com android phone app is not responding. Troubleshooting "The app has encountered an error" problem on Android

When developing new versions of Android, programmers always try to make the operating system more stable, smooth, and intuitive. However, despite the efforts of the developers, errors in the operation of the software occur from version to version, and the older the device and the older Android installed on it, the more errors there are. Every error that occurs during the operation of the device has both causes and ways to solve it. Let's look at the most common errors and methods for correcting them.

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What to do if an error occurs in the application

An application error is the result of an incorrect action written in the application code, which led to its operation stopping. After stopping the program, the system usually provides the user with information that an error has occurred and also shows a code that describes the error. This code will help us understand what exactly happened and how to deal with the problem.

Package syntax error

This problem usually occurs if you installed the application by downloading the APK file from an unverified source. There are 2 reasons for this failure:

  • The application is designed only for devices running newer operating system, than you have installed
  • The APK file contains an error and will not be able to install the program on devices with any version of Android

"Out of memory" error

If you encounter such a problem, then you need to think about clearing your internal storage of unnecessary content (photos, videos, applications). Often, the problem of insufficient internal memory affects users of gadgets with initially small storage (8 or 16 GB).

This problem also affects the overall performance of the device. As a solution to this error, we recommend that you read our article “”, which details ways to optimize both internal storage and random access memory devices.

As quick solution Problems of lack of ROM, we recommend that you use the opportunity to expand the internal memory by installing Micro SD cards. We also recommend using the Link2SD program, which will help you transfer application data to external card memory.

Error "" and "android.process.acore"

This problem usually appears on smartphones after:

  1. Replacing the SIM card with a new one
  2. Phone flashing

If you saw this problem, this means that the interaction of the built-in communication modem with the new software on your smartphone is broken on your device, or there are problems with the SIM card that does not allow you to fully interact with the tower cellular communications.

To resolve the problem, follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings - Applications - Phone and click on Clear cache and data, then restart your device (article)
  • Check the functionality of your SIM card on another device
  • Reset Android settings (article)

Error "android.process.acore"

To solve the problem, follow the diagram presented in the previous paragraph, only instead of the “Phone” application, select “Contact Storage”.

Error ""

This problem may appear after replacing the SIM card or after flashing the device. It indicates that the device modem cannot work correctly with the new software or connect to a cell tower. In order to get rid of this error, go to the application settings, select the “Phone” application, clear the cache and data, then restart your smartphone. If the error does not disappear, then it is necessary.

The same steps must be taken if there is an error “android.process.acore”, only select the “Contacts Storage” application for cleaning. After this, your phone book will be completely cleared, so don't forget to do this.

Error ""

A similar problem occurs among owners of smartphones with a Micro SD memory card that is malfunctioning, which entails errors in the operation of applications installed on it. We advise you to remove the application from the memory card that is crashing during operation, and install it on internal memory devices.

Answers on questions

What to do if a synchronization error occurs?

The first reason may be a poor Internet connection, and sometimes the synchronization process itself freezes, in this case, disable it in the device settings Google account and reconnect after reboot.

Faced with a notification on your tablet or smartphone: " an error occurred in the application"? Or are you looking for information about similar errors? In any case, in this article you will learn:

  • detailed information about the reasons for the application error;
  • troubleshooting instructions.

So, the process has stopped, what should I do in this case?

What is this application? is a system application that is responsible for correct setting GUI user in Android shell. The service is essential, so disabling it may have undesirable consequences. Basically, this kind of error can appear due to:

  • conflict with applications installed on the smartphone;
  • software failure;
  • presence of a virus in the Android device system.

Important! Owners Samsung smartphones , after a recent update, we encountered this error en masse. It appears after pressing the Home button. This is all due to crooked system updates of some Google services. If you have not flashed (rooted) your gadget, go straight to the " " point.

How to determine whether it is a virus or not?

