Why is the flash drive not connecting to the laptop. Why does the laptop not see the Wi-Fi network of the router? What to do? Crashing drivers or using outdated drivers

If the computer does not see the flash drive, the first thing to do is to confirm or deny the hardware reasons - a USB connector malfunction or a malfunction of the flash drive itself. How to check it? When a working flash drive is connected to a working port, the light indicator of the flash drive starts blinking. If the indicator blinks, it means that everything is in order with the flash drive and the port, you need to look for problems in the bowels operating system. If not, the problem is with the flash drive itself or the port.

Sometimes the USB device does not have enough power, which is why the computer does not see the USB flash drive. This happens when there is excessive current overload in the USB ports or USB hub, or a faulty power supply. There may not be enough power due to too large a flash drive (this problem is most often observed in older laptop models). In this case, nothing can be done. If too many USB peripherals are connected to the computer at the same time, it may also not see the new device. Try disabling unnecessary this moment device and reconnect the flash drive.

If after that the computer does not see the flash drive, the problem is most likely not in the port, but in the flash drive itself. Try connecting to another computer or even several. Even if another computer does not see the flash drive, it is definitely faulty. Better take it to a specialist. You can often fix a flash drive, but there is a chance that the repair will cost more than the cost. So you need to resort to repair if you definitely need to recover data from a flash drive, in other cases it is often easier and cheaper to buy a new one.

If the flash drive turned out to be serviceable, the problem is most likely in the operating system and its settings. For example, often the computer does not see a USB flash drive if USB support is not enabled in the BIOS. If with BIOS settings everything is fine, when you connect a USB flash drive, the computer may display an error message ("USB device not recognized"), and instead of the icon for safely removing the device, yellow will appear Exclamation point. There may be several reasons for this.

A common problem is when, when connecting a flash drive, the operating system assigns it the letter of an already connected drive (this often happens when using network drives), so the computer does not see the flash drive. To fix this problem, you need to go to the Control Panel (Start - Control Panel). In the Control Panel Administrative Tools section, select Computer Management, and in the left part of the window that opens, Disk Management. In the right part of the window, a list of installed drives should appear, among them there should be a flash drive. Select the partition of the flash drive, click right click mouse and select context menu"Change drive letter or drive path." Select a letter that is not yet assigned to any drive in the system and click OK.

Also, often the computer does not see the flash drive if the necessary drivers are outdated or missing. It may help to update drivers for motherboard. You can find out the model of your motherboard using Everest programs. All drivers need to be downloaded only from the official website of the manufacturer! Installing suspicious drivers can harm your computer.

It happens that the computer does not see the driver for the flash drive. To test this hunch, go to the Device Manager (Start - Control Panel - Device Manager). Find the USB controllers in the list of devices. If the computer does not find a driver for the flash drive, one or more USB devices will have yellow question marks next to them. In this case, you need to remove the device and reinstall it again. Sometimes you have to go to extreme measures and remove all drivers for USB controllers. The next time you restart your computer, the OS will prompt you to install the USB controllers automatically. However, without the need for this method, it is better not to use it.

Sometimes the computer does not see the flash drive due to viruses in the system. Then you need to scan your computer for viruses and remove infected files. If you cannot afford to purchase a paid antivirus program, do not be discouraged - assortment free antiviruses is very broad and one of them will help you deal with the problem.

Another possible reason that the computer does not see the flash drive is a conflict between the file systems of the flash drive and the computer. Most often this happens if the file system of the flash drive is FAT. Try formatting the USB device by selecting when formatting file system FAT32 or NTFS may help.

So keep it up)

You connect the flash drive to the laptop, but nothing happens - the drive is not displayed in the system, and it is impossible to work with the data stored on it. A very unpleasant situation that requires immediate resolution.

Identification of the cause

The first step is to understand what is not working: a laptop USB port or a flash drive. To check, you can use another USB flash drive - if the laptop detects it, then the problem lies in the drive. If the laptop does not find any media, then you will have to check several system parameters, the failure of which could lead to such an unpleasant result.

Checking media through Disk Management

Let's check if the laptop detects a USB flash drive connected to it using system utility"Disk Management":

  1. Using the combination Win + R, launch the Run menu.
  2. Enter "diskmgmt.msc" in the window and click "OK".
  3. See if your removable drive is in the list of connected drives.


  • connected flash drive detected;
  • all partitions of the drive have the Healthy status.

In this case, just right-click on the removable media and select the "Make partition active" option. Additionally, you may need to assign a letter to the flash drive - if this was not done automatically by the system.

The status "Not initialized" or "Unknown" instead of "Healthy" indicates that the flash drive is defective; you need to think about recovering the data that was stored on it.

Reset BIOS settings

Sometimes the laptop does not see the flash drive due to a BIOS settings failure. You can fix this by resetting the settings to the factory state or manually enabling the USB controller in the BIOS.

After rebooting again, check if the flash drive is detected. If resetting BISO settings did not help, go to the next solution.

