Standard start menu windows 10 minimalism. What to do if the Start Menu won't open

With release Anniversary update the start menu in Windows 10 has become much more convenient, now any user can customize it for themselves. How exactly to do this - read our article.

Customize the tree structure of the program list

You can do with a list installed programs anything in the start menu: add new shortcuts, remove unnecessary ones and change their location in folders. To do this, open the "Explorer" and enter the address:

%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu

Keep in mind that this will only affect desktop apps, not apps and games from the Windows Store.

Remove excess

You can delete unused applications directly from the start menu. Click on the name of the app you want to uninstall, right click mouse or hold your finger on it and select the delete option. You can also hide pinned app tiles.

Some pre-installed applications cannot be deleted in this way, for this you need special programs.

Customize the menu size

Pull the edge of the menu up or sideways - it will increase. and the layout of the tiles on it will change. Changes occur abruptly, immediately for a whole column or row of tiles.

Add another column

Go to personalization settings and in the "Start" subsection, find the "Show more tiles" option. If you activate it, another column of medium-sized tiles will appear in the start menu.

Change the size of the tiles

Windows 10 comes with four sizes of tiles. It is advisable to use the largest ones for applications with any useful information like news and weather forecast. Otherwise, it all depends on which arrangement of tiles seems to you the most beautiful and convenient.

Disable Live Tiles

If you are annoyed by the animation on one or another tile (or on all at once), you can turn it off. Right-click on the tile and select the desired option.

Change the color of the tiles

Go to the personalization settings and in the "Colors" subsection, select a more pleasant accent color for the tiles. If you specify that it should be selected automatically, then the color of the tiles will depend on the wallpaper.

The start menu sometimes shows what other applications you can install in Windows Store. You can turn off recommendations through the personalization settings.

Recently added and frequently used apps

Perhaps you love cleanliness and minimalism in the start menu, and lists of recently installed and frequently used applications are of no use to you. You can remove them through the personalization settings.

Change the menu to tablet mode

If you use a tablet, the full-screen start menu may seem more convenient to you than the classic one. You can activate this menu design through the personalization settings

With the transition to the tenth modification of the Windows operating system, most users were very happy that the Start button appeared in the system interface, which was absent in the eighth version. However, the menu itself combined both the classic look and Windows innovations 8. This applies to a large number of unnecessary tiles with links to services, services and programs. And many users would like to return the classic Windows 10 Start menu so that the existing one does not clutter up the Desktop. How to do this will be discussed further. The average user can be offered three simple options.

Issue price

The user audience about the innovations in the main menu was divided into two camps. On the one hand, it is claimed that in terms of management it has become more convenient, because you can pin your own frequently used programs in it without having to display a shortcut to the Desktop or pin applications to the Quick Launch Panel.

On the other hand, it is believed that the menu takes up too much space on the screen, and many tiles are animated, which somewhat distracts from work. However, each user has their own preferences. However, for those who want to restore the classic look of the main menu, there are some simple solutions.

How to make the classic "Start" in Windows 10 the easiest way?

Let's start with the most basic things. As you can see, immediately after installing the system on a computer, the main menu is quite large. But that doesn't mean it can't be changed at all.

In other words, in the question of how to make a classic “Start” in Windows 10, you can start from this. To change the size, place the cursor on the edge or corner of the menu window and drag to the left (or down if required) to decrease the size.

Of course, it will just turn out to be a kind of classic menu, and not the option that many are used to seeing. Therefore, you can make a classic Start menu for another way. The essence of the question is to simply get rid of the tiles fixed in it.

There is nothing easier than using RMB on each tile with a choice from the context menu of the unpin command. When all items are removed, the menu will return to its normal appearance.

How to return the classic "Start" in Windows 10 using third-party programs?

But manually detaching tiles is not always convenient. To simplify your solution to the problem of how to make a classic “Start” in Windows 10, you can use utilities specially designed for this purpose.

Among the most popular programs are Stardock Star 10, Classic Shell, iObit Start Menu, etc. All three applications are almost equal in their capabilities, however, many users and specialists who have tried them in practical application, recommend installing the Classic Shell program. First, it occupies a minimum of space and does not affect RAM even when working in background. Secondly, the application does not cause conflicts in the system or violations of any settings.

Separately, it is worth noting that with the help of this utility you can ensure that the main menu will look exactly the same as in the "old" Windows 98!

Possible violations in the operation of the Start button and the main menu

We figured out the question of how to make a classic Start in Windows 10. Let's look at possible failures. Sometimes there may be a Windows 10 Start menu error when the start button itself disappears, it happens that the menu is not called up (moreover, neither by pressing the button, if any, nor by pressing the Win key).

There are several ways to fix these failures. In the simplest case, you need to restart the Explorer service in the Task Manager.

