The wifi connection on the laptop is interrupted. Constantly loses connection to the Internet through the router

WiFi is a unique technology wireless communication which is incredibly popular all over the world. Now there are very few people who prefer the usual wired Internet. Connecting and setting up Wi-Fi is not difficult. But even in such a perfect system, sometimes errors occur due to which the Wi-Fi stops working. The most common is a problem with connecting a Wi-Fi router.

Some people are faced with a situation where the router is connected to the network and works, but does not distribute: the computer cannot “see” the available network. Why is it so? There may be several reasons for the occurrence:

lack of installed network drivers;

hardware type errors;

arbitrary shutdown of the connection to the computer - it is obvious why in this case the device does not work as it should;

malfunction of the wi-fi module;

WiFi router failure.

There are other problems, but the ones listed above are the most common reasons why the device does not work. Therefore, we will focus on them.

Problem with network device drivers

Testing the WiFi module driver is carried out in the "Device Manager". This section is located in the Start menu. You can also get to the section through the "My Computer" shortcut by pressing the right mouse button.

In the "Dispatcher" you can see all the devices connected to the computer. We will be interested network hardware. You need to go to the branch with network drivers. If the branch is missing, it means that the drivers for the wifi adapter have not been installed on the computer.

If there is a branch, on one of network devices the sign "!" may be lit. This means either the absence or incorrect functioning of one of the drivers. Each of the problems is easily solved with a simple reinstallation of the software. Usually, the software is located on a disk attached to the computer. The wifi adapter for device manager might be called Wireless Network Adapter. Also, everything you need can be downloaded from the Internet using mobile connection(unless otherwise available in this moment).

How to check the status of a wireless connection

If everything is in order with the drivers, then the next step is to check wireless connection. It can simply be disabled. Testing is carried out differently on different operating systems. But it all comes down to one thing: you need to get into the "Network Control Center".

Exists universal way. You need to press Win + R, after which a window with a line will appear. In the line you need to type the command control panel and press Enter. This will open the Control Panel. Here we go to "Network and Internet", then to the "Network and Control Center public access". In the "Center" we will be interested in the section "Change adapter settings", located on the left. Clicking there will allow you to see the status of all connections that are available on the computer.

"Wireless connection" - that's what will be important to us. If the label is not colored, but gray, this means that there is no signal. You can start the connection by double-clicking the left mouse button. After starting, the computer starts searching for all available connections.

If they do not appear, then you can try to perform system diagnostics. It is carried out through the "Network Control Center" and the item "Change adapter settings". You need to click on the "Wireless Connection" label already right click mice. In the window that opens, click the "Diagnostics" field. The computer conducts the test itself. Based on the result of the check, the user receives advice on what to do next.

What to do if a hardware error occurs

A hardware error would mean a problem directly inside network card. In a word, if the computer does not see the adapter for connecting to Wi-Fi, it means that this Wi-Fi device is not functioning. There are two main reasons:

the device is broken;

there was a problem with wifi drivers.

The second option has already been described by us. However, if Wi-Fi drivers are available, and the computer continues to not see the adapter, this means a breakdown. One of the most common causes of failure is the combustion of the device.

The cause of combustion may be overheating if the computer has been operating at its maximum capacity for a long time. If we are dealing with a laptop, then this happens even more often here, since many users forget the device on a soft surface that blocks access to the hole through which cooling air enters. This problem solved by simply replacing components with similar ones.

It should be borne in mind that the lack of experience in independent manipulations with computers can lead to even more disastrous consequences. This is especially true for laptops, which have a more complex design. The best way out is to contact service center, they will accurately determine the reason why the device does not work.
Hardware-type connection errors also include a disconnected antenna. Most often, this problem occurs in laptops or desktop computers that have been cleaned or repaired in some way. The specialist who carried out the procedure could simply forget to connect the device, or he connected it incorrectly. This makes it impossible for the adapter to function normally, which does not work normally and cannot normally catch the signal distributed by the router, even when it is close to the source.

