The tablet does not accept Wi-Fi. Android does not see WiFi network

Hello everyone, I haven't written anything for two whole days. And so today I will tell you why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. Due to the fact that many of the tablets used are based on the popular Android OS, I will talk specifically about solving problems with such devices.

The problem that tablet lovers face when working with wireless Internet is the display of the "Obtaining an IP address" line. Gadget work on this stage stops and is not restored. In fact, there are a couple of methods to solve the above problem, one of them should definitely help.

  1. Change the name of the Wi-Fi network to any other that includes only English letters.
  2. Reboot the router (this trivial method is often the most effective).
  3. Change the type of data encryption (in the same place as the name wireless network, it is necessary to change the type of protection to another).

For the entered settings to be applied, modem needs to be rebooted.

Preparatory process

Today I have everything, I hope you now know why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. I want to ask you something else, if something doesn’t work out for you, write about it in the comments. Also, I will not refuse if, as a token of gratitude, like this article. I wish you all only positive emotions and good health.

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Connecting the tablet to Wi-Fi in most cases does not cause any problems: in the corresponding section of the menu of the electronic gadget, the necessary point is selected, the password is entered and access to the Internet is opened. Along with this, in some cases, the connection to the wireless network becomes impossible for a number of different reasons. After reviewing the information below, you will learn why the tablet may not connect to Wi-Fi and what to do to resolve the problems.

Important note! The root of the problem in the vast majority of cases lies in the settings of the router or the tablet itself, and very rarely the lack of connection is caused by the inoperability of the built-in Wi-Fi module or the temporary shutdown of the router.

Wrong time and date settings

It is extremely rare for Wi-Fi connection problems to appear due to incorrectly set time and date. Start looking for a way out of this situation right from this moment. Open the settings section of your tablet and go to Date and time. Ask correct settings and try to connect to Wi-Fi.

If everything is fine, congratulations. Wi-Fi connection did not work? Continue reading the instructions.

Password issues

A fairly common case: the user decided to set a different password for connecting to Wi-Fi, but forgot to make the appropriate changes to the tablet settings. The device will try to connect to the Internet using the old password and, of course, it will fail to do so.

To solve the problem, go to wifi settings, delete the old profile and try to connect again.

Crash in software settings

Connection problems may occur due to a software glitch. There is a good service utility - Wi-Fi Fixer. You just need to download it and install it - any additional settings are not entered.

On home page provides information about the connection status at the current moment, in the Known section - information about hotspots to which the tablet has ever been connected.

Reboot your device and try connecting to Wi-Fi again.

Wrong tablet settings

Failure of some settings can lead to difficulties connecting to Wi-Fi. The fastest, most effective and drastic way to solve the problem is to reset the settings.

Attention! Before resetting, be sure to backup required files and contacts - everything will be deleted.

In the settings, open the "Backup and Reset" tab.

Select Reset Settings.

Check out the proposed system information, confirm your intentions, and then try to connect to Wi-Fi again.
Presence of malware

Those who claim that there are no viruses on Android are mistaken. There are viruses, but for the most part they are not large-scale malware, making the operation of the device completely impossible, and the so-called. "minor pests" that make incorrect changes to some functions.

Download the application (Antivirus for Android). Launch and scan your device for malware. If suspicious files are found, follow the instructions of the application.

WiFi router settings

Quite often, problems with connecting tablets to Wi-Fi arise due to incorrect router settings. Do the following:

Go to device settings. To do this, connect to the router via wireless connection or cable (you can from a computer, laptop, any smartphone or tablet, etc.). You will find recommendations for connecting in the instructions specifically for your router. In most cases, you need to enter in the address bar of your browser;

Go to "Wireless Settings" (depending on the brand and model of the router, the name may differ). Make the following changes: "Mode" - "11bgn mixed", "Channel" - "Auto". Next, open the "MAC Address Filtering" tab and select "Disabled".

Have you tried all of the above methods, but still can't connect to Wi-Fi? With a high degree of probability, the problem is in the radio module of the tablet. In this case, you need to contact a specialized service center with a request for diagnostics and repair.

We live in a time when almost any operation can be performed using a smartphone or tablet. When on the Internet you can find absolutely any information in a matter of seconds. When sitting at home, at work or even while on the road, you can listen to any music or watch any video ever uploaded to the network. What in our time can confuse us or upset us the most? Only the moment when, unexpectedly for us, the phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, and we do not have the opportunity to access the Internet. Why sometimes a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, why errors occur when trying to connect and how to deal with them, we will consider in this material.

There can be many reasons why the device does not connect to the wireless network.

It is worth immediately clarifying that this small collection of guides is of equal value both for those who go online using a phone and for those who use a tablet for this purpose. The Wi-Fi module in these devices works identically, so if you have problems connecting to the Internet, the solution is most often the same for all users and devices.

Most often, problems when accessing the network occur with Android users, but the system itself provides much more information about a particular problem that arose during connection. That is why we will consider the problems of connecting to Wi-Fi using the example of Android.

When the user connects to Wi-Fi, the phone Android control may issue error messages containing various text. It is this text that will help us determine why the device cannot connect to the Internet, and also help eliminate the cause of this problem.

After selecting one or another access point, the phone may display the following messages:

  • "Obtaining an IP address..."
  • "Authentication..."
  • "Disabled".
  • "Saved, WPA/WPA2 security."

And also there is a situation when the connection was successful, but the pages still cannot be opened.

In the event that an Android phone or tablet does not connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and constantly reports only that an IP address is being received, the simplest thing you can do is delete the network and its settings from the device’s memory and try to connect again. To do this, click on the access point name in the device settings and select in context menu"Delete" option. After a few seconds, try connecting again. In this case, your phone or tablet will require you to re-enter the password, so if you are not connecting to your home router, you should check in advance that the password is written correctly.


The reason why an Android tablet or phone may constantly display such a message is most likely in the password. First, you need to make sure that you entered all the password characters correctly and did not make a typo anywhere. If the Internet does not turn on for quite a long time, displaying a similar message, delete the network as described in the previous paragraph of the instructions and try to connect again. Secondly, if you are not connecting to the selected Wi-Fi network for the first time and previously the connection was without problems, you should clarify whether the password has changed since the last successful connection. This is true for cases when a smartphone or tablet is not connected to home Wi-Fi.

Problems not related to the mobile device

All the following tips that we will give you in this material are somehow related to router settings, so they will be relevant first of all when your tablet or smartphone has difficulty accessing the network directly at your home. That is, where you can change the settings yourself network equipment.

First you need to find out why your gadget does not work with the selected access point, why it refuses to connect to it, and then change some router settings by going to its control panel through any browser or through mobile app if provided by the manufacturer.

If your Android tablet or smartphone is unable to connect to the internet in your home, the reason may be simple. Despite the fact that visually it may seem that the router is working, it software may be stuck. In this case, a reboot will help. Unplug the appliance and wait a few seconds (7-10). After that, plug it back into the network and make sure it works by checking the indication. After a few seconds, check if the mobile device sees the access point and try to connect again. If the gadget does not see the network, most likely the router is still turning on and you need to wait from a few seconds to a minute.

Change Password

If the gadget sees an access point, but you cannot remember the password for your wireless network located at home, you can change it at any time in the router settings. To do this, go to the appropriate settings section and set a new combination of characters. There must be at least eight. Save changes and reboot your router. Please note that after this procedure New Password you will need to enter into each device that works with this access point and receives a wireless signal through it.

Changing the type of encryption

In some situations (this is especially true for budget-class Android devices), it may turn out that the built-in Wi-Fi module does not work with some types of encryption. This leads to the fact that the device sees the access point, but only displays the error "Disabled" and does not connect to the Internet. To fix this problem, you will need to open your router settings and change the type of encryption that your mobile device works with. We recommend choosing between WPA/WPA2 and WPA-PSK types. These encryption standards are supported by the largest number of devices.

Channel change

For some situations in which the mobile gadget does not connect to the Internet via a wireless network, it will also be useful to change the channel through which the signal is heard. The reason for changing the channel may be the situation when the device sees the access point, but the connection does not occur. This is also due to compatibility issues between the network equipment and the Wi-Fi module. In total, you will find up to 12 channels in the router settings, but, as a rule, not a single budget gadget on Android works with a channel higher than the ninth. Consider this information when setting up your network.

Disabling MAC and IP filters

In a situation where the network equipment has been tested and functions correctly, the mobile gadget sees an access point, several similar devices enter the network through the same device, but the smartphone still does not connect to the target network, you should look into the MAC and IP address filter in the settings router. Sometimes network equipment is configured in such a way that only specific devices that are in your home, the MAC and IP addresses of which are registered in a special section of the control panel of the modem or other network equipment, can receive the right to access the Internet. Disable all unnecessary filters and restart the router. Do not forget - it turns on from a few seconds to a minute, and only after that it is worth checking whether the mobile device sees the access point.


As you could understand from our small instructions, almost any problem that you have when connecting mobile device to a wireless network, you can solve in a couple of minutes, having the right information and access to network equipment settings. We hope that our instructions have helped you in eliminating errors and now you can easily access the Internet from any of your gadgets. If this still does not work out, we recommend that you go through the entire list from beginning to end and try to use all the tips without exception.

Sometimes the tablet does not see Wi-Fi for a banal reason. This may be a difference in frequencies or an accumulation of cache in the device. If the tablet does not see home network Wi-Fi, then first try restarting the device. Usually, an overloaded gadget may simply not connect to the network due to garbage in memory. You don’t need to think that if you don’t see Wi-Fi, then it’s the quality of the assembly.

The tablet does not see Wi-Fi - the main reasons

There are several main reasons why the machine does not connect to the network. First, we list them, and then we will analyze each case separately. So the reasons are:

  • The difference in frequencies between the modem and the planet;
  • Hardware problem - a malfunction in the hardware of the tablet;
  • The problem is in the router settings;
  • Software failure (at the tablet, at the modem).

It doesn't have to be just one reason. Sometimes they are combined. But in any case, you should act carefully, excluding possible reasons. If your tablet has stopped seeing Wi-Fi, then first do a little test. Check if he does not see your router, or any other source too. So you will understand where the malfunction itself is - in the tablet or in the modem.

Why the tablet does not see Wi-Fi?

We have already written about the difference in frequencies. Please note that the device and source may operate at different frequencies. Specify this moment in the parameters. If so, then the question is gone. Also the tablet does not see wifi network due to incorrect router settings. You can set up the modem yourself, or contact your ISP. As for the software failure, first try rebooting the device and router.

You can read about it on the site. If the tablet does not see any Wi-Fi networks, then try getting rid of the cache. Restarting often helps. Finally, all the fuss can be due to problems in the hardware of the tablet. So the block can fail Wi-Fi tablet. Possible oxidation on the contacts to the signal receiver. And it is quite possible problems with the antenna. If you can work with the tester, then you need to open the device and check the contacts (searching for shorts).

Why does the tablet not see Wi-Fi or does it see but does not connect?

Why does the tablet see Wi-Fi, but does not connect to the Internet? There may be two reasons for this. Different frequencies or a problem in the router settings. The same can happen if the tablet does not see the operator's network. Now you know why the tablet does not see Wi-Fi. In the next post, we will consider the topic - why the phone stopped seeing wifi networks. There will be questions, ask.

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