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Rotating your computer screen allows you to view the monitor in portrait mode at 90 degrees or flip it upside down in landscape mode. This may be useful for reading documents or e-books or to install monitors in hard-to-reach places.

Rotating the screen on Windows or Mac is usually very easy, but sometimes computer manufacturers make it more difficult. To rotate your computer screen in Windows, you need to go to the " Screen Options» and change settings "Orientation". In some cases, you can also use keyboard shortcuts or check your graphics card's control panel. To rotate your computer screen on a Mac, go to "displays in your system preferences" and change the "Rotation" box in the external display preferences.

Quick Guide

  1. Click right click mouse on the desktop.
  2. Click " Screen Options.
  3. Select menu Orientation.
  4. Select " Landscape ”(inverted) or " Portrait» (inverted).

How to flip the screen on Windows

  • Landscape. This is a standard option for standard monitors.
  • Book. This will rotate the display 90° to the right, so that the right edge of the monitor will now become the bottom of the display.
  • Landscape (inverted)- this will flip your screen upside down so that the top edge of the monitor is now the bottom.
  • Portrait (inverted)- this will rotate the display 90° opposite, so that the left edge becomes the bottom of the display.

How to flip the screen using keyboard shortcuts (Intel).

Some graphics adapters support hotkeys for changing display orientation. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch between orientation modes. These combinations will most likely work if you are using an Intel integrated graphics adapter. For many users Nvidia cards or AMD these hotkeys don't work.

  • Ctrl + Alt + ↓ - Flip the screen upside down.
  • Ctrl + Alt + → - Rotate the screen 90° to the right.
  • Ctrl + Alt + ← - Rotate the screen 90° to the left.
  • Ctrl + Alt + - Return the screen to the standard landscape orientation.

Using the video card control panel.

Nvidia, AMD, and Intel graphics adapters usually install a Control Panel that allows you to configure display adapters. You can usually access this Control Panel from the menu that appears when you right-click on the desktop, but you may have to find it in the Start Menu or Windows Control Panel.

Create your own screen rotation hotkeys (AMD).

If you are using a video card AMD or ATI, software Catalyst Control Center allows you to create keyboard shortcuts to rotate the screen.

  • Right-click on the desktop and select Catalyst Control Center.
  • Click the "Settings" button and select "Hotkeys".
  • Select "Display Manager" from the drop-down menu, and then set the keyboard shortcuts you want to use for the different rotation options. The key combinations in step 4 are not usually used for other functions, making them a good choice.
  • Be sure to check the boxes to enable the new hotkeys.

Update your graphics card drivers if you don't have screen rotation options.

If you don't see any rotation options and the keyboard shortcuts don't work, you can enable this feature by updating your graphics card drivers. Be sure to download the drivers directly from the manufacturer and not through Windows Update.

If none of the methods fit

The screen rotation function does not work for everyone, it depends on the equipment manufacturer. Most computers have this enabled, but your computer may not support screen rotation. Laptops are the most common victims of loss of screen rotation.

Open the Apple menu and select " System settings». You can only rotate external displays, and the display must support rotation (not all). If you're using earlier versions of OS X, you can try to make the built-in display rotate, but this doesn't work on newer versions.

Sometimes when working with a computer, it may be necessary to rotate its screen. It can appear for various reasons: you need to see the image from a different angle, the text on the site is not horizontal, but vertical, or you yourself accidentally turned the screen over and now you don’t know how to fix it.
There are three ways to flip the screen on a laptop. This article will cover all of them in detail.

Keyboard shortcuts to rotate the screen

The first and easiest method is to use a keyboard shortcut. In total, there are four combinations that change the angle of rotation of the image on the screen.

  1. Default screen position: Ctrl + Alt + .
  2. Keyboard shortcut to flip laptop screen: Ctrl + Alt + ↓.
  3. Rotate the screen at a right angle to the left: Ctrl + Alt + ←.
  4. Rotate the screen at a right angle to the right: Ctrl + Alt + →.

Unfortunately, these combinations do not always work. To use them, only a laptop or computer is suitable, with an Intel graphics adapter and Windows XP, 7 and 8.

How to flip the screen on a laptop using the adapter settings

The second way to change the rotation angle on the laptop screen is the adapter settings. This option is also not suitable for everyone, since not all computers have this option. In total, there are three series of graphics adapters that allow you to change the position of the screen: Intel, AMD and NVIDIA. However, unlike the previous method, it allows you to rotate the screen by Windows laptop 10.

AMD adapter settings

If you have a graphics adapter installed on your PC AMD Radeon to change the screen position, do the following:

  1. Right-clicking on the desktop will open a menu. In it, select the “AMD Control Center” item.
  2. After that, you will be taken to the AMD settings screen. Here, on the panel on the left, you will find the item “General Display Tasks”. Open it.
  3. Then select "Rotate desktop".
  4. On the panel on the right, select the desired screen position and click on the “Apply” button.

NVIDIA adapter settings

Screen rotation on a device with an NVIDIA adapter is very similar to AMD.

  1. Open the menu by right-clicking on free space on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.
  2. In the menu on the left there is a section “Display”, open it and select “Display Rotation”.
  3. Then, in the menu that opens on the right, select the screen position you want.
  4. To activate it, click “Apply” and then the Enter button.

Intel adapter settings

How to flip the screen on a laptop with Intel graphics? This procedure includes three simple steps:

  1. First, turn on the display of hidden icons (the small arrow in the lower right corner of the screen), and in the panel that opens, find the Intel icon. Right-click on it and select "graphic characteristics".
  2. This will open the Intel Control Panel. Here, select the “Main Mode” section, and in it the “Basic Settings” item.
  3. After that, on the screen on the right, in the “Rotation” area, select the option you need and click “OK” twice.

Rotate the screen using standard Windows settings

If none of the previous methods, for some reason, did not suit you, you can use the last method. operating room Windows system has its own graphics settings that allow you to change the rotation of the screen. To enable them do the following:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the desktop to open a menu. Here, select "Screen Resolution".
  2. Your current screen position will be displayed here. Below it will be the item “Orientation”. Select it.
  3. A menu will open where you will be offered four options: landscape, landscape (inverted), portrait and portrait (inverted). Choose one of them.
  4. Then click "OK". After that, the screen position will change, and a window with a timer will appear in front of you. Here again, click “OK” for the changes to take effect, or “Cancel” to turn the screen back.

This option is universal, as it is suitable for all devices with Windows OS.

These are all existing this moment how to flip the screen on a laptop. If none of the suggested options helped you, this may indicate damage to your PC files. Be sure to reinstall the drivers and try again. If you still cannot rotate the screen after this, contact support.

When you play games or watch videos on your smartphone, you rotate your mobile to a comfortable position, 90 degrees to the right or left, for your convenience. At the same time, the automatic screen rotation function immediately works on the phone. Did you know that you can also rotate the screen on a laptop? By rotating it, you can view pictures from a different angle, adjust to a more comfortable position for watching a movie, or simply prank your colleague by placing the screen upside down or dropping it on its side on a Windows 10 or 7 laptop.

In this article, we will look at a few simple ways rotate your computer screen to portrait mode (portrait orientation), as well as tell you how to quickly return everything to its normal position.

If your laptop has a graphics card, you can use hotkeys to quickly maximize the screen in Windows 10 or 7.

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + ↓ to rotate the screen 180 degrees (down).
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + → to rotate the screen 90 degrees to the right.
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + ← to rotate the screen 90 degrees to the left.
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + to return the screen to normal orientation.

With the help of buttons, the desktop changes position on any laptop, regardless of the brand, be it Asus, Acer or HP.

If using a keyboard shortcut is not your method, there are two more options you can try.

Method 2: Rotate the screen in Windows 7 or Windows 10 through the "Control Panel"

Like the method described above, changing the orientation of the computer screen through the "Control Panel" does not cause problems. Even a beginner can use it.

Press the Windows key (the logo key between Ctrl and Alt), type "screen resolution" in the field, and press Enter.

If your PC is running Windows 7 or Windows 8, click the Start button and go to Control Panel. Click the "Appearance and Personalization" section, and then select "Adjust Screen Resolution".

  1. Select the screen settings item, specifically the drop-down menu with the options "Portrait Orientation" and "Landscape Orientation".
  2. Choose from these options and press OK to confirm your choice
  3. To return from portrait to landscape orientation, press the Escape key on your keyboard.

Method 3: Rotate the screen using your graphics card's control panel

You can flip the screen on a laptop and in the settings panel of your video card. Right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the appropriate option, which will open the "Video Adapter Control Panel" - Intel, NVIDIA or AMD. You can also press the Win + R key combination or type 'dxdiag' in the command field to access the DirectX diagnostic tool. This is necessary in order to find out which video card is installed in your PC.

If you have a video cardNVIDIA:

  • right-click on the desktop and select "NVIDIA Control Panel" from the menu that opens;
  • then select the "Display" category, and in it (the menu on the left will open) the item "Display Rotation";
  • select the display (monitor) on which you want to rotate the screen;
  • select the desired orientation for the screen and press the OK key.

By default, the system uses the normal landscape orientation. But other options for screen rotation are available to the user:

  • 90 degrees left (portrait);
  • 90 degrees right (reversed portrait orientation);
  • 180 degrees (reversed landscape orientation).

To rotate multiple screens at once:

  • In the Navigation Pane of the NVIDIA Control Panel, under Display, click the Rotate Display link. The corresponding page will open;
  • select multiple displays if you want to rotate multiple screens;
  • select the desired screen orientation.

If you have a video card fromAMD orATI:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "AMD (ATI) Catalyst Control Center".
  2. In the "Desktop Management" section, find the "Rotate Desktop" item.
  3. Next, select the appropriate option:
  • Portait (portrait orientation);
  • Landscape (flipped) - landscape orientation (inverted);
  • Portrait (flipped) - portrait orientation (reversed).

