How to allow access to a windows 7 folder. Windows cannot access a network folder

Updated - 2017-02-15

You have created your own with Internet access . Now it's time to take full advantage of the network. And they are not so few. But first, we'll look at how to make a shared folder.

You will not run with a flash drive from computer to computer. Having a local network is already simply ridiculous and inconvenient. A local network is created for this, so that resources are shared. Can be made common HDD, or you can create a separate folder and store documents for general use in it.

You will have your own file server with a file sharing service. Moreover, this folder will be opened from your computer, and you do not need to search for it throughout the network. Everything is quite simple and does not require any material costs. Enough to customize general access to this folder .

How to make a shared folder

We have already created a small one, and now we can make a folder common to all computers.

Create on any computer on the network new folder and call it " My files(You can call it whatever you want). Click on this folder right click mouse and select from the drop-down menu Sharing and Security.

A window will open Properties: The name of your folder . On the tab Access check the boxes Share this folder And.

For Windows 7 the choice in the list will be as follows: -Sharing - Homegroup (read and write) -

IN WindowsXP the following window will open.

Everything is clear with the first point, but I will explain a little about the second. The fact is that if you do not check the box Allow changes to files over the network , then the person who opened your folder on his computer will only be able to view the files, but he will not be able to delete them and change anything in them. Sometimes this feature is very useful. If you are confident in your network partner, then check this box, and if not, then it is better to secure your files.

At work, I have one folder on my computer that contains the files necessary for the programs to work. In order not to go to all the offices with a flash drive or disk. Especially if I have DVD disc, and the drive on some computer does not read it, then this is very inconvenient.

And so I sit down at someone else's computer, open my folder over the network and install necessary program. And so that someone foolishly does not delete these files, I do not have a check mark on the item Allow modification of files . But you can copy these files. So - see for yourself.

Now let's set it up so that other users on your network can open this folder on their computers. To do this, go to another computer and click on the desktop icon network .

A window will open network .

Select an entry on the left Show workgroup computers and click on it with the mouse.

The following window will open.

Select the computer on which your file sharing folder was created and open it. You certainly won't have that many computers.

Find the network folder icon. I have it" My files". And drag or copy it to your desktop.

System administrators call this folder sharing.

Now you do not have to search the network for this folder every time. The files will be stored on the computer where this folder was created. Similarly, you can create any folder on any computer connected to your network and share files.

So we considered the question - how to make a shared folder.

It would seem a trite topic, but at least once a week, lengthy explanations begin on the forum about how to still get access to any object. Most often, these are, of course, folders or files, sometimes registry keys. I'll try to put together ways to get access to local objects.

If you do not have access to a local object, you cannot manage its permissions, the lack of such an opportunity can be compensated by changing the owner of the object, after which you can manage its permissions. This can be done in several ways, consider them in order.

Method 1: Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Method 2: Use the takeown and icacls command-line utilities

Applies to files, folders, and drives only.

Method 3. Item to change the owner of an object in the Explorer context menu

To simplify the procedure for changing the owner, you can add the appropriate item to the Explorer context menu.
The proposed version also uses utilities command line takeown And icacls with certain parameters, and the received command will set the owner of the object on which the menu item will be applied to the group Administrators(or Administrators in the English version of the OS).

To add the "Change Ownership" menu item to Russian

@="Change Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F"

@="Change Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant admins:F /t"

To add the "Take Ownership" menu item to English Windows versions Vista apply this registry tweak:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"

To remove this menu item (regardless of the system language), you can use the following registry tweak:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



In the previous article, we looked at how to directly connect (without a router) two computers to a local network using LAN cable (twisted pair). This publication will be a kind of logical continuation and at the same time it will be a self-sufficient article, and it will talk about how to share a Windows 7 and Windows XP folder. Customize folder sharing on operating systems Windows families NT (Microsoft's OS line) is not difficult, but as an example, consider versions 5.1 (XP - no support) and 6.1 (7 - popular).

I will not pour "water" into the article, but will go straight to the point. So, it is assumed that you have already verified and established a connection between them. How to crimp twisted pair without a special tool (crimper), . In order to exchange files between two computers, we need to enable folder sharing. How to do it?

Setting up folder sharing in Windows 7.

Before sharing a folder, we need to configure network settings for the profile we use. To do this, go to the address "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center".

Click on the link "Change Extra options Sharing" and, depending on the network profile you use (home, work, shared), change the settings. In your current (general) profile, you need to activate " Network discovery”, “File and Printer Sharing” and “Folder Sharing”.

In addition to activating the necessary network settings, you need to disable the "Sharing with password protection" function. Don't forget to click the "Save Changes" button.

