How to make your computer run faster. Several ways to make your computer run faster

The easiest way to speed up your computer is to buy a new, more modern one. However, such drastic measures are rarely required. Computer literacy offers 8 tips to speed up your PC.

Speed ​​Up Download

If loading operating system has turned into a long wait, and you can safely go to make tea, or even make a couple of phone calls, then it will not be superfluous to figure out what's wrong and correct this situation.

First of all, you need to disable extra programs, which you do not need in autoload. For example, Skype, if you do not plan to use it right away, as well as a number of other applications, the existence of which you, perhaps, did not even know.

To perform this action in Windows 10, open the Task Manager - either by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc, or through the context menu from the Taskbar. In the Manager itself, go to the "Startup" tab and here select unnecessary applications, disabling them using the "Disable" button. As a last resort, you can disable all programs available here, since it is vital important components it still doesn't fit here.

Next, you can try disabling the Quick Start option. This option is supposed to speed up the boot process a little, but it often causes more harm for some users. Alternatively, you can disable and check what changes will be, and if necessary, enable it back.

You can do this through the power management configuration. Through Windows search Find the section "Power options" and in the left column click on the link "Actions of the power buttons". By default, clear the checkbox from the value "Enable quick launch(recommended)" will not work. Before that, you need to click on the link "Change settings that are currently unavailable" above.

Activate best performance

All the beauty in Windows 10 every second consumes processor resources and random access memory. However, you can donate if you wish. beautiful effects switching windows and other features, activating the minimalist look of the operating system.

This is done through Extra options system" that are available in the column on the left in the "System" window (called by the Win + Break combination). In the "Performance" area, click on the "Settings" button and in the new window select "Ensure best performance". By clicking on the "Apply" button, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the changes. If they do not suit you, then you can optionally return some effects.

Speed ​​up start menu opening

If the opening of Start began to slow down, you can manually speed up this process. By default, a small delay is set in the operating system registry to open this menu. And if the computer itself slows down, then this value can be reduced. However, remember that you should not go into the registry settings without the need, and even more so experiment with values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you do not understand.

To open the Registry Editor, press Win + R and in the "Run" line, type the command regedit. Click Ok and an editor window will open. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.

Here you need an entry called MenuShowDelay. Double click on it to edit the value. This is the number of milliseconds it takes to delay before opening Start. The initial value is 400. It is not recommended to change it to 0, but, as an option, reducing the value by half - to 200 - is quite acceptable.

Remove unnecessary commands from the context menu

Some programs consider it their duty to add additional commands of their own production to the context menu of the operating system. Over time, this menu can grow so much that it will hardly fit on the screen, not to mention the fact that in search of the desired item each time you have to assemble an expedition.

Similar to startup programs, these context menu commands can also be disabled. Is it standard Windows tools is indispensable here. One solution is free program CCleaner, which not only cleans the registry, but also does other types of system cleaning.

This program is available even without installation (the so-called Portable version). In it, you need to go to the "Service" section, select the "Startup" item and go to the " Context menu". Here, simply select the appropriate program and click on the "Turn off" button.

Defragment your hard drive

On modern devices the need for regular defragmentation hard drive practically disappeared. Windows automatically performs this procedure on a schedule. However, if you have a fairly old device, then there may be problems here. By the way, if you are using SSD media, then keep in mind that it does not need to be defragmented.

There are many tools for the defragmentation procedure. One of the most successful is a specialized application Disk Defrag. It not only defragments files and free space, but also optimizes the layout system files and can run in the background.

"This PC" by default

Previously, when opening the explorer, we got to the "My Computer" section, which is now called "This Computer". Now, when you press the Win + E key combination, the so-called “Quick Access” opens, which, according to the developers, will be more convenient. However, the frequently used folders shown here appear in the list on the left, and in the old fashioned way, access hard drives One click won't work.

Therefore, we correct this misunderstanding and return the familiar view of the Explorer. To do this, through its "View" menu, select the "Options" command and the "Change folder and search settings" button. In the window that opens, from the drop-down area "Open Explorer for:" change the value from " Quick Access' to 'This computer'.

Doing this operation will be useful even for those who have no problems with the speed of the computer itself. Trite to reduce daily travel to desired disk in the Explorer will be a significant acceleration of routine action.

Removing unnecessary programs

Installing each program fills the system registry and takes up space on your hard drive. Therefore, when the application count has already exceeded a hundred, it makes sense to remove everything unnecessary. After all, almost everyone will find a dozen or two programs that have not been used for years.

You can uninstall programs through the standard Programs and Features utility, but it often takes a long time to load, loading the headers of all installed apps. Therefore, sometimes it will be faster to remove programs through third-party solutions. For example, through the same CCleaner, voiced earlier. Moreover, specialized software removal programs make this procedure more thorough than the standard Windows procedure, after which a lot of unnecessary garbage often continues to remain in the registry.

