The request cannot be completed at this time. Common iTunes Problems

Adobe Photoshop – universal program for photo processing, which opens up new opportunities in the field of professional photography, modeling business, and is also great for home use.

However, many people underestimate modern utilities, considering them as simplified as possible for use even by inexperienced users - latest features require knowledge and skills. Entering them often makes the rest of the functionality a little more complicated.

This material will tell you about the error “Unable to complete request before JPEG token SOS missing SOFn, DQT or DHT JPEG token” in Photoshop and will give simple instructions for quickly fixing the bug.

An error occurs when trying to upload a photo for further processing into the editor. An annoying window pops up after selecting a photo from a computer disk or storage device. Most often, the root of the problem is related to the image format, its incorrect conversion, or accidental changes in the file properties.

Other reasons for the error to appear:

  1. JPEG image has bad sectors. These may appear when copying or using a faulty USB drive (flash drive, phone)
  2. There are viruses on the computer that “eat” the correct display of JPEG.
  3. The image had a previously incorrect conversion with an unknown format.

Incorrect image format

Let's start with the main thing and almost 100% solution to the problem. Most users indicate that the “Unable to complete request before JPEG SOS marker” error appears when using questionable files from third-party sources.

In fact, these include almost all images downloaded from search, small image databases, social networks. It's all about the “broken” format and the file as a whole.

In simple terms, the author of the posted material decided to change the image format to .png instead of . jpeg. Obviously, this did not affect the display on the Internet, but the program cannot qualify the file in the modified format and blocks it.

  • Find the file, click right click mice.
  • We look for the “Properties” column and go to it.
  • Here we write the required format directly in the column with the name and delete the old one.

Example - we make the correct “photo.jpeg” from “photo.png”. This method does not always work and is relevant for Windows 7, XP. - in this case, you will have to bother.

Converting via Paint

Everything is simple here - open the file through Paint:

  • Right-click on the picture, “Open with...”, select Paint.
  • Launch the program, select “File”.
  • Next, go to the same menu and look for the “Save As” item. Select the desired format.

Important – we cannot guarantee perfect quality after such a procedure. If you want to preserve the original pixels, please refer to the following instructions.

If the shift is blocked, then right-click on the image file and open “Properties”, below there will be an “Unblock” button.

Image conversion programs

In addition to classic Paint, you can change the image using other editors. There are more than enough of these on the Internet - we recommend the following (tested):

  1. FastStone Image Viewer
  2. Movavi Photo Editor.
  3. AVS Image Converter.
  4. XnConvert
  5. CoolUtils
  6. Zamzar
  7. Adapter

Some of them work online and can be found by simply entering the name in a search engine. Each has its own set of functions and is easy to understand even for inexperienced users. Brief instructions - on each of the sites, all are located on the first link from Google, Yandex searches.

Reason #2 – unlicensed version

Piracy in our time has reached unprecedented proportions - it comes to the point that licensed software can only be seen in government organizations, educational institutions, health departments.

Naturally, “pirates” are no different from the original programs, but in the end they can lead to inconvenience. In particular, trigger the “Unable to complete request before JPEG SOS marker” window to appear.

The solution is to buy the utility officially. Yes, expensive, but with technical support, constant updates, uninterrupted operation.

Enabling updates

Constant updates are, of course, a very annoying thing, but it is precisely what allows you to avoid mistakes of this kind.

The format of images and their structure changes every day, and FS developers are trying to add support for all known formats for editing in their own utility.

For inexperienced users, updating the application becomes a kind of “upgrade” of capabilities, allowing you to squeeze out more maximum amount useful bonuses from the usual program.

How to enable auto-update? It's simple!

  1. Let's launch Photoshop.
  2. We’re not in a hurry to close the Adobe Creator pop-up window – that’s what we were looking for.
  3. Allow automatic updating of the program and click the “Ok/Accept” button.
  4. We reboot the program, wait for the download/installation of all necessary files.

JPEG SOS marker error persists

If our instructions did not help you forget what the error “The request cannot be completed before the JPEG SOS marker” is, contact the AdPhotoshop developers with an extended letter.

You can include screenshots there, short description problems, contact details for an answer. Important - no one will help “pirates”; you must have a licensed copy of the software, access to it, and entered personal data.

We hope this article helped you understand a little deeper the specifics of Photoshop and its minor bugs - good luck!

