How to disable startup programs windows 7. Startup

many owners computer technology more than once wondered why it loaded quickly enough when purchased, and after a short period, loading Windows became longer. Experienced PC owners know that when installing new software products, which are in urgent need, the execution files are simultaneously included in the startup registry. As a result, these applications begin to automatically start in background along with Windows. Of course, due to this, an additional one increases, in connection with this, its loading time also increases.

Considering that most often the user does not need all these installed applications on a daily basis, a well-founded question arises how to remove the program from startup.

A large list of startup programs can affect performance operating system.

Before proceeding with the study of information on how to disable startup programs in Windows, it is important to understand why this is all done.

Why remove programs from startup

If only a small part of the installed applications starts simultaneously with the operating system, this is unlikely to annoy the PC owner, in some cases their autoload will remain completely invisible to him.

If the number of such programs increases, then the time increases proportionally with them. Windows boot. And this already causes negativity on the part of the PC owner. Unfortunately, many developers of a software product, even without urgent need, include the autoload function in it. As a result, after installation, it starts to start along with the OS.

Now it’s quite easy to figure out how to disable startup programs. Opposite unnecessary applications, the green check mark is removed. Upon completion of all actions, the system will prompt you to reboot. It is best to do this immediately, then the result of all actions will be immediately obvious. But you can opt out of the immediate reboot, then the changes will take effect after the scheduled reboot of the system.

Removal using programs

It is also useful to know an alternative wayhow to remove a program from startup. It is carried out thanks to special software products that can be downloaded from various resources, installed and immediately begin to implement the plan.

One such software product that makes it easy to disable everything unnecessary from automatic loading is CCleaner. It is good because it is accompanied by compactness, ease of use and high efficiency.

After starting CCleaner, the user must go to the "Startup" tab, where it will also be presented full list software products loaded with the operating system.

The user, wanting to delete a specific application, must click on it, the line will turn blue. Now it remains to sequentially press two buttons: "Turn off" and "OK". Having done such simple manipulations, the user will undoubtedly be able to disable unnecessary applications.

There is another successful program, Autoruns, which acts as an effective assistant if it becomes necessary to remove something from automatic loading. Despite the fact that Autoruns is not Russified, the interface is quite clear, so it does not raise questions even for beginners. To delete software from automatic download, just uncheck the box next to it.

Qualified specialists, as well as those who have sufficient practical skills, prevent the installation of programs with an activated function. auto start, turning it off either at the installation stage, or immediately after installation, by going into the settings of the installed software application.

Removing unnecessary applications from automatic loading is a necessary measure, since with a significant number of them it is impossible to talk about the successful operation of the operating system.

We looked at how to disable background apps on Android. But disabling applications does not guarantee that they will not start again after some time, and rebooting the device completely nullifies all efforts. This is because some applications have an autoload function and start with the system. In this article, we will look at several options for how to disable autorun programs on Android. There are no built-in tools for disabling autoload in the system, so we need special applications And

How to disable autorun programs on Android using the BootManager module

BootManager is a module for Xposed Framework(), which allows you to easily and conveniently manage the startup list. To use it, you will need superuser rights (ROOT) and installed program xposed installer.

Procedure for installing BootManager:

  1. Launch the Xposed Installer App
  2. In the "Download" section through the search, find the BootManager module and install it
  3. A message will appear in the notification shade stating that the module is not yet active. Click on it, and then in the window that appears, check the box next to BootManager
  4. Reboot your device

You can also download the BootManager module from Google Play, but you still have to activate it and reboot the system.

Then run BootManager, it will scan the applications on the device and give you a list. How to remove programs from startup? Just click in the list that appears on those that you want to disable autorun. The selected programs will be highlighted in red - this means that autoloading is disabled for them, they will not be launched the next time the device is turned on.

It is worth mentioning separately that in the demon paid version Apps shows only apps you have installed. List system applications can only be seen in the paid version of the program.

Removing an application from autorun is quite simple: you just need to tap on the application you need in the list. Disabled applications will be highlighted in red in the list.

