Computer security for the little ones. Rules for using a computer for children Impact on the psyche

Neglect of safety rules when working with a computer can lead to negative consequences for the user in the form of damage to health and property. Even if you follow the safety precautions as with working with a complex household device, you can get indirect harm to your health if you do not follow the recommendations of doctors specially designed for PC users.

Harm to health when working with a computer and how to avoid it

Prolonged work with a computer leads to cumulative negative health effects, i.e. damage may not manifest itself clearly for a long time, but accumulates gradually and imperceptibly. The most dangerous health effects are:

  • High load on the organs of vision, causing its deterioration and the appearance of "red eye" and "dry eye" syndromes.
  • Joint disease caused by incorrect posture when working with a computer for a long time.
  • A high load on the psyche and nervous system that occurs with a long concentration of attention with a large flow of information for a long time.

How to minimize the harmful effects on health when working with a computer

Compliance simple rules when working with a computer will help to remove the negative impact on your health as much as possible.

  • Maintaining the correct distance to . The correct distance from the eyes to the screen is the distance at which the user can reach the top of the monitor with the fingertips of a straight hand.
  • should be 20-30 cm from the edge of the table.
  • The chair or chair should provide a straight posture in which the back rests slightly against the back of the chair or chair.
  • When working with the keyboard and mouse, the arms should be bent, and the elbows should be placed on the table or armrests of the chair. With this position of the hands, there is no tension in the hands. When , the position of the hands should not change much.
  • The legs should not be bent under a chair or armchair, but should be straightened forward with emphasis on a hard surface.
  • Take a short break every hour from working with the computer and do a little warm-up to relieve tension in the joints and muscles. To relieve tension in the eyes, it will be useful to do exercises for the organs of vision, which includes circular movements with open eyes, changing the focus point of the eyes from close to far.

Computer Safety

A computer is a complex device that operates under voltage, so safety precautions for electrical devices also apply to it. Applicable to the computer, follow the basic rules:

  • Do not operate the computer if there is external damage to the case or the insulation of the power cables. In this case, it is necessary to replace the cables or contact the service center.
  • Do not place or store objects of any kind on the cabinet, especially heavy ones, as in this case, vibration may occur, which may cause malfunctions of the computer.
  • It is not recommended to plug the computer into ungrounded outlets. Sockets and plugs must be solid, without damage.
  • Do not turn on the computer in a high humidity environment.
  • Do not leave a running PC unattended for a long time.
  • The wires and power cables of the computer should be located so that it is impossible to step on them or put something heavy on them.
  • You can not work with a computer with the system unit case open.


Today, the computer has firmly entered our lives. And for modern children, it has completely become something familiar, ordinary, something that has always been and will always be. Therefore, it will not work to completely protect a preschooler from a computer. Yes, this is not necessary!

A computer is a useful thing for a child. You just need to use it correctly. About these rules and how to minimize harmful effect computer, we will talk in this article.

Many adults know from their own experience how tired the eyes are after many hours of sitting at the computer. Indeed, a computer is a huge load on the eyesight, and for a child it is especially sensitive. What can be done in this situation?

Keep track of the time your child spends in front of the monitor. For children 3-4 years old

this time should not exceed 25 minutes per day. At 5-6 years old, the duration of computer sessions can be increased to 35 minutes a day, and a 7-8 year old child can spend no more than 45 minutes at a computer without harm to health;

every 10-15 minutes take a break, gymnastics for the eyes;

choose the right lighting. You can not sit at the computer in full

darkness, but at the same time avoid direct illumination of the monitor, glare (from table lamp or from a window)

choose special glasses for your child to work at a computer;

the distance from the eyes to the monitor must be at least 50 centimeters.

Carried away by the game, the child may not notice that he is sitting in an uncomfortable, cramped position, that the muscles are already numb or his back hurts. A static posture makes breathing difficult. In the future, all this may come back to haunt stoop, problems with the spine and even diseases of the internal organs (normal blood circulation is disturbed in a cramped position).

What measures to take?

be sure to adjust the height of the computer chair to the height of the child;

the child's hands should be at the level of the elbows, the elbows should lie on the table;

Do some light exercise during your breaks

relaxation of the muscles of the neck, back, hands;

the child should move a lot during the day (sports, walks, outdoor games).

Why is a child so attracted to the computer? First of all - different games. On the one hand, games train reaction speed, fine motor skills, logical thinking and attention. And these same games can cause overexcitation of the nervous system. He goes into the game and stops noticing what is happening around, can't control his emotions. Therefore, carefully select games for your child. .

Say a firm "no" various "shooters", games at high speed and with the search for small objects. Give preference to educational games (reading, counting, intelligence development, knowledge of the world around).

If your child is already using the Internet, keep track of what sites he visits. Set up filters and blocks on the information that is undesirable and harmful to the child's psyche.

Certainly, the computer is not a source of radiation, but it creates high frequency electromagnetic fields. In modern models, such radiation is most strong at the back and top of the monitor, and slightly in front. Therefore, you can not lean over the monitor, it is better to put it with the back wall against the wall. You can neutralize computer radiation, for example, using the Svetlitsa-Lad system adapter.

Also, the computer creates an electrostatic field of high intensity. It acts at a distance of half a meter from the screen, accelerates the dust particles that have settled on the screen to high speeds and adversely affects the skin and eyes of the person sitting in front of the monitor. Have you noticed that dust does not accumulate anywhere as quickly as in front of a computer?

Here you will be helped various air conditioners, ionizers, as well as wet cleaning and airing the room. It is useful to wash with cold water immediately after working on the computer.

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1. General requirements for labor protection when working with a computer and other office equipment

1.1. TO independent work with a computer, laptop, printer, photocopier, scanner, plasma panel, LCD screen and other office equipment, persons who have reached the age of 18, have undergone a medical examination, have been instructed in labor protection, and who do not have contraindications for health reasons, are allowed.

1.2. While working on a computer and other office equipment, teachers can be affected by the following dangerous and harmful factors:

  • electric current and radiation;
  • eye strain while working electronic devices, monitor, especially if the screen is placed inappropriately in relation to the eyes.

1.3. Lighting installations should provide uniform illumination and should not form dazzling reflections on the keyboard, as well as on the monitor screen in the direction of the eyes.

1.4. When working with a computer, printer, photocopier and other peripheral equipment, it is not allowed to locate the workplace in rooms without natural light without natural or artificial ventilation.

1.5. A workplace with a computer and office equipment should be located at a distance of at least 1 m from the wall, from a wall with window openings - at a distance of at least 1.5 m.

1.6. The angle of inclination of the monitor or laptop screen with respect to the vertical should be 10-15 degrees, and the distance to the screen should be 500-600 mm.

1.7. The angle of view to the center of the screen should be straight and 90 degrees.

1.8. To protect against direct sunlight, sun protection devices (metallized film, adjustable vertical panel blinds, etc.) should be provided.

1.9. Lighting should be mixed (natural and artificial).

1.10. In the office and in the workplace, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order, to carry out systematic ventilation.

1.11. All equipment malfunctions identified during operation must be reported to the manager; in the event of a breakdown, work must be stopped until the emergency circumstances are eliminated. If a possible danger is detected, warn others and immediately inform the manager; to keep clean workplace and do not clutter it with foreign objects.

1.12. An eyewitness, an employee who discovered it, or the victim himself must report the accident directly to the head of the institution and take measures to provide medical assistance.

1.13. Persons guilty of violating the requirements set forth in this instruction are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with applicable law.

2. Safety requirements before starting work with a computer (laptop) and other office equipment

2.1. Inspect and verify that equipment and electrical wiring are in good condition. In case of malfunctions, do not start work. Report this to the manager and only after troubleshooting and his permission to start work.