Removing Old USB Drivers

Windows installs drivers for the flash drive the first time it is connected to the computer. However, after the drive is removed, the installed software doesn't go anywhere. Moreover, sometimes old drivers interfere with the correct operation of other removable media. To eliminate this influence, you need to update the software of the USB device:

After removing the device, you need to disconnect the flash drive, and then plug it back in - the old drivers will be removed, and the problem with detecting the flash drive should be resolved.

Today, USB is one of the most common protocols for transferring data between a computer and a connected device. Therefore, it is very unpleasant when the system does not see the devices connected to the corresponding connector. Especially a lot of problems arise if on a PC via USB there is an interaction with a keyboard or mouse. Let's see what factors caused this problem, and determine the methods for its elimination.

In this article, we will not analyze the problems with the visibility of the device associated with its inoperability, because in this case, this equipment should be replaced or repaired. The article will deal with cases where the problem is caused by malfunctions or wrong settings system or PC hardware. In fact, there can be many reasons for such a malfunction, and for each of them there is its own solution algorithm. We will talk about specific ways to fix this problem below.

Method 1: Microsoft utility

In many cases, a utility from Microsoft, specially created for this purpose, can solve the problem with the visibility of USB devices.

Method 2: "Device Manager"

Sometimes a USB hardware visibility problem can be solved by simply updating the configuration in "Device Manager".

  1. click "Start". Click "Control Panel".
  2. Come in "System and safety".
  3. Now open "Device Manager" by clicking on the corresponding inscription in the block "System".
  4. The interface will start "Device Manager". The problematic device in the list can either be displayed in the block "Other devices", or absent altogether. In the first case, click on the name of the block.
  5. A list of devices will open. Problematic equipment can be indicated there both under its real name, and appear as "USB mass storage device". Right-click on its name ( PKM) and select "Update Configuration...".
  6. Device search will be activated.
  7. After it is completed and the configuration is updated, it is quite possible that the system will begin to interact normally with the problem device.

If the desired equipment is not displayed at all in "Device Manager", click on the menu item "Action" and then select "Update Configuration...". After that, a procedure similar to the one described above will occur.

Method 3: Update or reinstall drivers

If the computer does not see only a specific USB device, then there is a chance that the problem is related to incorrect installation drivers. In this case, they need to be reinstalled or updated.

If this option does not help, then there is another method.

  1. Click in "Device Manager" by device name PKM. Select "Properties".
  2. Go to tab "Driver".
  3. Click on the button "Rollback". If it is not active, click "Delete".
  4. Next, you should testify your intentions by clicking the button OK in the dialog box that appears.
  5. The procedure for uninstalling the selected driver will be performed. Next, click in the horizontal menu of the window by position "Action". Select from the list "Update Configuration...".
  6. Now the name of the device should again be displayed in the window "Device Manager". You can check if it works.

If the system could not find the appropriate drivers or the problem was not solved after installing them, then you can use the services of specialized programs to search and install drivers. They are good because they will find matches on the Internet for all devices connected to the PC and perform automatic installation.

Method 4: Set up USB controllers

Another option that can help in solving the problem under study is to configure USB controllers. It is carried out in the same place, that is, in "Device Manager".

If this does not help, then you can reinstall the drivers for the above group elements « USB controllers» using the same methods as described in the presentation Method 3.

Method 5: Troubleshooting the port

It is possible that your computer does not see a USB device simply because its corresponding port is faulty. In order to find out if this is the case, if there are several USB ports on a stationary PC or laptop, try connecting the equipment through a different connector. If this time the connection is successful, then this means that the problem is in the port.

To fix this problem, you need to open the system unit and see if it is connected given port to the motherboard. If it is not connected, then connect. If there has been mechanical damage or other damage to the connector, then in this case it is required to replace it with a serviceable version.

Method 6: Static Relief

In addition, you can try to remove static voltage from the motherboard and other PC components, which can also cause the problem we are describing.

There is also a possibility that the computer does not see the hardware because there are already many USB devices connected to it. The system just can't handle the load. In this case, we recommend turning off all other devices, and problematic equipment connect to the back system block with the appropriate connector. Perhaps this recommendation will help solve the problem.

Method 7: "Disk Management"

The problem with the visibility of the connected USB device, in this case only a flash drive or external hard drive, can be solved using the system's built-in tool "Disk Management".

  1. Click Win+R. Enter in the field of the appeared shell:

    Apply by pressing OK.

  2. Tool interface starts "Disk Management". It is necessary to trace whether the name of the flash drive is displayed and disappears in the window when it is connected to the computer and disconnected. If nothing new visually happens at the same time, then this way will not work for you and you need to solve the problem in other ways. If changes occur in the list of connected drives when a new media is attached, then you can try to solve the problem with visibility using this tool as well. If there is an inscription opposite the name of the disk device "Unallocated" then click on it PKM. Next choose "Create a simple volume...".
  3. will start "Basic Volume Wizard...". Click "Further".
  4. Then a window will open where you need to specify the size of the volume. Since in our case it is necessary that the size of the volume be equal to the size of the entire disk, then click here "Further" without making changes.
  5. The next window requires you to assign a drive letter. In the corresponding field, select a character that is different from those letters that are already assigned to other drives in the system. Click "Further".
  6. The following settings window opens. Here in the field "Volume Label" you can enter a name that will be assigned to the current volume. Although, this is not necessary, as you can leave the default name. Click "Further".
  7. The next window will provide a summary of all the data entered in the previous steps. To complete the procedure, just click on the button "Ready".
  8. After that, the volume name and status will appear opposite the media name. "Fixed". Next click on it. PKM and choose "Make Section Active".
  9. Now the computer should see the flash drive or external HDD. If this does not happen, then restart the PC.

