Create a new google account. What is a Google account and how do I create one? Features of Google

The use of a modern smartphone, functioning under Android control, unthinkable without a Google account. After all, only if you have it, your online store will work. Google Play. By the way, we wrote about installing this client. Without this service, you would have to download applications from third-party resources, installing them at your own risk. Is it necessary to say that it is inconvenient and unsafe? It is also worth creating an account, if only for the sake of then facilitating authorization and registration in other services.

New devices are pleased with the fact that they have never been launched on them operating system. You understand that you will be the first owner of the device. And it also greatly facilitates the process of creating an account, since it is proposed to do this within a minute or two after the first launch of the smartphone. You won't even need to dig into the settings. So, you have to perform the following steps in order to successfully and quickly create a Google account on Android:

Step 1. Turn on the device by holding the power button for a few seconds.

Step 2. Select the language of the firmware and perform other actions that the smartphone requires.

Step 3. Connect to WiFi networks. This step is not necessary if you have already inserted a SIM card into the device. Click the button Further».

Step 4. Gradually, you will be taken to the standard page dedicated to your Google account. Here you need to follow the link " Or create a new account».

Step 5. Enter your first and last name, then click the " Further».

Step 6. Enter your gender and date of birth. The latter is required in order not to give you access to those games that are intended for older people. Click the button Further».

Step 7. Enter a unique username in Latin letters. So you will create your e-mail on the postal Gmail service. Click " Further».

Step 8. Create a password by repeating it in the bottom line, then feel free to click on the " Further».

Step 10. Accept the account terms. This is done by reading the rules to the end - only after that the button " I accept».

This completes the main steps! Congratulations, you have successfully created an Android account!

Creating an account on an already working smartphone

If, after purchasing the gadget, you missed the point on creating a Google account, then you won’t be able to buy anything in the play market, and download applications from it for free too. The system will persistently offer to register. Do not hesitate with this matter, as you can create an account without much difficulty:

Step 1. Go to the device menu. In our example, all applications are sorted alphabetically. Do not be afraid of this, you may have a different sorting - the essence will remain the same.

Step 2. Select " Settings».

Step 3. Look in this section for " Accounts" or " Accounts».

Step 4. In this subsection, you need to click the button " Add account" or " Add account».

Step 5. Select from the provided list Google.

Step 6 Then do all the steps that were described above. That is, click on the link Or create a new account”, enter the first and last name, create a password, etc.

On smartphones with up-to-date Android version the procedure will be different. The names and locations of some elements may have different names or be in different subsections. Instruction:

Step 1. In the settings, select the item Google. As a rule, it is at the very bottom of the list. A page with the details of the current Google account will open. Here click on the address Email and in the new window select "Add account".

Step 2. If the device is protected (PIN code, graphic key, fingerprint login), you will need to confirm the login. This will open a page where you can enter data. account an existing Google account, or create a new one.

Do you always need a new account?

If you are already using an Android smartphone for the first time, then you do not need to create a completely new account. Use the old one. All you need to do is enter your Gmail email address and your password. These steps will allow you to transfer contacts from, as well as quickly download those applications that you have already used.

Today it is simply necessary to have an account, that is, an account in Google services, since this company provides a number of very convenient, high-quality and reliable services that more and more people use.

For example, you must have heard of Gmail, and it is the most reliable and functional today, also could not help but hear about Youtube service, I suppose you watch videos there from time to time;), about Google drive ...

There are a number of other useful gizmos in Google, and so by registering an account in it, you immediately get access to all these services, so if you don’t have such an account yet, then be sure to create it, 100 pounds will come in handy! :)

In today's article, I will describe in as much detail and step by step how to create your account in Google services, what, how and where to fill out, where to poke, in general, I think that any beginner can handle such instructions;) So, let's go ...

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The process of creating a Google account

Go to main page Google service and click the "Login" button:

Now you need to fill out a short questionnaire, indicating there your personal data as the owner of the future account. Enter your first name, last name in the appropriate lines, then come up with and write down a username (such an address will have a created google mail, For example, [email protected], where is the username), then enter the password you created for the future account twice and click "Next".

If you create an account specifically for yourself, and not some, for example, temporary, which you will not use for work and for personal matters, then be sure to indicate your real data!

Because by specifying not your data, creating an account for a fictitious person, if you need to restore your account in which case, you may run into problems.

In this case, you need to change the username: enter a new one and click "Next" again, or you can choose one of the options offered by Google in the "Available" list, but, as a rule, the options there are not very offered :) For example:

If you have chosen a username that is not occupied by anyone, then you will be taken to the next stage of registration, where you will need to fill in some more data about yourself, namely: indicate your phone number, backup email address, date of birth and your gender, then click "Next" to continue.

The phone number is not always required. If it is optional, you will see the corresponding message in brackets above the input line, but sometimes Google requires you to specify and confirm it without fail, which is usually associated with frequent registrations of Google accounts from your computer (it happens for other reasons as well) that only Google knows).

