Information portal for schoolchildren. Electronic educational resources for elementary school

We all love our children and are concerned about their safety. No one will allow a child to walk alone in an unfamiliar area, but when a child is sitting at a computer in a cozy room, we are often calm for him and do not think about how dangerous it is to allow a child to surf the Internet on his own. Your children may end up on sites that are dangerous for them - these may be invitations to various sects, offers to try this or that drug, dubious acquaintances and dangerous ones that follow them. real meetings, questions about confidential data. Help your child find necessary information, direct it to smart sites.I bring to your attention a list of educational sites for younger students in different areas. Let's complete this list together.

portal for children
and loving adults ( )

Here you will find contests and quizzes, a virtual school for kids, games and cartoons. The project began as a monthly virtual children's magazine, over time it turned into a daily portal with exclusive content and its own target audience. Focused on senior preschool, junior and middle school age.

Main directions: all-round development of the child at home.

Megaencyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius.

Universal database for all branches of knowledge (

More than 10 thematic encyclopedias, 75 thousand articles, 30 thousand illustrations. Sections: "Society", "Economics and Politics", "Countries, Continents, Oceans", "Animals and Plants", "History", "Art and Literature", "Science", etc. Search by subject headings and keywords . ( .

This site is for people ages 6 and up who are related to elementary school. For children, this is a safe platform where you can learn something interesting, create something new, play smart games, and communicate with peers.

Smarties and smarties

Internet project for smart people. Here you can ask any (!) questions to the author and host of the program "Clever and Smart" and get an answer from him PERSONALLY! ( ) .

« Read on»

- children's fairy tale magazine ( ) . Focused on senior preschool and primary school age.

Main directions: children's fiction, poems for children, games for children (including didactic, mobile), manual labor

Portal " Diary RU» ( ) , in fact, social network for schools. Here you can look into the electronic diary, find out the lesson schedule or homework. The site has its own library, media library, dictionaries and an online translator.

"Unbelievable but true!"(

From the name of the site it is clear that the site contains a lot of amazing and informative information. The materials of the site will be of interest to both children and adults. Moreover, the site has the most interesting quizzes, through which you can test your erudition. Pros: The site is recommended for children as a resource for out-of-school education, and for adults to broaden their horizons.

Portal "Do you know that?» ( is a resource that contains interesting, as well as little-known facts about various events in life and the world. The site will be of interest to visitors of all ages. Pros: The site is constantly updated.

  • Basket of fairy tales ( . On the site you can find the full texts of fairy tales, both folk and literary, poems for children, songs from cartoons, information about some fairy tale writers.
  • Fairy tale( . The site contains the full texts of 7015 folk and literary tales, myths and legends from different countries. Fairy tales for the youngest readers and fairy tales for adults are highlighted. Convenient search allows you to find a fairy tale by nationality or by author.
  • Video lessons for schoolchildren ( ). A learning portal containing a collection of video tutorials in free, open access for children of school age from 1 to 11 classes. The site is intended for both children and adults. Schoolchildren can improve their knowledge, learn interactively, teachers can attend “open classes” of their colleagues, parents can find out what and how their children are taught.
    It's great that useful and necessary resources for children are increasingly appearing on the Internet.

It is no longer possible to abandon the Internet, to remove it from our lives, it has become firmly established in our daily life, in the educational process. For inquisitive children and responsible adults, multimedia resources have a great educational and educational potential.

Online platform for preparing for the exam using innovative technologies

At Maximum, classes with a teacher are held in any format convenient for the student: training center with webinars, in an online group or online one-on-one. In the classroom, the teacher will teach all the necessary theory, show the USE traps and life hacks, and teach you the best methods for solving problems.

Official informational portal Unified State Exam

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science. Basic information about the exam, the schedule of the exam, information materials on the exam

Check USE results -

GIA official website

Official information portal of the State Final Attestation

Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science. Basic information about the GIA, methodological documents, demo options GIA

FIPI official website

Website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (developer of the USE).

