Simple rules of safe work on the Internet! You should know it! Basic Internet Security Rules Forum rules for safe Internet browsing.

| Personal security on the Internet

Lesson 33
Personal security on the Internet

Memo on the safety of schoolchildren on the Internet

From the blog of Tatyana Vladimirovna Orlova

Every year there are more young people on the Internet, and schoolchildren are among the most active users Runet. Meanwhile, in addition to a huge number of opportunities, the Internet also brings problems. This memo is to help you stay safe online.

Computer viruses

Computer virus- is a variety computer programs, distinctive feature which is the ability to reproduce. In addition to this, viruses can damage or completely destroy all files and data controlled by the user on whose behalf the infected program was launched, as well as damage or even destroy the operating system with all files in general. In most cases, viruses are spread via the Internet.

Methods of protection against malware:

Use modern operating systems with a serious level of protection against malware;
Constantly install patches (digital patches that are automatically installed in order to improve the program) and other updates to your operating system. Download them only from the official website of the OS developer. If there is a mode automatic update, turn it on;
Restrict physical access to the computer for unauthorized persons;
use external media information, such as a flash drive, disk or file from the Internet, only from qualified sources;
Work on your computer as a user, not an administrator. This will prevent most malware from installing on your personal computer;
Use antivirus software products well-known manufacturers, with automatic database updates;
Do not open computer files obtained from unreliable sources. Even those files that your friend sent. Better ask him if he sent them to you.

WI-FI networks

WiFi- this is not a type of data transmission, not a technology, but just a brand, a brand. Back in 1991, the Dutch company registered the brand "WECA", which meant the phrase "Wireless Fidelity", which translates as "wireless precision". Another abbreviation has reached our time, which is the same technology. It is an abbreviation for Wi-Fi. This name was given with an allusion to the Hi-Fi standard of the highest sound technology, which means “high fidelity” in translation.

Yes, free Internet access in cafes, hotels and airports is a great opportunity to get online. But many experts believe that public Wi-Fi networks are not secure.

Security Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi Networks:

Do not share your personal information over public Wi-Fi networks. When working in them, it is advisable not to enter access passwords, logins and some numbers;
Use and update your antivirus software and firewall. Thus, you will protect yourself from downloading a virus to your device;
At using Wi-Fi Turn off the "File and Printer Sharing" feature. This function closed by default, but some users activate it for ease of use at work or school;
Don't use public WI-FI for the transmission of personal data, for example, to access social networks or e-mail;
Use only a secure connection via HTTPS, not HTTP, ie. when typing a web address, enter exactly “https://”;
Turn off "Connect to Wi-Fi automatically" on your mobile phone. Prevent the device from automatically connecting to WiFi networks without your consent.

Social networks are actively entering our lives, many people work and live there permanently, and a billion people are already registered on Facebook, which is one seventh of all the inhabitants of the planet. Many users do not realize that the information they post on social networks can be found and used by anyone, including not necessarily with good intentions.

Limit your friends list. You should not have random and unfamiliar people in your friends;
Protect your privacy. Do not provide passwords, phone numbers, addresses, your date of birth or other personal information. Attackers can even use information about how you and your parents plan to spend your holidays;
Protect your reputation - keep it clean and ask yourself: would you like other users to see what you upload? Think before you post, write and upload;
If you are talking to people you do not know, do not use your real name and other personal information: name, place of residence, place of study, etc.;
Avoid posting photos on the Internet that show you in an area that can be used to determine your location;
When registering on a social network, you must use complex passwords consisting of letters and numbers and with at least 8 characters;
You must use different passwords for the social network, mail, and other sites. Then if you get hacked, then the attackers will get access to only one place, and not all at once.

Electronic money

Electronic money- this is a very convenient payment method, but there are scammers who want to get this money.

Electronic money appeared quite recently and it is because of this that in many states it is still not spelled out about them in the laws. In Russia, they function and they are already spelled out in the law, where they are divided into several types - anonymous and not anonymous. The difference is that anonymous ones are those in which transactions are allowed without user identification, while in non-anonymous user identification is mandatory.

It is also necessary to distinguish between electronic fiat money (equal to state currencies) and electronic non-fiat money (not equal to state currencies).

Basic tips for safe work with electronic money:

Link your mobile phone to your account. This is the most convenient and fast way restore access to the account. The linked phone will help if you forget your payment password or access the site from an unfamiliar device;
Use one-time passwords. After switching to enhanced authorization, you will no longer be in danger of theft or interception of your payment password;
Choose complex password. It will not be easy for criminals to guess a complex password. Strong passwords are passwords that are at least 8 characters long and include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and multiple symbols such as the dollar sign, pound sign, Exclamation point etc. For example, $tR0ng!;;
Do not enter your personal data on sites you do not trust.


Email is a technology and the services it provides for sending and receiving electronic messages, which are distributed in computer network. Usually electronic mailbox looks like this: user_name@domain_name. Also, in addition to transferring plain text, it is possible to transfer files.

