High load on the processor. How to Reduce CPU Load: Top Causes and Solutions

I optimize the system with various settings. But still, in some places there are still systems that need this kind of optimization, because Windows 7, to put it mildly not everywhere "flies". Yes, and on modern, powerful systems, this kind of action will come in handy.

So, we can gradually proceed to such a process as windows optimization 7, we will try to talk about all the points: starting with the design and ending with the shutdown of services. I want to say right away that the tips given here are not a panacea, and will not suit absolutely all users.

So whether to apply it or not is up to you, but I recommend everyone to read it.

Windows 7 appearance optimization

If you look at the design of Windows 7, it looks very attractive, well, at least compared to the same " XP Yusha. True, after a couple of months, for me personally, it became very boring: everything seems to be fine and beautiful, the windows smoothly unfold and collapse, but it is precisely because of this that the deceleration effect and system braking. No, Windows has quite impressive hardware resources at its disposal, but it is the abundance of animation that creates this effect. For those who are also not satisfied with this effect, I suggest installing a classic theme, as for me - simple and tasteful. When this theme is installed, everything visually starts to work much faster, given the fact that there is practically no extra “rendering” left. And on weak systems disabling Aero (beautiful GUI Win 7) will give you an unprecedented performance boost.

Who really doesn’t like the classic theme at all and has no desire to remember the old woman, then I propose an alternative in the form of “Windows 7 - Simplified Style” (Fig. 1). I would call this topic a compromise between the classic design and the most saturated with various animation effects.


Also, if you continue the conversation regarding the optimization of windows 7, namely the design, then you can configure it more finely. This method was very often used when configuring and optimizing Win XP. You need to go: Start => Control Panel => System and Security => System => Extra options system => In the "Performance" section, select "Settings".

You will see the "Performance Options" window (Fig. 2) In this window, you can configure each of the design parameters in more detail.


Here we understand a little about the design. Here, again, everyone decides for himself what he needs from the system: various "cutes" or a strict working style. Now let's move on to the next step in our "grand" optimization of windows 7.

Optimizing the hard disk in Win 7

1. The hard disk optimization options were enabled by default in Windows Xp, but for some reason these options were disabled in Windows 7. I suggest enabling them for better performance.

To do this, go to: Start => Control Panel => Device Manager. In the Device Manager window, select Disk Drives and click right click mouse over the item where the name is indicated hard drive, and select "Properties". Then, in the window that opens, go to the "Policy" tab and check the box next to the item "Disable clearing the cache buffer Windows records for this device" (Fig. 3).


2. Also, in the device manager, in the IDE / ATA ATAPI controllers item, it is advisable to check all channels and set the “Enable DMA” checkbox in the “Additional devices” tab (where this item is present) (Fig. 4)

Rice. four

3. Optimizing windows 7 is a rather laborious process, but this is done only once, so we continue . For now, I suggest disabling the indexing feature for quick search. Thus, we will save overall performance, since the system will not index the hard disk when it is accessed. To do this, go to My Computer, then right-click and go to properties local disk. Then, in the properties window, you need to go to the general tab and uncheck the box next to "Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties." After all these actions, you press the "Apply" button, and you will see a window as in Figure 5. Click OK.


Optimizing services (disabling unnecessary ones) in Windows 7

Now we move on to Windows Services. Services in Windows are special programs that start and run without the knowledge of the user, performing useful and useless actions. So, some of these useless services can be disabled, because there is no need for an extra load on the system.

In order to disable any service, you must follow:

Start => Control Panel => Administrative Tools => Services

Here is a small list of those services that can be disabled:

  • Offline Files
  • Network Access Protection Agent
  • Adaptive brightness control
  • IP Helper Service
  • Secondary login
  • Grouping network members
  • Disk Defragmenter
  • Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager
  • Network Member Identity Manager
  • Performance Logs and Alerts
  • Windows Defender (unless you're using the built-in antivirus)
  • Secure storage
  • Configuring a Remote Desktop Server
  • Smart Card Deletion Policy
  • Homegroup listener
  • Network logon
  • Tablet PC Input Service
  • smart card
  • Diagnostic Service Host

There are other services that you may not need. But this can already be found out only by an experimental method, but be careful with this.

Removing "extra" from startup

I would like to remind about this routine action. Unused programs that automatically start when Windows starts can significantly slow down the initialization time operating system, so it is advisable to remove these programs from autorun.

There are many third-party software to exclude programs from startup, but in this case we will implement this using the built-in Windows tools.

To do this, we press the key combination Win + R, and in the window that opens, enter msconfig. A window appears in front of our eyes as in Fig. 6, we immediately go to the Startup tab. Now you just need to uncheck the boxes next to those programs that are not "vital" for you.

Rice. 6

That's it, windows 7 optimization is finished. With the above simple actions, we slightly accelerated our system. To clean the operating system, there are many third-party software, but this is a topic for another article. And that's all for now :)

If the computer starts to “slow down” periodically, operations that were previously performed instantly, but now work very slowly, then most likely, CPU your computer is heavily loaded. Probably every second "average" user knows about this, but not everyone knows why this happens and how to reduce the load on the CPU.

Why is the CPU heavily loaded?

A heavy processor load significantly reduces the performance of the computer and, as a result, contributes to slowing down its work, and sometimes even to the point of spontaneous shutdown. However, this is a very common problem and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Too many programs running at the same time.
  2. The computer has been infected with a virus.
  3. Some program got stuck.
  4. Problems with drivers.
  5. Computer overheating or dust.

If these problems are not addressed in the near future, then the CPU load can reach 100%, and this can lead to a complete cessation of the computer or laptop. To "help" your technique, you will have to seek help from specialists or try to deal with this problem yourself.

How to reduce CPU load in Windows 7?

So, there are several ways that will help speed up the computer, by the way, those who are interested in how to reduce the load on the CPU of Windows 10 or 8 should also pay attention to these methods:

  1. Close programs that this moment you do not use (especially programs such as Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office Suite, 3D games, watching YouTube videos).
  2. Restart your system or turn off your computer for at least 15 minutes. If the computer has not been turned off for several days, then its work will be significantly slowed down, give it a little "rest".
  3. Check your computer for viruses. Run an antivirus program, and it is advisable to do a full scan to remove any viruses that may be "infected" on your computer.
  4. Should be checked HDD for any errors. Any windows has special built-in utilities with which you can detect errors on your hard drive.
  5. End the processes that are using the CPU. To do this, you need to open the task manager and in the list of processes identify those that carry the maximum load, then just close them.
  6. Install additional RAM. It happens that the computer simply does not have enough memory to run certain programs.
  7. Clean your computer from dust. A computer, like any other technique, needs care, it is recommended to clean it from dust at least 2 times a year.

How to reduce the load on the CPU in games?

A lot of people who prefer to spend their free time playing on the computer are frustrated by the constant freezing and “slowing down” of this technique, so many are interested in how to reduce the load on the CPU in games, and even when streaming. Consider the most popular and effective ways:

Unloading the processor

Many factors can influence the overload of the processor, which leads to the slow operation of your PC. To offload the CPU, it is necessary to analyze various problems and make changes in all problematic aspects.

Method 1: Cleanup Startup

The moment you turn on your PC, it boots up and connects to automatic mode all software products, which are located in the startup cluster. These elements practically do not harm your activities at the computer, but they "eat up" a certain resource of the central processor, being in background. In order to get rid of extra objects in autoload, perform the following steps.

See also the list of components in automatic download, you can in the database sections:



How to open the registry in a way that is comfortable for you is described in the lesson below.

Read more: How to open the Registry Editor in Windows 7

Method 2: Disable unnecessary services

Unnecessary services start processes that create unnecessary load on the CPU (central processing unit). By disabling them, you partially reduce the load on the CPU. Before turning off services, be sure to create a restore point.

Lesson: How to create a restore point in Windows 7

When the restore point has been created, go to the subsection "Services" which is located at:

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services

In the list that opens, click on the extra service and right-click on it, click on the item "Stop".

Press RMB again on the required service and move to "Properties". In chapter "Startup Type" stop the choice on the sub-item "Disabled", press "OK".

Here is a list of services that are not usually used for home PC use:

  • Windows Card Space;
  • Windows Search;
  • "Offline Files";
  • "Network Access Protection Agent";
  • "Adaptive brightness control";
  • "Windows Backup";
  • "IP Helper Service";
  • "Secondary login";

  • "Group network members";
  • "Disk Defragmenter";
  • "Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager";
  • "Print Manager"(if there are no printers);
  • "Network Member Identity Manager";
  • "Performance Logs and Alerts";
  • "Windows Defender";
  • "Protected Storage";
  • "Configuring a Remote Desktop Server";
  • "Smart Card Removal Policy";
  • ;
  • "Homegroup Listener";
  • "Network Login";
  • "Tablet PC Input Service";
  • "Download Service Windows images(WIA)"(if there is no scanner or camera);
  • "Scheduler Service Windows Media center";
  • "Smart card";
  • "Diagnostic System Node";
  • "Diagnostic Service Node";
  • "Fax";
  • "Performance Counter Library Host";
  • "Security Center";
  • "Windows Update".

See also: shutdown unnecessary services in Windows 7

Method 3: Processes in the "Task Manager"

Certain processes load the OS very heavily, in order to reduce the load on the central processor, it is necessary to turn off the most resource-intensive ones (for example, running Photoshop).

Method 4: Cleaning the Registry

After performing the above steps, invalid or empty keys may remain in the system database. Processing these keys can create a load on the processor, so they must be uninstalled. The freely available CCleaner software solution is ideal for this task.

There are several other programs with similar capabilities. Below are links to articles that you need to read to safely clean the registry from all kinds of junk files.

Read also:
How to clean the registry with using CCleaner
Cleaning the Registry with Wise Registry Cleaner
Top Programs to clean the registry

Method 5: Antivirus Scan

There are situations that processor overload occurs due to the activity of virus programs in your system. In order to get rid of CPU congestion, you need to scan Windows 7 with an antivirus. A list of great free antivirus programs: AVG Antivirus Free, Avast-free-antivirus, Avira, McAfee, Kaspersky-free.

See also: Check your computer for viruses

Using these recommendations, you can offload the processor in Windows 7. It is extremely important to remember that you need to take actions with services and processes that you are sure of. Indeed, otherwise, it is possible to cause serious harm to your system.

Over time, some users begin to notice that their computer runs slower, the CPU cooler roars like a Ferrari afterburner, and applications open excruciatingly long. This means that your processor mercilessly "eats" some very resource-intensive process. This is in most cases. However, there are other reasons as well. Now we will analyze what processes and why can load the computer processor and how to get rid of them. And also consider possible reasons processor load.

Causes of high CPU usage.

So, the most common cause of "brakes" of the processor is a process in the background. For example, you closed a game, but the process of its execution remained in the background of the system. Usually it is "heavy" 3D games that can load the processor "to the limit". Some resource-intensive programs, such as Photoshop, are also at risk. In addition, do not forget about applications that are located at startup and are loaded with the operating system. Sometimes there you can find something that will make your hair stand on end.

And the third reason is dust and dirt inside the computer. The fact is that dust clogs the processor cooler and therefore overheating occurs. As a result, the system runs extremely unevenly, and even turns off completely every five minutes. This is not surprising if huge "felt boots" of dust hang in the computer's cooling system.

Ways to reduce CPU usage.

If your processor slows down due to the presence of resource-intensive processes in the background of the operating system, then you need to do the following. Need to open Task Manager Windows and go to the tab " Processes". Here you will see a list of processes currently running. You need to select the one that is particularly heavy on your processor at the moment and, if it is not a system one, turn it off. In addition, cleaning should be Startup system and disable the most resource-intensive applications. They are not needed there. It also doesn't hurt to check your hard drive for errors. If your system partition is full of errors, it can also affect the processor load.

If your CPU load is caused by viruses, then a good antivirus product like ESET NOD 32 will help you here. You need to run a deep system scan and check the startup area first, because most viruses like to be there, since they are most difficult to detect there. After a successful virus scan, it does not hurt to clean the system registry using special programs type Auslogics BoostSpeed . It’s not worth climbing into the wilds of the registry yourself, because you’ll mess up.

If the wild load of the processor is caused by external factors in the form of dust, then a vacuum cleaner will help you here. To clean some particularly hard to reach corners, you can use a paint brush. In general, it is necessary to clean the computer from dust 1-2 times a year. In addition, it is highly recommended to change the thermal paste from time to time, as it tends to dry out over time and lose its heat-conducting properties. Replacing thermal paste must occur at least once every 3 years.

All these methods will help you reduce the CPU load by several times, or even get rid of it altogether. And your computer will work for a long time.

When the PC starts to slow down, and operations that used to be performed instantly now take a long time, there is a high probability that it is overloaded. This article was written to help users understand

Why is the processor overloaded?

At high level CPU load PC performance drops. As a result, the user's work becomes uncomfortable, and turning applications on and off slows down noticeably. Moreover, working at the limit, the computer may suddenly turn off.

And this is very unpleasant if for a long time work was carried out for him without saving the result. To understand how to reduce the CPU load, you should find the source of this problem. Standard Reasons:

  • There are too many applications running on the PC at the same time.
  • One or more programs have hung.
  • Infection of the operating system with viruses.
  • Inappropriate or outdated drivers.
  • Insufficient capacity of the cooling system.

If these problems are not addressed soon, and the processor continues to operate at a 100% load level, this may lead to equipment failure. The easiest way is to contact a computer wizard to “cure” your equipment, but often a simple self-configuration or repair helps.

