Installing unity3d. Troubleshooting in the editor

Unity is a 2D and 3D application and game development tool that runs on operating systems. Windows systems, OS X, Linux. Applications created with Unity run under Windows, OS X, Windows phone, Android, Apple iOS, Linux, and on game consoles Wii Play

What is the Unity 3D editor and what is it used for?

As earlier on July 24, 2015, Unity developers have already advertised that the version of the Unity 3D editor for Linux will be released soon, it did not take much time and on August 26 of the same 2015, official version editor for the Ubuntu distribution.

Unity is a 2D and 3D application and game development tool for Windows, OS X, Linux operating systems. Applications created with Unity work under Windows, OS X, Windows Phone, Android, Apple iOS, Linux operating systems, as well as on Wii, Play ...

What is the Unity 3D editor and what is it used for?

The installation package of the application occupies 951 meters, almost 1GB.

The following sections show you how to troubleshoot and prevent problems in the Unity editor in various situations. In general, make sure that your computer meets all system requirements, that it is not outdated, and that you have all the necessary user permissions on the system. Also don't forget to do it regularly. backups your projects, for their own safety.


You can install different versions editor to different directories. However, make sure you back up your projects as they may be updated to newer versions and you won't be able to open them in older versions of Unity. See installing multiple versions for more information.

Add-on licenses are only valid for versions of Unity with the same major version, such as 3.x and 4.x. If you upgrade Unity inside a major version, such as from 4.0 to 4.1, then the additions will remain.


Online activation is the preferred method for generating your Unity license. But if you're having trouble, follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect your computer from the network, otherwise you may get a “tx_id_invalid” error.
  2. Select Manual Activation.
  3. Click on Save License Request.
  4. Select an available save folder, such as the Downloads folder.
  5. Reconnect to the network and open
  6. In the file field, click Browse and select the saved license request file.
  7. Select the required license type for Unity and fill in the requested information.
  8. Click Download License and save the file.
  9. Return to Unity and select Manual Activation if necessary.
  10. Click on Read License and select the downloaded license file.

If you are still having problems registering or logging into your user account, please contact us at [email protected].

Can't start

If Unity immediately crashes upon startup, then first of all make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements. And don't forget to update your audio and video card drivers.

If you are getting errors related to writing to local disk then check your account permissions. When using MacOS, please note that “root user” is not recommended and Unity has not yet been tested in this mode. Unity should always have permissions to write files to its folders, but if you're setting permissions manually, then check those folders:

  • Folder with installed Unity
  • %AllUsersProfile%\Unity (usually C:\ProgramData\Unity)
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<имяпользователя>\Local Settings\Application Data\Unity
  • C:\Users\<имяпользователя>\AppData\Local\Unity
  • Contents of the package
  • /Library/Application Support/Unity
  • ~/Library/Logs/Unity

Some users experienced difficulties when using hard drives formatted with non-native partitions and using certain programs to transfer data between storage devices.


Damaged fonts can cause Unity to crash. You can find corrupted files with the following steps:

  1. Open the font directory on your computer, located in the “Windows” folder.
  2. Select “Details” from the “View” menu.
  3. Check the "Size" item for fonts with a size of "0" indicating the problem file.

    Launch the Font Book application.

    Select all fonts.

    Open the “File” menu and select “Valiadte Fonts” (Check Fonts). Problematic fonts will be marked as non-working.

    Delete corrupted files and reinstall them.

    System resources may be limited, for example, when working in virtual machine. Use the Task Manager to find processes that are consuming a lot of memory.

Broken project or Unity installation

Unity may try to open a corrupted project, this also applies to the standard test project. In this case, rename or move the project folder. After Unity starts normally, you can reset the project folder to its original state if you wish.

If your copy of Unity is damaged, you may need to reinstall Unity - see the instructions below.

On Windows, problems can occur, such as installation errors, registry corruption, conflicts, and so on. For example, error 0xC0000005 means that a program tried to access memory that it shouldn't. If you have recently installed new hardware or drivers, try removing and replacing the hardware to see if it is causing the problem. Use diagnostic programs and check the information in the help center of the operating system.

Performance and crashes

If the editor is slow or crashes, particularly during the build phase, this may be due to the fact that all available system resources are already being used. Close all other applications while building the project. Clean up the system using specialized utilities and check the Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (MacOS) to see if there are processes in the system that use a lot of resources, such as memory. Sometimes antiviruses can slow down or even block file system during the scanning process.

Project Loss

There are many different factors that can destroy a project. You should make regular backups of your projects to prevent accidents. On MacOS, activate TimeMachine using an external HDD used for this purpose only. After the loss, you can try to use some utility to recover files, but sometimes the files are unrecoverable.


Follow these steps to reinstall the editor:

    Remove Unity. If you're using MacOS, drag the Unity app to the Trash.