How does the virus manifest itself? It disguises itself as a system file and starts downloading unknown third party applications, which in turn display advertising in the smartphone itself. Often this is intrusive advertising, and sometimes of an obscene nature. A Trojan may appear in the system when:

  • custom Android firmware;
  • downloading applications from unknown sources;
  • downloading ephemeral applications from Play Market and so on;
  • downloading and then launching malicious files from the Internet, Email, messengers, etc.

Remember if anything similar happened to your device before the error appeared. Also check the creation date of the file itself (via the standard application manager, in properties). If the date coincides with others system files, then most likely there was an error in the operation of the system file. If the file appeared recently, it is probably a virus.

Advice! On Android devices, the error code carries certain information. For example it means that: com- a mistake in system application, phone- malfunction in standard program"Telephone".

Troubleshooting a system error

If, during the data analysis process, nothing indicated a virus, there was probably a simple error in the system file. The error may not appear again after rebooting the system, so reboot Android first. If this doesn't help, try the following steps in order.

Uninstalling Google updates

Follow these steps:

date and time

To configure the date and time manually:

Data cleaning

Advice! If you want to learn in detail what a cache is, why it is needed and why it is cleared, check out.

To clear application data:

Factory reset

If the previous methods did not bring results, reset the system to its factory state. Such a reset deletes all personal data and returns the tablet, smartphone or other Android device to original condition. To save data (saving all personal data). Built-in functions of the operating system or special applications, for example Titanium Backup. In order for the program to make a backup, it needs to be granted root rights (administrator or superuser rights).

The reset can be done in two ways:

Virus removal

Having determined that there is a Trojan in the Android OS, you need to remove it. It is likely that before the error appeared, the system was loaded malicious application. You need to get rid of it first. Find out what the program is by searching for it by installation date. For this:

In general, that's all. If you have any questions, leave them on this page in the comments. Also write down how you solved this problem and how interesting your dance with the tambourine was.

P.S. Good luck to all readers and let your Android assistant always remains in good working order!

Today, probably every person already has a mobile phone. Modern smartphones come with an incredibly large range of features. Thanks to the Android operating system, a phone today can easily turn into a video player, player, game or, for example, a powerful calculation tool.

To do this, just use special applications. However, the main function of a mobile phone is still calls. But what should you do if suddenly the error “An error occurred in the application” appears and the phone stops ringing?

Primary function

First of all, the main function of any phone is calls. Even the colossal development of mobile technology and the technological boom could not change this fact. Although this is no longer very noticeable behind the many various programs for the Android operating system and various additional functions, the primary function of any telephone set there is still communication and calls.

If this function is lost, the phone will simply automatically cease to be a phone and become some kind of multimedia device that allows you to play games, run various applications or read e-books. The message “An error occurred in the application” indicates that the calling function has stopped working. There may be several reasons for this.

First of all, similar error may occur when the Phone application malfunctions or when the cache is cluttered. The reason may also lie in damage of this application a virus or the user himself. First of all, you need to try restarting your smartphone. Perhaps after intensive use of various applications and programs in a row, system function“Contacts” just crashed. If this is the problem, then a reboot should resolve the issue. This is at least a basic action that can be performed in order to resolve the problem.

If even after a reboot, attempts to open the phone book remain unsuccessful and the error “the process has been stopped” appears again, then perhaps the problem lies in something else and you need to figure out how to cure the phone. A similar situation could arise if the Phone application was heavily cluttered with temporary files and cache.

In this case, fixing the problem is quite simple: you need to delete temporary files and clear the cache. To do this, open your smartphone settings and go to the “Phone” section. Open it. At the bottom there will be buttons “Erase data” and “Clear cache”. You must press both buttons in turn. It would also be a good idea to get rid of temporary files on your mobile device. To do this, you can use specialized utilities such as Clean Master or CCleaner. After cleaning, you need to restart your smartphone and try again.

