How to remove the white background from a photo. Master class "how to remove the white background from images"

Software: Paint.NET program.
Audience: teachers, class teachers, students.
The purpose of the master class: Introduction to Paint.NET.

When inserting images from the Internet, it often appears White background, which distracts the attention of students and interferes with better assimilation of the material. Look at the snowman on the slide with a colored background:

Sometimes when installing transparent color in the presentation, it turns out that the white color is poorly removed or holes appear in the image.

How to make the picture look more attractive and visual?
The white background can be easily removed using the Paint.NET program. Paint.NET is a free raster image and photo editor for Windows, developed on the .NET Framework. Paint.NET is a great editor replacement graphic images, which is part of standard programs operating systems Windows.

Step 1. Download Paint.NET. The site from which you can download this program:

Step 2 Install the program on your computer following the prompts.

Step 3 Launch Paint.NET. After starting the program window looks like this:

Step 3 We open the image we need through File - Open.

In the window that appears, select the desired picture on your computer.

Step 4 Remove the white background.
A) Select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar.

B) With this magic wand, click on the white background that you want to remove. The picture takes the form (the background color has changed):

IN) Press a key on the keyboard Delete, the image takes the form (squares appear):

G) We can see that the white background has not been removed everywhere (see the picture above). Therefore, we repeat the operation: Magic wand - click on white background - Delete:

Step 5 Saving an image.
A) Select "Save As..." from the "File" menu:

B) In the window that appears, select FormatPNG(supports transparency, maximum quality), click on the button Save:

G) OK- Ready. Compare:

Good luck!

When working with images, you have to separate flies from cutlets, i.e. background from the picture.

There are plenty of places to download great cliparts, most of which come with a white background. Of course, you need to get rid of it. I remembered four ways to do this. They will be discussed in this article.

Method 1

Remove the white background from the image using the tool.

This is one of the simplest and quick ways performing such an operation. With the eraser selected in the toolbar, click on the white background. As a result, all white pixels will be removed and you will see a checkerboard background, which indicates the presence of transparency instead of a background.

But it may happen that in addition to the white background, pixels close to white may be removed from the image itself.

As you can see, in the image above, part of the sword and some elements on the knight's armor have been removed. There are two reasons for this unpleasant effect. Let's turn to the tool options panel.

1. Adjacent pixels. see if this setting is checked. Its absence indicates that all pixels of a similar color will be removed (which is why the above parts of the image have disappeared). Check the box and Photoshop will remove only those pixels that are in contact with each other.

2.Tolerance. Often the background consists of a whole set of shades, for example, the same white color. The higher the tolerance value, the more of these shades the program will remove. Most often, this refers to the border around the image (a small border of pixels left over from the background). Increase the tolerance and the border will get smaller and smaller.

There is one more useful command to remove the border: Layer - Edge Processing - Remove Border.

Method 2 Select background with .

The most important thing is not to forget to unlock fo new layer. I have already written about this more than once, but I will repeat it again. If there is a small lock on the layers palette, near the layer thumbnail, then it is locked. Double click on this layer Forms it into a new, which can be edited.

Now, with the Magic Wand selected, click on the background. It will stand out with "Marching Ants". It remains only to press the Backspace key. The chess background will reappear.

As with the magic eraser, pay attention to the tolerance and adjacent pixels settings. They work in a similar way.

Method 3

Briefly, it looks like this:

1. We have an image. We want to remove all the white so that only the transparent background remains.

2. Create a duplicate of the blue channel. Press Ctrl+L. The Levels window appears. We begin to move the sliders so that everything gray becomes as close to black as possible. In other words, we need to achieve such a result that what we want to remove becomes white, and the rest is black.

3. Now click on the thumbnail of the duplicate channel we created while holding down the Ctrl key. A selection has appeared. Most likely, the selection will have to be inverted - press Shift + Ctrl + I. Now you can either press Backspace to remove the excess, or create a duplicate layer by pressing Ctrl + J to transfer the selection to a new layer. In my example, I added a texture, here's how it turned out:

Method 4

If in the previous methods, after deletion, a transparent part remained, now we will learn how to change to a different background. This method is associated with the feature blend modes Burn and Multiply.