Disable frozen programs

One of the complaints about Windows operating systems has always been instability. In particular, applications freeze periodically, with the appearance of an unpleasant window notifying that the application will have to be closed. And often the very procedure for closing a frozen program is delayed.

But there are alternative ways to disable programs with the "Not Responding" status. This can be done without using the Task Manager, using a special script, or by installing a small utility SuperF4, which will add a special keyboard shortcut that will quickly close frozen programs.

What makes a computer faster?

The recommendations above do not guarantee a significant speedup of your PC. Speed ​​problems may have more global causes. If your computer is already a good ten years old, then it will simply not be ready to adapt to modern realities, no matter how you set it up. However, if you have problems with the areas described above, the Computer Literacy tips may be helpful.

Any user of his computer wants to start up faster, or in other words, boot the system. How to make your computer boot up faster? Not every user knows little tricks in the settings of the operating system in order to alleviate the fate of the one who was waiting. There are some nuances to speed up the process of loading / shutting down a computer system.

True, these settings only affect multi-core computers, because, in the “default” settings, when the computer boots up, the operating system starts the process of using only one processor core. All others are inactive. To put them into operation, you need to make a small setup of the computer.

So how to make computer boot faster? This is done simply:

Using the Win + R keys, a window with the Run command opens. Win is, in other words, the Windows icon present on the computer keyboard. This is considered fast entry. You can log in normally using Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Run (windows 7).

This would also be correct. Where it says "Open" you need to enter "msconfig" and click on "OK".

In the System Configuration window that opens, open Boot.

I hope that everything is clear for you so far.

Open the "Advanced Settings" tab and check the box where "Number of processors" is written, immediately below it the window becomes active, there you select the maximum number of processors, click on "OK", then "Apply" and again on "OK".

For these changes to take effect, System Setup will require you to reboot the system, but you can exit the settings without rebooting. The changes will take effect the next time you turn on your computer.

By choosing the maximum value for the number of processors, you will be pleasantly surprised by the fast boot process of the Windows operating system, which is exactly what you were missing.

Computers have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that modern man no longer knows how to do without them. Every PC user sometimes faces a variety of problems. The most common of these is when, after a while, the computer starts to slow down.

Main reasons and what to do

There are a lot of reasons why over time the computer starts to slow down and sometimes it seems that it is quite difficult to identify and eliminate them. After all, the iron seems to be powerful, and at first everything was fine. But don't get upset. The user can often find a problem due to which failures are observed during operation and can often be fixed by the user on their own.

Let's look at the main reasons why a PC can run too slowly:

  • accumulation of a large amount of dust;
  • viruses;
  • extra programs in startup;
  • misconfiguration of the paging file;
  • insufficient free space on the hard drive;
  • file fragmentation;
  • included extra effects and incorrect OS settings;
  • applications that don't work properly.

It is immediately clear that the number of problems causing slow PC performance is quite a lot. Let's take a closer look and try to answer the question: "The computer began to slow down a lot, what should I do?" for every situation.

Braking due to dust

Dust accumulates in any computer, when it becomes too much it causes overheating. The fact is that some components of the system emit a lot of heat during their work, and pollution of the internal space of the case interferes with its normal removal.

Here are the main PC components that are most often prone to overheating:

  • CPU;
  • north and south bridge;
  • video adapter.

Especially often users of PCs released several years ago can face overheating. When the temperature reaches critical values, the system automatically reduces performance and the computer slows down. In some cases, the situation can even reach the failure of parts.

Cleaning your PC will help fix the situation. This procedure should be done at least once, and preferably twice a year.. You can clean desktop and mobile computers at home. True, laptop owners will need a little more skills when assembling and disassembling, and the first time this operation is best done together with an experienced specialist.

Consider the procedure for cleaning a PC from dust:

After that, you can plug the power cord back and check the operation of the device. In most cases, the problem will be resolved.

Virus Elimination

A computer virus can harm the system, steal important data such as credit card numbers, and cause other malfunctions. The worst thing is that the user often does not even know about the infection, naively hoping that after installing the antivirus, not a single malware won't get past his defenses.

Important! It must always be remembered that none antivirus solution is not able to provide a 100% guarantee against the penetration of viruses. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to periodically scan with utilities from other manufacturers.

Here are the most common symptoms that indicate the penetration of the virus:

  • hovering;
  • slow work;
  • inability to delete files or folders;
  • output of various error messages;
  • random appearance of new files;
  • the appearance of unsolicited and strange advertising;
  • problems when starting the task manager or registry editor;

If at least some symptoms appear, it is recommended that you first check the system using specialized utilities and, if malware is detected, remove it.