How to remove programs from startup using Greenify

Greenify is one of the best programs to remove applications from the background and limit their startup. Greenify can be used without ROOT rights, but in this case, you will have to put the applications to sleep manually each time, there is a convenient widget for this. If your device has superuser rights, then autoload will be disabled automatically.

Click on the plus sign at the bottom of the screen and select from the list of applications that you want to put to sleep, and then click on the checkmark and confirm your choice. Background activity and autoloading for selected applications will be disabled until you need them. When necessary, just use the application as usual, and after using Greenefy, it will “sleep” it again on its own, freeing up RAM from background processes. The paid version has the ability to receive push notifications even from sleeping programs.

Managing application startup with Autostarts

Autostarts is one of the most time-tested startup management software. It does not require Xposed to work, but its capabilities are much wider than those of BootManager. With Autostarts, you get control over literally all processes, even system ones, which makes using this application more dangerous, so we advise only experienced users to use it. The program also requires ROOT rights.

Once installed, Autostarts will scan all system and user applications for autostart rules and provide a list of events that cause applications to start. Each line contains an information icon, clicking on which will show a list of applications launched by this event. Click on any process - you will get a brief information about it and a button to disable startup. The names of applications for which you disable autoloading will be crossed out.

There is also a program AutoStart - No root, a feature of which is the ability to disable autorun programs without obtaining ROOT rights. The principle of operation of this program is similar to the previous one, only it does not know how to work with system programs.

If your device has experienced speed issues due to a large number of installed apps, then after correct setting autorun speed is guaranteed to increase. Also, disabling autoload has a positive effect on battery life.

And what method of autoload management do you use?

Answers on questions

What to do if the Android application does not sync or notifications do not come from it?

You most likely turned off autoload or closed background processes desired application. In order for the application to sync again and send notifications, just turn on auto-download for it.

The Windows operating system has a feature called autorun programs. It, as you might guess, allows you to run some programs when you turn on the computer and boot the operating system, for example, the antivirus automatically starts. Agree, this is quite logical.

However, there may be programs in autorun that are not needed there at all - you just forgot to uncheck the box when installing them, as a result of which the program is now loaded with Windows. So, how to remove the program from startup? Let's consider several ways.

Using the program settings

Some programs can be removed from startup using their own settings, but not all - take this into account. Let's show an example on CCleaner.

Launch the application and select the "Settings" section, then click "Tracking".

Here, first uncheck the box "Monitor the system", then - "Enable active monitoring". If necessary, confirm the fact of disabling monitoring.

From now on, the application will not automatically load when the operating system boots - only if you wish.


MSCONFIG is an autorun management utility in the Windows operating system. With it, you can manage startup programs on your computer.

The first step is to run the utility. This can be done in different ways.

Click on the "Start" button (located at the bottom left of the screen).

Or, alternatively, press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R, after which a small window appears. In it write the command msconfig and click OK.

A window appears in front of you. In it, select the "Startup" tab.

Open and see a list of programs that are in startup. To disable the program, you just need to uncheck the box that is set next to its name and click on the "Apply" button.

We draw your attention to the fact that some programs are designated as services, which means that they can be seen in the Services tab of the same window. Go to the tab, check the box next to "Do not display Microsoft services", and then you will see a list of third-party services.

In some cases, you may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. The system will notify you about this.

We use third party applications

There is another way to remove programs from startup - using the registry. However, many users can get confused in it, especially beginners, and if you accidentally delete the wrong partition, problems can be fatal for the operating system. Therefore, we will show you another way to disable programs from autorun, much safer - using third-party applications.

There are a lot of applications that will help turn off autoload. We'll take advantage free application CCleaner.

We launch the application, select the "Service" section, then - "Startup".

You can ask questions in the comments.

Hello! Friends, do you know what I do on almost every computer that comes to me? That's right, I'm cleaning the list of startup programs. When I turn on someone else's computer, somewhere in about 80% of cases, I want to cry :). I just can’t watch the process when, along with turning on the computer, another 20 programs are launched, and the computer seems to have already turned on, but you have to wait a few more minutes until you can open the folder, etc.