Materials for the Unified State Examination, demos, specifications and codifiers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam in all subjects.

Federal portal "Russian education

Actual news, announcements of events, information for students and their parents, applicants, students and teachers.

Official site "TRP"

Official website of the program "Ready for Labor and Defense" is an official website that allows everyone to get all the necessary information regarding the testing of the Ready for Labor and Defense complex.

TRP standards for schoolchildren -

Service for preparing for the exam

Yandex USE is a service for self-preparation for final school exams - the USE (Unified State Exam for Graduates of Grades 11) and GIA (State Final Attestation after graduating from 9 grades).

Options for the OGE and USE in various subjects and online courses to prepare for exams on Yandex.USE.

Rent GIA

Educational portal

On the site I will hand over the GIA: news of education and advice on solving tasks, questions and answers for preparing for exams, thousands of tasks with solutions for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the OGE in all subjects, a test system for preparing and self-preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE.

There are catalogs of prototypes of exam tasks with solutions, a system of test-simulators for preparing for exams. The teacher can generate tests on his own and evaluate the results of students.

I will solve the exam

Exam preparation education portal

The Reshu USE resource is almost entirely devoted to the unified state exam. This is one of the best platforms to help graduates of Russian schools prepare for the USE.

The site has a large number of tasks and options. There is the possibility of teacher control over the actions of students.

School Knowledge

Service for schoolchildren

"" - school homework

School is a social learning service that redefines how students find solutions online. The service combines a social network and school knowledge, schoolchildren learn how to organize a personal knowledge base, filter and select information that is useful to them. A collection of ready-made homework in school subjects is presented: algebra, history, chemistry, etc. Possibility to ask your own question homework. Thousands of students exchange ideas, problems, help each other solve problems and learn.

Unified collection of digital educational resources

Federal educational resource

The purpose of the Collection is to provide access to a complete set of modern learning tools designed for teaching and learning various academic disciplines in accordance with state educational standards for primary and secondary education.

Currently, the Collection hosts more than 111,000 digital educational resources in almost all subjects of the core curriculum.

The Collection contains sets of digital resources for a large number of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in Russian schools, innovative educational and methodological developments, various thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and educational materials.

Portal for applicants and their parents is a portal dedicated to final exams and admission to universities.

Here you will find information about final exams, you can take free online tests for the Unified State Examination and the OGE, learn about education systems in different countries, scholarships and opportunities free education. The main audience is schoolchildren and their parents who are interested in receiving prompt and up-to-date information on educational topics.

Educational portal is a collection of lessons in the main subjects of the school curriculum, constantly updated and free of advertising. Lessons consist of videos, notes, tests and simulators.

The site contains almost all the lessons of the natural science cycle for grades 1-11 and about half of the lessons in the humanities.

Educational resource for students and teachers

The GetAClass portal is an educational resource in physics and mathematics (possibly in the future in other subjects) for schoolchildren and teachers.

GetAClass offers students:
Interesting and understandable video lessons in physics and mathematics;
Abstracts with the most important for each video lesson;
Simulators for teaching problem solving.

For teachers, GetAClass has:
Interesting and understandable video lessons and other teaching materials on physics and mathematics that can be used to prepare and conduct lessons at school;
Tools for compiling online assignments for their students and for online checking the level of their knowledge;
A large number of tasks in physics, including tasks for the OGE and the Unified State Examination.
In addition to video lectures and the ability to test knowledge of the studied material, GetAClass users are offered a short summary of each lecture.

Educational Internet resource

YaKlass is an educational Internet resource for schoolchildren, teachers and parents.

YaKlass helps the teacher to test students' knowledge, set homework in electronic form.
For a student, this is a database of electronic workbooks and an endless simulator for the school curriculum.
The platform contains a large number of interactive tasks in different subjects for different ages. All of them are also reprinted texts of problems from textbooks.

Children and science

Courses according to the school curriculum with deepening and expansion

E-courses based on the best teaching experience. Video lessons are presented with the participation of teachers of the Moscow school "Intellectual", university teachers and scientists.

