How to track the location of a smartphone user on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. How to track a person's location by phone number and more

I can really help you with this if your husband has a smartphone running on Android, IOS.. It is actually very likely that his mobile phone has any of these OS. Now we will see ways to spy on your cell phone without coming in contact with his cell phone.

What you should do is download offset TheTruthSpy iPhone application from their official website. Now once you have downloaded the app you only have to install it secretly in your husband's phone and this app will do everything for you.

If you put in TheTruthSpy it will cover by itself and send all the details online, which you can enter into your TheTruthSpy and view.

It is a standard for large companies to keep this kind of information for company phones and computer technology, but Singer doubts that everyone uses these kinds of applications as they are intended. TheTruthSpy can be purchased on Android. It's not available in App Store from Apple and, therefore, can only be downloaded on "jailbroken" iPhones that allow users to download programs not authorized by Apple.

Many features are provided through mobile phone spy iPhone app

1. Tracks GPS location

TheTrustSpy can be installed to monitor the GPS scope of your respective target cell phone. Get to know if your son is where he should be or if your employee is really in a traffic jam.

2. Text Message / SMS Tracker

This Cell Phone Tracking Software allows you to examine all text message messages and multimedia messages by mail or purchased from the target phone user. They are available for immediate viewing despite deletion.

3. Call tracker / Spy call

TheTrustSpy allows you to see all incoming/outgoing calls using their period and timestamps. Also, it's mobile. software phone monitoring can be set up for phone call history destined for or from a predetermined number. You won't forget a few!

– Call Documentation

4. Internet Usage Monitor

View all URLs have been in with the user's cell phone Internet browser. Check what they're up to online by rummaging through their browsing history.

5. Contact Logs

Explore each contact entered the reserve cell phone address and keep track of each and every occurrence in the phone's schedule.

6. Social monitoring software

Use this feature to record an activity with iMessage, Instant messaging solutions Skype and WhatsApp and Viber used on the target mobile phone. The control social networks talk and find out, as a rule, and what the focus on the mobile phone consumer sends text messages about.

– Spy Whatsapp

Notice also the history surrounding the cell phone.

8. Photo / Video Media

This cellular computer surveillance software allows you to see any videos and photos that have been saved on the target phone. Every time your child or employee records a YouTube Video Service or takes a photo from behind their camera phone, they will be promptly submitted to TheTrustSpy account.

9. Remote control

With touch screen phones get dropped or taken frequently, Details of robbery is becoming quite common. You will make sure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands, remotely wipe the data of the target phone or block the device.

10. Rate it

You can install this software for mobile devices phone monitoring to get a thorough research into the phone usage of the target. Use this feature if you need to monitor and control many Cell Phones straightaway.

Download and install TheTruthSpy

1.Go to from your device's browser and download TheTruthSpy to your device.

2. After installing TheTruthSpy, you can register new account here by clicking on the Register button, or if you have registered an account on the User Control Panel site already (HTTP:// then you can click the Login button to join this device to your account.
3. Login to to start monitor and view all tracking data from target device

  1. Is it possible to follow a person through a phone?
  2. Is such tracking possible without the consent of the owner of the phone?
  3. How can I track a person through a phone from a remote computer?

People ask these kinds of questions for a variety of reasons. Tracking a person through the phone is usually required due to the need for control (parental, marital, control over the elderly), monitoring employees of a particular company or any division (department), etc.

For such a process, it is necessary to have specific opportunities for its actual implementation. Modern applications (the so-called mobile spyware) will allow you to organize tracking of the phone of the object selected by the customer. Among them may be spouses and children, the elderly, employees (even without their consent). The situation can be even more mysterious: if there is an urgent need, tracking can be carried out without the consent of the owner of the phone, and at the same time he will not even notice that he is under this kind of surveillance around the clock.

Tracking a person through the phone is very simple - you just need to install a tracking program. The mobile phone tracking software on the market has a number of interesting features, including:

  • ability to record SMS messages
  • recording telephone conversations
  • sound recording via remote connection microphone on the phone
  • taking pictures with the camcorder
  • control over incoming and outgoing calls, etc.

Our Lighthouse program, created on the basis of an analytical platform, has great capabilities for spying on someone else's phone. Thanks to this application, you will have at your disposal a lot of useful features:

  • creating a map with travel routes
  • collection of certain statistical information for the selected period
  • analytical reports on the movement of users
  • event logging
  • construction of certain graphs reflecting the results of tracking, etc.

Thanks to the Mayak application, the customer (user) can monitor a large number of devices of interest to him in the process of tracking, chat with users, the tracking program will provide the ability to set up its work schedule and replenish the balance. All functions are available to the user in the control panel.

