Programs for finding duplicate files (or how to find the same pictures, photos, documents, audio and video in different folders). The best programs to find duplicate files on your computer

Surely any of us have duplicate files accumulated on the disk over time. Files in "Downloads" that you have downloaded several times, the same photos and musical compositions lying in the bowels so that your hands simply do not reach them. You can get rid of all this manually, but they will work much faster for you special utilities looking for identical files.

A very popular "cleaner", which, probably, is installed on everyone. Yes, it not only searches for system junk and clears browser history and cookies, but also removes duplicate files.

Platforms: Windows, Mac.

Price: free, $24.95 for the extended version.

The program searches for files with the same or similar names, as well as with identical content. Works well with music and can find the same music files even if they have different tags. In addition, dupeGuru can compare images to find not only the same, but also similar photos.

Developed for Mac and Linux. The Windows version is no longer supported by the developer, but it can be downloaded from the official site - it is fully functional.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux.

An advanced file search application that, among other things, can remove duplicates. SearchMyFiles has flexible filters so you can customize your search results the way you want.

Platforms: Windows.

A popular Mac application that finds the same or similar files and shows you the difference between them. Copies in "Photos", in the iTunes library - nothing will pass by Gemini 2. The developers have announced a smart duplicate search mechanism that remembers which files you leave and which you decide to delete.

Platforms: Mac.

Although AllDup is free, it does a lot. Searches, deletes, copies and moves duplicate files, including the same audio recordings with different tags. There is a flexible search setting. Using the built-in viewer, you can examine the files and choose what to delete.

Platforms: Windows.

Duplicate File Finder finds duplicate files quickly and efficiently. Provides an interesting opportunity to search for duplicates not only on the hard drive, but also in local network. Can work with images and music, comparing both tags and content. The preview function will help you figure out what to really delete and what to leave. Unfortunately, there are quite a few options not available in the free version.

Platforms: Windows.

Price: free, $29.95 for the extended version.

Universal file manager, which can do anything with your files. Including find duplicate files. You can enable the search for copies option on the tab with search options, in the same place where other attributes of the searched files are specified.

Platforms: Windows.

DupeGuru looks like the most attractive option. It's free, but it offers all the features you need to rid your drive of accumulated junk. The only disappointing fact is that the development of the Windows version has been stopped. Windows users For those who don't want to pay for commercial alternatives, AllDup is more suitable. And CCleaner and Total Commander- these are more universal and common solutions, which, probably, have already been installed by everyone.

Carrying out effective general cleaning on the disk space of the computer, along with the use of programs for automatic Windows cleaning, requires more manual work to remove unnecessary files and duplicate files. To keep track of junk files are designed special programs- disk space analyzers, they help filter the contents of computer disks according to certain criteria (in particular, by weight) so that the user can decide whether to delete files or leave them. To search for duplicate files, there is also special software– either as separate programs or small utilities, or as part of a comprehensive software for cleaning and Windows optimizations. Below we consider five programs for finding duplicate files. Fully included in the top five free programs with Russian language support.

When searching for duplicate files on system drive With it is better to specify not the entire section, but only individual folders where user files are stored. Duplicates found in workers Windows folders, cannot be deleted. If you find separate weighty folders or files with unfamiliar names on the C drive, it is recommended to get help about them on the Internet.


AllDup is equipped with many different options for fine tuning search for duplicate files. Among the customizable options are the choice of the comparison method, search criteria, the priority of checking duplicates, the use of exclusion filters, the inclusion of the contents of archive files, etc. It is even possible to change themes and individual interface settings. The program is good, however, with a somewhat ill-conceived interface. On its toolbar, all tabs - at least basic operations, at least additional features- are listed as equivalent. And to help the user, who first launched AllDup, to master the specifics of the program, its creators equipped the interface with a floating widget in the form of a quick guide, which step by which to do. The Source Folders tab specifies the search area - disk partitions, connected devices, or individual user folders on the system drive C.