If you can't connect to the iTunes Store. If you can't connect to the iTunes Store on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or on a computer, check your iOS settings and your Wi-Fi, Internet, and network connections.

If you can't connect to the iTunes Store, you may see one of the following alerts:
"Can't connect to the iTunes Store. An unknown error has occurred."
“Your request from the iTunes Store could not be completed. The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
"iTunes was unable to connect to the iTunes Store. Make sure your network connection active and try again."
"The iTunes Store request failed. This network connection cannot be established. An error occurred in the iTunes Store. Please try again later."
Make sure you can access the Internet from your computer or device.
Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements iTunes.
Make sure your operating system is not outdated.
Mac: From the menu bar at the top of your computer screen, choose Apple () > Software Update to check for available updates for your computer.
Windows: Visit the Center web page Windows updates Microsoft company.

On a Mac or PC
On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
If you can't connect to the iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, follow these steps:
Make sure the date, time, and time zone are set correctly. Go to Settings > General > Date & Time. Your time zone may be listed in a different city in the list of time zones.
Make sure you have the latest version of iOS installed. Go to Settings > General > Software Update to check for updates. You can also connect your iOS device to iTunes and select Update from the device's Browse page.
Make sure you are within range of your router or base station Wi-Fi. If you are using a connection via cellular network, make sure cellular data is turned on in the Settings > " cellular" Large purchases may not download when connected to a cellular data network. You may need to connect to Wi-Fi networks to download programs, videos and podcasts.
Make sure you are connected to the Internet. For help connecting to the Internet, see your device's user guide.
Check if other devices can e.g. laptop computers, connect to a Wi-Fi network and access the Internet.
Turn it off and on again wifi router to reset it.
If this doesn't solve the problem, learn what to do if your device won't connect to your Wi-Fi network.

On a Mac or PC
If you can't connect to the iTunes Store on your computer, access may be blocked due to a software conflict or Internet service provider. To resolve the issue, try the following:
Make sure you have the latest versions of iTunes and Safari installed.
Your firewall settings may prevent you from connecting to the iTunes Store. Learn how to set up a firewall.
Connection errors are sometimes caused by keychain problems. To reset your keychain, use Keychain First Aid.
If a specific error message appears, get additional help to fix the problem.
If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact your internet service provider and make sure these ports and servers are enabled for your network.

Surely many of us, working in Adobe program PhotoShop were faced with the impossibility of completing the request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data. This occurs when processing photographs. You are trying to open an image downloaded from the Internet or taken from hard drive, in Photoshop, and you see a pop-up message about this error before your eyes. This article will talk about why it may be impossible to complete a request, what causes problems with interpreting jpeg data, and what needs to be done to get rid of this error.

The request could not be completed; there were problems interpreting jpeg data.

Why does an error occur in Photoshop?

Among possible reasons An error occurs when executing a request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data:

  • image damage as a result of a virus attack, which can only be seen by Photoshop, which has a more advanced method of checking files for integrity;
  • error in module Adobe PhotoShop, which uploads the photo to jpeg format into memory - it may read data incorrectly or not take into account any nuances;
  • too much high resolution file in jpeg format.

Without knowing the true reason for the error message indicating that the request was refused, you must take the steps described below to eliminate problems with the interpretation of jpeg data. At some stage the error must be corrected. As a result, the required file will open correctly and you can continue working with it.

Ways to resolve errors when executing a request due to problems interpreting jpeg data

If the file is damaged as a result of a virus attack, then scanning the installed system will help antivirus program, which will find and neutralize malicious code. It is advisable to put the antivirus itself in regular scanning mode, but if any errors occur, you must also enable emergency scanning.

Most often, it is impossible to complete the request due to problems with jpeg when processing photos in the specified format in Adobe PhotoShop.

Error message in Adobe PhotoShop

What to do if there is a problem with picture playback

If you load an image into the editor and you cannot work with it further, then you need to do the following:

  • open photo in more simple editor that imposes minimum requirements for image quality (for example, in system Paint);
  • resave the photo in another format - to do this, click on the word “File” in the upper left corner of the editor, hover over “Save As” and select the extensions png, jpeg, bmp, gif or others;

Selecting a format in Paint
  • You can not hover the cursor, but click on “Save As”, then the save menu will appear, where the file type is selected in the drop-down list;

Selecting a format from the drop-down list in Paint
  • then you need to go into Photoshop again and open the saved image.

