How to register classmates correctly step by step. Odnoklassniki: registering a new user is the fastest way

Communication in Odnoklassniki provides users with the opportunity to find lost relatives, new friends, schoolmates, classmates, colleagues and just good people.

But in order to use this opportunity, you need to go through the registration process, which is difficult for inexperienced people, because they have no idea how to do it in classmates for the first time. You can register on the site quickly and completely free of charge.

How to register

Let's follow the link Click the "Register" button. Those users who are already registered must enter the LOGIN and PASSWORD in the appropriate fields and click the "Login" button.

We don't have an account yet, so click "Register". A window will open in which you need to specify the country of residence of the user and the number mobile phone- an activation code will be sent to it. Click the "Next" button and wait for SMS.

The phone signal alerted you to the receipt of SMS - we find the code in the messages and enter it in the appropriate field.

As soon as you confirm your intentions, a registration field will open in front of you, in which you must specify all the information:

  1. Surname (can be fictitious).
  2. The date of birth, which will determine the age of the user in the system.
  3. Gender (must match name).
  4. Country and city of residence (optional).
  5. Email.
  6. Login.
  7. Password.

Choosing a login and password

When you enter your first and last name, you can choose a login. But it often happens that the login that you want to assign to a profile is already taken by another user. There is no need to be surprised, because this social network is used by millions of people around the world and coincidences happen. The system will offer you options for free logins. Choose the one you like more.

Login selected, create a password. To protect your account from unauthorized intrusion, try to create complex password, which contains numbers and letters of different case. If the password is strong, the corresponding inscription will be displayed.

Now the password must be repeated in an additional field. If everything is done correctly, you will see the inscription "Passwords match".

By clicking "Continue" you confirm the information (do not forget to save it for yourself in a notepad or on a computer in a document).

How to proceed

The page is registered, and the user enters the site. To make it easier for your friends and classmates to find you among millions of other accounts, leave as much information about yourself as possible. First of all, indicate the school or other educational institution.

Now the information is available to other network members. Next, you need to add a photo that will be your business card.

If you want to learn about how to register on Odnoklassniki for the first time and finally join the users of the popular social network, then this article is especially for you.

Odnoklassniki is a social network for those who like not only to communicate with old friends and make new ones, but also listen to interesting music, watch funny videos and always be aware of all world events. In our article, we will talk in detail about, and also explain how to protect yourself from possible errors.

The Internet resource Odnoklassniki was created in 2006 by Russian web developer Albert Mikhailovich Popkov, who lived at that time in London. Created as a simple friendly entertainment, the project began to grow rapidly and by the end of the year already had more than one and a half million users.

Now the service has about two hundred and five million registered accounts. People using this site can be found in almost every corner of the world, but the largest number of users is, of course, in Russian Federation and neighboring countries. This Internet resource in terms of the number of visitors ranks fifth in our country and is among the fifty most visited in the world.

How to register on the Odnoklassniki website for the first time?

How the first time you learn by reading another article on our website.

This process is actually quite simple and does not require any special skills or abilities. You just need to carefully follow the instructions provided here. For your convenience, we have divided it into six steps, following which you will easily pass the registration.

Action one:

With the help of your personal computer(laptop, tablet, mobile phone - optional) open any search engine, such as Yandex or Google and enter the name of the site in the query string: Follow the first link that opens and you will be on home page the site we need.

First of all, you will see the login form, but since you do not have your own page yet, you cannot use it. Therefore, click on the word "Registration" located directly above this form.

Action two:

If everything is done correctly, you are on the initial registration page. You will see a line for entering a phone number and above it the name of your (or not your) country.

First of all, check if the name of your country is displayed on the screen. If not, then touch it and, accordingly, select the correct one. You need to keep in mind that this will not be displayed on your profile, but is only needed to correctly enter the phone number. You will be prompted to choose the name of the country for your page later.

Now enter your mobile phone number. It is needed so that the operator can send an SMS message with a confirmation code to it. The number you need to use is the one that you have with you and is not planned to be replaced - in the future, if there are problems with your account, many of them can be easily solved using this particular number.

Do not be afraid that at the same time you will be charged any amount - registration in Odnoklassniki is absolutely free and does not provide for the withdrawal of funds from a phone number.

When all the necessary actions have been completed, touch the inscription "Next".

Is it possible you can find out from another article on our website.

Action three:

When you receive the expected SMS, then enter the confirmation code in the window intended for it, which appeared on the page and click on "Next".

If the message did not arrive within five minutes, which happens extremely rarely, click on the “Request code again” message located under the window. If this does not help, check again the spelling of the phone number.

Action four:

After entering the code, a page will open in front of you, on which your phone number will be indicated as a login and you will need to come up with and enter a password. You can come up with it yourself using letters, numbers and symbols. When everything is ready, click "Next". Later in the settings you will be able to address Email or any other name.

Whatever you decide, the password must be well remembered, and even better, written down in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. It is the login, along with the password that you have yet to come up with, that will become your key to entering Odnoklassniki.

Action five:

Now the most interesting thing is to fill out the questionnaire, indicating your data there, for example, last name, first name, gender and year of birth. It is desirable that the information you provide is true - otherwise your friends will not be able to find you.

