Electronic keyboard in windows 7. Enabling the on-screen keyboard on different versions of Windows

How often does the keyboard let you down and refuse to work? What to do in this situation, when the decision is urgent? There is a way out - the on-screen keyboard. Today you will learn how to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, configure and use the standard program with screenshots.

Article overview:
1. On-screen keyboard - what is it?
2. What is the on-screen keyboard for and who will benefit from it?

4. How to remove the on-screen keyboard from the desktop windows desktop 7
5. Pin On-Screen Keyboard to Start Menu

Screen keyboard- This is a specialized standard program with the help of which characters, words, numbers are entered using the mouse. The window with the program is displayed on the desktop, does not disappear when other programs are launched.

What is the on-screen keyboard for?

Firstly, the on-screen keyboard is designed for people of special groups and the disabled. Suitable for people with limited mobility and working capacity of fingers.

Secondly, the keyboard on the monitor screen can be useful in the absence of some keys on the standard keyboard, in case of poor performance. And also in the case when the PC does not see the keyboard.

Third, The on-screen keyboard is useful when using tablet input.

Fourth, few people know the fact that when entering a password from an ordinary keyboard, each character is fixed and saved, the on-screen keyboard bypasses this function.

We talked about what the on-screen keyboard is for and when its function is vital. Now I will share several ways to enable it.

Method 1.

How to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, in fact, the question is quite simple, as is its solution. Go to the menu " Start", And in the search bar we write the request" Screen keyboard", of course, without the quotes. Let's start the first program.

Method 2.

Also, as in the first option, go to the Start menu, open the tab " Control Panel". Set View Icons to " Category", As shown in the screenshot.

Consistently open: Accessibility -> Center special. features -> Enable on-screen keyboard. Now you can start setting up this program, if desired.

How to remove the on-screen keyboard from the windows 7 desktop

To minimize the program window Screen keyboard", you need to click on the button in the upper corner" Collapse", As shown in the screenshot.

And to completely exit the program, click on the red cross, the program will close.

Pin On-Screen Keyboard to Start Menu

If you often have to use the on-screen keyboard, I recommend pinning this program in the Start menu or on the icon bar. To do this, go to the start menu and right click mouse click on " Screen keyboard”, from the drop-down menu, select one of the desired actions, as shown in the screenshot.


A small number of users are aware that the on-screen keyboard is hidden additional settings. You can change the keyboard set using the key on the on-screen keyboard itself, called " Options".

I hope this article was helpful to you. Today you learned how to enable the on-screen keyboard on Windows 7, pin it to the taskbar, or to the start menu. And also learned about its additional parameters.

Free virtual keyboard works on any device under Windows control with passive touch screen (Ultra-Mobile PC, Tablet PC and Panel PC). If you spend a lot of time answering email or write short notes on a mobile computer and the built-in keyboard is missing or inconvenient, then a software on-screen keyboard might be just what you need. This comfortable keyboard has buttons large enough for typing with your fingers.

Also, a free virtual keyboard allows people with disabilities to enter data using mouse or other pointing device.

Changing the size, color and transparency of the virtual keyboard

You can change the size, color and transparency of the keyboard with a single click at any time. IN full screen mode the virtual keyboard automatically resizes to fit the screen width. This means that it works like landscape orientation, and in portrait, which some other keyboards cannot do.

Auto repeat function

The auto-repeat feature is automatic - just hold down any key to start auto-repeat like a normal keyboard.

Run from a portable flash drive

The free virtual keyboard is completely portable, which means you can copy it to any portable drive and run it directly from there. Thus, the interactive keyboard will always be with you.
Settings are stored in a file FreeVK.ini, which is located in the same folder as the program. If writing to this file is disabled, then the settings are stored in the registry.

The on-screen keyboard is a program that allows you to emulate physical device. If to speak plain language, then when you turn on the virtual keyboard starts a program that displays buttons on the screen, by clicking on which the user performs certain actions (typing, entering passwords, etc.). But what is it for?

Virtues There are many keyboard virtualizations, consider a few of them:

  • the ability to avoid interception of input data;
  • no need to have a real keyboard;
  • operability even in conflict situations when device drivers cannot be recognized;

Turn on the on-screen keyboard on Windows XP, 7

Click on the menu Start, select the submenu " All programs - Standard", we find inside the folder" Special abilities", inside which we find the label " Screen keyboard“, click and run the program.

