Where is a detailed description of starus partition recovery. Recovering Lost Data Is Easy: Hard Drive Recovery

Data recovery programs are not difficult to find on the Internet, as they are used by most users. Everyone has different reasons - many lose important information from a flash drive, memory card, hard drive computer or other devices that may contain a wide variety of data.

On the Internet, among a large selection of programs, it is possible to search for all kinds of programs in terms of complexity and functionality that an ordinary user can deal with. Here (in this article) we will be able to compare the work of three programs we have chosen: Hetman Partition Recovery, Search and Recover, Ontrack EasyRecovery.

Hetman Partition Recovery is a program that can recover lost files from removable devices and hard drives, as well as other media. The principle of operation is based on the FAT or NTFS file system. The principle of operation is based on a certain sequence that finds completely lost data.

With its help, areas on the hard disk are restored, by using this utility, you can recover lost files from flash drives, memory cards, media carriers and hard drives, with a variety of memory capacities. In addition, you can find files infected and blocked by viruses, even after physical file damage and system failure.

This information is indicated on the official website of the manufacturer, but we will look at the result of the work further. So, the program is successfully downloaded and launched, and at the beginning of the installation, the Recovery Wizard window pops up, this greatly simplifies the work of beginners. These tips make the whole process of using the program noticeably easy, but if you want to do the whole process yourself, you can disable this task.

The next step is to choose desired disk and item analysis type. Run a full scan and click "Next".

The program displays the scanning process, which takes time.

As a result of the end of the action, the utility indicates two files, the recovered information is located in one of them.

If you want to restore folders, select each one, transfer it to the window, and click "Restore". The next step is to choose a way to save files, by writing to disk, through a virtual image, or you can save data to a hard drive. Let's do it as the program suggests, "Saving to the hard disk."

The next step is to specify a place to store information and wait for the process to complete.

The process is completed and you can find the data in the corresponding folder. Now we can make sure that the files are completely restored, but they differ slightly in their original names. However, all information is collected in files by formats, it will not cause any difficulties and you will easily understand their usage and names.

So, Hetman Partition Recovery performs its tasks efficiently and quickly, restoring completely lost information. Let's take a look at the operation of the following softwares.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

As indicated in the description, this program allows you to resume information from the hard drive after accidental formatting, deletion, the influence of viruses and other factors. In addition, this software works with optical discs, multimedia devices, smartphones and flash cards. This utility works with a huge number of types of files - various applications, video, audio, office, etc.

In addition, the utility works with almost all modern Windows and recovers information from FAT12, FAT32, FAT16, NTFS, NTFS 5 file systems. The program has no restrictions on file sizes and storage capacity. The utility allows you to view data before recovery, which allows you to restore the most necessary items.

Now let's look at how the program running on the computer works. Before starting work, the user needs to select the type of media with lost data.

Select "Memory card", click "Continue". Then you need to select a volume to scan on the disk, where the file to be restored may be. It will be a little difficult for a beginner to understand, and you will have to figure it out, trusting your intuition.

Choose randomly section F, proceed further. Next, you need to select a recovery scenario. Since the flash drive was formatted, click "Recover from Formatted" and click "Continue".

The next action is not entirely clear, so do not stop, switch on.

Then, we search for lost files.

At the end of the scan, everything looks like this, and what to do next - the average user will most likely have a hard time...

Still, we intuitively understand that the next step is to select the files and click "Save", but the big disadvantage is that you need to use the "Ctrl" key to select. Therefore, we click "Save" and the process of saving to the folder we need is started on the device.

One point - the dialog box, it can lead to difficulty.

It indicates that the file exists. It's a little unclear here, so just press replace and wait. The process of saving files will take a little time, as a result, the speed of information recovery will decrease. Saving files is finished, we can find out how the utility worked.

The information is grouped into folders, in each folder there are more files that are renamed differently than in their original form - this can lead to some difficulty. From the work of the utility, we can summarize that at first glance, a simple interface is not always simple.

This software uses terms that are not always clear ordinary users, so we perform some steps intuitively. With the exception of some moments of work, this software can be considered satisfactory, judging by a beginner who does not know the terms at a sufficient level, the program will be difficult.

Search and Recovery

This program is presented as shareware and is suitable for working with most Windows operating systems. The description states that the utility recovers lost and damaged data from a computer, digital devices, optical discs, email programs and others where various data is stored. Let's get acquainted with this software and how it works.