Next, in the "Search Method" tab, the search criteria are set. Here, the search for duplicates can be specified and add extension, size, content, etc. to the predefined search criteria for file names.

Duplicate search results can be sorted by size, path, file modification date, etc. Detected files can be deleted, open their location in Windows Explorer, apply other actions provided by the program.

To return to the analysis of the results of the search for duplicates performed by AllDup at a later time, but without waiting for the scan to complete, the current results can be saved to a program format file or exported to TXT and CSV files.

AllDup has portable version, which does not require installation in the system.

2. Duplicate Cleaner

Another one functional program for a highly customizable search for duplicate files - Duplicate Cleaner. The Duplicate Cleaner program exists in two editions - in paid Pro and Free. Although the latter is limited by the inaccessibility of some functions, its capabilities will be enough to effectively search for duplicates. Duplicate Cleaner Free allows you to set search criteria by names, content, size, creation date of files. There are additional search criteria for audio file data, as well as filtering by content types and file extensions. All these moments are configured in the first tab of the program "Search Criteria".

In the second tab of the program - "Scan path" - the search area is selected.

In the search results window, duplicates can be sorted, deleted, opened their location in Explorer, and other program options can be applied to them.

Duplicate Cleaner search results can be exported to a CSV tabular data format file. Data export is carried out both for the entire list of duplicates, and for only files marked by the user. Of the advantages of Duplicate Cleaner - user-friendly interface and thoughtful organization.

3. DupeGuru

DupeGuru is the simplest duplicate file finder for those who do not have the time or desire to master all the intricacies of functional highly specialized programs such as those discussed above. At the bottom of the small window of the program, the search area is selected and scanning is started.

Duplicate search results can be sorted by location path and file size. Context menu search results DupeGuru contains only the operations necessary for working with found duplicates.

Search results are saved to a program file or exported to HTML.

DupeGuru is a cross-platform program, but only its old versions are adapted for Windows. The program installer for Windows 7 offered on the official website is also suitable for system versions 8.1 and 10.

4. CCleaner

At one of the stages of its improvement, the most popular cleaner for Windows CCleaner received the function of searching for duplicate files. You can use this function in the "Service" section. To search for duplicates, search criteria are available by names, creation date, file contents, and their size.

Like the previous reviewer, CCleaner in the duplicate search results environment, it is not particularly rich in functionality, but basic operations are present. This, in particular, sorting search results and deleting files.

5. Glary Utilities 5

Comprehensive program for cleaning and optimizing Windows Glary Utilities 5 among the arsenal contains a utility for finding duplicate files. The same utility, if desired, can be downloaded separately from the official website of the program, if the full power of the software package is not required.

The duplicate finder in Glary Utilities 5 is simple, but convenient and customizable. Duplicate scanning can be launched immediately by selecting only the search area - disk partitions, removable devices or individual folders. And you can specify the search by clicking the "Options" button.

In the options, the criteria for searching for duplicates is configured - by name, by size, by file creation time. In some cases of a thorough cleaning of disk space, you can change the preset selection of searching only among common file types to scanning all types.

The search results provide only the necessary operations for working with duplicates, in particular, deletion and opening the location path in Windows Explorer.

For the convenience of the user, Glary Utilities 5 catalogs found duplicates by content type - documents, pictures, videos, programs, etc. For each type, the total weight of the found files is displayed.

Have a great day!

In this article, we will talk about tools for detecting duplicate photos. In particular, today our review will visit six programs for finding duplicate photos on a computer under Windows control. We will compare and choose among them the best and fastest.

Search for identical photos: programs and their comparison

There may be several reasons for the demand for programs to search for identical photos on a computer, for example:

  • Your collection may have grown so large that duplicates are already taking up a lot of space;
  • You need a tool that will find the same or similar photos, saving you the trouble of looking through those images yourself.