If the problem of interpreting jpeg data occurs on at this stage, then using this method it will be solved.

Image compression method

You can also try compressing the image while maintaining its quality. This is done using online services such as Web Resizer, Image Optimizer, PunyPNG and other convenient tools, and programs such as Paint and Adobe PhotoShop.

Let's look at an example using standard Paint:

  1. open the image in the editor;
  2. click “Resize”;
  3. by default the “Percentage” and “Save proportions” fields will be highlighted;
  4. In the “Percentage” field, enter the required number (in our case, 70%).
  5. Click OK - the photo is ready in the required size.

How to resize an image in Paint

Alternatively, try reinstalling Adobe PhotoShop or updating it to latest version. Maybe, outdated version the program does not cope with the functions and causes an error when executing the request due to problems with the interpretation of jpeg data.

Good time! As I have repeatedly noted, account Every user of devices from the Cupertino company must have an Apple ID. What is there to do - I simply have to! However, sometimes various errors occur during registration that prevent the creation of this identifier. What to do? Don’t register anything and use the device “as is,” thereby depriving yourself of the pleasure of using the gadget to its fullest?

The correct answer is no, no and no again. Problems must be dealt with, and today’s article is dedicated to why an Apple ID may not be created and, most importantly, what to do in this case. Are you ready?

Let's go, well! :)

The most common mistakes when creating an Apple ID

In fact, there are not many of them, because the process of registering an ID is quite simple, but the most common are these:

As you can see, almost all errors are associated with ordinary inattention. Although there is one more and it is worth talking about in more detail.

This iPhone has a free account limit enabled.

A wonderful message that can be encountered already at the stage of account activation. That is, the creation is successful, but upon entry it still fails. Most often, a similar inscription can be seen if someone used the device before you ().

Why is this even happening? Because the Apple company has set a limit on the number of accounts that can be activated from one iOS device. Why she did this is unclear, but the fact remains that more than three are impossible.

But there is a way out and here’s what needs to be done:

  1. If you are using a computer with operating system Mac, then you can fix this in the iCloud settings on the PC itself. Enter your account details - it is successfully activated, now you can use it on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Look for another iOS device. When you find it, log out of your account (Settings - iTunes Store, App Store- exit). Enter your data, the Apple ID is activated and you can use it on the gadget where you previously “reached” limit quantity free accounts."

Perhaps these are the main points that may interfere with the creation of an Apple ID. And as a rule, if you take them into account, then everything will go “without a hitch” and will be registered without failures. However, if even after reading you still can’t do this, then write in the comments and we’ll figure it out!

Creating an account on an iPhone is one of the most important manipulations for every owner of an Apple smartphone. Only with your own ID can you enjoy the full range of functions of this device. In addition, important operations such as setting up security or synchronizing with iCloud will require confirmation from your Apple ID. Thanks to your Apple ID, you can make purchases, download content, and use the Find My iPhone feature.

Typically, an Apple ID is created on your phone the first time you use the gadget. If you change your model to a newer one, you can bind new iPhone to an existing account. But if you are using gadgets from an American company for the first time, you will need to complete full registration. Before you change your Apple ID to a new one, you need to create Mailbox. Best of all, if you need to create an Apple ID account, you will use a separate, just created address Email.

During initial authorization on the official website, you must enter real data so that, if necessary, you have the opportunity to restore access. In addition, true information about you will be required when setting up your account later. Therefore, be extremely careful and try to avoid mistakes when entering account information.

Create an account using iPhone

You can create Apple company accounts directly from your iPhone. To do this, there are two options: go through standard registration, in which you need to indicate information from your bank cards to make payments, or create an Apple ID without credit card. Up-to-date payment information will be required if you purchase any software from the AppStore. If you do not plan to make purchases and do not want to do it accidentally, for example, by mistake. We recommend using the second, more sophisticated method.

The standard procedure is carried out as follows: you need to open the iTunes Store, App Store tab and find the “Create a new Apple ID” item there.

If you want to register an Apple ID without payment cards and for free, proceed as follows:

  • Go to the App Store.
  • Select a game or application that is offered for free.
  • Download and wait for it to install on your iPhone.
  • The next step is to enter existing entry or start a completely new one. When prompted, select “create a new ID.”