And the first drawback for users is a bit difficult process of searching and registering the key, located on the official website, it must be said that it is on English language. It took some time to start the utility. The start window of the utility looks like this

The interface of this program is in English, it will take time for some users to figure it out. However, we randomly select a certain point and proceed further.

We must select the disk to be restored. Select a flash drive and move on. The next step will be difficult to understand for people who do not know English.

We are used to trusting a computer and related devices with important information, but sometimes they can let us down, for example, losing data as a result of a failure. Fortunately, information recovery from flash drives, disks, memory cards and other storage devices can be done using the RS Partition Recovery utility.

RS Partition Recovery is a useful software that allows you to recover data deleted from various media (even if the media has been badly damaged). The program is extremely easy to use, and this article will prove it to you.

Working with the RS Partition Recovery utility

  • Follow the link https://recovery-software.ru/flash-drive-recovery/software-1.html to official page developer and download the RS Partition Recovery distribution.

  • Run the downloaded installation file and perform a simple installation of the program on your computer. Connect to the computer a storage device from which it will be produced (in our case, this is a flash drive).

  • Run the program. Please note that it requires administrator rights to function. The File Recovery Wizard will appear on the screen. Click on the button to continue. "Further".

  • Select the drive on which the data recovery procedure will be carried out with one click of the left mouse button and click on the button "Further".

  • In the next menu, you will have two options to choose from: "Quick Scan" And "Full analysis". If you are limited in time and also need to recover recently deleted files, leave the first option checked. But in the event that the files were deleted a long time ago, and after that the flash drive was still overwritten, the item should be noted "Full analysis".

    If the flash drive, for example, had file system NTFS, to reduce the scanning time, we recommend narrowing the search by unchecking the checkbox FAT. When on this stage settings will be selected, proceed further.

  • The utility will immediately go to the scanning stage, the duration of which will depend on the selected mode, as well as the size of the analyzed drive.

  • As soon as the program announces successful completion scan, click on the button "Ready".

  • Next, a program window similar to Windows Explorer will appear on the screen, in which you can examine the detected contents of the drive in more detail. Here you have two options: either perform a recovery of all detected information, or perform a selective recovery.

  • If you want to restore all detected data, select the storage device with one click, and then click on the button in the upper area of ​​the program window. "Restore".

  • The program will ask you how you want to restore files. If you recovered data from a flash drive or memory card, it is rational to select the item "Save to hard drive", and then specify a specific location on the computer where the files will be uploaded.

    In the event that files were recovered from a CD or DVD, you can either immediately burn the information being recovered to a disc, or save the data as an ISO image.

  • In our example, the item was selected "Save to hard drive", so the next step we need to specify a specific folder on the computer, after which you can safely press the button "Restore".

    Please note that after clicking the "Restore" button, if you are using an unregistered version of the program, the system will prompt you to enter license key, without which it will not be possible to complete the recovery.

  • If you want to save selective files, then in the left area of ​​the window, go to the required folder, and in the main part, select those files that will be restored, and click the button "Restore".

  • The Recovery Wizard window will appear on the screen. further work with which it is performed in exactly the same way as described a little above.

  • Advantages of RS Partition Recovery:

    • Simple and intuitive clear interface with Russian language support;
    • Ability to select the analysis mode;
    • Work with FAT and NTFS;
    • High analysis speed;
    • High-quality search for deleted files, even if the storage medium has been damaged;
    • Partition Recovery searches for any type of files, not just photos, music, videos and documents, as is done in similar programs.

    Disadvantages of RS Partition Recovery:

    • The free version of the program is demo in nature; a license is required to restore files.

    Of course, the RS Partition Recovery program is not for every day, however, it will easily and quickly help out in a situation where information on the media seemed to be irretrievably lost. The program is recommended to absolutely all users who have ever stored important data on removable media.

    In our world it is difficult to find a person who would not have digital devices. And every year technology develops faster and faster, information on electronic media contain huge volumes.

    The quality of devices is also improving, but there is no absolute guarantee of the protection of the information stored on them. This problem relevant for all types of media, whether Personal Computer or a tablet, flash drive or memory card of a mobile device.

    A good example of the loss of important data is my story. The other day I had a need to print an abstract and I decided to do it in one of the printing centers. After interacting with their computer, a virus started up on my flash drive. Then everything is trite - I gave this flash drive to a friend so that he could edit the essay for himself, the antivirus on his computer destroyed the virus without regret. After that, I had to format the device and all my data was gone.