Beacon program and employee tracking via phone

The tracking functions listed above, the program will provide when installed on the phones of company employees, allowing management to have accurate information about the time of arrival and departure of wards from work, about the movement of employees; analyze whether there were any deviations from the given route of movement and exits beyond a certain territory, etc.

Finally, we note that people who want to install a similar program for tracking a person through a phone often ask very similar questions. The most popular of them, as well as reasoned answers, we give below.

How to track home by phone number?

The Mayak program is a convenient service for those who care about the safety of their loved ones. By installing our program on the phones of family members, you will know exactly who and where is just by looking at the map on your computer or tablet. The geolocation system at any time of the day will accurately show the location of a family member, will allow you to view the route of his movement in each given period of time.

How to track the movement of an elderly person through the phone? If the elderly people who are dear to you live separately from you, the Lighthouse application installed on the phone, for example, of old parents, will allow you to always know the route of their movement and not worry about whether the parents are at home, whether they are lost, etc.

What do you need to monitor android phone?

The customer of such an application needs to fulfill only two conditions: operating system The phone must support any coordinate system, as well as be able to access the Internet.

Do you want to follow a person via phone for free? We will provide you with the realization of such a desire during the period of the demo operation of the program. The customer will be provided full access to all application functions. At the end of the demo period, you must subscribe. detailed information about the procedure for installing and connecting the Lighthouse application is provided in the section "

Hello everybody! In this article, I decided to describe how to track the location of a person by phone number. In ordinary life, there are various situations when it is necessary to determine the location of a person.

For example, many people take care of their relatives, the elderly or children. In addition, when it comes to business, tracking is just right here too: managers need to monitor the work of their employees.

Until recently, only special services (FSB, police) could track people, but now such a specific service is available to ordinary people. Usually, to successfully perform a search for the location of a person, his consent is required, but there are also such options when this can be done without his knowledge. You can determine the location of a person by phone various options. I will review them below.

How to track the location of a person by phone number?

There are many methods by which you can track the whereabouts of people. Almost all current telephone devices, tablets have GPS, Wi-Fi and connectivity. If GPS is directly related to a function that helps to accurately find out the location, then Wi-Fi and GSM / 3G / LTE can also indirectly act in this area.

It is only necessary to force this information to be sent to us in order to further determine the location of the person on the map.

So, for such purposes, you can use: phone, computer, GPS, special sites and applications.

  • GPS navigation. With this navigation, you can follow those people who are very often photographed with a mark of the place where the picture was taken.
  • Specialized programs. By accessing your Google account, you can legally install the software on your smartphone.
  • Global network. There are many different sites on the Internet that help to track a person. Yes, the result will not be as accurate, but the approximate location can still be found out.
  • GPS tracker. The module is built into the mobile, with it you can monitor the smartphone.

Mobile phone wiretapping

In the open spaces global network there are many programs that help track a person’s conversations through the phone, both on android and other devices. These programs have their own features:

  • wiretapping recordings will be transferred to your computer, smartphone or iPhone;
  • in a separate folder, you can view the subscriber's call log;
  • all messages are intercepted and transmitted to your device;
  • all emails can be forwarded to your address;
  • it is possible to determine the location.

The most primitive option that suits everyone is to contact your mobile operator.

  1. Beeline offers its subscribers the Mobile Locator service. To use the service, you need to call 06849924 and send a message with the text "L" to 684.
  2. The Megafon company called such a service "Beacon". You can activate the service by calling 466.
  3. To determine the location of an MTS subscriber, you can use the Locator service. To connect it, you need to call mts 6677.


Another in a good way is GPS navigation, that is, tracking by transmitting towers. Yes, with the help of such navigation, you can easily find out the location of a person, and for free. Why is this method so primitive? The thing is that many programs and applications ask the user for his location. I think everything is clear here.

Special programs

There are many applications that have been developed specifically to determine the location of a person. The iphone 5s even has a dedicated app development and Apple has a "Find my friend" app. In this application, everything is simple: just send a request to another person. In case of agreement, the program will be able to give you the result.


Another option is to use different sites. There are actually many services on the Internet, some of them are paid, and some are free. If you are using free services, the result may not be as accurate. For example, the site is . It is with the help of it that you can find out the location of a person most accurately.

Find out where a person is on viber

If you decide to use this method, then you need to consider that the application defines through points WiFi access, so there may be an error of 1 to 120 meters. This method allows using geolocation to show the interlocutor your location. What's the point in that? Now you yourself will understand everything.

So, how to enable geolocation in viber? To do this, go to the correspondence with the right person and click on the send message icon.

