Nat protocol what. Network Address Translation (NAT)

If after reinstalling windows 7 or 8.1, and after upgrading to Windows 10, your computer does not see second hard disk or the second logical partition on the disk (disk D, conditionally), in this manual you will find two simple solutions problem, as well as a video guide on how to fix it. Also, the described methods should help if you installed the second HDD or SSD, it is visible in BIOS (UEFI), but not visible in Windows Explorer.

In the event that the second hard drive is not shown in the BIOS, but this happened after any actions inside the computer or simply after installing the second hard drive, then I recommend first of all to check if everything is connected correctly:.

Below - short video guide, where all the steps to add a second disk to the system (turn it on in Explorer), described above, are shown clearly and with some additional explanations.

Make the second disk visible using the command line

Attention: the following way to fix the situation with the missing second disk is using command line given only in information purposes. If the above methods did not help you, and at the same time you do not understand the essence of the commands below, it is better not to use them.

I also note that the above actions without changes are applicable for basic (not dynamic or RAID disks) without extended partitions.

Run the command prompt as an administrator, then enter the following commands in order:

  1. diskpart
  2. list disk

Remember the number of the disk that is not visible, or the number of that disk (hereinafter referred to as N), the partition on which is not displayed in Explorer. Enter command select disk N and press Enter.

In the first case, when the second physical disk is not visible, use the following commands (attention: data will be deleted. If the disk is no longer displayed, but there was data on it, do not do what is described, it may be enough just to assign a drive letter or use programs to recover lost partitions ):

  1. clean(Erases the disk. Data will be lost.)
  2. create partition primary(here you can also set the size=S parameter, specifying the size of the partition in megabytes, if you want to make several partitions).
  3. format fs=ntfs quick
  4. assign letter=D(we assign the letter D).
  5. exit

In the second case (there is an unallocated area on one hard disk that is not visible in Explorer), we use all the same commands, with the exception of clean (disk cleanup), as a result, the partition creation operation will be performed exactly on the unallocated location of the selected physical disk.

Note: in the methods using the command line, I described only two basic, most likely options, but others are possible, so do the described only if you understand and are confident in your actions, and also take care of data safety. You can read more about working with partitions using Diskpart at official page Microsoft

Often, computer owners have problems recognizing a disk. This is what the BIOS environment does. She is responsible for setting up the motherboard and finding the equipment connected to it. There are several main problems why the BIOS does not see the hard drive:

  • Physical damage to the HDD;
  • Connection problems with motherboard;
  • Factory assembly defects of the hard drive;
  • BIOS settings.

Physical damage to the hard drive

Main problem: damaged jumpers

The hard drive is hard to damage unintentionally. If, after assembly, the computer or laptop stopped seeing the HDD, you need to check it for external damage. First of all, you need to study its jumpers, since their breakdown is the most common problem, by which the BIOS does not detect a hard drive. The jumpers are located on the back of the media. Problems visible to the naked eye: the jumper can bend, break partially or completely and fall off, oxidize.

If the hard drive on a laptop or computer is new, then it must be returned to the store for a replacement. If the media has been used for a long time, then you will have to change it.

If the jumpers have undergone an oxidation process, then the problem on the computer can be solved in two ways:

  1. Carefully treat the jumpers with a special solution that removes rust. You can buy the product in a specialized store;
  2. Clean the jumpers with sandpaper. In this case, you must be extremely careful. One wrong move and the hard drive will have to be replaced.

Problem: external physical damage

Surface inspection often reveals external physical damage. Often there are defects of the following types:

  • Damage to chips on an unprotected HDD board;
  • Defects in the outer case;
  • Parts malfunction. For example, a motor.

If defects are found, the extent of the damage must be assessed. You can carry out the procedure with specialists or on your own. If the disk is suitable for repair, then it should be taken to service center. If not, you will have to purchase a new one.

Connection problems with the motherboard and power supply

Problem: Faulty SATA cable

If the HDD is not properly connected to the motherboard, it may be difficult to read information from it on the computer. After checking for external defects, it is necessary to test the loop. It should be intact and fit snugly against the jumpers on both sides. The wires must be insulated.

If a cable malfunction is detected, it must be replaced with a new one. If it is found that the cable does not fit snugly, then it is enough to correct it to solve the problem.

Interruptions in the operation of the device often occur due to the fact that several connectors are occupied in one SATA cable. It is important to check how many ports are connected to one loop.

Allocate a separate SATA cable for each HDD.