There are situations when, when opening a tool "Disk Management", the volume that belongs to the flash drive already has the status "Healthy". In this case, you do not need to create a new volume, but you need to perform only those manipulations that are described starting from point 8.

If, when opening the tool "Disk Management" you see that the drive is not initialized and has a single volume that is not allocated, which means that most likely this drive is physically damaged.

Method 8: Power settings

You can solve the problem with the visibility of USB devices by making some manipulations in the power settings. Especially often this method helps when using laptops that interact with the connected equipment via the USB 3.0 protocol.

  1. Go to "Control Panel", and then to the section "System and safety". How to do this, we discussed in the analysis Method 2. Go to position here "Power".
  2. In the window that opens, find the current power plan. There should be an active radio button next to its name. Click on position "Setting up a power plan" near the named position.
  3. In the shell that appears, click "Change advanced options...".
  4. In the window that appears, click "USB settings".
  5. Click on the inscription "Pause option...".
  6. The specified option will open. If there is a value "Allowed", then you should change it. To do this, click on the indicated inscription.
  7. From the drop-down list, select "Forbidden", and then click "Apply" And OK.

Now you can check if they will work USB devices on this PC, or you need to move on to other ways to solve the problem.

Method 9: Eliminate the virus

You should not exclude the possibility that the problem with the visibility of USB devices arose as a result of a virus infection of the computer. The fact is that some viruses specifically block USB ports so that they cannot be detected using antivirus utility connected from a flash drive. But what to do in this situation, because if the regular antivirus missed malicious code, then it is now of little use, but you can’t connect an external scanner for the above reason?

In this case, you can make hard check disk with an antivirus utility from another computer, or use a LiveCD. There are quite a few programs designed for these purposes, and each of them has its own nuances of operation and management. But it makes no sense to dwell on each of them in detail, since for the most part they have an intuitive clear interface. The main thing when detecting a virus is to be guided by the tips that the utility displays. In addition, on our website there is a separate article devoted to such programs.

There are quite a few ways to restore the visibility of USB devices in Windows 7, but this does not mean that all of them will be effective in your particular case. Often you have to try many options before finding a suitable way to solve a problem.

No one is immune from failures wireless connection with the Internet. A W-Fi connection can be non-functional for a number of reasons. And it is not necessary that these reasons will be somehow connected with each other.


You can easily check why the laptop does not see the Wi-Fi network. To do this, we first check the access point or router, as well as the laptop itself for performance. It is important to know which device is causing the problem.

Let's start with the router. Quite a common cause of a malfunction is the banal “freezing” of equipment. The first sign of this is an atypical indication, that is, the LEDs on the router are blinking in an unusual mode. To correct the situation, restart the device or unplug it, wait a couple of minutes, and then turn it on again. If it's a minor internal glitch, restarting solves the problem. The laptop, in turn, will quickly pick up the signal.

Voltage fluctuations can cause parameter reset. The router stops signaling. In some cases, the Internet connection is also lost. If this happens, then the settings must be re-entered using the device web interface. Input addresses: or The choice will depend on the model of the router. You can access the interface from any browser. If after that the connection worked, then everything is in order with the device.

Helpful advice: The reason for the incapacity of the router is often the involuntary reset of the router to initial settings. To set up the configuration again, it is better to use the services of specialists from the provider company.

If each of the ways to check the router did not work, you need to check why the laptop does not see Wi-Fi. First of all, we check the activity network equipment. On the case of most models of modern laptops there are LEDs. We will be interested in the one that is marked with an antenna icon or directly with the inscription "Wi-Fi". If the diode is lit, then the built-in adapter is functioning. Otherwise, the adapter must be started. We hold down the "Fn" key and another one, where there is an antenna icon.

The cause of temporary inoperability may be a malfunction of the software tools operating system. Connection activity will be checked through the Windows Control Panel. If it does not work, then the launch is carried out using the context menu.

NE may not be listed at all available connections. Checking the section Network adapters", and more specifically - wireless devices"Wireless". Enable the adapter using the context menu. Then we restart the computer.

Why does the laptop not see wifi? Typical Causes

There are several simple reasons, on which the laptop does not see Wi-Fi. For example:

  1. The router is not turned on - turn on the router;
  2. No Wi-Fi coverage – get closer to the source;
  3. Your router is "buggy" - reboot it;
  4. W-Fi receiver is not turned on - turn it on.

However, there are more serious violations of the connection. These include:

Wi-Fi is slow, why?

In addition to the fact that the computer does not see "wi-fi", the problem of a slow connection is also relevant. There are several reasons:
