Android navigation is bad. GPS not catching satellites on Android smartphone

All modern smartphones and most tablets are equipped with a GPS location module. GPS “lays” routes through unfamiliar terrain, can determine your location with an accuracy of several tens of meters, and also automatically launches some programs or turns on reminders in specific places. Perhaps the only disadvantage of GPS is that it drains the battery of a smartphone (tablet) very quickly. Before starting GPS, let's figure out how to properly configure its mode of operation. Let's take a closer look at how this can be done, and also explain how to configure GPS using the engineering menu in case of incorrect operation.

Modern devices combine the functions of several devices at once

Setting the GPS Operation Mode

GPS is enabled in the notification bar. It is marked with an icon resembling a needle. You can determine the operating mode by going to "Settings - Personal data - Location - Mode". The system will offer you three options: "High accuracy", "Battery saving", "By device sensors". In newer Android versions they can be called: "By all sources", "By network coordinates", "By GPS satellites". Let's take a look at what's behind each of them.

  1. "High accuracy"("According to all sources"). The most accurate, but at the same time the most “gluttonous” mode. Determines coordinates by all available means: GPS, Wi-Fi and using . The space is constantly monitored for the presence of a signal, determines the location both in open areas and indoors. This mode is also called A-GPS. If ordinary navigators catch signals exclusively from satellites, then not every smartphone and tablet is capable of this. Additional service information downloaded from the World Wide Web will greatly speed up the search and communication with satellites.
  2. "Battery saver"("By network coordinates"). Uses only wireless network- the GPS module is not enabled. In this case, the accuracy of determining the coordinates decreases somewhat. Indoors, the location is quite accurately determined by the Wi-Fi signal, on the network mobile operator- at the signal of the radio tower.
  3. "By Device Sensors"(“By GPS satellites”). The specified mode works only in open areas - the location is determined by the satellite signal. Indoors, the signal is lost, and the location, accordingly, will not be determined.

For optimal battery consumption, select the "Device Sensors" mode and disable location in the notification panel. If you need to plot a route, then you turn on the location determination again and follow the instructions of the navigator. If you want you to have, and you are not embarrassed by a slightly increased battery consumption, then select the "Battery Saver" mode. If battery consumption issues do not bother you, and you like it when the system determines your location with an accuracy of up to a meter, then your mode is “High Accuracy”.

Setting up GPS through the engineering menu

Flawlessly working GPS module(search for satellites, fast connection to them, stable connection with them) greatly simplifies life, especially in those moments when you move around unfamiliar terrain.

But in Chinese models running on the MTK processor, with prolonged GPS operation, the connection may be unstable, in the worst case, the location may not be determined at all. All due to the fact that the module is not configured correctly to work in our latitudes.

In order to correct the work of GPS, enter in which you have to make a number of simple settings. We want to warn you that you will perform all actions at your own peril and risk.

So, the device must get the superuser right (it is also called Root).

  1. Turn on GPS and Wi-Fi and go out to the balcony, or better to any open place.
  2. Sign in engineering menu. To do this, on the keyboard, enter the combination *#*#3646633*#*#, or *#15963#*, or *#*#4636#*#*. It may differ from the combination for your smartphone (tablet). In the event that none of the above combinations fit, download the Mobileuncle ToolHero program and select the appropriate menu item in it. The program itself is Russified, but the engineering menu is in English.
  3. In the program menu you will see several tabs. Scrolling to the left, select the Location tab, in it go to the Location Based Service item.

  1. In the EPO tab, check the Enable EPO and Auto Download options. EPO is system file, containing information about the coordinates of the satellites and their flight paths. This item is not active in all devices. How to download EPO can be found on specialized Internet forums, for example,
  2. Return to the previous level and select YGPS. In the Satellites tab, you will see a diagram with the location of the satellites. They will all be red. This suggests that the gadget sees them, but due to wrong settings cannot connect with them.
  3. Go to the Information tab, click full, then after a couple of seconds AGPS restart.
  4. Return to the Satellites tab. After a few minutes, the tablet will connect to the satellites and the dots will turn green. Note that if you are setting up GPS on the balcony, then your device may still not connect to some of the satellites. This is due to signal interference.
  5. Reboot your device. Now the signal from satellites should be caught much faster and more confidently.