Problem: Lack of electrical power

Due to the insufficient power of the power supply, the hard drive may not have enough energy to work, so it is not recognized by the BIOS. It is necessary to check the quality of the connection of the wires leading to the unit. There is also the possibility that the power supply cannot handle a large number of devices.

If the power supply wires are faulty, they must be replaced. If the power supply can not cope with a large number of devices. It is recommended to replace it.

Wrong BIOS setting in Windows

Issue: Disabled hard drive search functionality

Often the BIOS of the computer stops seeing the HDD due to failures default settings. There are many reasons for this: power outages, installation of new equipment on a laptop, virus infection operating system Windows.

The first thing you need to do when you start your computer is to enter the BIOS. Depending on the motherboard, there are different login shortcuts that Windows displays at startup. Once in the BIOS, you need to check if the functionality for detecting the HDD is connected. To do this, select the Integrated Peripherals item in the menu and find the Onboard IDE Controller section, opposite which is the inscription: Enabled (enabled) or Disabled (disabled).

If the Onboard IDE Controller is set to Enabled, then there is a problem with the hard drive. Otherwise, change the HDD status.

If this procedure did not help and the hard drive is still not detected, then you need to reset the BIOS settings to factory settings. To do this, turn off and de-energize the computer or laptop. After that, on motherboard we are looking for a round-shaped battery of silver color.

It is quite difficult to confuse a battery with something. We take it out of the computer and wait 20-25 minutes. Insert the battery back.

Comment. Do not be afraid that when resetting the BIOS to factory settings, the driver settings will be reset. They are not related to the BIOS environment.

Factory defects

Problem: factory defect, imperceptible outwardly.

If all the previous methods did not help, then you should think about the presence of factory defects. In this case, external inspection, BIOS setup and loop test will not give results. Usually such problems arise with newly purchased hard drives. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the receipt until the expiration of the warranty period, so that there are no difficulties with the return of low-quality goods to the manufacturer.


It is important to buy hard drives only in trusted stores with a good reputation. It is not recommended to purchase HDDs from dubious companies and unfamiliar individuals. If the warranty period has expired, you can return the disc to specialized service centers.

If there are problems with the definition of a hard drive in the BIOS, you need to be extremely careful and attentive when identifying a problem. The breakdown can often be solved independently by resorting to the above instructions, but if nothing happened, then The best decision- service centers.

People using removable drives, sometimes they encounter situations when the computer (PC) does not see the hard disk (HDD). Drives such as Transcend, Western digital, Seagate, Samsung, Ide are gaining more and more popularity and demand among people of different ages and are used for personal purposes, study and work. Their main purpose is the storage and exchange of information between people and due to the minimum size, practically commensurate with the parameters mobile phone, it can be easily stored among personal belongings taken with you, while placing thousands of gigabytes in it.

It should be said right away that cases when the computer does not see the hard drive occur quite often and turn out to be very unpleasant, especially when there is not much time. Let's try to understand the reasons and possible solutions this problem.

First of all, it is necessary to divide the disk belonging to a new or already previously used- this is essential in the methods of solution.

hard drive HDD on Windows 7, 8, 10

Under new hard drive it is understood, as it is already clear, neither its age, but the fact that it has never been recorded on it and, accordingly, has not been connected to a computer or laptop.

  • Click on the label " My computer» right click and choose " Control«.

  • Find and click on Disk Management“, a window will open showing the disks connected to the PC.

Drive letter

A common cause of an error in displaying a connected drive is the incorrect assignment of the letter value of the drive, as a result, the computer does not display it. Necessary detect connected external hard drive HDD, detected by its name, size in MB (details are located at the bottom of the window) and distinguishable from a disk registered by the system, C, D, or another local disk, marked up during the installation of the operating system.

You can make sure that you have identified exactly the connected hard drive HDD: without closing the "Disk Management" window, disconnect and reconnect to the computer, respectively, it will disappear from the list and appear.

  • Then right-click on it and select another sequential letter, after those available in the system.

Disk not formatted

Very often, connected hard drives are not visible on the computer due to the fact that they are new and have not been previously formatted. When found in the menu " Disk Management“, to change the literal value, such a disk will not work, due to the lack of such a function. Here you need to select the value " Create a simple volume«:

We draw your attention to the fact that during the creation of the volume, formatting will occur - along with the markup, complete cleaning disk. As a result, the information stored there (if you are not sure exactly) will be completely deleted.

