Download the megaphone application for windows 10. How to download the MegaFon modem program? Standard Windows Tools

Windows 10- the latest operating system that is used on personal computers. It was developed by the famous corporation Microsoft. The system became next after 8, skipping the number 9. Refers to Windows family NT and is the most popular in the world. The main problem of the inexperienced Windows users 10 - Internet setup. In this material, we will show everyone how to properly configure the tenth Windows in order to calmly “surf” on the Internet.

How to turn on the Internet in Windows 10 - options

Let's look at the main options for how easy it is to connect to the network through a computer.

There are several basic solutions to this problem:

  • Setting up a normal connection ethernet. To do this, you need to connect directly from the computer to the provider. This can be done through a computer, router or modem. We remind you that provider- a special company that allows a potential client to connect to all Internet services.
  • Setting up a high speed connection PPPoE.
  • We connect to the network through Wi-Fi.
  • Set up the network via USB 3G/4G modems.

Automatic connection to the Internet in Windows 10 is a process that must be carried out after completing one of the items. So that the material does not cause you any difficulties, find out what kind of Internet you have and go to the desired part of the article. We will start with the most popular way to turn on the Internet on Windows 10 - Ethernet.

We connect to the Internet through a network cable, router or modem

This is the simplest type of connection, its installation is carried out in a matter of minutes. It is very easy to start it again if you have done all the necessary steps correctly. If your ISP provided network access to your home but didn't give you the basic connection details, you're in luck, you're using an Ethernet system. The same steps must be performed if you have a router or modem - we connect the network cable to the PC. You need to find the hole that is responsible for the network card.

If the Internet settings have not undergone any changes, then the network should appear immediately. In the future, you can pull out the cable and insert it again, the auto-connection of the Internet will be performed instantly. Now you need to understand what kind of connection you have, it can be limited, unidentified or inoperative. This is checked using the Ethernet parameters.

Next, we need to find the connection status, which is located on the notification panel. Open and go to the tab " Network and Control Center public access ”, then change the adapter parameters (there is a similar tab). You need to select Ethernet and view its properties.

We mark the IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4) item, in other words, put a tick next to it. Next, you need to check automatic tuning and click OK. After all the steps taken, the Internet should connect.

If this does not happen, there is another way - just restart the computer and check if all connections are connected correctly before turning it on.

Setting up PPPoE in Windows 10

The provider that laid the network in your house gave you the settings for accessing the Internet or Wi-Fi. In this situation, you need to set up a high-speed connection. This item is very similar to the previous one with one exception - the network works until we are connected to it. There are two options:

  1. You have a router, which will greatly facilitate the task. Connect the cable to the router and use the Internet.
  2. Your cable is connected directly to the PC, you remember the logins and passwords from the network. In this case, you need to create a connection yourself.

Consider creating a connection yourself:

If everything is done according to the instructions, then the network should appear, and you can use it after a couple of seconds. To make adjustments to the specified settings, you need to find the Internet icon in the Control Panel and open it.

Connecting to the network via Wi-Fi

To complete this process, you definitely need a router with the ability to connect Wi-Fi. Also, in this way you can connect to the network in a cafe or with friends. Windows 10 makes it much easier to work with it, because it almost always installs network drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter. If this happened to you, then you need to open the icon with a list of all possible networks and connect to any, it can be with or without a password.

Complications can arise if there are no drivers. Then the most in a simple way will - ask a friend to download them and transfer them to you on a USB flash drive. To do this, you need to know the model network adapter in advance. Unpack the archive with the drivers, install, and you're done. Connections will automatically appear, as in the picture above.

Network setup via 3G/4G modems

We start by connecting the modem to the PC itself and installing all the necessary drivers. Where can I get them? Manufacturers' websites will help with this. You need to find out your modem model and download drivers from the Internet. The nuance is that to connect a 3G modem, you need access to the network, so you should take care of this in advance. An exception is the case if the modem came with a disk that may contain the necessary drivers.

Done, the connection should appear, the network is connected.

