How to make a landscape sheet, how to rotate only one sheet of all in Word? How to expand a sheet? How to make a landscape sheet in Word - rotate horizontally How to turn the page in.

We continue our series of articles about the text editor Microsoft Word or just Word. Almost all users use the Word text editor. operating system Windows. Therefore, it is not surprising that users so often ask questions about working with this program.

One of the most common tasks when working with Microsoft Word is page turning. Many inexperienced users simply do not know how to turn the page in Word in landscape orientation.

How to flip all pages to landscape orientation

Flipping all the pages of a document to landscape orientation is pretty easy. To do this, go to the "Page Layout" tab and click on the "Orientation" button.

In the output menu, you need to select one of the types of page orientation

  • "Book" - the page stands upright, as in a book.
  • "Landscape" - the page lies horizontally as in an album with photos.

By choosing one of the orientation options, you will apply it immediately to all pages of your Word document. New pages you create will also be created in the selected orientation.

How to flip one page to landscape orientation

Sometimes it becomes necessary to turn only one page. In this case, the dropdown menu on the Page Layout tab will not help you. In order to turn one page in Word you need:

We continue our series of articles on text Microsoft Editor Word or just Word. Word text editor is used by almost all users of the operating system. Windows systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that users so often ask questions about working with this program.

One of the most common tasks when working with Microsoft Word is page turning. Many inexperienced users simply do not know how to turn a page in Word to landscape orientation.

How to flip all pages to landscape orientation

Flipping all documents to landscape orientation is quite simple. To do this, go to the "Page Layout" tab and click on the "Orientation" button.

In the output menu, you need to select one of the types of page orientation

  • "Book" - the page stands upright, as in a book.
  • "Landscape" - the page lies horizontally as in an album with photos.

Selecting one of the orientation options will apply it to all pages in your . New pages you create will also be created in the selected orientation.

How to flip one page to landscape orientation

Sometimes it becomes necessary to turn only one page. In this case, the dropdown menu on the Page Layout tab will not help you. In order to turn one page in Word you need:

In the lesson " How to turn the page in word 2007»we will learn how to turn pages in a popular text editing program - Microsoft Word 2007. The lesson will cover options flipping all pages in a document and turning one page without changing the orientation of the others.

Our task: learn how to turn pages in the program (change the page orientation between portrait and landscape).

What do we need: Installed program Microsoft Word 2007 and the necessary document in which we will change the page orientation.

What are the solutions: Change the orientation of one page in the entire document, and change the orientation of the pages in the entire document.

We will agree in this lesson that instead of the expression “turning the page”, we will use the more competent expression “change the page orientation”.

Suppose we have a document in which we will manipulate:

Fig 1. Microsoft Word file in a folder

Opening our document double click left mouse button, we will see the program window in which the contents of the file will open:

Fig 2. Document content

Consider options for changing page orientation.

Change the orientation of all pages in a document

We need to make sure that all pages in the document are not in portrait orientation but in landscape. In this case, everything is simple: At the top of the program is an area with tabs " home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc.

Click on the tab " Page layout» with the left mouse button and in the field « Page settings» looking for item « Orientation»:

Fig 3. Orientation menu location

Left-click on the menu item " Orientation”, after which we will see a pop-up window with orientation options. Click on the option " landscape»:

Fig 4. Options for changing the orientation of pages in a document

After clicking on the orientation landscape» Pages in our document will change their position, become in landscape orientation. In this case, we have changed the orientation for all pages in the document, and if we need to change the orientation of only one page in the middle of the document ... There is a solution to this problem.

Change the orientation of one page in a document

In this case, we need to change the orientation of only one or a few pages in the document, the orientation of the rest of the pages must remain the same. In this way, we will change the orientation of individual pages in the Word and keep the page numbering sequentially.

Suppose we need " turn over"only the third page in the Word. To do this, open our document (document.docx) and put the mouse cursor at the beginning of the first character on the third page:

Fig 5. Required page for orientation change

At the top of the program we see an area with tabs " home», « Insert», « Page layout», « Links" etc. Find the tab " Page layout”, click on it with the left mouse button, after which we see its contents:

Fig 6. Opening the Page Layout tab

In order for us to succeed "flip" one page in a word document, we need to indicate to the program about the "section break". To do this, in the "Page Layout" tab, we find the item " breaks” and click once with the left mouse button, after that a pop-up window will appear. In this window we find the item " Next page” and click on it once with the left mouse button:

Figure 7. Contents of the Breaks tab in Microsoft Word 2007

After clicking on " Next page» The program will perform the necessary actions almost instantly. Our document is divided into 2 sections, now we can perform a "page spread" in landscape orientation. To do this, click at the beginning of the first character of the third page, as we did earlier and in the tab " Page layout» (located at the top WORD programs) click on the item " Orientation" and in the pop-up window left-click on " landscape»:

Figure 8. Changing the Page Orientation to Landscape

After these operations, the program will change the orientation of all pages (starting from the third one) located after our third page, i.e. 4, 5, 6 and other pages.

If we need only one, third page of the document to have landscape orientation. To do this, go to the end of the third page and put the cursor after the last character on the page:

Now we perform the actions familiar to us with a section break. To do this, in the tab " Page layout» click on the item « breaks' and from the pop-up menu select ' Next page»:

Now we have achieved the desired goal: changing the orientation of only one page in a WORD document:

Figure 13. Landscape and portrait page orientation in WORD

As a result, in our document, all pages except the third are in portrait orientation, and the third page is in landscape orientation. If we also need to selectively change the orientations of other pages, then the operation described above must be repeated the corresponding number of times.

How to change the orientation of all pages in Word

If you need to rotate all the pages of a Word document, then this is done very simply. You need to go to the "Page Setup" dialog box, which can be opened by double-clicking on the left ruler of the document. This window also allows you to set the paper size and change the print margins.

[click on image to enlarge]

To expand all pages of the document, simply click on the picture of the sheet with the type of orientation you need. By default, the page is in portrait orientation. Change it to landscape to rotate the page 90 degrees.

If you need to rotate only one page in Word, then all the steps are performed in much the same way. The only difference is which part of the Word document to apply page rotation to.

Look at the previous drawing. At the very bottom of the window there is an "Apply" list, which has a default value of "to the whole document". That is why all the pages were turned last time. If you want to rotate only one page of the Word document, then you need to select another item in the list, namely, "to the end of the document." This will rotate all pages to the very end.

If all pages do not need to be expanded, but only one is needed, then the operation is performed in a similar way. The result of a spread of one page out of three is shown in the figure below.

[click on image to enlarge]

If you think about it, then there are three options for turning pages in a document:

  • All pages are turned, starting with the first
  • Only the last page is expanded
  • One or more pages are rotated in the middle of the document

It is obvious that the last case is the general one. Considering the above, it should become quite clear to you how only one page is rotated in Word. If it is not very clear, then watch the tutorial video in which the reversal operation Word pages shown step by step.

Summing up

So what have we learned about page rotation in Microsoft Word? You can change the page orientation in a Word document both for a single page and for the entire document. How to turn the page in Word I explained. I'll add one more important thing.

As with document margins, page orientation in Word documents best to install before filling them with content. This will avoid distortion of the document structure.

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In the modern world, during the daily improvement of technological progress, those times are vaguely recalled when letters, abstracts, theses etc. Sometimes it seems that the current generation of children first learns to use modern gadgets, and then only to speak.

It is already difficult for a person to imagine himself without mobile phone, computer, internet. On the computer, we watch movies, listen to music, read books, look for information for control works, abstracts. And more and more often the computer user has a need using text editors in order to save and organize any information from various sources on the Internet - from the recipe of your favorite dish to the instructions for household appliances.

The most famous and widespread text editor is Word from the collection Microsoft programs office.

If a person uses the program often enough, sooner or later he will face the issue of flipping the sheet, because by default it is located in a vertical position.

In this article, we will analyze in detail how to change the orientation from portrait (vertical) to landscape(horizontal) in different versions text editor word, from 2003 to 2016. We will also consider how to change the arrangement of pages in the entire document or in a specific part of it. So, let's begin.

How to rotate a sheet in Word 2003 and other versions

In order to flip a sheet in Word 2003 (and other versions of 1997 and 2000) you need to do the following:

  1. In the upper left corner we find the "File" menu, then select "Page Setup".
  2. Here, by default, the "Fields" tab opens. In the "Orientation" select the desired location - vertically (portrait) or horizontally (landscape).
  3. At the bottom, press the "OK" button to save the selected parameters.

In this sequence, you need to act if you need to turn the entire document, but there are other situations when you need to flip only some part of the text, one or more pages.

How to turn the page in Word 2003 and earlier

In order to flip a piece of text, we first select it. Next, we perform the same steps as when turning over the entire document:

  1. From the File menu, select Page Setup.
  2. In the "Page Setup" item on the "Margins" tab, in the "Orientation" column, select the desired location - landscape.
  3. The next step is different. In the paragraph "Sample", in it the column "Apply". In the dropdown list, select desired option, " To selected text ".
  4. Press the "OK" button, and the selected text area becomes horizontal.

If the work on the horizontal sheet is finished and you need the next one to be located vertically, we do the same steps, but in the "Orientation" item, select the "portrait" location.

How to flip a sheet in Word 2007 and other versions (2010, 2013, 2016)

In principle, the algorithm for flipping a sheet horizontally in Word 2007 is not much different from Word 2003. In newer versions, flipping a leaf is even much easier:

  1. Find the "Page Layout" tab at the top and go to it. This tab contains all commands for changing appearance sheet.
  2. We find the item "Orientation", click on it and select "Landscape" in the menu that opens.

This changes the page orientation throughout the document.

How to turn the page in Word 2007 and later (2010, 2013, 2016)

Turning a page or a specific section of text is a little more difficult than turning an entire sheet, and there are two ways to do it.

How to turn the page in Word 2007 - 1 way

It is similar to that, which is used in Word 2003. The difference is only in the location of the buttons on the panel.

  1. Highlight the desired passage of text.
  2. Go to the "Page Layout" tab.
  3. In the Page Setup menu, find the little button at the bottom right.
  4. We open the "Fields" tab, in the "Orientation" item, select the desired location.
  5. In the column "Apply" in the list, select the required option, in our case "To the selected text".
  6. Click the "OK" button and the changes are applied.

How to turn the page in Word 2007 - 2 way

This method is more complicated than the first one:

  1. First we need to enable "Show Hidden Characters". To do this, in the upper left corner, click the "Home" tab, in it, in the "Paragraph" item, we find a button that looks like a large capital letter "P", click on it.
  2. After activating the button to show hidden characters, you need to set the breaks of the text section, the sheet that will be turned over. To do this, set the cursor to the end of the sheet, which is located before the one that you want to turn over.
  3. Then, on the "Page Layout" tab, by clicking on the "Breaks" button, select the "Next Page" menu item.
  4. Move the cursor to the end of the sheet that you want to turn over, and repeat the manipulations from the previous paragraph. There are two section breaks.
  5. We return the cursor to the sheet that needs to be turned over, and then, according to the already familiar algorithm, in the "Page Layout" section on the "Orientation" tab, select the "Landscape" item.

So, in this article, we looked at several ways to rotate sheets in a Word various versions. These operations often do not take much time for users. Having understood once, in the future such manipulations will take several seconds.


This video will show you how to flip a table in Word.