Lack of drivers

Another common reason that a hard drive connected to a PC is not visible is the lack of drivers for it. Although Windows system takes into account such cases and reacts by trying to select from the available ones or by showing a window with the necessary search for drivers for the connected device. But, nevertheless, failures occur and it may be that no information from the computer about this will appear.

  • In this regard, you must first make sure that the USB port to which the connection was made is working. This can be done by connecting something else that is unmistakably determined by the computer (for example, a flash drive).
  • Then go to " device Manager» (menu « Start" ->» Control Panel» -> « System and safety" or the key combination " Win+Pause Break and select "Device Manager").

  • Open tab " Disk devices«.

  • « Other devices» and see if a device not detected by the system is displayed with a yellow icon with exclamation mark. If there is such a name or an undefined device (for example, the inscription "My passport"), right-click on it and select " Update drivers«.
  • Finding and updating drivers can be done V automatic mode , by using special programs in the article (determining a suitable driver by hardware ID and a link to finding it on the Internet).

  • Also, you can try to select the command " Update system configuration» in the tab « Action". After that, it will search for available devices and install the corresponding drivers.

Connected HDD not visible previously used

If a disk that was previously used is not displayed, or even more so, information is already stored on it, then you must definitely make sure (if it is not known exactly) that this hard disk is working by connecting it to another computer or laptop. The USB port to which the connection was made must also be working, and if you want to check by connecting another device (flash drive) or check by connecting the drive to another connector.

  • If you are sure that the HDD together with USB port is working, then you need to open the menu " Disk Management" (Pressing " My computer» by right-clicking and selecting « Control» and then press « Disk Management") and see the available disks and their belonging to the letter value (determining by name and size). If there is such a disk, then right-click on it and select " Change drive letter» , after this button « Change” and set the next letter after the drive letters already on the computer.

  • There are cases when such disks may contain viruses and prevent their correct display in the system or be blocked by some antiviruses (budget free antiviruses, can do this) as a result, the hard drive is not visible on the computer.

Decide this problem you can reconnect or try to find this disk on the menu " Disk Management” (above) and also change the literal value, some message from the antivirus may appear (about the presence of viruses or its blocking or “access denied”) and decide by checking for viruses or checking for viruses on another computer. After that, reconnect to the computer - if the viruses were really present and were removed as a result of the scan, then now this hard drive should start without problems (unless, of course, it was blocked for this reason).

The hard drive is one of the most important hardware components of a computer, without which it is impossible to save any data whatsoever. When the user turns on the computer, the BIOS hardware, including connected hard drives, is first recognized, and then it is already determined boot record, after which control is transferred to the operating system. But it happens that in this chain a failure occurs.

In such cases, the computer either does not see the hard drive completely, or it does not appear in Explorer. If this system disk, Windows does not boot, and an error is displayed on the screen. Most often it is “WARNING! HARD DISK NOT FOUND" or "DISK BOOT FALTURE, INSERT DISK AND PRESS ENTER", but there may be other messages indicating the absence of a hard drive.

The reasons why the hard drive is not detected can be both hardware and software in nature, but most often they are associated with hardware problems. What to do if the computer does not see the hard drive? The first step is to rule out malfunctions in the hardware and only then look for what is wrong with the software.

Hard drive not detected in BIOS

The hard drive may not be available in Explorer or Device Manager, but it should be visible in the BIOS. If it is not defined in the underlying I/O system, this may indicate a hardware problem. Consistently check the correct connection of the loops, make sure that they are working (you can try to replace them). Special attention pay attention to the quality of the contacts, see if there are any signs of oxidation on them. The disk itself may also be faulty. The easiest way to find out if everything is in order with it is by connecting it to another computer.

On computers with two physical drives, you should pay attention to the special connector located on the HDD case between the power and data connectors. If you look closely, you can see four pairs of contacts and a special jumper that closes one of the pairs. This jumper is used to change the priority of the hard drive. If the disk is the main one, the jumper must be set to the Master position, if it is an additional one, it must be set to the Slave mode. Setting this jumper to the same position on both media will most likely result in the BIOS not being able to recognize them correctly.

Note: The jumper for switching between priority modes is not present on all hard drive models.

All of the above for the most part applies to conventional prefabricated PCs, but with laptop computers everything is a little more complicated. If the laptop does not see the hard drive, and you have suspicions that hardware problems are to blame, you may have to limit yourself to checking the contacts of the drive, the corresponding motherboard connectors and the drive itself. It is not recommended to disassemble a laptop without having the appropriate knowledge and experience; in such cases, it is better to take the device to a service center.