Action six:

Now decorate your profile with your most successful photo. It can be added from the device memory. If you are not yet ready for this action due to the lack of a suitable photo, then you can click on "Skip" and add the photo later.

Finally, you can be congratulated - the creation of your page is finished! You can add close people as friends, upload more different photos, and generally have fun.

If you are still not sure that you can register in Odnoklassniki for the first time, you can preview a special training video that shows this process.

How to register for the first time

This topic is designed for those who do not yet have their own page (account) in classmates. After reading it, you will learn how to properly register on the website (Create an account in classmates).

To register on classmates to you you need to get yourself Mailbox on one of the mail services, for example, on Yandex, or Yahoo, as well as you must have a mobile phone. Further, we will proceed from the fact that you already have all this. So, after a short introduction, let's move on to the registration process in classmates.

How to register in classmates?

Enter in the address bar We get to the entrance window to the site. Click on the big green button on the left "Register".

We fill in the registration form. Indicate your first and last name, year of birth, city or locality where we live, email address. Next, you need to come up with a login (you will need to enter it in order to enter the classmates website). Login must be written in Latin (English) letters. Since each user has a unique login, the system will automatically check the login you created, and if someone before you has already registered under this, you will receive an error message.

Next, create your own password. Strongly I advise you to create a password consisting of numbers and letters(also English). For example df8ta72. When all fields are filled in, click on the green button " Continue»

Next, you will be taken to a page containing a notification that a letter has been sent to the email address you specified in classmates. Here you are prompted to fill in information about your education. However, I recommend go to your mailbox and look for a letter like this:

And after another five seconds, we again get to the page in which we need to fill in information about education, only there is no notification on it that a letter has been sent to us by mail. Starting to fill school, as soon as everything is filled in, click on the "add" button.

The school we added will be displayed on the right. Similarly, you can fill in secondary special and higher educational institutions. When everything is ready click continue.

On the next page you will see those who are already registered in classmates and studied in the same educational institutions as you. If you know someone, you can immediately offer him friendship by clicking on the link " be friends under his photo. If you do not want to add anyone as a friend yet, then just click on the "skip" link below.

On the next step add your first photo. Click on the green button Add photo».

Specify the location of this photo on the computer. Click open. After a few seconds, the photo will load and you will see the result. If you don't like the photo, you can immediately change your photo in classmates by clicking on the link " change photo"(link is on the photo itself). If everything suits, then click " save and continue».

Now the last and most important step. Website when registering a new user requires mandatory activation via SMS. It's absolutely free. If you miss this step, then you will not be able to use all the functions of the classmates website. Therefore, in the window that opens, we enter our phone number in a ten-digit format (see the example in the picture) and press the button " to get the code". After a couple of minutes on specified number phone will receive an SMS from classmates with a code. Enter this code in the box and click confirm.

Voila, we succeeded with you register with classmates By all means, congratulations!

After confirming your number by entering the code, you need to come up with a password. It must be at least 6 characters long and contain Latin letters and at least one number. The more complex the password, the harder it will be to crack (and it happens).

It is best to immediately write it down in a diary or create a folder with passwords on the desktop, on the computer, so the passwords for all sites will be in one place, this will come in handy in the future when it will be difficult to remember the next password - you will not need to recover it, just look into this folder. The phone number will be the login to enter the site. If desired, the login can be changed in the settings.

After entering the password, it opens new page fill out the form by entering your personal data:

It is very convenient to access the site using a mobile phone. So you can always stay in touch, listen to your favorite music, watch movies and scroll through the news of friends, being anywhere. Creating a new page in classmates using a mobile phone is also not difficult.

Registration in classmates using a mobile phone is similar to registering from a computer. For those who first decided to register with classmates using a smartphone, you need to open the mobile version of the site. You can do this by typing the combination in the search engine or you can use Russian letters, then go to desired page and click the "Register" button.

The program will ask you to indicate the country and enter the phone number, which must be indicated without the "eight". Next, you need to enter your personal data - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender. After entering all the data, a new page is created. You can download a mobile application optimized specifically for mobile device, so it will be even more convenient to use the social network.

Registration using the mobile application

In order to register on the site using mobile application it needs to be installed. For this in the store Play market or AppStore, depending on operating system smartphone, in the search bar you need to enter the word "Odnoklassniki", and download the official application, for this you need to click the "Install" button opposite the application itself. After that, a window will appear with permissions that must be accepted. After downloading the application, you need to open it.

After entering the application, two buttons will appear "Login" and " Quick registration”, the last button must be pressed.

Then the same steps take place as in mobile version site. On the registration page, you must enter a phone number that is available right now. After that, a confirmation code will come to it, which must be entered in the "Enter code" line.

Registration without a phone number

It is now impossible to register in Odnoklassniki without a phone number, a new user must have a phone number, to which an activation code is sent during registration. This is due to the fact that cases of page hacking have recently become more frequent, therefore, in order to protect users and avoid creating fake pages and fraudulent actions, the site administration decided to request a new one at each registration. mobile number to link the page. So, it will be more difficult for fraudsters to hack someone else's page and commit fraudulent actions.