This completes the configuration of the network profile settings. You can now share a folder or a local drive on your computer. I will show how to organize sharing using the example of one folder (in relation to a local disk). By the way, if your network has more than two computers (connected via a router), then it may make sense to restrict other users in the right to change the contents of a folder (local disk). But if you trust all members of the local network, then open "Full Access".

To open access on the computer to any folder to other members of the local network, you need to right-click on it and in context menu select "Properties". In the window that opens, go to the "Access" tab and click the "Sharing" button. You can also configure access to the folder through advanced settings. If the "Sharing" button is not active, then in the "Control Panel" find the "Folder Options" applet and there, on the "View" tab, check the box "Use Sharing Wizard".

In the new window, you need to select users and give them full (read and write) or restrictive access (read). In my case, full access will be opened. That is, all network members will be able to delete or change the contents in this folder.

As you can see, here you can add or select users from the drop-down list and give them the appropriate level of access. We select “Everyone” from the list and click the “Add” button, and in the “Permission Level” column we tick the “Read and Write” checkbox. Don't forget to click the "Share" button.

After that, the following window will open with a message that the folder you selected is available for public use. Click the Done button. To share content on another computer, you must configure the same network settings on that computer and follow the same procedure.

To enter a folder with public access from another computer, you need to go to "Start" - "Computer" and in the left pane click "Network" and click on the name of the computer that contains this folder. In addition, here you will see other folders (if any) that are shared.

You can also get into folders with open access through the search form "Find programs and files", which is located in the "Start" (key combination Win + R. You can download here). In it you need to enter the name (or IP) of the computer with the folders open for public access. For example, like this:

That's all. If you have something to add to the material, then you are welcome in the comment, and I proceed to the setting Windows settings xp.

How to make a shared folder in Windows XP.

Despite the fact that this matured operating system Officially, it has already been deprived of support; it will be in demand for a long time to come. Therefore, it makes sense to consider setting up folder sharing in Windows XP. The presented material assumes that computers connected to a local network successfully pass diagnostics. So, more to the point.

When setting up a local network on Windows 7.8 and 10, you need to correctly assign access to users and configure services. Otherwise, a network error occurs with codes 0x800070035, 0x80004005, or 0x800704cf and a message appears that Windows cannot access the desired network folder, disk, device, or file.

The error message, depending on the OS version, may look like this:

  1. Windows cannot access the computer on the local network. The network path was not found. Error code:
  2. Windows cannot access the network folder/drive/other location on the local network.
  3. Windows cannot access *Folder or file*. You do not have permission to access *Folder Path*. Contact your network administrator for access.

[Update] It is possible to quickly fix errors with code 0x80004005 (and sometimes with the rest) by weighing just one entry in the registry:

  1. Open "Start" -> "Run", enter regedet and press Enter.
  2. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key, navigate to \Software \Policies \Microsoft \Windows\ LanmanWorkstation.
  3. RMB - create new parameter name AllowInsecureGuestAuth type REG_DWORD Enabled Value 1 (value 1 - enabled). Restart PC.

Fixing network errors 0x800070035 and 0x80004005

The reasons why Windows 7 or 10 can access a network folder or files almost always lie in incorrectly set system settings, rather than in any errors. For similar reasons, on the local network, it can, and the system will give the error “Could not establish a connection. Network path not found." with similar codes. Most of the problems are fixed elementarily, with the help of simple changes settings.

If Windows cannot access the network folder and gives errors 0x800070035 or 0x80004005, you need to:

  1. Check sharing settings.
  2. Make sure the "Server" network service is enabled.

Checking Sharing Settings

Errors when accessing a network folder often occur in Windows due to incorrectly set permissions. If the drive, folder, file or computer is not shared, then other members of the local network will not be able to establish a connection.


  1. Select the network folder or drive you want to share.
  2. Right-click, select "Share" from the context menu.
  3. Go to the submenu item "Specific users".
  4. In the window that opens, click on the triangular arrow next to the "Add" button.
  5. Select the user to whom you want to grant access from the list that appears. If there are no users in the list, select the "All" option.
  6. Set access rights for the user: read only (view files), or read and write (the ability to change, add and delete files from a network folder).

After that, you need to click the "Share" button and, if the system does not show any errors or warnings, click on the "Finish" button.

After that, the system should open access to the specified path for all users of the local network.

Checking the health of the Server service

"Server" is a built-in service in Windows, necessary for the operation of the local network and connection to remote computers, devices or files. If the computer has not previously been used as a server or to connect to home network, the service may be disabled. This often causes access errors to network folders, even when the rights for all users are set correctly and the rest of the OS settings are normal.