So, in the figure below, we have the same knight on the left, and the texture on the right.

On the layers palette, place the texture at the top and set the overlay to Darken or Multiply. The knight was visible. But there is a catch. Some elements of the image that were also white became texture colors.

We'll fix it now. Add a layer mask to the top layer (with the texture). Taking the Brush tool, we begin to erase the texture from visible places. Carefully, slowly, as a result it turned out like this:

Easy, good quality, beautiful. Great way.

So far, these are the only ways I remember. Know more - write about them in the comments.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

Remove white background in Photoshop Lesson from Lottaza

There are many ways to get rid of the background in Photoshop. There are other ways to remove color, of which I most often use a pen. Now I will describe how to remove the white background on the image, i.e. those methods that I myself use most often to remove white. I will describe three simple and convenient ways. We will use the channels palette, eraser and magic wand.

1. Using the Channels palette. Open the image in the shop, from which you want to remove the white background. This method is convenient for pre-training scanned sketch for coloring in Photoshop. Open the jpeg image and immediately double click on the background with the padlock to turn it into an editable layer.

If the picture is in gray mode (Grayscale), before coloring it must be converted to RGB (menu Image - Mode - RGB; you need to remember that changing the color mode requires merging layers, so it is advisable to immediately transfer to the desired mode so that later it would not be a pity their labors). Next, in the Channels palette (by default, all channels are selected), click the leftmost icon (a circle with a dotted line) - this will select all the white colors in the image.

Press DEL (Delete) to remove the white color and CTRL+D to deselect. Clean lineart is ready. For future use, save it in PNG format.

2. Using an eraser to remove the white background, but not an easy eraser, but a magical one. By the way, in this and the following way, you can remove any solid color. Often pictures from the Internet, especially gifs and monochrome (black and white) are saved in indexed color mode to reduce file size. This is just how I got it. What do we do in this case? We just translate into the mode we need - Image - Mode - select the desired one - I use the most functional and acceptable for displaying a color image - RGB.

So, the file was opened, the mode was set, the lock was removed from the background (double click), then we select the Magic Eraser on the toolbar and click on the extra areas in the picture.

Such a picture can be saved as a brush: menu Editing - Save brush, or you can go further and make it a vector arbitrary figure. To do this, select the layer with the picture (CTRL + click on the layer), go to the paths palette (next to the Layers and Channels palette) and select the Create work path icon at the bottom of the palette (it is right in the middle of all seven icons). After that, activate on the toolbar Pen and by clicking right click mouse, select Define an arbitrary shape.

3. Magic wand. It works on a similar principle. Opened the picture, selected the Magic Wand tool, clicked on the excess in the Selection + mode, removed the background, deselected. I use this ungrateful method, let's say, in the most extreme cases, the result is painfully unsatisfactory if you need smooth edges. Do not expect smooth and clear selection boundaries from using this method. However, in some cases it is, nevertheless, irreplaceable. For example, when a background with fuzzy color segments or a blurry selection border is obviously needed.

How to turn the selection into the most usable PNG clipart? For convenience in subsequent processing, it is desirable to set the background removal parameters using the Refine Edge function. We call this dialog box: right-click and select Refine Edge. Here we see all the flaws - and torn edges and a border.

Now let's smooth out the edges of the selection a bit. I set the Smoothing parameter to 3, click ok and delete (DEL). Create a new layer, drag it below the clipart, fill it with a contrasting color and see what else needs to be done on the edges.

The easiest way is to remove the border around. Menu Layers - Edge Processing - Remove Border ... and set the value. I put 2.

A little better, but still a mess. Smoothing the edges with the blur tool

We set the hardness to about 20 percent, the size to 8-10 pixels, the intensity to 10 percent and carefully move around the edges. in addition, it is clear that at the edge of the spoon, along with the background, both a piece of the saucer and the sparkling edge of the spoon have disappeared. Well, here you can already restore all sorts of methods known to you. I used the selection of a piece of the saucer and dragged it to the missing area, and added the edge of the spoon with a pen + stroke with a brush in the shape dynamics mode. It turned out like this

And the final result PNG

And that's all. There are actually a great many ways, since Photoshop is a fairly powerful graphics editor with many features and capabilities. I described more simple and convenient.