Now you know everything about the modes of operation of the GPS satellite module on an Android tablet, and in case of unstable operation, you can configure it.

We will be very grateful if you share your feedback on the material or add valuable additions regarding the operation of your particular device model.

An integral part when buying any Android smartphone is the GPS built into the phone. This sensor allows you to use navigation applications such as Google Maps, location services in order to correctly mark the geographic location using applications, etc. However, not all GPS sensors are the same, they have different accuracy and capabilities. In some cases, the reason that GPS does not work properly is the hardware of the phone, especially in those older devices in which this feature first began to appear. However, these days bad reception or GPS performance may be affected by system settings, installed firmware, or other easily solvable problems. We will tell you how you can improve the GPS signal on your Android device.

First of all, make sure GPS is enabled on your device. Go to Settings - My location, turn on the checkboxes Access to my location and By GPS satellites.

Compass calibration

One of the causes of GPS inaccuracy is an incorrectly calibrated compass. If this is the case, then the device receives incorrect orientation information, which leads to problems in using navigation applications. In order to fix this, you need to calibrate your Android device's compass.

by the most the easy way for this is the installation of the application. After installation, go to the Compass section. If it doesn't work properly, go to Menu and select Calibrate. Do the steps shown in the video.

  1. Stay as far away from magnetic fields as possible.
  2. Lay your phone on a flat surface with the display facing up.
  3. Rotate the phone slowly, 5 seconds for a full rotation.

Problem Diagnosis

Using the same GPS Essentials app, you will be able to figure out where the problem lies - in the hardware or in software. With this app, you can see how many satellites are currently in range of your device. If you cannot get a GPS signal, the application will report the reason (hardware or software) in a graphical form (assuming that there are enough satellites in the area, say 8 or 10) or it will report that you are out of satellite coverage.

Data resetGPS

Sometimes your device may get stuck on a certain satellite, even if it is in this moment out of range, the result is either a weak signal or no signal at all. You can fix this by clearing the GPS data and starting data collection from scratch. What is needed for this? The GPS Status & ToolBox app will allow you to reload your GPS data and connect to the satellites that are in your range. In the application menu, find A-GPS Status Management, enter it and click the Reset Data button and then on Download. After that, you will be able to launch any application that uses GPS and get a good signal. One disadvantage of this method is that all fixes are not permanent. You may need to delete your data over and over again and reload it in case the GPS becomes naughty.

Firmware update

The next method is more complicated, but it is more likely to save you from GPS problems. Some firmwares are not very “friendly” with GPS sensors and a firmware update can help you. You will need an unlocked and rooted phone. Another option is to replace the GPS sensor. Of course, this can only be entrusted to a professional. Important tip: before replacing the firmware or sensor, do not forget to do backup your data.

Modern gadgets are already so sophisticated that you can determine your location without resorting to the help of GPS navigators anymore. Sometimes this is necessary for the correct operation of applications, sometimes it is necessary to create the correct route. When GPS does not work on Android, this becomes difficult. What could be the reason for this and what should be done to solve this problem?

Any device catches badly or does not catch satellite signal generally if it is indoors. Therefore, it is better to engage in determining your location on the street. Ideally, the space should be free even from tall buildings and trees, so that the sky is completely open, so that nothing prevents the gadget from looking for a working signal and connecting to the necessary satellites.

Wrong GPS setting

All devices are endowed with two GPS modules. One is a standard receiver that can be enabled in the settings (General - Location - Mode). When choosing mobile networks or wifi device will determine the location by the towers without connecting to GPS satellites. This method is the fastest, but it does not always give an accurate result.

When you select GPS Only mode, your phone or tablet will connect to the satellites, but the device will take some time to do so. At the same time, it is desirable to be on the street in an open area, or at least put the gadget on the windowsill. It is for the operation of the second module that you need correct setting. How to check if the device is receiving a signal? To do this, you will have to download and install GPS Test - a diagnostic application.

