Logonui system error.

In the work of almost anyone software product errors may sometimes occur, and Windows platform This is no exception, as evidenced by the abundance of questions in Internet forums about the LogonUI.exe application, which sometimes bothers users with its crashes and information messages when logging into the system. Usually, experts and experts in the IT industry, taught by bitter experience, in such cases recommend reinstalling the OS from scratch. We recommend that before performing this procedure, try out two simple ways, which will certainly help you deal with the LogonUI.exe error.

1. Using Windows console run the System Configuration utility (msconfig.exe), open the Services tab and disable all system services not related to Microsoft Corporation, that is, initiated third party applications. You can quickly perform this operation by checking the Hide all Microsoft services box (see screenshot). We save the changes made to the OS settings, restart the computer and check whether the mentioned error has disappeared or not. For the purity of the experiment, you can deactivate third-party services selectively, thus consistently looking for the faulty Windows software component.

2. Using the tools that come with Windows Driver Verifier Manager (verifier.exe), we perform comprehensive diagnostics of the drivers installed in the operating system. About how to do it,

Some users may encounter a rather unpleasant problem when starting the Windows 10 operating system - LogonUI.exe error. This error appears during Windows boot, before logging into account user. In most cases, when this error occurs, users are no longer able to log in, hence their PC cannot function normally.

I would like to note that some users still manage to bypass this problem and run operating system at least in Safe Mode. However, some users are not so lucky, as they may receive an error message even there.

So what exactly is this executive file that is indicated in the error? If you know English, you should already have guessed that it has something to do with user interface, which are present on the login screen of the Windows operating system. In today's article, we will be looking at the LogonUI.exe error and methods for it (both safe mode and non-safe mode), which will hopefully help bring your PC back to life.

So, when starting the system, you may receive a specified error, which may be accompanied by something like the following message:

LogonUI.exe - system error. The program cannot be launched because *********** is missing on the computer. Try reinstalling the program.

The user can click confirm in the error dialog box, but nothing will happen and the operating system will not boot. Rebooting also does not help and the LogonUI.exe error returns. Let's look at how you can return the system to its functionality.

Method #1 Removing the graphics driver

First, let's look at a method that can help those users who are still able to use Safe Mode to boot their operating system. Some experts and experienced users on the net claim that the LogonUI.exe error may occur from time to time due to an incorrectly functioning video card driver.

Sign in Safe mode. As soon as you log in, you will immediately notice that the resolution is different from your normal resolution. This is all due to the fact that in Safe Mode it is not the driver from the video card manufacturer that is activated, but the standard graphics driver from Microsoft. This will allow us to safely remove the driver for the video card to check its involvement.

Click right click mouse to Start and select "Device Manager". Find the “Video adapters” section in the list of available equipment and expand it using the corresponding arrow to see the list of available equipment in this category. Find your video card in the list and double-click on it with the left mouse button to go to its properties. Next, go to the “Driver” tab and click on the “Remove device” button.

After completing this step, restart your computer and try to log into the operating system again. Did the LogonUI.exe error not occur this time? If not, then the problem really was a malfunctioning graphics driver and the matter was not serious. However, if this didn't work, then let's move on.

Method No. 2 Clean launch

A clean start is a fairly effective procedure for identifying any incorrectly operating services or software in Windows that can cause various problems. Some users claim that the error with LogonUI.exe can be caused by services or programs in startup. To check this possibility, you simply need to perform a Clean Start (or Clean Boot) procedure.

Enter Safe Mode again (if this is not possible in your case, then proceed to the next paragraphs of this article). Next, press the key combination on your keyboard Windows+R, to start it system utility"Run..." Then write in the blank line msconfig and press Enter to open the System Configuration window.

Next, go to the “Services” tab. In this tab you can enable or disable services running on your operating system. Here we need an option called “Do not display Microsoft services”: check the box next to it, and then click on the “Disable all” button to disable all third-party services on the system (suspected by the LogonUI.exe error, remember?).

You can close the “System Configuration” window. Next, you need to open Task Manager. The easiest way is to right-click on the Start taskbar and select the appropriate item from context menu. Having opened the Task Manager, go to the “Startup” tab and disable all programs that will be in it (right-click on the program and select “Disable”). Once you're done doing this, you're done with preparing a Clean Launch.

Restart your computer and try to start the operating system normally. If the LogonUI.exe error no longer appears, then everything is correct, the problem was in the service or program that was just disabled. Run the disabled items one by one to find the problematic one.

Method #3 Last Known Good Configuration

Ok, if you are still unable to login normally due to LogonUI.exe error or you were initially unable to enter Safe Mode, then let's try something different. Your Windows registry will contain entries about the last successful boot of the system, which we will now try to use to return your computer to its working state.

So, first, restart your computer. Then, while the computer boots, press the button F8 to enter the More Boot Options menu. Once you do this, you will find yourself in a menu with several options. You need to find an item called “Load Last Known Known Configuration (with working settings).”