After this, the steps are similar in both options:

  • If you do not want to link a card, for one reason or another, it is better to set Russia as the country, even if you live in another country - this will give you a wider selection of applications, programs and other things.
  • After this, you need to carefully read and accept the standard user agreement.
  • Then personal information is entered. When specifying your existing email address and password, be careful - for security reasons, the password must consist of at least eight characters and have letters in both cases.
  • When indicating your age, please note that you cannot indicate less than 13 years of age, and if you indicate less than 18, access to the content will be limited.
  • It is best to save the answers you enter to security questions in text file or write it down on paper and hide it. This is done so that, if necessary, you can quickly and safely restore access to your account.
  • If you register using the first method, you will then need to enter payment information.
  • The procedure is completed.

After this, you need to go to the mailbox that was used to create the account. It should receive a letter from technical support, with confirmation of the creation of an Apple ID. To be the first apple registration id went through quickly and correctly, just click on the highlighted link in the text of the letter.

iTunes to the rescue

Alternatively, you can register an account for an iPhone or iPad using the official iTunes programs. In this situation, you will be able to choose whether to provide information about your cards or not. Before you change your ID, you need to go to the menu and find the iTunes Store item there. If you want to learn how to create an Apple ID without payment information, as in the first case, you need to download any free application and go to this menu using it.

After this, the steps are standard in both cases:

  • The system will offer to log in to a newly created, existing account or create a new one.
  • Having chosen the option to create a new one, enter your data. As stated earlier, they must be factual for you to verify their authenticity.
  • After this, you will have to answer security questions (it is better to write down the answers) and enter your card details or refuse this if you want to create an Apple ID without a credit card.
  • After completing registration, be sure to go to your mailbox and immediately confirm creation in the mail using the highlighted link in the body of the letter.

If the letter is from those. support does not arrive for a long time, check your spam folders and filtered letters by other categories - often letters arrive there by mistake.

What mistakes can be made?

To find out how to register an ID on an iPhone correctly, how to change the ID on the device, you need to know what mistakes to avoid. Most often, the following difficulties arise in the process:

  • You don't want to make purchases on the App Store. To avoid even accidentally purchasing any paid content without providing bank card details.
  • It is best to indicate your real age, but only if it is over 13, or better yet, over 18 years old. If you set the age to 12 years or less, the system simply will not allow you to create your own Apple ID. And if you indicate an age of less than 18, you will not have access to all content.
  • If you managed to get an email with an address on or, you will have to create an account for your iPhone to register new box. These addresses are not suitable for creating accounts.
  • If the name you entered contains invalid characters, please note that there are no Russian letters in the email address, and that there are no extra symbols, dots, numbers, etc. in the first and last name.
  • The password must be complex. With too simple password the system will not allow the process to complete. Numbers, large and small letters, symbols - the more of them in the password, the better.
  • An obstacle to creating an ID on an iPhone can be a server failure. In this case, it is best to wait and continue after half an hour - an hour, when the servers are working properly.

In general, registering a new Apple ID does not take much time. Even an inexperienced user can carry out this operation if he follows the instructions.

We'll tell you how to set up and manage your Apple ID in the next article, stay tuned.


You already understand that creating an account for an iPhone is no more difficult than creating an e-mail. You need to understand the essence of the process and then mechanically fill in the necessary fields. Registration does not take a lot of time, so in 20 minutes you will be able to use your smartphone as the rightful owner of a smart device capable of many amazing things.

Video instruction

Getting an Apple account is the first task of any owner of an iOS device. Moreover, it is better to do this immediately after purchasing it. Without ID numbers You won’t be able to use the functionality of your iPhone or iPad 100%. If you want to purchase software from the AppStore or reflash a gadget, all these tasks will require ID confirmation. This number will allow you to activate the search option, and if you lose your device, you can easily find it. The same function will help you put a block on your gadget if it is stolen.

But the most attractive thing about having an ID is the ability to download hundreds of applications from the Apple store for free. Anyone here will find software to suit their taste. Programs are presented in a wide variety of categories - for work, entertainment, leisure...

In the “cloud” you will have access to 5 GB of space. All copies of your device data will be stored here. And if you set up automatic backup, they will be generated daily.

As a rule, an account is created during the very first launch of the iOS device. But if you prefer the representative of the sixth line to the old iPhone model, tie it to the current number.

To begin registration, create a new e-mail intended for this purpose. All data must be entered correctly, so that in case of problems, when you need to put a block on the gadget or remove it, you can easily remember everything.