After starting the program, in the AGPS settings, select Update only, and in Settings - Keep Screen On. Now you need to return to the main program window, the GPS test will begin on your tablet or phone. It is important, however, that Wi-Fi and mobile data should neither be enabled in the Location settings nor be in use at the moment.

If the diagnostics showed that the device does not find satellites, then you should check whether the GPS settings on Android have been correctly configured. How to set up GPS? To do this, you must first download any application that can process the GPS signal. If it does not help, you need to check the settings of the communicator's COM port.

Unsuccessful flashing

After not the most successful attempts to flash a gadget or specifically a GPS module, not only the system, but simply its individual parts, for example, geolocation, may stop functioning. It is also common to see GPS stop working on a Chinese device.

To fix this situation, you need to enable AGPS in the location and GPS settings. After that, you need to enter the engineering menu through the dialing window (the combination is different for all phones). If you fail to enter it, you will have to use any special program, but already with as root. Procedure in:

  • on the Satellites tab of the YGPS tab, check if there is a signal, i.e. whether the phone or tablet is trying to find satellites at all;
  • go to the Information tab and there, in order, press the buttons full, warm, hot, cold (this is necessary to reset the previous settings);
  • on the NMEA Log tab, click start;
  • return to the Satellites tab and wait 5 to 15 minutes until the device finds maximum amount satellites, and the GPS signal bars do not turn green;
  • back to the NMEA Log tab, click stop.

This method is shown in more detail in the video.

Primary binding and calibration

It happens that the device is located in some remote area. In this case, it is advisable to put it in an open area for a long time and wait for the search and binding to take place.
Sometimes navigation may stop working because the compass calibration is incorrect. Such a phone or tablet will be incorrectly oriented, resulting in a problem with the GPS on the device. To calibrate you need to download special application, GPS Essentials. After installing and running it, you need:

  1. Click on the compass icon.
  2. Select a smooth, level surface, place your device on it, and remove all electrical appliances from it.
  3. Smoothly turn the device around each axis 3 times.

After that, you need to try to connect again and, if necessary, repeat the calibration.

Problems with the device itself

If the gadget, checked and configured in accordance with all the rules, still does not catch satellites, only the service center will help you check the GPS settings and find the reason. It may be that the problem lies in the device itself.

The presence of navigation modules on smartphones with Android OS allows you to use numerous navigation applications - they are used to lay walking, cycling and car routes, as well as to track your own location. Therefore, it is customary to give special preference to the presence of GPS / GLONASS chips. GPS not working on Android? It doesn't matter - first we will try to figure out the reasons, and then we'll talk about troubleshooting.

Why GPS may not work on Android

If GPS does not work on your Android smartphone, then the problem can be extremely commonplace - the navigation module is disabled. This is often faced by novice users who have not fully understood the device of Android smartphones. In order to enable navigation, you need to slide down the top curtain, behind which numerous shortcuts, clocks and notifications are hidden, and find the “Geodata” item here - it should become active (green, bluish, etc.).

Now we can run navigation program and start using it. By the way, many navigation applications are able to notify users about the disabled reception of geodata. This is exactly what the popular Navitel application does - it will issue an appropriate warning and even send the user to the navigation enable menu. After that, it will be possible to start laying the route.

Have you turned on geolocation in your device settings, installed the necessary applications, but could not achieve any results? It is possible that the whole thing is your impatience. If this was the first launch of the GPS / GLONASS module, try waiting 10-15 minutes - during this time, the electronics will process information about the satellites visible in the area. All subsequent launches will be much faster.

You need to do the same if you arrived with the navigator turned off to another region, for example, from Rostov to Novosibirsk - the navigator needs to be given time to recognize its own location (similar to the initial "cold" start).

Here are a few more reasons for GPS not working:

  • You are trying to perform a cold start on the move (in the car) - stop and let the navigator think. Some chips are quite sluggish, so they need time and rest;
  • You are indoors - GPS does not work inside buildings (do not confuse with calculating the location from the towers mobile operators and Wi-Fi zones);
  • You are in an unfavorable reception area - the sky is blocked by trees, nearby rocks or tall buildings. In this case, you need to get under a more open area of ​​​​the sky.