How to reduce CPU load in Windows 7?

So, the first way to help deal with the problem. Close applications that you are not currently working on. Special attention should be given to graphic and video editors, browsers with flash movies and audio players. It is also desirable to leave 3D games, the fact is that such programs do not always turn off their functions when minimized, but continue to work, loading the CPU with unnecessary operations for the user.

Restart your computer or even turn it off for 10-20 minutes if it has been running continuously for several days. Rest is needed not only for people, but also for technology.

How to reduce the load on the CPU if the previous recommendations did not help? Try checking your computer for viruses. It is advisable to perform a full scan and use live distributions of antivirus applications, such as kureit, for this operation. After scanning, delete all infected files.

Check your hard drive for errors. In Windows, this can be done using special tools. Easiest to open command line and enter chddsk C: / f / r there.

Task Manager

How to reduce CPU usage using Task Manager? Press ctrl + shift + esc on your keyboard. The screen will display Go to the Processes tab. Here, in front of each application, information will be shown on how much it consumes RAM, how much it loads the central processor, and a few more columns.

To end a particularly demanding or hung application, left-click on it, and then answer yes to the question of whether to close the program. If some processes are not visible in the task manager, then it is running in user mode, not administrator. Move the cursor to the "Show processes of all users" button and click on left button mice.

How to reduce CPU usage in Windows 10? Follow the same recommendations. The only difference is that after clicking on more details.

Unstable operation of computer games

Many people like to spend their free time playing computer games. However, most 3D applications today require powerful hardware. Because of this, the outdated CPU is almost always 100% loaded in games. The easiest and most effective method to fix the problem in this case is to upgrade the computer. If the upgrade is not possible for some reason, pay attention to the most popular tips on how to reduce the CPU load in games:

  • Turn off anti-aliasing, SSAO, and lower the graphics quality level in the 3D application settings.
  • Turn off the sound in the game itself.
  • Set the high performance mode in the video card driver setup utility.
  • Turn off internet.
  • Close anti-virus screens, but remember that this will reduce security, and computer game may not be worth the risk.

Sometimes it's worth trying a third party software, for example, by an application or its analogues, since even a novice user can reduce the load on the CPU with the help of such tools. Such tools change the priorities of processes, temporarily suspend their work, clear RAM, which has a positive effect on performance.

The computer is the main reason for its slowdowns and freezes. Moreover, in order to identify what exactly is the source of trouble, sometimes you have to approach the issue outside the box. This article will describe how simple ways problem solving, and requiring some technical training.

Windows 7: Detect "Heavy" Processes

To find out the specific level of processor load, use the tool built into the operating system - the task manager. To open it, just press the key combination Ctl + Shift + Esc. Click on the "Show processes of all users" button. Select "YES" in the pop-up window. Task Manager is now running with administrator rights.

Go to the "Processes" tab, there you can see all the currently running applications. By clicking on one of the table column names, you can sort them.

High Windows 7: what to do?

Finding in suspicious process, which takes up the lion's share of the system's capacity, right-click on its name. In the opened context menu select the "finish" option, and then answer yes to the task manager's question.

I must say that applications sometimes freeze when they are closed using standard tools. The program window disappears, but the process does not end, in addition, it goes into an endless loop. You can successfully deal with such a nuisance if you restart your computer, but the task manager will allow you to solve the problem faster.

Process Explorer

If you have followed all the above recommendations, but the CPU load has not decreased, and there are no processes that use a lot of resources, try using free utility called Process Explorer. You can download it from the official website of the manufacturer.

How to reduce CPU usage in Windows 7 using Process Explorer? In the program window, sort the list of processes by CPU load. Examine the table for suspicious applications. If there are, right-click on the program name and select Kill Process.

System interrupts

Open and pay attention to the inscription "interrupts". If opposite it in the CPU column, the value exceeds 1-2%, then the processor is busy processing system interrupts. In this case, it is very difficult to identify the source of the problem. You should try checking your computer for viruses, updating drivers, checking for errors, or installing new hard disk. It will not be superfluous to turn off peripheral equipment.


System drivers are one of the most common reasons for system interrupts to load the processor. To understand whether it is worth updating the drivers, do the following:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Before turning on the OS, press the F8 button on the keyboard several times.
  3. In the menu that opens, select "Safe Mode".
  4. After loading the operating system, launch the Process Explorer application and watch the interrupts line for a while.

If the computer does not boot, it is highly likely that the problem lies precisely in the drivers. In this case, you should go to the official websites of your PC hardware manufacturers. If updates appear, install them. If some device uses in its work universal drivers Microsoft, you need to replace them with proprietary ones.

