Essential applications for Windows RT. Windows RT version for tablets Portable programs for windows rt 8.1

We wrote above that after the announcement of the preparation of a new Windows for the ARM architecture, many thought that new system will be a regular Windows, but running on ARM chips. There wasn’t much talk about tablets; rather, discussions began about new compact and inexpensive laptops with impressive battery life and the usual “windows.”

But very soon Microsoft showed the Metro interface (“magic tile”), and then announced that ARM devices would not be able to run “classic” applications - only Metro would remain for third-party developers. At first one might think that new Windows will not receive a familiar desktop at all, but will become exclusively a system with large controls, which is the essence of the Metro touch-oriented interface.

But the reality turned out to be much more tricky. Microsoft really tried to get rid of the “classics”, but they didn’t succeed. The developers had to support two versions of the interface at once, which seriously confuses users. We will explain why this is so below. For now, let's take a look at what a "magic tile" is.

Microsoft really likes the Metro (or Modern UI) interface. Apparently, not least because of its operating principles. One of them is horizontal scrolling. All elements of the “magic tile” are rewound from left to right and logically represent a long “horizontal spread”. Based on this principle, the starting Windows screen RT and Windows 8, as well as Metro applications.

Let's remember that in Windows 8 this screen replaced the Start menu. However, it did not become its complete analogue. This is a kind of combination of a system-wide menu and a desktop with widgets. Each cell of the start screen is both an application shortcut and a widget. A tile can be either static or dynamic, changing its contents in accordance with new data. For example, inside the “squares and rectangles” the weather forecast, the number of unread letters, a beacon about the release of an update, and so on can be displayed.

Application cells can be moved as desired, some of them can be resized. In addition, you can even display the entire “spread” on the screen. All these operating principles are the same for both Windows RT and Windows 8. You can see how they work live in our video about Windows 8 - everything will be similar on ARM tablets.

The additional menu is called up with special gestures. In particular, this is a finger movement from top to bottom or bottom to top from the bottom or top edge of the screen. For example, you can call up a list of all installed applications.

As you can see, there are not very many programs. On the first screen are Metro apps. The following are programs from the package Microsoft Office 2013 and remain service (read standard) Windows applications, which we will discuss in more detail below. For now, let's take a look at what Metro programs Microsoft ships with Windows RT.

The main problem of any new operating system is the applications that exist for it. And even if there is not a single program from third-party manufacturers, it is still extremely important what the developer offers out of the box. After all, even the “pop” iPhone in its first version did not have an application store, the same App Store. It only appeared with iPhone OS 2.0 (now iOS) in 2008. But what Apple initially prepared satisfied a fairly large number of people.

Windows RT does not lack an application store, but it will be discussed below. In the meantime, let's take a look at what Microsoft offers tablet buyers from that very “box”.

Windows RT mail client

The software giant has not forgotten about mail. Windows RT has its own client, and in the Metro interface. However, its functionality is very basic.

The client is divided into three panels: the list of folders, the list of letters and the contents of the letter. The third panel is the widest. The interface is common, used today in Microsoft Outlook. By the way, mail client Windows RT is also called Outlook, but Microsoft has already announced that, which we know from Microsoft package Office.

When creating a letter, the addresses of the recipients are indicated on the left, and the text of the letter itself is indicated on the right.

Among additional parameters the panel below shows checking for new letters, pinning a letter to start screen, moving it to another folder and the ability to mark the message as new. The upper right corner offers options for creating a new letter, replying to the current one, and deleting a letter.

That's it, this is all the functionality of a standard email Windows client RT. No filters, no virtual folders, no fine-grained and flexible settings for checking emails, and so on - everything is done at the most basic level. This option is suitable for very unpretentious users.


WITH social network Socl from Microsoft the situation is not yet very clear. Rather, it is designed to aggregate contacts from multiple sources. The People application is built on exactly the same principle.

You can connect multiple accounts to the program. At the time of writing, Facebook, Hotmail, Twitter, Outlook (, Office 365), LinkedIn and Google are supported.

The feed from various social networks is displayed in the same way.

You can even create new accounts.

And, of course, using “People” you can communicate with any of your contacts. However, the Messages application is more intended for communication.

The first and only entry has appeared about the possibility of bypassing the system for launching unsigned applications in Windows 8 RT. Many online publications interpret the article as “jailbreak for Windows 8 RT” . Let's try to figure out together what I wanted to say author In fact.