Utilities that you need to use to check the system if you suspect the presence of viruses:

  • a product from Dr.Web called CureIT;
  • solution from Kaspersky Lab - Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

It was these programs that showed the best results in detecting a variety of computer pests.

Startup programs

After reinstallation windows system automatically starts only the most necessary services. Over time, when installing applications, some of them are registered in startup and take up RAM. This leads to a decrease in the performance of the system as a whole.

Video: why it slows down

Startup Management

Utilities for managing startup allow you to find out which programs start automatically and disable unnecessary ones. This allows the user to tune the system to increase performance.

All applications for managing the automatic launch of programs can be divided into two categories:

  • built into the operating system;
  • individual utilities.

Windows users can disable automatic download applications using the built-in MS Config tool.

To run it, you will need to do the following:

  1. press the key combination Win + R;
  2. in the window that appears, type msconfig;
  3. press the Ok button.

In the application that opens, on the "Startup" tab, you can disable automatic start unnecessary software.

There are quite a lot of third-party utilities for managing autorun. They are more convenient and allow you to manage a wider range of startup items.

How can I clean my computer so that it does not slow down

Installing and then uninstalling applications leads to various garbage appearing in the system. These may be the remaining service files, forgotten registry branches, and so on. Such "tails" can significantly affect system performance and must be removed periodically.

Cleaning can be done manually, but it will take a lot of time, in addition, working with the registry requires certain knowledge. Therefore it is better to use special utilities, such as CCleaner or Advanced SystemCare.

They allow you to remove unnecessary applications, disable startup items, and also check and clean the system registry. This allows for significant performance improvements. But do not forget about dust removal.

RAM and paging file settings

A small amount of RAM is bad for the speed of the PC. The system is forced to use hard disk space to create a paging file where data that does not fit into RAM is placed. Properly configuring it allows you to increase the performance of your PC.

Consider tips that will help you set the paging file parameters correctly:

  • if there are several drives, then the paging file must be placed on the fastest drive;
  • size virtual memory must be fixed;
  • the minimum and maximum size of the swap file must be equal;
  • the amount of virtual memory should be approximately 2 times the size of physical RAM.

Using these tips, you can tune the swap file for optimal performance. In any case, with a small amount of RAM The best decision- purchase an additional memory bar or replace the already installed ones with larger modules.

Little free space

Most users save large files and install programs directly to system disk without thinking about free space. But the system needs it to function properly. The OS constantly writes service data to this area. 10-20% of free space on the system drive is usually sufficient for work.

Here are the steps to free up space:

  • regular cleaning of the basket, it is in it that tens of gigabytes of unnecessary files often accumulate;
  • preservation large files, for example, movies on other discs;
  • removal unnecessary applications and cleaning the system using special utilities.


Parts of files on HDD to speed up the recording process, the recordings are stored on the drive in random order. When reading, this causes the heads to move from one end to the other and has a bad effect on the speed of work. Defragmentation will help solve this problem. It can be done using built-in tools or third-party utilities.

Consider how to start defragmentation using the built-in utilityWindows:

  1. open "My Computer";
  2. select the disk to be defragmented and call right click context menu;
  3. click on the "Properties" item and go to the "Service" tab;
  4. use the "Perform defragmentation" button to launch the utility;
  5. click on the "Analyze" button;
  6. if the results show that more than 10% is fragmented, use the "Defragmentation" button to start the repair process.

Advice. Defragmentation often takes a long time, so it is recommended to run it during a period when the computer is not in use, for example, at night.

Video: Optimizing Windows 7

Visual effects

Modern operating systems are equipped with many effects that allow you to improve the design of the interface. At the same time, because of them, increased requirements are imposed on the PC hardware. Disabling them will help improve the performance of all systems, especially this solution is suitable for owners of older computers and weak laptops.

Disable recovery

Many novice users believe that the system rollback feature can solve all problems. In fact, they are delusional. It will only help in some cases due to problems with drivers, etc.

Often, PC owners are faced with a situation where, after recovery, the system starts to slow down terribly or other malfunctions appear. Therefore, to improve performance, you can disable this feature.

Consider the procedure for disabling system restore:

Problems with disk sectors

Files on the hard disk are recorded by sectors, some of them may fail over time. The system will have to spend a lot of time correcting errors that occurred while working with the drive. All modern hard drives have a service area specifically for this case, which serves to replace bad sectors.

Consider how to fix the situation with bad sectors using system tools:

  1. go to "My Computer" and call up the properties of the drive you want to check;
  2. open the "Service" tab;
  3. click the "Perform verification" button;
  4. check the box next to "Scan and repair bad sectors";
  5. click on the "Launch" button.

The process of checking sectors can be delayed, especially if the disk is large, so you will have to wait a while. In some situations, to start testing, an additional reboot may be required, which the system will report automatically.

Advice. Due to the hard drive, important data may be lost in the future. Therefore, if bad sectors appear frequently, then you need to think about replacing it.

Hanging process

Sometimes computer programs can hang quite strongly. At the same time, they cannot be closed at all, or even after the PC exits, it continues to slow down. In this case, you need to pay attention to the hung processes.

In order to close a hung process, you must:

Other reasons

In fact, the list of reasons that can lead to computer slowdowns is not limited to those discussed earlier. Each of them also requires additional verification and elimination if necessary.

Among other reasons for "brakes" are the following:

  • weak hardware;
  • component failure.

A weak graphics card, low RAM, or a slow, old hard drive can slow things down, especially if your computer is running resource-intensive games or applications. There is only one solution here - upgrading the computer.

Component failure can significantly degrade system performance and cause other errors, such as the inability to use USB ports. In this case, it is necessary to replace the problematic part yourself or have it repaired at a service center.

There are a wide variety of problems that cause the system to start working too slowly. Fortunately, using the tips in the article, the user can fix most problems on their own.



There are many ways to improve the performance of your computer. However, it is important to know that certain methods increase system performance at the expense of usability, visual effects, the beauty of the design and other properties of the operating system.
If you speed up work using the method of disabling functions, then you need to think about whether a modern operating system is needed?

Remember, lowering the visual design and effects inherent in Windows 7, its main essence is lost - the harmony of human and computer interactions.

It is important to understand that for the full operation of the "seven" you need a powerful productive computer. Otherwise, it makes sense to use an earlier generation of Windows.
Based on such conditions, in Windows 7 it is possible to change some of the default settings, thereby improving system performance, while minimally affecting the visual design.

Method 1: Speed ​​up your work by changing the Start menu.

To change menu settings in Windows 7, follow these steps:

Hover the mouse over the start menu, right-click and call the "Properties" of the component

Here you need to click on the button "Configure"

All these settings have a significant impact on the appearance and speed of the menu display. It is important to understand that the more items selected in the list, the more time it takes to draw them and, therefore, to display the menu as a whole.

To speed up your work, make the following changes: analyze the items in the list and turn off items that are not used often. For example, music, video, games and more. It is also recommended to turn off highlighting of recently installed programs.

Method 2: Speed ​​up work by reducing the waiting time.

speed up Windows work can be reduced by reducing the shutdown time of "hanging" programs. It is not uncommon for a certain program to freeze and need to be closed, but Windows does not allow it, waiting for its response. Of course, such an expectation significantly reduces the performance of the system.

The operating system default setting is 12 seconds. During this time, the system waits for a response from the program and only then crashes the hung application. In practice, this takes quite a long time. To speed up the work, it is desirable to reduce this time, for this:

To do this, by pressing the combination Windows keys+ R Open the Run window and type Regedit into it.

This is necessary in order to launch the "Registry Editor". Click "OK" and see the following:

We will open a search box. Enter the Wait To Kill Service Timeout value into it and click "Find Next".

The system scans the registry.

All computers slow down over time. What this is about depends on specific device, installed components, drivers, programs and settings. If your computer starts to slow down hard, you can resort to the measures described in the article, and if these tips did not help, you will have to solve the problem more radically.

Most easy way to return the computer to its original form, when everything was flying on it and there were no errors, - reinstall the operating system. In Windows 10, reinstalling the OS is implemented as simply as possible: you do not need disks, system images, data backup, formatting a hard drive, downloading service packs, and more that Microsoft tormented users with previous versions Windows.

IN new version Windows reinstall system is simply called "reset". Something similar was implemented in Windows 8 a few years ago - the user could also reset this OS to "factory settings", saving some of the data and applications installed from the store. In Windows 10, such a reset is implemented more thoughtfully: the user is given the opportunity to choose whether he wants to keep his files and programs after reinstallation, or he wants a completely clean build of the operating system.

There is no need to back up the files on the system drive, because after reinstalling the system they will remain in place, but just in case, it's better to do it anyway. To save a backup, you can use cloud storage or external drives. It also makes sense to save programs that are not installed from the universal Windows Store, because after reinstalling the system they will disappear. Apps from the market will be restored automatically.

To reset Windows 10, just open the Settings app (Win+I), go to Update & Security > Recovery, and click the Get Started button under the Reset this PC option. A step-by-step dialog will open in which you can choose what you want to do with your data on your computer: keep it or delete it. In any case, you will receive full reset systems back to their original state. Complete removal data is recommended only if you really do not need your files. Windows will even offer to run a virtual "shredder" over the drive, overwriting the files so that they cannot be recovered - this option will be useful if you are going to sell your computer.

Resetting Windows 10 takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the speed of your drive and the amount of data you need to save. Upon completion of the reinstallation of the operating system, you will need to log in to Windows again and install the programs you need. Many settings will be restored automatically.