Problem still exists

If the methods described earlier did not help resolve the problem, then perhaps you should try a couple more methods. You can try to unsync time and date with the Internet. This method quite often turns out to be very effective. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions: go to “Settings” and select the “Date and Time” section. Here you need to uncheck the box next to “Network date and time”. After this, you need to restart your phone and go into contacts again. This time the error should disappear. If this action did not help, you need to do the following.

Calling apps

If you were unable to restore your original dialer, you will have to replace it with something. Go to " Google Play" and try to find a calling application and install it on mobile device. That's it, you can make calls again. If you do not have Internet access on your mobile device, you can download the application to your phone directly from your computer. To do this you need to download apk file or in other words, the installation file of the “dialer” program from the site with applications.

When performing this operation, you need to be extremely careful so as not to download viruses along with the utility. To do this, carefully read the reviews of other users and read the description of the program. If you have even the slightest suspicion that the installation file is unsafe, close the site and try to find the right application on another Internet resource. Once you download the installation file, you will be able to use two methods. You can simply drop the apk file on your mobile phone using a USB cable or any other way.

After that, open the installation file on your phone and install the application. You can also install the InstallApk program on your computer, connect your mobile device to the computer, launch the utility and download the dialer. Now you can make calls from your smartphone again. However, this method of solving the problem can rather be considered a temporary solution. The process may still interfere with your ability to use your mobile device properly. For this reason, it is necessary to put in order standard application"Telephone".

Radical measures

A back up or a return to factory settings can save the user from all troubles. Back up is a special recovery function by returning to factory settings using a backup copy of the operating system. To perform a restore, you must perform the following operations. Open Settings and find the Backup & Reset section. There should be an option here called “Reset to Factory Defaults”. Click on it and wait for the process to complete.

The only disadvantage of such a reset is complete removal all user information from a mobile device. This means that all your contacts and passwords will be deleted. To save this information, you must synchronize with Google system. It would also be a good idea to create backup copy your contacts on a memory card or in account. After copying all important data, you can begin the recovery process. In some cases, flashing the OS can also solve the problem.

This, however, is a last resort option. It should be resorted to only if all other options have failed. To reflash a mobile device, certain skills and abilities are required. Otherwise, you can only harm your mobile device.

To avoid stopping the process, you need to be careful mobile phone. You shouldn’t download everything to your smartphone. In this case, you run the risk of contracting a virus that can easily disable the Phone application. Don't forget to regularly clean your device of temporary files. They can clog the system and interfere with normal operation.

After updating the firmware, restoring or changing ROM data on an Android device, sometimes, unfortunately, an error message like the following begins to appear: “ Unfortunately, the process has stopped" This means that there are problems with the support of the SIM card that ensures interaction between the smartphone and the network. In some cases, it cannot be resolved by simply rebooting the device, and the message appears again and again, blocking the screen. Therefore, we decided to offer you other ways to get out of this unpleasant situation.

The simplest option is resetting an Android smartphone to factory settings. But this method is far from ideal, since when you use it, you will lose all your data and will be forced to re-download and install all previously downloaded applications. Fortunately, there are other methods.

So, if you were unable to unlock the device, and it continues to reboot automatically, and a message about the problem appears at intervals of several seconds, you will have to resort to method number two. This is a method for advanced users. To apply it, you will need custom recovery and the AROMA file manager. You can act in one of two ways:

Scheme 1. Data cleaning

Scheme 2. Clearing the cache using the Aroma file manager

If you continue to receive messages about a process stopping problem, then you already know how to deal with it - reset your smartphone or tablet. We recommend doing this using custom recovery, since this method is more gentle and does not completely erase the internal memory of the Android device, but only removes application data.

Not a single OS on a phone/tablet is completely free of various problems. Android in this case is no exception. The most common reason is that there is an error in the com android com application. What are they like and what to do if they arise?


The android com error is a summary of several of the most common flaws in software operation. Let's look at each in turn:

  1. It affects the signal exchange between towers and the smartphone, i.e. to the calling function. Subsequent firmware changes or failures during the flashing process may occur. The reason may be a change of SIM card and failures in the time and date menu.
  3. It may appear due to the unsuccessful operation of various photo editors or programs for sending messages, which also allow you to edit photos. An alert pops up on a black background.