If everything is in order with the hardware, check the settings of the BIOS itself - the SATA and IDE controllers must be enabled. IN different versions BIOS names of the settings you need may have slight differences, but usually they always mention the word SATA (ATA) or IDE. If this ami BIOS, the necessary setting will most likely be located in the section Advanced - Onboard Device Configuration. Go into it and find the controller, the name of which mentions SATA or IDE. Make sure it is set to Enabled.

In the Award BIOS, you need to go to the Integrated Peripherals section and make sure that the On Chip Primary PCI IDE and On Chip Secondary PCI IDE options are enabled (Enabled), and the On Chip SATA Mode option is set to Auto.

As a last resort, you can try resetting the BIOS to factory settings. There are six reset methods in total, but only two will be available to you. Here is the first one. After completely turning off the power, find the Clear CMOS jumper on the motherboard, switch the jumper from pins 1-2 to 2-3, wait 20 seconds, and then return it to its original position.

And here is the second way. After turning off the power, find the CR2032 battery on the motherboard, remove it, also wait a minute and reinsert it. The BIOS will be reset. You can reset the BIOS on laptops in the section Exit-Load Setup Defaults, but this is only possible if the manufacturer does not set password protection, otherwise the device will have to be disassembled so that the battery can be removed.

The disk is detected in the BIOS, but the system does not see it

Things are somewhat different when Windows 7/10 does not see the hard drive, but it is perfectly detected by the BIOS. If this is a system drive, Windows will naturally not boot, and it is important to understand what exactly is causing the problem. These may be problems with the disk itself, incorrect BIOS settings, as well as damage to the operating system. The latter is important to rule out. To do this, try to access the hard drive data by booting from a LiveCD or USB flash drive.

If in the built-in file manager LiveCD disc is visible, most likely, something is wrong with the operating system itself. In other cases, first go into the BIOS and see if your boot priorities are set correctly. By the way, operating system error not found may indicate just a lost priority. In Ami BIOS, you can do this on the tab Boot - Boot Device Priority, and in Award BIOS - in the section Advanced BIOS Features - First Boot Device.

Also, in the Advar BIOS, you need to make sure that the mode for the hard drive is set to Auto in the Standard CMOS Features section.

All of the above is true for additional (second) disks. If everything is in order with the BIOS settings, but the computer does not see the second hard drive, check the following points:

– After opening the Disk Management utility from the Start menu, find your drive in the list and make sure it is initialized. If not, right-click on it, initialize it, and then create a new volume on the disk.

– Disk space is not allocated. Again, create a new volume.

– The drive letter is not assigned. Give it a free letter, otherwise it will not be displayed in Explorer.

– The media file system is detected as RAW. Format the drive or restore the file system with the command chkdsk [drive letter]: /f. Alternatively, you can use special utilities like Test Disk.

– Disk drivers are damaged or not installed. Open Device Manager, look under Disk Drives for your second drive and see if it's marked with a yellow sign. If checked, this may indicate that the necessary drivers are missing. Download the drivers from the disk manufacturer's official website and install them.

Special attention deserves the case when the computer does not see the hard drive when Windows installation 7/10. This problem is quite common on laptops with caching SSDs, SATA drives, and RAID arrays. Its main reason is the lack of specific drivers that allow you to work with such configurations. It does not matter, you can download drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop model or motherboard. The names of such drivers usually contain the words "SATA", "Intel RST", or "RAID".

Copy the driver to the flash drive you are installing Windows from and boot from it. When an empty window for selecting a partition for installing the system appears, click "Download", specify the path to the copied driver and install it.

If the system is installed with optical disc, the driver file is also copied to a USB flash drive, which must be connected to a laptop / computer before it is turned on, otherwise the portable media will not be recognized. After installing the driver, the disk should appear in the installation wizard window.

The computer does not see an external hard drive connected via USB

But what if the computer does not see the hard drive connected via USB? Almost everything is the same as mentioned above. The only difference is that in the BIOS we check if the USB controllers are enabled. In Award BIOS, these are USB EHCI controller, USB EHCI controller, USB Keyboard Support, USB Mouse Support and Legacy USB storage detect, in AMI settings USB devices usually located in the Advanced - USB configuration or Advanced - Peripherals section.

An external hard drive may also not be visible for a reason. They also need to be checked for correctness.