Now the lesson is over. Good luck with your creative experiments!)

If you need to change or completely remove the background of an image, check out our article on how to remove the background in Photoshop.

Removing the background is one of the first difficulties that newcomers to the Photoshop editor face.

Let's take a look at some of the most popular and simple ways to help you remove the background of a photo.

Using the eraser

Photoshop has a number of tools whose task is to independently determine the boundaries of selected objects.

One such tool is the Magic Eraser. It is available in all versions of Photoshop.

This method is suitable if you need to remove the white background of the image. The eraser does not accept other background fills:

    1. On the toolbar, open the Rubber Band Tools tab. Then click on the "Magic Eraser" element;
  1. Now you should double-click the mouse pointer on a white background open image. The eraser will automatically detect all the borders of the background and main photo. Press the Delete key to delete the selected area. In some assemblies of the Photoshop editor, just click with the pointer and the selection will be deleted automatically.

It is worth noting that in earlier versions of the program, the magic eraser may not perfectly determine the boundaries of the object. In this case, after removing the background, it will be necessary to zoom in on the image by 200 percent and erase all errors with a regular eraser. In some cases, white pixels that are not part of the background may be removed.

As you can see, the eraser removed the part of the sword painted white and parts of the costume. This effect can be easily removed. Use the following methods:

  • Open the Magic Eraser options panel. Check the Adjacent Pixels (or Contiguous) item. It should be ticked. The presence of this item in the settings of the magic eraser allows the tool to select and delete only those sets of pixels that are in contact with each other. Thus, other elements of the picture will remain intact. To apply the tool again, undo the previous result of removing the background and with the new eraser parameters, remove the background;
  • Adjust the "Tolerance" parameter in the eraser settings. The location of this settings item can be seen above in Figure 3. The higher the value of this item, the more likely it is that the eraser will remove more of the detected background shades. Increase the tolerance parameter and gradually the eraser will stop highlighting the elements of the object in the picture. If for some reason this method fails to remove the border, try selecting the “Layer” window on the main menu bar. Then click on "Edge" and select "Unborder".

The result of removing the background using the described parameters:

Removing the background with the Magic Wand

Another popular background removal tool is the Magic Wand. This element can be found in most graphic editors, including in Photoshop.

To remove the background, first open the desired image as a new project in Photoshop. Wait for all toolbar items to load.

Now select the quick selection option. In the dropdown list, you see two available tools. Click on the "Magic Wand" as shown in Figure 5.

Now all actions will similar topics, if we used the Magic Eraser: just hover over the background part of the picture and click on it.

After selection, the background area will have clear borders. Press the Backspace button to remove the fragments found by the wand.

Important! Before you start removing the background with the Magic Wand, make sure you unlock the background layer. This is necessary to “detach” it from the main drawing. If the layer is not unlocked, the wand will not be able to select it correctly. As a result of deletion, white spots may remain, or a non-background part of the photo may be erased.

To unlock the background, go to the Layers panel. Click on the lock icon to set it to the "Open" position.

Only then use the Magic Wand tool.

If the Magic Eraser is often used to remove the white background from images, then the Magic Wand is more appropriate to use to remove the colored parts of the background.

Removing the background inside the image

Often users need to remove the background, which not only intersects with the boundaries of the main part of the picture, but is also inside it.

This method of background removal is useful if you are working with black and white images or scans of drawings.

As a result of removing the background, we should get a completely transparent image, with a clearly defined contour of the car.

First you need to create a copy of the blue channel of the picture. To do this, press the hot key combination Ctrl - L.

The Levels window will appear. Move the sliders until all the grays are as close to black as possible.

That is, all those elements of the contour that we want to leave should be painted black, and all parts of the background that will be deleted should become white.

Click on the channel copy thumbnail that was created at the very beginning. While clicking, hold down the Ctrl key.

As a result, a selection image will appear. Invert by pressing the keyboard shortcut Shift -Ctrl -I .

Now press the Backspace button on your keyboard to remove the extra layer. You can create a copy of it by pressing Ctrl -J .

After removing the background and adding a new texture instead, this is the result:

Adding another background

Typically, users remove the background to add one picture to another, or to replace the color/texture in the background of a photo.