The initialization process will start, after which the launch will occur. In Windows XP, it looks like this (see screenshot).

The sequence of actions on the seventh Windows similar.

There is another way to open the keyboard through Control Panel:

click on the menu " Start", click on Control panels, then go to the section accessibility.

On the left side of the control panel there should be an item " see also“, click there, we see the appearance of a shortcut for quick launch « Magnifier" And " Onscreen keyboard". We click on the inscription we need.

If the keyboard is missing in Windows 7

If in Win 7 in the subfolder " Special abilities» there is no required item, then open Control Panel, select the section " Programs and Features", left mouse button on " list installed components ", select (tick)" Tablet PC components". After that, the on-screen keyboard will appear in the system, to launch it, repeat the first step.

Virtual Keyboard in Windows 8

IN search engine line Win 8 we drive in the text " Screen keyboard” and the system will offer suitable options.

On home screen open " All programs", click on the label accessibility and launch the necessary shortcut.

There is an option to launch the on-screen keyboard at the entrance Windows user by clicking on the appropriate shortcut at the bottom of the welcome screen.

Opening the keyboard on Windows 10

We go to the same menu Start, open " Options', inside the window Windows settings 10 find section accessibility, click on it with the mouse. In the page that opens, move the power-on slider to the “ On

As in the eighth version of Windows, in the tenth you can open a virtual keyboard at the entrance in the system welcome window, to do this, click on the accessibility icon.

There are even more easy way , to do this, right-click on the taskbar, then tick ( turn on) « Show touch keyboard button» in the context menu.

On the right side of the screen, a virtual keyboard icon should appear, by clicking on which the program starts.

How to use the virtual keyboard

The on-screen keyboard performs all the functions that are available to the underlying physical devices, including shift, ctrl, enter, alt, call context menu OS or enable caps lock mode when entering texts ...

Let's see how it works. We launch the keyboard using one of the above methods, click on the button, for example, “ shift» and we can print capital letters letters. At the same time, we notice that the buttons with numbers have changed to enter buttons special characters. Depending on the selected layout, different specials will be displayed. symbols.

Accordingly, for language change it is quite enough to press in turn ctrl + shift or alt + shift, that is, a combination of keys for changing the language.

Today, there is probably no such person who would not use the Internet, would not go to social media or would not have Mailbox where important information is stored. However, all logins and passwords, as well as entering bank card numbers that allow you to pay for a particular product in online stores, are not secure through a regular keyboard that is connected to a computer via USB.

In order to protect your data from spyware, through which they fall into the hands of intruders, you need to use the virtual keyboard.

What is a virtual keyboard?

The virtual keyboard is a standard component of operating systems Windows families. Its use is possible not only when entering confidential information, it will also become a convenient tool for people with disabilities and in cases where, for some reason, a regular keyboard has failed, and something urgently needs to be done on the computer.

Photo: on-screen keyboard on a computer

The main purpose of the virtual keyboard is to protect confidential information from intruders. Under reliable protection turn out to be users who work on the computer on the following web browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox 15.x - 17.x;
  • Internet Explorer 8 - 10;
  • GoogleChrome 9.x - 12.x.

In the case when personal data is entered through a virtual keyboard when a site is hacked, the information will not be protected, since it directly goes to scammers.

Ways to turn on

The virtual keyboard can be opened in several ways:

Almost everyone knows how to enable the virtual keyboard from the keyboard. To do this, simultaneously press the following keys: CTRL + Alt + Shift + P.

Enabling the virtual keyboard through the web browser window is as follows: you need to open the browser window and click on the button in the toolbar with the mouse. You can enable the virtual keyboard directly through the context menu of the program icon by right-clicking on the program icon and selecting "Virtual Keyboard" in the context menu.