Facts about RT jailbreak

  • a practical method for launching unsigned desktop applications on Windows 8 RT has been published;
  • vulnerability exists in itself Windows kernel 8 and is present in both x86, x64 and ARM versions;
  • The code and method are available for repetition; unlock must be done manually, each time after rebooting the device.

The main conclusions of the author of jailbreak RT

  • Windows 8 RT is an exact copy(port) of regular Windows 8;
  • The inability to run any user applications in RT desktop mode is a marketing ploy.

Thus, we are talking not so much about the possibility of running pirated applications, but about the possibility of writing (and porting) desktop-mode applications that can be distributed and installed on the tablet, bypassing the Windows Store. Such applications do not have to adhere to the ModernUI ideology, which is perfect for the Surface use case with a connected keyboard and mouse.

You can repeat the author's experiment on your RT device. Will need Personal Computer And Visual Studio 2012 Remote Tools. There is an active discussion of the issue (including the history of this vulnerability) on the XDA-developers forum thread. Remember the main thing - there is no practical benefit from vulnerability. You will not be able to run any programs until you write (or assemble ready-made applications written in .NET 4.5 for ARM) yourself using the same Visual Studio. Some examples of such programs are circulating around - screenshots are available for:

  • Bosh emulator + archive

The discovered vulnerability does not pose any threat to your tablet in practice - even if you download malicious code into Surface memory (for example, having received it on a dubious site through a browser), then to activate it you will need to go through the entire jailbreak procedure. Moreover, do this intelligently, independently and repeat these steps every time after rebooting the device. In any case, Microsoft is already working on a fix for this vulnerability.

Let's say from the very beginning - Windows RT is not the same as Windows 8. And Photoshop, Dreamweaver or anything else will not work on it. Except for the pre-installed Microsoft Office.

This knowledge will immediately save you from a lot of disappointments. But it won’t answer the main question - what kind of there are applications for Windows RT and which ones should you install immediately after purchasing the tablet?

Traditionally, there is no universal recipe, but we can offer you 10 apps for Windows RT, which will be useful to almost everyone. There aren't many of them at all Windows Store, so the problem of choice as such is unlikely to exist yet, however, developers should soon start filling the store with applications and then our top ten best apps may be useful to you.

1.Metro Commander

Windows 8/RT does not come pre-installed file manager, and Metro Commander allows you to conveniently manage files in Metro style.

2. Firefox

A browser beloved by many, which, however, has not yet reached the release version.

3. Skype

Another “must have” for all platforms has long been owned by Microsoft and it would be strange if it were not released on Windows RT.

4. Minesweeper

If you feel nostalgic for the good old days, use this Minesweeper option.

5. Cut the Rope

Cut the Rope is one of the few high-quality gaming applications for Windows RT so far. It’s even more pleasant that it was made by our compatriots.

Tablets for Windows control Slowly but surely they are conquering the mobile computer market. Despite the numerical superiority on the part of Android devices, various representatives of mobile gadgets from Microsoft are still in demand. You are all accustomed to the “seven”, as well as the still fresh “eight” on your PCs and laptops, and we know perfectly well how to install programs on them.


But the image of the tablet that has formed in the minds of millions of users is completely different: Windows is a bit of a novelty here. Questions that seem quite primitive at first glance often arise. For example, how to install a program on a gadget running 8 or one of its variations, Windows RT. Despite the apparent simplicity of this action, everything is not so simple.

Microsoft App Store

The most basic

The easiest way is to install programs on a tablet running using G7. Such devices are not as popular compared to those that operate on the basis of an operating system. Windows system 8, but it’s worth considering them too. Such gadgets are an alternative to laptops and netbooks. Their functionality is completely similar, except that there is no physical keyboard.

PC analogy

Thanks to the presence of a USB port in such a device, installing software is no different from the classic one on a PC. You can download any exe file on the Internet and run it on a tablet running 7 without any problems. Of course, since operating system licensed, available to you various services and software stores from Microsoft, where you can purchase, for example, Office package for Windows.

Microsoft Store

The process of purchasing software in this case is no different from ordering something in a regular online store. By going to the Microsoft Store website and selecting the required purchase, for example Office 365 Home, you pay for it with your electronic card and receive a link to download the program itself plus license key. Installation, entering the key - and your gadget has a licensed office.

