Protective film on the computer screen. Why do you need screen protectors for your monitor?

Sometimes we store files on the computer that other people cannot see. You can, of course, hide these files with the factory options that operating system computer. However, it will not be possible to completely hide these files, since every second computer user can easily bypass this vulnerable protection. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you can make an invisible monitor with your own hands, which will be visible only to the owner of special glasses.

So, for starters, let's see a video of a useful and amazing homemade product:

What will we need?
- Old LCD monitor;
- Old glasses, of which we only need a frame;
- Screwdriver;
- Stationery knife;
- Ruler.

The old monitor, which we are ready to donate, has been found, which means that we can get to work. Remove all wires and screws from reverse side monitor. We disassemble the monitor so as to gain access to the display.

As a rule, computer LCD monitors have a coating of two films - polarizing and anti-reflective. The first film is designed to filter light. There are monitors on which there is no anti-reflective film, like the author of the video. If it is present, then it must be put aside, since we will not need it.
When the monitor is fully accessible, we need to cut out the polarizing film with a utility knife along the very edge.

Next, remove it with a ruler. Be sure to remember the orientation of the film - where is the top and where is the bottom: this is very important. If you hold the film at different angles and look at the monitor, the image from different angles will not always be in normal color.

After removing the film, there will most likely be a layer of glue on the monitor that will collect dust particles. The glue must be removed. To do this, you need to give the glue a slight roughness so that the removal process is easier.

After that, we take a triple cologne and cotton wool or paper towel and clean the surface of the monitor. As an alternative to cologne, you can use a thinner, but in this case you need to be extremely careful not to damage the monitor.

When the adhesive is removed, you need to assemble the monitor back.

Now you can start making glasses. To do this, take a marker and mark the size of the lenses of our frames.

Anti-glare screens for a long period were the only protection for the eyes from electromagnetic radiation and reflected light. Today they are not so popular, because they were replaced by special sprays for displays and computer glasses. Modern monitors do not need "protectors" for the eyes at all. But in most cases, the use of screen protectors for the monitor is a necessity.

Eye protection

The main function of a protective screen for a monitor is to prevent reflected light from entering the eyes. At quality screen it also increases the contrast to better distinguish colors and outlines of characters. Analogue are anti-reflective sprays. With them, the surface does not “shine”, so it will be convenient to work. But sprays are not designed to improve image clarity, their use does not affect contrast.

All monitors are emitting minor x-rays. It is considered safe if a person is not near the monitor for a long time. Manufacturers have reduced the level of rays, but you cannot completely get rid of them.

Previously, monitor shields were the only protection against radiation, but now they are producing "safe" monitors. They are labeled low radiation or low emission, which indicates a minimum harmful radiation. If this inscription is not present, then a protective screen for the monitor is required. It should be remembered that with internal mechanisms an electromagnetic field is generated. Even monitors marked with low radiation cannot exclude this factor.

Therefore, if you have to work for such equipment for a long time, you need a protective one even if it is “safe”. The best choice There will be polarizing screens. No matter how bright the light is, the screen will protect your eyes. These devices have another advantage: with them it will not be possible to view the image from the side.


An analogue of the protective screen are special glasses. They prevent eye contact with glare and electromagnetic radiation, but cannot improve image contrast. Therefore, protective screens are considered the most comfortable type. For their manufacture, a metal mesh, plastic or

It is better not to choose mesh devices. They serve as protection against electromagnetic radiation, but complicate visual perception. Such a product is presented in the form of a fine mesh screen that blocks the display. As a result, the eyes get tired quickly.

Plastic protective eyes improve contrast - they create a slight darkening effect. The product reduces reflections on the display, but does not protect against electromagnetic radiation. The disadvantage of plastic is brittleness, in addition, the material is quickly scratched and becomes cloudy.

It is advisable to choose a device made of optical glass. With it, the image quality improves, it becomes clearer, it will be protected from electromagnetic radiation. The glass surface will not cloud with detergents, and it takes effort to form a scratch.