2.2. Check the lighting of the workplace, if necessary, take measures to normalize it.

2.3. Check the availability and reliability of the protective earthing of the equipment.

2.4. Check the condition of the electrical cord and plug.

2.5. Check the serviceability of switches and other controls of a personal computer and office equipment.

2.6. If any malfunctions are detected, do not turn on the computer and office equipment and immediately notify the principal of the school about this.

2.7. Thoroughly ventilate the room with a personal computer and office equipment, make sure that the microclimate in the room is within acceptable limits: air temperature in the cold season - 22-24 ° C, in the warm season - 23-25 ​​° C, relative humidity - 40- 60%.

2.8. Turn on the monitor and check the stability and clarity of the image on the screen, make sure that there is no smell of smoke from the computer and office equipment.

3. Safety requirements while working with a computer, laptop, printer, copier, scanner, plasma panel, LCD screen and other office equipment

3.1. Turn on and off the computer, laptop and any office equipment only with switches, it is forbidden to turn off by pulling the plug out of the socket.

3.3. Do not allow unauthorized persons who are not involved in the work to the computer and office equipment.

3.4. It is forbidden to move and transfer the system unit, monitor, printer, any equipment that is energized.

3.6. Any physical interference with the device of a computer, printer, scanner, copier during their operation is prohibited.

3.8. Do not place objects on computer equipment, monitors, screens and office equipment.

3.9. Strictly comply General requirements on electrical safety and fire safety.

3.10. When using a copier and printer, unplug the machines when clearing a paper jam to avoid electric shock. Disconnect the equipment from the network during long periods of inactivity.

3.11. It is strictly forbidden to independently disassemble and repair the electronic and electronic-mechanical parts of a computer, peripheral devices, office equipment. This work may only be carried out by a specialist or engineer. maintenance computer technology.

3.12. The total time of direct work with a personal computer and other office equipment during the working day should be no more than 6 hours, for teachers - no more than 4 hours a day.

3.13. The duration of continuous work with a personal computer and other office equipment without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours. After every hour of work, you should take a break of 15 minutes.

3.14. During regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress, fatigue of the visual analyzer, eliminate the influence of hypodynamia and hypokinesia, and prevent the development of postural tonic fatigue, it is necessary to perform sets of exercises for the eyes or organize physical culture pauses.

3.15. computer, any peripherals, office equipment must be used in strict accordance with the operational documentation for them.

3.16. During the performance of work, you must be careful not to pay attention to extraneous things.

3.17. All detected malfunctions and malfunctions in the operation of the equipment must be reported directly to the computer maintenance engineer or the principal of the school.

4. Safety requirements after finishing work with a computer, printer, copier, scanner and other office equipment

4.1. Disconnect the computer, laptop, TV, plasma panel, LCD screen, printer, copier, scanner, speakers and other office equipment from the mains, for which you need to turn off the toggle switches, and then pull the plugs out of the socket.

4.2. Wipe the outside of the computer with a clean, damp cloth. At the same time, do not allow the use of solvents, cologne, aerosol preparations.

4.3. Remove workplace. Stack discs to the appropriate save location.

4.4. Thoroughly ventilate the room with a personal computer and other office equipment.

5. Requirements for safety and life safety in emergency situations when working with a computer and other office equipment

5.1. If voltage is detected on the metal parts of the equipment (feeling of current), the ground wire is broken - turn off the equipment immediately, report to the manager about the malfunction of the electrical equipment and do not start work without his instructions.

5.2. In the event of a power outage, turn off the equipment.

5.3. If there is an unusual sound, smell of burning, involuntary shutdown of the computer and office equipment, immediately stop work and notify the manager about this.

5.4. In the event of a fire, immediately turn off the equipment, turn off the power supply, with the exception of the lighting network, inform all workers about the fire and proceed to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishing equipment.

5.5. In case of an accident, it is necessary first of all to free the victim from the traumatic factor, contact the first-aid post, and, if possible, preserve the place of injury in the state in which it was at the time of injury. When releasing the victim from the action of the electric current, make sure that you yourself do not come into contact with the current-carrying part and are energized.

