The computer does not recognize the tablet, what should I do? Features of connecting the tablet to a computer via USB

When the computer does not see the tablet via USB, there may be several reasons:

  • access restrictions have been set;
  • There are no installation drivers;
  • OS crash after flashing;
  • controller mismatch;
  • The USB cable or connector is faulty.

2. Removing access restrictions

If connecting to a computer via USB is impossible due to access restrictions, you can remove it in the tablet settings. This option is disabled differently for each manufacturer, but regardless of the characteristics of the model and brand, enable the device as a USB drive. If this procedure does not solve the connection problem, then check the availability and update of drivers on your computer. If they are missing, carry out the installation procedure.

3. Flashing the tablet

Very often, due to incorrect flashing of Android or IOS, problems arise. system errors that interfere with proper operation. Therefore, this procedure must be carried out correctly and using original programs. Three update options are structured: using a PC, self-installation or WI-FI. The most common option is the first one. For this procedure you will need:

  • PC or laptop;
  • connection cord;
  • memory card;
  • special program (its choice depends on the model and OS).

Since each system and tablet has its own configuration features, the installation process will depend on the model and software. Before starting the update, be sure to save a copy old version. This is necessary in order to return the settings in case of unsuccessful flashing.

4. Replacing the USB connector on the tablet

A very common reason for the computer to refuse to see the tablet is a faulty USB cable or connector. If the cord is easy to replace with another, then the situation with the connector is more complicated. Determine on which device the port does not work. If the connector on your tablet computer does not work, replace it; this will require:

  • new and original connector;
  • screwdrivers;
  • tweezers;
  • special cleaning brush;
  • solder, flux;
  • hot air station or soldering iron.

Please note that all models have their own unique design, therefore, we provide a general plan for replacing the connector.

First, unscrew the back cover and remove it. Then, clean the device from dust and inspect the faulty connector. Then, you need to desolder it and remove any remaining solder. After you have cleaned and prepared the surface, install the new connector and secure it with a hot air station. Before assembling the housing, check that the part is securely fastened and test the connector. If the result is positive, you can assemble the case. We draw your attention to the fact that all actions must be done correctly and accurately.

If you cannot figure out on your own why the computer does not see the tablet via USB, and also eliminate this damage, we do not recommend that you experiment with your equipment, but rather entrust the elimination of this malfunction to a professional.

According to the latest statistics, the number of sold tablet computers in our country exceeded in percentage terms all other countries in the world. Russians really fell in love with these little books, whose capabilities are not inferior to an entire multimedia center the size of a room.

Today, only the laziest users who don’t have tablets, who rarely go to communication stores and don’t yet know how low the prices are for this type of device.

After the initial mastery of the rules for using and managing the device, you want to progress and very soon the idea arises to download something from a desktop PC in order to have it always and everywhere at hand.

For example, record your favorite videos on your tablet and show off to your friends at college or university. It would seem that nothing foretells a storm. Many times you have connected flash drives, external hard drives and even laptops to a stationary system unit.

Now it may turn out that the tablet does not connect to the computer. Or rather, like this. You have conscientiously removed the USB cable from charger and stuck it into one of the free sockets on system unit. And nothing happens.

The computer does not want to see the tablet

Windows quickly detects the new connection and tries to set it up. But nothing works. There is an external drive, but it seems to be missing. Folders and files are not displayed in any Windows Explorer, nor in the file manager of the tablet device.

If you have already tried to install applications on your tablet not from the built-in store, but from websites, then you have encountered a situation where the security service blocks the installation of programs from unknown sources.

This is a kind of firewall that protects the user from malicious viruses and spyware. To install an external program, you will have to temporarily allow risky downloads from unknown sources.

The same situation applies to connecting a desktop to a tablet. Self-defense kicks in - what if there’s something bad lurking on your computer, just waiting to hit your favorite tablet right to the core.

Why doesn't the tablet connect to the computer?

Simply because you need to first configure this connection, allow external device access to folders and files of the tablet device. Many advanced users do not like to read help and instructions, but prefer to figure it out through their own experiments.

So, this is not the case. If you use the scientific method, you can mess up something in the settings and completely lose both devices. It’s better to think a little first and act according to plan. In fact, there is nothing complicated if you look for a solution not on the surface, but where it is.

That is, in the tablet settings. In the simplest case, when USB connection to the PC, both operating systems process something new and begin to try to understand what it is and how to configure it.