A rather rare case is the clogging of the antenna terminals with dust. This breaks the internal contact. The solution to the problem is cleaning.

Why Wi-Fi router does not distribute the Internet

The connection problems described above refer to malfunctions in the computers themselves. But often there are problems that are related to how the router works (or rather does not work) and does not distribute the Internet.

There are two main problems:

inability to establish a wireless connection;

no access when connected.

These failures can be easily solved on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists.

How to solve a problem with connecting to a wireless connection

Testing how the router works begins with checking the status of the indicators that are located on the external panel of the router. During normal operation, the LED next to the antenna pattern will be either solid or flashing. If there is no glow at all, it means that the wireless module is not running on the router. On certain models, there is a separate button that one of the family members can accidentally turn off.

The lack of a button makes it a little more difficult to solve the problem. You need to go to the "Wireless Network" section located in the web interface of the router. In the English menu, this section is called "Wireless". There is a checkmark next to the "Enable" box (in English - "Enable"). A mouse click may solve the problem.

It is possible that when the device does not distribute the Internet, the malfunction is related to the radio channel used. Most router models have a function auto tuning. If it is missing, you can try to install the 1st or 6th channel. They should be suitable for our country.

It happens that it becomes impossible to connect to a wireless network, as the network displays a message about an incorrectly typed password. It is worth checking the security settings in the web interface. Installed type encryption must be AES. The general security standard is WPA2-PSK.

How to solve the problem if there is no access while connected

Quite often it happens that the connection starts, but the process itself takes a long time. The status shows the message "Obtaining IP". After a while, the connection is dropped.

This means that network clients cannot obtain an address due to a disabled DHCP server. You can check this through the settings in local network. You will need a LAN section, where there should be a checkmark next to the DCHP parameter.

Access problems may occur due to incorrect operation of DNS servers. Incorrectly assigning them to network clients or not assigning them at all, as well as unstable servers, are the three main reasons.

The solution to the elimination problem is as follows. You need to use public DNS. They are provided by Yandex and Google. In the first case, you need to set in the settings, and for Google this value is Data is entered on the computer in the properties of the Internet protocol of any version of TCP/IP.


All of the above are troubles that you can get rid of on your own. In any other situations, it would be better to contact the provider's technical support or professional craftsmen.

In this lesson, we will talk about what needs to be done if the Wi-Fi network is lost or you cannot connect to the network from a certain device?

We will consider a sequence of actions, by following which you can determine what is the cause - a Wi-Fi router or a device that does not have wi-fi.

We have prepared 2 options - a text article and a video tutorial. Check out both options as they complement each other.

Video tutorial:


I recently received this question:

"hi tell me bought zyxel router..the computer works, but the laptop does not work through Wi-Fi. Writes an unidentified network .. what to do?.

As I understood from the question, the user's PC is connected to the router with a cable and has access to the Internet, but the laptop does not connect to the router via Wi-Fi.

In this article I will try to tell an approximate sequence of actions for solving such problems. As an example, I will give screenshots of the settings of my home router. TPLINK models TL-WR841N.

Stage #0. The easiest step is to try just rebooting both devices first., perhaps one of them is "a little hung up."

Stage #1. First, in the router settings, you need to check the wireless access settings.: Wi-Fi hotspot name, discoverability, communication standard. For diagnostics, you can remove the password and encryption on Wi-Fi.

"Network Name"- this name should appear in the list of Wi-Fi networks on the laptop.

"Mode"- this is the data transfer mode setting, it is better to select it with the maximum number modes.

"Turn on wireless"- This general inclusion wireless mode.

"Enable SSID Broadcast"- this setting is to allow other devices to detect the router. If you do not select this setting, you will get hidden network, which not all devices can connect to.

For diagnostics wireless security can be disabled.

In other routers, these settings may look different, but for diagnostics they must be set in the same way.

Here is an example of settings for the router D-LINK models DIR-615:

Stage #2. In the laptop, you need to check in the device manager that the Wi-Fi adapter is working fine.