Nutritional deficiencies are another reason why external drive may not be recognized by the system. If possible, do not use extension cords, the connection itself must be made through the port on the rear panel. If possible, use an independent power source when connecting drives, this will increase the stability of the drive. And the last. External drive may not be recognized by Windows for the same reasons that the system does not see flash drives and other USB-connected devices. We recommend that you read the article, perhaps you will find a lot of useful things in it.

This article will help you understand what to do when the computer does not see the disk. Perhaps it will give you an idea about such things that you did not know about, but "heard". The main thing is that it will help you take concrete steps towards solving the problem or protect you from rash actions. For this to be so, please do not attempt to treat this text as step by step instructions. First, read the article in full, think, and only THEN start (or do not start) acting.

1. How it happens

1.1. Alarm inscriptions

- often this inscription is seen by users, deciding that their computer "does not see the disk." Depending on the platform and type of equipment (computer, laptop or some kind of multimedia device), other alarming inscriptions are possible: “ Correct hard disk not found», « WARNING! HARD DISK NOT FOUND! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE!», « Internal hard disk drive not found», « Hard Disk Drive Failure», « …did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" And so on. There is no point in listing everything. Their essence is clear - the computer does not see the disk. In addition to HDD, we can also talk about CD / DVD, flash media or ssd. But in the first part of this article, we will dwell on the hard drive as a more massive source of problems.

1.2. The hard drive may not be seen in the BIOS

If this is the only disk in this computer, from which the operating system should be loaded, then for sure you will see an inscription on a black screen: .

Logically. Since the disk is not detected in the BIOS, it is impossible to boot from it.

If you boot from another device (another HDD, CD or flash, it doesn’t matter), then in the Computer Management -> Device Manager menu (depending on the version of the operating system, this may look different) among the disks, the disk we need is not defined.

In both of these cases, by going to the menu " Standard CMOS Features» BIOS‘and you can make sure that the desired disk is not among the detected devices.

1.3. List of suspects and the search for the culprit

So, under suspicion there may be: power and data cables, the motherboard and the HDD itself. Connect the hard drive to other free cables to sweep away the first suspects.

Then, if you have another known-good hard drive, plug it in in place of the problematic one to make sure it's not the motherboard. If there is none, then you can connect the disk itself to another computer and see that the picture is the same.

Naturally, this article is not addressed to specialists in data recovery or computer setup and repair. And if you have read this far, I dare to assume that you are not a specialist of this kind. So I won't describe. possible ways further study of your disk by measuring the resistance on various parts of the electronics board with a tester or connecting the disk to special software and hardware systems, like the PC-3000. But on the other hand, for some reason I want to believe that smoke and a pungent smell, rhythmic tapping, rattle or other extraneous manifestations from system block or a laptop would have seemed suspicious to you long ago, and you immediately turned off the power of the computer. Thus, if at least one of the above took place, then all the diagnostic steps described above are irrelevant. Your disk is bad. And you yourself already understood this. It is worth noting that in this case, you are probably dealing with a malfunction of the electronics or mechanics of the disk.

In this case, you should not perform unconscious actions: once again apply power to the disk, try to test it with some programs, disassemble it to find out what is inside, unscrew and change the board, and so on. Stop and think carefully about your main goal. It is important to understand what scares you the most in this situation: the need to spend money on a new hard drive or the lack of access to important data. If you suddenly had to choose: a working disk, but without data, or data from this disk on another medium (yes, unfortunately, you will have to buy it). What would you choose? Of course, one may not exclude the other, but you still need to ask yourself such a question. The answer to it will help you understand what is important for you and what is secondary. And which part of this article will be more useful to you.

1.4. The system does not see the disk

It happens that the disk is detected in the BIOS, but not in Windows. More precisely, Windows cannot work correctly with this disk (or flash drive). For example, in the device manager you can see quite peaceful:

But if you look at the properties of this flash drive in this case by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate item in the drop-down menu, you will see:

And in the disk manager, there is such a strange picture:

The OS does not see any properties of this disk, including not determining its size. Perhaps you suspected something was wrong when you saw that your E: and F: drives disappeared from the system, namely, these letters were assigned to the partitions of the hard drive that you connected second. Well, if the partitions of such a disk are not assigned letters when it is connected second, then it is easy to guess what will happen if you try to boot from it. That's right, nothing will happen. The OS will not boot, and you will read one of the inscriptions listed at the very beginning of the article on a black screen. It is likely that this disk has problems with service information - firmware, wired back in the factory. Without it, the disk can be considered faulty, even if you saw that it was found in the BIOS. The same diagnosis can be made in almost all cases when the disk outwardly behaves like a fully working one (that is, it does not remain silent, but correctly spins up and unparks the heads and does not make extraneous sounds), but is not detected in the BIOS.

1.5. The system does not boot or slows down

Another situation is also possible. The disk is visible in the BIOS, but the system boots from it extremely slowly or does not boot at all. Moreover, even if such a disk is connected second, then in this case Windows refuses to boot within a reasonable time. Sometimes, if in this case you listen to how the disk behaves, you can understand how it unsuccessfully tries to read the sectors it needs. And if Windows did manage to boot, then with any movement it terribly slows down or hangs. The simplest operation of copying a small data folder can turn into flour or lead to a nervous breakdown. Probably, bad blocks have formed on this disk. And to tell the truth, attempts to boot from it, and even more so from it, are harmful to this disk, especially to the data that is stored on it.

1.6. Logical drive not visible

Sometimes the user says that his computer does not see the disk even in such situations when physically everything is in order with the disk. As a device, it is fully functional. It’s just that suddenly, when referring to the usual sections, inscriptions like “ The disk is not formatted. Do you want to format it?»

Or the disk began to be seen at all as an unallocated area. Sometimes such problems can be the result of unnoticed bad blocks (not everything is in order with such a disk), but most often some kind of program malfunction or a virus is to blame. The main thing in such a situation is not to do too much. Paradoxically, it is in such simple cases, when the disk is working, that users are most tempted to do at least something themselves, using available means. The most common nonsense (Note: none of the listed operations helps to return data!!!) - initialization, deleting partitions and creating new ones, full or quick format. And it's quite strange when this is done to save data. Allegedly, these are some kind of recovery programs “forcing you to format the disk before using them.” It is likely that the restoration in such cases will go to the same section, which is prohibited by all earthly laws.

2. What to do?

I will try to help you understand this issue. After all, often people themselves do not quite understand what they want. They just got scared. Some buttons were pressed in some windows with some messages. The messages disappeared, and they were never read. There have been some processes. Is it better or worse? Better yet, how?

2.1. We decide on the goals: repair or restoration

In order for your actions to be conscious and not harm you, let's first decide what your goal is. You have to choose - data recovery or repair. Yes exactly CHOOSE. And I have to write about it, because it has already been explained orally thousands of times. However, “Do you repair discs?” - one of the most popular questions. At the same time, people most often want to know not what they ask. You have to “choose” because restoration and repair are not at all the same thing. What is the difference? In order of priority. I propose to consider data safety and disk performance as two possible goals.

Then data recovery- this is a sequence of actions aimed at returning access to data from a problem disk by saving them on a known good (easily accessible to the user) medium. In this case, the subsequent operating state of the "problem" disk is a possible, but not necessary, side effect of these actions.

Repair HDD drive - This is bringing the disk to a working state. Returning lost access to data is also only possible, But optional, side effect.

We often have to participate in such dialogues:
- Do you repair wheels?
- Are you interested in repair or data recovery?
- The data is fine. My disk is broken. You will help?
- Repair disk - this means that you get a working CLEAN, WITHOUT DATA, disk. Are you interested in this option?
- No! I need data too!
- Such a "repair" of the disk, in which data is preserved, is called data recovery. In this case, the data is transmitted on a known good carrier.
- Fine. So I need data recovery.

That's how hard it is to figure out your goals. And everyone who, without doing this, starts calling potential saviors, runs the risk of participating in such nonsense:
- Do you repair hard drives?
- No.

Unbelievable but true! This dialogue, useless for both sides, has already taken place thousands of times. And it will happen many times in the future. (Watch where to call:)

I'm sure now you figured out exactly what is more important to you.

2.2. If the goal is hard drive repair

I think you already understand how I feel about repairs hard drives. I don't care at all. I consider this a pointless exercise, namely, a waste of time and money with the risk of subsequent even greater costs. Ready to explain. The cost of modern HDDs is so negligible that repairs are simply unprofitable. Hard drives, unlike a car, are designed from the outset to be more cost-effective, with no plans for later "maintenance" or repairs. They are riveted on machines in thousands of pieces. In terms of one disk, this is very cheap. And then it will get cheaper and cheaper. As for repairs, this should be the work of a highly qualified specialist with time costs from several minutes to several hours or days, processor time, loading equipment worth tens or hundreds of thousands of rubles, using expensive or rare spare parts. How much would such a job cost? So-and-so, you need to think about it ... At the same time, you need to fit into 1800 rubles - the cost of a new disk - an analogue of the one being repaired. And be prepared to repeat this work in the event of a warranty claim. No, I don't even want to think about it. It is strange that from time to time one has to deal with such "connoisseurs" of other people's skills and working time, who are surprised that all this work is not done for 1000 rubles, preferably on the road. :)

I agree that these are arguments from the repairman. And what regular user- a potential customer of the service - they do not care at all. Although it would be worthwhile to understand them. I think that many specialists in various fields who know the value of themselves and their working time will agree with this.

But there are other, closer to the user, arguments against HDD repair. First, it's always better to get new disk under warranty. Secondly, your hard drive is the most complex mechanical device in a computer. Suppose it is made at the factory, broke down, and you can not apply for a guarantee. A craftsman was found who fixed it, gave a guarantee of 2 weeks, and verbally promised that "now the disk will work for a long time." Do you need such a disc? Will you trust him? And now about money. To find out its current value, try to advertise this HDD with a true story about his biography. I'm sure you spent more on repairs than you can get for this disc.

But it's not always so bad. After all, not in all the cases described above, it can be argued that the disk is not working. And if the problem is exclusively software, then the problem of choosing between data and repair is not worth it. Sometimes software repair of partitions may be required, but the physical state of the disk does not change. And specialists in data recovery from hard drives can perform such repairs so that you get your data and, for example, you do not have to reinstall the system.

2.3. If the goal is data recovery

When the disk is not visible, but the data is needed, first of all, you should make sure that it is the HDD that is to blame. The first part of the article will help you with this. Let's say it's installed - the problem is in the disk. By the way, further in the article the type of digital media is of no fundamental importance. HDD can be changed to Flash, SSD and so on. Depending on what exactly happened to the media, recovering data from it can be simple or complex. It is clear that such an assessment is very subjective and everyone may have their own criteria. So I'll describe mine.

If a problem can be solved by an advanced PC user (not a data recovery specialist) using the tools available to him, then this is a simple case. As a rule, these are logical problems on file systems FAT and NTFS and problems with the electronics board on some lines of older drives. Logic problems are solved software tools . And a faulty board could often just be exchanged for the same, but working one. Unfortunately, this is not the case with modern drives.

In other cases, it may require expensive specialized software or equipment, as well as knowledge and practical skills that only a data recovery specialist can have. The investment of time and money in all these resources is unlikely to pay off if you are not going to make data recovery from digital media your craft.

2.4. I want to save

If your case is simple and you really want to save a little, you might be able to do it. The technique for solving some simple problems is the topic of a separate article. And you will be able to see it soon. But I draw your attention to the fact that the savings are small, since data recovery specialists solve such problems for relatively little money. You have to pay more for data recovery in complex cases, but it’s almost impossible to deal with them on your own. Here is another factor that affects the price of restoration in specialized companies, which is usually not talked about: the availability of those means by which the problem is solved. In practice, this can manifest itself in higher prices, for example, for the recovery of disk overhead information compared to logical problems. Although the working time and efforts of a specialist, restoring a HDD service almost always requires much less than a long tedious scanning of a disk with broken logic. Just for this, a specialist, unlike an “advanced user”, has the knowledge, skills and software and hardware complex. And you can't download it on the Internet.

2.5. How much is your data worth

In many cases, it will be useful for you to answer this question for yourself. Yes, it can be very difficult to evaluate in rubles what has not been bought or sold. Perhaps, in addition to the cost alternative way to obtain this data, such concepts as nerves, time, memories, work done or future work, and so on will participate in the assessment. But still, it is worth trying and representing for yourself at least the approximate cost of the data. This will help you avoid confusion and take the right steps.

2.6. Diagnosis never hurt anyone

Even if the problem seemed simple to you, and the cost of data is low and you hope to save money by solving it yourself, I strongly recommend using diagnostics in a specialized company. I think everyone will agree with me that two doctors can treat the same disease in different ways. And often both will achieve a positive result. But whichever of the methods of treating a particular disease the doctor chooses, the chances of a favorable outcome will be negligible if he made a mistake in determining the disease itself. In the case when the disk is not seen, this also works. Yes, perhaps your skills, computer literacy and luck is enough to solve some simple data recovery problems. But wouldn't it be better to know for sure that at least the problem is correctly defined? After all, an error in making a diagnosis is dangerous not only because the recovery will not give a positive result, but also because further attempts will be complicated, and the probability of a successful outcome is reduced. And no matter how optimistic you are about your chances, it will be better to increase them. Moreover, you don’t have to pay for it, since there are enough companies on the market that do diagnostics for free.