Photo: context menu of the program icon

The virtual keyboard in Windows 7 can be launched as follows:

Overview of virtual programs - keyboards

The virtual keyboard is a standard component of the Windows family of operating systems. However, if for some reason it does not suit you, such a keyboard can be easily downloaded on the Internet. Of all the currently existing virtual keyboards, the most popular are:

  • ComfortOn-ScreenKeyboard 5040 (interface Russification is present, volume - 3.63 MB, OS - Windows 2000 and higher);
  • FlorenceVirtualKeyboard 0.5.0 (no Russification of the interface, volume - 1.89 MB, OS - Linux);
  • GreatisVirtualKeyboard 1.1 (interface Russification available, volume - 560 KB, OS - Windows 98/ME/XP);
  • JitbitVirtualKeyboard 2.22 (interface Russification, volume - 539 KB, OS - Windows 2000 and higher);
  • KeymanDesktop 8.0.3 (no Russification of the interface, volume - 7.65 MB, OS - Windows 2000 and higher);
  • Klava 4.0 (no Russification of the interface, volume - 22 Kbytes, OS - Windows 2000 and higher);
  • Mountfocus 3.2 (there is no Russification of the interface, the volume is 5.67 MB, OS is Windows 2000 and higher);
  • VirtualKeyboard 32.1.56 (no Russification of the interface, size - 440 KB, OS - Windows 2000 and higher).

How to turn on the computer using the keyboard

It happens that the system unit from the computer is located in a hard-to-reach place, for example, hiding it from small children or simply freeing up space in this way. And then many people ask the question “how to turn it on through the computer keyboard?”.

To start the computer without pressing the "Power" button located on the front case system block, you need to make special settings in the BIOS that will allow you to turn on the PC through the keyboard.

To do this, when you turn on the computer, continuously press the Del key. If suddenly this method did not help you enter the BIOS, then you can try pressing the Esc, F2 or F10 button. As a result, a BIOS interface will appear on your monitor screen, through the menu of which you need to navigate using the “arrows” up / down, right / left, and the “Enter” key is used to edit or select parameters.

So, in order to make settings in the BIOS, you need:

After the done manipulations, the computer should reboot. That's all, now your computer will turn on using the key combination that you selected in BIOS settings. In order to turn off the PC using the keyboard, you must:

There is another option to turn off the PC through the keyboard: the key combination Alt + F4. Next, a window will appear in which you need to select the “shutdown” item and press the “Enter” key.

Well, if your keyboard is broken and the PC gives an error when you turn it on, then you will probably have the question “how to turn on the computer without a keyboard”. If you have the opportunity to borrow a keyboard from someone, then you need to go into the BIOS, find the “Set UP-ehalt” section and set “no errors” instead of “on errors”. Thus, turning on the PC will occur without a keyboard.

The keyboard allows you to not only turn on / off the computer, but also turn on / off the sound and adjust its volume.

How to turn on the sound on the computer using the keyboard? Everything is very simple. To do this, press the F10 key and use the F11 and F12 keys to adjust the volume.

On-screen keyboard in operating systems

On-screen keyboard in operating rooms Windows systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 look different and some features may only be available on certain operating systems. Therefore, when downloading and installing the on-screen keyboard, you need to pay attention to the "supported OS" sub-item.

This is necessary not only in order for the on-screen keyboard to be successfully installed on the PC, but also in order to “fully” use its functions.

What to do - the keyboard does not work

If the keyboard does not work, it is necessary to determine the cause of its failure. The reasons why the keyboard may break are divided into two types:

  • software;
  • hardware.

If the cause of the breakdown is the hardware of the keyboard, it will be very problematic to correct the current situation without certain knowledge and skills on your own. It's easier to replace your old keyboard with a new one. But first, check the cable through which the keyboard is connected to the PC. It may have come loose or damaged. If the cable is intact and does not come off, try restarting the computer. Maybe there was a glitch while it was running. If restarting the PC was unsuccessful and the keyboard still does not work, try launching the Start panel with the mouse and go to the Control Panel, and then to the Hardware and Sound. If there are problems with the keyboard, it will be marked in yellow with an exclamation point in the system.

Using the mouse, select the keyboard and click "Delete", and then close all tabs.

Video: what to do if the keyboard on the computer does not work

Next, open the "Hardware and Sound" window back, select "Add a device". After the OS has searched, the keyboard will be found and installed. If after these manipulations the keyboard does not work, then you will need to replace it with a new one or use the virtual keyboard. The keyboard and mouse are little valued these days, but these components are an essential part of a complete PC experience. Virtual or on-screen keyboards are also important elements of computer operation, because only they can protect your social networks from hacking and protect your personal data of bank details or passports from intruders.

The virtual keyboard, which is also called the on-screen keyboard, was created to enter information by clicking on the characters with the cursor.

This great option for those who have original keyboard broken Or are you just afraid keyloggers, i.e. keyloggers.

Keylogging 10–15 years ago was extremely popular with cybercriminals.

Such software could read the data you enter, after which the attackers used credit cards the victim, hacked him mail and not only.

The on-screen version of the keyboard is able to partially replace the “full-fledged analogue”, but the keyboard shortcuts do not work here, since you can only press 1 button at a time.

Application search

First, let's find a program on the PC. Download the on-screen keyboard for windows 7 will be required only if the OS assembly that you have was created in artisanal conditions.

In other cases, it is already preinstalled in the system. It remains only to get there. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Quick search;
  2. Standard search.

Method 1

Process quick search uncommon. We press "Start", after which in the line "find programs and files" we prescribe either the full phrase, or just the word "screen".

2 results will be displayed. Select the one that is highlighted and activate the program.

Method 2

In the case of a standard search, we do almost the same. Click "Start" and click on "All Programs".

A lot of folders will be displayed. We are looking for the one that is called "standard".

Scroll the mouse slider down until you find the Accessibility folder.

Open it and find the desired keyboard. Click on the icon to launch the application.

If you use the program systematically, despite the working standard keyboard, then the activation process can be simplified. Again, there are 2 methods available:

1) desktop shortcut;

2) keyboard shortcut.

Method 1

We do all the same manipulations as in the second search method, but right-click on the desired shortcut. A context menu will appear.

We do the same as in the screenshot.

Now you have a shortcut that will allow you to launch the software much faster.

Method 2

We need program properties. We perform the same operations as in the second search method, and again we click with the right button instead of the left one.

Properties will be displayed. We are interested in the selected fragment. Instead of a combination, it should say "No".

To assign launch keys, simply press any button on your keyboard. Ctrl+Alt will be substituted automatically.

Note! Let's say you have selected Ctrl+Alt+B. We save the changes, and then simultaneously press this combination of buttons. If everything is done correctly, the on-screen keyboard is activated.

Startup and settings

Now you need to turn on the on-screen keyboard Windows 7. The procedure is described above. A standard set of buttons will appear, as on the material "analogue".

Some noticed that it is small, and there is also no digital block. All this changes in the parameters.

Here you can do the following:

1) sound alert pressing;

2) activation of the digital block;

3) button press method.

You can independently adjust the sounds when pressed. If you are annoyed by a characteristic click, uncheck the box.

Advice! If you do not want to click on the button with the mouse, switch to scanning. Use the slider to select the speed at which the program will read the position of the mouse cursor on the on-screen buttons. Point the arrow at a letter or number, wait from 0.5 to 2 seconds (depending on the settings) and move on to the next letter.

Switching the language on the on-screen keyboard is as easy as on the regular keyboard. The only difference is the order in which the buttons are pressed.

If on a mechanical device it was required to press Shift while holding Ctlr or Alt, then here is a different algorithm.

Suppose, in the settings, the combination Alt + Shift is responsible for switching. Activate the virtual assistant and click first on Alt and then on Shift. They must be white.

Then press Shift again. The buttons will change color to black, but the layout will become either English or Russian.

Windows 7 on-screen keyboard hotkeys are activated in the same way.

To, for example, use the combination Ctrl + Z (undo the action), press Ctrl, and then Z. Just do not forget to turn on the English layout.

Turn off screen Windows keyboard 7 is very simple. Click the "cross" in the upper right corner and that's it.

The virtual assistant for the on-screen keyboard is no different from the standard one. The buttons and other attributes are the same as on a regular keyboard.

On the one hand, screen projection will not replace a full-fledged keyboard, since the speed of writing is reduced by several orders of magnitude, and the algorithm for activating keyboard shortcuts leaves much to be desired.

Changing the layout is also implemented, as on a standard device, although developers could well add a separate button, as on mobile devices.

On the other hand, if you are not set up to systematically get your data into the hands of attackers or often spend time in an Internet cafe, then it is more advisable to use a virtual keyboard instead of a regular one, since its actions are not tracked.

And of course it's good alternative way work if you broke the main keyboard, but to buy new funds not yet enough.

You have to use what you have.

Of course, you can’t play games, but the main functionality is quite tolerable and suitable for most tasks.

On-Screen Keyboard in Windows 7

Data entry without using the keyboard. If suddenly your keyboard stops working, you can always use the on-screen keyboard.