You can use the EnableXAMLStartMenu registry key and set it to "0" instead of one (if there is no such key, you need to create the corresponding DWORD value). It also helps to use special commands in the PowerShell console. Sometimes it may be necessary to remove one of the installed updates and then block it.

But all this for the average user seems too complicated. Therefore, it is better to download on the official Microsoft website small program called Start Menu, which after launch will correct all errors.


In general, there is nothing particularly difficult in changing the new view of the Start menu to the classic version. As for errors and failures, the easiest way to download special utility, so as not to experiment with the registry and the PowerShell console (especially since not everyone knows how to handle these system tools).

In terms of changing the menu itself, special programs are quite suitable, since in the background they have practically no effect on RAM or processor load (this, so to speak, is for the laziest who do not want to manually remove tiles). True, they will always be not only in the list active processes and services, but in the system tray, but you have to put up with it.

Finally, Microsoft went to meet its users and returned the operating Windows system 10 classic start menu. New start menu more customizable than ever before, so any user can customize it for themselves.

The secret behind the new Start menu lies in its separation between desktop and tablet. For example, to turn off tablet or desktop mode, you need to press all one button in the notification center. In this article, we will describe the main customization options and properties of the Start menu that are currently available. For the review, we took the oldest version of Windows 10 Pro.

Resizing the Home screen window

Resizing Start for Windows 10 is very easy. enough to change it move the cursor to the top or right edge of the start screen, pulling on it. For example, if you shrink the top edge, the home screen will look like this.

And if you reduce it along the right edge, it will look like this.

The example shows that increasing or decreasing the size of the Start menu according to the needs of the user can be quickly and very simply.

Pinning and unpinning tiles

To detach a tile from the start screen, just right-click on it and in the list that appears, click on the item " Unpin from home screen».

To pin a tile from the list of installed and standard utilities on the start screen, go to the item " All applications”, selecting the program in it and right-clicking on it. After that, a list will appear in which click on the item "".

Also, if you select " Pin to taskbar”, then we will see our utility on the taskbar. For example, the image below shows the program commit " Calculator» on the taskbar.

To detach this application from the taskbar, just click on the shortcut on the taskbar and select " Unpin from taskbar».

In addition to the list of installed and standard programs for Windows 10 Pro operating system, can also be installed on the home screen links to various resources. For example, to fix a link to a specific directory in the system for the start screen, just click on this directory and select the item “ Pin to home screen».

Also very useful are links to Internet resources on the home screen. The procedure for fixing them is as transparent as possible. To fix an Internet link to a specific resource, just go to a specific page in the browser Microsoft Edge . In our case, the Internet resource will be the Microsoft website in Russian.

After opening the page, go to the browser settings and select the item " Pin this page to your home screen».

If you need to pin any section of the settings for the home screen, then you just have to go to the necessary settings section and right click on it and select " Pin to home screen". For example, the settings section " Themes».

In a similar way, you can pin notes from OneNote or important contacts from the Metro app" People».

Disabling live tiles on the start screen

If you don't like live tiles, you can easily turn them off. To do this, just right-click on a live tile and select " Advanced/Disable Live Tiles". The image below shows how to turn off Live Tiles in the " News».

Thus, it is possible to disable any live tile on the home screen. If you need to turn them back on, then this is done in the same way.

Resizing tiles and dragging them

For example, let's take the program News” and go to the context menu of this tile. In it, we select the items " Resize/Small».

To change the location of a tile, just drag it to any area of ​​the Start screen. IN latest version In Windows 10 Pro, all tiles are divided into groups that can be called a specific name. We'll move the Microsoft Edge browser link from one group to another. She is currently in the group Events and communication».

After dragging into the group " Entertainment and recreation”, our tile will look like this.

As you can see from the example, the size of the home screen after dragging the tile Microsoft Edge became larger and formed a new group. The group does not yet have a name, but it can be set at any time. Also I would like to note that all links can be dragged inside your group, as well as swap their location.

Setting sorting and color options

To select a specific sorting method in the Start menu, you must go to the "" tab in the Start menu. After that, let's move on to the " System» to the tab « Applications and features».

This section has three sorting methods that will be applied in the Start menu after selecting them.

To change the color of the tiles, you must go to the same tab "" and go to the section " Personalization/Colors».

After choosing a color, such as red, the tiles will look like this.

To make the color of the Start menu also red, you need to turn on the switch " Show Color in Start Menu, Taskbar, Action Center, and Window Title Bar».

From the image, you can see that the Start window has changed significantly, so by changing the color, we customize it, taking into account our preferences in the design of the OS.

Enable additional folders

To enable additional directory options, go to the properties of the Start menu. To do this, go to the "" tab, and then go to the " Personalization/Start».

As you can see from the image, two radio buttons are already selected. Let's select all the switches and look at the result.

As you can see in the image, all the selected items ended up in the Start menu.

Summing up

This time, the developers from Microsoft managed to make a truly unique Start menu that any PC user can customize for themselves. Also for lovers of the menu, where there are no tiles, the developers have provided complete shutdown tiles, which will make it as similar as possible to the standard menu of Windows 7 or XP operating systems. The image below shows the menu on Windows 10 and it does not have tiles.

According to the developer, the Windows 10 system will be improved every year, so the future functionality and properties of the Start menu will expand significantly. In addition, there is not much time left to wait, because a major update for Windows 10 will be released in the summer of 2016, and another major update will be released in the spring of the same year. In both updates, Microsoft promises new functionality OS and UI improvements.

We hope our article will help you configure the properties of the Start menu in the Windows 10 operating system and its use will make it as easy as possible to access resources, programs and OS settings.

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IN new Windows 10 the Start button is back, but it's now a hybrid of the two menus previous versions Windows, i.e., the "Start" button in the "Seven" and the start screen in the "Eight".

It should be noted that Windows 8, precisely because of the absence of this familiar button, was subject to the most criticism from users.

But in latest version operating system from Microsoft, this menu only vaguely resembles the beloved interface that was in Windows 7, so computer owners who switched to OS with index 10 have no time to be bored and first of all have to figure out how to set up the start menu for Windows 10 for maximum convenient operation further.

Switching settings from classic view to full screen

Fortunately, this menu is already preinstalled in the "Ten" and users only need to familiarize themselves with the methods of its operation.

To switch to the " Home screen» It is necessary to perform several consecutive steps:

There is another way to turn Start into a full screen Start Screen. To do this, you only need to take a couple of steps:

  1. Click on the "Notification Center" icon in the lower right corner of the display;
  2. Then click on "Tablet Mode".

Color correction

In Windows 10, you can quickly make color adjustments to the Start window, System Alert Center, window edges, and the taskbar.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

How to unpin and pin selected items in Start

To do this, use the Explorer context menu.

The sequence of actions can be represented as the following brief step-by-step instructions:

  1. To unpin a tile, call context menu on this tile;
  2. Then click on "Unpin from Start Screen".

Adjusting tile locations and sizes

In order to adjust the location of the tile, you should simply hold the left mouse button and move it to the selected location convenient for the user.

In order to adjust the size of a tile, you need to call the context menu on it and click "Adjust Size". Then specify the value convenient for the user to work on the computer.

Sorting tiles

New operating system allows the user to classify and sort the tiles however they want. To do this, while holding the selected tile with the left mouse button, move it down the "Start". In this case, a black strip will appear, it is under it that you need to install and release the tile. Done, now it is located in a specific group. Next, you need to click in the field at the top of the tile with the caption "Enter the name of the group" and type the name at the discretion of the computer owner.

Additional settings

To configure the display in the "Start" of only constantly used programs and new ones installed on the computer, you need to set the slider on the corresponding section to the "Off" mode in "Personalization". You can also customize the output of specific directories in Start by clicking in the "Personalization" on the line "Select directories shown in Start".

Hello my dear friends.

Many of my readers ask me how you can change the start, in the tenth Windows, so that it is more familiar. It cannot be completely changed due to technical limitations, but today I will tell you what can help in this case. Article topic menu settings start windows 10, for more simple and ergonomic work at computer. So let's go!

Styling under the seventh Windows

So, to configure the start as in windows 7, we need such a soft shell as the classic shell. Download it from here. Install and run. We need a module software, which is called Classic Start Menu. On the first page, we choose the style of the menu itself.

Now go to the cover selection tab and select the one you want.

After pressing the OK button, the screen will blink several times and the start menu will be the same as in the seventh Windows.

Configuration via StartIsBack++

So that we do not touch gpo (objects group policies), we use this software. Download it from here. After installation, click on the settings button and go to the editor appearance start menu.

By the way, in this software, you can even change the button itself.

Under this menu there are switching options, there we select everything at our discretion. Next, we go to the additional block and set everything there as I have at the peak from below.

Everything, our customized menu is completely ready.

If you want even more customization, then you should purchase the pro version.

How to remove all applications from the menu?

Now I will tell you how to remove the application list. Go to the settings of our Windows and click on the personalization tab with the cursor.

Go to the start block and turn off the switch that I highlighted with a rectangle in the picture.

If everything is fine, then your launch will be something like this.

All apps have been removed.


Of course, you can try to customize the start menu through the registry. However, due to a lack of knowledge, you can cause more problems than you can achieve positive results. If you get error 1703 in the process of changing the menu according to the last advice, then the distribution kit of Windows itself is simply not suitable. In this case, download another one and reinstall.

By the way, here's a great video on the subject

Well, with that, I'll say goodbye. I hope you share this article with other users and your friends in in social networks. It's free and by doing so you will not only do me a great favor, but also help people who are interested in this topic. And also subscribe to updates of my site, and you will always know about the publication of my new articles. Well, that's all! All the best to you and see you in the comments to the materials on my site! See you!