Next we'll talk about various options creating an account. This operation is performed both from a PC/laptop through a well-known iTunes app, and through the device itself. Both methods do not require much effort and time. Read on for the procedure for each of them.

Here it is possible to undergo regular registration with or without indicating the bank account number. Specifying payment information is necessary for those who plan to purchase many different products in the AppStore. If you don’t need this, feel free to choose the second path.

In any case, you will have to go through the following steps to create an account:

  • In a normal situation with a card, go to the iTunes Store section and select the option to create a new ID. If for some reason you categorically do not want to indicate the card number, go to the AppStore and find any freely accessible software there. Download and install it on your iPhone. A window will immediately pop up asking you to log in using your current account or creating a new one. Choose the latter.
  • The subsequent steps will be the same, regardless of your attitude towards using the card. You will need to select your country of residence. Here it is recommended to choose Russia, even if you are in the CIS. The fact is that for the Russian-speaking public the list of applications is more diverse.
  • Familiarize yourself with licensing agreements and accept them.
  • Enter the requested email details, a complex combination of password characters, remember. That it cannot be identical to the login, that is, the ID itself.
  • When entering age information, remember that there is an age limit. Thus, the company does not allow persons under 13 years of age to register. Downloading software is possible from the age of 18.
  • Provide answers to the questions and be sure to write them down on paper so you can recall them if necessary.
  • A window will pop up for you to enter payment information or with the line “No”, depending on the previously selected method. Write everything you need.
  • Click on the “Next” element, this step will complete the operation. All that remains is to go to the mailbox. There should be a message from apple asking you to confirm your ID. It will also contain a link that you need to follow.

Using iTunes to Create an ID

As in the previous method, there are 2 options here - work with a bank card or without it. Choose what you need most. And the algorithm will be as follows:

  • Go to the iTunes menu, and then to the store. But this is only after providing a card number. If without this, choose any free software for downloading and will proceed to the menu through it.
  • From this step everything is normal for both methods. We get to the login field through the current or new account - your choice. We focus on creating a new ID number.
  • We provide real information about ourselves. If possible, we write down the answers and store them in a safe place.
  • We enter the data on the bank card, that is, payment details. If you logged in using free software, select “No”.
  • Find the button for creating an ID number at the bottom and click on it.
  • We are waiting for a message from the Apple company to our e-mail and follow the link. Keep in mind that it does not always arrive at lightning speed; sometimes you need to wait 1-2 minutes. In situations like these, it's a good idea to check the spare box. If you incorrectly specified at least one character in the main, then the message will arrive there. Double-check your spam folders and trash folder. Postal providers do not always identify them correctly.

Advantages of having an ID number

As you have already understood, creating an ID is a simple and time-consuming operation. But the result will be excellent. It will be expressed in such advantages as:

1 Access to a variety of software and other products. Other manufacturers mobile devices can't boast of anything like that. Moreover, most applications are distributed freely, that is, they can be downloaded without any payment. And if you decide to purchase a paid product, its cost is unlikely to exceed $7-10. Downloading can be done directly from an iPhone via the cloud or via a PC/laptop using iTunes. 2 Lots of free iCloud storage space. From here you can get any file or perform a backup at any time. It is very convenient that there is an option to generate copies automatically. If you activate it, they will be prepared daily. 3 Ability to activate the iPhone search option. This will protect the device in case of theft, as it will turn it into a useless piece of metal if the rightful owner activates this mode. The option allows you to put a block on the gadget and erase personal photographs so that they do not fall into the hands of scammers.

Thus, the ID number is our “passport” in the Apple ecosystem. By purchasing it, we can enjoy all the benefits available there and at the same time provide effective protection for our device.

How to remove Apple ID: choosing the best way

There are two options for how to do this:

  • Change account information on the account management page.
  • Write to support on the company’s online resource.

The second method is not particularly difficult - you just need to fill out the form on the website. And let's talk about the second in more detail. To implement it, we need a PC/laptop running any operating system (or any iOS-device) and stable access to the network.

Changing registration data is the easiest way to delete an ID. Moreover, you can change the information in any order. For example, this could be an address or any other data. The account is saved.

On your PC, you need to launch iTunes, go to the software store and click on the login button.

We go into its settings and enter the necessary changes to personal data and save them.

Keep in mind that connecting an invalid e-mail to your account will not work, since to confirm the changes you need to follow the link that should be sent to your e-mail.