Consider how you can change the background of an image that has had its previous back layer removed.

Add an image with a texture and an image with a background removed in one project:

Go to the layers panel and place the structure on top. Specify the overlay option as Eclipse or Multiply.

As you can see, the element appeared on top of the texture, however, some of the white parts of the image also took on the color of the texture:

Add an additional layer mask to the topmost layer:

After adding the mask, erase the remaining texture colors from the object using the Brush tool. The resulting result:

When working with graphic files often there is a need to remove the background around an object. This may be due to the insertion of this photo element into some kind of composition, or the desire to replace the background of the picture. In this regard, a popular question arises: "How to remove the background of a photo in Photoshop?"

Removing a plain background

Considering the issue of cleaning the background in a photo, it is worth separately considering how to quickly remove a background that has a uniform shade in Photoshop. This will avoid the extra work required when removing the multi-colored part of the picture.

Before deleting the necessary fragment of the photo, it must be selected. You can do it in dozens various ways, but if you want to highlight a certain shade of color, then in Photoshop there is a special tool that allows you to do this as quickly as possible. Selecting in the panel quick access menu item "Selection", you need to find the item "Color Range".

In the window that appears, it remains to select the "Pipette" tool and click on the background that you want to select. With the help of the sliders, all that remains is to adjust the selected area and click "Yes". The result of these actions will be the selection of all areas of the photo containing the selected color. To delete, you need to press the "Del" key on the keyboard. This method is one of the simplest, qualitatively solving the problem, how to remove the background in Photoshop.

"Magic" cleaning

An analogue of this background removal is the Eraser tool, which can perform this action even faster. To do this, just select the "Magic Eraser" and click once on the background - as a result, a checkerboard background will appear in its place, which symbolizes the presence of a transparent part of the photo. The disadvantage of this approach is the lack of control over the area that will be removed, as opposed to using a quick selection.

In order to have control over how to delete in Photoshop without affecting the rest of the photo, it's worth using another "magic" tool that works on a similar algorithm with an eraser, but performs a selection instead of deletion. There are two such tools, and they perform the same actions - and " Quick Selection". The only difference is that the "wand" requires step-by-step selection hue, and selection allows you to move the cursor over a large area of ​​the picture at once.

Quick mask mode

The previous approaches are the answer to the question of how to remove the white background. In Photoshop, in addition to monochrome background, have the ability to clear and multi-color. Such a need may arise if a landscape that does not meet the requirements is depicted there. So how to remove the background in Photoshop?

There are also several ways to accurately remove the necessary part of the photo. The first one is to use the "Quick Mask". A mask is a special mechanism that allows the user to use the drawing tools to paint over the area that needs to be selected. To quickly switch to the "Quick Mask", just press the letter Q on the keyboard. Then, using a brush and an eraser, you need to paint over the part of the photo that should be deleted. Returning to normal mode by pressing the same key, we will notice that the required area of ​​the picture will be selected - to delete it, it remains to press the already familiar Del key.

Removing the Background with Lasso

If the object around which you want to highlight the background has fairly clear boundaries, then there is another convenient way to remove the background in Photoshop. To do this, use the Lasso tool. It is provided to the user in three forms. The first has a similar name, "Lasso", - it allows you to arbitrarily draw lines for the future selection of an area. With its help, it is quite difficult to accurately select the necessary part, so the other two versions of the tool are more often used.

The next one is the "Linear Lasso" - with it you can draw a selection area using straight lines. This way you can draw a clear border, for example around buildings or angular geometric shapes.

For more complex elements, such as a silhouette of a person, you should use the "Magnetic Lasso". It, thanks to its algorithm of actions, moves along the contour of the object, defining it with the help of color differences - it is enough to approximately move the mouse cursor around the photo element.

As a result of using "Lasso", the element itself will be selected. In order to delete, the selection should be inverted by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + I. Then you can delete the background.

other methods

It is worth noting that, figuring out how to remove the background in Photoshop, you can find several more different ways. However, most of them are quite difficult to perform, allowing you to make the removal clearer. However, you can achieve a good result with simpler means, spending a little more perseverance and effort on it, and even, perhaps, saving a little time.