In our selection, there was a place for six interesting programs, four of which are free. Below we are:

  1. Let's talk about each of these search programs and help you quickly navigate their interface;
  2. Let's compare all programs, in which we'll see how they cope with the search for identical images with their slight modification;
  3. Let's check how well the programs can cope with a large set of photos weighing several gigabytes.

Find duplicate photos with Image Comparer

The first program in our review that looks for duplicate photos is called Image Comparer. Her strengths: good functionality and interface translated into Russian, including detailed help information.

Now for the disadvantages. First, the program is not free. However, the cost of the license is a humane 350 rubles (although for some reason the site indicates the number 500). In addition, you can use Image Comparer for free for the first 30 days.

The second negative point is the slight confusion that can confuse an inexperienced user. For example, in order to search within one folder (in which others can be nested), you need to click on the "create gallery" button and select the desired directory in which the scan will be performed.

Next, you will immediately be prompted to give a name and save the file of the created gallery to any convenient place (this file will be needed by the program itself). Once this is done, you will see a list of all the images in the specified folder and its subfolders in the form of a list or thumbnails:

The buttons marked with arrows start the search for duplicates. The first button is a search within one gallery (the folder you have chosen), the second button is a little to the right - within several galleries. We went with the first option.

Next, the program offered to create another service file in which the results will be saved for further convenient access to them. Actually, creating a file for the gallery and this file with search results can just confuse an inexperienced user a little. However, then everything is already simple. The found duplicates will appear in front of you:

They can be viewed as thumbnails, or by clicking on the “image pairs” tab, go to the view where the photos will already be compared with each other:

The slider in the center allows you to adjust the image similarity threshold. Set to 100% and you will only have a list of identical pictures that are perfectly similar to each other. Lower values ​​will display only similar photos.

In the settings you can see a huge list of formats from basic JPG and PNG to more exotic ones that the program works with. Formats can be added and excluded from the search. You can also configure the accounting of reflected and inverted images.

  • Image Comparer. Official site ;
  • Russian language;

Finding identical photos in three clicks with VisiPics

The next program is VisiPics. Unlike the Image Comparer discussed above, VisiPics is free application, also specializing in photo duplicates. Alas, there is no localization into Russian here, but you definitely shouldn’t get upset about this: everything is very simple and extremely clear.

Using the side navigation bar (we circled it in a box), select the desired directory. Next, click the arrow with the "+" sign to add this folder to the list that will be searched. You can select more folders in the same way if you wish. Finally, in the third step, click the Play button to start the process of finding duplicates.

To the right of it is a special slider where you can adjust the level of "attentiveness" of the program. In the case of the default baseline, VisiPics found only two groups of duplicates for us, one of which consisted of three images, and the other of two:

These are the images that the program considers almost identical duplicates. However, if you lower the slider to Loose, then there will be images that simply look alike. In our case, when installing Loose instead of Basic, the application found four more (in the final test below - 5) groups of duplicates, and added one more picture to one of the two already found:

There are relatively few additional options for the program. Here you can configure search in subfolders (it is enabled by default), display hidden folders, accounting for photos rotated by 90 degrees. On the loader tab, you can ask VisiPics to ignore small files or, on the contrary, pictures with too high a resolution. The latter is important for speed.

  • VisiPics program. Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: free.

Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder

If you are looking for the ultimate a simple program for a quality search for duplicate photos and images, which would be easy to figure out, then pay attention to the Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder. The interface is in English, but it is so simple that everyone will understand it.

Using the “+” button, specify the directory or several directories you need to search, then click Start Search and the search will begin on them. The Scan Subdirectories option is enabled by default and is responsible for searching subfolders. The program copes with its tasks, finding both very similar:

Here are some slightly different pictures:

In the program settings, you can set the match to 100% if you only need exactly the same photos.

The settings themselves, as you can see, are few. Perhaps the saddest thing is that the program works with only five main formats: BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF and TIFF. Moreover, the latter is not taken into account by default.

There are also options to ensure that duplicates are deleted directly to the trash and to disable the confirmation popup. The program can also be updated automatically.

    Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: free.