Basic email security tips:

You need to choose the right postal service. There is a huge selection of free email services on the Internet, but it is better to trust those you know and who are the first in the ranking;
Do not include personal information in personal mail. For example, it's better to select "music_fan@" or "rock2013" instead of "theme13";
Use two-step authorization. This is when, in addition to the password, you need to enter a code sent via SMS;
Choose a complex password. Each mailbox must have its own strong, hack-resistant password;
If there is an opportunity to write your own personal question, use this opportunity;
Use multiple mailboxes. The first one is for private correspondence with recipients you trust. This email address should not be used when registering on forums and websites;
Do not open files and other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. Better ask them if they sent you these files;
After finishing work on the mail service, before closing the tab with the site, do not forget to click on "Exit".

Cyberbullying or virtual bullying

Cyberbullying- harassment with messages containing insults, aggression, intimidation; hooliganism; social boycott through various Internet services.

Key tips for dealing with cyberbullying:

Don't jump into the fight. The best way: consult how to behave and, if there is no one to whom you can turn, then first calm down. If you begin to respond with insults for insults, you will only ignite the conflict even more;
Manage your cyber reputation;
Anonymity in the network imaginary. There are ways to find out who is behind an anonymous account;
You should not lead a hooligan image of a virtual life. The Internet captures all your actions and saves them. It will be extremely difficult to remove them;
Respect your virtual honor from a young age;
Ignore a single negative. One-time offensive messages are best ignored. Usually aggression stops at the initial stage;
Ban the aggressor. In instant messaging programs, social networks have the ability to block sending messages from certain addresses;
If you are a witness to cyberbullying. Your actions: to speak out against the stalker, show him that his actions are evaluated negatively, support the victim who needs psychological help, inform adults about the fact of aggressive behavior on the network.

Mobile phone

Modern smartphones and tablets contain quite adult functionality, and now they can compete with desktop computers. However, there are still very few means of protection for such devices. Testing and searching for vulnerabilities in them is not as intensive as for PCs, the same applies to mobile applications. Modern mobile browsers have almost caught up with their desktop counterparts, but the expansion of functionality entails more complexity and less security. Not all manufacturers release updates that cover critical vulnerabilities for their devices.

Basic tips for mobile phone security:

Nothing is truly free. Be careful, because when you are offered free content, it may contain some paid services;
Think before you send SMS, photo or video. Do you know exactly where they will end up?
You need to update the operating system of your smartphone;
Use anti-virus programs for mobile phones;
Don't download apps from unknown source because they may contain malicious software;
After you leave the site where you entered personal information, go to your browser settings and delete cookies;
Periodically check which paid services are activated on your number;
Give your mobile phone number only to people you know and trust;
Bluetooth must be turned off when you are not using it. Don't forget to check it sometimes.

Online games

Modern Online Games is a colorful, exciting entertainment that unites hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Players explore the world given to them, communicate with each other, complete tasks, fight monsters and gain experience. They pay for pleasure: they buy a disc, pay for a subscription, or purchase some options.

All these funds are spent on maintaining and developing the game, as well as on security itself: authorization systems are being improved, new patches are being released (digital patches for programs), server vulnerabilities are being closed. In such games, it is not so much your rivals that you should be afraid of, but the theft of your password, on which the authorization system of most games is based.

Basic tips for the security of your gaming account:

If another player behaves badly or creates trouble for you, block him in the list of players;
Complain to the game administrators about the bad behavior of this player, it is advisable to attach some evidence in the form of screenshots;
Do not provide personal information in the game profile;
Respect other participants in the game;
Do not install unofficial patches and mods;
Use complex and different passwords;
Even during the game, do not turn off the antivirus. While you are playing, your computer may be infected.

Phishing or identity theft

The usual theft of money and documents today is no surprise to anyone, but with the development of Internet technologies, attackers have moved to the Internet and continue to do their “favorite” business. So there was new threat: Internet fraud or phishing, the main purpose of which is to obtain confidential user data - logins and passwords. On the English language phishing reads like phishing (from fishing - fishing, password - password).

Top tips for fighting phishing:

Follow your account. If you suspect that your profile has been hacked, then you need to block it and inform the resource administrators about it as soon as possible;
Use secure websites, including online stores and search engines;
Use complex and different passwords. Thus, if you are hacked, then the attackers will have access to only one of your profiles on the network, and not to all;
If you have been hacked, then you need to warn all your friends who are added to your friends that you have been hacked and, possibly, spam and links to phishing sites will be sent on your behalf;
Set a strong password (PIN) on your mobile phone;
Disable password saving in the browser;
Do not open files and other attachments in emails, even if they come from your friends. Better check with them if they sent you these files.

Digital Reputation

Digital Reputation- this is negative or positive information on the network about you. Compromising information posted on the Internet can seriously affect your real life. "Digital reputation" is your image, which is formed from information about you on the Internet. Your place of residence, studies, your financial situation, character traits and stories about loved ones - all this accumulates in the network.

Many teens are reckless about posting personal information online, not understanding the potential repercussions. You will not even be able to guess that a photo posted 5 years ago was the reason for not hiring you.

The number of Internet users in Russia is growing every year, according to Mediascope for the period from October 2016 to March 2017, it increased by 2% and reached 87 million people, which indicates 71% of the total population of the country. At the same time, the goals of Internet users are diverse, communication in the social. networks, finding the right information, buying goods and services, selling goods and doing business.