Our way of life is rapidly changing: just ten years ago, a personal computer was far from being in every family, and today, few people can do without this device. Of course, children are mastering the computer with might and main: they not only play games on it, but also study, write school work, and search for the necessary information.


Some children learn literacy faster with computer keyboard than with a pen. So can kids be allowed to be at the computer for as long as they want? After all, adults themselves often work at this device all day without loss to health. Maybe it's time to rethink the old rules?

Danger of the computer for children

Traditionally, doctors fear the impact of computers on children's health for several reasons.

  • The child is in the same position for a long time.
  • The computer affects the psyche.
  • The computer emits harmful radiation.
  • Let's take a closer look at each of these negative factors.

    Visual impairment

    Like TV, the computer really does not have the best effect on a child's vision. Moreover, when watching cartoons or TV shows, the frame rate is high (which reduces the load), and in computer games it is much less common. In order not to strain your eyes, you need to follow some rules when arranging the workplace where the child will sit. The top edge of the monitor should be at or slightly below eye level. The distance from the eyes to the monitor must be at least 50 cm. The brightness of the monitor must be correctly adjusted - it can neither be reduced to a minimum, nor too increased.

    Even adults should rest 5-10 minutes after every hour of computer work. For the student, breaks are recommended every 15 minutes.

    To prevent the eyes from drying out, periodically you need to close them and rotate your eyes under closed eyelids. It is very useful to teach the child the basic exercises that are part of the eye gymnastics complex: look into the distance and at the bridge of the nose, look left, right, up and down without turning your head. This will help rest your eyes. Also in the workplace area, you can hang a sheet of cardboard in blue, green or yellow. It will become a rest area for the eyes after working at the computer. You need to look at the sheet for 10-15 minutes from a distance of 30-40 cm, without straining your eyesight.

    As for the time spent at the computer, ophthalmologists insist on clear limits. Up to 3 years old, you should not show the computer to the baby at all, from 3 to 5 years old - allow him to be at it for up to 15 minutes, at 6-7 years old - up to half an hour. At 9-10 years old, if necessary, you can increase the time in front of the monitor up to 1-1.5 hours, but with frequent breaks to rest your eyes.

    static posture

    The most common complaints from people who work at a computer are related to increased fatigue and headaches. All this can also be expected by a child - after all, a long stay in one position leads to an overstrain of the neck muscles and a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain. In addition, pain and numbness of the fingers or hands can become a problem - this is due to the same type of hand movements when working at a computer.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, again, you need to properly equip the workplace. The keyboard should be below the table, so you should give preference to standard models with a separate system block and a monitor, not laptops - then the keyboard can be placed on a special pull-out shelf. Parents need to ensure that the child sits at the desk with an even posture and takes breaks from work.

    Impact on the psyche

    Doctors have been sounding the alarm for a long time: spending many hours at the computer has a very negative effect on the psyche of children. Parents should watch what games the child plays and how hard it is for the restrictions imposed on use. personal computer. If a student does not want to go for a walk, but stays at home all day long, sitting at the computer at the slightest opportunity, it can be assumed that he develops a computer addiction. To get a child out of a state of loss of touch with reality, the help of a psychologist is often required.

    Galina Sorokina
    Summary of the GCD on familiarizing preschoolers with safety rules when working on a computer

    Dear Colleagues!

    I offer you abstract

    familiarization of preschoolers

    With "Great and not safe sage» . I hope that the proposed material will be of interest to you.

    GBDOU Kindergarten No. 25.

    Vyborgsky district. City of St. Petersburg.


    GCD for familiarization of preschoolers

    With safety rules

    at working on a computer

    "Great and not safe sage» .

    “If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from our children”

    John Dewey.


    directly educational activities for familiarization of preschoolers

    With computer security rules"Great and not safe sage» .

    Materials and equipment:

    Laptop, speakers, headphones, printer, scanner, projector.

    Split pictures depicting the main devices computer: laptop, computer, speakers, headphones, printer, projector.

    Electronic support: cartoon "Simon's cat".(episode 15) 2008-2011.

