Foreign institutions information and analytical activities. Cheat sheet for the discipline Information and analytical technologies - file n1.doc

Analytical activity is inextricably linked with the process of intellectual maturation of mankind. Since ancient times, the best and most advanced minds of all peoples have been engaged in it. Ancient philosophers, scientists of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, encyclopedists of the New Age, creators of the industrial society and the latest intellectual technologies of the 20th century - who are they? First of all, these are highly developed individuals who are not inclined to herd thinking, ascetics of thought and spirit, they are spontaneous or conscious system workers who can cultivate a new quality from existing information, make a breakthrough into the new. Knowing the price of these qualities, rulers and politicians sought to turn the intellectual power of these people to the service of their interests. Many analysts themselves rose to the level of leaders of states, governments, major political or economic structures.

Analytical activity (analytics) is a direction of people's intellectual activity, which is aimed at solving problems that arise in various spheres of life. Analytical activity becomes the most important characteristic modern society. The terms “analysis”, “analytics”, “analytical activity” and the like have become so popular that the content contained in them seems simple and unambiguous. But as soon as we set ourselves the task of analyzing something, transferring thinking from the terminological level to the technological level, the level of specific activity, then a number of rather complex questions immediately arise: what is analysis? What are its procedures? Let us turn to the etymology of the word "analysis". Usually the term "analysis" is considered in two contexts. On the one hand, analysis is a mental division of an object into elements, which allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the structure of the object under study, its structure, parts, as opposed to synthesis, according to another point of view, analysis includes synthesis procedures, in connection with this, analysis is identified With research activities. The term "informational" means the attitude to information as a resource, possession of the entire arsenal of means of obtaining, transmitting, accumulating, storing, processing and issuing information to the consumer.

The origins of analytical activity go back to Socrates, who widely used the interactive method of solving problems, proofs through guidance. The creator of logic played a key role in the emergence of analytics Aristotle (384-322 BC). He wrote the books: "First Analytics" and "Second Analytics". The contribution of the great stagirite in analytics was that he was the first to systematize and codify the methods of reasoning, made them the subject of scientific research. Aristotle not only posed, but also resolved such global problems as the laws of identity, contradiction and the excluded middle, the dialectics of induction, deduction and logical synthesis, categories, essence, purpose, relation, space, time, movement, quantity and quality, form and matter, possibility and reality, necessity and chance, individual, particular and universal, development and self-movement, structure and function.

Technologies of analytical activity were known in ancient times. Their founder is often considered the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates (c. 469-399 BC) who developed his own method of analytical reasoning. He used polemical analysis, i.e. analysis of the situation in the process of controversy in order to obtain new knowledge. Socrates called this method “midwifery” and believed that he and his mother received it from God. Only in the last century, the growth in the use of analytical activity predetermined the rapid process of its technologization.

A great contribution to the development of information analytics was made by the global modeling methodology developed in the well-known studies of the Club of Rome, as well as by the activities of the Institute for System Analysis, which implemented the Russian model of the American Rand Corporation. One can argue about the success of this attempt, but the influence of the activity of this institute on the methodology of analytical work is undoubted.

In the 20th century, analytical activity became widespread and turned into a professional activity. In many countries there are "think tanks", information and analytical departments and services in government bodies, companies, banks, political parties. The markets for analytical information, intellectual product, methodological and software for its production are rapidly developing.

In contrast to the developed countries of the West, where the formation of information analytics proceeded through a gradual evolutionary maturation, embedding information and analytical elements into the information infrastructure of society, due to which many organizational, professional, personnel, technological, social decisions took place without conflict, had temporary resources for optimization, in In Russia, similar processes proceeded at a different pace and conditions.

The formation of Russian information analytics (information-analytical activity, hereinafter referred to as IAD) as a special branch of activity took place in the shortest possible time, in an environment of maximum intensification of all processes and aggravation of many problems. Despite the fact that analytical activity has been used for a long time, its classification and precise definition have not yet developed. In Russia, this problem began to be dealt with at the end of the twentieth century, at the turn of the third millennium, such figures in the field of education as N.A. Slednyaeva, G.F. Gordukalova, A.N. Raikov, V.A. Minkin, etc. analytical intellectual science infrastructure

ON THE. Slyadneva gives the following definition: “Information analytics is engaged in the production of new knowledge based on the processing of existing information in order to optimize decision making. Modern information analytics is a complex complex activity based both on natural intelligence and computer technologies for operating with information arrays, methods of mathematical modeling of processes, etc.” So N.A. Slednyayeva singles out information analytics as one of the promising technologies of social management of the 21st century, which, due to its instrumental nature, is an effective social information technology that “allows you to manage various areas of society, manipulate people, shape public opinion, program certain social reactions.” As services in which analysts would be involved, the author suggested using the Centers for Situational Analysis. situation center is a complex of specially organized workplaces for personal and collective analytical work of a group of managers. The main task of the Situation Center is to support the adoption of strategic decisions based on visualization and in-depth analytical processing of operational information. The effectiveness of the SC is expressed in the fact that it allows you to connect the reserves of figurative, associative thinking to active work on decision-making. The representation of the situation in the form of images, as it were, "compresses" the information, providing a generalized perception of the events taking place.

In his works, N.A. Slednyaeva addresses directly the issue of professional training of personnel in the field of information and analytical activities. The author singles out the synthesis of three components in analytics as an activity: possession of analytical methods (functional component), knowledge of the subject area (industry component) and a certain type of giftedness, personality structure (personal component). Referring to university education, she suggests, by analogy with the specialty "Applied Informatics (by area)", to attribute analytics to an intersectoral specialty, differentiated by areas of application. Moreover, based on her reasoning, both of the above specialties should be combined, since information analytics relies not only on natural intelligence, but also on computer technologies for operating information arrays.

Even earlier, analytical research together with information technologies in the processes of preparation and decision-making was proposed by A.N. Raikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration Russian Federation. At the same time, like N.A. Slednyaeva, who considers the personal component in analytical activity, as one of the factors of A.N. Raikov singled out the presence in information and analytical technologies of "obvious elements of an intuitive nature" as well as "the subjectivity of the criteria for evaluating decisions made."

Information analytics performs, first of all, the task of qualitatively meaningful transformation of information, functionally intersecting in this regard with scientific (production of new knowledge) and managerial (development of solutions, scenarios) activities.

The roles that analytical activity performed in the life of the state at various stages of historical development are different. In traditional agrarian societies, the need for it arose from case to case. It was used in court intrigues, in the conduct of hostilities, and in the search for ways out of extreme situations. In the era of industrial development, when tradition ceases to play the main role in the life of society and the influence of innovations increases, analytics is already becoming a need for understanding technical and economic factors. Information, post-industrial civilization brings this activity to the forefront. It begins to determine all spheres of the development of society. It begins to play very important roles in the life of the state, in the exercise of power. The constant dynamics of democracy, election processes, the play of political forces, the strengthening of human rights are powerful incentives for the development of analytics. Analytical activity in modern public administration performs several important functions. Each of the functions concentrates the result that the analytics gives.

Over the past few years, information and analytical activities in Russian state and commercial institutions have developed significantly. This is due to a number of reasons

After 1991, the previously existing system of preparing and making decisions in the central and regional authorities was destroyed, and personnel were changed. The significantly greater economic and political independence of the subjects of the Federation forces the local leadership to independently determine ways out of the crisis, manage the socio-economic and political situation in the regions. Under these conditions, the heads of many subjects found it necessary to create information and analytical divisions in the structures of their administrations, sometimes combined with information technology services, whose tasks include providing the necessary information to the leadership of the regions, developing conceptual proposals. Despite the constant changes in these structures, they have clearly taken root, and they are not going to abandon them.

The effectiveness of information and analytical activities largely depends on the historically established culture of decision-making. Russian traditions are such that collective decision-making in the bodies government controlled is carried out, as a rule, in the analysis of emergency situations, which is facilitated by the situational center created in the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. It is no coincidence that in recent years the thesis about the absence of a proven technology for making important government decisions has been constantly heard. This issue is much broader than just the introduction of information and analytical support. Its solution is connected with many problems of state building, the responsibility of the state and officials to society, the development of forms of non-politicized control over the activities of the executive branch by legislators, a clear separation of powers and responsibilities, information openness of state bodies, etc.

Academic and social science institutions, which have always been used to theoretically substantiate the political course, found themselves on the verge of survival due to scarce funding, many specialists left for more profitable areas of activity. Their place was gradually taken by specialized services serving various segments of the information market. The development of the commercial sector of the economy has led to the creation of various kinds of information, analytical and consulting services that study the state of various markets that have developed in Russia: goods, raw materials, real estate, valuable papers, currency, insurance, etc. As a rule, they are created at large exchanges, banks, investment and insurance companies, that is, where the investment of funds, the definition of a development strategy require in-depth research and the preparation of multivariate forecasts. Thus, information and analytical activities, which have always accompanied the decision-making and management processes, are gradually acquiring a new quality. It is essential that the importance of analytical activity is slowly but steadily realized by high-ranking leaders who are going to create not only press services, but also more serious analytical units.

In the state administration bodies of Russia, it looks like this. At present, information and analytical services are represented in them in the form of departments, departments, centers, computer centers, departments, laboratories, etc. At the federal level, information and analytical services are available in one form or another at ministries or state committees, as well as in other central executive authorities. In the structure of ministries, the functions of information and analysis were previously assigned to departmental institutes of information and feasibility studies. However, the change in the role of ministries in management, frequent changes in the structure of state bodies, combined with a significant reduction in funding for the collection and processing of information, leads to the fact that the tasks of information and analytical support are transferred to the divisions of the central office, or are lost.

The specificity of analytical activity in executive authorities is that it is "built into" the management process, it is subject to special requirements for the efficiency of preparing materials, their reliability and validity. Compared to academic research; it has a more applied character, relies not so much on a deep, independent development of problems, but on the involvement of specialists, experts, the generalization of already prepared material, on the coordination of the research of scientific teams (sociological, political science, special scientific, etc.). An important place is occupied by expert activity, which has its own specifics and methodology. Since it is impossible to keep experts in all areas on the staff, it is very important to have a list of available experts who are known for their publications or scientific achievements.

Recent years have been marked by the creation of analytical units in the regional, regional and city administrations. The creation of information and analytical services in the regions is usually accompanied by the development and implementation of regional informatization projects. This is a welcome phenomenon, since informatization begins to be carried out under the dictation not of technical specialists, but of real consumers who form information flows, determine the nature, frequency of receipt, volumes of information, represent what information is needed for preparing and making decisions.

The universality of the leading social function of information analytics (the production of new knowledge based on the processing of existing information in order to optimize decision-making) and its substrate (information) led to the effect of the multi-activity genesis of analytical services (divisions) in all nodes of the information infrastructure, i.e. in all areas of activity where powerful information flows were concentrated and processed in order to adopt socially significant management decisions.

That is why information and analytical services (subdivisions) began to be created in the structure of federal and regional authorities, in ministries and departments, in the media, in business, with political parties and movements. A common distinguishing feature of these services was organic involvement in the relevant areas of activity, functional and organizational-activity symbiosis with their social institutions and specific organizations.

For the purposes of these analytical services, designed to carry out information support for management in the relevant areas, the information and auxiliary nature of information analytics is most clearly visible, making the latter related to other types of information infrastructure, information and auxiliary services that traditionally organize the information space, optimize and direct the movement of information flows. , ensuring the preservation of accumulated information resources and so on. These include both the oldest inventions of mankind (libraries, archives, bibliographic services), as well as more modern abstract services, NTI bodies, and the latest firms producing electronic (including network) information resources.

At the same time, information analytics is not just another relatively new organizational type of the above-mentioned services; its essential, basic function is fundamentally different from the tasks that these services solve in the information space. Their tasks are: quantitative transformations of information (information folding - bibliography, annotation, abstracting; consolidation of large information arrays in the form of databases and data banks) and its structural ordering (systematization, subjectization, etc.).

Information analytics, using all the opportunities provided by these services, actively operating with their information products and services, primarily performs the task of qualitative and meaningful transformation of information, functionally intersecting in this regard with scientific (production of new knowledge) and managerial (development of solutions, scenarios) activity.

The nature of the functional intersection (interaction) in the analytics-science-management system is determined by the specifics of analytics. She is united with science information way knowledge and scientific analysis of reality. Analytics is closest to the humanities, based on hermeneutic methods, that is, in a broad sense, on the interpretation of texts, as well as to those sections of science, types of scientific tasks, when inferential knowledge is obtained not by experimental means, but on the basis of analysis and interpretation of existing theories, descriptions of facts, means information modeling reality.