    Delete the following files, if any:

    • Windows:
  1. %AllUsersProfile%\Unity\ (usually C:\ProgramData\Unity)

    • macOS:
      • /Library/Application Support/Unity/
  2. Restart your computer.

    Download latest version from our website, because maybe your installer might be corrupt:

    Reinstall Unity.

I want to develop some games in Unity 3D engine. I couldn't find a link to download the app. Can anyone post a link to download the Unity 3D game engine for Ubuntu and/or explain how to install it?

The following link used in the wget command can be retrieved here and may change over time. This was the actual link at the time of writing and the procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 17.10 and 16.04 but should also work in lower versions of Ubuntu. If you don't want to consider upgrading.

Also you want to have at least 15-20GB of free space on your HDD/SSD. Now that everything is in order, do the following in the terminal:

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi unity-editor_amd64-2017.2.0f3.deb

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi unity-editor_amd64-2017.2.0f3.deb

Also you want to have at least 15-20 GB on your HDD/SSD free space for this operation. Now that everything is in order, do the following in the terminal:

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi unity-editor_amd64-2017.2.0f3.deb

Below link used in wget command is recoverable and may change over time. This was the actual link at the time of writing and the procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 17.10 and 16.04, but should also work on lower versions of Ubuntu. If not, you may consider upgrading.

Also you want to have at least 15-20 GB of free space on your HDD/SSD for this operation. Now that everything is in order, do the following in the terminal:

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi unity-editor_amd64-2017.2.0f3.deb

The below link used in the wget command can be found here and may change over time. This was the actual link at the time of writing and the procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 17.10 and 16.04, but should also work on lower versions of Ubuntu. If not, you may consider upgrading.

Also you want to have at least 15-20 GB of free space on your HDD/SSD for this operation. Now that everything is in order, do the following in the terminal:

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi unity-editor_amd64-2017.2.0f3.deb

The below link used in the wget command can be found here and may change over time. This was the actual link at the time of writing and the procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 17.10 and 16.04, but should also work on lower versions of Ubuntu. If not, you may consider upgrading.

Also you want to have at least 15-20 GB of free space on your HDD/SSD for this operation. Now that everything is in order, do the following in the terminal.

One of the popular programs for creating games is the Unity 5 game engine. We will not talk about the prevalence and popularity of this engine in this article, we will go straight to installing and running Unity 5 on Windows 7 x64.

First, let's go to the developer's website and download the Unity distribution, or rather the so-called web installer. On home page site you need to click on the button GET Unity 5.

Next, you will see the features of the free version of Unity and the features Pro versions. We will use free version so click FREE DOWNLOAD. On the next page, there is the cherished button DOWNLOAD INSTALLER. Also here you can see the version of the latest release, release date, installer size and select Windows platform or macOS.

So, download and run the installer.

In this window, the web installer prompts you to select which packages you need to download for convenient operation in Unity. Initially, some items are ticked:

Unity 5.3.2- this is the development environment itself,

Documentation- here are quite detailed material on working with Unity,

web player - a tool for creating browser-based applications and games, the size is not large, only 7 megabytes, let's leave it, but in general if you are not going to create games or applications for the browser, you do not need it,

Standard Assets- the so-called standard asset, it contains examples of the use of scripts, physical objects, textures, materials and much more,

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Unity- Unity has a built-in script editor, this is Mono Develop, but if Microsoft is more suitable for you visual studio you can check this box

Windows Build Support- serves to compile your project under Windows, in fact, if you are going to create games for others OS, you should check the installer in the appropriate items.

If you have decided on the choice of components, select the place where Unity will be installed and wait until it all loads.

After all the download and installation steps have been completed, a Unity shortcut will appear on the desktop, the installer can be closed.

Let's start the engine and see what it is. As written on the official website, system requirements are not large enough to run Unity, supported operating systems are Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10; Mac OS X 10.8+. Windows XP and Windows Vista not supported; server Windows versions and OS X have not been tested. GPU: Graphics card with DX9 support (shader model 2.0). Any cards issued since 2004 should work. The rest depends mainly on the complexity of your projects.”

So let's try, first of all, a window is launched with a username and password, if you have Account created on the Unity website, you can safely enter your data, if not, you can register or work offline by clicking on the work offline button.

Recently, more and more often you can see on the screen the requirement to install the Unity Web Player extension in order for the program (usually a game) to start working. Many people ask the question: “What is this Unity Web Player, how do I install it in order to use the program?” In this article, you can find information about what this extension is, what its capabilities are, system requirements, as well as a description of the installation and use process. And everyone can easily figure out what kind of extension it is - Unity Web Player, how to install it in a browser and start working.

What is this plugin?

Why was this plugin even developed? He has successful competitors with their own audience and supporters, and the names of these competitors alone can discourage almost anyone from trying themselves. They are called "Adobe Flash Player" and "Aichtieemail 5th version". The number of people who use them is in the billions.