If the Wi-Fi adapter does not work correctly, then you need to reinstall the driver on it.

If you don't have a driver or if you are in doubt about an existing driver, then you need to go to the laptop manufacturer's website and search there.

After that you can do search for wifi networks, find your network, and try to connect to the router.

If the connection is successful, check Internet access.

If the connection fails, check the connection to the router from another device, for example, a smartphone.

Stage #3. If there is no connection to the router from other devices (or there is a connection, but there is no Internet access), then the problem is most likely in the router.

In this case, you can check the antenna mount on the router, it is possible to reset the settings or update the firmware of the router, and then reconfigure the Wi-Fi settings and check the connection to it again. If these steps did not help, you will have to carry the router to the service or replace it with another one.

Stage #4. If the connection was successful from other devices, then the problem is most likely in the laptop.

In this case, you need to check the Wi-Fi settings on the laptop again, perhaps reinstall the Wi-Fi driver, or delete the Wi-Fi adapter in Device Manager and find it again.

One of the reasons for failures in Wi-Fi operation may be OS updates. I recommend additionally checking to see if any OS updates were installed just before the failure occurred. If there were such updates, then you can try to roll them back and check the connection to the router via Wi-Fi again.

Most radical way- reinstalling the OS - should be used in the very last case, when none of the options software settings did not bring positive results.

If these steps did not help, then you need to take the laptop to the service, the Wi-Fi module is usually made as a separate board and you can try to replace it.

Stage #5. When everything works - do not forget to set up a password and encryption for Wi-Fi on the router.

If you have questions about the article, ask them in the comments.

On a laptop. Thus, the connection to the Internet is interrupted, important notifications and alerts do not come, and, as you know, you cannot live without the Internet at all. Many blame device manufacturers for this - a laptop or a router, although the problem is most often easily solved with a couple of mouse clicks.

Today we will learn the basic possible reasons the occurrence of a similar situation, and find out what to do if WiFi stops working on a laptop.

WiFi turns off on a laptop - we solve the problem!

If the laptop's connection to the Internet via WiFi is unstable and constantly breaks, then there may be several reasons for this - both certain settings of the operating system, and a malfunction of the device, or bad connection from the provider or network operator.

xxx: Before, when guests came to the house, they were offered tea.
xxx: And now - WiFi password =)

Perhaps you should also pay attention to this video to understand what factors affect the stability of a WiFi connection.

Disable battery saver

The main reason for constantly turning off WiFi on laptops lies in the power settings and energy saving. Since the laptop is mobile device battery-operated, manufacturers are trying to reduce the power consumption of the device in favor of greater autonomy and longer battery life.

By default, the performance of the device when running on battery power is somewhat reduced in favor of power saving. Also, in order not to waste electricity on unused functions, the operating system disables some computer components. For example, if the WiFi connection is idle or not actively used, wifi adapter can be disabled to save power. Therefore, your favorite laptop, left unattended, carefully turns off unnecessary features and deprives you of a stable Internet connection.

The power settings are located in the control panel. However, please note that the manufacturer often installs additional programs that allow you to control power consumption, and the reason for disabling WiFi may be hidden in them.

Open the taskbar and select the power option. The control panel and the item we need can be easily found using the search.

In the power window that opens, you can find out which power management scheme you have active at the moment, as well as proceed to its detailed settings.

In the window that opens, you can configure the screen off time and the timeout for switching to sleep mode. We are interested in the point that changes advanced power options.

Find the location for WiFi work. Here it is long called the wireless network adapter. Change the value to high performance.

After changing the power plan, restart your device and check if the issue is resolved.

Reboot the router

If the problem persists, restarting the router may help. by the most in a simple way will unplug and turn on the device.

You can also restart the device through the administration panel by going to or in the browser, entering your login and password, and clicking the appropriate button. The exact address and the reboot method depends on the device model, and the login and password must be changed from the standard admin / admin to your personal ones.

Checking the network signal and the stability of the Internet connection

How to increase the speed of a wi-fi router and the Internet, we discussed in one of the previous articles. In our situation, you should pay attention to how far the router is located from the laptop and what obstacles the signal passes through.