    What is Hetman Partition Recovery

    The loss of information that was useful to me was a disaster. But after searching and analyzing various utilities on the Internet, I came across great program, which helps you understand how to repair your hard drive. I downloaded Hetman program Partition Recovery and, having spent some time learning how to work with it, successfully restored the files on the media.

    This program works under the operating Windows system any version and understands the most common types of file systems FAT and NTFS. System requirements suitable for any, even the weakest computer.

    To successfully work with the program, you do not need any deep knowledge of the computer. The interface is clear and every average user can deal with it. The startup recovery wizard is available in a step-by-step mode and will explain all the steps necessary for recovery.

    How to use

    The program installer is simple and straightforward. One has only to take into account the fact that data can be restored only on another medium, i.e. if the files are deleted from this computer, then install the utility on another.

    Let's get started. The installation is complete, the program shortcut is on the desktop, which means it's time to run it and try to recover the data. Immediately upon launch, I was greeted by a file recovery wizard. However, his automatic start can be easily disabled in the settings.

    Since this is my first time using this program, I decide not to “reinvent the wheel” and use the services of a master. I calmly click "Next" and see a list of available disks on the computer and all currently connected media. Then I select the media I need and click "Next". In the new window, the wizard offers to decide on the type of analysis, quick or full is possible. Since quick scan is used when it is necessary to recover recently deleted files, I choose it.

    At the end of the analysis, I click "Finish", the wizard window closes and I see the "Deep Analysis" folder, after clicking on it, a new window appears in which you can select the types of files that should be restored. To do this, simply check the boxes you need or select the "All files" item.

    I select the types I need and click OK. The progress of the analysis will be displayed in the lower right part of the window. And in the middle one, all detected files will appear. This will take some time, so I'm waiting.

    And now the analysis is completed and all found files are displayed. The utility presents each file as a folder with different extensions depending on the type of the source file.

    You can go to any folder and see the list of files. But their names will be different from the originals.

    I click the "Restore" button, which is located under the recovery list. And I choose where I want to save the files after the recovery procedure is completed. I choose to save to my hard drive and click Next. In the next window, I chose the path to save the files and the recovery began.

    After recovery, click "Finish". Then I go to the hard drive and check all the files. The names are different, but the data is mine. And the names can be easily changed.

    All data has been successfully restored and I am exiting the program.

    Complete Analysis

    A quick analysis does not always cope with finding all the lost files, so we will analyze the “Full Analysis” as well. I start working with the utility in the same way as I wrote above, but I no longer choose “Quick Scan”, but “Full Analysis” and leave the necessary checkmark in front of the necessary items.

    Upon completion of the analysis, I click "Finish" and I see all the files that the scan revealed:

    Then, by analogy with quick check, I drag the necessary files to the “Recovery List”, click “Restore” and select a location to save.

    Full analysis takes much more time, but also finds older files.

    Video review


    I was satisfied with the program. All files open and work as they should, there were no difficulties with mastering the utility. For everyone who often uses digital media to store their information, Hetman Partition Recovery will be an extremely useful program that can help out in unforeseen situations.

    Starus Partition Recovery is a utility for working with damaged drive partitions that allows you to recover lost data. The program offers two surface scanning modes, returning information regardless of the state of the file table.

    Pros of Starus Partition Recovery

    The main window of the utility is made in the form Windows Explorer. There is a convenient Russian-language wizard that helps you configure media scanning options. The presence of two search modes (fast and deep) allows you to set the priority of what information should be searched - just deleted from the media or lost as a result of formatting, damage to logical partitions. Therefore, whatever problem arises, downloading Starus Partition Recovery for free for informational purposes is the right solution. If the result suits you, you can buy a license.

    When starting a deep scan, the program does not limit the search to service information, but uses all possible information to set file boundaries. Analysis of the media may be delayed, but as a result, the search efficiency increases, even when working with heavily damaged partitions. Other benefits of the program include:

    • Multilingual interface with support for the Russian language.
    • Instant recovery of files deleted past the Recycle Bin.
    • Working with virtual disk images, which eliminates the possibility of accidentally overwriting information.
    • Support deep search signature data.
    • The presence of a preview that allows you to check the files before saving.