By selecting this boot option, your PC will try to enter the last known known configuration of the OS, in which it was still stable and the LogonUI.exe error had not yet been observed. This method recovery is the easiest to perform since the user literally only needs to press a few buttons.

Method No. 4 Startup recovery

If a simple attempt to launch the last successful configuration did not help to get out of the current situation, then let's gradually move on to more complex methods. In this section of the article, we will look at the “Startup Repair” system tool, which is available to the user for use in the Windows Recovery Environment.

Go to the Advanced Boot Options menu as shown in the previous method in this article. Once you're there, select the option called "Troubleshoot your computer." By selecting this item, the “Select action” window will appear in front of you.

Since we are trying to restore the system, you should turn your attention to the “Troubleshooting” item, which is exactly what you need to select. Once in it, click on the item “ Extra options" Finally, click on Startup Repair. This tool will try to fix problems with the system that are preventing it from booting normally. Check for LogonUI.exe error.

Method No. 5 CHKDSK and SFC utilities

Our next method will be to use CHKDSK utilities and SFC, which can be accessed using the Command Line. Since you and I cannot access the system, we will have to use these utilities while in the Windows Recovery Environment.

Using the above steps, navigate to "Advanced Options" found under "Troubleshooting". In the advanced recovery options, you can find the “Command Prompt” item: click on it to launch Command Prompt.

Once the command prompt opens, first enter the command sfc /scannow and press Enter to run the check system files. The process may take a certain amount of time, after which you will be provided with a list of damages found and whether they have been fixed.

After running the SFC program, enter the command into the line chkdsk C: /f /r /x and press Enter to scan your disk for errors. Moreover, the utility will even try to fix these errors. After using the CHKDSK and SFC utilities, try starting your operating system in normal mode and check if the LogonUI.exe error has been fixed.

Method #6 Using the installation disk

Obviously, if you were still unable to correct the situation that arose with the inability to log into the system, then the LogonUI.exe error was caused by much more serious problems than previously thought. In this situation, the most obvious and logical solution would be to restore the system using the installation tool. Windows disk 10.

You could create a recovery disk to resolve the situation, but unfortunately this is not possible in your situation since logging in is not possible. Get it installation disk and boot from it. A window will appear in front of you with Windows installation 10. However, you must click on the “System Restore” option in the lower left corner.

The already familiar “Select Action” menu will appear in front of you. Select "Troubleshoot" and go to "Advanced options." Finally, select “System Image Restore”. Start the recovery process, wait for it to finish, and log in again. There should definitely be no LogonUI.exe error this time.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

The file logonui.exe installs a process that is associated with Windows Logon application. The file initiates the application’s User Interface and the process is known as Windows Logon UI. This is what you see when you are asked by the system to log in to your User Account before system files can be loaded with startup. This is an essential system file because without it, the system may fail to fully load when you boot the PC. Besides that, you need the file in order to log-in into your User Account. This is especially essential if the PC you are using is also being used by other people. The process is launched through the executable file winlogon.exe. This is Microsoft's Windows NT Logon Application. The file's RAM utilization averages at 3.15 MB. Privileged CPU usage is 0.0004114829%, while User CPU utilization is 0.00015119938569%; and Total CPU usage is 0.00015120%. The standard command path for the file is C:\Windows\System 32\logonui.exe.

How can I stop logonui.exe and should I?

Most non-system processes that are running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system. logonui.exe. is used by Microsoft Windows If you shut down logonui.exe, it will likely start again at a later time either after you restart your computer or after an application start. To stop logonui.exe, permanently you need to uninstall the application that runs this process which in this case is Microsoft Windows, from your system.

After uninstalling applications it is a good idea to scan you Windows registry for any left over traces of applications. Registry Reviver by ReviverSoft is a great tool for doing this.

Is this a virus or other security concern?

ReviverSoft Security Verdict

Please review logonui.exe and send me a notification once it has
been reviewed.

What is a process and how do they affect my computer?

A process usually a part of an installed application such as Microsoft Windows, or your operating system that is responsible for running in functions of that application. Some application require that they have processes running all the time so they can do things such as check for updates or notify you when you get an instant message. Some poorly written applications have many processes that run that may not be required and take up valuable processing power within your computer.

Is logonui.exe known to be bad for my computer's performance?

We have not received any complaint about this process having higher than normal impact on PC performance. If you have had bad experiences with it please let us know in a comment below and we will investigate it further.

Few things are as annoying as not being able to stick to your routine without interruptions. The LogonUI.exe error appears when you think Windows has finally loaded and is ready to use. But, don't worry. We are here to help you fix this error.

LogonUI.exe error

The computer starts and Windows loads. But when booting Windows, the system lags and shows the LogonUI.exe error.