By choosing desired option, be sure to click OK for the changes to take effect.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to select Russian in the AMD Driver and Settings Control Center, so you have to deal with English.

Can't rotate computer screen

There are situations when it is not possible to make it so that neither in Windows 7, nor in Windows 8, nor in Windows 10. None of the methods mentioned above work. The most common reason for this is that screen rotation is not possible due to drivers that have not been updated for a long time. Naturally, you can solve the problem by updating the video card driver to the latest version. To do this:

  • go to the official website of NVIDIA or AMD (depending on the brand of your video card);
  • on the site, run the map auto-detect scanner;
  • download and install the latest drivers for your card. Choose the driver option "with installer";
  • Try again to rotate the screen to the orientation you want. Check if there will be problems this time.

If you find it difficult to deal with the screen through the settings of the video card or perform the required task Windows tools, then you can use a more appropriate method. To make it very easy to rotate the computer desktop, third-party developers have created special applications. Here are some of them:

  • pivot pro,
  • iRotate,
  • EEERotate and others.

This free utilities, in which with one click the laptop screen can be rotated 90, 180 or 270 degrees and back. It is noteworthy that a quick rotation of the desktop using these programs is performed (if necessary) on several monitors at once.

How to flip the screen on a laptop with key combinations and more, we'll tell you all the secrets! Modern laptops have built-in functionality that allows you to flip the picture on the display. However, the vast majority of users do not need it. It is not uncommon for an image to be rotated 90 or 180 degrees against the user's wishes, making it almost impossible to work on a computer. In such cases, users are wondering what to do if the screen on the laptop turned upside down? Returning the image to the classic position on the display is quite simple if you follow the instructions clearly.

In this article, we will provide comprehensive information about all available ways rotate the image on the monitor various laptops and operating systems.

On some modern laptops with Windows installed, a hot key combination works, but we will talk about how to flip the screen on a laptop using the keyboard a little later. If the screen rotated while moving or tilting the computer, then it may have a built-in accelerometer and the automatic image rotation function is active. In this case, you need to rotate the laptop 180 degrees again, then return it to its normal position - the image should automatically take on the optimal orientation.

You can change the display orientation in the screen resolution settings menu, which can be accessed in the "All Settings" - "System" - "Display" window. You can get to this menu using the built-in search in the Start menu or through the context menu directly from the desktop. In the "Orientation" drop-down list, you must select "Landscape" - this will return the display to the classic look.

How to flip the screen in Windows 8

The Windows 8 operating system has a similar interface to Windows 10. You can change the image orientation in the display settings window. If the interface is configured in desktop display mode, then you can get to the display parameter page by calling context menu- right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop.

Flip screen on Windows 7 laptop

To get to the display settings page on the desktop, you need to select the "Screen resolution" item in the context menu, and then change the "Orientation" parameter to the "Landscape" position.

Flip screen - keyboard shortcuts (hot keys)

IN operating system hotkey combinations are often active, with which you can quickly change the orientation of the image on the display. We immediately warn you that this way Not suitable for all laptops. If this method did not have any effect, then you need to try other methods described in the article.

To give the image the desired orientation, you must press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + arrow of the desired direction of rotation, in our case - down. You do not need to open the settings windows.

Flip the screen on a computer using video card drivers

ATI and nVidia video cards have their own drivers from the manufacturer and a special utility for fine-tuning the settings of the video adapter's operating mode. You can open the utility from the control panel or "Settings" (for Windows 8, 10). You can also open the settings window through the context menu of the program from hidden icons in the tray. But if the utility is not in startup, then its icon will not be on the taskbar. In the panel window nVidia controls or ATI, you need to go to the "Display" - "Display Rotation" section, where you can select the desired orientation of the picture on the screen (landscape).

Turning the screen using special programs

Exist special utilities, allowing you to quickly rotate the image on the display, for example - iRotate. After installing this program, by calling the context menu of the program from the tray, you can quickly change the orientation of the picture to the desired one. However, there are no such applications as standard in Windows, and display rotation can be done using the control panel, the graphics card settings window, or even using a keyboard shortcut.

Such utilities will be useful for those who often change the screen orientation, for example, during presentations using a projector or for using a laptop as an e-book reader.

EEERotate- a simple utility with which you can quickly rotate the image on the display, there is also a component for changing the orientation of the touchpad to side control. Another handy utility is the Pivot Pro program, which allows you to adjust monitor settings - picture orientation, color depth, resolution, etc. There is support for hotkeys. The program is able to rotate the picture on several connected monitors and automatically adjust the size of the window of launched applications.

We've covered everything possible ways, now you should not have any questions - how to flip the screen on a computer. First, try to change the display orientation using a combination of hot keys, if this does not help, you will have to open the display settings or the graphics card setup program.