The same process can be carried out through a resource on the network. To do this, follow the address: Enter your login and password characters. After completing these steps, your Apple ID account will be deleted. Is it possible to delete an ID on an iPhone 5 or another device in another way? Of course, this was also mentioned above. If it’s easier for you, contact support directly.

In general, both creating an Apple ID account and deleting it are standard operations that do not require special knowledge. Even a schoolboy can handle them.

Creating an account on an iPhone is an extremely important manipulation. Without it, in the future you will not be able to fully enjoy all the functionality of this worthy device. And when performing all important procedures - such as synchronization and restoration in iCloud, or setting up security functions - the system will issue a request for confirmation. Thanks to it, you will activate “Find iPhone” via iCloud and will be able to download or buy content for free in the company store.
You will also be able to access free 5 GB of iCloud cloud storage and all its services. Will be stored in a personal iCloud cloud (on an Apple server) backups data from your iPhone, which is very helpful in case of unexpected failures in its operation.
It is usually created when the iPhone is first launched. If you are changing your old model to a “six”, you can link it to an existing Apple ID. Before registering, you will need to create a mailbox, and it is better to make a separate one for this purpose. All data must be entered correctly so that it corresponds to the present data. Believe me, in case of any problems, you will not regret it, because... You can restore, block or unlock your device if it is lost or stops working.

Creation options

An account can be created either from the device itself - through the built-in service, or using a computer using the original iTunes application. There is nothing complicated in either option. The main thing is that you have access to a stable Internet and some time for the routine registration procedure.

1. In order to create an account directly from the device, you can use one of two ways:
in the first case - you go through standard registration, indicating payment card details,
in the second, you can do without them.
Card data is entered by those who want to purchase software in the App Store in the future; if you do not intend to do this, use the second method. So:

For standard registration, go to the smartphone settings - iTunes Store, App Store, and select Create new Apple ID.

In the second case, go to the App Store, find any free application there, download and install it on your iPhone (this is extremely important if you want to register without providing payment card details). At the same time, a window appears asking you to log in using an existing one, or create a new account. Choose the second option.

Further actions are similar in both cases. You will be asked to select a country; if you live in the CIS, it is better to select Russia, because for the Russian-speaking population there are many more different program offers and other content. (In case of “linking” payment cards to your account, select your country, since the card is issued in a certain payment system, to which App Store services are automatically configured)

Then we read and accept the traditional user agreements.

We enter the necessary personal data: e-mail, complex password, consisting of a minimum of eight characters, containing numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and there should not be three identical characters in a row. It cannot match the Apple ID itself.
When entering age information, keep in mind that the new user must be at least 13 years old, otherwise registration will not be available. And when downloading content from iTunes, you will be subject to age restrictions marked 18+.
Enter your answers to the safety questions (be sure to write them down somewhere so you don't forget).

After this, depending on which method you chose, a window will appear for entering payment information with three payment methods (in the first case), or with the line “No” under them (in the second). Enter all required information.

When finished, click Next. That's it, you managed to start your
After this, be sure to go to the mailbox you specified during registration. Check if there is an inbox from Apple asking you to confirm your Apple ID, and follow the link sent. Ready!

2.You can create an account through iTunes, and also - with or without card information.
Enter the program menu and select the tab on the right - iTunes Store. (If you don’t want to add a card, choose any free store application to download and go to the menu through it)

After confirming the terms of use, you will need to enter registration data.

Again, honestly enter all personal information about yourself so that you can later restore everything if necessary. Write down the answers to Control questions, so as not to rack your brains over them in any unforeseen situation.
The next window will prompt you to enter payment information for cards.

If you logged in through a free application, your payment method line will look like this:

Select "No". We complete the account registration by clicking on the button - below, on the right - Create Apple ID.
Now wait for the service letter in your mailbox, and to activate your account, follow the link. It happens that a message does not arrive in the main mailbox for a long time or does not arrive at all. In such cases, you need to look at the inbox in the additional mailbox; sometimes for some reason the confirmation letter is sent to it. This often happens if an error was made when entering the main address. It's also worth checking your spam folders and trash folder, because... some postal services they are not identified correctly.