But in case of failure, you need to check all the modem connection settings. There is also a small chance that the provider provides very poor coverage. In this scenario, the Internet will either not be at all or it will be very slow. In order to find out the status of your network, just look at the notification panel. In the same place, you can turn off the Internet or reconnect to new network in a few clicks.

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Cities are gradually entangled with fiber and Wi-Fi, but there are still many places where you can only access the Internet using mobile networks. If you want to have constant access to the Internet, but cannot use a wireless or high-speed connection, it will be useful for you to learn how to connect a Megafon modem.

Using a proprietary utility

  1. Insert the SIM card into the modem and connect network device to a computer via USB port and wait for the installation menu to automatically launch.
  2. If the startup does not occur in automatic mode, that you have connected the USB to the computer correctly. Open "My Computer" and go to the connected modem, which should be defined as a flash drive. Run the "Autorun.exe" file.
  3. Installation Wizard software will begin its work on adding the necessary components to the system. Accept the terms license agreement, select the desired directory to which the program files will be copied.

After the installation process is completed, a connection icon will appear on the desktop. At the same time, the program for establishing an Internet connection will automatically start.

Before you make the first connection, check the balance of your personal account. Open the "Balance" section on the "Service" tab; if you have not replenished your personal account, you will see that you have 0.00 rubles at your disposal.

Remember: the bonus traffic that the operator promises when buying a kit for accessing the Internet is activated only after replenishing the account. Therefore, to start using the Internet for free, you need to put at least 10 rubles on your balance.

If the seller in the communication store did not activate your SIM card, you will have to perform this operation yourself. When you go online for the first time, you will be automatically redirected to the registration page, where you will be asked to enter your passport and SIM card details.

Standard Windows Tools

You can connect the Internet to Megafon without the help of a proprietary utility. If you do not want to install additional software on your computer, use the built-in Windows tools to create a modem connection from Megafon.

Let's look at the example of Windows XP, how you can perform this operation:

After completing the wizard for creating a new connection, you will be prompted to display the connection icon on the desktop. Agree with this procedure that it was more convenient to establish an Internet connection.

Start the created connection and click the "Call" button. If you configured the system correctly, you will be connected to the Internet. Open any browser and make sure that the site pages are loading correctly.

If you are using more recent versions operating system from Microsoft, you can use the information on how to set up the Internet on Windows 7. The only difference in the procedure is that you should not choose a high-speed connection, but a dial-up connection.

Features of connecting a Megafon modem to a computer

Modems wireless action from the megaphone operator, operating within the 3G networks, the modem and 4G, are in demand among a wide range of representatives of the audience of subscribers.

This is due to the availability of packages, a large number of offers and the ability to access high-quality Internet in areas where there is a network coverage area.

In connection with this phenomenon, a common and popular question is how to connect a megaphone modem to a laptop so that you can use the Internet without problems. Consider the features of actions and short review ongoing events.

Technical features of the connection

Connection in technical terms has nothing complicated and can be carried out even without special technical skills.

If you purchase a high-speed multi-functional Internet that works on the 3G principle or a 4G megaphone, you need to rationally install it so that using the network is not fraught with great difficulties.

This requires strict adherence to an algorithm that can take you to a new level of using Internet space and resources.

Scheme for connecting and installing the Internet

It is important for megaphone subscribers to learn how to install the Internet, carry out all the settings, for this a set of measures has been developed:

  • turn on the laptop (or connect to the tablet);
  • wait until the operating system is 100% loaded;
  • then the modem is connected to a free USB port;
  • after that, it is important to monitor the exact reaction of the computer;
  • if the device is working, after a few seconds, the installation of the Megafon Internet program starts on the screen;
  • next comes the configuration of the necessary parameters of the megaphone modem;
  • during the installation process, automatic installation of all drivers that are required for productive, balanced and streamlined system work will be observed;
  • then go to the "device manager" window, configure desired parameters and check the connected service, here it is important to make sure that the definition of new equipment elements is correct;
  • the final stage involves searching for the “megaphone Internet” tab, waiting for the modem registration process in the network space (after that, the indicator will change color).