At the same time, the number of cyber threats is also growing, with reports constantly popping up in the media about the theft of passwords from mailboxes numbering in the millions, the laying out of famous TV shows before the premiere (we are talking about the HBO series “Game of Thrones”), or interference in the elections of different countries (who does not aware Russian hackers helped Trump become President of the United States to rig voting data).

But the media only covers high-profile cyber attacks that give a great public response, bypassing everyday cybercrimes, which, according to experts, by 2018 can reach 2 trillion rubles in damages, which will affect the wallet of almost every tenth Runet user, because our users neglect elementary Internet safety rules.

To prevent users of our blog from falling into the number of these “bad” statistics, I have prepared 10 rules that must be observed and adhered to.

1. Strong password

The password is the basis of security, which most of the Runet users frankly neglect, using simple passwords or the same ones for all resources, mail, social networks, forums, and even personal accounts of payment systems.

And if large services care about the security of their users' data, then small forums, online trackers, online stores neglect this and become a tasty morsel for hackers, because when the database is hacked, they also get access to user mail, because they have a password for everything services are the same.

On the advice of experts, the password should consist of at least eight characters, including letters in different case, numbers and special characters in a chaotic order or in an order understandable only to the user.

Passwords must be different for key services, such as a mailbox, personal account of banking services, the main social network. If you have difficulty coming up with a password, use a password generator, for example,, but do not forget to write them down on paper so as not to forget.

    1Password (Mac, iOS, Android, Windows support)

    LastPass (Web, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows support)

    Dashlane (Web, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows)

    OneSafe (Mac, iOS, Android, Windows)

    iCloud Keychain (iOS, Mac)

    Splikity (iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

Do not forget to change passwords every three to six months, thereby reducing the risks of hacking, some services already have a forced password change, in certain periods, mainly social network and e-wallets.

2. Good antivirus

Do not rely on built-in protection, even if you have latest version Windows 10, experts advise installing third-party antiviruses, because they are more effective, since now there are plenty to choose from, including free versions, the most popular of which are:

    Avast Free Antivirus

    AVG Antivirus Free

    Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition

    Antivirus Kaspersky Free

    ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus+

  • Avira Free Antivirus

    Adaware Antivirus Free

    Comodo Antivirus

    Panda Free Antivirus

    Qihoo 360 Total Security

At the same time, do not forget about updates to both the operating system itself and third party applications, which are installed after a reboot. It is better if the Internet connection allows you to set the settings to autoload.

3. Connection security

One of the most important aspects of security when working on the Internet, as well as the safety of your login and password when working in various Internet services, is the use of an encrypted connection using the HTTPS protocol, which can be checked in the address bar, it is visually displayed as a padlock.

The presence or absence of this icon can signal to you that the site is secure, and also whether it is phishing, if, for example, you followed the link to Sberbank online, and ended up on an unprotected site with a similar name, as in the example in the screenshot below.

Therefore, pay attention to where you go, especially on links from SMS and messages from subscribers not from your circle or spam.

4. Binding to a phone number

Most major Internet services have additional security measures, one of which is linking your account to a mobile phone number, which is on this moment is considered the most secure of the available, for example, the same code word, which, in fact, is the second password.

This function is mainly used in online banking and e-wallets, because even if your login and password are taken over by attackers, it will be technically difficult to intercept SMS in order to complete the transaction or action they need. Therefore, mail services and social networks now also have the ability to link to a mobile number. What I strongly recommend to use immediately in order to secure your information as much as possible.

5. Avoid Pirates

It just so happened that in our country it is not customary to pay for someone else's intellectual work and the majority prefers not to buy software, but to download it for free from various torrent trackers or other similar resources. At the same time, not suspecting that more than 76% of such software has viruses, trojans and other malicious code, with the help of which not only steal confidential information about the user, but they can also use the device without the knowledge of the owner, for example, in hacker attacks or connect it to cryptocurrency mining.

In one unlicensed Windows XP alone, experts found up to 63 all kinds of viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious code. At the same time, when downloading and installing such a “pirate”, anti-virus programs do not see most of the malicious code, so if you still use unlicensed software, you are at risk.

6. Filter your information

With the advent social networks, publicity has become commonplace, many without thinking about the consequences openly share information that attackers can use for their own purposes, starting from the year and date of birth, full name, nicknames, ending with the nickname of their favorite dog, which, inappropriately, is also the password to Odnoklassniki.

The collection of information about the user is carried out to apply social engineering methods to him, when, based on the data, scammers can slip you a phishing site or send you an email from your boss (from a similar mailbox) with a link to a Trojan, which will subsequently result in certain damage or simply they will guess the password to your mailbox and from there to all the services where you are registered, and all because of the nickname of your favorite dog ...

7. Free Wi-Fi Danger

When using dots WiFi access in public places, be careful, although few people think about this and the word free Wi-Fi is delightful, it still increases the risk of losing your personal data.

Therefore, before connecting, make sure that the Wi-Fi network name (SSID) belongs to a valid source. Do not connect to random unsecured Wi-Fi networks. If possible, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPN allows you to work in a separate, secure private network, even with a public connection. Or you can use an app like Hotspot Shield that sets up the VPN automatically.

Compliance with the above rules will significantly reduce the risk of losing your personal data or reduce it to zero. But the main thing is to be more careful, because according to surveys, most users become victims of scammers due to their inattention.

For example, in an online survey conducted by Mail.Ru Group, which was attended by 1783 people aged 15 to 64 who live in cities with a population of over 100 thousand people and access the Internet at least once a week, users became victims of fraud for three reasons: they used simple passwords, they downloaded viruses, they switched to fraudulent sites.

Hello dear friends!

We use the Internet every day. Everyone is already accustomed to his existence, to the fact that he is.

This technological progress that has given us helps us stay up to date with all the events in the world, helps us find the information we need, watch movies online and a host of other benefits.

And the most important and important thing, in my opinion, is that with the help of special programs, we can be closer to each other, regardless of the distance.

It's all wonderful. But, the Internet is not as harmless at first glance as it might seem.

After all, no matter how you look at it, the Internet is a huge world, and not always only kind and honest people meet on the way.

There are enough evil trolls, and just not good people.

So let's talk a little today about how to make sure that our life on the Internet does not suddenly turn from a fun, carefree trip into a scary reality with elements of a horror movie from modern reality and subsequently, into a headache.

To do this, you need to develop habits and rules on the way to a safe Internet and understand:

There is even a holiday on the Internet - Safe Internet Day:

Safer Internet Day.

It has been celebrated since 2004. And it was created in order to draw the attention of users to this problem.

The Internet also has its own laws, but in general, chaos reigns here and there, in which it is very easy to get lost.

Complete security on the Internet, of course, is not realistic.

Write in the comments how you protect yourself on the Internet and whether you consider this problem relevant and I hope that mine will be useful to you:

Golden Rules for Internet Safety.


Sincerely, Larisa Mazurova.

If you want to increase the security of your online travels, then read the recommendations below, the implementation of which will help you avoid many problems associated with business or just surfing the Internet.

The main recommendations here are aimed at developing the ability to use passwords. If you are a more or less advanced user of a computer and the Internet (so, at an average level), then you probably have a list of passwords like the following.

List of typical passwords for any user

To your mailboxes(usually to two, three mailboxes);
-- To social media accounts(usually by two, three...);
-- To internet messenger accounts(they are also Internet pagers), such as ICQ (popularly Aska), QIP, Miranda, M-Agent, Skype, Yahoo and others (usually everyone has at least a "login / number" account in two or three of them ;
-- To the forums you're on(usually a person registers in 2-10 forums), and this is also a login and password for each forum;
-- To mailing services(usually two, three, where you are subscribed to mailing lists and where you can change settings - refuse or subscribe to mailing lists)
-- To affiliate program accounts(from one to dozens and even more) in which you participate as a partner (login/password is also used).
-- To your account in the electronic payment system(as well as passwords to the key file, to the wallet program itself, or to the operation of confirming the withdrawal of funds from the account, as well as the “secret key” itself to the settings of your wallets - if you yourself decide to set them up, for example, for premium payments on your site). Usually a user registers in two or more payment systems. And rightly so, because it gives more opportunities!
It turns out, on average, about 10-20 logins, and passwords, as a rule, are a third more! And I haven't listed everything. It is passwords that turn out to be the most vulnerable point in any security system - no one wants to remember 15 complex passwords, so they use their last name, changing the keyboard layout (they write in Russian, but in the English layout or vice versa), use the names of children and relatives as passwords, their mobile phone numbers, pet names, etc. - all these are completely naive and unreliable passwords, especially if they are repeated!

So, here they are very simple and very important recommendations, the value of which for you will increase in proportion to your income:

take it as seriously as possible
to the suggestions below!

1. The password exists only for you!

Never, under no circumstances neither I, nor any serious service (or service) will ask you to give any password, for example, a password to access your page affiliate program(to your personal account), to your mailbox, your bank card etc.! Consider any requests or demands of this kind as the actions of intruders or, at best, "jokers". Keep in mind that even if the request came by letter from supposedly my address or the address of your bank - do not believe it! The fact is that now it is quite easy to change the name and address of the sender of the letter.

The same goes for any email service (, new mail,, etc.) - never, none of them, under any circumstances, will ask you to transfer the password (including for allegedly solving problems with your mailbox).

Absolutely the same applies to electronic payment systems and any banks.(no matter where they are located): no bank, no payment system will ever send you a letter asking you to send a password, confirm online your plastic card number or its PIN code!!! There is a whole system of phishing (fake) and other methods of Internet fraud, the purpose of which is to gain access to your passwords from your accounts, credit cards, payment system accounts, etc. For example, you may receive a letter from a "supposedly bank" and following the link in this letter you will find yourself on the site of "supposedly this bank" (which will look the same as the real one), where you will be asked to enter your passwords... That's it. .. The only thing that can save you is the knowledge that no bank will ever ask you for this. If you have doubts about something, call the support service of your bank (by the number that you have recorded in advance) and ask - they will tell you everything and prompt you. Don't be shy, they work for people! Now, with the development of Internet banking, this is especially true. In addition, pay attention to the address in the address bar of the browser through which you open sites.