The Similar Images Finder application greets us with an unkind message in English that you need to pay $34 for it. Nevertheless, for 30 days the program is ready to work for free. Next, a window appears prompting you to select directories to search for duplicates:

From it, we learn that Similar Images Finder supports 29 image formats, and the user can select specific formats for searching or exclude unnecessary ones. In the list, among other things, you can see ico and wbmp.

Clicking Next will start the search for duplicates, and when it is finished, click Next again to see additional settings. By adjusting them, you can fine-tune what appears in the results list. Finally, by clicking Next a third time, you will see the result itself:

You can go to the next found picture by pressing the miniature arrow in the upper right corner. The entire list of found duplicates is opened by clicking on the big button at the top with the addresses of the current files.

In turn, pressing the Next button at the bottom will lead to the final stage of work. There, the program will display a list of what, in its opinion, are definitely duplicates and offer to delete them. In the screenshot above, the Similar Images Finder has dealt with the image where a watermark has been added and the histogram contrast has been changed.

Distinguishing between the pictures, the program calculated at the level of 5.5%. At the same time, in another example, where we added a strong blur effect to the second picture, the differences, according to the application version, for some reason amounted to only 1.2%:

Alas, the program, finding real duplicates, by default also shows many images that are completely different from each other, as if they have something in common:

  • Similar Images Finder. Official site ;
  • English language;
  • Distribution: paid, 30 days free use.

Universal Duplicate Finder with Duplicate Remover Free

Duplicate Remover Free is the only program in our review that focuses not specifically on duplicate photos, but on finding duplicates in general.

As practice shows, such universal solutions do not perform very well in tasks related to some narrower area.

However, today we are giving one such program a chance. As the word Free suggests, it is distributed free of charge. The second advantage of the application is the Russian language, and the third is the relative modernity against the background of other programs in this collection, many of which, unfortunately, have not been updated for many years.

You should click on the "add directory" button and select desired folders. By default, the program in the specified directory did not find anything for us at all, however, when at the top instead of “exact duplicates” we selected the item “ similar images”, four groups of duplicates were immediately found, one of which consisted of three files at once:

The application has very few additional features. In particular, you can exclude files before and after a certain size from the search.

  • Duplicate Remover Free. Official site ;
  • Russian language;
  • Distribution: free.

Search for matching photos using various algorithms with AntiDupl

The final participant in our review - the AntiDupl program may appeal to you for several reasons at once. First, it's free. Secondly, it has a Russian interface. The latter, however, is not obvious. In order to enable Russian, open the View menu and in the Language section select the appropriate item:

Unlike others, this program is not installed, but is located in a self-extracting archive, which extracts it, along with the necessary files, into a separate folder.

To prepare the search for duplicates, click on the button labeled Open and add the necessary directories in the window that appears:

Next, you can click OK, and then activate the green “start search” button on the toolbar. Using a basic algorithm, the program found several groups of duplicates for us:

Switching the algorithm to a more free SSIM at the top, we already got two more groups of duplicates, and after increasing the “freedom” of the search from 20 to 35%, the program gave us an even more detailed list:

At the same time, in all cases, images were found that were at least noticeably similar to each other. So feel free to experiment with the settings.

The program has a lot of additional options:

On the "search" tab, you can find out that AntiDupl supports 13 formats, among which, in addition to traditional JPG / PNG, there are ICON, PSD and EXIF. Of course, formats can be chosen. There is also a check for defects, blockiness and blurring in the options, and in the last two cases, you can set a threshold. It is possible to search in hidden and system directories.

  • Anti Dupl program. ;
  • Russian language;
  • Distribution: free.

When searching for duplicates, some users are interested in 100% matching in order to get rid of duplicates in their collection. However, the task often arises to find just similar pictures.

And here is a huge scope for possible differences. This can be different formats, resolutions, cropped versions of the same image, adding frames and watermarks, changed colors and captions on pictures.