2.7. Making the Right Decisions

If you have chosen the right data recovery company, then as a result of diagnostics you will receive answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the nature of the fault?
  2. Is data recovery possible?
  3. How much will the restoration cost?
  4. How soon will you receive your data?

Now you have all the information to make the right decision.

Situation 1. Of course, if the cost of recovery is higher than the cost of the data itself, you will refuse the services of the company. But now you know the correct diagnosis and it is easier for you to assess your chances when trying on your own. If your assessment is optimistic, then try it. If you realize that you can't handle it, then it may make sense to postpone this problem for a few months. Just put the disc down. Suddenly, your financial capabilities or market prices, or recovery technologies will change. It is possible that the value of the lost data will change for you.

Situation 2. If the cost of the service (A) is approximately equal to the value of the data itself (B), then /B-A/ is a very small value. This is the most difficult case for advice. I suggest that you figure it out on your own, since logic is powerless here, and what is best to do, your heart can tell you. At the same time, your self-confidence (in case you decide to recover the data yourself) will most likely be proportional to the values ​​of A(=B).

Situation 3. If the cost of the service (A) is significantly less than the value of the data itself (B), other words B-A- a very large sum for you, then it is worth ordering this service, no matter how highly you evaluate the possibilities self recovery. Indeed, for a non-professional, great chances are “most likely”. And the point is not that you will definitely get your data, but that you will at least not worsen the situation so much that "now nothing can be restored." Well, how do you like the prospect “most likely” not to lose a very large amount for you?

2.8. Real life example

For those who really like to play roulette or slot machines for money, thinking in this way to earn money, it is better to skip this point. The rest, for sure, have an idea about money and probabilities and this example will be understood correctly.

It is easier to make decisions if the problem can be formalized. In addition, it saves time and nerves. Here is a small sample of how this can be done.

For example, A-B = 90000 rubles. So it happened if you value your data at 100,000 rubles. (which means that the financial assessment of the current situation is minus 100,000 rubles), and the company asked for 10,000 rubles for recovering data from a very bad disk. Then the financial assessment of alternatives for further behavior will be as follows:

Alternative 1. Use the data recovery service - minus 10,000 rubles. (or +90,000 from current position)

Alternative 2. Leave everything as it is - minus 100,000 rubles. (that is, we remain in the current position).

The benefit of the first alternative is obvious, so we reject the second one. Yes, and in this case the result is negative. But the minus is small. After all, the problem still happened, but was resolved. It would be strange to be in the black as a result. But let's say you want to improve this alternative as well: get by with less or do it all yourself. Even if the above optimistic assessment of one's own chances, which we called "most likely", is taken as 75%, then the financial assessment Alternatives 3- "Do it yourself" will be equal to minus 25,000 rubles. And this is worse than minus 10,000 rubles. Here some may argue that 75% is too little. Believe me, 75% is an overestimate. The real estimate of the probability of not losing data during home attempts to extract them from a disk with a large number of bad blocks is no more than 50%. A score of 90% is absolutely fantastic. But only if the probability of self-recovery is more than 90%, the financial assessment of the alternative “I will do everything myself” will be better. Alternatives 1.

Yes, this example uses fictitious but specific numbers. The problem may be different and it will cost differently. This applies both to the value of your information and to the probability estimates. But I hope this example will help you formalize your task with your data. Who knows, maybe the result will be different.


So we looked at what to do if the computer / laptop / camera does not see the disk. Obviously, the purpose of the article is to help you choose the right path to solve the problem and not make mistakes by choosing this path. The article contains links useful both to those who decide to fight for their data on their own, and to those who will be looking for professionals. Well, in the text itself, I tried to analyze in as much detail as possible all the arguments “for” and “against” certain steps that should be taken into account.

The necessity of this article is due to my idea of ​​what kind of confusion is going on in the minds of numerous victims. We are talking about thousands of processed calls from potential and current clients for data recovery, when a person is just in a state of confusion and is thinking about what to do. The desire to help them with their problem made me not only answer their not always conscious questions, but ask my own. And now these answers that people gave themselves were almost always much more useful. And it was they who allowed me to write this article, setting out in writing those ideas that have already been discussed orally many thousands of times with people who turn to us for help. Since on this moment thousands of people are already grateful to me, I hope that this article will help you too. In turn, I thank everyone who, having found themselves on this page and read the recommendation at the beginning of the article, read it to the end. Now act.

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