I turned off the tablet after the mouth app how to restore. If the tablet freezes, what should I do? for android

A tablet is a multifunctional compact gadget that can easily compete even with laptops in terms of performance. It can be used for calls, games, the Internet, as well as e-book. But, unfortunately, it has long been clear that no computer technology not immune to failure. And at any time you may encounter the fact that your tablet will freeze and will not respond to any manipulations with the On / Off button. What to do? How to restart the tablet? I will now try to answer these and other questions for you.

Possible reasons

Depending on the nature of the failure, problems can be divided into two types:

  • Software. You may have recently installed some new application, most likely it was the one that failed. A large number at the same time running programs may also affect the operation of your gadget. Another reason may be the presence of viruses in the device.
  • Hardware. A lot can be attributed to this: damage to the board, connecting faulty or incompatible devices to the tablet, shock, moisture, etc.

How to restart the tablet? First way

So, if you managed to find out that the reason is still in software failure, then we do the following:

After all these steps, the tablet will start to reboot. All settings will return to factory settings. Important! Before resetting, connect your gadget to the network. It may take some time to restart, so the battery must not be completely drained. After all, if the system recovery is not fully completed, a flashing will be inevitable! This was the first way to reboot the tablet.

hard reset. Second way

This method is usually used when pressing Reset did not help, and also if you have How to restart the gadget and return it to working condition? So, let's move on to the toughest procedure. hard reset. I warn you right away: all the information that you uploaded yourself will disappear without a trace! All settings will return to factory settings. We do the following:

If the first time you did not succeed, try to do this procedure again. And if you are interested in how to reboot, then keep in mind that this is done in the same way, only the items in the menu that appears will be spelled out a little differently. You have to select first "Wipe Data" / and then "Reboot".


If the problem lies only in the software, then these two methods of how to restart the tablet will definitely help you. And if it's not, then you'd better go to service center. Only experienced professionals can help your tablet computer.

As a rule, a tablet with an operating room Android system works smoothly and pleases its user with full functionality. However, any system can fail at the most inopportune moment, which will lead to the so-called “hanging” of the device. Of course, this will upset every user, and as soon as this trouble happens, many begin to wonder - what to do?

The tablet freezes when turned on (at boot), on the splash screen, periodically happens to every device owner, whether it is a Samsung tablet (tab, galaxy), Lenovo, Asus, Prestigio or others. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the recommendations that are given below.

Device reboot

If the owner's pet is frozen, then the most simple solution for this situation will reboot the device. Users need to turn off the tablet for a few minutes, then turn it back on. Some tablets have a special button on their body - Reset. By clicking on it with a long and thin object, you can easily restart the gadget.

Extraction of add-ons

To help in a situation with resolving the problem of a frozen tablet, extracting all kinds of add-ons from the device can. These include SIM-cards, batteries, memory cards and more. After waiting for a while, accessories can be downloaded to the tablet and try to turn it on again.

hard reset

If nothing helps and the tablet still frustrates users with a “frozen” screen, you need to proceed to a hard reboot of the device. The procedure is called Hard Reset. To activate it, there is a special combination of buttons. If you hold down the buttons in the correct sequence, the device will “come to life”. However, users should be aware that carrying out such a procedure will completely destroy the owner's personal files: games, programs and contacts. Before carrying out the procedure, the owner of the tablet must remove the memory card from the gadget slot.

If all of the above actions did not help, then it is necessary. However, it should be remembered that in this case, all applications will be deleted, and the settings will be reset.

Sometimes it happens that the tablet does not want to turn off at all. If the battery is non-removable, then you will have to wait until it is discharged, and only then turn on the device again. If it is possible to remove the battery, you can safely remove it (if nothing helps), put it back and start the gadget. Recently, major manufacturers like Prestigio, Samsung, Lenovo, Asus, etc. took the fashion to make batteries non-removable.

As a rule, your favorite gadget works smoothly, delighting its owner with its full functionality. True, any system can fail sooner or later, which will definitely lead to a complete freeze of the tablet. And this cannot but upset its user. And of course, the very first question that comes to mind of the victim who the tablet freezes - "What to do?".

Since such problems periodically arise for all owners of such devices, first of all, it makes sense to read the recommendations of users who have already dealt with this.

1. Turn off and on

The most common advice in such a situation is to simply reboot the device. To do this, you can simply try to turn off for five minutes, and turn on the tablet by holding power buttons. Or try to find the Reset button on it - by clicking on it with any sharp object, you can restart the gadget.

2. Remove accessories

Another frequently encountered recommendation is to extract the add-ons built into the device. These include a memory card, gadget battery. After waiting a few minutes, it all downloads back to the tablet and another attempt is made to turn it on.

3. Hard reset reboot

If none of the above gave the desired result, you can try to go to the toughest procedure for rebooting the tablet. It is called Hard Reset. In the event of a non-standard situation, for example, out of order operating system tablet, manufacturers provide a specific key combination. And, if the user simultaneously presses them in a certain sequence, the favorite gadget will come back to life again. This is called Hard Reset.

It is only worth remembering that this kind of reboot will destroy all the user's personal files from the device:

  • contacts
  • programs

In addition, before pressing the key combination for HARD RESET, you must remove the memory card from the tablet. Theoretically, it is assumed that in the process of hard reboot, it does not take part in any way. However, in practice there have been cases where file system memory cards also fell under the action, and it began to function again only after total formatting.

So, if in the course of work the tablet freezes, what to do with him in such a situation, described above. And if recommendations and advice helped you, press the "Like" button and tell your friends how to find a way out in such situations.

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Greetings, regular visitors and newcomers! Are you looking for information on how to restart your tablet if it freezes? Can't deal with a careless device? Is he trying to get you into trouble? Then let's try to solve the problem together. I will try to help, and you carefully read, understand and use the instructions to the fullest. If this happens to the tablet all the time, you will be even more interested to know what is the reason.

In most cases, the tablet freezes and does not turn off for some good reason. It doesn't just happen. You need to try to remember what actions or operations took place before.

Among them, special attention should be paid to such as:

  • Installing a new application or automatic update BY
  • Any mechanical damage. For example, dropping, getting wet, or heating the device.

If the tablet began to freeze and does not react in any way to your actions, try to pay attention to the circumstances under which this happens most often.

When and why the tablet freezes in most cases:

  1. at the time of loading
  2. while working with the Internet
  3. when multitasking
  4. on a specific application

Understanding the cause means quickly finding a way to fix the problem. It is clear that a tablet filled with hot morning coffee needs to be carried in for repair. In other cases, a simple reboot of the device helps. This is the very first action that any lucky owner of a "stubborn" pill needs to do.

virus attack

Does your tablet not only freeze, but often slow down? I'm pretty sure you've recently downloaded some third party application. Installation from the Google Play store for android is not a guarantee that the program is free from viruses. Be carefull! Usually, such problems arise after.

What to do in this case? The solution is very simple! You just need to remove the problematic software and deal with the problem once and for all. It's a good idea to clean your device. antivirus program through your home PC. The easiest way to do this is by connecting via a USB cable.

In the case of simultaneous downloading of several applications at once, it is difficult to find out which one is malicious. Then you need to try to conduct test diagnostics.

Do this:

  • In the "Settings" menu, sequentially go along the path "Settings" - "Applications" - " Running applications» — «Running applications».
  • Through successive shutdowns, find the application that slows down the work. For convenience, use the "Stop" button.
  • Did you find out what exactly is hindering the work? Delete without regret!

Dead zone

The second option is somewhat worse and may scare a novice user. I'm talking about the case when the device is frozen and does not want to turn off. First of all, you need to remove hard drives of information (micro SD) and SIM cards. So you can be sure that all important data is saved.

Then find reset button on a tablet. Usually it looks like a tiny hole, for example, in Lenovo, Samsung, Asus models. Activate it with a single press of a sharp object such as a needle or toothpick. You need to hold the button for several seconds continuously.

Tough measures

This method is too radical, so you need to use it in the most extreme cases, when the image on the splash screen does not change from any action. Why? Because it leads to the complete loss of unsaved data. You can completely lose your favorite photo archive and home video.

What is the essence of the hard reset method? In fact, this is a flashing of the device to factory settings.

How to proceed:

  1. Activate the function by pressing the POWER and HOME buttons at the same time.
  2. In the drop-down context menu, sequentially activate the "Settings" and "Format System" items.
  3. Feel free to click on reset android, and wait patiently for the device to reboot.

Attention! Backup or backup data from the tablet can seriously save your nerves and save very important data. Before thinking about how to fix the situation with a frozen device, remember where you duplicated the information - to the Cloud or to a USB flash drive.

Be sure to remove the hard drive from the slot during a hard reset. Updating to factory settings completely erases all information from the tablet, including the mini-flash drive.

Happy iPad owners

Failures in the hardware or software of "apple" devices are quite rare. This is because a large part of the price of these devices is a security-enhanced operating system. Developers are very scrupulous about their offspring and do not allow punctures and virus attacks on applications.

How to restart iPad? At the same time, hold down only two buttons Power and Home and hold them for a few seconds. That's all! There is nothing terrible or critical.

Preventive measures

Most often, the tablet freezes on loading, buggy and slows down from careless handling. Use the device with care. Then it will serve you for a long time and without fail. Equally carefully, you need to handle devices of well-known brands, like Lenovo and Samsung, and Chinese manufacturers.

A list of simple rules and requirements is quite capable of depriving you of the need to enter the query “how to turn off the tablet if it suddenly freezes” in a search engine.

  • Do not clog your device memory unnecessary applications and too many games
  • Install software from official sources, such as the Play Market
  • Install a licensed antivirus program
  • Handle the device with care. Do not leave it in direct sunlight, do not give to small children, do not drop
  • Do not disassemble the device yourself in case of mechanical failure. To do this, there are many service centers that can solve the problem in a short time at a reasonable price.
  • Don't use emergency reset too often. No need to remove the battery from the turned on device. There is a dedicated off button for this.


There is nothing wrong with a one-time hang of the tablet. When such a process is repeated constantly, this is an occasion to turn to specialists. Do not skimp on the services of a good master. He will be able not only to identify the problem, but also to conduct a deep diagnosis of the device. Prestigio and Huawei tablets run on the same operating platform Android, however, have differences in hardware. They are not familiar to the common man. Don't take risks - bring the device to specialists!

Was the material useful to you, and were you able to cope with the problem yourself? Then please share this with your friends on social networks. Perhaps one of them is now facing this problem.

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Thank you for your attention! See you soon, dear friends! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

Let's simulate the situation - Saturday evening, you settled down on your favorite sofa with a cup of cocoa and a box of chocolates, or at the counter of an equally favorite bar with a mug of beer and a bowl of nuts. You have the right tablet in your hands, watch videos on Youtube or just chat with friends on social networks, but then a terrible thing happens - the screen freezes, the touchscreen does not respond, the weekend evening is ruined. So, the tablet is frozen, what should I do in this case?

The tablet may freeze at the most inopportune moment

To begin with, let's figure out what can cause such inadequate behavior of the device. As a rule, in 90% of cases, the user himself is to blame, during the operation of the gadget he committed certain actions that directly or indirectly led to its unstable operation. Reasons can be of two types:

  • program character;
  • various problems with hardware, simply put, with hardware.

If the hardware is to blame

If the tablet hangs due to some hardware problems, and these include physical damage as a result of falls or shocks, exposure to high or low temperatures, moisture getting into the device, then nothing can be done about it at home. It is necessary to carry the gadget to the service center. Moreover, as a rule, all of the above cases do not apply to warranty.

There may still be problems due to the wrong one: cheap Chinese adapters most often cannot boast high quality and can easily ruin the internal circuits of the device, or even lead to its complete failure. Therefore, we advise you to use only branded charging device and follow the rules for their use.

It is better to use branded chargers

When the software is "buggy"

If, in trying to figure out why the tablet freezes, you came to the conclusion that it’s to blame software, that is, there is every chance to cope with the problem on your own.

The first step is to restore in memory the chain of actions, after which the problem appeared. This will help determine the root cause, because software problems can be the most different kind. For example, the source of all troubles can be some application from among the last installed or running ones. In this case, it is likely that its removal can help.

Another one probable cause- an attempt to launch on budget devices with not the strongest hardware component of resource-intensive applications or "heavy" games. This kind of experimentation causes the processor to overheat, which is unable to cope with the load and may well begin to malfunction, which, in turn, may lead to the application crashing or, alternatively, to the tablet freezing.

Often, a recently installed application is the cause of the freeze.

Now you know a little more about what to do if your tablet suddenly began to slow down and freeze. It’s better not to wait until it freezes completely, but to try to localize the problem and fix it in advance so that your Saturday night doesn’t suddenly turn into hopelessly spoiled. And those who share this article on social networks are less likely to experience freezing of their gadgets!