It is best to make the connection after Windows startup on a stationary device. This will make it easier for the system to detect a new device.

Now put your desktop aside and pay attention to the tablet screen. An inscription about a new connection should appear in the notification line. You can try touching the message with your finger.

In theory, the tablet's operating system should switch to the USB configuration interface. Typically, the window that opens will ask you to select a connection method.

  1. For transferring media files and photos.
  2. To transfer other file formats.

Depending on the tablet model, operating systems may have different options. At this stage you can return to the trial and error method. Click on one of the options and see what has changed in Windows Explorer.

According to one of the scenarios Windows Manager will show the tablet how external drive with folders and files representing photographs and videos. If this is what you needed, then the operation was successful.

How to copy documents from tablet to computer

If the computer only allows media files to pass through, you will not be able to download any documents either back or forth. Now return to the tablet and go to the USB connection settings again. Choose another option.

Update File Explorer Windows files. Everything worked out? You see, nothing complicated. Nothing connects again? Folders with documents still do not want to appear on the computer?

Alternative ways to connect a tablet to a desktop computer

Knowing about the problems users have when connecting tablets and desktops, some software developers decided to meet and created social apps. For example, the all-in-one Advanced System Care software package, starting with the eighth version, has added a service to the set of tools for easy management of a mobile device.

  • Connect the devices using a USB cable.
  • Now run ASC and open the Toolbox.
  • Find Manage Mobile.
  • Click and start the switching process.

One of two things: everything will go smoothly and you will have easy access to your tablet files on your desktop. The second option is that a message will appear that your tablet’s operating system is not supported.

It's time to visit the official website of the manufacturer

If none of the above leads to a positive result, there is only one conclusion - your computer is not equipped with the necessary drivers for this kind of switching.

Go to the tablet manufacturer’s website, indicate the brand of the device and download the drivers to your computer. After this everything should go without problems.

Today we will try to understand the situation in which the computer does not see the tablet. This is actually a fairly common problem. As a rule, many people encounter it. But not everyone knows how to correctly diagnose the source of the problem. Therefore, correcting the situation may take a lot of your time. Let's see what could be the reasons for such a problem.

Cable problems

So, if you are wondering why the computer does not see the tablet, then the first thing you will have to check is the cable with which you connect the device. Quite often, this is where most of the problems lie.

There are several options for the development of events. The first is in which the computer does not see the tablet, but everything is fine with the cable itself, except for its length (it is too long). In this case, you should try to buy a new shorter cord and use it.

The second option is complete damage to the cable. This is why the computer does not see the tablet. Only a complete replacement of the cord will help. Moreover, it is better not to buy an option that is too long. But this is not the only reason why problems may occur. And now we will look at other sources of problems.


Well, if you are wondering why the computer does not see the tablet, then try to look at the integrity of the drivers. Sometimes failures and malfunctions of this library package can cause a lot of problems for users.

Due to some system failures, drivers may be deleted or corrupted. Of course, no signals will be given to the user about this. Typically, these problems are diagnosed by the lack of connection to the equipment. For this reason, as a rule, the computer does not see the tablet.

In fact, it is very easy and simple to “get out” of such a situation. All you need to do is download new drivers and then install them on your computer. Don't forget to remove old libraries and damaged documents first. After you have completed the task, you can try connecting the equipment again. Everything should work. Happened? Then everything is fine. No? Let's try to figure out what else could be wrong. After all, there can be quite a few reasons for such behavior.

Hardware problems

A very popular and common problem faced by most users whose computer does not see the Android tablet is nothing more than a malfunction of the connected equipment.

Of course, no one is immune from this. Damage to connectors, counterfeits, improper operation of the tablet - all this, of course, leaves its mark on the gadget. To be honest, many buyers, faced with breakdowns and malfunctions, rarely notice this problem. It is usually customary to go through everything that is possible, but just not “sin” on the tablet itself.

In this situation, you can try to take the equipment for repair. There it will be repaired, and everything will work on the computer with renewed vigor. True, sometimes this is impossible. Then you will have to buy a new tablet or not connect the old one to any “virtual friend”. Try to avoid counterfeits and second-hand purchases. Otherwise, you may encounter a situation where the computer does not see the tablet.

System problems

The simplest and least common scenario is the appearance of system failures and problems directly in the operating system. There can be a lot of reasons for this, but there is only one result - the computer will not see the tablet, like any connected equipment.