There are few requirements for the device, but they are all important:

  1. The quality is evidenced by an anti-reflective coating on one or both sides. It is advisable to choose a product that reduces glare by up to 99%.
  2. In addition to anti-reflective coating, anti-static properties are required. The presence of static electricity on the screen causes dust to collect. This negatively affects the respiratory system, besides, because of this factor, the contours of the image are hardly visible. Therefore, a shield with antistatic properties is required.
  3. Another important property is the transmittance. The choice of the screen on this basis determines the illumination of the workplace. The better it is, the lower it should be throughput. In high light, this figure should be equal to 30%.
  4. When choosing a screen protector for your eye monitor, consider ease of cleaning. The anti-reflective surface shows smudges and fingerprints very well. If they are difficult to remove, the product quickly becomes dirty. The protective screen should be well cleaned thanks to a special soft cloth.

When is a screen protector not required?

How to determine if a monitor needs additional protection? The equipment must have a certificate of conformity with the MPR-II standard. According to it, the sanitary characteristics of monitors are established. You can choose equipment made according to the Swedish standard TCO-92. This will be an excellent choice, as the Scandinavian requirements are stricter than the world ones.

If the monitor is more than 5 years old, then it must be replaced or a protective screen purchased. With time electromagnetic radiation in the monitor increases. On sale you can find TCO-95 monitors. This is also the Swedish standard, but more environmentally friendly materials are used. Such equipment will be more expensive, although there is no significant difference between the products.


Thus, screen protectors are essential for many monitors. This will protect your eyesight from the negative effects of technology. In addition, they improve the contrast and clarity of the picture.

Anti-glare film for a laptop for any device and monitor, regardless of the manufacturer and screen quality, we cut to order. The film removes the shortcomings of glossy monitors - hellish glare, flare from the sun and other light sources. We send by mail, guaranteed quality, simple application, does not require professional skills.

As you know, glossy monitor screens have a significant drawback - they reflect all kinds of glare from direct light sources, while significantly reducing comfort from work, eyes get tired, and working capacity decreases. Looking at the screen with an illuminated angle is untidy, all the comfort from work or leisure disappears. Here, either choose how to sit at a table or workplace, or cut down all light sources that interfere. To eliminate such backlight, there are two solutions - buy a monitor (laptop) immediately with a matte screen, or stick an anti-glare film on the laptop (directly on the screen). The first solution involves spending a lot of money - buying a new device can cost a pretty penny, but with a film, things are “cheaper”, but not so simple. Understanding this issue it becomes clear that the films are different and not all will give the result that is expected to be obtained.

Film film strife

So, the laptop got from relatives, you bought it on sale, gave it as a gift, it doesn’t matter anymore - you were unlucky (or lucky), but the monitor turned out to be glossy. For reference, laptops are produced with both glossy and matte monitors (anti-glare). But according to statistics, “brilliant” pieces of iron are bought up with great desire. Yes, and with a matte monitor, only flagship models are often released, which are 2-3 times higher in the price category..

So all the same, what to do with the monitor - well, yes, buy a film, that's right. Well, if the screen is standard, then you can find the right size in stores, service centers. If this is a tablet with a screen of 7-11 inches, then you can try your luck in communication stores, where the film can be pasted right away. To say about the price - here the spread depends on the quality, cheating and “they will take it for work”, that is, the price fluctuates widely, from 150 rubles to 2,000. Often the real sizes of monitors of different devices can differ from the standard by 2-3 millimeters, here a knife or scissors are used, unpleasant, but the simplest solution. It’s good if the film got larger in size ...

In addition, the film differs not only in quality, the very structure of the film involves reducing light exposure by scattering light rays. That is, the film must be grainy, or refract light in a different way. This is where the dog is buried - cheap films have a strong graininess, noticeable to the naked eye (eyes are very tired according to reviews). A good anti-glare laptop screen film only slightly reduces the visibility of the screen. Chinese ones are inexpensive, have a large grain size and are recommended only if none can be found at all, or there are great difficulties in money. But anti-reflective film good quality You can also order for any size laptop, for example, from us.

What film to buy and where

You need to decide firstly - how much you are willing to pay, if the amount does not matter (they are ready to give 2-3 thousand hard-earned money), the issue is easily resolved, for that kind of money you will get an anti-reflective film in most service centers or large stores, or they will simply order it. If money is running low, we buy in an online store (if we're lucky to find the right size). But if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, and you need an anti-glare film, then the option is to order one that fits the size of a laptop (tablet, phone) screen. We cut high-quality anti-reflective film to any size, send it by mail. The cost of the film is much lower than that offered in shops and repair centers. You can stick a film on a laptop yourself, a simple instruction is attached to each order. All information you can ask by phone, or