If navigation still doesn't work, try contacting service center.

GPS stopped working on Android, although it worked before? This behavior indicates the presence of some internal breakdowns.. If you are too lazy to go to a service center, try doing a factory reset.

Use the GPS Test app from Chartcross Limited to test satellite reception. If the geolocation function is turned on, the GPS chip is working, and you are outdoors, you will see points on the schematic sky map indicating satellites.

How to set up GPS on Android

Some users are wondering - how to set up GPS on Android? No special settings are needed here, but you can play around with the detection method:

  • High accuracy - in this mode, the location is determined using all wireless modules (GPS / GLONASS, telephone module, Wi-Fi);
  • Energy savings - are activated WiFi networks and mobile networks;
  • GPS Only – Only satellites are used.

The detection method is selected in the "Settings - Geodata" menu. For further work with navigation you will need suitable software . You can choose a demon paid app Maps.ME with offline maps or paid application Navitel.

Bad GPS on Android? Set the mode to “GPS Only” or “High Accuracy”, and then try to re-test the navigation operation - these are the most accurate modes.

Almost every Android smartphone or tablet has a GPS sensor. This standard function modern device. However, not all GPS sensors work the same way. The speed and strength of the GPS signal is affected by such characteristics of the device as RAM, processor and software.

GPS allows you to use navigation applications such as Google Maps or Yandex Maps. If you often travel, or play games with augmented reality (for example), then you need to have a strong GPS signal on Android. What can I do to boost the GPS signal on Android?

1. Turn on high precision mode.

If you want to fix a weak GPS signal on Android, then you have to make some sacrifices. A good GPS signal consumes more battery power. If you are not afraid that your smartphone will run out of power quickly, then turn on the high accuracy mode.

Open the menu Settings and select " Location". Next, open the section Mode" and make sure you enable the option " According to all sources«.

However, this option is not available on all Android devices. If you have not found such a function in your smartphone, then you need to find out what is the reason for the weak GPS signal.

2. Determine the cause of the weak GPS signal.

If the cause of the weak GPS signal is related to the equipment, then we cannot help you. In any case, you should install an application called GPS Essentials to find out why the GPS signal is weak.

After you install the application and open it, you will see the option " Satellites» on the main screen. Click on it and your Android device will start connecting to satellites all over the planet.

If the result shows that the smartphone is connecting to satellites, but the GPS is still not working, then the problem is in the software. If you do not see any satellites on your smartphone screen, then the problem is with the hardware. Also try to remove metal objects near you as they interfere.

3. Weak GPS signal due to apps.

Sometimes various applications on Android can cause problems with the GPS.

For example, if you use multiple location apps at the same time, such as Google Maps and FourSquare, this may cause poor or no GPS signal.

You should close everything background apps to get a stronger GPS signal.

4. Recalibrate the compass.

Sometimes recalibrating the GPS can fix a weak GPS signal. You can do this with a compass. Some smartphones already come with a compass. If you don't find it on your device, then use the GPS Essentials app we talked about earlier.

Open the app again and click on " Compass". Take the phone and rotate it vertically three times. Keep your phone parallel to the surface and move it slowly.

When you're done moving it vertically, rotate it again, but this time horizontally. Be sure to do this three times.

  • Update your GPS- open the quick notification panel, and turn off the GPS. Wait five seconds and turn it on again.
  • Remove the back panel or case– sometimes the GPS signal is blocked protective cover or rear panel. Try to take them off and check the quality of the GPS signal.
  • Turn on Airplane Mode- open the quick notifications panel, and turn on the "Airplane mode" option. Wait 15-20 seconds then turn it off.
  • Get out into the open air- GPS sensor works better in open areas. Check the GPS signal outdoors or on a balcony with direct access to the sky.


Every android user The device is facing the problem of weak GPS signal. Some of the tricks described in this article allow you to improve the GPS signal on your smartphone or tablet.

How do you deal with a weak GPS signal on Android device? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