After sending your message to this interlocutor, an alert will appear with your coordinates. To disable this function, you need to press the same button.

Important: coordinates are sent only to the user with whom you have activated geolocation. Your location will not be seen by anyone other than that person.

using iphone

It is possible to track a person using an iPhone. To do this, you need to install "Find My Friends" Tracking a person without his consent will not work, since the operation will be carried out on both devices.

Sign in. Perform all required steps in your account. After entering into account A list of friends will appear on your screen. Friends who made it to this list have shared their location. Choose the right friend.

If you have just started setting up a connection between the iPhone, then you need to click on «+» , enter the friend's details, and select send. The person must be notified of his inclusion in his list, so that there are no problems in the future.

If you intend to list this person on a non-permanent basis, then select the Temporary mode. Now go to the menu and see where you are and who can watch you. See the location of your friends there.

On this I will finish and summarize a little. This article describes how to track the location of a person by phone number. You can choose any method and use it. By the way, almost all of these methods are effective. Thank you all for your attention, for now, everyone and ask questions in the comments!

« Is it possible to monitor the phone without owner's consent?», « How can I monitor my phone through a computer?», « How to spy on your wife's (husband's) phone? These and many other similar questions arise in people for various reasons.

Follow a person on the phone possible because of distrust, jealousy, as parental control, control over employees of your company or elderly parents, etc. We accept that everyone has the right to this and give concrete opportunities to implement all this in reality.

Our Vkurse program will allow you to monitor your phone spouse, child or employees without their consent, moreover (if there is an urgent need for this) they will not even notice that their phone is under round-the-clock surveillance. Therefore, our answer to the above questions is one: “ Of course, you can follow anyone through the phone". It is very simple to do this - you just need to install the Vkurse program.

Program Vkurse provides great opportunities for spying on someone else's phone:

  • intercept SMS messages;
  • write down telephone conversations;
  • read messages on VKontakte, Viber, WhatsApp and Odnoklassniki;
  • take screenshots at set intervals;
  • copy messages to a computer;
  • control incoming and outgoing calls;
  • determine the location of the subscriber and much more.

Watching the phone, listening in on conversations and the like is not always doing something illegal, penetrating private life - this is also a lot of opportunities that will help save the family, protect the elderly and monitor the movement of children in order to come to their aid in time .

Of course, in order to be able to follow a person on the phone, you need to use a spy program. And have one-time personal access to the android you are going to track.

On a non-jailbroken iPhone/iPad, iKeymonitor spy can be installed remotely by knowing the iCloud ID and password of the target device.

And after that, it doesn't matter what number the person uses. After all, the spy program was installed on the phone itself (android, smartphone, ai background). And even if every day the SIM card changes on it. We don't care about you anymore.

The leader in monitoring and parental control software is iKeymonitor

Innovative, easy to install and use, it will be an invaluable help in how to monitor your mobile Android phone(with root-without root)/ iPhone (with jailbreak-without jailbreak), as well as MAK/WİNDOWS.

Now you can remotely view all the information you are interested in from the phone you are monitoring at any time. Now you can read messages and view the log of calls made from someone else's phone without hiding.

Here is an example of just a small fraction of the information that will become available to you when spying on the phone:

  • Call recording.
  • Listening to the environment of the device.
  • Keylogger. All manipulations with the keyboard and phone screen.
  • Automatic screenshots.
  • Screen lock, apps, contacts.
  • Messenger monitoring. Whatsapp, facebook, telegram, skype, etc.
  • All SMS messages. Sent, received, deleted. As well as the time and numbers of subscribers to whom they were intended.
  • Call log.
  • The address book.
  • Absolutely all applications installed in this phone (Facebook, Vkontakte, Skype, Line, classmates, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.).
  • GPS positioning and geo-fencing.
  • Ability to view the map of movements.
  • All sites.
  • Bookmarks.
  • Calendar.
  • Notes and much, much more.

The company takes care of its customers, constantly maintaining the stable operation of the services offered. It also expands the range of existing ones. You can verify this if you decide to install a spy program to spy on other people's mobile phones.

You can take advantage of the offer free version applications within 3 days.

24 hour service technical support will be happy to assist 24 hours, seven days a week, seven days a week.

The most downloaded spy app iKeymonitor is the undisputed market leader in similar offers.

We hope that our team has helped you to understand this issue.

You can say with confidence that it is possible to follow a person on a mobile phone!

The mobile phone has now become an integral part of almost everyone's life. The smartphone has found its permanent home in the wife's purse, in the husband's jacket pocket and in the child's backpack. Or maybe this is an unscrupulous employee of your company?