As we see, creation of Apple ID will not take much of your time, and even an inexperienced user can easily master it. After this, a wide variety of content will become available to you - from a rich application store, which few competitors can boast of. Many programs in it are free or have a purely symbolic cost. You can download them directly on your iPhone - via iCloud, or download them via your computer - using iTunes.
You also get access to free place in iCloud cloud storage, from which you can take necessary information, or make a current copy of the data. Moreover, copies in iCloud are created automatically (if you activate this function, of course).
Now you can activate the unprecedented security feature “Find iPhone”, which makes the gadget unattractive to a thief, because turns it into a “brick”, you just need to initiate this mode remotely. With it, you can block and erase personal photos on your device so that they do not fall into the hands of a criminal.
This is why you need this unique feature on your iPhone. digital signature owner - Apple ID. You provide yourself with both full use of the gadget and its reliable protection!

In order to fully use your iPhone you need create an Apple ID. With this user account you will be able to use AppStore and iTunes- download paid and free content (games, music, applications). Use a unique service IMessage, which allows you to receive and send free multimedia messages (only between Apple users). Make free audio and video calls to FaceTime.

And of course, use another one free service from Apple- iCloud. Thanks to which all your photos, videos, documents, music, applications and other files will be securely stored in the cloud and synchronized across all your devices. Therefore, you will always have access to the files you need. Apple provides 5 free GB for its users. Detailed instructions You can find it in iCloud settings.

Tune Apple ID can be found in your phone settings. To do this, select App Store and iTunes Store in the settings menu, then create a new Apple ID.

This method is only for those who have a bank card and plans to link it to his account for future purchases, if there isn't one, then you won't be able to create an ID this way. If you still have a bank card, then you must follow the instructions, indicating your details. Next, you just need to fill out the form, as indicated below.

If there is still no card, you must create an account in a different way. Absolutely uncomplicated. For this we go straight to the AppStore and select any free application you need and click download? then click “Create a new Apple ID.”

This is followed by standard ID registration, only the card is no longer required. You need to prepare in advance email, which you use, or will use on an ongoing basis, you also need to know the email password. Choose a country as desired (if you choose Belarus, the AppStore will on English language , Russia- in Russian), enter your email address and password.

The email address is your Apple Id. The password must contain at least 8 characters, including numbers, upper and lowercase letters, and the same character cannot be repeated more than three times in the password, and spaces are not allowed.

Then, to enhance security, you need to answer three security questions. It’s better to answer them honestly in order to remember them better, or, alternatively, write them down. They can needed to recover your account.

The backup email field can be left blank. Bank card not required in this case, mark this with a tick.

Paragraph Gift cards ITunes leave blank. Fill in your personal information (first and last name, postcode and phone number), click next. If you are registering a Russian Apple Id (so that it is in Russian), you must indicate the Russian postal code and phone number. Not necessarily existing.

Then you need check your email. An email from Apple should be sent to the email address specified during registration to confirm your account. Open this email, click Verify now. Enter your Apple ID (which is your email) and password. If suddenly the letter was not in the mail, check your spam folder.

Apple ID created, now you can go to the AppStore and download whatever your heart desires. The main thing is not to forget your password and security questions. Enjoy your use)

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Now let's look at how to solve the problem. The picture does not open, an error pops up: “The request cannot be completed; an unknown or incorrect JPEG marker was detected.” Or "The request cannot be completed; this file is not a valid Photoshop document."

error in photoshop

The error occurs with png format, if there are transparent layers. Photoshop throws an error: The request cannot be completed. The module cannot interpret the file. Now it is already in a more expanded form.

In this case, you need to explicitly tell Photoshop how to open such files. Click File -> Open As or press the key combination: Alt+Shift+Ctrl+O

choosing a file extension in photoshop

This method is suitable for opening PNG images, but with the IPG file extension. So it turns out that the image has a PNG extension, but it cannot be opened. There is also a special category of cameras that introduce their unknown format to the masses. In all these cases, click: File-> Open as. In the drop-down menu, select the format extension with which you want to open the image.

The picture opens in another program, but not in Photoshop.

copy picture from whatsapp

The image cannot be opened in any way because it is encrypted. For example, in WhatsApp you cannot save files to your computer. To open a picture, you can simply copy it by right-clicking on the image and selecting “copy image”.

copying images without saving

It’s the same on the Internet, the image does not have to be saved to the computer. You can copy it directly in your browser by clicking: copy image. Then just open Photoshop and create new document or press the key combination Ctrl+N. If you leave the clipboard when creating, the new document with the image will be exactly the same size as the copied image.
