cache office suite and contains files that you may need to restore Microsoft Office if it becomes corrupted. The MSOcache folder is not involved in starting Microsoft Office or working with documents, so it can be deleted in a standard way. Please note only that if Microsoft Office is damaged for some reason, you will have to restore the package from installation disk with its distribution.

Compressing the contents of the system volume

You can free up some free space on drive C without deleting anything at all. Instead, all system files can be compressed. To do this, just open the properties of drive C, on the "General" tab, check the box "Compress this drive to save space" and click "OK".

To compress system files in Windows 10, you can use the function Compact OS by executing one of two commands in the CMD console launched as an administrator:

  • compact /CompactOs:query
  • compact /CompactOs:always

The second command performs the same actions as the first, but in forced mode. It is used if you really want to compress the system volume, and the first command rejects the operation, considering it inappropriate. The compression is completely reversible and to return file system to the normal state, it is enough to execute the reverse command compact /CompactOs:never.

In addition to NTFS compression, LZX compression is available in Windows 10, but it has a number of drawbacks, due to which it is not widely used. LZX compression is applicable to read-only files and directories, but an entire system volume cannot be compressed with it due to the risk of resulting in an unbootable system.

As you know, timely Windows cleaning, will become the key to the high performance of your computer and the versatility of its software resources. We have considered best programs capable of performing a complete cleaning of the system. Which of the above utilities should you choose?

The undisputed leader among programs for cleaning the computer system is Computer Accelerator. This program has amazing features that are only partially available to other analogues. Control the cleaning process, optimize as much as possible Windows registry and get rid of any software failures and malfunctions that have been bothering your computer for a long time. Computer Accelerator is able to quickly increase the performance of all computer resources, providing reliable stability and versatility of all its important system resources!

System Mechanic can be recommended for both beginners and professionals, however, specialists will like the product more. Its reliability and quality conquer, only slightly hinders English language on the menu. In the west, the utility package is widespread and popular, development has been going on for more than 20 years, so all functions have been honed to perfection.

An inexpensive alternative is Wise Care 365. The software is distinguished by the most convenient controls in comparison with analogues, powerful tools for ridding the system of computer debris, as well as the optimal ratio of the cost of a license and High Quality developer's productivity tools.

CCleaner is one of the most widely used computer junk cleaners in the world. The utility gained its popularity thanks to user-friendly interface and rich built-in features. Owners of CCleaner receive virtually the entire list of most paid modern counterparts among the "cleaners" and "optimizers" of the operating system. Usage Advanced System Care Free will help you not only clean up the platform, but also seriously overclock your computer's performance. Thanks to the presence of a whole range of specialized tools, the program can increase the level of RAM and processor performance, which will have a great effect on the performance of the entire OS.

In addition to the common functions for cleaning the system of unnecessary and damaged files, Glary Utilities, will provide you with the proper protection of all sensitive data, improving not only performance but also the security level of the operating system. The program is able to fix even incorrectly entered links, as well as find any errors in the registry and correct them correctly. If you have to share your computer with several other users, Comodo System Cleaner will help you get rid of even the slightest suspicion of stealing your information, the utility can delete any confidential data without the possibility of their subsequent recovery. Komodo System Cleaner has a simple interface and will quickly remove all unnecessary files, in addition, it will analyze the system for duplicate files.

Wise Registry Cleaner is one of the leading registry cleaners. The program does not have such extensive functionality against the background of its main competitors, but it will perfectly cope with its direct duty. The application will give you the possibility of both manual and automatic control mode. Do not worry that Weiss Register Cleaner will clean anything important in automatic mode, because the developer has introduced a convenient option to create backup register. Using Wise Care 365 Free, you can quickly clear the cache and cookies within web browsers. The utility has a convenient configuration option (already simple interface) according to your preference. Weiss Care 365 will protect user personal data, defragment the required disks and clean the system of excess garbage.