If, in addition to WiFi, the Internet is unstable over a wired connection, it may be worth calling the provider and resolving the issue of poor Internet with it.

Internet speed can be easily checked with online service after all, if the values ​​\u200b\u200bare lower than those declared by the provider, this is a reason to be puzzled by the quality and signal level.

Reinstalling the driver

Reinstalling the wireless adapter driver may also help. To do this, do the following:

  • go to the website of your laptop manufacturer;
  • enter the model of your device;
  • select an operating system;
  • download the latest version and install the new driver.

Loading method software differs by device manufacturer and model. Try to download the latest drivers for your operating system and device.

We have analyzed the most popular reasons leading to the fact that laptop WiFi constantly turns off. Well, if the problem was solved by changing the power plan, and the performance of both the router and the laptop does not raise questions. If the problem is still not solved, it may be worth contacting a specialist.

It is not uncommon for me to be asked questions about a problem when Wi-Fi disappears on a laptop or computer. It doesn’t just disconnect from the network, but the Wi-Fi adapter and the connection itself completely disappear. Everything related to Wi-Fi disappears in Windows. No wireless adapter in network connections. There is no "Wi-Fi" button, an icon in the notification panel and a section in the settings (if we are talking about Windows 10). There is also no WLAN (Wireless) adapter in the device manager, which is responsible for connecting to wireless networks. Well, respectively, the computer does not see WiFi networks and there is no way to connect to them.

In most cases, the problem appears suddenly. Everything worked, turned off the laptop, turned it on and there was no Wi-Fi on the laptop at all. In some cases, such a nuisance may appear after windows updates, or drivers. Or maybe after installing some program, or changing settings. From my own experience, I can say that it is not uncommon for Wi-Fi to disappear after cleaning a laptop from dust, or repair.

Two important points:

  • It happens that the laptop simply does not see a particular network, or all networks. At the same time, the adapter is in the device manager, there are settings related to the wireless network, etc. This is a slightly different problem that I wrote about in the article and.
  • It may also be that he himself. In this case, the network is not available on all devices.

To find a solution, you must first understand the cause. Why did it happen that the laptop suddenly stopped seeing Wi-Fi networks and there are no settings related to this at all.

  • You need to think and remember what you did before the problem appeared. Perhaps the solution will come by itself.
  • Reboot your laptop. If you have Windows 10, then you need to reboot. Not Off/On.
  • If you have a PC with an external Wi-Fi adapter, then check if it is connected. Try connecting to a different USB port. Notice if the light on the adapter is flashing.
  • If Wi-Fi disappeared after cleaning or repairing the laptop, then most likely it was simply not connected (bad connection, damaged) the Wi-Fi module in the laptop. If you did it yourself, then disassemble the laptop and check WiFi connection module and antenna.

Wi-Fi adapter disappeared from device manager

If the network cable is not connected, then the icon on the notification panel will be like this:

If you go into the adapter management, then there will most likely be only Ethernet (or "Local Area Connection" in Windows 7). Well, maybe Bluetooth. And we need the adapter "Wireless Network", or "Wireless Network Connection".

Open the Device Manager tab Network adapters". Most likely, you will not find an adapter there in the name of which there is "Wireless", "WLAN", "Wi-Fi". And we need it.

See if there is an unknown device in Device Manager. Or devices with yellow exclamation mark. If there is, then it is quite possible that this is our wireless adapter, which just has driver problems.

Pay special attention to the "Other Devices" section. Is there something like "Network controller".

If it is, then you just need to install the driver.

How to solve the problem and return the Wi-Fi adapter?

Unfortunately, as I wrote above in the article, in most cases this is a hardware problem. That is, the failure of the module itself. And programmatically (some settings) not solve it. You need to change the module itself, or connect an external adapter via USB. If it's a laptop.

All solutions boil down to reinstalling the Wi-Fi driver. Maybe if the adapter itself is good it will help. Well, you can still reinstall Windows. Maybe something in the system, but it's very unlikely.