Educational project is one of the most popular educational projects on the Russian Internet.

In the Allbest knowledge base: the best student, scientific and school work. One of the main sections of the resource: global network abstracts. Useful for high school students.

Digital library

The site has ready-made homework assignments for various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.

Educational portal was created to help schoolchildren who want to understand a topic of interest to them; parents who want to help their children learn lessons; and teachers as an additional resource that can be used in the educational process.

The site contains a large library of author's video lessons of television quality, created by an experienced team of educators, methodologists, psychologists and television specialists. All video lessons are adapted for comfortable and complete perception by schoolchildren.

Resources for school subjects

Resources to help students study individual school subjects and prepare for subject-specific exams

school mathematics

Math lessons

On information resource lessons are presented in the following areas: mathematics elementary school; mathematics grade 5; mathematics grade 6; algebra grade 7; algebra high school.

Physics lessons

Club for physics teachers, students in grades 7-9 and their parents

Restrictive chemistry

Interactive multimedia tutorial

The textbook is intended for high school and college students for information and communication support for the study of organic chemistry. May be useful for high school graduates educational institutions for systematization and deepening of knowledge in preparation for the Unified State Examination in chemistry, for students starting the study of organic chemistry at the university, as well as for teachers.

The site presents essays, brief contents of works, biographies of authors.

Analysis of literary works

The site contains essays, articles, poems, literary works, information about the authors.


Journal of Russian Language and Literature

Internet magazine is the publication of relevant and valuable texts, articles, dictionaries on the Russian language and literature online on the Internet, interesting materials on linguistics, domestic and foreign literature, as well as methods of teaching language and literature in schools and universities.

The Internet journal Textology aims to provide interesting and useful materials on literature, the Russian language and linguistics for everyone who studies philological disciplines or is simply fond of literature and linguistics.

The portal can be useful for schoolchildren, students, teachers and lovers of philology

Statement Library

Briefly - a large library of summaries in Russian.

Over 2,000 retellings of literary works, from ancient manuscripts to contemporary bestsellers. On average, a summary of a book is read in 10-15 minutes.

Preparation for the exam in literature and final essay

The whole theory of the school literature course is presented in tables and diagrams

Summary of works and biographies of authors

Essays and essays on Russian and world literature of our mighty, beautiful Russian language - this is the main idea and idea of ​​the site.

Russian language rules

Spelling and punctuation

A reference site that contains grammar rules for the Russian language.

Are you taking the exam? Feel free to go to this youtube channel Yandex.Enlightenment. You will find all topics and tasks from KIM. In addition to theory, teachers analyze the test itself. To explain their decision, several methods are given, even analogies. In general, all students who have any difficulties can seek help here. They will definitely find a video analysis suitable for them and solve their difficulties.


Video channel Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

Video consultations on preparation for the USE from the leaders and members of the federal commissions for the development of the KIM USE, experts from regional subject commissions, school teachers.

Artur Sharifov's channel

Artur Sharifov's channel for preparing for the exam

There are many lessons in mathematical disciplines.

The author professionally analyzes tasks for the OGE and the USE, explains trigonometry, arithmetic progression, functions, even touches on the beginning of the analysis. There is a series of videos on preparing for the exam in mathematics. On complex topics, separate videos with a detailed analysis were recorded.

Channel “Time to study Courses”

Youtube channel "Time to study Courses" for preparing for the exam in mathematics and physics

One of the best video tutorials on the Runet for schoolchildren in preparation for the Unified State Examination and the GIA. The lessons are divided into thematic playlists, which coincide with the chapters from the OGE and USE specifications.

Videos are designed for any level of knowledge, since all information is given in a simple and understandable language, and all terms are explained. Lessons are taught by professional teachers, so each video is clearly structured and contains only the most necessary tips and comments on assignments.

Victor Osipov channel

The videos cover the criteria, algorithms and secrets of the solutions, which are mainly related to the last questions of the test.

