Download the program to get Root rights on Android. Download a program to get Root rights on Android How to get root access without using a computer

To unlock the hidden properties of a smartphone or tablet, you will need to get superuser rights. This procedure is quite simple and will not take you much time. Let's look at how to get root rights on Android through a computer, as well as without using it.

Ways to open root access

To activate the Superuser profile on a device running the Android OS, many effective applications have been developed that allow you to achieve the desired result with a few clicks. At the same time, such software can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • Installed on a mobile device;
  • Working via PC.

The first method is considered easier to perform, but it is not suitable for all gadget models. Therefore, it is recommended to start unlocking root access from it, and if nothing happens, you should use the second option.

Obtaining Superuser rights directly from a mobile device

You can activate the superuser profile on Android without a computer using the following programs:

This list can be supplemented with other utilities, however, it is the listed applications that are supported by the largest number of tablets and phones.

Unlock root-rights through KingRoot

This program is one of the most versatile of its kind, as it goes well with almost all versions. android firmware. To get root access with it, you will need:

After rebooting the operating system, Superuser rights will appear on the smartphone.

Using OneClickRoot

Unlike KingRoot, this application can be downloaded from Google Play, so you do not need to additionally provide permission to work with third-party software. Otherwise, the procedure for unlocking root access is almost the same:

Opening the Superuser Profile with Framaroot

Another utility that allows you to root Android without a computer is Framaroot. It works like this:

If the selected method of unlocking superuser rights did not fit, try running a similar procedure using Faramir or Barahir.

Getting root rights through a computer

If using mobile applications it was not possible to open the profile of the main administrator on Android, the only thing left is to use a computer and special activator programs running under Windows. Such software includes:

Before using any of the suggested utilities, you need to do the following:

If the "For Developers" section is hidden on your phone, open the "Device Information" menu and click several times on the build number. After that, the required tab will become visible.

The specified software works on the same principle, therefore, having dealt with one program, you can easily master the rest. As an example, consider how to get root rights on Android through a personal computer or laptop using Kingo Root:

You should be very careful when working with the rights of the main administrator, because they give the user access to system Android data. When changing or deleting the wrong file operating system may start to malfunction or fail altogether. Therefore, using root access for its intended purpose, it is better to completely remove it. This can be done using the same program through which it was received.

kingo root- powerful program, which opens access to root rights. The installation algorithm is simple, intuitive even for beginners, not to mention experienced users who understand how the operating system works. In addition, this program allows you to save time on setting up your tablet or phone.

The need to download KingRoot arises in the three most common cases:

    When you need to reflash an Android device;

    When to install a software component that requires system changes;

    To remove programs and components built into the operating system that slow down, block the work of other utilities or those that are out of date, but take up a lot of space.

Devices compatible with Kingo Root

The program is installed on almost all Android devices: Lenovo, Alcatel, Google Nexus, Samsung, Sony, Huawei, HTC, LG, Xiaomi ... and more than 15 manufacturers.


We suggest you get full rights on Android from the site site. Official version from a developer that will help you fully manage your tablet or smartphone. Take advantage of the Kingo Root program and download for free.

The installation steps are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills. If the need arises remove Root right, then click in the program Remove Root. Usually installation and removal is done in service shops, but you can do it yourself.

To simplify the work with the program and its correct installation We offer a version of Kingo Root in Russian.

This program allows you to get root rights on an android device in the most simple and accessible way. Now everyone can install custom firmware. It often happens that you need to get root rights - full administrative access that allows you to perform any manipulations on the gadget software files.

This may be due to the need to install custom firmware on the device or upload specialized software that cannot be installed. in the usual way, without additional user permissions.

The Kingo Root program we offer is installed on a computer running the Windows operating system.

Getting root rights on an android gadget is not always easy due to various blocking by the smartphone manufacturer. Manufacturers often block the ability to freely install third-party firmware due to security issues (it may contain viruses and spyware), as well as the fact that such firmware can be more productive than the official one (for example, CyanogenMod) and this negatively affects the company's reputation.

It also happens that a smartphone of previous models is no longer planned to be updated, thereby forcing the user to spend money on a new device (such not entirely decent actions of vendors increase their profits and empty the pockets of buyers, confirming the obsolescence theory). Many manufacturers sin with this, including LG, HTC, Samsung and many others.

In the way that get root rights on android we have to master strong technical knowledge and skills of using smartphones at the level of an advanced user. This is exactly what the vast majority of users think, but let me destroy these myths.
Install and remove root rights will help us special program, which is called Kingo Root, which can be downloaded to your computer for free.

It contains a huge database of smartphones from various manufacturers, allowing it to quickly, safely, and most importantly, without too much attention from the user, get the desired permissions and access to the system. After that, you can install any firmware or special software, test and refine the operating system of the device. By the way, the Android operating system is based on the Linux OS.

As we have already noted, Kingo Root is suitable for smartphones of almost any manufacturer, it takes up a small amount of computer resources, has a simple and understandable user interface, performs all the complex work for the user, and does all the work in a matter of minutes.
Thus, after connecting an android device to a computer via USB, it is necessary to activate debugging mode via USB on the device.

Further, Kingo Ruth will independently determine the device used and the version of the operating system used.
To continue the program, just click on the "Root" button. On average, it takes up to 5-7 minutes to get root permissions, but the process may take longer (depending on the android version and gadget model). After that, if successful, we will get the long-awaited full access to file system gadget.

It is worth noting that Kingo root program in Russian does not exist, but using it is so elementary that it will not be difficult even for a primary school student to deal with it.

Version for personal computers, the best program to date for obtaining root rights for android devices, a variety of brands and firmware versions. If you have already tried rooting with mobile version KingRoot, but you didn’t succeed, then be sure to try to get them using computer version, because the algorithms of the program are different and there is a huge chance of success. KingRoot for PC can work with more than ten thousand android devices and successfully get superuser rights on forty thousand firmwares. Supported models: HTC, Samsung, Lenovo, Sony, Nexus, almost all Chinese models and many others, you can successfully root from android 2.2 to android 6.0. To make it work, you just need to follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Instructions for receiving Root rights using the program KingRoot for PC.

1) The first thing to do is download (link below) and install the program, it has an interface on Chinese and so that you do not get confused, see the installation in the screenshots and do the same:

2) Now we prepare our device. First of all, you need to enable the item in the settings "Debugging via USB". To do this, go to your device, go to - Settings - About phone / device - Build number and tap on it quickly several times until it says "You have become a developer". Then we return back to main settings menu and see the available menu "For developers", go into it and find "USB Debugging"- turn on and close the settings.
3) Install the drivers for your device, they are either bundled with the device, usually on a disk, or simply downloaded from the Internet.
4) We launch KingRoot from the shortcut on the desktop and connect our device to the computer when USB help cable.
5) If everything is fine, the drivers are installed correctly, then the program should detect your device.
6) We press the big blue button, the process of uploading files will begin, we are waiting for reaching 100% and receiving a message with a green checkmark.
6.1) IMPORTANT: During the rooting process, a permission request will appear on the device screen in which you need to ALLOW the connection.
7) We disconnect from the computer and look for the installed KingRoot program on our device, run it, scroll to the very bottom and click Try it!(another request may pop up, we agree).
8) Next, the process of obtaining root rights will go, we wait, the device may reboot in the process.
9) After successful rooting, reboot the device again and enjoy the resulting root.
10) To make sure that root is obtained, install the program
11) When root is obtained, install Super-Sume (link below after instructions)
12) We launch Super-Sume, give it rights, and then the program itself will remove KingRoot and its Chinese KingUser, and install SuperSu instead.
13) After all, we update SuperSu from to the latest version.
14) We launch SuperSu, it will offer to update the binary file, do this, click "Update in the normal way".
15) All after the reboot you will have a full root and installed program to manage the rights of the SuperSu root and not any Chinese nonsense.

P.S. If you tried KingRoot for PC and you couldn't get root rights, then try.

P.P.S. KingRoot for PC may be identified antivirus programs like a virus, in fact it is not, it's just that you kind of break the protection, and the antivirus warns you about it.
P.P.P.S. You perform all operations with your smartphones / tablets at your own peril and risk, think twice if you need these rights and then get it.!!!