As you already understood, I will write about how to remove programs from startup, and thereby speed up the loading of the computer many times over. In the article, I also wrote about autoloading programs, and how to clean up the autoload list. But there I wrote how to do it using programs Total Commander, also with additional utilities, and such a version Total Commander probably only I have :), it is already old.

I remember I was still uneducated in the computer business, and my computer broke down, Windows went off the campaign, I don’t remember exactly. And I took mine system unit for repairs to a friend. He did everything for me, for only 20 UAH. and then installed this Total Commander (by the way, I set it to autorun, I suffered for a long time until I removed it from there :)) and since then I have been using it, though I only use it to clean the system, there is good utility. Okay, enough memories :), on to the case.

So in this article I will write about how to remove programs from autorun using a standard utility in Windows. There are many programs for this business, but I understand that you don’t always want to download and install some additional programs, and then also understand them. Especially if it is possible to do everything with a built-in tool.

Why clean the list of programs in startup?

Let's first understand where they come from. It's very simple, you install different programs, some you install yourself, and some are installed without your help. Some programs are added to the startup list, and when you turn on the computer, they start themselves. Sometimes it is convenient, and even necessary. It's good when, for example, Skype, antivirus, etc. automatically starts.

There are programs that start automatically, but you don't need them at all, or you need them very rarely. For example the same DAEMON Tools Lite, great program, but for example, I need it once a month, and I can run it myself. And here it always starts when you turn on the computer. Okay, it would just start up, so it also works all the time and eats RAM. And if there are ten such useless programs, or more? This all greatly affects the speed of turning on the computer and its operation.

I think you have already understood where the startup programs come from and why they themselves start when the computer is turned on. In short, autorun is a list of programs that should start when you turn on your computer.

Why they need to be removed from there, I think you already understood. All this is done in order to increase the speed of loading the computer and increase the speed of its work. After all, all these programs that are always running, of course, slow down the computer, and sometimes they also quietly use the Internet connection, I wrote about this case in the article.

So, we clean the startup list and your computer will breathe in a new way! I turned it off of course unnecessary programs from autoload, but still check from time to time. It happens that garbage appears again in this list.

How to remove programs that run when you turn on your computer?

As I promised, we will use the standard tool.

On Windows 7:"Start", "All programs", “Standard” look for and run the utility “Run”.

On Windows XP:"Start", "Run".

In the window that appears, enter the command msconfig and click "Ok".

A window will open in which we go to the tab. We look at the list and remove all programs that you do not need to autoload.

Be careful!

Do not uncheck programs that you do not know. If you want, you can type the name of the program from the list in a search, such as Google, and see what kind of program it is. After checking, you can decide whether to disable it or not.

As you can see, my startup list is very modest. After you remove all unnecessary (uncheck), click "Apply" and "OK".

It happens that unnecessary programs can still be among the services. Therefore, in the window that we opened above, go to the “Services” tab. Immediately check the box next to "Do not display Microsoft services". And uncheck unnecessary services. To save the result, click "Apply" and "Ok".

A message will appear, you can exit without restarting, or restart your computer.

If you have disabled a decent number of programs and services, then after rebooting you will see how much faster your computer will turn on and work. I hope that my advice will be useful to you and you will use it, since the effect of it is very good. Good luck!

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How to remove programs from startup (autorun)? Speed ​​up computer boot updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

In some cases, autoloading can be very useful feature. You can configure it yourself and leave only the necessary programs in startup.

It is worth considering that with a large number of active programs in autorun, the computer's RAM is consumed in a larger amount, as a result of which the system startup can slow down significantly.

Why are programs added to startup?

We have already said above that the installed utilities can independently add themselves to the startup registry.

If necessary, the user can independently place any desired program to autorun so that when the computer is turned on, the system automatically starts a frequently used utility.

Why clean the startup registry?

First of all, this manipulation should be done if the computer system began to “slow down” and boot very slowly. Thus, you can free up a significant amount random access memory, the presence of which is an essential criterion for the quality of your computer.

Autoload may also contain super-important programs that contribute to the correct operation of the operating system. Therefore, when cleaning the registry, you should be extremely careful.

Disabling Startup in Windows 7

To the question, how to disable autoload windows programs 7 has several answers. Each of them implies separate way removal.