We tried to take into account most of these factors, and after all the tests, we ended up with a small set with more than six dozen pictures. In them, we created nine groups of duplicates. To be honest, our experience does not exactly claim to be the ultimate truth, but it was interesting to try. The results are as follows:

  • Duplicator Remover Free: found only 3 groups of duplicates;
  • Similar Images Finder: found 4 groups, but an inconvenient interface, a lot of false results, and at the same time, the paid application greatly spoiled the overall impression;
  • AntiDupl found 3 types of duplicates by default, setting the SSIM algorithm increased the search result to 5 groups;
  • VisiPics at the basic search level found only 2 groups of duplicates, however, setting the slider to the Loose level allowed us to find 7 groups already;
  • Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder found 7 groups of duplicates;
  • Image Comparer was also able to detect 7 groups.

In doing so, Image Comparer was able to find images that were missed by Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder and VisiPics, which, in turn, filled in the gaps of Image Comparer.

The fastest program to find duplicate photos

At the same time, the quality of the program also depends on its speed. 60+ pictures is, of course, not something that users can work with. So we did another test. This time for speed. To do this, we took a selection of 4450 different images, the total weight of which exceeded 2.1 GB.

Two programs from this review, alas, did not take any place in the test. As it turned out, Similar Images Finder, for which they ask for $ 34, in the free version is ready to process no more than 200 images at a time.

In turn, the universal search engine for duplicates Duplicate Remover Free, faced with a catalog of a serious size, worked intensively for more than five minutes, and then thoroughly froze. The rest of the programs showed the following times:

  • AntiDupl: 0:39;
  • Image Comparer: 1:02 (35 seconds to create a gallery and 27 seconds to search);
  • VisiPics: 2:37;
  • Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder: 3:17.

As a result, Image Comparer and AntiDupl clearly took the lead in the speed test. It took them about or, in the case of AntiDupl, less than a minute to process our archive.


Let's summarize. If you need to find not the same, but exactly similar photos that differ, for example, by a signature or a watermark, then Image Comparer, Awesome Duplicate Photo Finder and VisiPics in Loose mode will do the job better than others.

In terms of the speed of processing a large collection of images, the undisputed leaders are AntiDupl and Image Comparer.

Finally, in terms of the convenience of the interface, we liked Image Comparer and VisiPics, which allow you to visually evaluate all groups of duplicates on the go. In turn, for the clarity of comparing the characteristics of individual duplicates, we also note AntiDupl.

Good day.

I think that those users who have a lot of photos, pictures, wallpapers have often come across the fact that dozens of identical files are stored on the disk (and there are hundreds of similar ones ...). And they can take up a lot of space!

If you search for similar pictures on your own and delete them, then there will not be enough time and effort (especially if the collection is impressive). For this reason, I decided to try one utility on my small wallpaper collection (about 80 GB, about 62000 pictures and photos) and show the results (I think many users would be interested in this). So…

Search for similar images in a folder

Note! This procedure is somewhat different from searching for identical files (duplicates). It will take significantly longer for the program to scan each image and compare it with others to find similar files. But I want to start this article with this method. A little lower in the article I will consider the search for full copies of pictures ( this is done much faster).

On fig. 1 shows the experimental folder. The most common, on the most ordinary hard drive, hundreds of pictures were downloaded and uploaded to it, both their own and from other sites. Naturally, over time, this folder has grown greatly and it was necessary to “thin out” it ...

Image Comparer(scan utility)

Official site:

A small utility for finding similar pictures on your computer. It helps to save a lot of time for those users who work with pictures (photographers, designers, wallpaper collectors, etc.). Supports Russian language, works in all popular Windows OS: 7, 8, 10 (32/64 bits). The program is paid, but there is a whole month for testing to make sure of its abilities :).

After launching the utility, a comparison wizard will open in front of you, which will guide you step by step through all the settings that you need to set to start scanning your pictures.

2) On my computer, the pictures are saved in one folder on one disk (therefore, there was no point in creating two galleries ...) - it means a logical choice " Within one group of images (gallery)”(I think that for many users things are about the same, so you can immediately stop your choice on the first point, see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Gallery selection.