Channel “Russian Language 5 stars”

Channel on Yotube "Russian Language 5 stars" in preparation for the exam in Russian

The main direction of the resource is the Russian language and the final essay.

The presenter of the channel talks about what problems may occur in the texts of the exam, what literary works and episodes from them should be used. Examples of works, analysis of the main problems and topics of the essay are given. Attention is also paid to the basic rules of the Russian language: spelling, spelling, punctuation.

Official sites of Olympiads for schoolchildren

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Official website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is a mass annual event for working with gifted schoolchildren in the system of Russian education.

This system covers 24 subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement educational programs of basic general and secondary general education.

Methodical site of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

To form a unified network methodological environment of the Higher School of Education in Russia, the Methodological website of the Higher School of Education is working.

The site is intended for operational consultative and methodological interaction between the heads of the Central and Regional subject-methodological commissions on the issues of conducting all stages of the Higher School of Education.

Russian Council of School Olympiads

Website of the Russian Council of School Olympiads

The Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren forms the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the current academic year, together with the Ministry of Education and Science determines the policy for organizing and holding Olympiads for schoolchildren, and also, together with state authorities, monitors and supervises the quality of holding Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the List.

Find a tutor, teacher for additional classes

Services and platforms for finding school tutors: tutors in mathematics, tutors in the Russian language, tutors in English language, USE tutors and other tutors.

Your tutor

Community of tutors

Your tutor is a professional community of private tutors, uniting more than 250 thousand teachers.

On the site you can read the questionnaires of teachers and choose those who suit you, or ask for advice and they will recommend you best options.
Consultations and selection of a suitable tutor for you are free of charge. You pay only the lessons themselves directly to the teacher.

Highest mark

Platform for finding specialists

Top Point is a convenient platform for finding private specialists. The service offers its services in almost any city in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.


Online tutors

Tetrika is a service for preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in school subjects and learning English.

Tutors will help you adequately pass the exam in order to enter the budget of the chosen university, improve grades, fill gaps in knowledge if you missed classes or did not understand the material.

In we told you about educational channels onYouTube which are interesting for both children and adults. But the possibilities of the Internet are not limited to this, and today we are publishing a selection of 10 educational resources that will help you master the school curriculum, deepen your knowledge in various subjects, replace a tutor, inspire both a teacher, a student, and a parent, and most importantly - from them by the ears you can’t pull it off, it’s so interesting and exciting! (And useful, of course!)


A unique resource, which is interesting and fun to learn for the youngest students - students in grades 1-4 and preschoolers!

The platform, which Ivan Kolomoets and Yevgeny Milyutin came up with in 2012, was at first mathematical, but now it has Russian, English, and the world around it, and mathematics for schoolchildren is from grades 1 to 9. You can choose a free standard account and complete 20 tasks per day, you can pay for a premium account and do much more. The idea of ​​the creators is that on this platform, the child builds an individual learning trajectory - “flipping through the pages” and going further will not work until you understand the material. Colorful design, funny tricks, ordinary tasks in an unusual presentation, competitions make the resource meaningful and useful.

  1. Phet. interactive Simulations

We have not remembered for a long time what the aggregate states of matter are, the multiplication table is associated with the back cover of a mathematics notebook, and suddenly these topics appear in our children's textbooks, and in our heads there is lightness and an attempt to put together fragmentary memories.

Scientists and methodologists decided to help children and adults, and best help- it's visibility. So the so-called online training simulators appeared on the Internet. The website of the University of Colorado gives an amazing opportunity to observe how substances change states of aggregation, look at the multiplication table in color and recall many topics from physics and chemistry, including simulation videos. Moreover, the choice of languages ​​delights - from English and Russian to Vietnamese!

  1. "Education in Russian"

On the portal, the development and content of which has been supervised for several years by the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, a variety of courses for people of all ages and interests. Here you can learn Russian (if you live abroad, your child can learn Russian with the same Smeshariki), prepare for the Unified State Examination, learn about PR technologies and space biology. For each course, the required level of knowledge is indicated, the videos themselves are small, but they are presented by the best scientists and specialists. More than 100 courses - both humanities and exact and natural sciences.