Method number 1. Uninstall via the start menu

Users who have been using this version operating system, you probably wondered “What is “hiding” in the Startup folder in the Start menu?”.

More advanced users have long guessed that this folder can be used to disable autorun programs. To do this, open the Start menu, go to All Programs, then find the Startup folder and open it.

If there are no third-party programs in startup, when you open the folder, it will say "(empty)".

If third party programs are present in startup, you can remove any of them yourself. For this, by necessary program click right click mouse and select the "Delete" item, after which the item will go to the trash, from which it can be permanently deleted using the Shift + Delete key combination.

This method is the easiest, but in this case it is impossible to see all the programs that are in autorun. Some of them are hiding.

If cleaning this folder did not resolve the unwanted automatic download programs when you start your computer, we recommend that you use one of the methods listed below.

Method number 2. Using MSConfig

This program is present by default in any version of the operating system. Windows systems. There are 2 ways to call it.

In the first case, open the Start menu and enter "msconfig" (without quotes) in the search bar. After the system detects it, double-click LMB to launch it.

In an alternate run version, you need to run command line by pressing the Win+R hotkey combination. In the window that appears, enter the command "msconfig" (without quotes) and click the "OK" button.

After starting the utility, a window will open in which you can remove programs from the startup registry.

To do this, go to the "Startup" tab, and then uncheck the boxes for those applications that you want to disable. After disabling unnecessary programs, click the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Attention! If you do not know what this or that application is responsible for, it is not recommended to disable it yourself, as you can disrupt the correct operation of the operating system.

After that, you will be prompted to restart the computer, automatically sent by the system. It is not necessary to restart the computer, so in this case the choice is yours.

This method does not require installation. additional programs, since MSConfig is a standard pre-installed utility for all versions of the Windows operating system.

Nevertheless, this way will not allow you to remove absolutely all programs and applications from autorun, so we advise you to consider the methods below.

Method number 3. Removing manually from the registry

The registry can also be launched in two ways - through the search menu "Start" or the command line.

In this case, you need to enter the command "regedit" (without quotes). After starting, the main registry window will open in front of you.

In the left part of the window there are two autorun folders - local and personal. The first address is:

Computer\HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run

And for the second:


To clean the registry from unnecessary applications, we need to get into the final folder (“Run”), navigating through the “tree” of folders as indicated in the address.

To remove applications from autorun, click on its name with RMB, and then in context menu select the "Delete" item.

Cleaning is required in both sections.

Method number 4. The use of third-party programs

In this case, we will use the program, which is freely available to all users on the official website. The utility is easy to use, takes up a small amount of memory on your hard drive, but at the same time, is best solution to clean autorun.


On the developer's website, the program is provided only on English language. We will tell you how to use it correctly without knowing foreign languages.

The program is downloaded in a ZIP format archive, which can be unzipped using any archiver (7zip, WinRar, etc.).

After you unzip the downloaded file, four shortcuts will be presented in the window in front of you. To install the program, we need the autoruns.exe file, which needs to be run as an administrator.

When you launch the application for the first time, you will be required to accept license agreement by pressing the "Agree" button.

After that, the window of the program itself will start. This means that the utility does not require installation on the computer system.

By default, the application window will open in the "Everything" tab at startup. It presents all, without exception, programs and applications included in autorun.

For the convenience of users, there are also tabs in which applications are divided into categories (Winlog, Driver, Explorer, etc.).

To disable autorun, uncheck the box next to unnecessary application. If you select a line with a single click of the LMB, then from the bottom of the window you can see information about the program that is in autoload (version, size, location path, etc.).

When you go to the “Logon” tab, you will see a list of programs that were previously disabled in other ways.

Method number 1. System partition

To go to system partition First you need to open the command line by pressing the hot keys Win + R. In the window that opens, enter the command "shell: startup" (without quotes) and press the key "OK".

The window that opens will display the autoload data for the current user.

To view the data of the startup registry for all users, the command "shell: common startup" (without quotes) is entered into the command line.

The window that opens will display the autorun applications for all users who have account on this computer.

To disable autoload, delete folders of unnecessary applications.

Shared system partition for all users