Spare email address it is also not necessary to indicate, but, again, if you create an account for yourself or for work, I recommend that you indicate both the phone number and the backup email address in any case, because this increases security, that is, in which case you can easily restore access to to your account.

And remember that it makes no sense to indicate a non-existent or whatever phone number or backup email!

The next step will be to confirm the phone number you specified, if you, of course, indicated it (well, if you didn’t, then you will simply step over this step automatically). In the window, just click "Send", after which a line will appear for entering the code from SMS, enter it there and click "Confirm".

If you don't want to this moment confirm the phone or maybe it's not at hand or something else, then click "Not now.

Then, if you specified a number, Google will offer to add it to its various services, for example, to receive and make calls. You can skip this step by clicking the appropriate button and, if necessary, add the phone to services later ...

In the final step, we need to accept the terms of use of the Google service by clicking "Accept". Well, if you're interested, please read :)

Ready! After registration is completed, you will be sent to start page Google and now instead of the "Sign in" button, the icon of your account will be located, on which the first letter from it was usually written, or the first from the first name and last name, for example, "S" or "SD" (Sergey Danilov):


Having passed, as you can see, a completely uncomplicated registration with Google, you get the opportunity to use the services of this company with your account immediately, for example, you immediately receive an email, the name of which is formed from the specified username and the addition of, as well as you can create your own channel in the Youtube service, use Google drive and in general any of its services!

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All the best to you and see you in the next articles ...;)

Select one photo in advance on your computer to set as a user photo later. After that, in the search bar of any browser, you need to type search query google registration. Do not pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters, this is not critical for the search. On the opened Google page start entering data.

Signing up for a Google account

The Google account registration algorithm is simplified as much as possible by the developers and has only two steps, during which you will be asked to enter personal data. All information entry boxes must be completed except for the backup email address.

Step one, data entry:

1. Enter the first and last name, in Cyrillic or Latin.
2. Choose your Google login.
3. Think up and enter a strong password.
4. Confirm password.
5. Enter your date of birth, gender and phone number.
6. Specify a backup email address.

Then follows simple check identity using the reCAPCHA program, which will allow the system to recognize you as a person, and not a spammer robot. The check has two scenarios. The first one is carried out using the phone number you specified earlier. To activate this script, you must check the box next to the phrase "Skip this check ...". The second check option is set by the system by default, if you did not check the box next to the phrase "Skip this check ...".

Step two, identity verification (by phone):

1. Select the country in which you are currently located.
2. Check the box next to the phrase "I accept these conditions ...".
3. Click on the "Next" button.
4. Choose how you will receive the verification code: in the form of an SMS or a voice call.
5. Enter the six-digit code you received into the information entry window.

Step two, identity verification (online):

1. Read all the numbers shown in the reCAPCHA window. All without exception, even those shown in the small photo.
2. Enter all numbers in the verification code input box. Type them on the keyboard from first to last and without spaces.
3. Check the box next to the phrase "I accept these conditions ...".
4. Click on the "Next" button.

"Google's mission is to organize all the information in the world, making it accessible and easy to use." ©Google

After switching to last page Google Account registrar, you will be prompted to upload a profile photo that you have already prepared in advance. You can skip this step, but after uploading the snapshot, your account will be completely ready for work, all that remains is to figure out its settings.

Below are comments on each of the six steps in the first step of creating a Google account.

1. Name and surname. If you use a fictitious name or name, the system will accept it. Subsequently, the name can be changed.
2. Login. Keep in mind that the login will become the name of your email, so it's worth getting creative at this point. There is an opinion that by the name of a personal (not corporate) e-mail box one can define a person's character in general terms. People with a heightened sense of self-worth choose their name, regardless of the difficulties of transliteration. Practical people prefer to use their phone number or a simple set of numbers. Creative people come up with a fun, easy-to-remember login, which may not carry a semantic load, but rhyme with the name of the mail service.
3. Password. Don't select anything that applies to you personally as your secret passcode. Birthday, car number, phone number, apartment number, etc. Do not use consecutive numbers, eg 12345. Do not use multiple letters in a row, eg "qwerty". Strong password must be at least eight characters long using numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, keyboard symbols.
4. Confirmation of the password is necessary to eliminate errors when entering a password for the first time. You need to type it manually, copy the already written password and paste it into this window, the system will not allow.

"In order to keep your account secure and to provide you with a better experience with Google services, you are required to provide certain personal information when registering." ©Google

5. Date of birth is required by Google to activate the age filter of the content of sites, after the completion of account creation, the date of birth cannot be changed. Gender must be specified in order for the Google robot to correctly contact you in the newsletter mailing list, when sending system messages. You will need a phone if the password is weak and the account is hacked. An SMS will be sent to the number you specified with a verification code to change your password.
6. Indicate or not indicate a backup email address - the choice is yours. Purpose of the spare email

Google plus (Google plus) is a social network from the world's largest search engine Google. Google+ was created as a promising social network that will eventually take the lead from Facebook. As time has shown, Google Plus is a community of highly specialized topics. In the near future, using the huge resources of Google, the social network is able to enter the TOP of the most visited services of the company.