  1. Internet lesson

Did the lesson get sick, didn’t understand the topic, or is it just interesting to hear another point of view on the work that is now being studied in the literature lesson? Do you want to test your strength, or jump ahead and listen to what will happen next? The Internet lesson platform helps a lot in this. Short (7-8 minute) video lessons on the topics of the school curriculum are presented by different teachers, supported by texts and tests.

In addition, the site has something for parents to watch: video lectures on child psychology and health, stories about what a game is and why children need it. There is also a wonderful section “Scientists for Children” on the site. There are also lectures for schoolchildren, but, for example, the section "Mathematics for the Humanities" will be useful for older students, for students, and for those who missed something in mathematics at school. You can even choose a class for yourself and study according to the program that the site builds. Some content is free, some is available paid subscription(for example, exercise equipment), but the prices are quite affordable.

  1. gifted children

Although there are only 15 videos on this site, it's still worth checking out. And not only to look, but also to look regularly. It's easy for kids to find time for 10-15 minute video lectures in which experts in design, PR, contemporary art and other humanitarian areas talk about these specialties and their place in the modern world. It can be said that this project is a kind of vocational guidance manual. And adults would also be happy to participate in the competitions of this portal.

  1. Khan Academy

Everyone probably heard about Khan Academy, but not everyone got their hands on this site. But you won't regret visiting it. Salman Khan, teaching mathematics to his relatives, did not think that he home help will become a huge educational project, which will have a place for a variety of courses and where everyone from elementary school students to adults will find the necessary subjects. Entering the main platform of the site, you will read: “Free. For all. Forever".

And the Russian version will pleasantly surprise you with an excellent high-quality selection of materials in Russian. Learning is insanely exciting - here you should not forget about other things!

  1. Lectorium

The educational project "Lectorium" is a great chance for students and adults to find out what flashed past and disappeared in the fog of school or student days. One would like to say that everything is here - and it seems that everything is true, from anthropology to linguistics, from energy to urban studies. There are also paid courses, but the main content is free.

  1. Universarium

Education should be free and accessible, say the creators of the Universarium platform - and they offer a convenient course structure, individual training programs and a myriad of courses, not only for adults, but also for children.

  1. Coursera

Previously, Coursera was considered a resource that only makes sense to enter with a good knowledge of the English language. However, Russian universities and courses in Russian have appeared here for a long time. The main thing is the word "courses": here it will not be possible to "get off" quick view interesting video. Coursera users receive full weekly training and, with extra effort, can earn a certificate that is increasingly recognized as official professional development. However, maybe someone doesn’t really need to improve their qualifications, but knowledge is needed. And a systematic, competent course from Coursera can come in handy.

The art of learning

35 sites with which the school curriculum will become easier and more interesting

It doesn't matter whether you decide to educate your child on your own by choosing a family education, or send it to a school, lyceum or gymnasium, study assistants are never superfluous. We have selected 35 sites with which the study of the school curriculum will become a real holiday for both the child and the parents.

1. is a real storehouse, there are video lessons, simulators and tests for all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.

2. - a stunningly beautiful program that simulates a planetarium. Indispensable for anyone interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school curriculum.

You can search for nebulae and galaxies on this site for hours.

3. - the site has ready-made homework in various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
4. - "high-speed" English lessons for beginners.
5. is 2000 works of the school curriculum in a summary.
6. - an interactive service for learning English. There is free and extended paid access (the cost for a year is comparable to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
7. - a large online children's library that contains the texts of program works on literature from grades 1 to 11.

On the portal you can read software works online

8. - a huge reference and information portal on the rules and complexities of the Russian language.
9. - a portal that contains links to useful resources, books and texts in all subjects of the school curriculum.

On the site you can find textbooks and assignments in many school subjects.

10. - an interesting service for learning English for students of varying degrees of preparation.
11. - a site with a huge number of biographies of writers, summaries and full texts of literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
12. - mathematics program from 1st to 11th grade, preparation for exams in the subject and ready-made homework.
13. - online solver and calculator with solutions of examples and equations in mathematics of varying complexity.
14. - textbooks, problem books, laboratory works and tests in physics for students in grades 7-9 and physics teachers.
15. - project of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Lectures on physics and separate section for schoolchildren "Popular about science".
16. - collection of publications in chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, developed, among other things, at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
17. - interactive multimedia textbook on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. - electronic training course"Open Biology" with division into areas "Botany", "Zoology", "Human", " General biology"and" Ecology.
19. - a mega-encyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. is a national project that collects author's developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects.
21. - an educational portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books on various subjects.
22. - universal popular science online encyclopedia.
23. - universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. - electronic library of non-fiction
25. is an online platform where students learn school subjects in an interactive and fun way. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and archives of already held Olympiads are stored.
26. - interesting quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English for children aged 5-10.

Pixelmania is one of the most interesting tasks on the site, children can do it for a long time.

27. - collection of lessons elementary school from grades 1 to 4 in mathematics, Russian, the world around us and literacy. Access is paid, but the cost for a year does not exceed a thousand rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining questions and problems in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, art history, linguistics.
30. - free educational videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
31. - online school from 5th to 11th grade. The resource has preparation for the OGE, USE and Olympiads.
32. - Internet circles and Olympiads in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and science subjects for students in grades 1-9. Access is paid.
33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
34. - math service for students in grades 5-11. Detailed discussion of topics and step by step solution tasks.
35. - online translator from a dozen languages, as well as grammar for English, German and French.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter is a gift.

Children's safe sites

How to make internet browsing safe for kids.

"The child is at home, at the computer, which means that everything is in order, he is safe." Many parents think so. And they are wrong.

Through computer monitors, threats fall on them by no means less.

Potential Dangers of Children Accessing the Internet Unacceptable materials.

On the Internet, a child may come across materials that encourage dangerous or illegal activities.

A child can be tricked into knowing your credit card number. Children and even teenagers can be coaxed into revealing personal information such as the child's first and last name, address, age, gender, and family information can easily become known to an attacker.

Parental control this name special programs, which allow you to configure the work settings specific user at computer. In particular, you can block access to sites with certain content, limit the amount of time you spend on your computer, and so on.

Encourage children to share their online experiences with you. Go online with your kids. Teach your kids to trust their intuition. If they are concerned about something on the Internet, they should let you know. Explain to the children that the difference between right and wrong is the same, both on the Internet and in real life.

Rules for adults:

Rule 1. Be careful what your kids do on the World Wide Web

Rule 2 Educate your child about the opportunities and dangers of the Web

Rule 3. Choose a convenient form of monitoring the child's stay on the Web

rule4. Level up regularly computer literacy to know how to keep children safe

Basic Rules for a SAFE INTERNET

You should know this:

When registering on sites, try not to provide personal information, as it may be available to strangers. Also, it is not recommended to post your photo, thereby giving an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you look to strangers.

Use the webcam only when chatting with friends. Make sure that strangers do not have the opportunity to see your conversation, as it may be recorded. Unwanted emails from strangers are called "Spam". If you receive such a letter, do not reply to it. If you reply to such an email, the sender will know that you are using your email address. mailbox and will continue to send you spam.

If you receive a message from an unknown address, it is better not to open it. Such emails may contain viruses. If you receive letters with unpleasant and offensive content, if someone behaves inappropriately towards you, report it. If someone upsets or offends you, tell an adult.

Children's safe sites
Solnyshko: Daily informative and entertaining portal for children, parents and teachers
Yummy: Everything for children and their parents: nutrition, recipes, development, education, articles, psychology, riddles, names, children's horoscope, holidays. And also: coloring books, cartoons, games, music, photo frames.
Leon4ik: Portal for children and parents, kindergarten teachers. Methodological materials, teaching aids, articles and notes for parents and educators, cartoons, fairy tales, poems, coloring books, educational literature, author's creations and much more.
Visiting Otik: A new site for children and teenagers with the robot Otik. It is specially created to answer your questions, communicate with you online. Come to the robot Otik, you won't be bored. And the fact that the site has various sections, useful and interesting, the Otik robot keeps a secret from adults. And why talk about it, the site is for children!
Everything for your kids
Living planet-zooportal
Children's educational games, lessons, crafts
Forum for children and teenagers. Games and entertainment on the forum. Communication with children from all over the world.
Site for children of mothers and fathers.
Multik.Ru - all about cartoons: news, cartoon forum, screenshots from cartoons, interesting things and usefulness, links and much more
Children's MP3, poster, poems, songs, fairy tales
Collection of fairy tales
Basket of fairy tales - Children's electronic library - children's fairy tales, stories, poems and songs. Free e-books for children
Children's page: Children about the Universe, planet Earth, plants and animals
Youth entertainment forum
Children's magazine "Gnome"
Website for girls
Shishkin forest? The site "Shishkin Les" is an Internet version of the television program of the same name for children. Here you can read, play, draw and, of course, watch programs with your favorite characters - the inhabitants of the Shishkino Les - with the whole family.
At Aunt Owl's: Educational and entertainment online club for children and parents At Aunt Owl's
The children's site ( is a site for children aged 8-14, the only weekly Russian-language online magazine for schoolchildren, published with state support from the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.
Portal for children and their parents. The site contains a lot of material for the development and safe leisure of children. Our site is constantly updated with new fairy tales, cartoons, coloring books, games, jokes, funny pictures, poems.
Chudesenka - a site for children and parents. Here you can listen and learn songs, collected materials for creativity, coloring books, many online games, holiday scenarios, children's news and articles for parents.
All the most interesting on the children's site video, music, news, games for boys, games for girls and other children's games.
TYRNET: one of the few children's resources on the Internet, completely dedicated to solving the problems of the usefulness, safety and fun of the Internet for children
Portal for children and teenagers
Bibigosha: Internet portal for children
Catalog of children's resources
Children's site. Magic coloring, puzzles, find 10 differences, children's chat, children's drawings, etc.
This site was created to help you overcome the problems associated with raising children. The site is divided into sections - in order to make it easier for you to navigate and find necessary material for all periods of child development from pregnancy to adulthood. There is also a forum where you can chat, argue and find answers to non-standard questions that arise in non-standard situations.

Information provided by

Safe Kids Browser

This collection contains only proven, fun, interesting and useful sites for children and parents. (

  • Smeshariki
  • Sun
  • planet of fairy tales
  • gnome
  • Basket of fairy tales
  • Children's riddles
  • Children-online
  • Our Philippok
  • Let's play!
  • Everything for children
  • Download coloring pages
  • Rebziki
  • Karusel-TV
  • Miraculous
  • Bonfire
  • Teremok
  • Games for girls online
  • Child's world
  • Klepa
  • Children's Radio
  • Barbariki
  • Children's Playroom
  • Murzilka
  • Gudgeon
  • Marusya
  • fairy forest