It must be said that the measures taken will not necessarily solve the problem, and only complete reinstallation operating system.


A high CPU temperature can also contribute to high CPU usage. At the same time, the computer constantly crashes, freezes, slows down and reboots on its own. If the noise of the cooler has increased, it is worth checking if the processor is overheating. When working on a laptop, you can simply swipe your hand from the side where the air is blown. If it is hot, it is best to monitor the temperature with special means.

Periphery equipment

How to reduce the load on the Windows 7 CPU if the previous recommendations did not help? Turn off all devices without which the computer can work. Leave the bare minimum - keyboard, mouse, monitor. Look at the task manager schedules. A decrease in processor load means that one of peripherals fails.

To figure out which one, connect them one at a time. After adding a new one, restart your computer and follow the graphs. If the CPU usage increases after connecting another device, you need to update the device drivers. When updating the software does not help, there is only one way out - replacing the equipment or repairing it. It is not recommended to delay the implementation of these procedures. As the load increases, the temperature of the CPU also increases, and this is fraught with a decrease in its service life.

Computer games

Modern games are a real test for the PC. Only engineering programs used to perform complex mathematical calculations can compare with them. If the CPU is loaded at 100% in games, it clearly needs an upgrade.

How to reduce the load on the Windows 7 CPU if the upgrade is not possible? Try to close all unnecessary applications before starting the game. Disconnect your computer from the network so that it does not suddenly download updates for its software. close antivirus programs, because this type of software consumes a lot of computer resources. Antivirus monitors absolutely all PC activity, which negatively affects its performance.

Be careful: if you do not understand well what disabling software security tools can threaten, the last tip is not recommended.

Today, almost every desktop computer or laptop provides stable operation of the operating Windows systems 7, but there are situations when the central processor is overloaded. In this article, we will figure out how to reduce the load on the CPU.

Many factors can influence the overload of the processor, which leads to the slow operation of your PC. To offload the CPU, it is necessary to analyze various problems and make changes in all problematic aspects.

Method 1: Cleanup Startup

When you turn on your PC, all software products that are located in the startup cluster are automatically loaded and connected. These elements practically do not harm your activities at the computer, but they “eat up” a certain resource of the central processor while in the background. To get rid of unnecessary objects in startup, perform the following steps.

You can also see the list of components that are in automatic loading in the database sections:



How to open the registry in a way that is comfortable for you is described in the lesson below.

Method 2: Disable unnecessary services

Unnecessary services start processes that create unnecessary load on the CPU (central processing unit). By disabling them, you partially reduce the load on the CPU. Before turning off services, be sure to create a restore point.

When the restore point has been created, go to the subsection "Services" which is located at:

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services

In the list that opens, click on the extra service and right-click on it, click on the item "Stop".

Press RMB again on the required service and move to "Properties". In chapter "Startup Type" stop the choice on the sub-item "Disabled", press "OK".

Here is a list of services that are not usually used for home PC use:

  • Windows Card Space;
  • Windows Search;
  • "Offline Files";
  • "Network Access Protection Agent";
  • "Adaptive brightness control";
  • "Windows Backup";
  • "IP Helper Service";
  • "Secondary login";
  • "Group network members";
  • "Disk Defragmenter";
  • "Remote Access Automatic Connection Manager";
  • "Print Manager"(if there are no printers);
  • "Network Member Identity Manager";
  • "Performance Logs and Alerts";
  • "Windows Defender";
  • "Protected Storage";
  • "Configuring a Remote Desktop Server";
  • "Smart Card Removal Policy";
  • ;
  • "Homegroup Listener";
  • "Network Login";
  • "Tablet PC Input Service";
  • "Windows Image Upload Service (WIA)"(if there is no scanner or camera);
  • "Windows Media Center Scheduler Service";
  • "Smart card";
  • "Diagnostic System Node";
  • "Diagnostic Service Node";
  • "Fax";
  • "Performance Counter Library Host";
  • "Security Center";
  • "Windows Update".

Method 3: Processes in the "Task Manager"

Certain processes load the OS very heavily, in order to reduce the load on the central processor, it is necessary to turn off the most resource-intensive ones (for example, running Photoshop).

Method 4: Cleaning the Registry

After performing the above steps, invalid or empty keys may remain in the system database. Processing these keys can create a load on the processor, so they must be uninstalled. To complete this task, the CCleaner software solution, which is freely available, is ideal.

There are several other programs with similar capabilities. Below are links to articles that you need to read to safely clean the registry from all kinds of junk files.