So, we have examined how you can set up a megaphone modem, we hope you will not have any difficulties with this.

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How to connect and configure a Megafon modem on a laptop, tablet and computer?

The strong demand for wireless Wi-Fi modems has led to the availability of various problems with internet connection. Today, the Megafon modem setup will be considered, as it is one of the most popular operators. The manufacturer's assortment includes standard 3G modems, and LTE (4G) options are becoming increasingly popular. Note that connecting to the network through Megafon, regardless of the device, should not cause difficulties, it is enough to have minimal computer skills and follow the instructions.

How to connect a Megafon modem to a laptop?

Connecting a Megafon modem to a laptop has a very standard look, almost identical to a stationary PC. The first step is to start the laptop and leave it until the system is fully loaded. When the devices are prepared, you can proceed to the installation:

  1. Connect laptop and modem via USB;
  2. The laptop should show the appropriate driver installation notification. Then the program for using the Internet from Megafon will automatically start. You need to wait until both actions are completed, usually all this happens within 1 minute;
  3. You need to go Start - Control Panel - System;
  4. Next, select "Device Manager" and determine if the modem is installed correctly. If there are failures, next to the device name will be shown Exclamation point;
  5. It is necessary to launch the Megafon Internet program and wait until the network is synchronized and configured. The result of the actions is indicated by the indicator on the modem, as well as the corresponding icon in the application;

  1. This completes the installation procedure, you can go online.

Connecting to a tablet

In the case of a tablet, the question of how to set up a Megafon modem has a more complicated solution, but it is quite possible to do this if the device has the necessary support.

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The easiest connection option when there is built-in modem support. Then it is enough to use an OTG cable and connect both devices. After the identification procedure, you must manually specify the access point (the location of the settings is different, but usually in the "Network" section). After the described steps, you can use the network.

Does not see the Megafon modem on the tablet, what should I do?

If the Megafon modem does not connect, you will have to use additional applications. This is a more complicated option, which is hampered by the fact that the tablet does not support a modem, but there is a way out of the situation. You must manually specify the type of behavior with the device, because initially it will recognize it as a regular storage drive, so network access will be unavailable. For proper operation, you must specify the "modem only" mode. To complete the procedure, you will need third party program 3GSW. Thus, we synchronize the modem and set the mentioned mode in the application.

This trick does not always work, if nothing worked, you can use another Hyper Terminal utility. The principle of manipulation with it is as follows:

  1. Download the program;
  2. Install on PC and wait for device identification;

  1. In the device manager, you need to find the modem and select its properties. Pay attention to the port code and its throughput;
  2. Run the application and specify in it the data you have just received;
  3. Then enter the code "ate1", and then "at ^ u2diag = 0", both actions should end with the answer OK;

  1. Disconnect the modem from the PC and insert it into the tablet.

In a normal situation, after setting up, you only have to enter the access point, but since there is no such section here, you will have to use another PPP Widget utility. In it, you must specify the data for authorization, the number to dial to the network and APN. Only now you can enter the network.

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It is important to note that PPP Widget requires root access on the device. The process of obtaining differs depending on the model, most likely you can find the right one here.

How to check Megafon modem on PC?

Megafon perceives the computer modem in the same way as a laptop and there is no significant difference in the installation process. It is only worth noting here that everything does not always go smoothly and drivers are installed the first time. If, after performing the procedure described in the first paragraph, there is still no Internet, and the “Device Manager” contains incorrect installed components, you will have to perform manipulations with it.

The easiest way is through right button remove the device, restart the PC, after disconnecting the modem and reconnecting it.

If this does not work, you should remove the broken device from the manager and go to the manufacturer's website where they are official drivers, they need to be installed. You will probably need to flash the modem, but this is usually not necessary.

See also: How to connect Wi-Fi on Windows 10?

How to unlock the Megafon modem?

Unlocking the Megafon modem implies the removal of restrictions on the use of SIM cards only from the original operator. After the procedure, other cards can be inserted into the device, and they will work.