Moreover, more and more often any references to anything are excluded from real letters from payment systems or banks.(which is usually specially emphasized in such letters - for security purposes). If you received a letter from a "supposedly bank" or "supposedly a payment system" and they ask you to follow the link - do not do it (this way you can open the way for a special spyware or virus). Perhaps the only exception is the moment of registration / activation in the payment system, when you really need to follow the link in the letter received in your mailbox in order to activate the registration. But in this case (!) - you know in advance that such a letter will come to you and you know why it came to you (as a rule, it comes instantly at the time of registration). Treat any unexpected mail very carefully! You can't follow links in SPAM! In no case!!! If you are interested in something and you decide to follow the link, then it is better to type this link in the address bar of the browser manually (or copy it first to Notepad, and from it to the clipboard and to the address bar of the browser, but do not click on it with the mouse (this will save you from hidden link substitution).

2. Store passwords in a paper notebook or in a special reliable program!

Never (!) in no form (!) store passwords in your electronic mailbox(including as a picture) . All passwords, secret keys, answers to security questions, etc. it is safest to store in a specially designed for this simple paper notebook (exclude access to this notebook for everyone except you). Take a separate spread of your notebook for each account - enter your login and password there, and everything you need to regain control over your account even from scratch. When you change your password to a new one, just cross out one and enter the other.

Do it:

Go to your email inbox and delete all emails containing passwords!First, of course, write down all the necessary passwords in your paper notebook.
-- Search your local machine(at home, at work, ...) and delete all entries about passwords and logins to anything.

Special Tip:Buy yourself a separate notebook that you will use only for these purposes. And this notebook should be easy to unfold and keep an open position! If it is inconvenient, you simply will not use it. A good option- a paper notebook on a wire spiral. Why? Because you often have to look into it and it will be inconvenient to hold it in your hand (especially if you use the ten-finger typing method) - your hands should be free. Notebook with stitched pages looks nice, but does not stay open. On the contrary, a spring-loaded notepad is easy to unfold and you will feel comfortable working with it.

If you use a special program to store passwords, then duplicate the database with passwords on a special flash drive or external drive (which are stored separately from your computer) so that in the event of a breakdown hard drive or the loss of your computer, you have not lost all your passwords, which will then be a very time-consuming task to recover. At the same time, remember that "there is always strength for strength", which means that there is always a certain risk if you store passwords on a computer, and not in a paper notebook. You can store passwords from forums and social networks in the browser, but I do not recommend storing the password from your Email and online banks.

3. Make all passwords complex!

All passwords, passwords, secret keys, etc. to your e-mail boxes, payment systems programs and any other account, always make it COMPLEX, i.e. consisting at least 11 characters, necessarily including numbers and letters of different cases (ideal is a random set of letters, numbers and symbols, for example: e & 2m @ k1E #39DJ8we).

4. Change your passwords regularly!

Don't worry about forgetting your password - you will definitely forget it(unless you decide to specifically train your memory in this way), because the password will not only be unmemorable, the main thing is that you will change your passwords every time there will be a suspicion that passwords could be spied on or stolen, for example, by spyware detected by your computer's antivirus. If there were no such suspicions (for example, the antivirus did not respond to a single threat during all this time), change the main passwords anyway at least every year.
Change passwords only after updating the antivirus installed on your computer and after scanning the entire computer with it
(this will reduce the risk of your password being leaked due to active malware activity).
In addition, the number of passwords you use will grow along with the number of forums and other services on which you will register to participate. Therefore, forget about the password being "beautiful", "convenient", "memorable", etc. - beautiful and convenient Your password can only be for an attacker.

Special Tip: If you use manual password entry, you can make your life easier by using a small password fragment, say, 5-7 characters, the same for all passwords in all main (i.e. frequently used, not all in a row) passwords. Such a code fragment is a certain sequence of characters that means something only for you and for no one else. This sequence of characters must be remembered and never (!) written anywhere! Further, when writing any password in a paper notebook, designate this universal sequence of characters with any one icon (for example, an asterisk - " * "). It will be clear for you what "asterisk" means, but not for others. Thus, even if someone gains access to your notebook, he will not be able to use the main passwords). Naturally, if you yourself forget what it means " asterisk", then you will lose access to your accounts (mailbox, your "personal account" in the affiliate program, etc.), therefore, as a secret sequence of characters, choose something that only you know, but that you will never forget Also, where possible, be sure to set the password recovery function to your mobile phone number.

Special Tip:The given sequence of characters (your secret code word) that you designate with the asterisk symbol should not be simple and easy to pick up. The ideal option is something very cleverly coded, but for you it is unambiguously understandable and memorable. Example: "pr01EsK".

5. Use mnemonics to remember your most used passwords!

How to remember a complex password that you often use? (For example, for your mailbox and your messenger)

Special Tip: Most often, you probably use a password for your mailbox and a password for chatting using a messenger (ICQ, M-Agent, etc.). It is because of the frequent access to your mailbox that there is a desire to make the password to it simpler or store the password in a browser or email client.
Under no circumstances should you simplify the password for your mailbox!
The fact is that in most services (including affiliate programs, electronic payment systems Webmoney, RBK Money, Z-PAYMENT, etc.), if you forgot your password, the support service sends it to your email . Consequently, an attacker can get hold of almost all of your passwords knowing only one - from your email account. Naturally, if you do not want to lose control over your messenger, then make the password difficult for him too. Passwords to your ICQ and mailbox should not match!!! Passwords should never match.