The cause is also a system failure, which is distinguished by the text that pops up when it occurs - “Unexpected stop of the process...”. Detection of problems in the operation of the system, as well as the presence of a virus. Usually it downloads unnecessary software, and while using the programs, various advertising banners pop up. Finding out whether it is a virus or a glitch is easy - you need to look at the creation date of the file. When running simultaneously with other system files, you don’t have to worry about viruses. How to fix
Let's look at how to eliminate each of the

You can also download from the store
Google app

  • for calls.
  • Sometimes you have to reset the device’s configuration completely to factory settings, before which I advise you to create a backup copy.
  • To solve the problem, you should:

scan your gadget with an antivirus; stop the application in the Manager by clearing the cache, erasing data and unchecking the “Show notifications” checkbox; remove using various programs, AVG antivirus will do.

  • To get rid of problems with in the third case you need
  • root rights
  • , what ROOT Manager is suitable for:
  • first you need to download from the network;
  • Now we find the downloaded file, click R/W at the top and transfer it to system/app;
  • we enter context menu, holding down the file for a few seconds where we need “Permissions”;
  • We provide the owner with read and write access, and guests with other reading access;
  • All that remains is to save the changes, exit the program and restart the phone.

The last fault is removed like this:
  • Based on the creation date of, we look for the application that caused the virus to appear on the smartphone, and through the Application Manager we completely get rid of it;
  • in the same ROOT Manager go to the address Root/System/App;
  • find and delete it.

Android process error


Most often there are two such errors - android.process.acore and The first can most often arise due to the following:

  • system application is disabled;
  • similar programs are launched simultaneously;
  • the necessary system files have been deleted.

The second malfunction occurs when the memory card is not working.

The cause is also a system failure, which is distinguished by the text that pops up when it occurs - “Unexpected stop of the process...”.

Fixing the android.process.acore error is possible in the following ways:

  1. Cleaning in Contact Storage configurations.
  2. Reset settings to factory defaults.
  3. Completely clear the device memory.
  4. Reflashing the gadget.

If there is an error you need to:

  • repeat the installation of the application on the phone after removing the flash drive, and, if it helps, format it;
  • reset settings, clear memory card.

Error in the Google Play Services application


This message appears if the application is not working properly, causing inconvenience.

The phone may give errors with or without a number. Numbered ones can be eliminated faster and more efficiently, because the code can be used to determine what exactly is causing the failure. There are a lot of license plates, but the most popular are the following:

  • error code 18 – the cause is an incorrectly set date or time and the end of free memory;
  • error code 24 – may occur if the user often installs and uninstalls the same software, but does not clear the data;
  • error code 403 – two Google accounts are connected at the same time;
  • error 492 – problems with operation virtual machine Dalvik.

The cause is also a system failure, which is distinguished by the text that pops up when it occurs - “Unexpected stop of the process...”.

To troubleshoot a non-numbered error, you should:

  1. Clear Google Play Services cache.
  2. Reinstall the application.
  3. You can also clear the cache in " Google Services Framework".
  4. You should check whether the specified date/time is correct and whether there are any problems with Internet access.

To eliminate the 18th, you need to reset the date/time, clear the cache and data, delete Play updates Market or start freeing up space on your device.
If the phone displays 24, you will need superuser rights. Already with them we go to the sdcard/android/data/ folder and clean out unnecessary ones, i.e. outdated files.
With 403, you need to log in from your main account and uninstall problematic program and try to install it again.

When the error number is 492, you need to clear the cache and application data " Google Services Play" and "Play Market". Sometimes you have to revert to default configurations.


If you own an Android smartphone or tablet, you should be prepared for the fact that it may produce various errors. However, you don’t need to immediately take your gadget to service center. Most problems can be solved even without using root rights. If such a need arises, you need to remember to create a backup copy.