To remove such a restriction, you must enter a special key. It can be obtained using programs and services, it is only necessary with reverse side modem rewrite IMEI code. One of the unlock options is the Inspire Your Device program, which can be obtained at

Now using the Megafon modem should be a pleasure due to its high speed and ease of use, because connection difficulties are a thing of the past. If you still have questions on the topic “How to connect and configure a Megafon modem on a laptop, tablet and computer?”, You can ask them in the comments

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How to connect a Megafon modem to a computer or laptop

Modems from Megafon are very convenient when traveling to the country or to any other place where there is no wired connection. You can buy them at any communication store. mobile operator. But how to connect a megaphone modem correctly in order to access the Internet at high speed? The tips below will help subscribers solve this problem.

Connection steps

To connect to a laptop, you need to turn on the device and wait until the operating system is fully loaded. At the next stage, you need to take the modem and insert a SIM card into its side slot. It should be remembered that there must be a positive balance on the account of this number or an appropriate tariff plan With unlimited internet from Megafon.

The modem needs to be inserted into a free input for usb devices and see if notifications appear on the laptop screen. If the modem from the megaphone is in good condition, then after a minute, a report will appear on the device stating that the installation of the Megafon Internet program has begun. All the drivers necessary for the program to work will automatically appear in the system.

After the equipment is installed, the subscriber of the cellular company needs to go to the "Device Manager" and see if the modem is working correctly. Then the registration of the device on the network will begin, which will be notified by a color indicator. Depending on the signal strength and internet speed, it may be blue or green. Now the equipment is completely ready for work, and you can safely go to your favorite sites or social networks.

Reading time: 38 min

The high demand for wireless Wi-Fi modems has led to various problems with connecting to the Internet. Will be reviewed today megafon modem setup, as it is one of the most popular operators. The manufacturer's assortment includes standard 3G modems, and LTE (4G) options are becoming increasingly popular. Note that connecting to the network through Megafon, regardless of the device, should not cause difficulties, it is enough to have minimal computer skills and follow the instructions.

How to connect a Megafon modem to a laptop?

Connecting a Megafon modem to a laptop has a very standard look, almost identical to a stationary PC. The first step is to start the laptop and leave it until the system is fully loaded. When the devices are prepared, you can proceed to the installation:

  1. Connect laptop and modem via USB;
  2. The laptop should show the appropriate driver installation notification. Then the program for using the Internet from Megafon will automatically start. You need to wait until both actions are completed, usually all this happens within 1 minute;
  3. You need to go Start - Control Panel - System;
  4. Next, select "Device Manager" and determine if the modem is installed correctly. If there are failures, an exclamation mark will be shown next to the device name;
  5. It is necessary to launch the Megafon Internet program and wait until the network is synchronized and configured. The result of the actions is indicated by the indicator on the modem, as well as the corresponding icon in the application;

  1. This completes the installation procedure, you can go online.

Connecting to a tablet

In the case of a tablet, the question of how to set up a Megafon modem has a more complicated solution, but it is quite possible to do this if the device has the necessary support.

The easiest connection option when there is built-in modem support. Then it is enough to use an OTG cable and connect both devices. After the identification procedure, you must manually specify the access point (the location of the settings is different, but usually in the "Network" section). After the described steps, you can use the network.

Does not see the Megafon modem on the tablet, what should I do?

If the Megafon modem does not connect, you will have to use additional applications. This is a more complicated option, which is hampered by the fact that the tablet does not support a modem, but there is a way out of the situation. You must manually specify the type of behavior with the device, because initially it will recognize it as a regular storage drive, so network access will be unavailable. For proper operation, you must specify the "modem only" mode. You will need a third-party 3GSW program to complete the procedure. Thus, we synchronize the modem and set the mentioned mode in the application.

This trick does not always work, if nothing worked, you can use another Hyper Terminal utility. The principle of manipulation with it is as follows:

  1. Download the program;
  2. Install on PC and wait for device identification;

  1. In the device manager, you need to find the modem and select its properties. Pay attention to the port code and its bandwidth;
  2. Run the application and specify in it the data you have just received;
  3. Then enter the code "ate1", and then "at ^ u2diag = 0", both actions should end with the answer OK;

  1. Disconnect the modem from the PC and insert it into the tablet.

In a normal situation, after setting up, you only have to enter the access point, but since there is no such section here, you will have to use another PPP Widget utility. In it, you must specify the data for authorization, the number to dial to the network and APN. Only now you can enter the network.

It is important to note that PPP Widget requires root access on the device. The process of obtaining is different depending on the model, most likely you will be able to find a suitable one.

How to check Megafon modem on PC?

Megafon perceives the computer modem in the same way as a laptop and there is no significant difference in the installation process. It is only worth noting here that everything does not always go smoothly and drivers are installed the first time. If, after performing the procedure described in the first paragraph, there is still no Internet, and the “Device Manager” contains incorrectly installed components, you will have to manipulate it.

The easiest way is to remove the device through the right button, restart the PC, after disconnecting the modem and reconnecting it.

If this does not work, you should remove the broken device from the manager and go to the manufacturer's website, where the official drivers are located, and you need to install them. You will probably need to flash the modem, but this is usually not necessary.

Unlocking the Megafon modem implies the removal of restrictions on the use of SIM cards only from the original operator. After the procedure, other cards can be inserted into the device, and they will work.

To remove such a restriction, you must enter a special key. It can be obtained using programs and services, it is only necessary to rewrite the IMEI code on the back of the modem. One of the unlock options is the Inspire Your Device program, which can be obtained at

Now using the Megafon modem should be a pleasure due to its high speed and ease of use, because connection difficulties are a thing of the past.

If you still have questions on the topic "How to connect and configure a Megafon modem on a laptop, tablet and computer?", You can ask them in the comments

Megafon Modem is an official utility from Megafon, also known as Internet Connect 2.0. It is necessary for owners of appropriate 3G/4G modems.

The main purpose of the program is to install the drivers necessary for the correct functioning of the connected device. When the application starts, it automatically detects the modem model and selects the necessary software for it.


But in addition to recognizing the modem and establishing a connection to the network, Megafon Modem also performs several additional features. For example, the program displays the current balance of the personal account, the session time and the amount of consumed traffic. Also, in the main window of Internet Connect 2.0, a graph of changes in the speed of receiving and transmitting data is displayed. Information changes in real time.

Another important section of the program is called "Balance". As you might guess, there you can check the current status of your personal account. To do this, the user is required to enter a phone number and password from Megafon's personal account. Another section - "Journal", is responsible for logging the session. There, the time of connection to the network is fixed, as well as the time of disconnection and other important information. In the "Settings" section, the user can configure automatic start Internet Connect along with the launch of the operating Windows systems, reconnect when disconnected and display RSS feeds with news. There is also a section for managing settings profiles. Usually such profiles are provided by the provider itself and it is not recommended to edit them "by hand".

Technical information

Megaphone Modem is absolutely free program, which, moreover, does not require pre-installation on a computer. That is, to start working with it, you just need to download and run the executable file.

Key Features

  • installs the drivers necessary for the correct functioning of the 3G / 4G modem;
  • allows you to check the balance;
  • maintains a detailed log of connections;
  • can be automatically launched with the start of the computer;
  • works in portable mode;
  • allows you to manage settings profiles.
  • SIM card, number, tariff

      To find out the name and conditions of the current tariff, go to your Personal Account and select the "Tariff" section or dial a free command * 105 * 3 #

      You can change the tariff

      • online: select new tariff, click on the page button "Switch to tariff";
      • in the MegaFon application or Personal Account.

      You can switch to any tariff, except for the archive one. The cost of the transition is indicated on the page of the selected tariff.

      When changing the tariff, the packages of minutes, SMS and Internet connected within the current tariff will “burn out” and will not be valid at the new tariff. The written-off subscription fee is not recalculated.