List of safe sites for kids Center Safe Internet in Russia. The site is dedicated to the problem of safe, correct and comfortable work on the Internet. More specifically, he deals with Internet threats and effective countermeasures against them against users. The Center was established in 2008 under the name "National Internet Security Node in Russia". / - Friendly Runet Foundation. The main goal of the Fund is to promote the development of the Internet as a favorable environment, friendly to all users. The Foundation supports projects related to the safe use of the Internet, assists Russian users, public organizations, commercial companies and government departments in countering the circulation of illegal content, as well as in countering other anti-social actions on the Web. The Friendly Runet Foundation is implementing a comprehensive strategy in Russia in the field of safe use the Internet. The main projects of the Foundation are: Hotline for receiving reports of illegal content, a specialized help line for children "Children Online" and educational projects. - Help line "Children online". Providing psychological and practical assistance to children and adolescents who have encountered a danger or negative situation while using the Internet or mobile communication. Helpline "Children Online" is the first and only project of this kind in Russia and is being implemented as part of the Year of the Safer Internet in Russia. Company Microsoft posted on his website a lot useful information on the safety of children on the Internet. The notes and tips below will help you keep your children safe, whether they use the Internet to find information, develop school projects, play games, or chat with friends. By watching these videos, you can increase your knowledge of the basic security issues that apply to you as a home user. - ON-land is a safe web country. This site provides materials for children, their parents and teachers - interactive scenarios, short tests, ready-made lesson plans - thanks to which children can learn the basics safe work in the Internet. The site offers clear, practical information on Internet security, having studied which even novice users will be able to effectively use network resources and protect themselves from inappropriate content. - Webkinz is a global social network for children that is completely safe and offers the possibility of social adaptation to adulthood. Community members can become owners of soft toys of the same name, which carry secret code to access the site. - Internet filter for children. Internet censor. The "Internet Censor" program is designed to prevent visiting sites that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as any sites of a destructive nature by persons under 18 years of age. "Internet Censor" provides parents with full control over their children's online activities. "Internet Censor" is distributed free of charge, very easy to use and well protected from being deleted by a child. - Children's Internet adapted for young children and their parents, as well as for teenagers; it provides an opportunity not only to play, but also to learn programming in an innovative computer environment Scratch; create computer games aimed at the smallest users; actively deals with the problem of quality computer games and sites for children. and - electronic course of the program "Health and safety of children in the world of computer technologies and the Internet". The program is a 72-hour course consisting of 6 modules. Each program module provides detailed description and recommendations for keeping children safe on the computer and the Internet, as well as an extensive list of further reading and web links. In addition, the program contains a voluminous application, which includes diagnostic tests, descriptions of exercises, as well as various texts recommended for use in the process of mastering it. A feature of the program is also the fact that each of its modules can be used both separately and in combination with other advanced training programs. social project for the protection of children's rights "Do Not Allow" - a social project for the protection of children from abduction, sexual exploitation and abuse has been implemented since August 2009. Project organizers: Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, ROCIT (Regional Public Organization "Center of Internet Technologies"), Interregional human rights public organization "Resistance". The site "Child Psychology for Parents" was created by order of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and is an Internet project of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The purpose of the project is the psychological and pedagogical education of parents on age-related problems of education, upbringing and development of children, as well as the prevention of violations of personal development. Journal "Health of schoolchildren" Monthly magazine "Health of Schoolchildren" is a project of the ICFER Publishing House, which publishes 25 professional journals of federal significance with a circulation of 250 thousand copies per month and up to 100 titles of books annually with a total circulation of about 300 thousand copies. Schoolchildren's Health is a new journal about the psychology of growing up and the physical development of children, about the possibilities of modern medicine, about the relationship between parents, children and teachers, about leisure and a healthy lifestyle. The magazine is aimed at a wide range of readers, and in the first place, at parents of school-age children. - "Big break" site for schoolchildren and their parents - "Tvidi" - children's portal-social network: games, communication, diaries, photos and video materials. - "Country of Friends": children's social network: communication, music, photo albums, games, news. - Smeshariki: entertainment social network: games, music, cartoons. - "Sun": children's portal. Developing, educational games for the little ones and many more interesting things for parents. - "1001 fairy tales". On the site you can download audio files - fairy tales, audio books - learn, play, develop! - Pioneer pages about friendship, friends and comrades. - The school "Know-it-all" blog - these are news feeds on all school subjects, virtual excursions, psychological and legal advice on problems at school and on the street, educational videos, reviews the best resources World Wide Web.

http://www. teenclub. ru / - "Teen club" - a portal for teenagers. All in one place: essays, essays, horoscopes, jokes, news, education, love, gaming news, health, fashion, style, dating, ads, forums, chat, website promotion, design and much more. - Country of the best sites for children.