    When saving the recovered data, you can choose a convenient method: writing them to a hard drive or optical disc, upload via FTP, create their ISO image files. The main thing is not to restore information to the media from which it was previously deleted, as this will overwrite the sectors.

    Purpose of the program

    The main purpose of the program is to recover files from damaged partitions. In deep scan mode, the utility detects logical partitions even if they have been deleted or reformatted to a different file system.

    Starus Partition Recovery does not restore individual files, but a directory structure, which allows you to quickly navigate the scan results. The program can be downloaded for free, but in order to be able to save the detected files, you need to buy a license.

    Recovery order

    If you decide to download Starus Partition Recovery, then a small instruction manual will help you quickly understand the capabilities of this program. Consider the simplest case: the media is determined by the system, partitions are available, file structure not damaged. The task is to recover deleted files:

    Once the scan is complete, click Finish. Use the search and filter functions to find the files you need. If the file supports preview mode (relevant for photos), you will see an image in the field of the same name.

    If the partitions are damaged and are not detected by the system, then you need to search for them using the special function of Starus Partition Recovery.

    If the partition is found, you will be able to work with it from the main program window. If the wizard does not find the volume, it will offer to run a full search.

    When recovering data from formatted media, the same steps are performed as when recovering files that have just been deleted. The only difference is that instead of a quick scan, you need to run a deep analysis. The program will check the file system and find data that can still be recovered.

    Even with development modern technologies and the advent of new digital media, the problem of loss important information on a computer or phone remains very relevant. be caused by a system failure or by the action of malware that has settled in the computer. In addition, the user himself can delete the necessary files, for example, by formatting HDD or flash drive. It is worth noting that hard disk recovery is a rather costly procedure that requires the involvement of narrow specialists. However, even computer scientists reanimate the HDD not with a screwdriver and a chisel, but using utilities to restore the hard drive. So why not exclude intermediaries and try to fix the problem on your own. In this article, we will explain how hard recovery disk at home, and bring short review applications that make this possible.

    The hard drive must be in good condition so that the information is not affected

    How is the recovery process

    Let's start with the hard drive. When a file is removed from the media, data about it is stored in memory. All used file formats have original headers - signatures. These signatures are stored on the disk or removable media, and they remain in memory for a while. These traces are found by the recovery program and reanimate the information. Each software designed to extract information from hard disk partitions is able to recognize a specific list of signatures. This is the main criterion when choosing software. In addition, you need to know that recovering data from a hard drive is not always possible, so it is recommended to take precautions.

    For example:

    1. Do not use media from which data has been deleted. If other information is written over the deleted data, this may damage the file. Accordingly, recovery will be impossible.
    2. When downloading software for data recovery from a hard drive, do not install on a formatted media, the data from which you are going to reanimate.
    3. Resuscitated data is not saved to the media from which the recovery was carried out. For this, a separate memory card is used.

    Important! If it was not possible to extract data from a damaged hard drive the first time, then you should not give up. It is possible that the utility does not recognize file signatures, so try another software.

    Having dealt with the intricacies of the process, let's move on to an overview of applications that help recover data from a formatted hard drive.


    Considered to be the best recovery software deleted files. The application works not only with hard drives, but also with any digital media, players and cameras. The utility was developed by specialists from the British company Piriform. It is worth noting that the company gained popularity due to the well-known cleaner CCleaner. The application works in two signature search modes:

    • Surface. Suitable for resuscitation of recently deleted information.
    • Profound. The utility analyzes each partition of the drive, looking for all deleted files.

    Upon completion of the analysis, a structured tree with found files is displayed in the program window. It should be noted that the presented data are marked with colored circles. This shows the chances of resuscitation. For example: green color guarantees 100% recovery success, red indicates critical damage to the file, so the chances of resuscitation are zero.

    To recover deleted files from your hard drive, you need to check the boxes and select a save location. It is worth noting that the application not only restores, but also permanently deletes information from the computer. In this case, third-party information is written over the specified file several times, respectively, resuscitation becomes impossible.

    The utility is different simple interface which is easy to understand even for beginners. It is worth noting that the application loses in functionality to modern software, but still remains relevant. By the way, the application has similar functionality. This is an English-language utility that guarantees data recovery after hard formatting disk.