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    • How to unblock a number?
      • If you run out of money on your account and the number is blocked, replenish your balance. The number is activated after the debt is repaid.
      • If you have not used the number for more than 90 days, it may be blocked. To restore the number, contact the MegaFon salon with your passport. If the number has not been transferred to another subscriber during this time, you will receive a new SIM card with the previous number.
        Find out if you can recover your number by sending free SMS from a valid MegaFon SIM to. In the message, indicate the number you want to restore, the full name of the owner.
      • If the number is blocked after losing the SIM card, you can get a new SIM card with the same number for free by contacting the MegaFon salon with your passport.
      • If you have set a blocking, the number will be unblocked automatically on the day you choose to end the blocking.

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    • How to get a new SIM card while keeping your phone number?

      Apply with your passport to any MegaFon salon in the Home region, on the territory of which the contract was concluded. You can get a new SIM card for free and continue using your number. The tariff and all terms of service remain the same, it is not necessary to conclude a new contract for the provision of communication services.

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    • How to keep your number?

      The number remains yours as long as the balance is positive. If you do not use the number and do not activate the blocking service, then at least once every 90 days you need to use communication services: outgoing calls, incoming calls, sending SMS, sending and receiving MMS, access to the Internet. If you do not use communication services for more than 90 calendar days in a row on tariffs for calls and for more than 180 calendar days in a row on tariffs for the Internet, the subscription fee for keeping the number starts to be charged daily.

      In case of non-use of communication services for any of the subscriber numbers combined on one personal account for more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in a row, the contract for the provision of communication services in part of this subscriber number considered terminated at the initiative of the subscriber.

      The amount of the subscription fee for keeping the number, the conditions for its debiting and the period at the end of which the contract for the provision of communication services will be terminated and the number can be transferred to another subscriber, is indicated in the description of your tariff. You can find it in the section Tariffs or Archive of tariffs.

      If you do not use communication services for more than 90 days with zero or negative balance personal account, the contract is considered terminated on your initiative. If the number has not been transferred to another person, it can be restored by filling out an application in the MegaFon salon.

      If you plan to not use mobile communications for a long time (more than 90 days), block your number.

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      • Use the service Telephone codes of mobile operators. Enter the one you are interested in mobile number in the search bar and click the "Check" button. Under the search bar, the names of the carrier and the region will be displayed.
      • Dial a team * 629 # . Then enter in any format the mobile number you want to check. Information about the operator and the region will be displayed on the screen.

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    • How to renew the contract or change the number?

      You can choose a number when concluding a contract for the provision of communication services or replace your valid number phone.

      Pick up a beautiful, easy-to-remember number in an online store or in a MegaFon salon.

      The cost of the room depends on the class of the room: simple, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the type of numbering: federal or city. More details about the cost of the room in the description of the Number Selection service.

      The service operates in two modes:

      • one-way: the caller will hear the message "The subscriber's device is turned off or is out of network coverage";
      • two-way mode: the caller will receive an SMS with your new number.

      In any mode, you will receive an SMS with the number of the person who called your previous number.

      The service does not work if the balance on the old number is negative or zero, and also if the old SIM card is blocked.

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    • What do I need to determine the numbers of the callers?

      To do this, you have the Caller ID service, it allows you to determine the numbers of those who call you. The service does not require connection and there is no subscription fee.

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    • Why didn't I get a number?

      The number may not be determined if the caller has activated the AntiAON service. Also, the numbers of clients of other operators or MegaFon clients of other branches may not be determined.

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  • Services, options

      Use any convenient way:

      • Go to the section Balances on service packages in your Personal Account.
      • Open the Service package balances section in the MegaFon application.
      • Customize the widget.

      Widget - an element of the MegaFon application Personal Area. It is not necessary to enter the application - the remaining minutes, SMS, megabytes, balance of the Personal account will be displayed on the screen of your smartphone.

      For the widget to work, install the MegaFon application on your smartphone / tablet Personal account. For OS android application must be installed in the smartphone's memory, not in the SD memory. Go to your smartphone settings and activate the widget.

      The appearance of the widget and the number of residues that will simultaneously be displayed on the smartphone screen differ depending on the OS.