    Integration of educational regions: « Cognition» , "Health", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic Creativity".


    Cognition: to generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about the purpose and methods of use computer at home and at work; arouse children's interest in educational programs;

    broaden their horizons, enrich the vocabulary of children computer terminology.

    Health: - form an idea of ​​the requirements safety and hygiene when working at a computer;

    Communication: to develop the ability to communicate freely with adults and children; introducing children to riddles related to computer to expand the students' vocabulary.

    Socialization: through participation in games, to educate children in a healthy spirit of competition.

    Artistic creativity:

    Teach children to create drawings-memos about safe work on the computer.

    preliminary Job:

    Conversations with the Purpose of Giving general information O computer and its properties and purpose.

    Reading poems, looking at photographs, illustrations, excursions to the office of the senior educator, head and clerk.

    Guys, today I want introduce you with the greatest sage! What do you think this sage is?

    Didn't guess? Then mystery:

    What kind of friend is such an iron

    Interesting and useful?

    Bored at home, no comfort

    If off...- (computer) .

    Guys, now it's hard to find a family in which there would be no computer.

    Why do you think I named computer great sage?

    Where are they used computers?

    How is it used computer in our group?

    What presentations do you remember and why?

    Which cognitive and development programs do you like?

    Didactic game "Collect a picture" (computer components) .

    Guys, there are envelopes on the tables. See what's in there. (Parts from the picture, Cut pictures in envelopes. We need to collect them.

    What did you get? Name the object and say what it is for. (Laptop, computer, speakers, headphones, printer, projector).


    Guys, do you know what computer can't sit for a long time? (Answers).

    And why? (children's answers).

    If you sit for a long time computer may damage your eyesight. Therefore, for computer work assigned certain time And be sure to do gymnastics for the eyes (visual gymnastics) to rest your eyes.

    Now we will do complex gymnastics for the health of our eyes.

    Visual gymnastics:

    "Let your eyes rest."

    Quickly got up, smiled,

    Pulled higher and higher.

    We are with computer played,

    Our eyes are so tired.

    I need to give my eyes a rest

    We will blink quickly.

    One two three four five

    We will blink quickly.

    right, looked to the left,

    Up and down and up and down!

    Again right, left again,

    Up and down and up and down!

    Now let's close our eyes

    Let's open wide again.

    AND palms eyes

    We will close quickly.

    Let's rest our eyes

    Let's sit in the dark.

    We'll open our eyes again

    On set up their work!

    Guys, computer is a great sage, but it can be dangerous if certain precautions are not followed. rules. Our eyes have rested and now we will see a presentation about computer code of conduct.

    Computer- an electrical device, which means it can be life-threatening. (Slide)

    Be careful! Do not touch the wires that are connected to computer. (Slide)

    The computer is afraid of dirt. (Slide)

    Dust hurts computer, gets inside and spoils it. (Slide).

    Dirty hands get dirty and lead out computer out of order. (Slide).

    Don't turn on or off computers without adult permission! (Slide).

    The computer is not a cafeteria! It is better not to approach him with bread, nuts, sweets, tea. Crumbs will hurt computer more than dust, and spilled tea can ruin it completely. (Slide).

    When pressing the keys, do not apply much force. Drumming on the keyboard, you will quickly disable it. (Slide).

    You should also treat the mouse and other devices connected to computer. (Slide).

    Do not touch the monitor screen even with clean fingers - traces will still remain on it. (Slide).

    Which you remember the rules of behavior at the computer?

    And now I suggest watching a cartoon "Simon's cat". After viewing, you must answer question: What did Simon do Right.

    Watching a cartoon.

    So what are Simon violated computer safety rules?

    Guys, today we talked a lot about computer safety rules. And now I suggest you create drawings-reminders about computer safety. We will place these rules in our computer corner to never forget them.


    1. We study computer / Duvanov A. – M.: Eksmo, 2012.- 112 p.: ill. +1 CD Rom (My first lessons)

    2. Cartoon about a cat Simon:
