Download VK without viruses. Vkontakte mobile version for android

Android version: 2.2 and above

Vkontakte for Android - be always in touch!

I'm willing to bet that every young person in Russia knows the social network Vkontakte. There are applications for this network both on computers and smartphones. Consider the official Vkontakte application for Android OS.

More recently, the developers have made a revolutionary alteration of the application. The most important change, which caused a lot of controversy among users, was the absence of touch keys on the bottom of the screen. Many even asked to return it back, because now you need to swipe the screen to the right to access friends, messages and settings. But now everyone is used to it, and there are more positive reviews.

The application has a nice interface, easy access to all features, and there are quite a few of them. Let's start with the news. When you enter the application, you will see a list of new entries of your friends and groups to which you are subscribed. Scrolling down, you will reach the oldest news. They are not deleted, you can look at least a month in advance, if necessary. Under each news, the date and the name of the publisher are shown, the page of which can be accessed only by clicking on his name.

Next, open the friends window. It shows a list of your current friends, if you scroll to the right, we will see online friends. At the top there are icons to search for your friends by full name and search for new ones. All friends are divided alphabetically. There is a choice of sorting the list: by first name, last name, popularity.

Let's open a message window. It is presented in dialog list mode. To access each dialog, just click on it. At the top are icons for searching for a companion by name and the ability to create a conversation with several friends.
Another interesting window is photos. Before you open photos added by friends recently. If you scroll to the right, your albums will open in front of you. It is possible to add, comment, post to albums, create new albums and delete photos.
There are also answer windows where you can see who liked and commented on your posts; groups, that is, a list of groups that you have subscribed to; videos you have added; audio recordings, bookmarks and the settings themselves. The settings are also extensive: from the choice of synchronization with contacts on the phone, to the possibility of birthday reminders.

In contact with has been around for about 10 years and during this time has managed to gather millions of users in one place. Thanks to the convenient old VK interface, you can chat with your friends, send various photos or videos very quickly and most importantly for free. Once you install this application, you will not have to download anything in the future. In addition, it is possible to listen to music online, join interesting groups and even create your own community where you can gather thousands of like-minded people.

Constant new updates from the developers did not appeal to some users who are unhappy with unnecessary chips. Now there is a way to roll back to old version applications VKontakte and make it the same. Listen to music for free, just like before. No one else will take that right away from you. Go to any earlier inaccessible sections, view the profiles of other users conveniently and share your entries.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to download the old version of VK for Android for free and install it on your phone or even tablet with any firmware. See what your friends have been up to lately, read their latest comments on posts, and follow them social life, not forgetting to post new information about yours. Send friend requests, listen to music, look up your old classmates thanks to convenient search, which was not removed in the penultimate version of the Vkontakte application. Attach any files to messages, even word and txt.

In contact with- official client of the same name social network. More than a hundred million users of the application rated it 4.5-4.8 points out of 5 possible. By installing the application on Android device, you can access the popular social network without opening a browser.

Installing VKontakte

By installing the VKontakte application for Android on your device, give permission to access your information, passwords and logins, and later you will enter this data again. The device will remember the data after the first input.

Beginning of work

The compactness and versatility of the application makes it easy to find friends, groups, content, listen to music and watch videos directly from your social network page. If you have been a user of VKontakte for a long time, and you installed the utility for the first time, the utility will display your page in full. Just continue to work and communicate in the same way as you did before, from your computer.

Application Settings

By going to the program settings (the “nut” icon at the bottom), you can change them by prohibiting users, for example, from leaving comments under your photos, posts on the wall, invitations to games and applications, groups, events, etc. In addition, you can manage the Black List by blocking unwanted contacts.


Privacy settings allow you to hide your friends list, comments, audio recordings, page entries, and other information. You can choose who you trust to view this information, or set the mark "Only me". The last option automatically blocks access to all your information. To allow friends to view posts and messages, change the flag to "My friends" or "Only some friends." In this case, it will be necessary to list the names of those who have access to all the information on your page or part of it.


VKontakte for Android, opened on a smartphone and tablet, looks different. On the tablet, News, Replies, Messages, Friends, Groups, photos, etc. are located in the left, very narrow, vertical row. On the phone, they take up most of the page. When opening News, Groups or Messages on the tablet, access to all other options and settings of the program is visible (horizontal row of icons on the left). The phone opens one page. Access to the rest of the application's functions is opened with a swipe.

Vkontakte is the official client of the popular social network in our country for devices on the Android operating system. This application has rich functionality. It can be used for communication. You can join several people in a private conversation. Create photo albums, upload photos and videos. All this will become possible if you download Vkontakte to your computer.

Functionality: application features on a PC

You can use the rich functionality of the Vkontakte application only after registration. This can be done using your phone number, which will be linked to the social network. After you register and enter the application, a more comfortable mobile interface of this client will become available to you. You can complete your profile however you like. If you want to find your old friends, then you need to enter only reliable information: school number, university name, company name, etc. Social network algorithms will find your potential friends or work colleagues.

The features of the Vkontakte application allow you to share posts on the wall with your friends, repost and upload photos. If necessary, you can restrict access to your materials using the privacy system.

Video and audio work exactly the same way. The social network legalizes audio content through advertising. Therefore, you can listen to music from the huge Vkontakte archive completely legally and for free. But there are a number of limitations that must be taken into account.

The main advantage of this application is that you can use several accounts in this social network at once. This is very convenient if Vkontakte is used to promote a brand and promote business communities. Switching between accounts is much more convenient through the client than when using the Web version of this social network.

With this application you can use widgets. These special elements of the social network Vkontakte make it look like an interactive site. Widgets can make the community more alive and improve user response. With the help of such widgets, you can publish the score of football matches, the price list of goods and other useful information.

If you like to listen to music while working on your PC, then the application is much better suited for this than using standard way login to this social network. You can listen to music not only online, but also save the cache to your computer and use the music library even if the Internet is not connected to your PC.

Another feature of this client is the ability to send voice messages. All you need to do is connect a microphone to your computer. Then, when communicating in dialogs, simply hold down the icon with the image of the sound capture device.

IMPORTANT: The Vkontakte client consumes little traffic. If you have a limited tariff, then the choice is aside mobile application obvious. Moreover, thanks to the data compression algorithms used in this social network, you can comfortably use this application even with an unstable connection.

The main functionality of the application:

  • Settings. The user of the application can create blacklists for unwanted people, change the sound of notifications for incoming messages, etc. The application will allow you to customize the interface of the social network in a way that is more convenient for you.
  • Friends. In this tab, you can see all your friends who are online. If you need to find a specific friend, you can use the interactive search. In the application, it is much more convenient than in the Vkontakte web page.
  • Communication. You can conduct not only dialogues, but also connect several users to this. In addition to messages, you can leave a message on the friends page or comment on the post of any user (if this does not contradict the privacy settings).
  • Multimedia. The Vk application for a computer can become not only a communication tool, but also a multimedia center. The functionality of the application allows you to have a good time watching videos and listening to tracks of your favorite artists. Application algorithms will find all possible compositions of the artist that are in the social network.
  • Entertainment. With this client, you can run any game that was created for the Vkontakte social network. It is possible to search for them in the catalog by genres and types.

IMPORTANT: Another advantage of the Vkontakte application is the built-in payment system VK pay. It allows you to make transfers to friends, make purchases in online stores, etc. To do this, it is enough to tie your bank card and conduct cash transactions in one or two mouse clicks. The system is supported by Gazprombank and has no commissions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application

The Vkontakte application has many advantages:

  • Free registration. The application allows you to become a user of this social network by phone number for free.
  • Easy search for friends and acquaintances. It is enough just to enter the user's data in the special fields.
  • Media storage. You can store your photos, music and video files securely. Thanks to this application, the social network will turn into a convenient "cloud" service.
  • Huge database of information in groups and communities. With the help of the official social network client, you can subscribe to groups and read their content.

Does the VK application on a PC have disadvantages? Like any other social network client, of course, they have:

  • Music listening limit. Free at background you can listen to only 30 minutes of music continuously.
  • Page closing. You cannot make your pages inaccessible to all users.

IMPORTANT: If you want to protect yourself from a flood of messages from other users, spammers, and bots, you can apply the option to only send messages from friends. It is also possible to close photo albums, commenting on the wall, etc.

How to install Vkontakte on a PC or laptop

Do you want to download Vkontakte to a laptop or computer? We suggest using an emulator Play market, which will allow you to use the full catalog Google Apps Play on your computer. With the help of such a program, you can install any application on your PC for operating system Android. The emulator adapts the picture to the diagonal of the monitor and transfers control from touch screen to the keyboard and mouse.

Instructions for installing Vkontakte on a computer:

  1. Download the installation file from our website.
  2. Install the Play Market and go to the program.
  3. Find the Vkontakte social network client in the application catalog.
  4. Click the "Install" button and wait for the process to finish.

You can always launch the Vkontakte application using the icon that appears on the main screen immediately after installing the application.

Using this instruction, you can install any applications from the catalog on your computer. Apps Play market. The emulator allows you to run several applications or games from the official Google service on your computer at once.

Like to chat on the Internet, look interesting content or find information about your idols? Install the following social network clients on your computer.

Video review

Is it worth downloading?

The social network Vkontakte has become very popular in our country. You can use its capabilities as mobile phones, and using the web version of this service. Many people prefer to install the client and take advantage of its rich functionality. Download Vkontakte to your computer and share your thoughts and feelings with your friends, read the news of your favorite bands or listen to music. Mobile platform Android, for which this application was created, expands the functionality of the social network beloved by many. The application allows you to use Vkontakte much more convenient and comfortable.

When you click on the "Download" button, you will be prompted to download and install the uBar program, after which the download of the file you selected will begin automatically. Also, you can directly.

Vkontakte is one of the most visited social networks today. networks and it is not surprising that such a variety of different applications, for example: , - which options include stealth mode, support for multiple accounts, downloading music, etc.
Vkontakte MP3 is a modified version of the original application with improved features. With it, you can not only listen to audio content, but also download your favorite tracks in mp3 format in a matter of seconds. Here is a full-fledged product that gives you the opportunity to work with all the existing functions of Vkontakte, and do it without unnecessary restrictions. The creators of this system did not delete anything, and on the contrary, they included several developments in the final version that you will not see in the stock version of the social network.

One of the main bonuses is the function of switching to stealth mode, when enabled, the "online" status will be displayed in the "offline" mode, as in applications and . By the way, you can also remove the writing pen, which appears every time while typing. The Vkontakte MP3 utility for Android has an abundance of interesting features. The owner will be able to save notes, dialogues, and the function of exchanging stickers will be opened in the correspondence. It must be said that their number will not be replenished. Here you can easily return to the very beginning of the chat with one click. The program has been well developed all the functionality, which makes the use even more enjoyable. You can quickly remove unwanted acquaintances from friends, erase your records, and the option to view voted friends will be opened in polls. There is also a window for complaints, but the complaint itself can be sent no more than once a day.

In a recent addition, new features have been introduced that make the work more convenient. If you go to the list of groups, you can see how all communities are loaded. Under the news, you can leave messages or edit already typed ones. Also in the update, it became possible to disable users for seven days if they delete the comments left. In the utility, you can note a smoother scrolling of posts and sending messages. If you search for sent documents or archives, the icons will be displayed legibly. Links can be sent in personal messages, and now manipulating them has become faster and more practical. In addition to the above, if you download songs to the device's memory, you can do this with the exact name of the audio recording. In the profile of other users, you can also view the hidden age.

Main features of Vkontakte MP3:

  • Online status adjustment;
  • Fast music download;
  • Editing messages under posts;
  • Non-trivial appearance;
  • The function of playing an audio recording before attaching it to the news;
  • Regular updates in which something new is added to the utility.