3) In this step, you just need to specify the folder (folders) with your pictures, which you will scan and look for similar pictures among them.

4) In this step, you need to specify how the search will be performed: similar images or only exact copies. I recommend choosing the first option, so you will have more copies of the pictures that you hardly need ...

5) The last step is to specify the folder where the search and analysis result will be saved. For example, I chose the desktop (see Fig. 6) ...

Rice. 6. Selecting a location to save the results.

6) Next, the process of adding images to the gallery and their analysis begins. The process takes a long time (depending on the number of your pictures in the folder). For example, in my case it took a little over an hour…

7) Actually, after scanning, you will see a window (as in Fig. 8), which will show pictures with exact duplicates and pictures very similar to each other (for example, the same photo with different resolutions or saved in a different format, Fig. 7).

Rice. 8. Results…

Advantages of using the utility:

  1. Freeing up space on your hard drive (and, sometimes, significantly. For example, I deleted about 5-6 GB of extra photos!);
  2. An easy wizard that will guide you step by step through all the settings (this is a big plus);
  3. The program does not load the processor and disk, and therefore, when scanning, you can simply minimize it and go about your business.


  1. Relatively long time for scanning and gallery formation;
  2. Similar pictures are not always similar (that is, the algorithm sometimes makes mistakes, and with a degree of comparison of 90%, for example, it often produces little-similar pictures. Actually, manual “moderation” is indispensable).

Search for identical pictures on a disk (search for complete duplicates)

This option for cleaning the disk is faster, but it is quite “rough”: to remove only exact duplicates of pictures in this way, but if they are of different resolutions, the file size or format is slightly different - then this method is unlikely to help. In general, for regular quick "weeding" of the disk - this method is better, and after it, it is logical, you can look for similar pictures, as described above.

Glary Utilities

Perhaps today there is no person who would not actively use a computer or other portable devices. As a rule, over time, a huge number of absolutely identical files accumulate on a PC. Searching for and deleting them manually is quite tedious and time consuming. Fortunately, today you do not have to rack your brains about how to perform these manipulations. Developers modern applications have long come up with programs for finding duplicate photos on a computer. Consider the best of them, as well as varieties graphic files which often have to be removed.

What are the same photos

As a rule, on laptop computers several categories:

  • identical files. And in this case, we are talking about situations where users simply copy the same files and paste them into other folders on the computer.
  • Image with the same titles. This often happens when using cameras of different brands. As a rule, they assign the same file names.
  • Bad shots. Today, professional photographers very often use continuous shooting of an object. The result is just a fantastic number of the same photographs, differing only in some meager nuances.
  • Changed images. In this case, we are talking about those photographs that have been reduced, enlarged, mirrored or modified.

On the Internet, a program for finding duplicate photos is easy to find. The main thing is to install them correctly.

How to download

It is best to look for programs to find and remove duplicate photos on the official websites of developers. As a rule, software developers provide users with the ability to use truncated versions of utilities.

Downloading apps from unofficial sources is fraught with consequences. Very often in a folder with boot files turn out to be viruses.

Duplicate Cleaner

This tool does a great job of finding and removing duplicate photos on portable computers. To get rid of unwanted files that only slow down hard work disk and take up a bunch free space, it is enough to use Duplicate Cleaner, which cleans up network and local drives. In addition, the application also finds the same audio, video files and text documents.

If we talk about the main features of this utility, then you should pay attention to the fact that the search is carried out not only by name, but also by the contents of the files. In this case, you can set custom settings. scans sound files produced in all known and current formats.

While running the program for finding duplicate photos, you can export and import search results in CSV format. Also, the user can track and view the size, date of creation and other data about the files. This helps you decide which documents are the best to delete.


This program for finding identical photos allows you to quickly recognize all duplicate documents on your computer's hard drive. This tool is absolutely free, in addition, it supports an interface in several languages, including Russian.