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  • Mobile Internet

    • What to do if the mobile Internet does not work or the speed has decreased?
      1. Check your balance and replenish it if necessary. To check the balance, type the command * 100 # or go to your Personal Account. The Internet works only with a positive balance. If you recently topped up your account, wait a few minutes for the Internet to work again.
      2. Check the rest of the internet package. Open the MegaFon application or go to your Personal Account and in the "Services" section, select Service package balances. If the included volume of the Internet is over, connect one of the options to extend the Internet.
      3. Check if your Mobile Internet service is connected by typing the command * 105 * 4 * 4 #
      4. Make sure you have Data Transfer enabled. You can check this in the settings of your smartphone or tablet under "Data transfer", "Data connection" or " Mobile network” (the name may differ in different devices).
      5. Reboot the device (switch off and on).
      6. Turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone / tablet (when using a router from MegaFon, Wi-Fi must remain on).
      7. Move the SIM card to another device. If on another device Mobile Internet also does not work, contact the nearest MegaFon salon with an identity document to replace the SIM card. When replacing the SIM card, the phone number will not change, the service is provided free of charge.
        To find out the address of the nearest salon, open the MegaFon application.
      8. When using the Internet via a modem/router: Reinstall the MegaFon Internet application, try connecting the modem/router to a different USB port on your computer, update your modem/router software. Latest Versions you can download the software for free in the MegaFon online store. Find your modem or router in the directory and go to the "Files" tab.

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    • What is 4G+, how to start using it and how does the transition from 2G/3G network to 4G+ happen?

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    • How to top up an account?

      Choose any convenient way:

      1. Top up your account with a bank card or e-wallet in the Payment section.
      2. On home page In your personal account, you can replenish your account, as well as the account of another Megafon subscriber, with a bank card.
      3. Set up Autopayment yourself in your Personal Account on the website or contact a specialist in the MegaFon salon for help. With this service, the balance will be replenished automatically from your bank card.
      4. If it is not possible to pay right now, use the Promised payment service.
      5. Another MegaFon subscriber can transfer money to you from his account using the Mobile transfer service. To send a request to another subscriber, use free service Pay for me.
      6. If you are a client of Sberbank and your bank card is tied to a phone number, specify the required amount in an SMS and send it to the number or use the Sberbank-Online application.

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    • How to stay in touch with a negative or zero balance?

        You have already activated the Zero problems service, with which you can receive SMS, calls in your Home region and call to free numbers and 8-800 550-05-00 in Russia.

        The service is connected free of charge, there is no subscription fee.

        The service is available only in the Home region within 30 days from the moment of blocking. Roaming does not work.

        To call with an insufficient balance, use the service Call at the expense of a friend, and your interlocutor will pay for the call. Dial " 000 ” and subscriber number, starting with “ 8 " or " 7 ", For example: 000792ХXXXXXXX.

        The service is valid only for calls to MegaFon numbers.

        To credit the account with a conditional amount at any convenient time and continue using the services mobile communications, activate the Promised payment by typing the command * 106 # . The service is paid.

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        The detailed report has all the information about calls, SMS, MMS and Internet access with date, time, duration and cost for a certain period. You can also find information about roaming costs.

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      • For what period can I get the details?

        You can order one-time detailing for one or several days, periodic - for a calendar month or receive a summary of all accruals and payments on a monthly basis.

        Your details are stored for 36 calendar months (even after termination of the contract).

        If you have activated the "Periodic bill detailing" service, then a detailed report is sent to your email once a month (approximately the 10th of each month). You can receive a report the next month after connecting the service.

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      • You can get it in several ways:

        • free of charge in the Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
        • free of charge by e-mail;
        • by mail, the cost of the service is 100 ₽ per month;
        • in the nearest salon, in this case the cost will be 50 ₽ for each day of ordered detailing.

        In the Personal Account, you can order details for the last 6 calendar months. Information for an earlier date can be ordered at the nearest salon.

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      • Why can not all information be indicated in the detail?

        The subscription fee is charged in accordance with the Subscription Terms.