    Undelete Plus

    The program provides data recovery from a damaged flash drive or a stationary computer disk. Works with all Microsoft products and recognizes most of the signature files used. To resuscitate data, in the program window, select the reason for deleting information: disk formatting, system failure, or accidental deletion. Then indicate the type of data: photograph, Text Document and so on. Based on the information entered, the application scans the hard drive, looking for traces of deleted files. Please note that the software is portable, that is, it does not require installation on a computer. It should be noted that the utility will not be able to reanimate damaged files. As in the previous case, it is recommended to be used for resuscitation of just deleted data.


    According to most computer geeks, this is the best file recovery software. It should be noted right away that, unlike the previous ones, it is paid. In addition, there is no Russian language, but the interface is intuitive, so the English-language menu will not cause inconvenience to the user. Interestingly, the R-Studio hard disk recovery program starts even with bootable flash drive. This helps in cases where critical damage to the OS has occurred and the computer does not boot. Let's take a look at how lost data is recovered.

    • After installing the program, a working window opens, which is conditionally divided into two halves. The connected drives are displayed on the left side. It can be a flash drive, fixed or removable hard drive. The right side contains detailed information about the selected medium.
    • We select the media that we will restore, and select the item to extract files. This section is labeled Open Drive Files.
    • This action will open a structured folder tree, where deleted sections will be marked with a red cross. To reanimate the data, mark the necessary files with a checkmark and press .

    Important! Recovery of information from hard drives occurs in a separate folder, which is created on the computer by default, at the time of installation of the application.

    Please note that the above action algorithm will restore all files, including unnecessary ones. To set a specific task for the utility, you need to go to the Scan section. Here the HDD is scanned according to the specified parameters. If you decide to use this method, please note that custom scanning takes a long time.

    Utilities for mobile devices on the Android platform

    It should be noted that there are programs for data recovery, "sharpened" under mobile devices. After all, owners of smartphones and tablets can also delete valuable files, such as a phone book or photos.


    Among smartphone owners, the 7-Data Android Recovery utility is very popular. Utility reminds mobile version, and practically does not differ in the principle of operation.

    In addition, we recommend trying the Undelete Bete application. The utility works on smartphones and tablets, and helps to "pull out" audio and video files, photos, remote contacts and messages Email. Application scans internal memory and external drives.

    Recovery Software

    The process of recovering data from an external hard drive using recovery programs Software. It’s worth clarifying right away that this is a paid package, which consists of seven tools. Each of the products is aimed at solving certain problems, so the user can purchase only the utility they need. In addition, the developers offer to try the software for free, respectively, the product is paid only after confirmation of performance. Here is the list of programs offered:

    1. RS File Repair. This is a utility HDD recovery, which fixes corrupted graphic files.
    2. . Helps recover lost data after accidentally formatting a drive.
    3. RS. In fact, this is a combination of two utilities: File Recovery and Fhoto Recovery. Suitable for all situations and helps to recover information from a hard drive even in difficult cases. It is worth clarifying that you can also purchase individual packages that make up this application.
    4. RS Fat Recovery. Provides data recovery from HDD in FAT format.
    5. RS NTFS recovery. The package works with the NTFS file format.

    Please note that when using free version the data will be restored, but you will not be able to save the files. You will have to register and pay for the application. Only such actions will allow you to save the reanimated files.

    Data Rescue PC

    This functional application, which can run without running operating system. It is worth noting that the utility works even with damaged drives. Let's see how to copy files from a damaged hard drive.

    • We launch the application and select the partition to be restored.
    • Select the scan mode and wait for the results. It is worth noting that the utility finds all files on the partition, not just deleted or damaged ones.
    • After the files are found, we start the recovery, or we clone the damaged sector to a known working medium. The data cloning procedure is carried out in order to reduce the load on a damaged disk. Accordingly, you can reanimate a maximum of files.

    The only drawback is the lack of the Russian language, but the interface remains clear even to an inexperienced user.


    Another application of a similar action. Unlike the previous utilities, we recommend using Acronis for data recovery only for advanced users. The application is suitable for all types of digital media, but it does not restore individual files, but sections. If most of the disk sectors are occupied, then the application overwrites the recovered data to the same partition from which it was retrieved. This can lead to permanent loss of information. To avoid such problems, you will have to work with the utility in manual mode, and this requires certain knowledge in the field of PC.

    How to save an optical disc

    If optical discs are damaged, we recommend using Recovery ToolBox for CD Free. This is a data recovery software DVD disc, which works with all recording formats. The utility will help with mechanical damage to the media or an error when reading data. According to experts, this is one of the the best programs in your class.