And so, back to the driver. You just need to go to the website of the laptop manufacturer, find your model through the search and download the driver for WLAN (Wi-Fi). Then run its installation. If at the beginning of the driver installation an error appears that the device is not found in the system, or something like that, then I am almost sure that this is a hardware failure.

Detailed instructions for installing drivers:

  • And separate installation instructions and .

If you have tried everything and there are no adapters related to wireless networks, including unknown devices, then you will have to carry the laptop for repair, or connect a USB Wi-Fi adapter. There are small ones that are great for laptops.

Bought a laptop, phone or tablet. A portable device is specially selected to access the Internet via Wi-Fi in any accessible place. However, an unforeseen difficulty arises: for some reason, the connection suddenly disappears. What is the reason? Let's figure it out.

Abrupt and sudden disconnection of the wireless network can happen due to several reasons. They are presented below:

  • Wi-Fi coverage may disappear due to the fact that one of the functions of any modern device Whether it's a laptop, tablet or phone, is battery saving.
  • An important reason may be the presence of a weak Wi-Fi signal.
  • Another reason is unexpected driver failures, including the driver responsible for the quality of the wireless network.

However, whatever the reasons why Wi-Fi turns off, they are all pretty easy to fix. It is only important to be able to make the necessary settings, or reinstall the driver. In this case, it is best to download the driver from the official website of the manufacturer, otherwise serious problems may arise in the operation of Wi-Fi. Let's talk about problem solving in more detail.

What to do if there is a weak signal or sources of strong interference?

This factor is a fairly common reason for disabling Wi-Fi communications. Needless to say, this coverage is based on radio signals that can be swayed. It is worth saying directly about the signal level that it is not always stable. It is influenced by some factors, of which the most significant is the voltage in the electrical network. A wide variety of electrical devices are involved in creating interference, which can sometimes be so strong that it interferes with the propagation of a Wi-Fi signal.

Even more annoying is the presence of metal objects between the portable device and the router. When the laptop is located at a fairly large distance from the signal propagation point, it may periodically disappear. Therefore Wi-Fi is turned off. As already noted, the signal is not stable.

When a laptop, phone or tablet is located near the router, the fluctuations are imperceptible, and as they move away, they begin to manifest themselves more and more, and as a result WiFi connection breaks off. Communication has a particularly negative impact mobile phones or microwave ovens. You can fix the problem by moving the laptop closer to the wireless router.

Problems Caused by Battery Saving

As you know, one of the fundamental functions of any laptop, tablet and phone is offline work, which is achieved due to high-quality battery saving. In this regard, the developers have created special program, which allows you to save energy, and which automatically turns off modules that are not used for a long time.

The same applies to the Wi-Fi adapter. It is quite possible that it will automatically turn off when not in use. However, it happens that the program gives certain failures and, as a result of an unstable connection with Wi-Fi, the adapter turns off after a certain period of time, regardless of whether an Internet connection is currently needed or not.

You can solve the described problem by disabling the mentioned option. To do this, you need to pay attention to the battery icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Select it and go to " Extra options recharge the battery”, and then set the optimal recharge plan. It is quite possible to experiment here until the optimal plan is found.

Finally, select the "Edit" icon. The Power Saving Modes window appears. Here you need to ask maximum performance both when running on battery power, and when operating from the mains. Thus, automatic shutdown The Wi-Fi adapter will become inactive. As a result, Wi-Fi will not suddenly disappear.

However, what if all the work is done in the right way, but the Wi-Fi connection is still constantly disconnecting? This means that in the operating system installed power saving settings. Disabling this feature is possible using the "Wireless Network and Sharing Center". All you need is to right-click on the "Wi-Fi" icon. Then you should select the required pop-up sub-item - "Change settings". Here you need to find the shortcut for the wireless connection and right-click on it. In "Properties" select "Network". Then you should go to "Settings" and select "Power Management". Here you should uncheck the box "Permission to turn off the device in order to save electricity".