Enabling and disabling services in Windows 7 and 10 occurs in the Control Panel:

  1. Click "Start" - "Administrative Tools" - "Services".
  2. If the "Administrative Tools" tab is not in the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel" and find the "Services" item in the "Administrative Tools" tab in the list.
  3. A window will open with all the services in which you need to find the "Server".
  4. Right-click on the "Server" line, select "Properties" in the context menu that appears.
  5. In the window that opens, in the "General" tab, select "Startup type": automatically or manually.

If the service was originally disabled, the Startup Type will be set to Disabled. Starting it manually will force the service to be restarted every time it needs access to a network folder, remote computer or files in the homegroup. IN automatic mode the service will start on its own, and you will not need to do these steps again.

Configuring network card properties

Connection errors network devices with codes 0x800070035 and 0x80004005 can be solved by setting network connection. In settings network card you need to uncheck the iPv6 protocol, and also configure iPv4. The method works equally well in Windows 7 and 10 all versions. First, you should only try to turn off the iPv6 protocol, and only then perform the rest of the steps if this simple method did not help.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel".
  2. IN Windows 7: Go to "Network and Sharing Center", then "Change adapter settings". For Windows 10: In the control panel, select "Network and Internet", then "Network and Sharing Center", select "Change adapter settings" in the left menu.
  3. Select the LAN connection that cannot be accessed. Right-click on it and select "Properties".
  4. In the properties of the network card, remove the icon from the iPv6 protocol.
  5. Open the properties of the iPv4 protocol, go to the "Advanced" tab.
  6. Open the tab called "WINS", click on "NetBIOS Settings".
  7. Check the box depending on the type of ip-addressing: "Default" for dynamic ip-addressing and "Enable NetBIOS over TCP / IP" for static.
  8. Press “OK”, “OK”, “OK” three times.

After that, you need to perform several simple actions in Device Manager:

  1. Open "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Hardware and Sound" - "Device Manager".
  2. Go to the "View" tab, select the "Show hidden devices" checkbox.
  3. Press " Network adapters and remove all 6to4 adapters.

The changes will take effect after you restart your computer.

Setting up Component Services

The settings of this service rarely cause access errors to network folders and devices. For this reason, it is advisable to change the service settings last, if the other methods did not help.

Setting instructions local access via Component Service:

  1. Click the "Start" button, enter "Component Services" in the search field.
  2. Right-click on the found result, select "Run as administrator" in the context menu.
  3. In the pop-up window, allow the program to make changes to this computer. The service window should open.
  4. Expand the "Component Services" window, open the second "Computers" window.
  5. Right-click on My Computer, go to the Properties tab, then Default Properties.
  6. Set Default Authentication Level to Default.
  7. Set "Default Impersonation Level" to "Impersonation".
  8. Press the "Apply" button.
  9. Press the "OK" button.
  10. Close the Component Service window.

It is advisable to immediately restart the computer, and then try to connect again. If the error persists, you should check the network folder access settings.

Network folder access settings

Windows may give an error when accessing a folder and ask you to contact the administrator when wrong settings shared folder where the distributed files are located. At the same time, all devices within the local network can normally detect each other, and the connection is established without problems.

Only those users who have access can view the contents of the network folder. This is easy to check:

  1. Click on desired folder right click, open "Properties".
  2. Go to the "Security" tab.
  3. In the "Groups or Users" window, the "Everyone" item should be selected.

If so, then everything is in order. Otherwise, you need to add a new group:

  1. Click the Edit button below the Groups or Users window.
  2. Click on the "Add" button, go to the "Advanced ..." tab.
  3. Click "Search", select the line "All" in the search results, and then click "OK".
  4. Click "OK" again.

It remains to set the rights for the created user group "Everyone" - read, access, change, and so on. Similarly, you can set different settings for individual groups, but this is not required. One setting for all users will reduce the risk of repeated access errors to a minimum.

The modern world of technology means that almost everyone has a tablet or computer device. So, in one house several computers, laptops and laptops can be used at once. Their synchronization makes the job much easier. Transferring information from one computer device to another is no longer a problem. To do this, you do not need to transfer to another device and reset all the necessary information to removable media, it is enough to have or Wi-Fi on both devices and carry out the correct software configuration. To sync computers, you will need to share a Windows 7 folder. What do I need to know about secure setup?

Why open public access to folders and files

In offices of small, large businesses and quite often at home, there is a need to synchronize information between computers, use one printing device for several computers and others. important functions. To do this, it is extremely important to share the folder. Windows 7, Linux, XP are the most common among modern users. Depending on the purpose and place of application computer technology, one or another type of software is used. So, Linux is most often installed on stationary computers in offices, because it is a free basic software. Notebooks most often use the 7th or 8th version Microsoft Windows. As a result, it becomes necessary to properly configure public access.

Most often, inexperienced users have a problem with opening access to folders in Windows 7. "Why so?" - you ask. The fact is that cardinal changes were made to this version of the OS when working with sharing and networks. This was organized specifically for the safety of a computer device, but there were some difficulties here.

Basic information about sharing an operating system folder

Setting up Windows 7 sharing implies following certain rules:

  • In order to prevent scammers and unauthorized users from accidentally connecting to your computer, you must first set a password. This will secure the data on the devices you share.
  • Sharing files and folders means working in the same computer network- WorkGroup. All devices must be configured as members of this workgroup. If your computer is connected to another network, then you will not be able to share the Windows 7 folder. The only exception is when you use a laptop and connect to the corporate domain via Wi-Fi, but for this your computer device must be configured as its element.
  • Windows 7 Explorer should recognize devices connected to it. Only in this case, the configuration of their connection is considered correct.

Role of homegroups in on-premises communication

Homegroups were developed by Microsoft to sharing data, files, multifunction printers by several computers connected to the network at once. Despite the fact that they are the easiest way to synchronize devices, share a Windows 7 folder over WiFi and via a cable connection, Home Groups have a number of their drawbacks. When compared with working group, then it is much smaller. In addition, there are a number of limitations. This article is about Windows 7, but if you have a homegroup selected, you cannot connect a computer with XP OS to it. It is also important to mention that existing versions of Windows 7, such as Starter and Home Basic, cannot create such a mesh. But they can be connected to a group created using any other version of Windows. If a network was connected to your PC for the first time, Windows 7 automatically opens a window offering to connect or create a homegroup.

If you are determined to join the homegroup, then in order to not have Windows 7, you need to take some steps to change the secondary public access settings. There are several types of parameters:

  1. Private network.
  2. Guest or public network.
  3. All networks.

For those who initially did not have time to select a home group as the base group in your network, there is the possibility of setting it up and searching manually. To do this, you need to follow this path: "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Network and Internet". In the network and public access management there is a section for changing network settings.

Setting up sharing of selected files and directories

In the 7th version of Windows, in order to add a folder or certain files to the public, you need to call up the menu by right-clicking on the file or directory shortcut (RMB) and select one of the existing items. Setting up Windows 7 sharing involves selecting items such as readable, writable, or read-only, preventing users from opening a given folder with files.

If you want to add only a file to sharing, then you need to right-click on the file shortcut, select the share item, then go to additional settings. Considering the selected profile, go through the parameters and select the necessary settings with checkmarks. In the windows that open, the purpose of a particular parameter is described in detail.

Configuring public access to the system directory

Cloud method for providing public access

This way of providing public access is also good because it helps to do backup files, which makes it much easier to work with data. It can be Google Drive or One Drive from Microsoft Corporation, where you can put all the necessary information and use it from anywhere in the world. The disadvantage is if the file size is larger than the limit.

Windows 7: file access and instructions for opening it

To change the public access settings for a file, you need to perform certain actions.

There are several ways to open access to files:

  • The first one is the simplest. It is necessary to call the file parameters window by clicking on its name on the right button of the touchpad or mouse, in the window that appears, select the "Sharing" item and click on access with the ability to read or read and write.
  • You can share files in Windows 7 in another way. You need to go to the sharing and network management system, select a group and manage public access there. And already in the settings specify the necessary parameters.

Ways to provide public access to data

Taking into account the goals, each user chooses his own method of connecting access to the data of his computer device:

  1. If you use your home network to transfer data, then you do not need to set additional restrictions for each folder. You can easily access your printer and personal device files while sitting at another device from your home network.
  2. You can also share Windows 7 using the public folders located on the C drive, in the Users directory, in the Public folder. In the same place, you can make the necessary settings and set a ban on access to some directories and documents.
  3. Also, public access can be carried out thanks to cloud storage. This method does not require a connection to your home network, it is enough to connect from anywhere in the world through a browser to the Internet and synchronize files and documents on different devices with backup option.
  4. By creating your own directory hierarchy, you can manually control access to files and directories on your personal computer device.

Windows 7 folder cannot be shared: fix

However, unexpected problems also happen. For example, even when correct setting all the necessary parameters, a message is displayed on the computer screen stating that the Windows access 7. What should be done in this case? Some in the second circle begin to check the correctness of the set parameters, some are looking for other methods to solve the problem.

Most often, they try to share files on the D drive on the computer, but, as you know, access is automatically opened to the C drive. To avoid such problems, first of all, right-click on the touchpad or mouse to click on the disk shortcut and add it to the allowed list . The rest of the steps are performed according to the group network to which you are connected.
