How to restore the trash to the desktop. What should I do if the Recycle Bin icon disappears from the desktop? Create a new cart

The PC Recycle Bin is a special folder on the desktop of the computer. All files get into it after deletion. You can restore a file in the Recycle Bin at any time. It also happens that when you delete a file from the desktop, the trash icon itself may disappear.

How to return the trash to the desktop

In most cases, the problem of installing a recycle bin shortcut, which for some reason disappeared from the PC desktop, can be solved using standard operating system tools. First of all, don't worry. The basket itself and the files in it have not gone away. The system will create it again, even if you purposefully delete this folder. If anything goes missing, it's the trash can label. You can restore it in several ways. Let's look at the instructions.

  • Right-click on an empty spot on the desktop. In the menu that appears, select the "Display Properties" tab (in the case of Windows Vista and 7, then the "Personalization" line).
  • In the window that opened, select the line "Desktop settings" (if you have Windows Vista or 7, then look for the line "Change desktop icons").
  • In the tab that opened, check the box next to the inscription "Basket" and the label with the picture. Click on the "OK" button.

After that, the trash on the PC desktop should be restored. And if the basket disappeared from the desktop through no fault of yours, then it is recommended to check the PC system for viruses. Now you know how to return the trash to the PC desktop. Follow these little rules and you'll be fine.

The Recycle Bin is usually a reliable way to temporarily store files ready for deletion, but sometimes it just disappears. If this happens to you, don't panic! There are ways to return the trash to the desktop. Perhaps it was accidentally hidden, or they themselves accidentally deleted the trash. Regardless of your reasons, we will analyze the ways that will help restore the trash to the desktop of the Windows system.

How to restore the missing trash on the desktop

1. Re-enable cart

If you accidentally disable the Recycle Bin, it will no longer appear on your desktop. Let's check!

  1. Click Win+I, to open " Windows Settings".Next go Personalization > Topics > Desktop icon options. Check the "Basket" box and click "Apply". As you can see, there are other icons that you can place on your desktop.

2. Create a new cart

If you checked the box and the basket is not shown, then we can simply create a new one. This requires a preview, so let's change some settings.

Step 1. Click Win+R and type control.exe folders .

Step 3. Now open File Explorer, aka " This computer"and open the local drive FROM, where C is the drive on which Windows is installed. You must have a folder $Recycle.Bin, open it.

Step 4. You should see " Basket". Right-click on it and select from the menu send > Desktop (create shortcut).

You will now have a new Recycle Bin on your desktop. I want to remind you that this is a temporary solution and the recycle bin restored in this way is not exactly the same by default. You will not be able to see how it is being filled, and you will not be able to immediately empty the basket through the context menu, for this you need to open and click on the empty basket button.

The trash can has disappeared from the desktop. This doesn't happen very often, but it does happen. Of course, you can do without the Recycle Bin, but what if the necessary files are in it? And anyway, what kind of desktop without the Recycle Bin? You never know, deleted something by accident, but there is no way to return it. No, it is necessary to return the loss to their homeland. Otherwise, today the basket went where it wanted, tomorrow My computer will disappear, and then all the icons will give a tear. Not in order!

The trash can has disappeared from the desktop. What to do?

Method 3

You can return the Basket using the Registry. But as a beginner, I do not advise you to do this. If you still decide, then first.

  • We go back to the menu StartRun , and type in the search bar the command regedit , and click the button below OK ;
  • In the window Registry Editor in the left column we find a bush HKEY_CURRENT_USER we go through it in the sequence that I have below:


  • In the right field we are looking for a parameter opposite it should be the value " 0 ».
  • Double left click on this setting and in the small window change the setting to " 0 »;

  • If parameter (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E) in folder NewStartPanel no, then look it up in the folder above it ClassikStartmenu ;

If it is not there, then go to



  • On a section (folder) namespace, right click and select line Create - Chapter ;
  • On the new section (folder) we write (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E) and press enter;
  • We left-click on the new section (folder), and in the right half of the window, right-click on the parameter Default , and choose Change ;
  • In the Value field, enter Recycle Bin, and press the button OK ;

  • We restart the computer.

A safe way to restore the Recycle Bin forWindows 7

  • Create a new folder on your desktop called Basket ;
  • Right-click on this folder and select from the drop-down menu Properties ;
  • In the Properties: Recycle Bin window that opens, on the General tab, in the field opposite the folder image after the word Recycle Bin, put a dot and add:


  • Click the button OK .

But there is one caveat - the basket will always be displayed as empty, even if it is full. Other than that, she's quite capable.

If one day you find that the trash icon has disappeared from your desktop, you can try to return it to its place. As we know, deleted files are placed in it, which can be restored or permanently deleted with just a few clicks. The reasons for the disappearance can be different, registry errors, virus infection, or corny someone could play a trick on you by hiding the shortcut. First of all, try to roll back the system to a previous restore point.

So, let's look at several ways to return the basket back to the field of view. As you know, computer errors have many options for solving them, this one is not an exception to the rule, and it may be that the first option will not help you, but the next one will give a positive result. So let's try.

Method 1

The easiest and fastest way to create a shortcut.

Method 2

In this version, we will use the design settings built into the system.

Method 3

In this method, we will use the "group policy editor" to restore the recycle bin. It is not available in some versions of Windows, for example, in Windows 7 Home Basic this functionality is not present. Let's get started:

Method 4

You can also try to restore the trash using the registry editor. The registry requires caution in setting, as you can significantly harm the system. Therefore, do everything exactly as described below:

Another option

The above recovery methods work on Windows xp, 7, 8.1 and 10. I'm not sure about dozens, since there is no way to check. If none of the methods helped to solve the problem, you can go the other way.

There are many programs that have the function of cleaning the garbage in the system, including the trash. For example, such programs include Ccleaner, Wipe 2013, WiseDiskCleaner, Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​and many others. Well, as an option, you can reinstall the system, but this is an extreme option. I hope the article was useful to you, all the best.

When your desktop is a mess, you can delete anything in a hurry, even the trash. And in order not to run around later and not ask a question like “I deleted the basket - how to restore it”, you need to know some ways to restore it.

Method 1: Restore the Recycle Bin using Group Policy

The first method is quite simple, we will need to make some adjustments using Group Policy. Launch Group Policy, to do this, click " Start - Run” and in the line we write: gpedit.msc

Next, a window opens in front of us in which you need to go along the following path: “ User configuration» — « Administrative Templates» — « Desktop". Looking for label Remove trash icon from desktop" and right-click on it: select the item " Properties».

In the window that opens, select " Not set", click" OK».

We restart the computer and, if it does not help, then we will use the following method.

Method 2: Restore the Recycle Bin using the Registry

How to restore the trash on the desktop using the registry. To do this, click " Start - Run"and write in the line regedit in order to get into the registry editor.

Here we go according to the path:


Click on a section namespace right click and select " Create - Section»