Purchasing apps

The only difference from buying in a regular store will be the absence of a box with a disc. But if you need another installation for your tablet for any reason, then once you have purchased the key, you can download the program at any time afterwards, using the same license key for installation.

Gadgets on the G8

Tablets running G8 offer more options for obtaining and installing applications. At least, numerous functions for obtaining licensed software are built right into the tiled interface. For this purpose, there is the Windows Store - a store where you can purchase and install applications designed specifically for it on your mobile computer.


Do not confuse the Windows Store and the Microsoft Store, since the first is intended specifically for installing programs on Windows 8 and its special “tablet version” RT. Thus, everything related to gadgets based on Windows 8 and installing software for them is similar to RT.

Applications for Windows 8 can easily be installed on the device from files on a flash drive and downloaded from the Internet, both from official websites and from Microsoft stores, and from any other resources.

freedom of choice

But you can only do this if the processor of your device belongs to the Intel or AMD family in its architecture. Only then will all this be fair. For tablets based on a processor with ARM architecture, everything is much more complicated and simpler at the same time. But if you - happy owner devices with Intel/AMD and Windows 8, you have more freedom of choice when you need to install programs.

The store is built into the tiled interface of the system. On this moment it contains more than one hundred thousand programs, games and a wide variety of software for different purposes. Alas, you won’t be able to use it with the “seven”. Although this is not required, because for gadgets running on the “Seven” there are already a lot of options for installing applications.

Gadgets with Windows RunTime

For tablets that are controlled by the RT version, alas, only installation from the Store is valid. The fact is that RT is an operating system created specifically for devices based on ARM processors. Such gadgets cannot play regular exe files, so installing programs for RT is only possible from a special online store.

Since your tablet will probably have a Russian localization, to install any program or game, just find the tile called “Store”. To login you will need an internet connection and Account Microsoft, simply put - Mailbox. Using the search or category of the most popular applications, you can find something of interest.

The purchase occurs as in a regular online store and the money is debited from your card. In this service, you can also install a lot on tablets with RT free programs or try trial versions of paid ones. Despite the seeming limitation in capabilities, programs for RT are replete with a choice of the most different applications. In general, a tablet running Windows 8 in the RT edition is as convenient as any other.

Microsoft has managed to develop a version of the operating system for tablets called Windows RT. Thanks to it, users can feel all the conveniences of the new product. This OS is great for touch devices. Anyone who wants to get this OS can buy Windows 8, or rather one of its versions of Windows RT.

In this operating system, the user can place sites, applications and contacts as he pleases. Windows RT allows you to extend your device's battery life. Fast access to applications and mail, allows you to be always ready to work. In the majority Windows features RT is similar to Windows 8. There is one difference - in the first you cannot use old applications. In tablet OS, users can see new interface Modern (another name for Metro). You will see different tiles on the screen. These tiles may be updated from time to time. In order not to get lost in the new interface, it is advisable to study it.

Those who buy Windows 8 will be able to see the updated interface. Windows RT also has the familiar “Desktop”. It lacks a Start button and has a completely different color scheme. To launch it, you need to click on the tile with its image on the start screen.

Using the application store in this operating system, you can download new applications to your tablet. Only the store itself is a little unfinished by the developers.

Windows RT comes with a good set of applications out of the box. They are able to make the user experience as efficient as possible. Among them are the Mail email client, browser Internet Explorer, music player, kit Office applications 2013 Home & Student.

Anyone who wants to become the owner of the Windows RT version can purchase it in online stores along with tablets. It is also possible to buy Windows 8.

If you look, Windows RT almost completely copies the components of Windows 8. The version for tablets contains applications that can help a blind person work with the device. Although such applications are not fully developed. They only allow you to perform the most basic tasks and work only with simple applications.

This operating system is used on devices that have ARM processors. Windows RT can only be purchased on installed tablets. Among them are ASUS VivoTab RT, Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11, Surface RT. With Windows RT, you can do your work and play with confidence. Each device has its own unique characteristics. The tablet OS takes them all into account.

The new operating system is distributed in several dozen languages, including Russian. If the user wants to go somewhere, then there is no need to turn off the tablet. You can put it into sleep mode. Thanks to this, less energy is consumed. You can get back to your business much faster. Now Windows RT is used with pleasure on many tablets.