        To find out which subscriptions are connected, go to your Personal Account, select the "Services and Options" section, the "My" subsection, which will display a list of subscriptions connected to your subscription number

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      • How to unsubscribe?

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      • Can I listen to the recording of my telephone conversation?

        MegaFon does not record calls from subscribers.

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      • How to set up call forwarding?

        You can set or cancel call forwarding in the phone menu or in your Personal Account. See the terms and cost of setting up call forwarding on the service page.

        If established forwarding does not work, check if your number is subject to restrictions and if the number is correct.

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      • To find out who called you while the phone was turned off, out of network coverage or while you could not answer, activate the Who called+ service. You will receive a missed call SMS on behalf of the person who tried to call you. The SMS will indicate the number and time of calls.

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      • What is VoLTE technology and what do you need to use it?

        The service is available to MegaFon subscribers on all tariffs, it is provided both in the Home region and in roaming.

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        • You have automatically activated the service I got a call from S . You will receive a notification in the form of a missed call from the person who tried to reach you, indicating the time and number of calls. The service is free.
        • Activate the Who called+ service. You will receive SMS about a missed call or voice messages on the answering machine. When “Who called+” is connected, the “I got a call from S” service will automatically turn off.

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    • Emergency help

      • How to call the emergency service?

        Single call number emergency services:

        1 - Fire Department;

        2 - police;

        3 - emergency;

        4 emergency service gas network.

        Emergency phone numbers:

        Emergency - ;

        Calls to emergency numbers are free. You can call if there is no money on the account, and even from a phone without a SIM card.

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      • What should I do if my phone is lost or stolen?

          Block the number.

          Free blocking period - 7 days. Then the monthly fee starts to be written off. All communication services on the number before the blocking is activated are paid by you. If your phone is stolen or lost, please let us know as soon as possible. This is necessary so that a thief or a person who finds your phone cannot use the money in your account.

          Get a new SIM card with your old number.

          Try to find a phone.

          Contact the police and write a statement about the theft. Your phone may be found.

          If you've lost your iPhone or iPad, use the Find My iPhone feature.

          If you have lost your Android phone, use the find device function.

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      • How to protect yourself from scammers?

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      • How are emergency communications services provided?
    • Roaming

      • How to use communication services while traveling in Russia and around the world?

        When traveling around our country, no additional actions are required to use communication services. The only condition is that you must have a positive balance.

        When you leave for other countries, as well as for the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, where there is no MegaFon network, you need to make sure that you have activated the Roaming service. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        • 8 800 550-05-00 +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • Personal account or MegaFon application;
        • contact the MegaFon salon with a passport.

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      • The cost of communication services while traveling in Russia may differ from the cost in the Home region. Detailed terms you can find out in your Personal Account, in the description of your tariff or with the help of a free team * 139 #

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        There is no MegaFon network in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, so make sure that you have activated the Roaming service before your trip. It is needed so that you can use communication services in the networks of other operators.

        How to find out if roaming is enabled on your number:

        • call the Support Service at 8 800 550 0500 in Russia or +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • write to the support chat in your Personal Account or the MegaFon application;
        • contact the MegaFon salon with a passport.

        You can find out the cost of services on the page or in the description of your tariff.

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      • How to connect and disconnect services in roaming and spend less at the same time?

        The easiest and most convenient way - mobile app"MegaFon" or Personal account. You will be able to check the balance, enable or disable services and options, order itemization of expenses and ask a support question in the chat.

        In roaming, you do not need to change the mobile Internet settings.


        Some phones may restrict data roaming. Go to settings and check if mobile internet is enabled while roaming.

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      • Why is my mobile internet not working while roaming?
        • Not enough money in the account. Check the balance and replenish it if necessary.
        • The phone cannot find the network.
          Try restarting your phone and select the network manually. Go to the settings, find the item "Network selection / Operator", select "Manual" or deselect "Automatic". Select a network from the proposed list. When the phone connects to the network, Internet access will appear.
        • Data roaming is disabled in the phone settings.
          Go to settings and check if mobile internet is enabled while roaming.

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