Google plus start page

how to sign up for google plus

Signing up for Google Plus is easy. If you have a Google account, then you need to specify your email (login) with a password for the initial login. If you have not yet registered with google, then you need to go through the registration process:

Login to google account

As you can see, registering on google plus is quite simple, even if you have not previously registered on Google services.

Google plus page after registration

The main features of the Google Plus social network

Google Plus was created as a community for the exchange of interesting information. Unlike other social networks, you cannot write private messages here. All content is rigorously screened for intellectual property protection - so google plus does not add music or other files that are protected by copyright law.

The main area of ​​concentration and information exchange in Google Plus is the “feed”, which is formed based on your preferences. Initially, the feed is formed on the basis of your personal data, based on which, Google creates a selection of the most interesting (in its opinion) entries. Putting "plus" - the main unit of support for a particular record, you can show your interests to the system. Note that google system plus automatically selects interesting selections in both Russian and Russian English language, therefore, we can say that this is one of the best social networks for discovering new things in the whole world.

The user can create his entries both on his own behalf and by creating his own community. Creating communities is done in two clicks, so creating it in google plus is easier than in others in social networks. We note the low commercialization of groups in Google Plus, as well as the ease of managing the group. Simplicity is one of the undeniable advantages of this social network.

Creating a new entry in google plus is done in one click. It is necessary to select the red button with a pen in the lower right corner, after which a new window for recording will open. It consists of the entry field itself and 4 possible publication options (in addition to the text):

We create new record in google plus

Post with reference to the area.

Post with an open user record

Most popular with google users plus enjoys post with graphic image(supports almost all image formats).

Due to which the functions of the services Google is better adapted to the needs of the user.

Create a Google user account

If you want to create Google account , go to the account creation page or click Create an account in the top right corner of any Google login page.

Accounts can be used with all Google services. When you create an account - whether you do it through the account creation page or the sign-in page for a particular service - you can use your username and password on any of the Google services.

Let's say you want to use YouTube to post your movies. Go to And create a google account. With the resulting username and password combination, you can now use it not only to log in and post videos on YouTube, but also to create and sharing documents in Google Docs.

All emails relating to your account and use of the services will be sent to your new Gmail address: [email protected].

During the account creation process, the system will ask you to provide the data necessary to provide you with a secure and convenient use of all Google services.

Browser Requirements

Create an account and sign in home page Google Accounts should work without problems on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome for Windows, Mac OS or Linux
  • Internet Explorer 6.0 and later for Windows
  • Netscape 7.1 or later for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Mozilla 1.4 or later for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Firefox 0.8 or later for Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Safari 1.2.1 and later for Mac OS

Note A: Each service provided under Google Accounts has its own browser requirements, which may sometimes be more stringent than those listed above.

Frequently Asked Questions about Google Account

Is it possible to use Google without an account

Yes. Without logging into your Google account, for example, you can use Google search and watch YouTube videos.

Can I use Google services without a profile?

You can delete your Google profile at any time. After creating an account on the Account Settings page, you can delete your google profile and related Google features Plus. Also, if you want to create backup your data, such as profile, photos and contacts, you can download them to your computer.

Will users see my Google profile

Yes, they will, but you can determine how much information you want to reveal to Internet users. First and last name are the only profile elements that must be public. If you choose to provide other information, such as your interests, city of residence, or email address, you can choose who can see them.

On the Profile and Privacy page, you can change your profile information and also control who can view your personal information (remember that once you have created an account, you cannot change your date of birth on this page). By changing the settings, you can turn off the display of your profile in the results Google search, although it is possible that it will be displayed in other contexts.

If you want to transfer Additional information, you can organize your contacts into circles to provide relevant content to the right people.

Whether the Gmail address will be shown online

Your Gmail address and other contact details will be hidden by default. If you would like to share this information with others, you can choose to post them to a specific circle or mark them as public in your profile settings.

In addition, you can enable the display of a button below the profile photo, which allows each person to send you an email. This will hide your email address.

Why is a Gmail address given with a Google account?

Google loves Gmail very much and hopes you will like it too. However, if you choose not to use Gmail and want to link a different email address to your Google Account, you can cancel your Gmail address.

How to change login options

When you sign up, the Remember Me feature is automatically enabled so you don't have to enter your username and password every time you want to use Google. (Periodically, the system asks you to log in again and you can log out at any time). You can disable this setting at any time by unchecking the Remember me on Google sign-in page check box.

How can I change my Search History settings

Web History helps you provide more personalized search results based on your online activity, including previous searches. After creating an account google records , web history is automatically enabled.

You can delete your web history at any time by going to and clicking Delete all history. In addition, you have the option to pause it and remove specific items from it.