However, with regard to the passwords you frequently use: you can use mnemonics and easily, thus, you will remember the most difficult password for your mailbox or messenger (but still write your password in a notebook to completely eliminate its loss). How to remember?

For example, your password might look like this:
* - this is your secret, code word or a sequence of characters known only to you and nowhere recorded (you cannot forget it), and then you can read it like this: "my first year in paradise" (naturally, you must also remember where which case for letters are used). From experience I will say that the register is easy to remember, you can not even doubt it.

Another example:
We read: there are 125 kilograms left before the candidate for master of sports and then a secret sequence of characters instead of an asterisk. This example is good for athletes. Let's say in the sum of three competitive movements (bench press, deadlift and squat) you need to perform 505 kg for a weight category of 75 kg, and as soon as the athlete has moved on, he changes the password to his box. Agree, in this situation, it is not only easy to remember a complex password, but it is also pleasant to change it! ;-)

But such a password is not only easy to remember, but also impossible to guess! Consequently, the use of mnemonics allows you to make a password not only complex and, at the same time, memorable, but also unpredictable, which is very important for controlling your mailbox. For everyone else (programs, forums, etc.) - feel free to type random characters. If you decide for each program, forum, etc. come up with passwords using mnemonics, you will soon start avoiding the password change procedure itself, because you will spend too much time on it. Therefore, do not fool yourself - use mnemonics to remember only the most frequently used passwords, and simply write the rest randomly in a notebook - "as the hand wrote itself", or using a program with the "password generator" function, of which there are many.

6. Enter the password from your notebook!

When changing the password, first write it down in your notebook and only then (i.e. from your notebook!) enter it in the input field.This rule eliminates a possible error when entering a password in a notebook. The easiest way is to come up with a strong password by accidentally hitting the keys in any text editor, then supplement what happens with letters of different registers and numbers. You can immediately write a random set of characters into a notepad- this becomes a very convenient way, but only after you can give up the desire to make all passwords meaningful. However, first of all, write down the invented password in your paper notebook, and only then(already looking at the notepad, and in no case copying from the screen) type it in the required input field. This way you will avoid possible errors with entering a password, and even more so insure yourself against immediately forgetting the entered password (which, oddly enough, happens to people very often).

7. When working from someone else's or public computer - delete history!

And if you were forced to log into your account from someone else's computer, then before entering your login and password, disable the function of saving personal information in the browser you use (otherwise, anyone from this computer will be able to log into your account - for example, to your email box). After working on someone else's computer, delete the history for the period of time that you used it. However, it should be remembered that "foreign computer" (especially in Internet cafes) is always a high risk. You may not be aware of spyware, keyboard monitors (which are often installed for network administration purposes), etc. installed on other people's computers. If you still had to use a "foreign computer" to enter one of your main passwords (from e-mail, from an online bank, etc.), then at the first opportunity (!) Change the passwords that you used on someone else's computer!

If you are entering a password from someone else's computer, then put a "tick" in the "Alien computer" field, and if there is none, then before entering your password, go to the browser settings and turn off the "saving passwords" function. This is done in a few seconds if you know where it is. And if you don’t know, then find out in advance, find and remember. Remember: knowledge is power!

8. Use an updated antivirus + firewall!

Use a comprehensive, constantly updated software protection from malware(viruses, trojans and spyware, etc.). If you are NOT using protection, then all the above recommendations are almost meaningless. Go to the settings of your security programs and set the parameters that provide high security(usually everything is clearly written there, and if you don’t understand something, look for visual videos on YouTube or write to the user support service and they will explain everything to you). It is complex protection, at least "antivirus + firewall" or antivirus with a firewall function, that can keep data relatively safe.

9. SPAM is dangerous!

DO NOT open attachments to letters from recipients you do not know, and also DO NOT click on links and pictures in the received spam.Although, there are viruses that act on behalf of recipients recorded as known to you, so in any case, configure your antivirus to scan all files downloaded from the Internet. Opening files received by e-mail (Word - .doc, Excel - .xls, etc.) don't allow macros(after all, your friends may not be aware that they are sending you a virus along with a letter). Ask those who write to you to indicate intelligible subject lines- this measure prevents accidental deletion of a normal email along with spam. In addition, avoid "hot spots" - for example, all kinds of "erotic-crack-sites" - this is a favorite habitat for viruses of all stripes.

10. Set your browser to safe mode!

First, use the "update browser version" function(developers are constantly improving the functionality and security of their product, do not neglect this).
And secondly, set your browser to the most secure mode of surfing the Internet. Read online articles on how to improve the security of your favorite browser. It does not take much time, but on the contrary, it can help save a lot of time and nerves.

With tight security settings, problems can sometimes arise when downloading files from the sites you visit or when displaying all sorts of "bells and whistles" in them. In such cases, either add the site you need to the trusted list (for the browser Internet Explorer this is adding the site to the "trusted sites" zone - menu Settings / Internet Options / Security), or use manual switching settings for this page, or (but only as a last resort!) temporarily lower the general security level in the "Internet Options" of the browser. I remind you that you must have configured different security settings for the "trusted sites" zone and for the "Internet" zone in general. If you are engaged in e-commerce, then I recommend setting the most stringent security settings for the common zone "Internet" (disable all sorts of things in "Internet Options" / "Security Options" Java Script, ActiveX, etc.).