Cause of LogonUI.exe error

This issue may occur if the LogonUI.exe file has been renamed, moved, or modified.

How to fix LogonUI.exe error when booting Windows

Below are some ways to resolve the LogonUI.exe error:

What is LogonUI.exe?

LogonUI.exe is a program in Windows. This causes the login screen to appear when Windows starts.

Uninstall or disable antivirus and security software (temporarily)

Antivirus and security software can sometimes interfere with normal Windows work. Disabling it may then help the LogonUI.exe function again. You can do this by contacting command line.

This can be done by forcing Windows to run automatic start. Read on to find out how to do this.

Use automatic startup at boot

You can run automatic repair, forcing your computer to shut down every time it reaches the Windows logo. Press and hold the power button on the computer until the computer turns off. Do this 4 - 5 times.

You should see the Automatic Repair Options screen.

Command line access

On the Automatic Repair screen, select Advanced Options, Troubleshoot, Advanced Options, and finally Command Prompt.

Run DISM command to fix LogonUI.exe

Command Prompt should open with a black screen and white text on it. Enter the following command:

  1. Dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth
  2. And press Enter.
  3. The DISM command should find and fix any corrupted file.

Uninstalling security programs

If you have third-party login software installed on your computer, issues associated with it may be causing this issue. Since deletion software is not possible using normal means, you need to remove it using the command line.

Start your computer in Automatic Startup Repair mode and access the Command Prompt as described above. After that, enter the following command:

  • ren “C:\ Program Files"Program Files-old"
  • press Enter
  • ren “C:\Program Files (x86)” “Program Files (x86)-old”
  • press Enter
  • Wait for the installation to complete, even if the program shows some errors, just restart your computer.

Now open drive C and remove -old from these folders:

Program Files

Program Files(x86)

Also, be sure to uninstall any suspicious security program that might be causing this problem.

If you still have any questions on the topic “How to fix the LogonUI.exe error when loading Windows,” you can write them in the comment form on our website.

Windows users, after installing applications, especially older versions, may encounter a system failure window indicating that “The faulty image is not designed to run under Windows control or contains an error". Despite the scary inscription in the window, the problem is completely solvable; it is unlikely that you will need to interrupt the operating system.

What causes the window to appear?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The first is installing programs or updates. For example, MSVCP(xxx) in System32 means one of the Visual C++ packages. This situation often occurs if the required components were not installed on the PC, but after installing the game they appeared. Because programs often come with built-in libraries for their stable operation. Then the operating system and its components are updated. The required file changes its version and, accordingly, is not suitable for running the application.

The second reason lies in banal damage to system files, differences in bit depth, problems in the registry (LogonUI.exe), or the wrong executable is launched. In this case, the file we need simply cannot be read. And finally, it’s worth mentioning malware that can autorun virus processes that are blocked by the system.


Let’s start fixing the “Wrong image” problem in its various situations. Try installing the right application later version or update it - this will save you from unnecessary manipulations. If no malicious software was detected on the computer, then we’ll start by restoring Visual C++ packages. What is needed for this?

If after this the error remains, then perform the same procedure for .NET Framework . On this moment For seven, version 4.5 is current, and for Windows 10 – 4.6.

Is the window still popping out? Then we do the opposite. First, we establish which package the file, the path to which is indicated in the description of the failure, belongs to. The easiest way is to use the Internet for these purposes. The following is the list of actions.

  1. We remove the entire package via "Programs and Features".
  2. Run the installation file with the game and reinstall it. You can find the library we need separately in the image and initiate the launch from there; the last option is to download it from the Internet, naturally observing the bit depth.
  3. Disable automatic update operating systems.

Alternatively, you can roll back OS updates by returning to an earlier configuration. Files on your hard drive will not be affected by this. The described method, in fact, is in an effective way corrections. If it didn’t help, and the reason was not in the libraries, then we try a different approach.

System Restore

First, we need to go through the standard procedure for cleaning the operating system.

Now we activate the diagnostic and self-healing mechanism of the operating system.

If messages about access denial appear in the log, then reboot the PC, and at startup select Safe mode, performing the same operation. In this mode, you can also additionally scan disks with an antivirus.

Of course you can call Recovery Wizard directly through the Control Panel or when starting Windows, but the self-diagnosis procedure allows you to see the causes and results of the work clearly thanks to the logs. After recovery, you can try the first method again.

Wrong Logonui.exe image - fixing it

A striking example of such a failure is the “LogonUI.exe” system error. The solution to this problem is somewhat different from the one given above. Yes, you will need to run a self-healing tool, but if it does not help, then you will have to dig deeper.

  1. Open the registry by clicking Windows keys and R. Enter the word in the line: regedit.
  2. To avoid remembering a long path, start the search by pressing the key Ctrl+F. In the line we enter: rasplap.
  3. If the first file has a value other than “Default”, then remove it.