Like a researcher of this profile, an analyst, relying on information models (imprints in the information space of events, facts, actions, ideas, opinions, feelings of people, natural, social, political, financial, economic processes, etc.), reveals objective patterns in them and trends, determines the mechanisms driving them, cause-and-effect relationships. In this sense, the analyst creates new knowledge about that fragment of reality that is in the field of his professional interest, acting as a facto researcher of his subject area. Therefore, analytical epistemology can rightfully be qualified as informological, continuing the traditions of the ancient humanitarian methodology - hermeneutics, at a new historical turn and on the basis of the latest information technologies.

However, there are fundamental differences between analytics and science. Scientific analysis is designed to identify, first of all, the fundamental, objective patterns of the area under study, recurring, significant connections between objects, generalized parameters of processes, etc. Information analytics, based on scientific knowledge, general patterns, most often deals with the phenomenology of being, assessing facts and events, predicting their development, taking into account not only generalized typical parameters, but also a whole range of factors, including subjective-personal, random influences, as well as conscious actions of competing forces, confrontation of interests, active intervention of social technologies, etc.

The time factor also plays a significant role. The production of scientific knowledge is carried out in that specific mode of time, which is dictated by the unpredictability of the heuristic processes of the cognizing human intellect, the logic and pace of scientific discourse. Information analytics works in real time - the time of life of its subject area (politics, economics, business) and in accordance with the pace of the necessary managerial reactions to the dynamics of events taking place in this area. This explains the paradox in the course of the institutionalization and professionalization of the IAD. On the one hand, the emerging academic and sectoral research institutes that developed fundamental and applied problems in those areas of knowledge that are in demand in modern life, management practice, have not become the basic structure in the system of emerging analytical services. And this is despite the fact that even in pre-reform times, the Academy of Sciences and leading research institutes were considered as instances for conducting examinations, they were presented with party and government orders to develop scientific justifications for certain projects, concepts and plans, evaluate and criticize foreign experience and etc. On the other hand, it was scientists, employees of academic institutions, research institutes, and universities that largely joined the ranks of analysts at government agencies, the media, in commercial firms, political parties, and so on.

This paradox is apparent; it is based on the operational differences between science and analytics. An academic research team, by definition, is not able to carry out an operational analysis of the dynamics of the area under study, which is necessary for tactical management of it. We can only talk about the most fundamental, global trends that are significant for making strategic managerial decisions. But an industry scientist with experience in research work in his field, having accepted the conditions of a new activity, included in its temporary mode and mastered the appropriate analytical technologies, may well meet the professional requirements for information analysts.

Thus, the most effective fundamental and applied science can act not as one of the organizational and activity structures of information analytics, but as a donor industry. On the one hand, this is expressed in the conceptual supply of analytical services with scientific developments necessary for strategic management (intersectoral interaction). On the other hand, Russian science, being in a state of crisis, acts as a source of personnel for domestic analytics, forming a fairly stable channel for the migration of specialists to a new industry (personnel transfer).

Over the years, Russia has formed and the social stratum of real and potential customers, professional consumers of information and analytical products and services, the idea of ​​information analytics is gradually being formed as a necessary component of management culture, entrepreneurial activity, a modern management tool, an integral part of corporate culture, etc.

A special facet of the socialization of IAD is the phenomenon of "mass analytics". Various media (television, traditional and electronic periodicals) have formed information and analytical headings, programs, genres designed for the interests of the general public. Targeted examination of current events and trends in domestic and world politics, economics, social, environmental and other problems has supplanted the purely informational genres of the media, and has taken a certain place in the range of information needs of ordinary citizens.

The fundamental reasons that gave rise to this phenomenon are obvious: the complication of the information context of everyday life, the socially rigidly manifested and exposed dependence of the layman on global, national, regional processes, the information involvement of an ordinary citizen in world events (awareness, awareness as synonyms of involvement, as an effect of complicity). All this led to the emergence of a strong interest in analytics, which performs explanatory, predictive and consulting functions in relation to the general public.

The special socio-cultural mission of "mass analytics" lies in its methodological function: analytical materials not only explain the patterns of reality, but also demonstrate patterns of analysis of events and facts, methods of interpreting their meanings, form information culture corresponding to the information regime of civil society.

At the same time, it would be wrong to say that the socialization of IAD means only socially positive processes. The instrumental nature of analytics, which ensures the adoption of managerial decisions, the development of action scenarios in difficult social circumstances, turns it into an effective social information technology that allows you to manage various areas of society, manipulate people, form public opinion, and program certain social reactions.

The socio-cybernetic capabilities of the IAD are actively used by a wide variety of social forces and structures, thereby revealing its fundamental property, common to all types of social information technologies (SIT). All SIT invented by mankind are dual-purpose technologies. Their instrumental nature, effective functionalism (characteristic of all technologies, methods, scientific and practical methods, intellectual and technical tools, that is, the entire operational arsenal of an acting and thinking person), multiplied by semantics, the semantic orientation of transmitted information messages, are the reason that any SIT can be used both for evil and for good, depending on the goals, interests, ideology, social responsibility or, on the contrary, the asocial nature of those forces that use this SIT.

Therefore, Russian society, even in such a short historical period (90s), has gained quite diverse experience in contacts with information analytics in order to realize the fact that IAD can be a powerful and even socially dangerous tool. Without delving into this topic specifically, we note that the general public had the opportunity to observe the use of analytics, analytical support in political, economic competition, in procedures for lobbying someone's interests when making decisions in the highest areas of domestic politics, in mass advertising campaigns, in campaigns to manipulate public opinion, when the opinions of differently biased analysts clashed, in large-scale and local information wars, targeted "leaks" of compromising evidence, multi-way disinformation actions, etc., the scenarios of which were carefully prepared by analysts of the opposing camps. To a lesser extent, ordinary citizens are aware of the existence of "black" or criminal analytics, which also tends to professionalize, necessary to serve organized crime and other forms of illegal activity.

All these facts of the negative manifestation of IAD are especially acutely perceived by the general public, since social technologists who use "dirty technologies" (in this case, analytical methods) in modern Russia very often do not take the trouble (or do not have sufficient sophistication) to mask the true intentions, motivation of those or other shares. This social cynicism is largely facilitated by the objective weakness of civil society and its institutions, the virtual absence of independent media channels, independent analysts expressing the opinion of civil society, the weakness and conformism of the public opinion and so on. In any case, the process of socialization of information analytics has led to the formation of a controversial, socially ambiguous image of this field of activity.

Of course, the above should by no means be taken as a pessimistic forecast regarding the prospects for the development of analytics, on the contrary, the experience of effective use of this SIT in the confrontation of forces, competition, confrontation of various social goals gives grounds for asserting that the social ambivalence of analytics is highly appreciated by representatives of various fields. Therefore, investments will inevitably be made in the development of analytics, the development of more advanced and efficient methods, technical and software tools, the production of information resources, the recruitment of personnel, the formation of analytical services, the "analytic arms race" and the struggle for scenarios and counter-scenarios of analytical actions that provide a given impact on society, social groups, influential people, etc. will continue.

Along with the socially competitive motivation for the inevitable progressive development of analytics, it is impossible not to name the reasons for a more global, socially constructive (positive) order. We are talking about global trends in world development that require a new information regime, one of the basic elements of which should be analytics as SIT.

The essence of the concept of "new information regime" lies primarily in a qualitatively different level of intellectualization of the information space (noosphere), which is necessary for the sustainable development of society, increasing the measure of its manageability. The purpose of intellectualization is to create a system for the production and transmission of semantic information to the inputs of the control blocks of society that best meets the task of forming and making managerial decisions. Intellectualization of the information space is feasible under the following conditions:

  • - optimal structuring of the global information space by streamlining the global information infrastructure;
  • - integration and structuring of world information resources;
  • - the actual intellectualization of information flows and information processing procedures.

Some of these conditions have only just been outlined, but it is already clear today that they base element- a set of SIT led by information analytics. At all significant points of intersection and concentration of information flows, nodes of intellectual processing of information should be created, forming an intellectualized infrastructure of the information space.

The prototype of the intelligence nodes of the infrastructure of the near future can be considered the Centers for Situational Analysis (CSA) - services that organically combine information monitoring of natural, man-made and complex social systems in their activities, providing current control over the dynamics of the social sphere (monitoring changes in certain parameters, identifying their deviations from standard values, forecasting their development), information analysis of patterns identified in the course of monitoring, development of scenarios for managing crisis and problem situations in the managed area.

At this stage, further fundamentalization of monitoring and analytics technologies is needed. The requirements of efficiency, multifactorial coverage of reality, necessary for effective social management, involve the reduction of intermediate levels of modeling of controlled systems in information flows, the creation of new technical means that ensure the direct inclusion of the social sphere in the monitoring systems of the CSA.

Undoubtedly, DSA can become nodes of the future global information infrastructure of social regulation, which will perform the functions of a social homeostat in the information society, ensuring the sustainable development of society, quickly diagnosing deviations, emergency situations and managing social processes.

It is the last of these functions that is most important for the new information regime, along with the intellectualization of the information space, its implementation involves the synthesis of management and information-analytical technologies, which in the future should change the nature and method of implementing power functions, the role of traditional institutions of state power, democratic procedures, in largely replacing them with virtual social technologies. This trend can be traced even today, when electronic elections, interactive public opinion polls, monitoring of social projects, electronic communication through Internet sites between high-ranking politicians and ordinary citizens, etc. have become a reality.

The quantitative and qualitative evolution of these trends will inevitably lead to the formation of a holistic conditionally closed cycle of social management: a social system (object of management), permeated with computer monitoring input sensors, - telecommunication channels - actually Situational Analysis Centers (registration of incoming data, their multidimensional processing, visualization of identified in the processed array of patterns, intellectual analysis and interpretation using built-in expert-analytical technologies and natural intelligence, development of forecasts, scenarios for management decisions) - transmission of control impulses (feedback) to a controlled social system, - then a new monitoring cycle (taking into account the results of managerial influences).

This picture is not as utopian as it might seem. Extrapolating the parameters and rates of progress in the field of computer and telecommunication equipment and technologies and the increasing virtualization of all spheres of human activity, it is possible to define information analytics and information monitoring as promising technologies of social management in the 21st century.

List of used literature

  • 1. Blauberg I. V., Mirsky E. M., Sadovsky V. N. System approach and system analysis, // System Research: Yearbook.-- M.: Nauka, 1969.
  • 2. De Bono E. Lateral thinking. -- St. Petersburg: Peter Publishing, 1997.
  • 3. Ilyin I. A. Way of evidence. -- M.: Respublika, 1993.
  • 4. Irina V. R., Novikov A. A. In the world of scientific intuition. -- M.: Nauka, 1978.
  • 5. Kutsenko V. I. Public problem: genesis and solution (methodological analysis). -- K.: Nauk. Dumka, 1984.

Initiative. Purposefulness. Correspondence. Consistency. Alternative. Independence.

Fundamental in the organization of information and analytical work are the principles initiative And focus, which involve the identification of specific problems in the activities to ensure economic security, the development and justification of options for their solution to achieve the goals. These principles are aimed at introducing problem-based approach in management activities. The essence of this approach lies in the fact that, based on the legally established limits of competence, as well as state priorities and an analysis of the current situation, a tree of goals is determined that should be achieved over a certain period. Global goals can be, for example, reducing the income gap and the level of criminalization of the economy. At the lower (operational) level, these can be specific targets for holding local or interregional events. The implementation of the principles of initiative and purposefulness means that information and analytical work, in terms of achieving an agreed hierarchy of goals, must perform three functions: supporting (providing), recognizing and predictive. The first function involves linking information and analytical activities in the general scheme of operational-search and criminal-procedural operations. The second function is to track the progress of work to achieve the goals, identify the discrepancy between the actual results obtained, formulate the problems that arise in connection with this, as well as recommendations on options for their solutions. Finally, the last function involves the development of a forecast of the development of the situation and predictive scenarios of actions in certain conditions.

Conformity principle requires that information and analytical products be combined as much as possible with the needs and decision-making mechanisms of its users. This means, first of all, that the information generated as a result of IAR should provide the development and justification of options for the entire hierarchy of decisions.

An important principle of organizing information and analytical work is consistency, which provides for a comprehensive analysis of the problems to be solved, taking into account their place, role and relationships in the overall structure of ensuring compliance with tax laws, law and order and the economic security of the state. Mandatory features of consistency are: structuredness of the IAR, interconnectedness of its constituent parts, subordination of the IAR organization to certain goals.

One of the principles that ensure the validity and reliability of analytical estimates is the principle alternatives, which implies the presence of several different opinions and points of view of analysts on the same issue. For a leader, this principle means something like this: “You should not put all your eggs in one basket.” In practice, the analysis of the most complex problems, the study various options management decisions must be simultaneously entrusted to several specialists (or teams).

In information-analytical, especially prognostic activities, the principle is used independence information and analytical worker from the results of implementation decisions taken on the problem under study. This involves separating the process of evaluation and decision-making from its adoption and implementation, and a corresponding division of responsibility. This principle is very important. It significantly reduces the degree of subjectivity in decision-making, forces managers to seek alternative options, the analyst becomes more free from prejudice to his opinion, less emotional about the nature and source of information, which allows him to rely only on facts and his knowledge.


1. What principles and why contribute to the implementation of the problem-target approach in management activities to ensure economic security?

2. What is the importance of the principle of alternativeness?

3. What is the meaning of the principle of independence?

4. What are the main principles of organizing IAR.

Information and analytical activities

a set of activities carried out by officials, management bodies of associations, formations and units of the RF PS for the implementation of information processes, analysis (research) of information, the formation of forecasts for the development of the situation and management decisions in the field of protection and protection of the State Civil Code of the Russian Federation, protection of internal sea waters, territorial sea , the exclusive economic zone, the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and their natural resources.

Border Dictionary. - M.: Academy of the Federal PS of the Russian Federation. 2002 .

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Since ancient times, information and analytical activity has been an important component of management, a function and an instrument of power. In organizational and activity terms, analytics has been developing latently in power structures for many centuries, only in our time, as a result of institutionalization processes, analytical services, departments, positions have been formed, whose tasks included collecting, analyzing information and developing options for management decisions (scenarios). Already today we can state the growing role of state-administrative analytics in society and the state.

Researchers L.V. Knyazeva and E.P. Tavokin argue that information and analytical structures should provide the opportunity to: a) obtain regular analytical and review information from the most important aspects of the external management environment; b) preparation of analytical and forecast materials on topical issues of the state and development of the management object; c) development of situational models for solving promising problems; d) prompt receipt of the optimal amount of information in unforeseen and emergency situations.

Among the unresolved parts of the general problem, there are still many questions, the main of which is that the concept of state-administrative analytics has not been developed, its structure, functions, and directions of development have not been substantiated. The problem is exacerbated by the considerable disorder in analytical terminology. Such terms as "analysis", "analytics", "analytical activity", "types of analysis", "policy analysis", "political analysis", etc. are interpreted ambiguously. This hinders the introduction of analytics into public administration practice, and therefore reduces its efficiency, leads to the adoption of unreasonable decisions, for which the state has to pay with significant material and moral losses.

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the volume of information used and the flow of management documents in government bodies, as well as an expansion of all office work. At the same time, the number of prepared documents and collected information is sometimes much more than necessary for management processes. At the same time, there is a lack of information that should provide an analysis of new trends and solutions to the contradictions that arise in state-administrative relations.

In the modern world, information is a strategic national resource that plays an increasingly important role in the public administration system. There is a redistribution of real power in society - from traditional structures to information flow control centers. According to scientific conclusions, the level of information support of state authorities to a large extent affects the development of the economy and the political situation in the country.

Carrying out serious social and economic transformations is impossible without a sharp increase in the quality of management, an indispensable condition for which is, first of all, the creation of an information system. At the same time, it is important to develop a strategy for the development of the information space, primarily a separate region, which will be focused on the future needs of society. In this case, it is necessary to analyze current trends in the development of the state and society, to generalize world practice, which will make it possible to determine the "face" of the management structures of the 21st century.

It is urgent to develop such a strategy for modernizing the information services of the state apparatus, which will seriously change the efficiency of managerial decision-making. The creation of such services (departments) is not only a technical problem of the formation of appropriate computer networks and databases, it is also the training of specialists capable of competently and efficiently exploiting the relevant resources.

The development of state administrative structures in the regions as an information and analytical system is primarily associated with the introduction of targeted technological management tools, which take the form of information, computer and communication technologies. The structure of such systems is effectively implemented in the class of decision support systems. Expert systems, problem-oriented systems implemented in integrated environments MS Excel, MS Access, ORACLE, JAVA, Delphi, etc. are used as subsystems.

Public authorities must constantly collect a variety of information about the life of the region in order to assess the needs and satisfy them, and in this moment, and in the future. At the same time, it is worth covering both actual problems and needs, as well as potential ones. Information gathering is a complex process that relies on both traditional and non-traditional methods. The information and analytical service of the local state administration should supply information to all personnel and all departments involved in the preparation and adoption of relevant decisions. On the basis of the collected and analyzed information, administrative bodies should make appropriate adjustments to their programs of activities.

An analysis of the state of development, implementation and operation of information systems for government bodies in Ukraine shows that in recent years, significant work has been done on the use of information technologies. Almost all state authorities provide information support for current work using personal computers with a set of standard software products. Most executive authorities use local area networks.

A unified approach to overcoming the current situation is to create a state information and analytical system (GAS). The decision to form it was made in the highest state bodies and formalized with the relevant documents. These are, in particular, the Law of Ukraine "On the National Informatization Program", the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Improving Information and Analytical Support for the President of Ukraine and State Authorities", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approving the Tasks of the National Informatization Program" and other acts.

Possession of reliable and up-to-date information, along with the ability to effectively apply adequate methods for its collection, analysis and provision, is the basis for the successful operation of state bodies at any level.

Differentiation of demand for all types of information - scientific, technical, economic, governmental, meeting the growing information needs is an urgent task in the field of management. Intuitive actions in this area, the lack of information policy of the governing body can lead to inadequate decisions and tangible socio-economic shocks.

The subject of public administration, developing management decisions, transfers them to the object of management, drawing up information in the form of organizational and administrative documents (regulations, instructions, rules, orders, resolutions, decisions, etc.). Often, in order to obtain an effective result in the management process, both oral and written interaction between the subject and the object is necessary, however, for most management processes, it is important to have information fixed on a material carrier.

Thus, the result of management depends on how thoughtfully, systematically and professionally information interaction takes place between the subject and the object of management.

An analysis of the types of management activities allows you to determine the tasks to be solved in the state administration body and the performers of these tasks.

According to the degree of intelligence and complexity of the task can be classified:

First grade - the most simple tasks, which consist of fully formalized procedures and the implementation of which, apart from time-consuming, does not pose any difficulty for the performers. These tasks are standardized and programmed. These include control and accounting, paperwork, their replication, distribution, etc. Such tasks are solved by almost all automated information systems.

The problem of this class, if they are used for decision-making, are called decision-making problems under conditions of complete certainty. In this case, there are no random and uncertain factors.

Second - more complex tasks: decision-making under risk, that is, in the case when there are random factors for which the laws of their influence are known. Statement and solution of such problems are possible on the basis of methods of probability theory, analytical and simulation modeling.

The third class of problems constitute weakly structured tasks containing unknown or non-quantifiable components (not quantified). These problems are characterized by the absence of solution methods based on direct data processing. Problem setting is based on decision-making under conditions of incomplete information. In a number of cases, based on the theory of fuzzy sets and applications of this theory, it is possible to construct formal solution schemes.

The fourth class of problems constitute the tasks of decision-making in conditions of opposition or conflict. In problems of this class, there may be random factors for which the laws of their influence are unknown. Statement and solution of such problems are possible (but not always) by methods of probability theory, fuzzy sets and game theory.

Fifth grade - the most complex decision-making tasks, which are characterized by the lack of the possibility of formalization through a high degree uncertainty. These tasks include most of the problems of forecasting, long-term planning.

The main class of tasks inherent in the body of state administration is documentary support for management. Regardless of the class of tasks, the solution of any of them involves a large amount of typical work, which includes:

Processing of incoming and outgoing information: reading and responding to letters (both electronic and regular), writing reports, circulars and other documentation, which may also include figures and diagrams;

Collection and subsequent analysis of some data, for example, reporting for certain periods of time for various departments or organizations that satisfies various selection criteria;

Saving the information that has arrived, providing quick access to it and searching for the information you need at the moment.

The information component of managerial work is the collection, storage, processing and transmission of information. Information that is large in volume, variety and dynamics passes through the governing bodies. One part of it is directly managerial in nature, the other expresses the relationship of the state apparatus with society, with its many manifestations and needs, and the interests of citizens. Information circulating in public authorities can be defined as social and managerial information. Any type of production and economic activity is based on the relevant information support, including economic, market, scientific and technical, review and analytical, factual and other information.

The definition of the concept of "information support", given in various scientific sources, covering the purpose of information support, its object, means of implementation, procedural-activity and information-resource components:

Information Support - a set of processes for the preparation and provision of specially prepared information for solving managerial, scientific, technical and other problems in accordance with the stages of their solution.

Information Support - a set of methods and tools for documentary, factual and conceptual services used to meet information needs in a specific scientific and technical situation or in solving managerial problems.

Management information support - this is the organization of targeted arrays of information and information flows, which includes the collection, storage, processing and transmission of information (including using computer information systems) in order to analyze the results obtained for the preparation, justification and adoption of managerial decisions by the governing bodies.

Target information support of public authorities is to obtain processed, generalized information on the basis of the collected initial data, which should become the basis for making managerial decisions. Achieving this goal is carried out by collecting primary information, storing it, distributing it among the structural divisions of the relevant state bodies and their employees, preparing for processing, processing itself, providing it to the management body in a processed form, analyzing, providing direct and feedback links in its circulation, organization document flow, etc. .

Most sources obtaining state-administrative information are: official publications of public authorities; statistical data; mass media; library funds; various information and reference electronic systems, in particular regulatory systems; special sociological surveys (to order), professional consultations and expertise. For a sound formulation of certain conclusions, it is also necessary to provide systematic long-term tracking of information from alternative sources.

In the total amount of information that circulates in complex social systems, information of direct control and information of system development are distinguished. Direct control information is understood as information that circulates through the channels of a particular system and is used to solve the problems facing this system. System development information is understood as information containing the results of scientific and technological achievements that can be used for a radical restructuring of the system. The conditionality of this division is confirmed by the convergence in practice of these types of activities, which is caused by the general structure of activities - the object (documentary and information resource), technology and other structural components. Based on this conditional division, the activities of specialists in the field of documentary and information resources can be divided into activities in the field of documentary support of the management system for documenting management activities and activities in the field of information and analytical support, which together are components of the information support of the institution.

It is obvious that the organization of information activities in state authorities and information support of management is an independent type of activity, and the information departments of enterprises, being functionally included in the relevant organizational structures that perform specific functions of managing information activities, system analysis of information flows and the application of information logistics methods for the movement of these flows both within the organization and in relation to the external environment.

Management information can be roughly divided into three categories:

o information strategic planning allows top management to make decisions on setting long-term goals, accumulating resources to achieve these goals and formulating a policy to achieve them (may contain prospective assessments of the environment, economic forecasts and demographic trends);

o control management information is used by middle-level managers to coordinate the various activities under their control, bring resources in line with tasks and develop operational plans;

o operational information helps to perform normal day-to-day operations, payroll and financial calculations, etc.

The imperfection and uncertainty of the political and economic structure of the transition period of the country's development affects primarily the socio-economic and socio-political spheres of the regions' activities. The processes of preparing and making effective decisions in the main areas of activity of public authorities and administration are becoming vital. At the same time, the quality of managerial decisions within the framework of the regional governance system significantly depends on the depth of understanding of the situation and possible alternative approaches to solving numerous problems, among which the main ones are distinguished, such as:

o internal political situation in Ukraine and on the territory of the region;

o economic development of the region (budget formation, development strategy, development of foreign economic relations and attraction of investments, scientific and technological progress, ecology, etc.);

o social problems and well-being of the population of the region (dynamics of the standard of living of various segments of the population, employment and wages, pensions, medical care, etc.);

o the development of science and culture (including the development of education, various spheres of the cultural life of society, the press, television, art, etc.);

o the state of public opinion on various aspects of the socio-political life of the region;

o current interaction between legislative, executive and judicial authorities; work with power and management structures, administrations of all levels, regions, business entities; work with political parties, movements and public organizations.

Research, analysis and forecast of the functioning and development of such complex and poorly formalized systems as interconnected complexes of social, economic and socio-political spheres of the life of the regions cannot be carried out on the basis of intuitive ideas of the authorities about the final result.

All this leads to an increase in understanding by regional authorities and management of the importance of information and analytical activities. Appropriate analytical subdivisions are being created in almost all regional authorities, their organizational and methodological support is being improved, and the material and technical base is improving. The experience of information and analytical structures at all levels has identified a whole range of problems, without solving which further development will be difficult.

To improve the efficiency of analytical and information technology services, coordinated decisions are needed both at the interregional and at the state level. There remains an urgent need to coordinate the further development and use of regional and state information and communication systems, which today constitute elements of a single information and analytical space of government bodies. All these problems can be solved only by joint efforts of state and regional authorities.

In the management system, there are a significant number of problems characterized by information openness and uncertainty of the inter-problem area, the uniqueness of each situation, high demands on the efficiency of decision-making with fragmentation and inconsistency of information and require information and analytical support.

The interest of management structures, methods and means of analytical work is growing, the role of various kinds expertise (legal, financial, macroeconomic, international, scientific and technical, etc.).

Providing the decision maker with an analytical product, which is not just an ordered set of individual fragments of the problem area, but a holistic picture that reflects the control object in a convenient perspective, contains suggestions for alternative behavior and possible consequences, makes it possible to perceive the object in its dynamics.

Information and analytical services of authorities and administration are designed to model sociological aspects, predict political conflicts, voting results, analytically monitor not only obvious current problems, but also identify problematic situations, conduct situational analysis and solve other problems of social, political, financial, environmental monitoring .

In general terms, information and analytical activity is defined as a set of processes for collecting, analyzing, synthesizing, transforming, storing, searching and disseminating information systematically carried out by various organizations. Consolidated information is a specific product of the IAD activity.

Consolidated information is public knowledge that has been specially selected, analysed, synthesized, evaluated, restructured and modified to be suitable for direct problem solving and to meet the information needs of individuals or groups of information users who would not otherwise have direct access to this knowledge and could not to use them effectively, because they are scattered throughout many documents and are difficult to access in their original form. Under restructuring information is understood as the processes of its presentation and analysis that change the primary structure and form and include the synthesis of information, the preparation of reviews, the characteristics of the current state, a simplified or popular presentation of the physical form of information (printed, graphic, audiovisual, machine-readable).

The idea of ​​consolidated information, its place and role in the IAD and its importance in the information support of public authorities and other consumers gives rice. 7, which shows an increase in the value of information for decision making and a decrease in its volume, depending on the increase in its consolidation. The main method of preparing consolidated information is functional information synthesis (FIS) of the subject area.

To obtain consolidated information, it is necessary to expend significant efforts throughout the entire information cycle - from the collection, storage, processing, dissemination and use of information. About 80% of information consolidation processes are associated with its analytical and synthetic processing. It should be noted that this is a very important stage and without it all the time, human and material costs will be in vain. Accordingly, before the quality and cost of products about 80% are determined at the stage of research and development, the effectiveness of information activities about 80% is determined at the stage of information consolidation.


Chapter I. Information and analytical technologies in the business sphere

1 The role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business

2 Information and analytical technologies and their use in business

Chapter II. Activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical business support

1 General characteristics and activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform"

2 Interaction of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" with commercial structures of the Republic of Belarus. Status, performance analysis

3 Ways to improve the efficiency of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical support for business structures


List of used literature



The relevance of research. The formation of the information market in our country began in the early 90s of the twentieth century. Over the years, the path has gone from the almost complete absence of a conscious need for an information and, moreover, an analytical product, to today's formation of demand for analytical and forecasting services associated with risks in the market.

With the development of a market economy, with the growth of commercial structures, newly created business structures began to need information and analysis in order to make effective decision-making. In this regard, commercial firms and libraries began to appear, which began to actively work with enterprises. Since the growth in the number of business structures in our country continues to this day, the topic "Information and analytical support for business" is relevant.

The problem studied in this paper is considered by us mainly in the information and library aspect, i.e. it considers the methods of work of the library of information services of organizations for information-library, documentary-analytical support of managerial, economic activities of organizations of various forms of ownership. The need to specify the problem under consideration is due to the fact that the concept of information and analytical support is quite complex and diverse and is not limited by the framework given in this paper.

The degree of development of the problem. General issues of information and analytical activities and the use of information and analytical technologies in various fields of activity were considered by G. Gordukalova, N. Minkina, N. Slyadneva, S. Serova. The issues of the importance and use of information resources in business are discussed in the works of such authors as A. Berg, V. Godina, F. Mytareva, O. Shut. A significant contribution to the development of theoretical, methodological and organizational aspects of information support for management decisions was made by the works of domestic and foreign authors: L. Bushueva, I. Gusynina, E. Deshko, Z. Kozenko, S. Minaeva, A. Rogachev, G. Titorenko, V Filippova, etc. Practical aspects of information and analytical support are considered in the journals: "Information Resources of Russia", "Science and the Information Society", "Problems of Theory and Practice of Management" and others. The methodological foundations of the analysis and diagnostics of the activities of a commercial enterprise are reflected in the works of N. Kazakova, V. Kovalev, M. Kosolapova, G. Liferenko., G. Savitskaya.

The study of approaches to disclosing the essence of management information support has revealed that there are different approaches to its description, there is no single definition of the concept of information and analytical support, which makes it difficult to apply its content to the problem of information and analytical support in the business sphere.

The study was based on hypothesisabout the fact that at present in the business environment there is a social order for information and analytical support for the activities of business organizations from industry libraries and NTI bodies, which can be carried out using traditional forms of reference and information services and modern information and analytical technologies. It will improve the efficiency of their activities and the quality of management decisions.

Object of study: information and analytical support for business.

Subject of study: the use of information and analytical technologies for business support in the activities of GAU RNTIK Bashtekhinform.

Purpose of the study: analysis of modern methods and technologies of information and analytical support for the activities of business organizations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

) Determine the role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business;

) To study information and analytical technologies used in the business field;

) Give a general description of GAU RNTIK Bashtekhinform, its activities;

) Consider the interaction of GAU RNTIK Bashtekhinform with commercial structures, analyze its effectiveness;

) Analyze ways to improve the efficiency of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical support for business structures.

In the course of solving the tasks set, the following research methodsKeywords: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, source study method, methods of comparison and generalization, terminological analysis method, classification method.

Practical significanceof this study is that its conclusions and recommendations can be used in the activities of GAU RNTIK Bashtekhinform.

Research baseGAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" spoke.

Approbation of work. The main provisions set forth in the work were presented at the All-Russian Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Man. Society. Culture. Socialization" (Ufa, 2011), Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Student and Science - 2012" (Magnitogorsk, 2012).

The structure of the final qualifying work.The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

The first chapter "Information and analytical technologies in the business sphere" considers the importance of information and analytical support in the field of management and business, information and analytical technologies used in the business sphere.

The second chapter "Activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical business support" provides a general description of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform", its activities, discusses the interaction of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" with commercial structures, analyzes the effectiveness of this activity.

In conclusion, the results of the entire study are summarized.

The list of used literature includes 58 sources.

The appendices contain a questionnaire for users of the scientific and technical library of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform", as well as the proposed job description of a library employee, referent-analyst of information resources.

Chapter I. Information and analytical technologies in the business sphere

.1 The role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business

The integration of Russia into the global information space, the activation and strengthening of its position in the international market, the improvement of trade operations in the country's territory largely depend on the successful introduction of modern information and communication technologies into business practice. Effective information support plays an important role in the management of an enterprise, an organization in both non-profit and commercial areas, because decision-making should be based on objective information, predictive estimates and analytical conclusions. World experience convincingly shows that the economy cannot function successfully without information and analytical support. Information and analytical business support is understood as the collection, processing, analysis, accounting and provision of information to interested parties that can provide an economic entity with certain competitive advantages; raise the level of its economic, financial and information security; prevent the hiring of employees who pose a potential threat to the activities of an economic entity; timely identify the actions of employees that run counter to the interests of the economic entity, etc., as well as any other information that helps in the decision-making process within the ongoing business processes.

Today, information and analytical activities are carried out both by individual specialists and specialized divisions of enterprises and banks, as well as by independent information and analytical centers specializing in certain types of this activity by economic sector or by served regions.

The emergence of information and analytical business in the information market in recent decades as a full-fledged sector, the dynamic increase in demand for information products is due, firstly, to the understanding by the management of medium and large, primarily financial, businesses of the need for information and analytical support for their decisions, and secondly secondly, the impossibility of solving problems in this area on their own. The main reasons for this are the lack of qualified personnel and experience, as well as the unprofitability of independent work.

Today, when there is an active process of developing information and analytical business support, its security, and the formation of its market, it is important to analyze the place and role of information and analytical business support.

Information support is understood as the process of meeting the needs of users for information necessary for making managerial decisions. Information support of the professional activities of the manager should help him navigate the decision following issues: firstly, what financial consequences will this or that change in production and marketing activities lead to, and secondly, to predict and plan a long-term program of the company's activities, to help the manager develop the company's technical and economic policy.

Information provision as a process can be considered at several levels:

at the physical level: as a process of collecting, accumulating, processing, analyzing and updating information;

at the communication level: as a process of information transfer, starting with the choice target audiences and communicative goals, means of communication, appeal, perception;

at the functional level: as a process of organizing routine work, algorithmic operations, unstructured tasks;

at various stages of managerial decision-making: as a process of searching for the reasons that necessitate decision-making, designing, analyzing and developing possible areas of activity (project activity), choosing a specific course of activity;

at various levels of management: as a process of developing, implementing and monitoring business strategies and tactics.

To increase the certainty in relation to supply and demand, the dynamics of their change, commercial information is required, provided by marketing research, and to reduce the uncertainty of knowledge about the state of the market, the directions of changes in its structure, market information is required. Important types of information are financial, scientific and technical, statistical.

The success or failure of the company in the market largely depends on the degree of understanding by the manager of the completeness, quality and timeliness of information, therefore, the role of the analytical component in working with information increases.

Information and analytical support in the field of management and business is the process of meeting the needs of management and specialists for information that supports the activities of the company through special methods and ways of organizing and using this information, as well as the professional knowledge of specialists providing the decision-making process.

As part of information and analytical support for business, the following tasks are solved:

ü verification of job applicants in order to identify information that prevents them from being hired;

ü preparation of a certificate on an individual characterizing him from the required point of view (business relations, social communication, exclusivity, etc.);

ü compiling a predetermined “characterizing portrait” of contractors or business partners in order to build with them the safest and most effective interaction policies for their own business and determine the appropriate adequate level of trust in communication;

ü carrying out periodic Internet media monitoring on predetermined topics and objects of interest in order to timely identify the relevant vectors of changes and, as a result, develop and take the necessary preventive measures;

ü preparation of thematic reviews and materials necessary for making strategic business decisions aimed at studying and issuing recommendations of such business components as new sales markets, market niches, pricing policy, political and criminal situation, etc.;

ü identification of affiliation of a different nature between objects of interest in order to build an adequate and purposeful business behavior with them, build appropriate relationship schemes, etc.

Starting a business, you need to conduct an information and analytical marketing research of the market sector and the region of the selected business, answer questions about the necessary labor resources of the appropriate qualifications, the ratio of supply and demand for the products planned for release, pricing prevailing in the market, product quality requirements, legislative framework, regulating this species activity, future competitors and possible partners, the attitude of local and federal authorities and their authorized representatives to this activity, the state of crime, methods of its activity and much more. In accordance with the knowledge gained, a strategy for starting a business and its development is developed. In the course of the work, information is needed about possible partners, their past activities, economic viability, and connections with crime. It is also important to monitor the state of the market sector on the above issues.

The main purpose of the information and analytical support system in the field of management and business is to support management decisions by collecting and converting information into a form that is necessary and perceived by the manager, which allows him to assess the state of the object of activity, develop, make and organize the implementation of certain decisions.

Information and analytical support is designed to provide five main functions:

) integration, contributing to the implementation of a set of tasks for the formation of an internal and external value chain. Thanks to intra-company integration, teams can be created consisting of employees who are spatially dispersed and are part of different functional divisions of the organization. The integration function when creating an external chain is manifested in establishing the organization's links with suppliers and consumers. The interweaving of external value chains into a single information network is a virtual organization that brings together several independent firms in order to put a product or service on the market in cases where they cannot do it separately;

) communicative, aimed at the exchange of information and the maintenance of databases with both limited and mass access. In many organizations, shared and shared market data has become a key asset, allowing them to quickly respond to their changing demands;

) instrumental, aimed at developing methods and tools for searching, registering, processing, analyzing, summarizing primary information;

) cognitive, reflecting objective reality. The cognitive function acts as a descriptive (descriptive) and diagnostic function at the same time in this case;

) organizational and technological, representing a system of means that determine the procedure and clear rules for practical actions to achieve a specific result in improving an organization, process or social relations, solving various kinds of problems, such as increasing labor productivity, improving management organization, purposeful impact on public opinion through mass media, etc.

The performance of these functions contributes to the improvement of the process of development and implementation of management decisions, and, therefore, assists in the performance of the management function of the organization as a whole. Recommendations, suggestions, methods, assessments of various characteristics of the subject, his practice - all this is the source material for the development and adoption of managerial decisions.

The lack of information and analytical support systems for management decisions at industrial enterprises inevitably leads to a decrease in their competitiveness, and in some cases can become a decisive factor in survival in the market. In this regard, there is a need for a comprehensive presentation of the process of information and analytical support for management decisions, the study of its essence, and the determination of methods for its effective implementation.

Thus, in a changing economic environment, industrial enterprises face the need to create an information system that can adequately provide managers with the data necessary both to determine directions for further development and to address current issues of production activity. Interaction of elements similar system should be aimed at the formation of an information and analytical base for the timely response of management to changing circumstances and anticipation of critical situations in financial and economic activities, and also be the basis for operational and strategic planning.

1.2 Information and analytical technologies and their use in the business field

microscopy nanometry metrological probe

At present, specialists in the field of information analytics have a significant arsenal of methods and technologies for information and analytical activities, the description and practice of which are widely reflected in specialized literature and professional periodicals.

The transformation of information into a strategic resource is due to the peculiarities of the life of any modern enterprise. Its competitiveness depends on the ability of management and staff to quickly identify and often anticipate changes in the external environment and flexibly restructure their behavior, consciously choosing an innovative development path. Naturally, this dramatically increases the value:

external information reflecting the conditions in which the enterprise operates;

internal information characterizing the activities of the enterprise itself and the involvement of personnel in the implementation of the tasks;

information disseminated on behalf of the enterprise in the outside world and contributing to the promotion of its products, the formation of a positive image and thus the expansion of the sphere of social and economic influence;

comparative analysis of external and internal information, which makes it possible to judge the level achieved by the enterprise and its place among other institutions operating in this market segment.

Used as a strategic resource, timely, complete and reliable information contributes to:

the development of sound strategic development plans and the adoption of managerial decisions, taking into account ongoing or predicted changes in the external environment;

introduction of progressive technologies and original scientific and technical developments;

formation of organizational culture and team building on the basis of common goals and values;

development of new markets, expansion of the circle of customers;

the acquisition by an enterprise of so-called "intangible assets": a good name, respect in a professional environment, a good attitude from customers, business partners, representatives of power structures.

However, the complex use of external (incoming), internal and outgoing information is associated with significant difficulties associated with the properties of professional published and unpublished documents, the peculiarities of the information needs of specialists.

The origins of many of today's problems are that during the transition to market relations in the former socialist countries, economic relations have changed and, as a result, the need for information. Under the planned economy of the Soviet Union, the main need was to exchange both scientific and technical information and vertical information about the management decisions made and their implementation on the ground, such information monsters as VINITI, ICSTI, and others with sufficient information and telecommunication capacities were organized . With the development of the crisis of science and production, the need for scientific technical information began to fall, at the same time, the need for information about the market and its subjects appeared and is constantly growing. The giants of the former informatics failed to adapt to the new conditions and today in most cases do not play a serious role in the information market.

A new generation of enterprises working in the field of informatization has come, and their number is constantly growing as effective demand increases. Today, information and analytical activities are carried out both by individual specialists and specialized divisions of enterprises and banks, as well as independent information and analytical centers specializing in certain types of this activity by sector of the economy or by service regions. These are enterprises that develop information systems, provide telecommunications services, support databases, information brokers, joint and foreign companies in all areas of informatics, accredited in Russia or providing telecommunications access to their information, information analytical centers of the largest banking and business structures.

Today, experts note, on the one hand, a drop in demand (and, accordingly, prices) for simple information products (address and registration data, standard "business information", open source digests, etc.). On the other hand, the proportion of requests related to the conduct of complex information research, risk factor analytics, problem research.

Unlike some other sectors of the economy, where the transition from a planned system to a market one required the privatization of enterprises and a change in management systems, the information market was formed, in fact, from scratch. The information system under socialism provided only the processing of "vertical" information flows ("top-down" - directives and orders, "bottom-up" - the collection of reporting information), and scientific and technical information. The transition to a different economic model with a large number of "horizontal" information flows, information needs of relatively independent market entities - consumers of information, required the creation of a fundamentally different information infrastructure and system of information sources.

Today, available information resources (both government and commercial enterprises) that offer the market the information necessary for decision-making can be classified as follows:

The business information sector, which includes stock, financial, commercial, economic, statistical information:

stock and financial information. Includes information provided by exchanges, special exchange and financial information services, brokerage companies, banks. This is information about securities quotes, exchange rates, discount rates, the market for goods and capital, investments, prices;

economic and statistical information. Information provided by government agencies and private companies engaged in research and consulting includes numerical economic, demographic, social information in the form of predictive models and estimates;

commercial information. This is information on companies, firms, corporations, areas of their work and their products, prices, financial condition, connections, transactions, managers, etc.;

business news in the field of economics and business, which are offered by the relevant specialized services and agencies, the media.

Sector of information for specialists, which includes scientific, technical and special information, as well as primary sources:

professional information. Special information specific to a certain profession (information for doctors, lawyers, teachers, pharmacists, engineers, etc.);

scientific and technical information. Documentary bibliographic, abstract, reference Information, data in the field of fundamental and applied, natural, technical and social sciences, industries and spheres of human activity;

access to primary sources through libraries and specialized data banks, the possibility of acquiring primary sources, obtaining them in the form of full-size documents and microcopies.

. The mass and consumer information sector, which includes news and services, including those based on modern means telecommunications:

reference Information. Information from specialized information agencies and news services, electronic journals, reference books, encyclopedias;

consumer and entertainment information that is focused on home use. These are local news, weather, traffic schedules, commercial offers, etc.

To study the external environment, general statistical data are used to assess the state of the market, the prospects for its development, trends in supply and demand. This sector of information sources covers state statistics, economic forecasts, analytical studies carried out by various organizations and specialists, the results of public opinion polls and sociological studies. Databases of accounting and statistical information are developed by international organizations (the World Bank, for example), at the national level - by Federal Service state statistics (Rosstat), customs authorities, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, research institutes. Most of these organizations have their own electronic information sites that provide the opportunity to obtain the necessary information. However, most of this data is closed to free, gratuitous access, and the latter is carried out on a paid basis.

Currently, various types of information databases can be found on the market, which can become external sources for the formation of databases of an economic entity and serve as a source of information about its commercial environment. Databases of non-original, non-author's origin cannot be indisputably attributed to a "collection" of materials and articles, they are a collection of documents (or files) and can be the subject of material exchange.

Entrepreneurship requires a basic information structure with easy access to business information across departments. Coordination in the creation of various departmental databases is also important.

It is practically obvious that one of the most serious problems of the current economic environment is the information opacity of its subjects. Despite the abundance of information flows, there is still very little reliable analytical information about the economy of the country, its regions, and individual enterprises. Such an information situation is not conducive to improving the investment climate.

Of course, in the conditions of growing information needs, the market for information services should also develop. The main and most demanded services in the field of information and analytical business support are the following:

conducting special marketing research aimed at identifying trends in the development of the economic situation;

research of individual market segments, industries, areas of professional activity and preparation of analytical materials;

study of the specifics of the functioning of individual economic entities: corporations, companies, enterprises;

providing characterizing information about companies (organizational structure, major shareholders, subsidiaries, etc.);

analysis of the state of economic security of the company;

providing information on ongoing competitions and tenders (within the framework of the state order and in the field of commercial activity);

assessment of the investment attractiveness of cities and regions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the economic and criminal situation on the ground;

informational and organizational assistance in organizing the company's activities in new regions and new markets.

In general, a number of services provided by information and analytical centers can be classified according to groups of consumers of these services.

For owners and managers: operational monitoring on a given topic; research partners, competitors ( business reputation, communications, market position); collection of information to resolve corporate conflicts; weekly monitoring of the Russian banking market during the crisis.

For security services: collection of information about partners, customers, competitors.

For commercial services: collection of information for the preparation of negotiations; research of partners, contractors (business reputation, connections, market position); sales market research; monitoring of clients according to the specified parameters.

For business development and marketing services, analysts: competitive analysis; business intelligence; market research, analysis and monitoring; research of financial-intensive industries; collection of information about partners, potential customers; client monitoring; media monitoring (compilation of digests).

For personnel services: information support for personnel management.

For investors: verification of the reliability of various information provided by the Customer (due diligence); information support of contracts, commercial transactions, investment projects; overview of the situation in individual market sectors; analysis of political and socio-economic trends and business practices in individual regions as potential areas for capital investment.

For collection agencies and law firms: search for assets of debtors in Russia, CIS countries and far abroad; work on complex debts; search for hiding debtors, etc.

Now let's consider different forms of presenting the results of information analytics and the direction of their development.

Until the 60s. In the 20th century, bibliographic reviews were the main form of presenting the results of information and analytical activities; in the 70s, abstract reviews became widespread, and in the 80s. complex analytical reviews and annual reports appeared. In the process of this transition, the main executive (expert) functions were resignedly given to industry specialists, the preparation of the annual report became a serious self-financed R&D.

The participants in the preparation of the reviews were considered the information elite. Leading experts in the field of survey and analytical activities were concentrated in the main information centers of the country - in VINITI, INION, central research institutes of scientific and technical information of sectoral ministries and departments. Personnel training in this area was carried out only at the level of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Information Workers and postgraduate studies (mainly at VINITI). The main part of the specialists became analysts in the process of not very large-scale own practice.

During this period, work began to appear on the use of information and analytical.

For several years, commercial information companies in our country have gone through several stages of their development:

Preparation of press digests, news feeds, address and other factual information about economic objects with parallel accumulation of own databases.

Widespread announcement of the preparation of heterogeneous - both in quality and in name - information and analytical products using external (including foreign) databases. As an advertising flag, they announced their own field research (sociological, marketing surveys), later - the receipt of operational economic intelligence data. Such studies have learned how to really and on a large scale to carry out only in the second half of the 90s. The main advertising argument was and remains the list<серьезных>clients using information and analytical products - government organizations, banks, large enterprises, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines.

Development of private methods of analytical research. After the August 1998 crisis and the outflow of foreign clients, the battle for the domestic consumer of analytical information began. The main "weapon" in it was the efficiency and departure from typical thematic market reviews (commodity, regional) for a whole group of interested users to individual information packages - "on order".

The pace of development of "regional analysis" - a quick and comprehensive study of the socio-political and economic situation in the region in these years is striking, especially in pre-election periods. Information analysis in them was very organically combined with the results of population surveys. Information firms began to look for original forms of various analytics. For example, psychological portrayal of a person of interest to the customer (without direct contact with her - based on the analysis of video recordings, graphological examination, etc.), information monitoring, consulting on a wide range of issues, the invention of their own economic indices, ratings of various objects and subjects - banks, insurance companies , universities, external managers, etc.

If the first half of the 1990s was dominated by numerous news agencies, focused on working with exchange, address and legal information, then the galaxy of highly specialized information firms working with media audiences in the consulting mode became the most active. Simultaneously developed geoinformation technologies, and specialized information firms entered the market with their gazetteers. But many of them quickly lost their specialization, endlessly expanding the problematic field of their analytics due to the lack of broad effective demand.

Gradually, a set of concepts was formed that described analytical products, however, with different content and quality - targeted branded, market, marketing, news reviews and references. Review documents that are similar in content exist under different names, and it is very difficult to trace the differences between them.

Review materials also underwent significant changes during this period. They have been enriched with new genres - from standard in form and automated in report preparation technology to a rating table, short business news, the value of a predictive indicator, growth curves of a specific parameter, an index. Review materials become brief, smaller in volume, periodic, but so far remain only ascertaining the situation or the state of the object. The efficiency of their preparation is growing.

But in parallel with the development of methodological techniques for analyzing and presenting data, the professionalism and reliability of most of the analytical products in the periodical press are being lost. The information and analytical products "on order" and "for publication" began to differ significantly.

The first strives to preserve the volume and maximum number of fresh data (the latest balance sheet and other indicators), the second - to be cautious in assessments, but bright in presentation, with empty meaningless fragments of text. Most often in such reviews (especially economic and political topics) there is not a single non-trivial generalization. The direct engagement of review information is often visible. The reviews have lost one significant part - the sources of information are practically not indicated anywhere, in connection with which there is distrust in the indicators and conclusions given.

One of the fundamental information and analytical technologies underlying many of these services is information diagnostics. Information diagnostics is a technology for analyzing information about an object, implemented using special procedures and methods in a fixed subject field according to selected indicators to assess the state, trends and prospects for the development of an object. An object of any nature can be diagnosed if it changes over time, and information about these changes is available in the document stream. The main conditions for the implementation of information diagnostics procedures: 1) It is not the object itself that is analyzed, but information about it known in society; 2) For successful diagnostics, a certain completeness of the collection of documents (data) about the object, the boundaries of which are previously described by the information analyst in the form of an ordered list, must be ensured. keywords or a problem-oriented rubricator that fixes the subject field of an object; 3) Diagnostic features - evaluative indicators - can be selected from among the features of the object - its properties, qualities, physical parameters. 4) The technological chain of diagnostic methods and procedures should allow the information analyst to diagnose an unfamiliar object with reproducible results of the object assessment.

The concepts of "information diagnostics", "information monitoring" of objects were introduced in the late 1980s. For the first time in the domestic literature, such a clear concept as "information diagnostics" was recorded in 1989 in the work of V.R. Serov with the following characteristic: "a set of methods that allow determining the state of a particular area of ​​the national economy and the best ways for its further development."

In the book of G.F. Gordukalova in 1990 and her earlier articles introduced the concept of "information monitoring", which meant the technology of continuous information monitoring of an object in a fixed information field using selected indicators for diagnosing and predicting the development of an object. The term has become fashionable, but one wants to move away from many options for its implementation, since they are offered unprofessionally and compromise the promising possibilities of the monitoring approach. Information monitoring is a special technology of information diagnostics, built on batch tracking of new information about an object that has appeared for each new observation period, and then comparing them with the previous period using a set of selected monitoring indicators. That is, information monitoring is also one of the modes of information diagnostics of an object on a time scale.

It is possible to diagnose an object in different time modes: retrospective analysis - involves identifying development trends for the previous period of time; operational express analysis - characterizes the state of the object at a certain moment of its development; monitoring analysis - continuous observation of the development of an object (or knowledge about it) through certain time points.

The information analyst obtains enriched and systematized knowledge about the object. Thanks to his professional skills in searching and systematizing information, he is able to “add up” a holistic, cumulative and systematized idea of ​​it from fragmentary, disparate documents about an object. For example, to compile a list of authors and firms dealing with the problem in recent years, to systematize the directions of research of the object, etc. Reproduced knowledge about an object (that is, introduced from other areas of scientific and practical activity) is revealed on the basis of the established similarity and difference of objects, their properties, scope, etc. It is implemented on the basis of a complex procedure for searching and diagnosing "implicitly useful" information about the object.

The most popular and demanded information product is the "information report". The report is collected from various sources and systematized information about a business entity. The information report contains information about the company's activities, its owners, managers, financial condition, field of activity, capital structure, history, information about branches, subsidiaries and parent companies.

The information report allows you to assess the degree of commercial risk in cooperation<#"justify">Estimating the effectiveness of the costs of obtaining and using commercial information differs from traditional approaches to assessing the effectiveness of other economic phenomena, when costs are compared with profit (or volume of production). Obtaining the maximum amount of information at the expense of the funds spent does not mean that conclusions will be drawn from this information for making managerial decisions. The latter, in turn, are not limited to making a profit, but are aimed at developing the organization, ensuring a long-term growth prospects in a competitive market, meeting the needs of customers (internal and external), personal interests of managers and employees, increasing their prestige, qualifications, self-confidence and well-being.

Summing up, it can be noted that the formation of the information market in our country dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century. Over the years, the path has gone from the almost complete absence of a conscious need for an information and, moreover, an analytical product, to today's formation of demand for analytical and forecasting services associated with risks in the market.

At the very beginning of the 90s, with the destruction of the Soviet economy, a need arose for information on the state of commodity markets and the era of exchanges, including electronic ones, began. Then a turbulent process of deceptions began in the market and there was a need to check Russian and foreign companies - potential partners, as well as information about the location of the debtor and his financial situation, which gave rise to information and detective companies that select and verify market entities and conduct search activities. by debtors. The next stage in the development of the information and analytical market came with the appearance of large-scale crisis phenomena on the market, such as "Black Tuesday", "Black Thursday". These market cataclysms caused the need for an analytical product: monitoring and analytical forecasting of the state of individual market sectors, primarily in the banking and financial sector.

Also, a serious impetus to the development of the information and analytical market was given by the voucher privatization carried out in Russia and the social, political, economic and criminal phenomena associated with it. The need for checking partners and analyzing risk factors in certain regions of the country and sectors of the economy has increased many times over. With the development of needs and the information market, the flow of information, the number of information sources increased, which led to the development of telecommunication networks, mathematical tools for the rapid processing of large amounts of information, database management systems, a system of analytical reviews and digests on certain issues, and many other elements of information technology.

With the development of the securities market, there has been a demand for information related to stock market operators.

Information requests meet the complexities of our lives. With the deepening of the current economic and political crisis, great interest has appeared in the political state of a particular region, the country as a whole, their impact on the economy of individual market entities. There was a need to scan the political market of our country. There was a need for forecasting, systematic analysis of the situation in certain sectors of the economy, in certain sectors of the market, in certain city-forming or system-forming enterprises for the whole industry.

Chapter II. Activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical business support

.1 General characteristics and activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform"

State Autonomous Institution Republican Scientific, Technological and Information Complex "Bashtehinform" was founded in 1963 as the House of Scientific and Technical Information. In 1966 it was transformed into the Central Bureau, in 1969 - the Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Propaganda. In 1992, it was reorganized into the State Institution RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, since 2009 - GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform".

At present, the Bashtekhinform diversified fund includes: 83,000 copies. books and brochures, 20280 copies. domestic journals, 75,000 copies. industrial catalogues, 523300 copies. regulatory and technical documents and publications of NTI bodies, more than 5 million copies. patent documents (on paper), 180 CD/DVD discs.

The main activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform":

information support of state structures, industrial enterprises, scientific organizations and educational institutions;

information support for innovation activities in order to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and scientific organizations of the Republic of Belarus;

promoting the creation, legal protection and use of the results of intellectual activity;

assistance in the development of information technologies in various spheres of the economy of the Republic of Belarus.

Tasks implemented in the course of the activities of GAU RNTC "Bashtekhinform":

creation, updating and organization of the use of scientific, technical, regulatory and marketing information resources, including funds of scientific and technical literature, regulatory, technical and patent documentation, databases and data banks;

implementation of promotion of scientific and technical innovations and best practices, advanced training of specialists;

applied scientific research in the field of information resources and information technologies.

One of the activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtehinform" is the implementation of scientific and technical projects, such as the formation of funds of scientific, technical, regulatory and patent information; development of the Republican information databank of high technologies; development of the concept of information support for the activities of a scientific organization based on a single recursive object data model using a unified multilingual interface; performance of work in accordance with the action plan of the Republican target innovation program of the Republic of Belarus; organization of a permanent exhibition of high-tech and science-intensive products of the Republic of Belarus; implementation of a set of measures in the field of intellectual property; creation of the Center for Technology Transfer of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; development of the Republican Center for Intersectoral Industrial Cooperation and Marketing Information; provision of information and educational services to enterprises, organizations and citizens of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of business contracts.

The purpose of the innovation activity of the GAU RNTC "Bashtehinform" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus is: information support for innovation activities in the Republic of Belarus and the promotion of scientific and technical innovations and achievements; formation, development and use on the territory of the Republic of Belarus of automated resources of scientific and technical information, including literature and documentation funds, databases and data banks; Creation automated systems collection, processing and organization of access to this information by government bodies, enterprises, organizations and the scientific community; implementation of educational activities in the field of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of industry, education, science and business structures in accordance with the requirements of scientific and technological progress.

The organization includes the following departments and centers:

1.Educational and Methodological Center;

.Distance Learning Center;

.Educational and technical center;

.Patent Consulting Center;

.Information and marketing center;

Document Center;

Expo Center;

.Center for Cluster Development;

.Center for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Printing house;

.Information data bank of science-intensive technologies;

.Scientific and technical library;

.Department of regulatory and technical documentation;

Web-studio "ART4WEB";

.Stationery office supplies.

The educational and methodological center of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" was founded in 1996, has a state license No. 119201 for the right to conduct educational activities. Every year, the center hosts more than 100 educational events for specialists working in the field of management, accounting, finance, law, personnel management, marketing, sales; over 1,600 students are trained here throughout the year - representatives of companies of all forms of ownership from various regions of Russia and districts of Bashkortostan.

Currently, the UMC is a regional representative office in the Republic of Belarus of the Interregional Public Organization "Guild of Domestic Specialists in State and Municipal Orders".

At the Distance Learning Center of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" training is carried out via the Internet in a specialized educational environment, which includes electronic textbooks that teach computer programs, a system for testing and controlling knowledge and means of communication and information exchange.

You can study on an individual schedule, at a convenient time: at home or at work.

The Educational and Technical Center (UTC) "Bashtekhinform" was founded in 2001 and occupies a leading position in the information technology market in Bashkortostan.

The main activities of the training center "BashTechInform" are:

IT consulting and turnkey IT solutions

Supply of licensed software

Training and certification of specialists

Technical support

ETC "Bashtehinform" has a rich collection of partner statuses, including Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with six competencies, Novell Gold Certified Partner, Oracle Business Partner, IBM Partner, Symantec Software Partner.

All specialists of the Training and Technical Center are authorized by leading software manufacturers. Among them are recognized "giants" of the IT market: Microsoft, Oracle, Novell, Cisco, ISACA. The specialists of the Training and Technical Center have extensive practical experience in implementing and maintaining software solutions at the largest enterprises of the Republic of Belarus.

The main tasks of the Patent Consulting Center of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" are to assist inventors in protecting their intellectual work, assistance and scientific and methodological support to patent specialists, patent information services for enterprises and organizations.

There is an electronic catalog normative documents, which includes bibliographic records for all types of books and documents, including articles from the journals Patents and Licenses, Intellectual Property. Industrial property”, “IS. Copyright and related rights” in recent years, collections of normative and technical documents on intellectual property to help the inventor: basic laws, international documents, recommendations for filing an application for an invention, trademark, utility model, industrial design, computer programs.

The Center for Intersectoral Industrial Cooperation and Marketing Information is an infrastructure organization that promotes the development of entrepreneurship in industry. The main activity of the subcontracting center is the development of cooperative ties between industrial enterprises (small, medium and large) at the regional and interregional level (within the framework of the National Partnership for the Development of Subcontracting) (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Belarus dated May 31, 2005 No. 109 “On the establishment of the Republican Center for Intersectoral Industrial cooperation and marketing information”).

The Technology Transfer Center is registered as a subject of innovation infrastructure (certificate No. 5 dated April 24, 2009, Order No. 49 of the MPIIP RB dated April 24, 2009). The goal of the center is the commercialization of results scientific research and development and promotion of the integration of science and business by ensuring the transfer of technologies in the Russian and international markets, assisting organizations and enterprises in the more efficient use of intellectual property.

Center services:

Network technology transfer services

Expertise of innovative projects

Technology audit

Intellectual property audit

Technology Marketing

Technology transfer and commercialization consulting

Innovation project management

Business planning of innovative projects

Search and attraction of investments

Outsourcing of research and development work in the field of high technologies

Information and analytical services

Educational services

In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan No. 202 dated September 21, 2005 “On the development of the Republican information data bank of high technologies”, RNTIK “Bashtekhinform” develops, forms, fills and develops the Republican information data bank of high technologies.

The main objectives of the project are to create an information support system for scientific and technical activities, systematize, collect and update scientific information of the Republic of Bashkortostan, promote technology transfer and attract investors, promote intellectual resources on the market, strengthen the practical orientation of academic, industrial and applied university science as the most important growth reserve production potential of the republic.

Cardinal political, economic and social changes that characterize the modern development of society have increased the importance of information and the status of libraries as the most democratic source of access to the knowledge accumulated by mankind. The Scientific and Technical Library (NTB) of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" complex provides reference, bibliographic and information services to enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and individuals.

The main tasks of the NTB are:

ensuring the safety of information resources contained in the NTB fund;

acquisition, accounting and processing of new receipts;

computerization of library and bibliographic processes;

introduction of new technologies in the processes of formation of own information resources, creation of electronic libraries;

expanding the practice of using borrowed information resources;

promotion of information resources to users, expansion of the repertoire of library services.

Services provided by the scientific and technical library:

Use of reference and search apparatus.

Provision of primary sources (books, magazines, industrial catalogs, information leaflets).

Compilation of bibliographic lists of references for abstracts, term papers, theses, dissertations.

Thematic selection of literature.

Editing of reference lists for abstracts: term papers, theses, dissertations.

Issuance of literature at home (night subscription).

Provision of regulatory and legal information using the ATP "Consultant-plus".

Preparation of thematic information collections, digests, analytical reports on the topic of the customer.

Search for information on the RASPRI system.

Determination of the UDC index and the GRNTI heading.

Weekly open literature reviews.

Organization and holding of Specialist Days.

Methodological consultations on the organization of the work of the scientific and technical library.

Copying selected information materials.

Thematic and factographic information.

Providing computer time for working on the Internet.

The main task of the scientific and technical library is the preservation and acquisition - the formation of the library fund.

The acquisition of the reference and information fund is focused on solving the problems and directions facing the enterprises and organizations of the republic.

The reference and information fund is completed in the following areas: mechanical engineering, oil, gas, chemical industry, instrument making, construction, economics, computer technology, law.

Reducing funding has led to a sharp decline in the level of acquisition of the library. In practice, the number of receipts has decreased several times.

The publishing house "Gilem" of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus provides great assistance in the acquisition of the fund.

The structure of library collections changes in several planes: by types of media, by the degree of immediate accessibility for the reader (main storage fund, open access fund), by species structure, by sign systems (text - alphabetic, multimedia graphic, sound).

NTB expands access to electronic resources. This source can satisfy the need for the most up-to-date and up-to-date information. Special attention given to electronic publications.

In 2011, two new departments appeared in the structure of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform": the Center for Cluster Development and the Center for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The Center for Cluster Development of the Republic of Bashkortostan was established in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated August 17, 2011 No. 1066-r, on the basis of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus to enhance innovation processes and implement cluster initiatives in the economy of Bashkortostan.

The main task of the CCR RB is to create conditions for the effective interaction of enterprises - participants of territorial clusters, educational and scientific institutions, non-profit and public organizations, state authorities and local governments, investors in the interests of the development of territorial clusters, ensuring the implementation of joint cluster projects.

The functions of the CCR RB include:

development of projects for the development of territorial clusters and investment programs;

monitoring the state of innovative, scientific and industrial potential of territorial clusters;

development and implementation of joint cluster projects with the involvement of participants in territorial clusters, educational and scientific institutions, and other interested parties;

organization of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, provision of consulting services in the interests of cluster participants;

assistance to participants of territorial clusters in obtaining state support;

facilitating the launch of new products (services) of participants in territorial clusters on the market;

organization of conferences, seminars in the area of ​​interest of cluster members.

provision of consulting services for the specialization of individual cluster members;

provision of services to cluster members in terms of legal support, marketing, advertising;

conducting information campaigns in the media to highlight the activities of the cluster and its development prospects, promote the cluster brand;

conducting marketing research in various markets related to the promotion of cluster products.

The Center for Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency of the Republic of Bashkortostan was established in December 2011 in order to ensure a unified policy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, implement pilot innovative projects, and develop regulatory and methodological foundations for implementing energy saving policies.

According to Federal Law No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, the main effort in this area should be directed to:

information support on a regular basis of measures for energy saving and energy efficiency;

dissemination of information on the energy saving potential and measures to improve the energy efficiency of utility infrastructure systems;

formation of information about outstanding achievements, including foreign ones, in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, including a list of objects and technologies related to the processes of using energy resources that have the highest energy efficiency, about the most effective energy saving measures, about promising areas for the development of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;

formation of information on advanced innovative developments and projects used in industry and fuel and energy complex enterprises;

information and analytical support of the innovation process, including the commercialization of the results of innovation activities in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex.

The mission of the Center is scientific, technical and analytical support for the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the field of energy saving and resource efficiency, the introduction of advanced energy and resource saving equipment and technologies.

The main tasks of the Center:

information and analytical support and monitoring of the current situation in the field of energy saving;

achieve real-time savings;

consulting those responsible for energy conservation;

organization of training;

promotion of energy conservation.

The main functions of the Center include the adjustment of the Integrated Program of the Republic of Bashkortostan "Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in the Republic of Khakassia for 2010-2014 and for the period up to 2020 in order to prepare it for co-financing from the federal budget, selection and examination of energy saving projects, making investments for implementation energy saving projects in accordance with the established procedure, development of methodological recommendations in the field of energy saving, development and implementation of information and educational programs on energy saving, promotion of energy saving in the republic.

The information resources of the enterprise are dispersed by departments, for example, organizational and administrative documentation is stored in the personnel department, accounting documentation is stored in the accounting department.

The regulatory and technical documentation department has unique funds of regulatory and technical documentation, is completed with GOSTs, OSTs, TUs, international standards, as well as SNiPs and SanPiNs, provides information services to enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and individuals.

The fund of the scientific and technical library includes books and reference publications in the following areas: economics, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, electrical engineering, energy, instrumentation, transport, ecology, etc.

The patent fund includes basic laws, international documents, recommendations for filing an application for an invention, trademark, utility model, industrial design, computer programs.

The Information Data Bank of high technology contains electronic databases in various areas.

.2 Interaction of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" with commercial structures of the Republic of Belarus. Status, performance analysis

The specifics of the activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" is aimed at providing scientific and technical information to institutions of science and education, manufacturing enterprises in all industries, agriculture, the service sector, public organizations, engineering and technical workers, inventors and entrepreneurs.

Each of the departments and sectors of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" contains information for a certain range of specialists. Thus, the scientific and technical library interacts with the external environment by providing the spectrum paid services libraries based on available information resources. It organizes and conducts "Specialist's Day" and "Information Day".

The Information Databank of High Technologies of the Republic of Bashkortostan interacts with the external environment in the course of performing the main tasks of the department. Bases of industrial enterprises with which the department constantly cooperates have been formed, invitations to seminars and conferences are sent by fax and e-mail. Strong ties are maintained with experts and patent holders, who are both consumers of the "Data Bank" information and its suppliers.

The information contained in the Republican Information Data Bank of High Technologies is used to support the innovative activities of organizations and enterprises, is in demand by specialists from the Government of the Republic of Belarus, ministries, departments of the Republic of Belarus, and the scientific community of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Free access to the information of the Republican Information Data Bank is carried out via the Internet.

As part of the work performed, scientific and practical seminars, conferences, publication of collections, participation in exhibitions and competitions and various events are carried out together with the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Innovation Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

ü Investors and industry - search for promising scientific developments and new technologies, as well as experts who are able to evaluate new scientific results and technologies and promote their implementation in production;

ü State governing bodies - information support of management, determination of the role of scientific institutions and scientists in the scientific process;

ü Scientists and inventors - access to up-to-date scientific information, search for partners and investors, technology transfer;

ü Teachers and students - acquaintance with the achievements of science and technology and the use of the results of scientific research in the educational process;

ü Engineering and technical workers - acquaintance with the achievements of science and technology, promising developments.

In 2011, about 270 thousand people visited the website of the Republican Information Databank of High Technologies, including: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Germany, Latvia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Poland, etc.

The Regional Center for Intersectoral Industrial Cooperation and Marketing Information provides regional industrial enterprises with services that facilitate the establishment of cooperative ties. Carries out the transfer of information about incoming orders through the interregional partnership network to regional industrial enterprises. Provides a number of advertising services by placing banners on the website of the information and marketing center ("justify"> GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" actively interacts with enterprises and organizations of the nanoindustry: contributes to real assistance in the commercialization of the results of scientific research and development, integration of science and industry; organizes exhibitions and meetings on the development of nanotechnologies and nanoindustry, helps to get acquainted with the innovative potential of the republic in the field of nanoindustry and the selection of projects for co-financing in the near future. (Ufa), OAO Sterlitamak Machine-Tool Plant (Sterlitamak), OAO INTC Iskra (Ufa), OOO Bashstankotsentr, OAO NIIT (Ufa), FSUE SPC Gas Turbine Building SALUT , ZAO Ural-TSP (Ishimbay), ZAO Plakart, OAO UMPO, OOO ESM (Ufa).

The technology transfer center is a kind of tender platform where the executing enterprise and the customer enterprise find common ground and come to beneficial cooperation.

The Patent and Consulting Center of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" contributes to improving the efficiency of innovation, introducing the results of intellectual activity into civil circulation, providing patent information to organizations, industrial enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses, developing and strengthening cooperation in the field of intellectual property, solving topical issues legal protection intellectual property. The Center interacts with such enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Belarus as the legal security agency "INTELLECT-S", NPF "Paker", JSC "Gazprom neftekhim Salavat", JSC "Sorbent", OI "Ekator", LLC "Incotel", LLC "Cordeo" , First Firm of Patent Attorneys LLC, Farmatek LLC, FSUE UAPO, FSUE UAP Gidravlika, Law Firm Gorodissky and Partners LLC.

In the 21st century, a rapidly developing global market creates a variety of consumers, requirements for products, goods and services, organization and management of production and defines the concept of quality. To provide the user with special types of technical literature and documentation on the profile of his activity, to explain the procedure for applying international, regional, national standards on the territory of the republic, especially to small and medium-sized businesses, is one of the tasks of the Scientific and Technical Library (NTB).

The Scientific and Technical Library is a structural subdivision of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform". Provides library services, information, bibliographic and reference support for specialists of enterprises of the republic, students, employees of the Academy of Sciences on the basis of its information funds. The activities of the scientific and technical library are always aimed at providing information to enterprises and organizations.

The information society creates new conditions for the work of libraries and imposes new requirements on them, then for a substantive consideration of these conditions it is advisable to single out the following technological nodes of library and information activities: structuring information flows; offering information; information consumption.

During meetings with representatives of the business sector of the economy, they often reveal their poor knowledge of legislation in the field of certification, standardization, regulatory documents of various levels, and the procedure for their application on the territory of the republic.

NTB - the holder of a systematically updated fund - carries out the mission of providing information with standards and regulatory documents to enterprises, organizations, business structures and individuals, including those in the regions of the republic under contracts with enterprises.

This activity has acquired special significance with the introduction of quality management systems. The NTB contributes to this work by providing free access to funds, organizing exhibitions, seminars, conducting thematic searches, and sending information letters.

The fund of normative documents is presented both in the traditional form and on electronic media.

In addition to regulatory documentation, business people are interested in information about equipment, technical specifications, manufacturing firms, address information. This is an integral part of scientific and technical information necessary for the preparation of technical and design solutions, for the acquisition of domestic or imported equipment.

The main sources are documents, grouped under the name "industrial catalogs", containing information about industrial products.

Until quite recently, such concepts as a library and business seemed incompatible. But economic activity had to be mastered, and now paid services are a reliable and constant source of extrabudgetary income, such as: providing primary sources (books, magazines, industrial catalogs); compilation of bibliographic lists of references for abstracts, term papers, diploma works, dissertations; thematic selection of literature in all areas of the economy and industry; issuance of literature at home (night subscription); provision of regulatory and legal information using the ATP "Consultant-plus"; provision of computer time on the Internet, etc.

The Scientific and Technical Library entered the market with a good resource base and knowledge of the needs of its users. The quality of library services, their competitiveness is determined by the implementation of the same basic principles of the quality management system: customer orientation, top management activity, process approach, employee involvement, etc.

Service is carried out both in the reading room and remotely at the request of individual users and organizations on a contractual basis. When receiving information, the user pays not only for the information provided, but also for information services.

The prospects for the introduction of new information technologies are associated with the expansion of access to Internet resources. Bibliographic and full-text databases on CDs are provided to the user in a complex, so the strategy for introducing new information technologies is aimed at maximizing the replenishment of the library's electronic resources.

Considering the specifics of requests for special types of technical literature and documentation. NTB shows interest in the databases of VNIIKI and others.

Depending on the tasks in the activities of the library, the following innovative areas are distinguished:

product, aimed at changing the repertoire of library services with the growth of public needs;

organizational and managerial, causing the need for the development and implementation of progressive forms and methods of labor, the emergence of new structures;

technological, related to the improvement of technological processes in libraries, with their technical re-equipment;

social, designed to help meet the socio-cultural needs of library staff;

innovative in the field of professional consciousness;

complex, including all types of the listed innovations.

New technologies lead to an increase in the degree of accessibility of information, and expands the possibilities of its search.

The development of the Internet can push libraries to the periphery of the information infrastructure, this opinion is deeply erroneous, primarily because libraries belong to the fundamental categories of human culture, and the Internet belongs to technological innovations that fix a certain level of scientific and technological development of society.

Scientific libraries are always an integral part of information, cultural, educational and educational infrastructures.

The current stage in the development of NTBs is associated with the active introduction of new ways of exchanging information, the creation of their own information resources, the computerization of library processes, and the organization of user access to electronic information resources.

Changes in user requirements for the quality of library activities, the processes of processing and providing information put the library in front of the need to master new types of information services.

Use of reference and search apparatus (SPA);

Providing primary sources;

information day;

Thematic collections;

Bibliographic lists;

Search for information in the database;

address references;

Methodical consultations;

Copying materials;

Use of reference and search system "Consultant-Plus";


Providing computer time for working on the Internet;

Determination of the UDC index, LBC and SRSTI headings;


Work with electronic libraries Elibrary, STN International.

The reading room is visited on average by 20-25 people. Issuance on average per day is 120-150 copies. For specialists of contractual enterprises and all comers, weekly expositions of new acquisitions are presented - 99 exhibitions.

In 2011, the scientific and technical library held 3 days of a specialist in innovative activities of enterprises and organizations; 120 thematic selections were made in topical areas: accounting, taxation, labor protection, personnel records management, innovations, investments:

"Consumer rights Protection";

"Fire Safety Rules";

"Rules of trade";

"Instruction on labor protection in trade";

"State registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”;

"New in the calculation of average earnings and wages in 2011";

"Regulation of trading activity".

Including for enterprises:

Sulfuric acid, chilled. Ecology. Occupational safety” - Oil Refinery LLC;

"Motivation system in trade organizations" - LLC "Prodliner";

"Economic methods of management used at the enterprise" - LLC "Energobeton";

"Bitumen. Toxicity. Ecology” - JSC “Novoil”.

Service is carried out both in the reading room and remotely at the request of individual users and organizations on a contractual basis.

A special place in the innovation activities of libraries is occupied by the introduction of computer technologies, which are related to innovative activities of a complex nature, because include all kinds of library innovations. Introduction of new information technologies related to the expansion of access to Internet resources. In its work, the library uses the possibility of searching using the database of the Scientific Electronic Library ( NEB is the largest Russian portal in the field of science, technology, medicine, education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 12 million scientific publications.

The site also provides visitors with the opportunity to use the electronic versions of the journals free of charge and download the archives of printed editions. The most studied foreign bases of electronic periodicals, such as "Kluwer", "Academic Press", "Elsevier", "Elibrary", "STN International".

Bibliographic and full-text databases on CDs are provided to the user in a complex, so the strategy for introducing new information technologies is aimed at maximizing the replenishment of the library's electronic resources.

The library fund contains 450 books in electronic form, of which: 160 books on innovation, 32 books on the use and disposal of waste, 258 books on thermal power engineering.

Such electronic libraries on CD have been created, such as:

"Innovation Library";

"Library for the use and disposal of waste";

"Library of thermal power engineering".

In the course of our study, we conducted a survey to determine the demand for reference, bibliographic and information services for enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and individuals. In the questionnaire developed by us, mainly closed questions were used, which allowed the respondents to give clear and useful answers for the researcher, as well as to simplify the procedure for subsequent processing of the data received.

The procedure for collecting each questionnaire consisted of several stages:

) selection of a company that meets the specified criteria;

) collection of information about the contact person, phone number, fax number of the company, e-mail address;

) dialogue with the respondent, obtaining an oral agreement to participate in the study, clarifying the coordinates for sending the questionnaire;

) sending the questionnaire;

) receiving the questionnaire.

It should be noted that each of the five stages of collecting the questionnaire was accompanied by significant difficulties.

As a result of the analysis of the results of the survey, it turned out that absolutely all respondents (100%) use additional professional information, which once again emphasizes their awareness of the importance of information and analytical support for business. The source of additional information is most often the Internet (78%), magazines (52%) and the library (52%) are in second place in terms of the number of answers. It is worth noting here that these answer options are not at all mutually exclusive, but, on the contrary, intersect and complement each other. So, for example, the options “use journals from library collections”, “ electronic versions journals” or “use library services to access certain online databases”.

Among the sources of obtaining professional information, periodical professional publications are confidently leading, while books and materials of scientific conferences are used by 39% and 34% of respondents, respectively.

Thus, the results of the survey showed a high activity of managers and leading specialists of non-profit organizations and enterprises as users of the library and other sources of information. This interest suggests that they have a significant potential need for information and analytical services.

3 Ways to improve the efficiency of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical support for business structures

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Librarianship” defines a library as “an information, cultural, educational institution which has an organized fund of replicated documents and provides them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities. These legally fixed functions testify to the recognition of the special, ever-increasing role of libraries in the modern world, the need for their development simultaneously in all three directions, as well as the versatility of everyday library work.

In addition to financial difficulties, at present the scientific and technical library of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" is also experiencing certain personnel difficulties - at the moment there is not a single employee in the library's staff. Therefore, it can be said that this stage the system of information and analytical services that could satisfy the needs of the business sector does not exist.

At the same time, simply restoring the functioning of the library will not change the situation much. Obviously, the new time makes its own requirements for working with information. This is manifested in the expansion of the functions of the library, the increase in the amount of information to be processed, as well as the increase in demand for information and analytical products and services. The number of consumers of these products, both real and potential, is growing, which also need to be developed when planning the work of the library.

At the first stages of the development of the library, the main task of its employees is the prompt provision of abstract-bibliographic, reference, review and analytical information to various categories of users. As the library develops, a number of functions performed will expand, the number of titles of information and analytical products produced and the number of services provided will increase.

The scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" will carry out information and analytical support for business based on the targeted identification, collection, scientific analysis and generalization of domestic and foreign literature and unpublished documents containing information about business problems, the results of scientific research in this area; and studying the information needs and requests of users.

The activities of the library can be carried out in the following areas: the formation, maintenance and maintenance of distributed funds and data banks on the most popular topics among users based on the cumulation of various information resources; preparation, publication and distribution of information products: bibliographic, abstract, analytical, review, factual and other materials; providing, in accordance with requests, published and unpublished materials and their copies, arrays of automated databases, the use of mass forms of information services; promoting and advertising their products and services; conducting scientific research in various areas and industries; participation in the dissemination of experience in information activities through publications, participation in seminars and conferences; monitoring of the information situation; methodological and technological support for the activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform"; interaction with other information and analytical centers of the region and the country.

The library not only provides information and analytical services to "external" consumers, but is also a necessary link in the information and methodological support of the activities of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform". The absence of employees with special education in the organization has a negative impact on the effectiveness of information support for the organization's activities. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to include specialists in the staff who provide information-analytical and methodological support for the activities of the organization and the provision of highly qualified services to enterprises and organizations of the republic. It is these specialists that can be referents-analysts of information resources - graduates of the specialty "Library and Information Activities" at the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla.

Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University, who are studying in the specialty "Library and Information Activities", can also take part in the work of the scientific and technical library of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform". They can both directly perform any work entrusted to them by the library staff, and in the learning process. In the first case, these can be tasks for searching for information, its analytical and synthetic processing, assistance in preparing digests and other products. In the process of learning, students can still do practice in the staff of the library, and also, on behalf of teachers in the course of some disciplines, they could perform tasks, the results of which could be used by library staff. For example, in the course of the discipline "Information and analytical products and services", students could develop a plan for holding an Information Day for specialists in a certain field.

The sources of funding for the library will be both the funds allocated according to the general budget of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform", and income from contractual and paid services performed by employees. Target financing within the framework of federal and regional programs is also possible. It is proposed to introduce mixed remuneration for employees, piece-time: time-based payment from the general estimate of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" and piece-rate, in which earnings depend on the number of products produced and services rendered, taking into account their quality, complexity and working conditions. The piecework part of wages will be formed from income from contractual and paid services.

Taking into account all of the above, we have developed a job description for employees of the scientific and technical library of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform".


Thus, necessary condition effective development of the economy and social sphere, science and technology, education and culture is high level development of the information environment of society, information resources and means of their processing and delivery, telecommunications and computer technologies.

An important part of this environment in the Republic of Bashkortostan is the Republican Scientific, Technological and Information Complex of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform", whose functions include the accumulation of unique information funds, as well as providing scientific and technical information to scientific and educational institutions, manufacturing enterprises of all industries, agriculture , service industries, public organizations, engineering and technical workers, inventors and entrepreneurs.

In the process of performing this work, the goal was achieved: analyzed modern methods and technologies for information and analytical support for the activities of business organizations. The main tasks of the work have been implemented:

) Defined the role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business;

) Studied information and analytical technologies used in the business sector;

) General characteristics of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform", its activities are given;

) The interaction of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" with commercial structures was considered, an analysis of its effectiveness was carried out;

) The ways of increasing the efficiency of the activity of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the field of information and analytical support of business structures are analyzed.

The study found that the management and leading specialists of organizations are fully aware of the role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business. Such support can be provided by branch libraries and NTI bodies (including employees of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" and the scientific and technical library) using traditional forms of reference and information services and modern information and analytical technologies. However, at present, due to certain financial and personnel difficulties, the needs of organizations for information and analytical support for management cannot be fully satisfied and at the proper level. Personnel and functional optimization scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" will significantly expand the range of information and analytical services it provides to support and support business and improve their quality. The result of the study was the creation of a model of the scientific and technical library of the GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform".

Provisions for defense:

) Information and analytical support is a necessary condition for the effective development of the economy and social sphere, science and technology, education and culture;

) The management and leading specialists of organizations are fully aware of the role of information and analytical support in the field of management and business and experience a significant need for information and analytical products and services;

) Personnel and functional optimization of the scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" will qualitatively meet these needs, while significantly expanding the range of information and analytical services it provides to support and provide business.

List of used literature

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Annex 1

Questionnaire for users of the scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform"

Dear users! We are conducting a study to determine the demand for reference, bibliographic and information services for enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership and individuals. We will be grateful if you find time to answer the questions of our questionnaire. To do this, please circle the answer you have chosen.

1. Do you use additional professional information in your work?

a) Yes b) No

2. Name the sources of obtaining professional information

a) Journals b) Internet database

c) Library d) Other __________________

3. What foreign and domestic information products (DB, RJ, Library Resources) do you know? (list)


4. Do you use them in your work?

a) Yes b) No

c) Other ___________________

. How long have you been using the services of the scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform"?

a) for the first time b) went to the library

c) regular user d) several times

6. Do you plan to use the services of the library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" in the future?

a) yes b) no

c) hard to answer

7. Check all the services of the scientific and technical library of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform" that you had to use:

a) Methodological consultations b) Provision of primary sources

c) Thematic collections d) Bibliographic lists

e) Searching for information in the database e) Address references

g) Information Day h) Copying materials

i) "Consultant-Plus" j) Scanning

k) Typing l) Determining the index UDC, LBC

m) Other ______________________

8. What types of services would you like to see in GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhform"?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. How do you rate the quality of the services provided to you?


10. What other business information support services would you like to use in the future?______________________________________________________


11. Do you use the information services of other companies for information support of your business?

a) yes b) no

12. If yes, what kind?



13. What do you understand by the word information and analytical support?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

About Me:



Field of activity ______________________________________

Appendix 2


State Autonomous Institution Republican Scientific, Technological and Information Complex "Bashtehinform"

Job description of referent-analyst of information resources

2 out of 5

This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with a referent-analyst in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General provisions

1.1. The referent-analyst belongs to the category of specialists and directly reports to the General Director of the State Autonomous Institution Republican Scientific, Technological and Information Complex of GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform".

2. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of a referent-analyst, without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. The referent-analyst is appointed to the position and dismissed by order CEO State Autonomous Institution Republican Scientific, Technological and Information Complex GAU RNTIK "Bashtekhinform".

4. The following functions are assigned to the referent-analyst:

information and reference services for the organization and documentation support for its activities;

organizational support for management activities.

5. Referent-analyst should know:

the structure of the organization, the direction of its activities;

Job description of the referent-analyst of information resourcesQuality management system State autonomous institution Republican scientific-technological and information complex "Bashtehinform" DI-…/…-01 Edition: P. 3 out of 5

laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of analytical activities;

methods of collecting, evaluating and analyzing information;

basics of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation;

state standards for the execution of management documents;

rules for operating a computer and other office equipment;

fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics, rules of business communication;

fundamentals of labor legislation;

rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

6. Referent-analyst should be able to:

draw up business letters, draft administrative documents, keep minutes of meetings;

competently organize the storage of information and its transmission;

use means of communication and organizational technology;

work on computer in operating room Windows environment;

use the Internet and e-mail.

7. During the absence of the referent-analyst (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the chairman, who acquires rights and bears responsibility in accordance with these instructions.

Job description of the referent-analyst of information resourcesQuality management system State autonomous institution Republican scientific-technological and information complex "Bashtehinform" DI-…/…-01 Edition: P. 4 out of 5

. Job Responsibilities

Referent-analyst in the framework of his duties:

1. Organizes analytical and methodological support of the organization's activities.

2. Conducts analytical work in order to collect, evaluate and analyze the information received, as well as to develop practical recommendations.

3. Carries out monitoring of publications, including in Russian and foreign mass media, evaluates them.

4. Compiles the necessary reporting documentation.

3. Rights

The referent-analyst has the right:

1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.

3. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.

5. Receive from structural divisions and specialists of the organization information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

6. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

Job description of the referent-analyst of information resourcesQuality management system State autonomous institution Republican scientific-technological and information complex "Bashtehinform" DI-…/…-01 Edition: P. 5 out of 5

7. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

8. Improve your professional skills.

9. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

The Referent Analyst is responsible for:

1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties under this job description, - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


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