In general, I recommend using a browser Mozilla Firefox . It's free, it's easy to download and install, and it's even more pleasant to work with than a regular one. Internet Explorer`om. If necessary, install the necessary extensions (plugins), for example, a plug-in for removing ads or a site reputation plug-in, for this, use the offer to follow the extensions (plug-ins) using the link that the browser will offer you when updating.

If you cannot open the page you need from a reliable site you know, then it may be that your firewall or antivirus is weird (and the browser has nothing to do with it) - then for these security programs, indicate that this site can be trusted. Rummage in the settings of these programs and you will see everything.

Always follow the security recommendations offered by the resource you use(e.g. site, postal system, payment service or mailing server) or program(for example, Keeper Classic, required to work with Webmoney). Take some time and do everything as recommended. If you can use the additional security settings that the web resource offers, then use them! For example, go to your mailbox settings and enable restriction of access by IP address. Next, create a complex response to Security Question, which is used to recover the password to your mailbox (and be sure to write down this unique answer in your paper notebook). For example, you can choose the question "what is your dog's name" (although you may not have any dog) and write "JimmK007*" as the name (this answer can be read like this: Jim Carrey agent 007, and "asterisk" - this is your code word). And so on, use all possible security settings.

Mnemonics helps not only to remember, but also to easily enter the password from a notepad into the required input field. At the same time, be sure to keep in your paper notebook an indication of the type of question used (for example, "what is the name of your dog") and the answer to the security question itself! And it may happen that you wrote down the answer, but forgot which question ... Remember that your mailbox is the key to many of your passwords! Following the security recommendations of a particular web resource will not be difficult even for the most inexperienced user (now everything is done for people), and if there are difficulties, the support service of the corresponding resource will always answer you and help you.
Remember the truth: knowledge is power!

Type in the search bar a request to search for security holes in the mail services you use, payment systems and other accounts that are important to you!For example, a request may sound like this: "holes in the security of" or "how to protect a mailbox on", etc.
You will find a mass useful tips use them though ignore any methods that require you to enter your personal data(or send your passwords straight to the hacker, who, under the guise of help, does exactly the opposite). Spend your time on this, otherwise you will lose much more in the future. In a good scenario, for example, if you noticed a leak of funds in time and blocked your accounts by contacting the support service, then you might save money, but if not? Then who will return to you the time spent on earning them?
No one will return the time of your life to you! Therefore, find out in advance how to quickly block (by phone or via the Internet) the accounts you use.

Special Tip:Try to create your email accounts only on those email services that support secure ( SSL) connection.

Special Tip:Do not keep large amounts in your electronic accounts. As soon as the amount has become significant for you, withdraw funds from your electronic account by transfer to a bank account or into your own hands. By and large, this is the only measure that reliably allows you to secure your money.

13. Do it backup the files you need to removable media!

This applies to everyone. I experienced twice what it is " death hard I wouldn’t wish this on my enemy. The first time it happened was when I was writing my Ph.D. and in general, it has been noticed that the more technologically advanced and perfect the technology, the more sensitive it is to the human condition - after all, everything that exists ultimately consists of energy ... I am sure that with the mass transition of mankind to computers designed and operated using nanotechnologies and ultra-low energies, the real problem of the interaction of the computer with the mental state of the user will arise.This will create considerable difficulties and endless new possibilities...

But back to the realities of the present day. If you do not copy important files (for example, a copy of your site, customized scripts, etc.) to a removable hard drive or large flash drive, then you are at very, very much risk. Once you have made enough changes to the files that are important to you, copy them to a removable hard drive, USB flash drive, floppy disks, etc.

Special Tip:get yourself a separate portable hard drive - for the Archive (for important files, for example, key files, licenses, important documents). Keep it only at home and nowhere else. Never carry it anywhere. Never plug it into someone else's computer! It does not matter how much you trust the owner of this computer - he may not know what is happening on his machine! Are there many among your acquaintances who know everything about their computer? That's it... Copy all significant files to this removable drive. And on this disk, store the key file from your electronic wallet management program (for example, the Keeper Classic program). Separately, once again, I emphasize: store the key file only on removable media(This file will be useful to you only when reinstalling Keeper or the operating system). If you still don’t have one, then archive the key file (after changing its name and extension (Keeper allows this) into a password-protected archive. Make the password as complex as the system allows, and simply delete the original (unarchived) key file (and write down the password itself in your paper notebook, part of the password should be a secret sequence of characters that you remember, and write down only with the "asterisk" symbol.

14. Free software - can be dangerous!

Be careful not to unnecessarily download or install free software from sites you don't trust.Together with such a program (or under its guise) you can install a virus or spyware. If you are an avid experimenter, then it is better to get yourself a separate computer (or a separate virtual operating system, or at least a separate account) for experimentation and install whatever your heart desires. Naturally, then it should not store confidential data, installed programs for working with electronic payment systems, and the like.

15. Turn off the "keyboard monitor"!

I also recommend DO NOT use a program to record all the keys pressed("keyboard scanners" or "keyboard monitors" - your passwords will also get into their memory, since these programs record all actions with the keyboard - every key pressed). All your passwords should be stored only in your address book (and possibly additionally in special program for storing passwords), and preferably with a "code fragment" (remember the "asterisk"? - see point 3 above - Special tip).

16. Don't be a fool!

Do not get involved in the games of "magic wallets", "reading letters is a highly paid telecommuting job on the Internet", "send us 100 bucks and get 1000", etc. Don't get fooled by this!
If some alleged "employer"
asks you to deposit a certain amount of money in advance (no matter under what pretext and why - to open an account for you, a preliminary deposit, register you in something there, etc.), i.e. in fact asks you for money BEFORE you receive your earnings, then they are scammers , this is a guaranteed fraud in its pure form or in the form of a financial pyramid (in the second case, you yourself can become an unwitting deceiver). Never buy into this. Well, if you buy it, it's your own fault, as they say. Then learn from your mistakes. There is a good principle: if you lose money on something, think of it as a paid lesson. Make all the necessary conclusions so that the lesson goes to your future.

Remember these two most simple and true principles to help you see deceit and fraud:

1. Know firmly: If you have not earned anything yet, and some "employer" is already asking you for money, then this is definitely a scam!

2. Know firmly: If you are offered to "earn" decent money, but there is no real product or service (which would be really needed by people and would be sold), then this is a scam.

The difference between normal civilized network marketing (or MLM) and pyramid schemesit is in this - in network marketing (in MLM companies, for example, in Oriflame) there is a product or service that is sold, that people need, but there is no product in the financial pyramid, or there is only its appearance, but in fact money is simply transferred from the pockets of some people to the pockets of others. So don't "throw the baby out" ;-) ! Those. do not confuse real network marketing with financial pyramids and other scams.

I wish you an interesting and useful surfing on the Internet!

Sincerely, Vadim Levkin

When you buy a car, you know that it has certain built-in safety features. After you get behind the wheel, it may suddenly turn out that the manufacturer made a mistake and either recalls your car or invites you to service center to replace a defective part. In addition, you should drive carefully to protect your vehicle from damage during daily use.

Your computer is somewhat like a car in terms of security requirements. It comes with an embedded operating system (for example, ) and this operating system provides some security. Sometimes it has flaws, and updates should be received to maintain security. When using a computer, there are often dangerous situations that you should be aware of.

Threats to computer security can come from being copied, but most often the danger is hidden by programs that you download from the Internet. They can be downloaded when you click on a link, open an email attachment, or download software without realizing that it also comes with malware.

It should be remembered about dangerous programs three main types.

  • Virus- this is small program, which several dishonest people have developed to spread throughout the Internet and infect computers. A virus can do many different things, but it usually attacks your data by deleting files, encrypting data, and making changes to system settings that cause your computer to stop working.
  • Spyware They are in charge of monitoring your actions with the computer. Some spyware simply helps the companies you do business with track your activities so they can figure out the best way to sell you something. Other spyware is used for more insidious purposes, such as stealing your passwords.
  • Advertising programs (Adware) is the equivalent of telephone marketing, when phone calls annoy you during lunch. After downloading a “free” program with ads on your computer, pop-ups will try to sell you at least something all day long. In addition to being annoying, such programs can quickly clog up your computer. Its performance slows down and it becomes difficult to do anything at all with it.

How to protect your computer while browsing the Internet

To protect your information and computer from malware various types, you can do the following:

  1. Install paid or free anti-virus, anti-spyware or anti-adware programs. Attackers come up with new viruses every day, so it's important to use software that keeps your virus database up to date and protects your computer from them. Antivirus programs (antiviruses) provide access to updated virus databases, which are constantly updated by antivirus companies. Also, do not forget to regularly scan your computer for viruses, the built-in computer scan for malware. You can use the appropriate settings software to automatically update your antivirus program and scan your computer. Talk to help system your antivirus program for instructions on how to use these features.
  2. Install a program that has adware and spyware detection tools. For example, you can download freeware programs such as SpyBot or Spyware Terminator, or if you have free funds and want to purchase a paid product, which usually works better.
  3. Use Windows tools to regularly update the security features of this operating system, as well as to correct identified problems. You can also enable a firewall that prevents unauthorized people or programs from accessing your computer without your permission.
  4. Customize the privacy and security features of your favorite browser. How to set up for safe browsing will be described in the following site materials.

Understand what dangers may lie in wait for you. Some dangers come from internet villains looking to steal your money or make you feel bad, while others are related to technology, such as computer viruses. In the first case, use common sense to keep yourself safe at least off the Internet, and in the second case, use special tools and browser settings that will provide the necessary protection.

You can do the following to protect your information and your computer from various types of malware. Control the information you share about yourself. Abuses such as “identity theft” (theft of information contained in identity documents for fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining a bank loan) most often occur when you or someone you know emails sensitive information. Learn how to identify who is providing this information (including yourself) and what information you need to keep private, and you'll be much more secure online.

Avoid scams and inappropriate content. Use the Access Restriction feature to prevent you from visiting potentially dangerous places on the Internet and from accessing sites that you consider inappropriate. You should also know how to recognize various email scams so you don't fall victim to them.

Create strong passwords. Passwords shouldn't be hard to remember, but they should be hard to guess.

