Disable automatic updates for Windows 10 permanently. Disable automatic downloading of drivers

How to disable Windows updates - this question is asked by users who need to prevent the installation of system updates on their computer. With default settings, the operating system itself automatic mode searches for, downloads and installs updates released for Windows.

Microsoft releases update packages for the Windows operating system approximately once a month. From time to time, Microsoft makes unscheduled updates designed to solve emerging problems in the operation of the OS, or to close discovered security holes in Windows.

The main part of the updates concerns system security. When installing updates, system fixes are applied or some new features are added.

In addition to regular updates, so-called major updates are released in Windows 10, after which, essentially, the computer is installed a new version Windows 10. Similar major updates are released once or twice a year.

Some users disable system updates for various reasons. The main reasons for refusing Windows updates:

  • sometimes it happens that after installing updates, the standard Windows work And installed programs
  • if the user has a limited Internet connection, downloading updates affects the amount of traffic consumed
  • lack of free space on the computer disk
  • after applying the update, the user is afraid of losing activation of the operating system

How to disable automatic update? You can solve the problem using system tools, or using third-party software. In this article we will look at 3 ways to disable updates on Windows 10 using the operating system.

Just turn off Center Windows updates on ten, as in Windows 7 or Windows 8, it will no longer work. The maximum that can be done in this way is to pause updates for up to 35 days.

How to disable automatic updates in Windows 10 (1 method)

Windows 10 tools automatically detect, download and install updates on your computer.

On Win 10, you can disable updates in a way that disables the Windows Update service. This method works on all versions of Windows 10 and ensures that Windows updates are disabled forever.

Login to "Administration" from the Control Panel, or using more easy way: In the Windows Search box, type "administration" (without the quotes), and then open Administrative Tools.

In the "Administration" window, double-click right click mouse on the “Services” shortcut.

In the “Services” window that opens, in the “Services (Local)” section, find the Windows Update service.

In the Properties window: Windows Update ( Local computer)", in the "General" tab, change the "Startup type" setting to "Disabled".

In the “Status” setting, click on the “Stop” button to stop the Windows 10 update service.

After this, Windows 10 updates will stop coming to your computer.

To enable automatic updates, in the Properties: Windows Update (Local Computer) window, select your preferred startup type: Automatic (Delayed Start), Automatic, or Manual.

How to disable Windows 10 updates using Local Group Policy Editor (method 2)

Now let's see how to disable Windows 10 updates in the Local Group Policy Editor.

note that this method Not suitable for Windows 10 Home (Windows 10 Home) and Windows 10 Single Language (Windows 10 Home for one language). This feature is present in older versions of the operating system: Windows 10 Pro (Windows 10 Professional) and Windows 10 Enterprise (Windows 10 Enterprise).

First you need to log into the Local Group Policy Editor. In the Windows Search box, type "gpedit.msc" (without the quotes), and then launch the editor.

Alternatively, you can enter the Local Group Policy Editor in the following way: press the “Win” + “R” keys, enter the expression “gpedit.msc” (without quotes) in the “Open” field, and then click on the “OK” button.

In the “Local Group Policy Editor” window, follow the path: “Computer Configuration” => “Administrative Templates” => “Windows Components” => “Windows Update”.

In the “Windows Update” section, find the “Set up automatic updates” item, right-click on it, and in context menu select "Edit".

In the Automatic Update Settings window, enable the Disabled setting, and then click OK.

After this, the operating system will not search for, download or install automatic Windows 10 updates.

Disable Windows 10 update in Registry Editor (3rd method)

The third way to disable Windows 10 updates is to make changes to the Registry Editor. This method works in all versions of Windows 10.

In Windows Search, type "regedit" (without the quotes), and then run the command.

In the Registry Editor window, follow the path:


In the Registry Editor window, right-click on free space. From the context menu, select New and then DWORD Value (32-bit). Give the parameter a name: “NoAutoUpdate” (without quotes).

Right-click on the “NoAutoUpdate” parameter and select “Change...” in the context menu.

Enter the parameter “1” (without quotes) in the “Value” field and click the “OK” button.

To enable updating in Windows 10, you need to change the value of the parameter to “0” (without quotes), or simply delete the “NoAutoUpdate” parameter from the registry.


If necessary, the user can disable automatic updating of Windows 10 permanently using operating system tools: by disabling the Windows Update service, in the Local Group Policy Editor, or in the Registry Editor.

With the development of the Internet constant update operating system has become commonplace. Now developers can fix and improve the system throughout its entire support period. But frequent updates Windows 10 is not always convenient. That's why it would be good to be able to turn them off.

Reasons for turning off automatic updates

The reasons can be very different, and only you can decide how much you need to disable updates. It is worth considering that along with improvements to certain capabilities, important fixes for system vulnerabilities are supplied.

  • And yet, situations when independent updates should be disabled arise quite often:
  • lack of time - after downloading, the update will begin to install while the computer is turned off. This can be inconvenient if you need to quickly shut down work, such as on a laptop. But what’s even worse is that sooner or later Windows 10 will require you to restart your computer, and if you don’t do this, then after some time the restart will be forced. All this distracts and interferes with work;
  • security - although the updates themselves often contain important system changes, no one can ever foresee everything. As a result, some updates may open your system to virus attack, while others will simply break its operation immediately after installation. A reasonable approach in this situation is to update some time after the release of the next version, having previously studied the reviews.

Disable automatic Windows 10 updates

There are many ways to turn off Windows 10 updates. Some of them are very simple for the user, others are more complex, and others require the installation of third-party programs.

Disabling via Update Center

Using Update to disable is not the best option, although it is offered as an official solution by Microsoft developers. You can really switch off automatic download updates through their settings. The problem here is that this solution will be temporary one way or another. The release of a major Windows 10 update will change this setting and bring back system updates. But we will still study the shutdown process:

After these changes, minor updates will no longer be installed. But this solution will not help you get rid of downloading updates forever.

Disable Windows 10 Update Service

Since Windows Update is a system service, we can completely rid ourselves of updates by simply disabling this service. On versions of Windows 10 Home or Home Premium it's done like this:

Unlike the previous option, operating system updates will be disabled forever. Well, or until the user independently turns on this service.

Instructions for Windows 10 Pro

The professional version of the system contains elements that are not present in home version. This allows you to use the Local Group Policy Editor to disable Windows updates. The result will be exactly the same as if you disable it using another method:

Disabling Windows 10 updates by editing the registry

Disabling it through the registry will also disable updates once and for all. But it is worth remembering that you make any changes to the registry at your own risk, and inattention can harm your computer.

You need to create a new setting in the registry and configure it:

Limiting updates using metered internet Windows updates should not download when limited traffic

connections. Automatically, this feature does not always work correctly, but we can enable this setting to limit updates manually:

Video: Disable Windows 10 updates

Disable Windows restart for update As mentioned above, Windows 10 may force a reboot to complete the update. It is worth limiting this feature of the operating system if you want to work with convenience. Eat different ways

, how to configure the reboot so that it does not occur on its own. The simplest one is to increase the number of notifications before restarting:

Limiting reboots through the “Task Scheduler”

If Windows 10 is about to reboot, this task appears in the corresponding service. So do the following:

Unfortunately, just disabling this task is not enough. In the future, Windows 10 can reactivate it without the user's knowledge. To fix this, do the following:

Setting the time to restart If your main problem is not the fact itself forced reboot

, and the fact that it happens at an inconvenient time, you can independently set up a schedule for such work. This is done by setting the time when the user is active on the device. Once configured, updates will not occur at the specified time. The setup itself is done as follows:

Disabling automatic reboot through the Local Group Policy Editor IN Windows versions

10 Professional, this element can also be configured through the Group Policy Editor:

Thus, we prevented the computer from restarting if there are active user sessions.
For other versions of Windows 10 that do not have a Local Group Policy Editor, you can configure the same through the registry. The instructions are almost identical to the guide on disabling updates through the registry, there is only one difference: the DWORD value that we created in the AU directory should be called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers

Disabling Windows Store software updates

The Store in Windows 10 can start downloading updates for installed programs on its own. In some situations this is convenient, but sometimes it is undesirable for the user. To disable these updates, follow these steps:

After this, your programs will not be updated and you will be able to work in older versions. You can return the ability to download updates by simply sliding this slider back.

Disable automatic downloading of drivers

The next thing that Windows 10 can download without users knowing is hardware drivers and their updates. You can also disable this action:

Prohibition of peer-to-peer distribution of updates

Windows 10 uses a p2p system for downloading updates. This means that you download updates not only from Microsoft servers, but also with the help of a network of other users. It means heavy load to your network, as update files will be distributed from your computer. You can disable this as follows:

These steps will be enough to prevent other users from receiving Windows 10 updates using your Internet traffic.

Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

If you don't feel like manually disabling updates, there are many reliable and convenient programs. Most of them are simple utilities whose only job is to turn off Windows updates.

A simple program that comes in two versions. In one case it will require installation on the system, and in another it will work as a utility. Portable version, of course, more convenient, since it can work from a flash drive. It's easy to use:

After rebooting, you can see in Windows Update that everything was successful.
If you see an error in the update center, then the shutdown was successful

Windows Update Blocker utility

Another one simple program, made for the same purpose. After downloading, do the following:

Video: Quick way to disable Windows 10 updates permanently

Disable update notifications

In another situation, the updates themselves will not bother you, but annoying messages about the need to install them will be quite distracting. They can also be disabled:

Windows 10 is a good operating system made by professionals. But, unfortunately, it is not flexible enough to customize important functions. In this way, they try to protect users from rash actions, which can sometimes include disabling updates. But now that you know why you should disable them and how to do it, you are experienced enough to bypass this limitation in any way convenient for you.

Any operating system, even the newest one, is in constant modernization mode. Windows 10 is no exception: developers add features, improve security, and fix bugs. Unfortunately, not all updates have a beneficial effect on the operation of the OS, so sometimes it is better to disable the update.

In Windows 7 and 8/8.1, the user could independently manage. But how to disable Windows 10 updates if the default is to upgrade without notifying the user? This can be done, but only with the use of administration tools or special software.

How to disable Windows 10 update

Disabling a service

The easiest way to disable automatic updates is to deactivate Windows service Update. This method works for everyone editions of Windows 10: corporate, professional and home.

After deactivating a service, the system will not be able to find and install new components until you allow it to do so again.

Setting up an update

Another reliable way deactivate the modernization function - make changes to the “ten” configuration through the group policy editor. The method only works in the Pro edition, but it works flawlessly.

To apply the configuration, you need to go to the update center and click on the “Check Availability” button.

Don't worry, nothing else will be installed without your knowledge. The system will find available updates, but you will make the decision to install them yourself.

Deactivation via the registry

The Home edition does not have the ability to use the Group Policy Editor, so the steps described above will have to be performed through the system registry. The main thing here is to be careful and correctly assign names and values ​​to parameters, then everything will work out:

After all the manipulations with the partitions, you should get the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU. Now you need to create a new parameter inside the “AU” section:

To make sure the method works, go to Extra options. The upgrade method selection menu will be unavailable.

Creating a metered connection

In Windows 10, it is possible to set up a metered Internet connection. The initial purpose of this option is to save traffic. We are interested in the fact that with a limited connection, new components stop loading.

The only disadvantage of this method is that it only works on computers that connect to the Internet via wireless network. If the connection is established via an Ethernet cable, the limited connection will not be established.

Prohibition on installing drivers

Not only system components are updated, but also hardware drivers. It's a good thing, but a thoughtless update often leads to device malfunctions. Therefore, it is better to update drivers manually, downloading them from the official website of the developer, and it is recommended to turn off automatic updating.

These are the main ways to manage the upgrade of Windows 10 components and connected hardware drivers. Some methods are not particularly obvious: for example, it is difficult to guess that to disable a system upgrade you need to establish a metered connection. However, all the described methods have been tested and work, so now you can decide for yourself whether the “top ten” needs another upgrade.

It is highly recommended not to completely abandon upgrading Windows 10. As a result of fixing errors, system performance improves, updating security tools improves the level of computer security. In addition, if you use the built-in antivirus, it will also not be updated, which will create a serious hole in the OS’s defenses. Therefore, the most adequate option is to manually select the upgrades that you are ready to accept.

This article describes in detail how to disable Windows 10 automatic updates. You don’t always know what Microsoft is slipping into the next update package, but you should refuse to download and install updates in the “ten” without using the administrative capabilities or special utilities, it is forbidden.

With a stranger software By the way, you should be careful, because such utilities can perform other operations in the background, in addition to disabling the update center.

Constant downloads of updates and notifications about this, their installation and requirements to reboot the computer, errors that accompany any of the stages, as well as the consumption of precious traffic from users with wireless internet- these are just the main reasons to refuse automatic Windows 10 updates.

Deactivating the Update Center

Let's start, perhaps, with a method that will be more understandable to novice users due to the absence of the need to delve into system tools, and is suitable for any edition of Windows 10.

Note that the following method of disabling updates (using a tool for editing group policies) does not work on the home edition of Tens - this administration tool is simply absent in the Home version.

The essence of the method is to stop and disable the service responsible for downloading and installing update packages. To do this, we perform the following steps.

1. Launch the “Services” snap-in.

The easiest way to do this is by executing the “services.msc” command through the command interpreter, which is opened using the Win+R hotkey combination.

After this, a window with the name “Services” will appear. Its functionality will allow you to disable the automatic start of the service and terminate its functioning in the current session.

2. Find a service called “Windows Update” (in some editions the English name “Windows Update” may appear). Windows Update") and double-click on the element to call its properties.

3. Click “Stop” to shut down the service.

4. In the “Startup type” drop-down list, select “Disabled”.

5. Apply new configuration systems.

Changes take effect without restarting the system. The automatic update of Windows 10 is enabled in the same way: first we set the service to start automatically, and then we launch it.

Let's use the functionality of the Group Policy Editor

As was said, this section will not help owners of the home version of Windows 10; when using Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows 10, this option is recommended for disabling auto-update of the system.

Let's look at how to disable automatic updates in Windows 10 using the administration tool, which is the most reliable method of disabling updates.

1. Execute the command “gpedit.msc”.

This is done through the command interpreter, command line or the Start search bar - the result will be similar.

2. Open the “Computer Configuration” section.

3. In the subsection, go to “Administrative Templates”, where we open the “Windows Components” directory.

4. Go to the “Windows Update” directory.

5. Call “Properties” of the “Setting automatic updates” option.

6. Move the switch to the “Disabled” position.

7. Click “Apply” to save changes to Windows registry 10.

8. Close the tool window and check for updates.

If they were detected in manual mode, this is the norm; the new settings may take ten or two minutes to work, although the automatic update check is disabled immediately after the update check is turned off.

The result will be similar if you go to the registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows WindowsUpdate\AU and create a DWORD key in it with the name “NoAutoUpdate” and the value “1”.

Using metered traffic

One of the Tens updates introduced an option into its functionality, the activation of which prevents the downloading of updates when using a wireless or other method of connecting to the network, the traffic of which is limited. This function allows you to specify what you are using Wi-Fi connection is limiting even if it is not.

The method works on all editions of Windows 10.

1. Go to “Settings” and open the section that provides access to network settings.

2. Go to the Wi-Fi tab.

3. Expand “Advanced settings”.

4. Activate the “Set as metered connection” item so that the operating system considers the connection with paid or limited traffic.

Applications to quickly disable the automatic update feature

Many people are familiar with applications for disabling spying functions in the Top Ten. But such programs also exist to disable the auto-update function of the operating system. Sometimes one application combines both functions.

One of these utilities is called Win Updates Disabler. To avoid problems, download the application from site2unblock.com and check the downloaded file with an online scanner, for example, on the VirusTotal website.

To Work with portable program simple: run it, check the first item “Disable Windows Updates” and apply the settings. Administrator privileges are required for the program to function.