In this case, it is recommended to check the operating system for viruses and then disinfect it. Also sometimes you have to reinstall Windows. Thus, it is best to keep an eye on your computer and scan it in a timely manner. This article discussed in detail the question of why the computer does not see the tablet.

I have already written about the fact that tablet sales are growing, more than once. There are a lot of different companies on the market, and if previously the greatest sales growth was shown by such well-known companies as Samsung or Apple, today we are seeing incredible growth from the so-called B-brands - these are inexpensive tablets from Chinese manufacturers, which often turn out to be no worse than their more expensive counterparts. dear brothers, and often even better.

But in fact, it is not so important what brand of tablet you use, since problems can arise with it at any time. Which for example? There are quite a lot of them, so today we will look in more detail at only one of them, which, by the way, is very common - the computer does not see the tablet when connected via a USB cable.

I myself encountered such a problem, not only on a tablet, but also on a smartphone based on operating system. And yes, it doesn’t really matter what tablet you use, be it Samsung, ASUS, Lenovo, Ritmix, Prestigio, etc. The solution to the problem may differ only in the case of Apple iPad, and even then not always.


There are several solutions and I will start, as usual, with the simplest one.

  • If, when you connect a laptop to your computer screen, you do not see the tablet in the list of connected devices, or an error is displayed that the computer could not recognize the device, then simply rebooting the tablet can help. This procedure has helped me more than once. Moreover, the problem itself is related specifically to the software of the tablet itself, because after updating the firmware, such oddities disappeared once and for all.
  • The next step is to grant access to the device. When you connect a device via USB, depending on the firmware and its settings, it either automatically opens its file system, or you need to open it yourself by tapping on the screen several times. If you look at the screenshot just below, you can see that the tablet can be connected to a computer as a USB drive, media device, camera, etc. Try switching between these modes and then your device will probably be detected by the computer. By default, USB storage mode is used.

  • Do not forget that to use the tablet as a USB drive, it must be turned on. Again, this depends on the firmware, but on stock and not the latest Android this is done by tapping the button, as in the screenshot. In this case, the computer will recognize the device, but will not allow you to copy anything to it.

  • Particular attention must be paid to the USB cable. It is quite possible that the cause of the problem lies there. For example, a dog or cat has bitten the wire, so it doesn’t work. And the wires often break near the plug itself, which is quite difficult to notice - only a complete replacement of the cable will help.

  • If, when you connect a gadget, nothing happens at all on the monitor screen, then there is a high probability that the necessary driver is missing. As a rule, under normal conditions the system tries to replace the driver if it is missing, and in most cases it succeeds. Problems, as a rule, begin after flashing the device, when the system cannot use the driver replacement and requires a new one. The main question is which driver to download and from where. In most cases, this does not depend on your model, but on the firmware. If you downloaded it, for example, on the popular forum, it would be better to ask about the driver there - they will probably answer you which driver is best to download. After installing the driver on your computer, you can forget about the problem.
  • If suddenly nothing works out for you at all from what I voiced, as an option, you can do full reset devices (with complete removal all data, so save the information that is important to you first). As a last resort, reflash the device.

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A computer or laptop may not “see” a connected device, be it a tablet or a smartphone, for completely different reasons. The problem may be in the laptop, or in the tablet, and in the cable connecting them. Unfortunately, you didn’t specify what exactly happens (or doesn’t happen) when you connect the tablet, so let’s look at all the options in order.

Problem with your computer or laptop

Check that the USB ports are working correctly by connecting other devices to them. If you have USB 3.0 in your laptop or computer, do not use them to connect your tablet, use older ones USB ports 2.0. On your computer, do not use the USB ports on the front wall of the system unit.

Go to the official website of the tablet manufacturer and download the latest versions of drivers specifically for your model. Also, you can try connecting the tablet to another computer.

Problem with the tablet

When connected to a computer, the tablet should give you a choice of how to use this connection. For example, you can only charge it or charge and transfer data:

  • The "switch on when picked up" function does not turn off on the Samsung Galaxy A 50
  • To make a selection, swipe down the notification shade and select the “File Transfer” menu item. Appearance This menu may differ depending on the device manufacturer and Android versions, but the general meaning is this.

    Cable problem

    In fact, this is one of the most probable causes. Check the integrity of the cable, if possible, try using a different one.

    Try these options and write in the comments to this question what you got. And if you have any other questions, our experts are always happy to help you!