The utility works very quickly and has minimal requirements for system resources. Moreover, the program does not even need to be installed, it is enough to copy it to a flash drive and use it in any directory.

The application perfectly processes a large amount of information and allows you to quickly detect entire lists of identical files. The main window of the program contains the main controls, the meaning of which becomes clear on an intuitive level, so even an inexperienced person can use the utility.

Among the most interesting options is the ability to search for defective files. You can also select the type of documents that may be lost during the search. In addition, the program for finding duplicate photos in Russian allows you to search for files even in subdirectories and hidden folders.

In the settings, the user can specify whether he wants to delete mirrored images or those files in which images have been resized. Thanks to such flexible parameters, a very fast and high-quality removal of all duplicates occurs. At the end of the application, a detailed report is issued.


This is a very small utility that will quickly clean your computer of unnecessary files. Immediately after installation and the first launch of the program, automatic search and control fixation of all files that are in the system. At the same time, the application completely ignores the date of creation, size and other indicators of documents.

However, in the menu of this program there is no option to disable the display of files with the same name. However, considering that this free product, then you can put up with some nuances.

Image Comparator

This duplicate photo finder is very popular among users. By and large, it can be considered the most productive and functional.

Available both paid and free version this application. If we talk about the advantages of the program, then you should pay attention to the fast speed of searching and displaying duplicates. This optimal solution for those who store terabytes of information on their computer for a huge amount of time.

However, it was not without drawbacks, which drew the attention of many users. The main drawback is visible after installing the application. The program interface is very inconvenient. The same goes for file handling.

In order to view the desired file, you will have to select it and click the arrow. Only then can the document thumbnail be displayed in the main window. And what about those who have more than 200 photos that you want to delete or process? In this case, it will be necessary to perform manipulations 400 or more times. In this case, the user also needs to remember the names of those files that they need.

Also, many noted a not very convenient method for finding duplicates by the number of similar pixels. Therefore, on the one hand, it is very difficult to say that this is the best program for finding duplicate photos, but on the other hand, the utility has a lot of flexible settings.


This application beats all records in terms of the number of downloads abroad. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that this is a free version and there may be big problems with access to such applications. But, according to reviews, it really has a lot of positive qualities. Among them, it is worth noting the excellent functionality. The settings are very sensitive, thanks to which the user can independently adjust the mechanism for searching for similar source images.

Displaying the same files is really very fast and high quality. However, many have noticed that this program for finding duplicate photos is a little more tied to the light of the picture, which in some situations can lead to confusion.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then, according to user reviews, they also drew attention to the inconvenience of the interface. You can view photos in an enlarged view only after the cursor is held on the image for a very long time. At the same time, a miniature with a resolution of only 48 pixels is issued, it is very difficult to see anything on it. Therefore, it is inconvenient for an experienced photographer to use the program.

It is also worth considering that the utility interface is not translated into Russian, so for those who do not speak English, it will be quite difficult at first.

Photo Database 4.5

This program for finding duplicate photos is very often used by specialists when working with photos, not only to find identical files, but also for many other functions.

Starting from version 4.5, the utility has added new folder under the name "Collection", where you can find the category "Duplicates". She is just responsible for finding the right files. When you open this directory, the program automatically searches for duplicate photos.

The utility also provides quick navigation, which is responsible for jumping to folders with selected images. Removal is done in a very convenient way. To do this, simply select all junk files in the explorer using keyboard shortcuts. Then it is enough to press only 1 "Delete" button. All selected photos are moved to the trash and removed from the collection.

Automatic deletion of files is also available. To do this, just click the appropriate button, which is located on the bottom taskbar. You can also select multiple images and get rid of only them.


This article has reviewed free utilities, which can be easily found in open access or download via torrents. They are more suitable for home private use. Of course, there are also commercial versions of almost all programs. However, such great functionality is not always needed by a person who just wants to quickly delete the same files. As a rule, they are used only by experienced photographers who constantly work with a huge number of images.