But the Unity developers decided not to lose heart and release their product, which, admittedly, has taken its niche and is not a failed project. He still has a long way to go before the indicators of the leaders, but the beginning of the path has been laid.

What are its possibilities?

You can use the plugin in a large number of cases, but there are certain performance limits that it is unlikely to be able to overcome in the near future. But there is just for him. In terms of its functionality, it is similar to the above competitors, but in some cases it is inconvenient to use, and in others it is generally preferable. Implementation Feature software products on it lies in a fairly high-quality and fast data transfer, ready for use, and ease of use. They gained the greatest popularity in the gaming industry, where 3D shooting games of a new quality appeared with the help of this plug-in.

Why install it?

Therefore, if you want to play a quality game in the browser, you will have to download this plugin. But its use is possible not only in games. With it, you can make a high-quality enterprise control panel or a program for communicating inside. But this can only be used if required program There is. Alas, share useful programs for enterprises is very small, and it is used more for games. And if you want to install the extension, then you can find out how to install the Unity Web Player correctly by fully reading the contents of the article.

Plugin computer requirements

Despite the ability to perform high-quality work with 3D objects and the implementation of functions that require a lot of random access memory, the plugin is optimal in terms of RAM usage. So, operating systems, starting with Windows XP, work with it. The same can be said about graphics cards: any card released since 2004 should be able to run a program that requires a plugin. Although the extension can be installed even on fairly outdated systems, the practicalities require that more consideration be given. new system. Therefore, the question of how to install the Unity Web Player for Windows, the answer will be one: it is suitable for the "seven". Support extends to a large number of browsers, not just the most popular ones. So, we know in general terms the history and purpose of the Unity Web Player. How to install this plugin on a computer? Everything is very simple. Thanks to the simplicity and effectiveness of the extension, you can get the answer not only to the question of how to install the Unity Web Player on your computer, but also to many others. It all depends on your tablet or smartphone. Yes, it works on this technique too, so it's worth asking how to properly install the Unity Web Player on Android or iOS. And this is not yet a limitation, since the developers are full of desire to improve their brainchild further.

How to install the Unity Web Player Plugin?

Let's digress a little from the topic. Since our tips will answer the question of how to install the Unity Web Player on a computer, it may seem that tablet owners need to look for a separate article. But this is optional. Installation is nothing complicated. Initially, you need to download the plugin file from the official site. The user version is distributed free of charge, and you do not have to pay anything for it. Next, you should start the installation of the file, select the installation location and start the process itself. Since the plugin does not take up much space, its installation will be quick and seamless. Next, go to the extensions of the browser that is used, find this plugin among the installed extensions and activate it.

Installation Features

In general, the plugin does not have any special claims or incompatibilities. But before installing, you should make sure that there is enough free disk space for it. Also, after installation, it will not be superfluous to check its operation.

Plugin setup

In principle, this plugin does not need to be configured for the average user. But those who like to optimize everything around it can be advised not to touch anything. The fact is that Unity Web Player is still fighting for its place in the sun, the manufacturing company is trying to do everything at the highest level, and everything is already optimized for the user himself. Making changes to the plug-in can be advised only if there is a desire to experiment with its work.

Features of use

We hope readers got an answer to their question: "How to install the Unity Web Player"? Now we can touch on the application aspects. But when using it, there are already some features. Initially, about what causes criticism: when the cursor switches to the program in use, it is not so easy to switch it to the desktop. You have to use various tricks: calling the start menu by pressing the appropriate key or calling the task manager so that the cursor switches to the desktop.

There are also some difficulties with the incorrect implementation of the task by program methods. Difficult? And now in simple terms: the fact is that the plugin is new, and there are few people who can skillfully work with it, to put it mildly. Therefore, either here or there, a keen eye can notice that the program works somewhat incorrectly, not performing its functions as intended. Well, the technology is young, and as long as there are enough good manuals for all occasions, it should pass certain time. Here is the answer to what Unity Web Player is, how to install and use it, what system requirements it imposes on computers.

When using, one should notice not only individual shortcomings, but also emphasize the advantages. So, this engine will allow in very good quality to implement in the browser what, to put it mildly, was not intended for it. So, if we talk about the game, then here you can safely create a large game world, which will be worked out in detail and will not be interrupted by the execution of the program every few minutes. And it can be done in 3D. The advantage of this plugin is that in such conditions it can even work with more than one dozen people at the same time. Are you imagining a 3D full-fledged shooting game in an internet browser? Another 10 years it was hard to imagine, but now it is quite a common reality.

And finally, let's make one more digression. If we talk about using the extension within the same topic, the author can advise you and try to do something yourself, write your own own program under this extension or some other. In general, everything depends on you. Develop and become better, and may all the best be with you!
